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elfkitfactory ¡ 7 months ago
🎄✨ Get ready for some elf magic! Watch as the fabulous @jaynanicolemama reveals how our Elf Kit transforms holiday stress into festive fun. From creative setups to easy mischief-making, our kit has everything you need to make this season unforgettable. Who’s ready to bring some Christmas cheer into their home? 🎅🎁✨❄️🎄 #ElfKitFactory #ChristmasMagic #HolidayFun #ElfMischief #ElfAntics #JaynaNicoleMama #ChristmasTraditions #ElfActivityKit #ElfHelpKit #Elfin #ElfKits #ElfProps #ChristmasCountdown #ElfKit #ElfPropIdeas #ElfPropKit #ElfHelp #HolidayCheer #ChristmasJoy #FestiveSeason #ChristmasPrep #ChristmasInspiration #AdventCalendar #CountdownToChristmas #AdventFun #AdventMagic
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badlilgoodgirl55 ¡ 1 year ago
elf kits available now get them before they are gone
Do not forget your elf on the shelf kit before they are gone. Do your elf a favor and make it easy the holidays are crazy enough as it is. Lol
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inquisimer ¡ 1 year ago
wip wednesday
thanks for the tag @dreadfutures :3 a lil start to a backstory fic for Neria, that will go somewhere....eventually
tags below for wip whenever because it's pretty late on wednesday💜
"It is time."
Duncan kept his voice gentle, laying a hand on Fiona's arm as a slip of a serving girl entered the room. In her arms was a tiny bundle, with bright green eyes and the smallest of noses just showing from her swaddle. Aside from the pointed ears poking out on either side of her cap, she was a perfect match to the babe Fiona held tight to her breast.
When Duncan spoke, the mage tensed. Her fingers tightened around her son.
"Perhaps...perhaps I was mistaken." She chewed on her bottom lip, eyes darting everywhere but at Duncan and always coming back to the baby. "I—it would be safer, traveling together--"
Her fellow Warden watched her fumble sadly, somber until she trailed back to silence.
"I cannot, can I?" she asked softly. Duncan shook his head, wrapping one arm around her shoulders and slipping the other beneath her cradled arms.
"No," he answered simply. There was nothing better to say.
Fiona clenched her eyes and jaw, then dropped her face, murmuring Orlesian fast and low against her son's head. When she looked back up, her gaze hardened to that of the woman who had made hard choices to keep her convictions—and would do it again, if needed.
"Take him," she whispered. "Keep Maric's promise for him."
"I will," Duncan vowed. The weight of a child in his arms was a bit foreign, but he shifted young Alistair securely into the crook of his elbow as Fiona pressed tear-salted kisses to his cheeks.
"Au revoir, Duncan," she murmured.
"Maker go with you."
Once she'd left for good, Duncan steadied himself with a deep breath and turned to the serving girl. He gestured with his chin to the elfkit she held.
"This is the one?" The servant nodded, scurrying forward at a gesture and laying the second babe in his free arm.
Only a few days in this world so far, and yet she did not fuss or cry at the absence of her mother, or at being passed about like a hot potato. She was lighter than Alistair, smaller, and her too-large eyes stared knowingly up at him.
"Does she have a name?"
The serving girl stuttered out uncertainties until Duncan waived her off. She scraped and bowed her way out of the room, leaving the Warden to settle his new charges in their wicker traveling bassinet.
"No matter, young one," he told the elf, tucking a blanket securely about them, "We'll find something that suits you."
Having nestled the babes to his satisfaction, Duncan slung his waterskin over his shoulder and hooked his thick cloak atop his armor. His horse waited at the stables, fresh and tacked for the surely frigid ride to Redcliffe. He lifted the bassinet and, giving it one last reassuring glance, pinched out the final candle. He plunged the chambers into darkness and left the palace, and Denerim, behind.
@rosella-writes | @exalted-dawn-drabbles | @nirikeehan | @effelants | @plisuu | @demawrites
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macandronidesigns ¡ 2 years ago
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New fluffy deer now listed in shop!! #elfsweater #elfshirt #elfclothes #elfclothing #elfprops #elfaccessories #elfaccessory #christmaself #christmasforkids #christmas #christmas2022 #elfkit #dollclothing #elfspy #elftrouble #elf #elves #elvesbehavingbadly #santaschristmaself https://www.instagram.com/p/ClltL-KJHBr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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designtheoryinteriors ¡ 4 years ago
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I’m hopelessly addicted to little wire Christmas trees! You can see how a simple collection of them makes such a charming table topper. Photo by @ashleymariesavage ⁣ "✨So excited to share that I have teamed up with @theelfkitco and @lifeasagriffin to bring one lucky winner a 12-day @elfkitco kit!! THESE ARE KITS ARE SOLD OUT! Now is your last chance to get in on this kit. This kit will be your saving grace, not only is it magical, but it is SO easy. And we’ve included a super cute cookie & milk board to go along with it. Can you say bonus?! ⁣ From bowling to pizza night, your kids will LOVE waking up to see where the elf is next. ⁣ Check out my stories for specific details, but all you have to do is... ⁣ • follow @lifeasagriffin • follow @theelfkitco • follow @ashleymariesavage ** and share this post with your friends. Each friend tagged is a chance to get the kit and if you share this post to your stories you will get an extra {if your account is private, make sure you send me a screenshot of the share so we can count it} ⁣ #elfkit #christmascheer #kidschristmas #kidschristmastree #elfontheshelf #elfontheshelfideas #elffun #christmasiscoming #christmasfarmhouse #christmasdecorating #christmasmood #deckthehalls #sittingroomdecor #elfmagic #christmasmagic #holidayseason #holidaymagic #christmasvibes #christmasfun #bottlebrushtrees #shopsmall #smallbusinesssaturday #smallbusinesssupport #daybedsofa #daybed #christmastree #christmashome #momsofinstagram #mommablogger #momlife" ⁣ Reposted with @preview.app https://www.instagram.com/p/CIM9FGjBktc/?igshid=w3gtf41u3fon
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deviantartheart ¡ 8 years ago
guys, don't be scared to join dA because of the people on it. seriously.. don't worry about anything because drama probably won't find you unless you seek it out. there are a TON of wonderful people you can meet and talk to; so stop concerning yourself with popufurs.
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brandyewitha-y-e ¡ 5 years ago
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#pax , #nora , #tullia and #donatello are playing hard core tonight while the kids are sleeping! The new #elfontheshelf kits are sooooooo cute! • • • #momlife #elflife #itsthemostwonderfultimeoftheyear #elfpets #elfkits #peace #light https://www.instagram.com/p/B5l58HonSfs/?igshid=tx2rum8js4av
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flairblood ¡ 8 years ago
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I drew a headshot of Elfkit’s Eden during one of their livesteams. Although I showed them the basic headshot already, i decided to do a bit more with it. If you couldn’t tell, I’ve had a random obsession with glitches and VHS static lately.
I would recommend checking out @elfkit at http://elfkit.deviantart.com/
This was done on the ArtStudio app on an Ipad 2. I have a pen for the screen but I usually just use my fingers to draw. This particular one was done without the pen. 
Artwork @FlairbloodArt/ @flairblood 
Don't forget to check out more of my art on deviantart and Twitter: 
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heresvix ¡ 6 years ago
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art fight attack for elfkit / elf_kit
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cryptidroad ¡ 6 years ago
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art fight for elfkit 
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clovercoin ¡ 8 years ago
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I have a new fox child and I’m madly in love with them. Thank you elfkit on DA for creating this creature. <3
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elfkitfactory ¡ 7 months ago
🎄✨ Get a sneak peek at the magic inside our Elf Kits! With adorable props and festive surprises, we’ve taken the stress out of the daily setup—so moms don’t have to lift a finger. Let the fun unfold without the fuss! 🎥🎅🏼 Ready to enjoy a hassle-free holiday? #ElfKitSneakPeek #StressFreeChristmas #elfkitfactory #ElfProps #ChristmasPrep #ElfMischief #ElfActivityKit #ElfHelpKit #ElfIn #ElfKits #ElfAntics #HolidayHacks #MomLife #ChristmasFun #ElfOnTheShelfIdeas #HolidayTraditions #ChristmasMagic #MomsOfInstagram #EtsySeller #MomTips #EasyElfIdeas
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occulticart ¡ 8 years ago
@elfkit yes
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inquisimer ¡ 2 years ago
Happy Friday! For DADWC: ‘Why must I be the one to hide?’ for the characters of your choosing?
happy happy friday <3 dusting off this prompt from who knows how long ago to share a bit of a newish OC who's going to feature in a ~secrit~ project I'm working on uwu
Tamsyn is an elven rogue who lives in Denerim and co-leads the rogue's guild from those side quests in DAO!
for @dadrunkwriting
Working the Denerim Market is something of a dance, and Tamsyn considers herself an expert.
Mick has taken some more seasoned recruits for a run at one of the vacated estates nearby. Without a Landsmeet convening, most nobles keep only a skeleton crew of servants on staff and most of those have deals with the Guild to look the other way while locks are picked and traps disabled. And the few that don’t—well, sneaking improves much faster when there are stakes to being discovered.
That leaves Tamsyn alone with the freshest bunch of recruits. A little over half the group once belonged to other guilds or freelanced and migrated to Denerim as word of their success spread; the remainder are a motley mix of kids—mostly elves—that Tamsyn herself had scooped off the streets. Left to the gutter by a society that couldn’t be bothered and was just waiting for them to screw up to justify the moral high horse.
They didn’t see what Tamsyn sees. She sees potential.
“The District is primarily human, at least the section we’ll be in today,” she tells them. One of their youngest recruits, a slip of an elfkit, is perched on a stool in front of her, rocking slightly on the balls of her feet as Tamsyn twists her hair into a simple plait. “Humans see pointed ears and expect a servant. Give them what they expect and they won’t waste the effort to look any closer.”
She taps the girl’s shoulder and hands her an apron that matches the one Tamsyn is already wearing. Her own scarred face is a slightly harder sell as a servant, but the day is overcast and the marks carved into her skin are less noticeable without the sun.
The other recruits are similarly dressed and looking an appropriate mix of nervous and excited. Tamsyn passes baskets to each of them in turn.
“The only people that doesn’t apply to are the guards. To shake their suspicion, you’ll need to establish what you’re in the Market to do—browse a shop, ask the stall tender questions, drop the name of your lord or lady. All of these things will legitimize you and like the others, they’ll move on to watching someone more suspicious.”
It isn’t the first time they’ve heard these things, but a bit of a refresher is always a confidence booster. It isn’t the first time she’s taken a batch of recruits on a training run, either. She hands off the last basket and gives each recruit a once over.
“Your picks are showing, Callum,” she says, smiling to ease the correction. The gangly boy flushes red anyway and scrambles to adjust his belt so his lock picks are properly concealed by his billowy tunic. “Good, better. Alright” —Tamsyn clasps her hands in front of her chest— “who wants to review the plan for me?”
“Oo, oo, me!!” Laurel’s pigtail plaits bounce against her shoulders in her eagerness. Tamsyn nods.
“Me and Cal are going ‘round the perimeter—I’m actin’ his servant, so I’ll have both baskets. We’re nabbin’ trinkets, stuff that can be flipped or melted down.”
She pauses and glances up at Tamsyn for approval. When she gets it, her smile multiplies and she continues on, lisping slightly against her teeth. “Rudy an’ Boyd are with you at the middle shops, goin’ after that stuffy bitch who—“
“—talks all funny. What?” She looks immediately defensive but relaxes when she sees that Tamsyn’s objection isn’t in anger, but amused surprise. “I heard you tell Mick tha’s what she is!”
“Quite right you are.” Tamsyn reaches out and tugs the end of one of Laurel’s braids. “Finish it off?”
“Oh—right! And Aoife will be under Gorim’s stall in case we need a quick distraction.”
The youngest recruit has donned her apron and now she pouts, folding her arms over her chest and dropping her chin against her chest. “Why must I be the distraction? I wanna do something important.”
Quick as a fennec, Tamsyn drops to one knee. At this angle, with Aoife perched once more on her stool, she has to tilt her chin back slightly to meet the girl’s eyes. She holds out a hand, palm up, for Aoife to trace in the way she knows is comforting.
“Why don’t you think your job is important?”
“I’m just hiding,” she mumbles. “And maybe running. None o’ the special stuff we practiced.”
“That’s true. But it’s still important.” Tamsyn folds her fingers around Aoife’s much smaller hand and squeezes. “I’ve done this a lot, and it’s much easier to be relaxed if I’m sure there’s someone waiting and ready to help us get away safely. And if I’m more relaxed, I’m less likely to get caught.”
Aoife snifles. “Like…me and sissy used to climb the Vhenadahl, but she’d only go really high if Soris was there. Like that?”
“Exactly. And we all have different things we do well, right? Like I’m pretty good at untangling knots. And Boyd is really good at reaching things without a stool.”
Aoife nods.
“So when we work together, we give everybody a job that suits them. Do you know why I asked you to be our distraction?”
She shakes her head and Tamsyn smiles, leaning in like she’s sharing a deep, wise secret. “Because the stall where you’re hiding belongs to a dwarf. So it’s extra short. But you’re small and fast, which means you’re perfect for that job.”
Aoife’s lips part in a perfect, surprised o and then she lights up like candles in a Chantry. “My sissy always told me being small was bad, but this time it’s good!”
“It’s always going to be good,” Tamsyn corrects gently, nicking the end of Aoife’s nose with one finger. “We’ll make sure of it.”
She straightens and grins around at the rough ensemble. “Ready, then?”
A chorus of nods, apprehensive but mostly eager, meet her words.
“Alright. Let’s head out.”
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macandronidesigns ¡ 2 years ago
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It's Corn! It has the the juice! Chances are your kids have played you this song. But If you haven't watched the corn song.. you need to. It's viral. #itscorn #corn #cornsong #elfshirt #elfsweater #elfcostume #elfkit #elfaccessories #elfaccessory #elfideas #easyelfideas #elfplay #elfgames #christmaself #santaself #elfantics #elvesbehavingbadly #santasnaughtyelf #santasspy #crazyelf #elftrouble #troublemaker #christmasforkids #christmas #kidschristmas #christmasideasforkids https://www.instagram.com/p/Clka6QlrVoy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deviantartheart ¡ 8 years ago
elfkit: im unwatching everyone uwuwuwuw lol also elfkit: WHYS EVERYONE UNWATCHING ME D:
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