#elganac;; Alison
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dis--parity · 27 days ago
💌 to write a valentine's day letter to my muse
💐 to give my muse flowers
alison to theo bc she wants him to celebrate her fave holiday with her 🥺🥺🥺 he has to be included!!!!!!
That's Amore! // Accepting! || @elganac
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『🍬』 Today of all days, he would never have expected Alison to turn up at his door; not that he thought she was shallow enough not to indulge in these kinds of displays, of course, but the larger part of him simply wasn't expecting it in any capacity this week.
Too long had he been used to using this holiday as an excuse to give out hollow gestures of affection and thanks - and hollow they usually were, which is why he didn't normally place too much stock in Valentine's day. As far as he was concerned, the holiday of love was past it's prime for him.
Maybe that's why even her showing up caught him off-kilter. What truly made his heart jump, though, were the offered gifts; a bouquet of flowers, and a letter to go along with it. He guessed maybe it made sense... even if she was good with her words most of the time, maybe she wanted to be sure he'd remember this day, and what she had to share with him.
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"Oh, shit, lemme find somewhere for these, hold on." Now, he was no botanist, but he swore he could identify at least some of the blooms. Red roses were obvious, but... were those bellflowers standing against it? She always did have a better understanding of how to use colour than he did, even if he didn't admit it.
The flowers find their home in a small vase for now, as he paces around reading the letter. Despite her apparent nervousness, which he noted, he couldn't help but feel his face scrunch up and his breath hitch in his throat with every word he wrote. She really was a poet, but... the fact that she took this much time and effort out in the first place, for him?
"Ali..." he breathes, folding the letter back up like it were made of porcelain and could shatter in an instant. "Babygirl, I.. I got nothin'. Like-... holy shit? This is, like, legit the sweetest fucking thing you could've done for me, what the fuck? I dunno whether to propose or to just give you head!" He laughs, at last - at least he could manage a joke.
But, he does approach - compromising with himself by pressing a kiss to her cheek, his hands lingering on her sides as he allows his fingers to dance slowly, gently along her hips. "Well... shit, are you... doin' anything today? 'Cause, if not, we can totally go out together. Least I can do is pay you back, so... pick out a restaurant, whatever you want, whatever fancy French restaurant ain't fully booked today, we're goin' there, and dinner's on me, okay?"
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gloryundimmed · 6 days ago
Since it’s International Women’s Day and me and all my guys here on this blog will always appreciate and support women, I wanted to make a list of female muses we love interacting with! These characters have been some of the best written that I've interacted with, and I adore them all.
Buckle up, because it’s…
Gray’s Female Muse Appreciation List 2025 !!!
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@elganac Alison: One of Kai's OG ships, and a muse that I adore. Ali is near and dear to my heart as someone who has been patient with Kai and helped him become a better person. The way she holds both tenderness and strength at the same time has always been something I've admired, and she also has the capability of being a badass (like in her spy AU). Her down-to-earth nature and honest work ethic really shine through. I especially enjoy seeing her written in royalty AUs, because she fits the character of a strong yet gentle noble perfectly. Leah I love Leah because she's so unhinged and different to Ali. She's impulsive and hilarious, not afraid to indulge in things and have fun with it. Leah doesn't take herself too seriously, and her potential for silliness always makes me smile. Threads or plotting with her are always bound to be entertaining, whether that's in a spicy, angsty, or fun way. I'm so looking forward to interacting with her more in the future, because I know it'll be a great time.
@incandescentia Tsuyuko Although Tsu absolutely has the "femme fatale" vibes of a badass assassin, she subverts the stereotype in a way I find delightful. Tsu has a very interesting history of how she became the person she is over hundreds of years, and her lore is top notch. She's gone through some tough things, but it has only made her stronger and Kai loves the fact that she can kick his ass. I also love the way she has a certain type of gracefulness to her that I find hard to put into words, but I guess the closest would be "classy," which she somehow maintains even when she's indulging Kai in that spicy spicy sex. At the same time, she has a vulnerable side that takes a lot of time to get to know, and I live for the slow burn.
@crimestruck Bomi Honestly, Bomi is one of the strongest muses I've ever known in an emotional sense. She goes through so much constantly (no thanks to Kai), and though she may struggle, she always comes out the other side. While she doesn't come out unscathed, I think that's what makes her so human and realistic. I find the complicated nature of her sexuality vs being essentially forced to be an escort fascinating. There are many, many layers of complexity under her manicured surface. Kana I'm partial to goth girls (anyone who isn't needs to get their head checked), and the fact that Kana is an assassin on top of that?? Wild. Luka's first love for sure. Both of us have so much fun with the way she has an air of authority and can calmly take control of any situation, which is the polar opposite to my dumbass Luka. She has some crazy lore that is so interesting to dig into, and I love the role she plays in the intricate web of muses you've created. Auggie I haven't had the pleasure of interacting with Auggie as much as I have Kana and Bomi, but I love her rebellious attitude and her desire to just stir shit up sometimes. It's so real. She's not afraid to be who she is and doesn't always think things through, which is so entertaining. I admire her a lot as an OC.
@lured-into-wonderland Nunnally Nunnally is an OC with a lot of fascinating lore in her background and many AUs to pick from, too! It's always such a pleasure interacting with her. I love how self-sufficient and pragmatic she is, yet she has a very relatable emotional aspect to her as well. She's not afraid to go after what she wants, and will do whatever it takes to get there, even if takes something that's morally grey. The way she doesn't shy from doing things that may not be "socially acceptable" is always such a refreshing aspect of her character. In her royalty AU, Nunnally has a captivating duality of power as a royal yet powerlessness due to her father's influence that I find so honest and reflective of the real world.
@packless Loni I've always enjoyed how her character is so consistent but also flexible enough to be thrown into any AU. Remember our WWI AU? How about our Omegaverse AU? What about our demon/witch AU? Our arranged marriage AU? Either way, she isn’t afraid to challenge Kai and be who she is. She's also very complex, and has many different tensions in her character pulling her in different ways, which is always interesting to see. I'm never quite sure how she'll react to a situation. I especially appreciate how she expresses her sexuality and has to have a lot of trust in her partner to enjoy it.
@ryogai Nix She's very sweet and sincere yet fierce and badass. She sincerely cares about others and the world, which is a necessity as a master of Chaldea. Nix is willing to sacrifice it all to save the world, and is kind to the servants she works with while getting things done. Kai can't help but feel protective of her, but she doesn't need it— she can protect herself and then some. I love how self-sufficient and determined she is as a character; it's really something to admire.
@eraba-reta-unmei Miya Her dorkiness always makes me smile. She has this wonderful duality of smarts and badassery and awkward silliness. Miya is so capable but somehow lets Kai's sketchiness slide. I think they both disarm each other in how they're both surprisingly sincere when it counts, which leads to misunderstandings but sometimes communication, too. I've really enjoyed getting to know Miya and her manner of saying things never fails to amuse me. A very fun and entertaining OC I'm looking forward to interacting with more!!
@sitehound Tsugumi Although we haven't interacted much on the writing level, plotting with Gumi has been -chef's kiss-. She breaks down Kai's iron-clad defenses with her authenticity and charming personality. We all need a woman in our life who will carry us princess style, and I am delighted that Gumi is that type of woman.
@unladielike Vivian I don't think this mun is around much anymore (if at all), but I wanted to give Vivian a mention anyway because she's one of the female muses I've admired most. She's incredibly complex, and reminds me a lot of Kai in the way she has many conflicting aspects of her personality. She's a walking contradiction with so many conflicting traits of shame and desire, vulgarity and chastity, vanity and humbleness. These dualities in her character make her so very, very realistic and relatable, and I can't help but marvel at the time and effort spent with Vivian's character to get her to this point. Although she has a sillier side, the real and raw aspects of Vivian floor me every time.
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miraruinada · 3 months ago
@elganac: sometimes i forget and then i see stuff like this and go “CLAUDIO WHAT THE FUCK”
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alls ill say is. the fact alison can still woop his ass in training, no wonder lino wanted to recruit her before she went poof.
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cxrsedcreations · 3 years ago
Closed starter for ( @elganac​ )
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She approached, apron tied tight around her waist as she pulls out a small notepad, pen at the ready. “What can I get for you?” Head tilts, brown eyes watching the one patiently. This wasn’t her first time being a waitress, it was likely one of the easiest jobs she could find to get hired but this was the first one that welcomed her so nicely. Perhaps they hadn’t heard her reputation or maybe they simply didn’t care. Either way, she wasn’t going to pry into it and risk messing this up. “Oh, I do have to warn you, we close in about an hour. Will you be eating alone?” While part of her hoped this customer wasn’t waiting for someone, it was relatively late. Hopefully she didn’t plan to walk these streets by herself once she was done.
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madamhatter · 3 years ago
Muse Body Language
BOLD ➝  always   /  usually  applies
ITALIC ➝  only  applies  situationally   /   sometimes  .
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arms  crossed  on  chest  /  crossing  legs  /  fist-like  gestures  /  pointing  index  finger  / karate  chops  /  stiffening  of  shoulders  /  tense  posture  /  curling  of  lip  /  baring  of  teeth  .
hand  to  face  gestures  /  head  tilted  /  stroking chin  /  peering  over   glasses  /  taking  glasses  off  —  cleaning  /  putting  earpiece  of  glasses  in  mouth  / pipe smoker  gestures  /  putting  hand  to  the  bridge  of  nose  /  pursed  lips  /  knitted  brows  .
arms  crossed  /  sideways  glance /  touching  or  rubbing  nose  / rubbing  eyes  /  hands  resting  on  weapon  /  brows  rising  /  lips  pressing  into  a  thin  line  /  strict  unwavering  eye  contact  /  wrinkling  of  nose  .
open  hands  /  upper  body  in  sprinters  position  /  sitting  on  the  edge  of  a  chair  /  hand-to-face gestures  /  unbuttoned  coat  /  tilted  head  /  slacked  shoulders  /  droopy  posture  /  feet  pointed  outward  /  palms  flat  and  facing  outward  .
hands  behind  back  /  hands  on  lapels  of  coat  /  steepled  hands  /  baring  teeth  in  a  grin  /  rolling  shoulders  /  tipping  head  back  but  maintaining  eye  contact  /  chest  puffed  up  /  shoulders  back  /  arms  folded   just  above  navel  .
chewing  pen  or  pencil  /  rubbing  thumb  over  opposite  thumb  /  biting  fingernails  /  hands  in  pockets  /  elbow  bent  /  closed  gestures  /  clearing  throat  /  pacing  /  “ whew ”  sound  /  picking  or  pinching  flesh  /  fidgeting  in  chair  /  hand  covering  mouth  whilst  speaking  /  poor  eye  contact  /  tugging  at  pants  whilst  seated  /  jingling  money  in  pockets  /  tugging  at  ear  /  perspiring  hands  /  playing  with  hair  /  swaying  /  playing  with  pointer  /  smacking  lips  /  sighing  /  rocking  on  balls  of  feet  /  flexing  fingers  sporadically  .
short  breaths  /  “ tsk ”  sounds  /  tightly  clenched  hands  /  fist-like  gestures  /  pointing  index  finger  /  running  hand  through  hair  /  rubbing  back  of  neck  /  snarling  /  revealing  teeth  /  grimacing  /  sharp-eyed   glowers  with  notable  tension  in  brows  /  shoulders  back  ,  head  up  /  defensive  posturing  /  clenching  of  jaw  /  grinding  of  teeth /  nostrils  flaring  /  heavy  exhales  .
tagged by: @pastballads​ / tysm for the tag :D tagging: @fxmiliarity / @vocalcords / @vacuitas (Naiya) / @crownlcsking / @eraba-reta-unmei / @elganac (Alison!) / @xdcwntherabbithole (Akane!) 
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insomniacs-rps · 3 years ago
A Designer and Her Muse
Closed Starter for @elganac
Virgo rolled her head in a circle to crack the tension out of her neck, needing to be relaxed when she walked the runway but she hadn't slept well due to nerves. This was her first runway in ages and while it was small, for local designers only, she was still on edge. It wasn't necessarily the modeling, mostly getting back into the scene of being around girls who, unfortunately, often held bad habits to keep themselves runway ready. She couldn't blame them, the standards being set even for this local show were damn near agonizing.
Still, she couldn't shake her anxiety as she watched two girls exchange pills in the corner of the openly large back stage dressing room. Three years sober. She had this. She wasn't tempted. Just afraid of what would become of her if she started again. In an attempt to quiet these thoughts she got to her feet and went to the station with her name on it, taking the black garment bag and unzipping it to see what she'd be wearing.
The dress was beautiful, intricate hand-sewn bead work covering the bust and fading away into the long skirt. She ruffled the fabric and hummed at the lightness to it despite all that adorned it, fully removing it from the garment bag and draping it over her arm as she headed to one of the curtained off dressing rooms. Getting it on was easy, though she did ask one of the other girls to do up the corest back for her.
Making her way to the mirror, Virgo felt all her tension fade as she looked at her own reflection. She missed this. Feeling like someone completely opposite to her true self, flitting around gracefully in a dress and looking regal while doing it, despite knowing where her roots truly lay. An unspoken reprieve of her past. Whoever made this dress was brilliant and she looked to check the tag on the bag it had come in, smiling at the name. Whoever Alison was, she was about to make a new friend.
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grievedifferent · 3 years ago
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❝ oh, you know ren-kun? ❞ prompts nana, shifting in place. she knows when to say the right name / the right identity. he’s good at his job, and she likes yori. he’s a nice guy. his son is quite adorable. she’s watched him several times, feeling rather attached. she smiles fondly, then cheekily. ❝ he’s rather charming, isn’t he? ❞ // * @elganac​​ [ alison ]
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petiteamores-archived · 3 years ago
she sees a cat — yes, that was indeed a cat just standing a little ways from her. alison was about to enter her apartment when she spotted the feline, and almost immediately, her face lights up, a soft gasp leaving her as she crouches down and offers a hand out to the other. “ah, hi, beautiful,” she cooed, a wide grin on her face. “what are you doing out here? are you lost?”  
Yua looked up at the human before her, keeping her tail wrapped around her legs to hide the fact that it was split at at end. Lost? Why would she think that? Guess it didn't really matter at the offered hand he bent her head forward to touch her nose against soft skin before mewling softly, standing up and pressing her head against her hand.
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dis--parity · 3 months ago
『🍬』 Curse that injury for being on the bad side of his head - it's bad enough he can't get a proper look at it in the mirror, now Alison is blind to his own concern when she winces at it. It looks as though the gash on his head was from something striking him near the temple - it must have spun, since it had grazed him pretty badly in the process. Maybe a rock?
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His response is just a hum, at first - thankful, perhaps, that it was water she was using, and not rubbing alcohol. He seems like he's had enough pain today, anyway. "I mean... shit, is it really that bad? I don't... I don't wanna get a doctor involved unless it's, like, brain damage, y'know? I'm a quick healer, always have been." He brushes off the idea of professional help so easily... was it independence that poisoned him, or...?
"... trust you more than some lab coat anyway..."
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she doesn't want to incite panic, but despite her best efforts, alison still inhales sharply at the sight of theo's injury. what happened? it was a thought that immediately crossed her mind, but she held her tongue. that answer could wait just a bit longer. for now, she takes a careful seat besides theo, eyes trained on the gash that seemed to have taken well to whatever pressure theo had applied to it earlier with his own cloth.
"let me know if it hurts." she simply wants to clean the area around it for now, removing any dried blood so that she could get a better look at the wound. "do you ... do you want to go get this checked out? i can do what i can, but ..." she trails off, the blanks naturally filling in with the silence: she was no professional, and she was worried about him. but ultimately, the decision was his.
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hehosts-moved · 3 years ago
cowboy bebop sentence starters // * accepting ( @elganac​​​ )
❝ why do you have to go? ❞ [ alison @ ren!! ]
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♡ ——    where are you going? what are you going to do?? just throw your life away like it was nothing?
he bites his lip, fingers clenching into a fist. clipped nails dig into the skin of his palm, unbearably soft flesh piercing with the pressure. 
❝ i’m not going there to die, ❞ he counters carelessly, turning to face her proper. he does not smile. ❝ i’m going to find out if i’m really alive. ❞
it’s a cycle of blood. it will never stop. blood begets blood. this will end in it. he will be soaked. this will end in blood. then again, it always does with you. it always ends in blood. it’s difficult to lose a chosen one. aren’t you the main character?
❝ do you ... would you ... come with me? when this is over ... ❞ a beat. ❝ ... i’ve always been on borrowed time. i’ve run out, alison. ❞
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dis--parity · 3 years ago
“did you eat already?” alison is standing in front of theo’s door carefully cradling a paper bag in her arms, one that was filled with two hot sandwiches freshly prepared by her favorite cafe just next to the farmers’ market. she had done her shopping early, and she was quite pleased with her haul, which was all stashed away in a canvas bag that hung off her arm. “if so, you can save it for dinner. it heats up really nicely.”
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『🍬』 The knock at the door was welcome in and of itself; he was quick enough to answer as he’d already risen to his feet, and definitely not because he knew the face that awaited him on the other side. The same one he’d seen for what felt ages throughout the weeks, to the point where the very air around the two of them became its own sanctuary whenever she was present. As if the face wasn’t enough, her offering was what was certain to bring a smile to his face.
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“Girl, you seriously got some perfect timing. I was just getting up to make lunch, then you come in like some kinda, fuckin’...” Angel, the word slips from the one opportunity to speak it. The one term bordering on genuine fondness is shrugged away, and he steps aside to allow her to walk past him, and into his apartment. “Come on in, peach, I got time to sit down for lunch.” It would make up, he thinks, for the eventuality that there was nothing else in that bag for him. Her company was already enough, after all.
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veiliisms · 3 years ago
“you promised to call me if you didn’t know what to wear.” [ renji and alison!! ]
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random dialogue. / @elganac (acc.)
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oh, he.
he wildly misunderstood what was going on. she looked... beautiful.
he wasn't exactly t-shirt and jeans casual, but... he was certainly underdressed for the occasion.
"i, uh. ah." he can't come up with an excuse. not on the fly. there is none! he clears his throat, and offers his best smile.
"... you look beautiful, by the way."
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hehosts-moved · 3 years ago
“does your papa let you eat candy?” she didn’t know what compelled her to extend the offer, but now that it was put out into the open, alison couldn’t bring herself to go back on her words. digging through her purse for only a moment, she retrieves a red hard candy wrapped to look like a tiny strawberry. it was one of her favorite candies to have on hand; maybe kyosuke would enjoy it too. “it’s cute, hm? you can have it if you’d like.”
"mm, sometimes!" the boy exclaims, politely extending his reach with both hands to grasp the piece of candy. large eyes sparkle with admiration, bowing his head to her with a great number of enthusiastic thanks. kyosuke bashfully offers something in return during her next visit, a generous display of the manners well taught to him.he then carefully unwraps the plastic coating, excitedly putting the piece of candy in his mouth. after a few tastes, he finally squeaks that, "—it's good!! thank you!!" / * @elganac [ ali ]
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dis--parity · 3 months ago
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『🍬』 "... you sure? I don't... hey, I don't wanna hold you up if-" He only gets halfway through his own protest when the tenderness in her voice finally registers with him. His fingers lift for a minute to accept the cloth, but end up remaining by his side - and slowly, the old, bloodstained washcloth lowers from his face, revealing in it's wake a nasty gash on the side of his head, just above his prosthetic eye.
"Fuck it. Just... you think you can at least sit with me for a sec?" He finally submits, clearing a space on the couch for her to kneel near him. "I can't see how bad it is anyway. Just-... if there's anything you can do, y'know... I'll appreciate it, Ali. Like, seriously."
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"well, what do i have to lose?" her voice is gentle as she speaks though her point stands firm. she had all intentions to help theo however she could, however he'd let her. it didn't seem right for her to simply turn around and leave, after all, not to someone she cared about.
"this isn't out of my way. don't worry, okay?" she offers out the cloth to him then. "do you want me to clean it? or you would rather do it yourself?"
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dis--parity · 3 months ago
『🍬』 Of all the people who could have found him like this, Alison was definitely the most welcome of them. Only she is witness to the briefest flicker of vulnerability in his expression, and the way it intensifies at her offer, made with more care than perhaps he thinks he deserves. "... that'd be great."
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The silence that follows only allows the voice of doubt to seep further into his mind, and as she returns he speaks up again with a quiver in his voice. "You don't have to go out of your way to help me, Ali. Or even to be here. I mean... what's in it for you?"
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she knew immediately she had stepped into a scene she wasn't suppose to see. she felt almost embarrassed for interrupting theo's moment of privacy, but now that she was acknowledged, she felt obliged to at least say something. "ah—" certainly easier said than done, in this case.
"do you ... would you like another washcloth, then?"
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grievedifferent · 3 years ago
* elganac​
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          the name alone seemed to have elicited a reaction out of alison, one that couldn’t have been mistaken for anything else except interest and infatuation. she doesn’t mean to blush, but she can’t help the color in her cheeks nor the way her pulse quickened at the mention of ren. “you … could say that. i’ve gotten to know him quite well, actually.” not well enough, considering the secrets they still kept from each other, but between intimacy and companionship, there was still hope in alison’s heart. 
          “he is quite charming; it’s easy to see why he’s quite popular.” with just about everyone, really. it made her a little jealous in more ways than one, but she was mature enough now at least to know it was silly to get upset over such an emotion. “how long have you known him, nana?” 
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nana smiles affectionately. she doesn’t know the exact nature of their relationship or any of ren’s relationships, but she does know that he carries a particular company in the professional and personal senses. nana herself is sort of a grey matter. 
❝ not as long as akira has, ❞ she admits, steepling her fingers. ❝ that’s how i met him. a friend of a friend kind of thing. oh, i’d say maybe a year? he’s been very helpful. ❞ 
at the mention of his popularity, she figures this must be more the first. professional? it’s hard to say with ren. yori has been equally as complicated, finding ren to be more forthcoming than his counterpart. how complicated! and for what? nana sighs, weighing her chin over the top of her steady hands. 
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❝ akira knew him in high school, but i met him at work. he’s a great entertainer. our friends were having a party and ... well, the rest is probably pretty obvious. it’s a small world. he was hosting us with another man with pink hair. sho. ❞
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