#elemental storm
keladryhawklight · 2 years
The Storm
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27 Nov, After Midnight Kel stepped out of the Hospital, moving to a bench just outside of the doors. A cup of coffee was clutched in her hands, her beaten tin mug that accompanied her just about everywhere. Dropping onto the bench, she let out a long low sigh and set the cup down on the arm of the bench. Her scrubs were splattered with blood, dried and drying, her hair was sweat stained, and her hands shook like the very devil. It had been a very long night indeed, one filled with the screams of pain, shock, and fear of the injured souls streaming in from another attack on the city.
Dracthyr, humans, worgen and elves had littered the floor of the hospital, triaged in the first ward and then passed into level one care, which was the easiest of wounds to treat, level two care, which included burns, shrapnel injuries and wounds to suture and stitch, and then the level three critical care, which included immediate and emergency lifesaving surgical intervention. She had spent hours in the Level Three critical care ward, up to her elbows in innards. Patient after patient, they had meticulously rotated the room within minutes, every one of the pitching in to re-sanitize the room after every patient had been transported out. They had about ten minutes to turn the room around, take a breath, and start it all over again. But done it they had.
Her head fell back against the wall the bench sat against, and she closed her eyes for a brief moment of repose.
Hopefully, the violence would de-escalate again. It had to, she reasoned.
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catnipkdodowrites · 2 years
There was a terrifying period where I genuinely forgot what I was going to make Midoriya’s hero name in Elemental Storm. Luckily, A. I had it written down in some unpublished pieces, and B. I remembered the thought process I had for coming up with the name and thought process I gave Mido for coming up with the name, but jeez, that was close.
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juls-art · 8 months
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Tucked away in the tent
Kofi | Patreon    
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clemensiadovecotes · 5 months
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The Mistress of the elements got her powers back!
Please credit if you use
Episode 6 of X-men 97 on Disney+
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hellcatchvalley · 4 months
said it on twitter but im sayin it here too: it is nuts that neither dorian nor cyrus had anyone Searching or sent after them from the silken squall. like BOTH heirs went AWOL and then the moon exploded and no one’s worried???? [shakes matt] I KNOW THEYRE FREE SPIRITS AND ALL BUT SURELY NOT THAT FREE. I KNOW THERES A MOON WAR GOING ON BUT I NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS OF CYRUS BEING DEAD ARE IMMEDIATELY RIGHT NOW THIS MOMENT RIGHT AWAY
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mystery-salad · 7 months
The world is safe now.
You tell yourself that as Zhaitan clings to a tower of decay, crumbling beneath its claws as the canons aim true. The shots hit, cheers raise as the dragon topples down. Falling from view through the miasma it created below. No one can hear it hit the ground over the relieved shouts of victory ringing across the airships. But everyone feels it in a resounding rumble that shouldn't have carried through the air like that. The celebrating falters, confusion rising but not fast enough to prepare for what follows. The shockwave hits like nothing you've ever felt. Everything goes dark as the screams begin.
The world is safe now, Orr is not.
You wake up in the rubble as survivors try to make sense of what happened. The dragon is dead, but no one accounted for where all the consumed magic had to go. No one planned for this despite generations of preparation. Perhaps there's a reason for the dragons, you hear murmurs through the tents. But you didn't come this far to call it quits, and one land riddled with a decaying radiation can't stop the mission. The contamination in your blood won't stop you.
The world is safe now. Orr is gone.
Mordremoth stares you down from within his mind. You're like a weed that won't die, small and foreign but resilient and ready to take everything. The odds are against you with the team sent away, you can't face the gaze of the dead like last time. They're safe at a distance, you have to hope they got far enough as you defy the odds and strike another dragon down.
The world is safe, but there's a catch.
Trahearne shudders as your mind returns to your body, as you look around in wonder that there isn't a shockwave like last time. He's so calm as he explains the truth of it, defying how terrified he is of dying, of asking a friend to do this and stand at ground zero once again. But you stand just as calm, picking up the blade and telling him to close his eyes. You hope he'll rest well, wherever his life takes him next. As the blade cuts through, you know it's real as the shockwave begins just like last time. You brace for impact as much as you can.
The world is safe now. The desert is gone.
It's almost tempting to let Balthazar handle the rest, let the god walk a path of destruction to each dragon, sparing yourself further damage. But his path leaves so much unnecessary devastation...so here you are alone with another dragon. Well, not completely alone now. You have Aurene, though you're still not sure if that's truly a blessing any more. The two of you corner Kralkatorrik, the perfect trap laid deep underground in old sunspear ruins.
The world is safe now, until the dragon takes a last stand.
Waking up in wreckage is becoming normal to you. When did that happen, when did the panic vanish? No time to think on it as new plans have to be laid out. You chase him down, you and your dragon, to kill her grandfather and save the world again. Setbacks are numerous. It's harder to work alone on this one, so many soldiers are ready to see it to the end with you. You tell them they don't know what they're asking for and send them away again. Aurene, still a child, fights the dragon's minions nearly overwhelmed as you get to his heart and strike. You've never seen the explosion from inside before. It's so bright.
The world is safe now. The island is gone.
Is it worth it all? It has to be, you tell yourself, as people celebrate your victories in a shrinking world. Refugees who have fled the fallout zones don't seem to agree, but at least they're alive right? And you know you're almost done. Jormag and Primordus, opposites and twins, rise together and somehow feel like childsplay after the last one. Perhaps it's because aurene is an equal to them now. You don't dare to think of the devastation that would be left if she were to die now. Thankfully you don't have to as the siblings tear each other apart.
The world is safe now. The mountains are gone.
No one has seen the final dragon in ages, hidden away deep underwater until you stumble into the truth while chasing a lesser threat. Soo Won was so gentle once, but the void ravages all. It feasts on the magic you released so willingly into the world, your devastations have paved the way for this chaos.
The world is safe now, for the void to reform.
You've survived so much despite the odds, held together by the very magic degrading your bones and poisoning your blood. The void pulls at those strings as it taunts you through the voice of the dragon who started it all. It's the hardest fight you've ever faced. As Aurene pumps you full of power to survive, you wonder if your death would bring destruction too in this moment. But it's left a mystery as Soo Won falls and the void fades. There's a moment of peacefulness you've never felt before, the grandmother hanging on long enough to comfort her granddaughter. But she can't prevent the state of her death. The jade sea shatters beneath your feet as she dies.
The world is safe now. But how much of it is left?
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deenadraws · 1 month
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My girlllllllll, loved X-Men ‘97 and Storm’s storyline.
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woodsie · 25 days
Shadow Yosuke’s Symbolism
I recently got a friend to play Persona 4 and we were talking about the symbolism of each of the character’s shadow selves, when we came to the realisation that neither of us really knew what Yosuke’s was meant to represent.
Chie’s represented her relationship with Yukiko. Yukiko’s her desire for freedom but lack of action in taking it. Yosuke has… a ninja frog…?
So I’ve done some digging.
Official Statements
The first thing I did was look at the official concept art sheet for shadow Yosuke. This primarily detailed that as the first of the shadows, they wanted it to be very obvious that their shadow’s and persona’s were the same thing.
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This is done quite well and tells players subtly that they are the same without being obvious.
Jiraiya does look a lot like shadow Yosuke. The main body’s colour is inverted from black (evil) to white (good), the frogs eyes are added to Jiraiya’s head and the frog’s mouth becomes a chest piece, with the frog’s skin pattern carried over to the cuffs of Jiraiya’s clothes.
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Jiraiya is easily the most similar persona to shadow. Important for early game. This idea is also helped by Tomoe looking very similar to shadow Chie, and allows the idea of persona’s and shadow’s being the same to be cemented into the players minds before they meet shadow Yukiko who is visually very different to Konohana-Sakuya.
Jiraiya In Folklore
My next step was to look for any symbolism between Yosuke and the story of Jiraiya himself. Granted, as a white woman™️ my knowledge of Japanese folklore is limited but I will summarise my findings and compare them to Yosuke’s story directly.
[Sorry for the weird formatting, I’m working around the 10 image post limit]
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Both stories open with a character from an influential background and moving to a new area.
Jiraiya’s stance as a robber could be in reference to the fact that Junes is taking business away from local businesses and their families.
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Saki could be taking the place of the woman in the house. Regardless of if she actually likes him, she is kind to him when others are not. This is something Yosuke admires greatly but it still doesn’t prevent Junes from ruining the Konishi’s business.
His shadow self is then a reference to the old man/magic frog. It recognises him from who he is, and although the shadow is hostile its intention is to teach Yosuke about the parts of himself he is trying to hide so he can reconcile with those feelings. This is what allows him to gain his persona, or in other words “teaching him magic”
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Gaining his persona is what helps set Yosuke’s resolve and desire to avenge Saki and the others who have suffered due to the killer. He shows a distinct intelligence and is often the one to piece together vital information. Without him insisting they investigate Saki’s murder, the Investigation Team might not have ever existed. In that sense you could consider him a hero.
A good portion of his social link is devoted to him coming to terms with his situation, both around the murders and his place within Inaba. He frequently talks about feelings of loneliness and a desire to be valued, and he finds comfort in having his persona and being able to do something about what’s going on, it gives him some control over his life which he lost by coming to Inaba in the first place. Overtime though he does come to love Inaba as a whole and recognises that it’s the people around you that really make a place special. He’s not alone anymore and he’s far happier for it.
Other Potential Inspirations
In my attempts at seeing what others online think about potential symbolism for Yosuke’s shadow, I found that most people also did not understand what his shadow was meant to represent. However, I did come across a few older threads of people sharing possible ideas.
One of which was of a Chinese story about a frog in a well. The story related to narrow mindedness and limited perspective as the frog is unaware of life beyond the well and is amazed by it when told what it has to offer. This could be a potential reference to his dismissal of country life and him growing to love the town.
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psychopomp-recital · 5 months
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Let’s talk about working with the Water Element; divination, magical waters, workings and cultivating a relationship with it and its spirits.
🎶Sharing my experiences and thoughts, don’t rely on just this make your own experiences and thoughts.🎶
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How do I grow my relationship with Water itself?
Begin opening yourself up to it more and incorporating it into your daily life. When I began building my relationship with it this is what I did:
To be done over a months period
Washed my hands & face with cold water when waking up and letting them air dry as much as possible.
Brushing out my hair and braiding it, picturing my hair flowing like a river with every movement of my fingers.
Beginning my day by intentionally drinking a glass of water, sitting down to really appreciate it and how it aides your body. I like cold water because you can easier feel it flow through you, I also like charging it beforehand.
Visit as many water sources as possible during this period. I am lucky enough to live by the pacific ocean and I would go and swim in it everyday to cultivate my relationship. However, if that is inaccessible for you there’s options such as sitting by a public pool, taking a bath, standing in the rain, eating your lunch by a river, etc.
While you’re spending time with water just talk to it. Tell it stories, sing it songs, ask it questions, water is living and it longs for a connection.
Record your progress throughout the month either in written journal entries, scrapbooking, or digital trackers. Just have a way for you to look back at how you’ve changed during this period.
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Examples of Magic that can include water:
research topics
Magical or Blessed Waters
Baneful Folk Workings
Release / Banishing Spells
Water Plant Workings
Elemental Spirit Magic
Death Work
Charged Sprays
Travel Magic
Weather / Storm Magic
Shell Magic (like crystal magic)
Carromancy (wax in water)
Magical Baths / Showers
Glamour Magic
And Much More...
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What can I benefit from working with water?
Regardless on where you are from, what path of life you are following or anything else we are connected by our need for water. It is not only our connection to other humans but our connection to the natural world as well. It makes up 3/4 of our planet and 60% of your body. You can get a better understanding of yourself just by going back to that fundamental need to sustain yourself with water as a life-force. The element itself is well known to be a very introspective force and most spirits representing or associated are similar (spg). When you are inviting it into your home you are inviting that connection and energy in too.
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Water takes life without discrimination, just as it gives life. Working within that provides a confidence and at least in my experience a sense of balance within ones self. If you are feeling like you are being tossed by the path of life, as if you are a lone ship at a storming sea, this might be your sign to stop fighting the current and start moving with it. If you can make the waves move at your asking then what is there to stop you.
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hy·dro·man·cy /ˈhīdrəˌmansē/
divination by means of signs derived from the appearance of water and its movement.
Some argue this is the first form of scrying Hydromancy is a very useful tool. It can be done with natural bodies of water, or things like tubs, cups and bowls. It can be frustrating to begin so this is how I would begin if I were you: (works better with an established connection to water)
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Go somewhere quiet and still, I prefer outside at night but do what is safe and comfortable for you.
Prepare your space and yourself however you normally would set the tone for a divination reading. Some choose to say a blessing prayer, drink a divination tea blend, or anoint themselves with particular salve or oil. I will usually ritually prepare myself (let me know if you want me to go more into this).
In a shallow dark colored bowl (or scrying bowl), pour your preferred water of choice. I usually go with waning moon water.
Relax and begin to gaze into the water. Let yourself open up to messages. Sometimes it comes as scenes of images, or a shape or even words that can come through.
Write down anything you receive to interpret later on.
If you are struggling try this ritual but use the light of a candle or the moon to interpret those shapes. Or meditate with the bowl and pour it out onto the ground and scry the shape it leaves behind.
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Magical Associations
✦ Death & Life ✦ Duality ✦ Change ✦ Rage ✦ Grief ✦ Peace ✦ Creation ✦ The Moon ✦ Ice ✦ Emotions ✦ Mental Health ✦ Cleansing / Purification ✦ Storms ✦ Distaster ✦ Dreams ✦ Cancer / Scorpio / Pisces ✦ Psychic Abilities ✦ Shape-shifters ✦ Travel ✦ Corrosion
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Irish Divine Beings Associated
✦ Brigid (keening mother & keeper of the sacred well) ✦ Boann (river personification) ✦ Aengus (The Young Son) ✦ Lir (sea personification) ✦ Manannán mac Lir (son of the sea)
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pycth · 1 year
“Kiss me in the pouring rain.”
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OKAY SO— when I said I was working on something related to the new Lasko audio, that wasn’t totally accurate IT REALLY JUST INSPIRED ME TO MAKE THE SCENE I’VE DESPERATELY NEEDED :,)
My Dear isn’t afraid of storms like perceived in the audio, has a deep fondness for them even, so a kiss in the rain couldn’t be a more perfect moment for these two<3
(Also if anyone’s got any fanfic recs for this, do drop them for me 🙏)
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gloopdimension · 2 months
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Dragons so far!
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ancha-aus · 2 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - The Tavern
*kicks in the door* HELLO! :D Guess three times who had an idea?! IT is me! Your homie!
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
I am so excited because I finally got an idea on how I wanted to mention a few things! And It fits together! :D
Also, The mentioned OC is from @spotaus Who made a lovely drabble that I personally also consider canon for this AU <3 Give it some love and look at it okay? They are very talented!
Dust looks up at the building as he tilts his skull. It looks nice enough and doesn't look like the general Grillby's building. It looks grander and like it has been expended a bunch. Dust can see some newer repairs around the fench and the walls and can only assume those had to be repaired.
Cross shuffles somewhere near him "Are we sure about this?"
Killer hums as he looks at the building himself "I mean. Dusty got that cash reward for that repair thing at the last market..." and he shrugs.
Dust nods "WAs a lot." and that is an understatement. When the mayor had said they would send a thank you for Dust repairing the generator and fridges he had figrued it would just be like some flowers.
That was usually with political people did. Send some weird present and a card about how good of a free service yoou did and all that crap.
Instead she just send a cash package that none of them had expected. As thank you for saving their market. Aparently it was the normal amount they payed for a emergancy service of this big with a nice tiny bonus. As a welcome to the community present!
It had been welcome mostly because it would help get them started after the winter and made sure they didn't need to keep getting by with tiny jobs here and there.
Horror nods in agreement "Crop said this would be a good way to get more friendly. Be seen less as hermits." Dust blinks back into the conversation and actually pays attention as he is suposed to be part of it.
Cross sounds deeply unhappy "I like being hermits..."
Dust hums as he keeps holding Nightmare. Nightmare stares slightly enchanted at the building before shaking his skull to snap himself out of it. Dust thinks they are doing a good job with helping him unlearn the bad and unhealthy habits he had from being forced into his guardian position.
But it will take more time, Nightmare still feels awkward and weird for being a child and childlike sometimes. They will eventually get that mindset out of his little skull.
More shuffles and Dust glances over. Yup. No Cross in sight. Dust doesn't point it out and just thrusts his elbow out into the general direction he last heard Cross. A groan and Cross sends him a glare as the weird invisibility starts to shift off of him.
That is another thing all four of them had silently decided to just... not talk about. Much like how he tended to now be more charged with actual electricity instead of just mana. How Killer's silver tongue has gone to the extreme and even the most stupid lies seem to be believed if he says it with enough confidence. How the very layout of their own farm shiftly slightly when Horror had been staring and nudging the area.
They just...
It is probably fine. Ngihtmare hadn't seemed alarmed by it and they just figure it is because of the apple situation. Nightmare is still slowly losing that old magic and they are nearby a lot. It would make sense they took it over slightly.
They hadn't been actively bothered by it yet and while annoying and something to keep in mind it didn't seem dangerous.
Dust nods to the door "Lets go." and he walks forwards wiht Ngihtmae in his arms.
The inside is nicely lit and warm. People are all around and Dust recognises quite a few people from all of his trips to town to repair things. he also sees some of the people who came to help them with their new house. Dust still doesnt'quite know the names of them all as he never was the best with names. That is more of a Killer and Cross thing.
Dust looks around and spots a table which is empty and marches over there. By this point easily ignoring the curious glances. He also knows that Killer is shadowing him with most likely that same stupid challenging and charming grin on his stupid charming face.
Dust takes a seat and looks at the chairs around him. He ends up pulling one near and putting Nightmare in it. Nightmare manages to look over the edge but it is a near thing. Dust tilts his skull "That good?"
Nightmare thinks it over before nodding. Then he looks to the side as he takes in someone playing the guitar and singing live music. huh. Dust wonders if that is a regular thing.
The others join them and they all take a moment to really familiarise themselves with the area. It is different but small details are the same. The shade of the lighting. The colour of the shelves. Tiny things that make the scene more familiar.
Dust used to get disbalanced and well, fucked in the head by seeing things that reminded him of his own universe. He still gets missed up if it is too much alike but he likes to think he got a bit better at handling it all.
They look up when Light walks over to them. Their flames bright as they carry menu's in their multitude of arms. They greet them and gives everyone a menu before getting a small notepad out "Any ideas for drinks?"
Dust shrugs as he lokos at Ngihtmare. Nightmare reads the drink part of the menu wiht a serious and thoughtful look before looking up at the fire elemental. he pauses for a moment before speaking "Can I have a root beer float?"
Light's flames flicker happily as they note it down "One root beer float for the very polite skeleton." they looks at them and wait.
Dust hums and mutters "Same." Light nods nad notes it down.
Killer looks at the different drinks and settles for some latte coffee which he will probably put an unholy amount of sugar into. DUst would be worried about the caffeine if he didn't already know that caffeine just didn't affect Killer.
Horror ends up asking for some fresh mint tea and Cross just asks for sparkling water.
With those orders out of the way Light lets them be to look at the menu. Some items hit the guilt filled part of his soul as it reminds him of things of the past but he shakes it off. Those are normal menu items. Even so Dust decides to take the chicken and egg dish. Mostly because it seems like a this universe thing.
Horror ends up picking the same as Killer ends up going for an unholy amount of fries. Nightmare ends up picking pumpkin soup and Cross joins Nightmare with his order.
Light brings them their drinks, which honestly? Rather brave of the fire elemental to bring them liquids. They take their order and leave for a short while to get everything ready.
Nightmare goes back to listening to the live music as Dust and the other three make light conversation. They keep their conversation vague as they talk abotu old missions and stupid stuff that happened. They share chuckles and it is honestly nice to relax.
Their food is brought over and Light looks at them nervously "So... How is the flower doing?"
Horror looks up before answering "It is well. It stands in the window near the fire place."
They had ended up moving the burning flower there as it served as a nice night light for Nightmare. Nightmare denied being uncomfortable in the dark but Dust thinks the darkness still freaks him out a bit now that he lost his nightvision after becoming little again.
Dust can only imagine the panic he feels if he thinks he was left alone agian. Abandoned again.
It is also why Cross invested some of the hard earned cash into fairy lights and strung those up all along and above the nest. Light it up better.
Nightmare slept much more soundly and woke up less int he middle of the night now and for them it hardly mattered if it was dark out or not.
Light, heh, lights up as they say they are happy to hear that before happily skipping off.
Dust snorts and shoots Cross an amused grin "they are enchanted by you." and he snorts again when Cross sputters.
"Hardly!" Cross glares as he blushes and his arm disappears out of view again. Luckily Killer sees and nudges where the arm used to be, bringing it back into view.
Cross crosses his arms and huffs.
Killer grins and winks at Cross "I can see why. soldier boy is so strong and reliable and a true knight in shining armour." and he winks again.
Cross sputters and his blush grows even darker as he looks away from Killer "Stop being weird..." Killer laughs and hugs Cross.
Horror watches them with a fond look before turning his focus on Ngihtmare and getting him to eat his soup. Something about little babybones needing energy to heal and grow.
Dust gets to work on his own meal as he watches the others. Soul feeling warm and content to see them all here. He really likes not being alone anymore.
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And if you haven't check out Spotaus's lovely drabble !!
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inkcurlsandknives · 7 months
Where my Zuko girlies at? I've got a Love Interest with elemental magic desperate to prove himself to a cruel father asking the impossible, obsessed with honor and duty, who throws all that away to do the right thing (for love)? Meet Alon 🌊⛈️🔥 from SAINTS OF STORM AND SORROW it will fulfill all your avatar the last Airbender nostalgia cravings. Releasing in June Preorder HERE
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He's got a mother in exile, a doting uncle, and a disability (You cannot convince me Zuko is not blind or mostly blind on his burned side)
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midnightsilver · 2 days
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My artwork for ‘lullaby for a rainstorm’ written by @tellmetheskyisblue for the @midambang24
If you want to read this beautiful, ephemeral story you can find more info here
Painting Timelapse under cut
Timelapse video of my painting process. Painted in procreate in digital oil paints. Storm gif effects added in Werble.
[video image ID: a Timelapse video of painting process for the scene of Adam on top the lighthouse with the storm raging around him.]
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jesuis-assez · 1 month
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↠ Tim & Lucy scenes ↳ 5x10 - The List
#chenford#chenfordedit#the rookie#tim x lucy#tim and lucy#therookieedit#lucy x tim#jesuis assez edits: Chenford#jesuis assez edits: Chenford scenes#Tim was so nervous#When they reached their second date.. They were in their element. It was more them as opposed to the fancy setting.#He could breathe with ease. Just be there in the moment with her. They could just be them. Just Tim and Lucy.#He could melt into her the way he always does.#Whether that be in the form of a kiss / hug or a touch of any means.#or even gaze at her intently the way he did here in this scene [ok the whole episode. ] [ok just about every time he looks at her]#Even touching her with his fingertips brushing over her skin \ hearing her voice \ a single look that#communicates what words cannot say is enough to quieten the anxiety.#or the emotional storm raging within Tim. Even for a fleeting moment as they have done so before.#Tim has this way of giving Lucy his full and undivided attention. Listening to her attentively. He takes in every word she says to him#Hanging onto every word and holding a space for those words in the doorways of his mind. and allowing her influence to wash over him.#Because he values her opinion just as much as she values his. So when she expressed a [need] for him to reset his expectations#he switched on instantly to meet that need. He too wants for them to take their time and explore this slowly.#They're on mutual ground with this and maybe it's something Tim didn't realise he wanted until Lucy voiced it.#The way he begins to process what she is wanting from the relationship right now and needing from him#and how it sinks in that he wants that too#I think Tim could've been content to sit in silence with her all night despite the nerves bubbling up inside of him.#Just completely content with beaming at her all night. Content to admire her through tender eyes.
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vickyvicarious · 2 months
Last night was very threatening, and the fishermen say that we are in for a storm. I must try to watch it and learn the weather signs.
I love this line for, again, the little detail of Mina being interested in learning all the time. She sees the fisherman are able to forecast the storm, and becomes interested in learning how to do so herself. She resolves (always making plans) to watch and try and figure the patterns out herself.
But also. Mina is going to watch and learn the signs to interpret the bad weather. It's approaching her now and she wants to recognize the clues so that when it hits she can be prepared. This is the storm that Mr. Swales says is bringing death, the one making noises Mina describes as "like a presage of doom"... she doesn't know how yet but she is going to learn how to foretell where this storm will go.
*froths in 'storm as a metaphor for Dracula'*
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