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schweizerelektroeinrad · 7 years ago
Inmotion V8 elektro unicycle Go anywhere www.e-ride.ch #goelectric #ninebotone #segway #swissboy #suisse🇨🇭 #swissgirl #switzerland🇨🇭 #swissblogger #swiss🇨🇭 #visitSwitzerland #monthey #zurich🇨🇭 #ebike🇨🇭 #2018🇨🇭 #inmotion #gyroroue #ninebotonez #inmotionV10F #inmotionL8F #inmotionV8 #escooter #kickboard #ekickboard #limebike #elektrotrottinett (at e-ride.ch Swiss Electric Unicycle Specialist)
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ufunddrvo · 6 years ago
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Üs het San Diego mega guet gfauue. Mir si im Stadtteil Ocean Beach gsi u somit nah am Meer. Mir hei es super Hostel verwütscht womer schnäu is Gspräch mit anderne Bewohner vor ganze Wäut si cho. Mir hei 3 super Äbe dert verbracht. Die paar Täg i dere tolle Stadt si düre wie im Flug. Ei Tag heimer es Velo gha für d Stadt z erkunde. Dr anger Tag heimer es Elektrotrottinett gmietet u si so drmit umedüüset. Ocean Beach isch sehr surforientert. I jedem Auter gsehtme Lüt wo ufs Brätt stöh, ähndlech wie bi üs bim Skifahre. Vo dert us simer witer uf üse letscht Campingplatz. Mir hei 2 Zieu z verfouge gha; 1. ä chlei surfe, 2. ä chli gniesse. Beides heimer meh oder weniger chönne, z 2. ä chlei besser. Oh no ufem Camping heimer nach 3 Monet wieder üsi Koffere packt u aues ready gmacht zum witerreise. Üsi letschte 3 Nächt ir Tracy heimer sehr gnosse u si um so wehmüetiger sä wäg z gäh. Los Angeles isch vo afang ah sim Ruef grächt worde, übere Vercher. Z’Navi seit es giengi 3 Minute, wahrhaftig simer aber ä haubstund ungerwägs gsi. Am Ahkunftstag heimer aues üses Campingzüg ine Brocki bracht u üses „Daheime“ usenang gno. Mit üsem eigentleche 7-Plätzer simer de zumne Outohändler. Dä het gmeint mir söues im Internet no versuche u we mers nid wägbringe de nähmis är de zumne töifere Priis. Auso schomau gar nid so schlächt. Am nächstä Morgä heimer de zwöi Inserat vom Outo ids Internet gsteut uh si der "Walk of Fame“ ga ahluege. Womer am Mittag schnäu hei Internet gha, heimer gse das üs scho 2 Lüt gschribe hei wo Interässä am Outo hei. Vo denn ah isches sehr schnäu gange und am 17:00 isch d Tracy verchouft gsi und somit di letsti Pfilcht i der USA erledigt.Ah dä nächstä Täg simer no ga der Venice Beach, Santa Monica, Berverly Hills und d Hollywood Hills ahluege und hei bis uf Malibu aues gse in Los Angeles. Der Tag vor der Witerreis heimer de no mitärä ungarische Bekanntschaft vom Hostel in San Diego verbracht uh de simer am Abä vorem Abflug scho ah Flughafe gange. D Nacht dert isch zimlech ahgnähm gsi & d Nici het sogar für paar Stund chönnä schlafä. Bitzli wehmüetig, doch scho 3 Mönet vor Reis hinger üs ds ha, aber miterä risä Vorfröid simer am 31. Oktober um 8:35 Uhr Richtig Costa Rica abghobä.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- We absolutely loved San Diego! We have been in a hostel in Ocean Beach and near by the sea. We chose such a good hostel! We met some lovely people from around the world and had 3 great evenings there. Time flies and these few days were over too soon! One day we rent a bike and explored the city on wheels. The other day we had some electric scooter. After San Diego we had our last 3 days in our car and the last 3 days of camping until February! We wanted try surfing and enjoy the last days, the last thing we did even better. So after 3 month we had to pack our bags. And we knew that we had to sell our car.. Los Angeles is full of traffic, I mean huge traffic! The maps said it took us about 3 minutes, we had about 30 minutes. At our arrival day we brang our stuff to a thrift store and after we drove to a car seller. He said it has too much miles, we should try to sell it online. So we did the advertise in the morning and walked along the „Hollywood Walk Of Fame“. Somewhere we had internet and saw 2 people were interested about our post. And then 2 hours later it was sold! We are happy and sad at the same time that we sold our „home“. The next days in L.A. we spent with sightseeing, just some normal tourist stuff.. Our last day we had some visitation from a hungarian friend we made in San Diego. - It was „mega cool“ with you, please stay save and we will meet again soon! - The night before our departure we spent at the airport. So… 3 month from our trip are gone so far! And now we are exciting about making some new memories in costa rica!
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schweizerelektroeinrad · 7 years ago
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Black Panther Ninebot One SMART WALKING www.e-ride.ch #goelectric #ninebotone #segway #swissboy #suisse🇨🇭 #swissgirl #switzerland🇨🇭 #swissblogger #swiss🇨🇭 #visitSwitzerland #monthey #zurich🇨🇭 #ebike🇨🇭 #2018🇨🇭 #inmotion #gyroroue #ninebotonez #inmotionV10F #inmotionL8F #inmotionV8 #escooter #kickboard #ekickboard #limebike #elektrotrottinett #trotti #trottinette (at e-ride.ch Swiss Electric Unicycle Specialist)
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