#eli + anthony tbt.
failmilias · 5 months
@bridgeirton inquires: [ carry ] after receiver falls asleep in an inconvenient place, sender carries them to a bed and tucks them in
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It’s another long night in the study of scratching away at his father’s seemingly endless correspondence, his head leaning further on his hand. The eldest Holmes feels his eyes close more frequently as the minutes while away into hours, finding it harder to pull himself back into awareness and the task at hand. 
The next thing Elijah knows he’s weightless and small. It’s a completely alien sensation but not at all an unwelcome one, especially paired with the melodic sound of footfall against wood, the rain on the windows and roof, and the familiar scent and warmth against his cheek. He smiles— light, easy, and unguarded— and inclines his head, attempting to press closer. 
“Anthony,” he breathes, dreamy and reverent. He thinks he hears a shushing sound, perhaps the rumble of words through his chest, but lets himself be lulled by his heartbeat. 
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It’s only when he feels himself being laid down, the comforting weight and coolness of the sheets and blankets being drawn over him, a lingering kiss pressed against his temple, that his eyes open at half mast, hand reaching out to cup Anthony’s cheek.
“Stay,” he murmurs, sweet and soft. “Until morning. You should rest.” 
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failmilias · 5 months
Maisie strides into the sitting room, bold as brass, dressed in trousers-- trousers!-- as well as a vest and coat doubtlessly stolen from or donated by her brothers. She grins at @bridgeirton as she flounces onto one of the couches.
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"I am quite sure you've been keeping things interesting since I've been away," she greets him with. "I intend to hear everything, Bridgerton. Hold nothing back, do you understand?" // starter call!
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