#elegant master bathroom is shown. bathroom
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Bathroom (Dallas)
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betafishtank · 2 years
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New York Master Bath
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angelasscribbles · 1 month
The King's Mistress
Series: None, this is a one-shot and you can find those here.
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Rating: NSFW 🍋
Warnings for this chapter: Slight Lemons, infidelity
Word Count: 822
My other stuff: Master List.
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Story is under the cut.......
The Duchess of Valtoria was perched on the edge of an expansive mahogany desk with her head thrown back and her elegant evening gown hiked up around her waist, moans of ecstasy spilling out of her as the king stood with his pants tangled around his ankles thrusting into her. Her perfectly manicured nails sank into his ass, spurring him on.
He had been waiting for a moment alone with her all damn day. Sitting next to her for two hours in the budget meeting had been bad enough, but then she had shown up at the annual Ambassador’s Ball in a dress that ought to be criminal. Holding her in his arms on the dance floor while maintaining proper decorum had been excruciating. Getting her somewhere private had jumped to number one on his priority list.
Her screams filled his ears as his eyes locked on her face, watching the rapturous euphoria of her release dance across her features. She cried out his name as he spilled himself inside her.
“Riley…” his lips brushed the side of her neck as a hand tangled in her hair and pulled her closer.
He couldn’t get enough of her. He was bewitched by the way she loved with such wild abandon. She cared nothing for the intrigues of the court or the judgments of others. She was a wild thing, free in a way he longed to be.
He had been surrounded his entire life by crown chasers and sycophants, but Riley was different.
Maybe the raging inferno she ignited within him was love, or perhaps she represented the path he had almost chosen before duty and sacrifice had landed him right back where he started.
Either way, she had chosen him when she’d had no idea who he was. And that meant something to him.
He stepped away from her reluctantly and pulled his pants up. “I should get back before my wife sends a search party to find me.”
Riley made a face as she scooted to the edge of the desk. A slight sound of displeasure issued from the back of her throat.
He took her hand and helped her to her feet. Despite his assertation that he was needed back in the ballroom forthwith, he took his time carefully and tenderly helping her adjust her dress back into place. His fingers kept making detours to trail down a bare arm or trace across the back of her neck.
When her clothes were righted, his hands ran once again through her now tousled hair. “Sorry, I made a mess of that updo.”
“It’s ok,” she laughed as she plucked the few remaining clips free and shook her head, sending waves of riotous curls cascading down her back. “But I am going to need a little help fixing it.”
“Hm.” A bright smile lit up his face as humor danced through his ocean blue eyes. “I command armies, negotiate with dictators, and the Cordonian stock market can rise or fall based on my mood, but alas, I am utterly helpless in the face of a hair emergency.”
“I know!” She gave him a playful slap on the shoulder, “But I left my phone in my clutch, which is back in the ballroom…”
His grin widened. “It’s ok, I’ve got you.” He produced his phone and brandished it in front of her. “Hana?”
“Hana,” she agreed with a nod.
His fingers flew across the phone pad as he sent a text to Bastien Lykel, the head of his king’s guard, to find and escort Lady Hana Lee to his office.
“She’s on her way. I hate to leave you, but I really do need to get back. The ambassador from Rival—”
“It’s fine, go.” She waved him away as she headed for the attached bathroom to check on her makeup. Being seen re-entering the ballroom together would just cause more whispers anyway.
Not that the entire country didn’t already know. They hadn’t been that discreet. Their relationship was an open secret at court. She was the maîtresse-en-titre as the French would say. The king’s official royal mistress, complete with all the money, titles, land, and security that provided.
She knew that what she gave him in return was more than sex. It was companionship, romantic intimacy, advice, conversation, and a shoulder to lean on when he needed it.
He had married for political reasons, family obligations, and tradition. There was no love between the king and queen.
Still, this wasn’t where she saw her life going when she met him on that cruise ship and mistook him for a broke college student.
His voice stopped her before she made it through the door. “Hey, Riley?”
She turned back toward him. “Yeah?”
That grin that always sent butterflies shocking through her broke out across his face. “I love you.”
She returned his smile as he retreated into the hallway. “I love you too, Leo.”
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its-in-the-woods · 3 months
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 17
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here, six here, seven here, eight here,nine here, ten here, eleven here , twelve here , thirthen here, fourteen here, Fifteen Here, Sixteen Here
master list
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You + OCs
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out, Angst, hurt/comfort, lots of self-doubt, blindfold, p in v, creampie, comfort sex, cowgirl, idk it's late, be nice,
Synopsis: Updated synopsis, Red carpet doesn't always go the way you want.
Note: This is took time, there was a lot of emotions. A lot of self-reflection, enjoy!
It was so loud, it was so bright, you have the feeling you probably look more like a deer in headlights than a movie star's girlfriend. You try to focus on the feel of Walton’s hand on your waist, how he’d lean down and whisper encouraging words in your ear. You make sure to smile and nod, turning this way and that like he had shown you before you had gotten there. The handlers move you from one spot to the next one. Walton leaned down to tell you that he’d meet you inside, to just follow the path through the doors. You let out a breath, trying to gracefully walk down the carpet to the doors. Several different people are yelling at you for info, but you ignore them. Refusing to let it bother you, as they asked you incredibly personal questions. That was the ploy, trying to get a reaction out of you that they could use for their headlines. You were not going to let them rattle you. 
Once inside you feel your bracelet vibrate against your wrist. You smile knowing that Walton is thinking about you, a breath coming out of you as the cool air inside hits your face. Panic starts to bubble up inside of you, as you move towards the bathrooms. Pushing open the door you are struck with how nice the space was. Floor to ceiling Mirrors with soft lighting, and walls painted a deep purple. The counters had any product you could imagine needing, along with fluffy white towels. The stalls were floor-to-ceiling as well, made out of some luxurious wood. Swallowing you feel suddenly like you came in covered in mud, 
Your bracelet vibrates again, and you relax a little, opening the black clutch and digging out a gummy. Walton had told you to take one if your anxiety was getting bad, you’d used CBD gummies before so popping one didn’t feel too weird. You chew it and grab a bottle of what was probably very overpriced tap water. Looking in the mirror you check that your make-up hasn’t moved, before going into the hallway.  
It’s much busier now, your lungs feeling squished in your chest. You reach down and run your hand over the bracelet, feeling a pulse in return. You move your way towards the auditorium where there is more space, trying not to let the feeling of being out of place overwhelm you. Your heart rate slows as the gummy starts to kick in. You smile at a few people as they walk by, not recognizing anyone just yet. 
“Hey!,” You look over at a blonde woman making her way towards you. Joelle Carter has a bright smile on her face, she's dressed in a stunning blue gown that sparkles as she moves. Looking as elegant as ever, the woman was all class. 
You smile back at her, “Ahh Hi,” Words come out more of a squeak, how could you not have known her? You may have never worked together, but you knew that Walton had. 
“You look stunning, wow,” Joelle said with a huge smile taking you, eyes shining as she looked you over. 
“Thank you, ahh, likewise. You look incredible,” You smile back, her energy was magnetic. It was hard not to let her present make you feel comfortable. 
“I was really hoping you’d come out,” The woman said, the two of you moving over to the side. It is somehow quieter where the two of you have tucked yourselves away. 
“Yeah, hard to say no to Walton,” You flush slightly as you feel your bracelet vibrate. “He is very persuasive.”
Joelle laughs, “Oh yeah, that sounds like Walton. Charm for days, pretty sure he could convince anyone to do anything.”
“He does seem to have that effect on people,” You touch your bracelet back, looking over her shoulder to see Walton moving your way. Your body relaxes the closer he gets to you. 
Joelle grabs your hand, looking at the bracelet, “Wait, what is this?” Her finger ran over it. 
“Oh, uh, just a gift from Walton. Sort of a touch-sensitive bracelet.” You say, trying not to pull it away from her as Walton moves over to you. A bright smile on his face, making you feel at ease.  “If I touch it he feels it.”
“Well, if that isn’t the sweetest thing,” She smiles, turning as she follows your gaze to Walton. 
“Joelle, you always look so ravishing,” Walton smiles leaning in to kiss her cheek. Your heart flips, but you push it away. Reminding yourself that he was with you and was just being friendly. 
“It’s so good to see you again. I know you’ve been busy, we should get dinner sometime. When you are back in town of course.” Joelle smiles, jealousy crawling over your skin. You keep it to yourself, as the two talk about making plans for later. Repeating to yourself that you were overthinking things, everything was fine, even if you didn’t feel fine. 
“I would love that. We definitely need to catch up soon, I think there is a new place on the southside we should check out.” Walton chatted, settling in beside you, hand around your waist. You lean into the touch, eyes almost closing at the feel of his warm hand through the fabric of your dress. His finger finds one of the gems and fiddles with it. 
“Sounds wonderful to me! I should probably go find a seat, and get settled before things get started.” Joelle squeezed his arm and patted your shoulder before leaving. You smile back at her and want nothing more than to run in the other direction. 
“How you doing, beautiful,” Walton asks, turning you to face him. You feel overwhelmed, awkward, and a little dazed. 
“It’s a lot,” You say trying to put a smile on your face. “It was nice to meet Joelle.”
“We will have to have her and a few other friends over for dinner once you’re moved in,” Walton replies, “But for now let’s find our table."
Walton leads you a few rows finding a spot that has your name on it, pulling your chair out for you to sit. You sit down making sure that your dress isn’t caught on anything. Waiting for the show to start. 
You sit in the back of an SUV on your way to Walton's place, from a whirlwind night. It was almost impossible to piece all the memories together, you had been introduced to many other people. Talked with one of your FX idols about coming by his studio to see some of the stuff he was working on. The whole thing feels surreal, and more like a dream than a real experience. Walton seemed to know everyone there by name, which was a feat in itself. Not only that but everyone knew him, asking about future and past projects.  
“Did you enjoy the night? You seem far away.” Walton asks, his hand finding yours, lacing fingers together. 
“I did enjoy the night, just a lot of feelings.” You are trying to find the words but it all feels jumbled up in your chest. The resolve you had held up all night is now crumbling around you. “I am not sure I am cut out for this.” 
There is silence, and you are already regretting what you said. But you didn’t want to lie either, lying would be worse than not getting it out of your chest. You needed him to hear this, to be raw and open. Cause that is how you feel like a raw nerve suddenly exposed to cold water.
“What do you mean?” Walt pushes, squeezing your hand, you can feel his eyes on you. 
“Seeing you, with other people-” You bite your lips, 'cause this isn’t you. You’ve never been a jealous person, but also you’ve never had a relationship like this either. Carrying so deeply about someone had changed you. The man was effortless with everyone, and people were of course drawn to him. “I felt jealous. People hanging off your every word, beautiful people. I just feel so out of place amongst everyone-”
“You fit right in, people loved talking with you,” Walton adds, you know he is trying to comfort you but you need to get this off your chest, or risk being completely consumed by it.
“Walton. You could have any of those people, and I am not going to hold you back from finding someone that can support you in ways that I cannot.” The words hurt more than you can bear, but at least they are out there now. Maybe you’re wrong? Maybe it's lack of sleep and anxiety, but right now this is how you feel.
“First off, you mean so much to me.” He squeezes your fingers again, “But you aren’t holding me back. You don’t get to make that choice. I am with you, no one else. You’re the person I want to be with after any of the booze and lights stop.” He takes a breath and you wish you could look at him, but it all hurts too much. Can feel your chest ache with each word. A sob threatening to break free, “I know that this is your first serious relationship and I know that seeing me flirt with other people would be difficult. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be worked out.”
You swallow, carefully dotting under your eyes where tears have leaked out. Trying your hardest to pull yourself together, and face him. The panic in your chest changing into grief.
“Whatever this relationship is, between us,” Walton says and you finally meet his eyes, even if it means more tears leak out. He is really looking at you, eyes so soft and expressive. As if you are the center of the universe.“I am in it for the long haul. I know we’ve barely been together for a month but you’re so special to me.” 
You are now digging into your clutch for tissues and dabbing at your eyes more. “I want that too, but I feel so insecure. It feels so silly, but I don’t feel like I deserve this. I thought I wouldn’t react like this, because I knew that you’d be playing roles that had relationships with other women or men. But I am having such a hard time coming to terms with it. Cause I don't.” You swallow the sob in your throat. “I don't want to lose you.”
The driver had pulled into the drive, the two of you separating for a moment to get out of the vehicle. You take a deep breath of the cool air and try to pull yourself together. Walton is beside you, hand-finding yours as he opens the door for the two of you. The silence is worse, you could handle anger or anything else besides the silence. You take your shoes off, feet happy to be out of the pumps. The two of you walk down to the living room, sitting on the sofa beside one another. 
“You aren't going to lose me, no matter who is across from me on set I can’t change how you feel,” Walton says, breaking the tension and silence between both of you. “And I am certain you aren’t looking for me to change. What I do for a living is my everything, it’s my craft. It’s what has kept me going and fills me with joy. I know you’ve seen that first hand.” 
You nodded, continuing to listen to what he is saying, as you try to somehow feel comfortable. It was all true, you had no desire to change him, you liked him just as he was. The passion and love of what he does, the endless energy to keep creating and dreaming.
“No matter who I am with, on camera, at events, whatever. You’re the person I want to come home to.” Walton states, sliding so he is right beside you. “Yes, I am a flirt,” He says with a crooked smile, “I have many women, and men, who are dear friends of mine. And maybe one day be friends with you as well. But you are what's important to me.”
You’ve worried at your lip enough to remove the lipstick you put on. Mind still reeling a little. An instinctual urge to run makes your stomach hurt. At the same time you couldn’t, he was the only one who ever took the time to actually care how you felt. To sit here, and listen to all your worries big or small.
“I want to have these hard conversations. Jealousy is not an abnormal feeling, but I want us.” He gestures between both of you. “To work on making you comfortable enough to not feel that. I don’t have the answers, but I think we can do it, if we try. The two of us can do anything together.”
You swallow, the hard line of insecurity still making you question everything. Yet here he was, trying his damndest to show you that he gave a shit about you. Even when all you wanted to do was run in the opposite direction, he held onto you. The anxiety, the panic attacks, it didn't matter cause he wanted to be there with you.
“Are you sure?” You finally ask, fiddling with the jewels on your dress. It was a silly question that you already knew the answer to.
Walton closes his eyes, before smiling, “I am, as sure as I ever have been. I will tell you that every day, every hour, until you believe in yourself.”
He cups your face, hands so warm, leaning so that both of your foreheads touch. You close your eyes, taking a moment to just enjoy this, that he was here with you. That he wanted to be here, and you wanted to be here. That despite your insecurities, never-ending anxiety, and self-doubt he was still here, holding your face like you meant the world to him. You leaned forward and kissed him, just the two of you pressing lips against the other. It felt incredibly intimate despite the tenderness. 
Separating, you hear Walton hum a little, eyes opening up to see his. You want to stay there, just let the world pass by while you are pressed forehead to forehead with him.
“I am pretty sure I need to get you out of that dress,” Walton gives you that crooked smile that makes you giggle. The dread eased out of your system as he looked at you.  
“You sure you're up for that?” You grin back, finally breaking contact. He is the first up, hand out to pull you against him. 
“I am always up when it comes to you,” He leans back down, kisses you, sucking your lip into his mouth, hand moving from your waist down over your ass. 
You groan a little pushing your hips against his, “If we wreck this dress, Terrance is going to have me strung u,”
Walton lets out an exaggerated sigh, pulling away before taking your hand. “Guess we better get you out of it then. I unfortunately I’d like to keep him as a friend, if only it means I get to take you out of the clothes he puts you in.”
You giggle as the two of you make your way down to the bedroom, he has you stop just at the edge of the bed in front of the closet. Standing back and looking you over again, eyes glinting mischievously as he asks you to spin. 
“It’s almost a shame to get the dress off of you,” He rumbles, “I am definitely coming next time you go dress shopping.” 
You flush a little, and do a little curtsy in the dress, “I’d love to wear something you’d like.”
“More, I want to know what I am taking off,” Walton states, “Now hold still,”
You do as he asks, he comes over and carefully takes off the jewels laying them on the bed. He spins you finding the zipper slowly taking it down your back one tooth at a time. It hits the bottom, you can hear his breath as his hands go up and spread the fabric open. He grabs the ties over your neck and undoes it, your breath hitches as the dress slides down and off your body. Warm hands running across your waist, around over your naval, feeling his body pressed against yours. The push of the buttons along your back, the rough material of pants against your ass.  Lips coming to the top of your shoulder, he kisses from the edge up to your neck, whispering about how good you smell.
“Mmm,” He whispers, speaking right into your ear.“So beautiful, bare for him to see, just me. Close your eyes for a second, trust me.”
You do what he asks, heart hammering in your throat as he moves away. Can feel goosebumps covering your skin when he moves away from you, eyes closed, fully exposed, and vulnerable to the world.  Shivering against the chill in the room, one warm hand touches one of your calves. You lift your foot and step out of the dress, hearing him move it away from you. A shuffle of material behind, and for a moment you wonder if he was going to see how long you’d stand there for. Then he is back, guiding you over to the bed, a soft material is placed over your eyes and tied behind your head. 
“Sit on the edge of the bed, Baby,” He coos, hands holding onto yours as you carefully sit down on the bed. 
The cool bedspread makes you shiver a little, as you adjust to the feeling. His hands are gone again, your hands resting on each side of your hips. The feeling of a blanket covering your shoulders makes you jump a little. 
“Just want to make sure you are warm,” Walton says, kissing your forehead, as he tucks the blanket around you
“Thank you,” You squeak, moving a bit back and forth settling in. The warmth of the blanket eases you as you settle, waiting for the next move.
His hands touch your thighs, and you shiver again, fingers tracing over the skin in various patterns. They come resting against your knees, then tracing up your inner thighs. You can’t help how your lips part, a little gasp coming out. Can feel that he is kneeling between your legs, the brush of clothing against the inner part of your knee. Your hips tilt forward slightly, as his fingers go all the way up to your groin up onto your hips. Body trembling, the whole day felt like so much, and you just wanted him to touch you. 
“Please, I can’t,” Your voice shakes as his movements stop for a moment. “I just need you.”
The blindfold is removed, you shutter realizing that tears have formed. Walton’s face is lined with concern, brows scrunched together as he touches your face, wiping the tears away.
“Hey, hey, I am right here,” He whispers, leaning in to give you a small kiss. He is still clothes, suit jacket gone, but everything else is still on. 
You lean into his touch, the warmth spreading across your face. “Why are you still dressed?” You try to tease, hands running over the soft shirt.
“Do you want the clothes off?” Walton asks, leaning back onto his heels and looking up at you expectantly. 
You slide off the bed so you’re level with him, reaching forward to undo the buttons, finger moving the fabric off his tanned body. You trace your own lines across his skin before pushing the clothes off him. His eyes follow your movements, as the shirt hits the ground. You lean forward kissing him, moving so that you’re pressed against his chest. His hands find your hips as he pulls you closer. You move down his neck and over his shoulder, the same as he did before. You bite a little on the top of his shoulder, he hiss a bit but lets you continue. Looking up at him as he ran down between his pectoral muscles, tasting the salt from the long night. He groans, chest rising and falling in quicker as you continue. Fingers finding the button of his slack, pooping them open. 
“Hold up,” Walton says just loud enough for you to stop. “Let’s get in bed before both our knees give out.”
You let out a laugh, and shift onto your feet with a mock groan. Hobbling over to the bed, landing face first into the comforter. Walton smacks your ass, you squeak, he grabs your legs and rolls the rest of you into bed. 
“Get under the covers, you’re freezing,” He says, you lift the blankets and slide yourself in, peaking out as you watch him slip out of his pants. 
Flipping the covers back for him, you wiggle a little, “Coming to bed?”
“I couldn’t keep a lady waiting now,” Walton grins, sliding into the bed beside. You both hunker down under the covers, staring at each other for a minute. You pull him against you, feeling the way his body reacts to your touches. 
“You are stunning,” Walton kisses you, “Make me wild every time I see you, can’t stop thinking about you, the way you move.” He kisses you again, you move yourself so that your hips are pressed against him. “Love how you smile, the sparkle in your eyes when you see me. Just can’t get enough of you.”
You can feel his hips move against yours, a hard line growing against your stomach as you push back against him. You slip your leg up and over his hips, keening as he pushes against you more. 
“Love how you talk, the stories you tell,” You whisper back, as the two of you rub against the other in some erotic dance. “How your hands feel against my skin. The way your smile lights up the room. I just want to be right here”
He leans in and kisses you, pushing you back so he can slide in between your legs. Breath catching in your throat as you spread your legs open for him, one hand around his lower back, the other running through his hair. He takes his time kissing you, as you continue to move. Moaning into each other's mouths, you can feel how slick you are as his hard dick pushes against your fold. The two you narrow down to just each other and the movements between you. He moves his hand between the two of you as you work your hips up to just the right angle he slides in and stills. Eyes closed, the two of you breathing in sync. Shift slightly, arching your back which lets him slide even deeper. 
“Fuck, you feel so good inside me,” You whimper, you want him to stay like that but you also desperately need him to move.  
He grunts, as he slides back and then pushes in, you dig your nails into his back. Feeling every bit of him as he moves, your head tipping back as you find a rhythm. His head is buried against your neck, as he whispers into your ear. Feeling your eyes roll back as you hang on, the sounds of the two of you filling the room. Engulfing the place in a passionate fire that consumes you. 
You roll him so that you are on top, rolling your hips against him, leaning back as you slip him back inside you. Hands-on his chest as you rock and grind down on him. Waltons hands on your hips guiding you as you move in circles against him. Holding him in place as you work yourself up into a frenzy, gasping and moaning. His fingers work between the two of you, lidded eyes watching your reaction as you grind against this hand. Hair falling over your shoulders as you let him push you right over the edge, whimpering at the overstimulation, feeling your body shivering and shaking. His hands move to your thighs as he starts to push up into you, motion sloppy, you lean down to kiss him, raising your hips enough for him to have more motion. 
“Want to feel you fill me up,” You moan into his ear, “Love when you come inside me,”
Walton gasps at your words, his stuttering as his own release edges closer. You keep moving with him, watching his face as he gets closer. Tipping your hips back down so he is fully inside you. 
“Oh fuck, oh god you feel so good,” Walton moans as he releases, finger tight on your hips as he holds you in place, 
You let yourself lean forward against his chest, both of your hearts pounding as you lay there. He reaches and pulls the blanket over the top of you both. Arms wrapping around you holding you close, you couldn’t think of a better place to be.  The two of you just wrapped up together. 
*thank you for the seventeen chapters. nearly 60k in words.
*This has been so much fun
*more to come, please be patient as I am currently neck deep in life stuff
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@ghoulphile @Hiddlebatchedloki @live-logs-and-proper @justme12200 @ryankaylamartin96 @rachmari @therest-stillunwritten @sequoiassoul @awhoresjourney @stankface @giggle-shade
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Paris Flat for Sale: Your Ideal Home Awaits in France
Are you dreaming of owning a charming Paris flat? Look no further! This exquisite house for buying in France offers a unique opportunity to experience the quintessential Parisian lifestyle. Located in one of the most sought-after neighborhoods, this property combines historical charm with modern comfort.
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Step inside this beautifully designed flat and be captivated by its elegant interiors. High ceilings, large windows, and classic parquet flooring create a bright and airy atmosphere. The spacious living area is perfect for entertaining guests or relaxing after a day exploring the city. The modern kitchen is fully equipped with top-of-the-line appliances, making it a delight for any home chef.
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This Paris flat for sale is a rare gem in the heart of France. With its prime location, stunning interior design, and modern amenities, it’s the perfect place to call home. Don’t miss this opportunity to own a piece of Paris. Contact us today to schedule a viewing and start your journey to owning your dream home in France.
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kpawarpropmart · 4 months
Discover Your Dream Home at Arihant Advika in Vashi
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Modern Amenities:
24X7 Water Supply
Children's play area
Investing in Real Estate at Vashi
Investing in Properties in Vashi is a smart choice due to the area's continuous development and growth. Real estate in Vashi has shown significant appreciation over the years, making it a lucrative investment option. Arihant Advika, with its premium flats and prime location, offers an excellent opportunity for both homebuyers and investors.
Arihant Advika in Vashi is more than just a residential complex; it is a gateway to a luxurious and convenient lifestyle. Whether you are looking for a cozy 2BHK or a spacious 3BHK, this real estate marvel has something to offer. The combination of well-designed flats, top-notch amenities, and a prime location makes Arihant Advika the perfect choice for anyone looking to buy a property in Vashi. Don't miss out on the opportunity to own your dream home in one of Navi Mumbai's most sought-after locations.
For more details visit our website: https://www.propmart.co/city/vashi/
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laplusrenting · 5 months
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Available 6/1/2024 Showing after 5/20/2024, Flexible Lease Term Beautiful Gated single family home totally remodeled featuring 3 bedrooms & 2 Bathrooms in the heart of Sherman Oaks. This cozy home sits behind a beautiful gate embraced by the shade of a beautiful mature palm trees. Inside an inviting open floor living room features a wood burning fireplace and double hung wood shutters covering a wall of windows that look out to the covered porch. Wainscoting adds a touch of elegance to the formal dining room. Open floor style. The living room smoothly transitions to a completely remodeled kitchen with brand new appliances wood cabinetry beautiful granite-top center Island and granite counters. A large counter-to-ceiling picture window behind the gas stove with Island hood is a unique custom feature of the kitchen which allows an unobstructed view of the entire backyard. The kitchen and master bedroom both allow easy and convenient access to a beautiful green and sunny backyard that includes a large patio and grassy play area., dishwasher, dual-pane windows, new washer & dryer Wood Burning Fireplace Dishwasher Range Refrigerator Double Pane/Storm Windows. Recessed lights and Modern Style Laminate throughout the house. Parking: Attached Garage. Close to 101, 405 freeways, Sherman Oaks Galleria and Ventura Blvd minutes away from the finest shopping and entertainment Sherman Oaks has to offer. OPTIONAL: Open to short term lease making this home a perfect fit for families relocating from out of town, temporary relocation, corporate housing, studio / tour housing, project stay, etc., 31 days minimum. Perfect for: Studio housing corporate housing Executives housing and company relocation Insurance Adjuster housing Temporary Solutions housing, Essential Workers, Travelers, Price showed for unfurnished house on a 12 month lease. Flexible lease options available. Price shown is for an unfurnished and one year lease. Owner pays for gardener. Prices and availability subject to change without notice. Square footage definitions vary. Displayed square footage is approximate._______________15235 Morrison St_______________Los Angeles______________________________5500$
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remodelsurgeons · 5 months
Create the Perfect Retreat: Tips for Designing a Relaxing Master Bath Suite
Designing a Relaxing Master Bath Suite: Tips and Tricks
When it comes to designing your dream master bath suite, there are several tips and tricks you can use to create a relaxing retreat. Firstly, consider incorporating natural elements such as wood or stone into your design. This will give your space an organic feel that is both calming and luxurious. Additionally, choosing soft colors like neutral tones or light blues can help create a serene atmosphere in your master bathroom.
Creating the Perfect Retreat with Color Schemes for Your Master Bathroom
Another important aspect of creating a relaxing master bath suite is selecting the right color scheme. You may want to choose soothing shades of blue or green, which have been shown to promote feelings of calmness and tranquility. Alternatively, warm neutrals like beige or cream can also provide a cozy and inviting ambiance. Whatever color palette you choose, make sure it reflects your personal style while still maintaining a sense of harmony throughout the space.
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How to Choose the Right Materials for Your Dream Master Bath Suite
Selecting the right materials for your master bath suite is essential for achieving a high-end look and feel. For flooring, consider using porcelain tile or hardwood floors, which offer durability and elegance. When it comes to countertops, opt for premium surfaces like marble or quartz, which not only look beautiful but also stand up well against daily wear and tear. And don't forget about fixtures - invest in high-quality faucets and showerheads to elevate your master bathroom to new heights.
The Latest Technology in Master Bathrooms: Smart Features You'll Love
In today's world, technology has become increasingly integrated into our homes, including our master bath suites. From smart mirrors that display news feeds and weather updates to voice-activated assistants that control lights and temperature settings, there are plenty of ways to incorporate innovative features into your space. These technological advancements not only add convenience but also enhance the overall experience of your master bathroom.
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Incorporating Natural Light into Your Master Bath Suite for a Spa-Like Atmosphere
Natural light plays a significant role in creating a spa-like atmosphere in your master bath suite. Consider installing large windows or skylights to allow ample sunlight to enter the room. You may even want to install a glass shower enclosure to further illuminate the space. By infusing your master bathroom with natural light, you can achieve a peaceful and rejuvenating environment that feels like a true oasis.
Finding Inspiration from Luxury Master Bathrooms Around the World
For many homeowners, finding inspiration for their master bath suite can be challenging. One way to spark creativity is by looking at luxury master bathrooms around the world. From Japanese onsen bathtubs to Italian marble vanities, there are countless designs and styles to draw inspiration from. Whether you prefer modern minimalism or classic opulence, exploring these stunning spaces can help guide your own design decisions and ensure that your master bath suite is truly one-of-a-kind.
This article is accredited to Remodel Surgeons at https://remodelsurgeons.com/master-bath-design-tips/.
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stanvanwoerkenss · 9 months
Discover Your Dream Home: Lonsdale Townhomes and Duplexes for Sale!
Are you ready to elevate your living experience in a vibrant and dynamic community? Look no further than the stunning Lonsdale Townhome for sale and Duplexes for sale, where luxury meets convenience in the heart of a thriving neighborhood.
Lonsdale Townhomes: Unparalleled Elegance
Nestled in the scenic beauty of Lonsdale, our townhomes offer a harmonious blend of modern design and timeless elegance. Immerse yourself in spacious interiors, high-end finishes, and thoughtfully crafted layouts that cater to both comfort and style. From open-concept living spaces to private balconies, these townhomes redefine urban living.
Key Features:
Expansive living areas for entertaining guests
Gourmet kitchens with top-of-the-line appliances
Luxurious master suites with spa-inspired bathrooms
Private outdoor spaces, perfect for relaxation
Lonsdale Duplexes: A Perfect Balance
For those seeking a perfect balance of space and privacy, our Lonsdale Duplex for sale present an excellent opportunity. Experience the charm of a standalone residence combined with the convenience of modern amenities. These duplexes are designed to enhance your lifestyle, offering a sense of exclusivity and sophistication.
Key Features:
Two distinct living spaces for added versatility
Private yards for outdoor enjoyment
High-quality craftsmanship and architectural detailing
Contemporary design with a touch of classic appeal
Why Choose Lonsdale?
Prime Location: Lonsdale is renowned for its central location, providing easy access to a myriad of amenities, including trendy boutiques, gourmet restaurants, and lush parks. Enjoy the best of both worlds – a peaceful neighborhood atmosphere and proximity to the bustling city.
Community Vibes: Lonsdale is not just a place to live; it's a community. Connect with like-minded individuals, participate in local events, and become part of a welcoming neighborhood that values inclusivity and diversity.
Investment Potential: Whether you're looking for a forever home or a strategic investment, Lonsdale Townhomes and Duplexes offer an excellent opportunity. The real estate market in this sought-after area has shown consistent growth, making it a sound investment choice.
Your Next Chapter Awaits!
Don't miss out on the chance to make Lonsdale your home. Explore the available townhomes and duplexes for sale, and take the first step towards a lifestyle that combines luxury, convenience, and community. Contact our experienced real estate team today to schedule a viewing and embark on a journey to find your dream home in Lonsdale!
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carleighrose · 1 year
Atlanta Master Bath
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A picture of a medium-sized, elegant master bathroom with travertine flooring and raised-panel cabinets, dark wood cabinets, a two-piece toilet, blue walls, an undermount sink, and quartz countertops is shown.
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worldoflunatriix · 1 year
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Traditional Bathroom A large, elegant master bathroom with brown walls, recessed-panel cabinets, white cabinets, granite countertops, a two-piece toilet, and a freestanding bathtub is shown in the photograph.
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blooniverse · 1 year
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Traditional Bathroom - Master Bath A large, elegant master bathroom with a double sink, gray cabinets that resemble furniture, a one-piece toilet, gray walls, an undermount sink, quartzite countertops, white countertops, and a built-in vanity is shown in the photograph.
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Master Bath - Bathroom
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A large, elegant master bathroom with gray tile, marble tile, a gray floor, beaded inset cabinets, white walls, an undermount sink, marble countertops, and a hinged shower door is shown in the photograph.
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sadatmirza · 1 year
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Bathroom in Las Vegas A medium-sized, elegant master bathroom with a marble floor, raised-panel cabinets, white cabinets, a two-piece toilet, beige walls, and marble countertops is shown.
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easy-coome-easy-go · 1 year
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Master Bath Bathroom Atlanta A medium-sized, elegant master bathroom with beige walls, stone tiles, and an undermount sink is shown in the photo.
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meineroarchitects · 1 year
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Master Bath in Denver A large, elegant master bathroom with beige flooring, light wood cabinets, white walls, a hinged shower door, and white countertops is shown in the photograph.
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