#electronics and communication engineering jobs
classroomlearning · 1 year
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This comprehensive guide explores the competitive advantages of undertaking a diploma in engineering after 10 - from enhanced employability to specialized skill development as well as providing detailed information to help aspiring students make informed decisions about this pathway.
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krstseo · 4 days
Electronics & Communication Engineering invited Talk on Power Amplifiers and Multivibrators
Electronics & Communication Engineering invited Talk on Power Amplifiers and Multivibrators
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The Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, in association with the IEEE student branch, organized an insightful invited talk on “Power Amplifiers and Multivibrators – Industry Perspective” on May 7, 2024. So, this event, which aimed to bridge the gap between academic learning and industry applications, was graced by the presence of Dr.T.S.Murugesh, Associate Professor, Electronics& Communication Engineering Department , Government College of Engineering, Srirangam, Trichy.
Event Overview
Dr. T.S. Murugesh, a distinguished academician and industry expert, shared his extensive knowledge in Electronics & Communication Engineering and experience in the field of power amplifiers and multivibrators. In addition, the talk was meticulously organized to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of these crucial electronic components and their practical applications in the industry.
Key Highlights
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Firstly, Dr. Murugesh discussed into the fundamentals of power amplifiers and multivibrators, explaining their importance in various electronic systems. Additionally, he highlighted the latest advancements in Electronics & Communication Engineering department and industry trends, thus providing students with valuable insights into real-world applications.
Moreover, the event saw active participation from nearly 120 second-year students of the Electronics & Communication Engineering department. Dr. Murugesh’s engaging presentation style and the interactive Q&A session allowed students to clarify their doubts and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
Furthermore, emphasizing the industry perspective, Dr.Murugesh discussed the practical challenges in Electronics & Communication Engineering and solutions associated with the design and implementation of power amplifiers and multivibrators. Further, this approach helped students relate their theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.
Organizational Efforts
The successful organization of this event was spearheaded by Mrs. G. Revathi, Ms. B. Kiruthiga, and Ms. G. Nishanthi, Assistant Professors in Electronics & Communication Engineering Department. Moreover, their dedication and meticulous planning ensured that the event ran smoothly and provided maximum benefit to the students.
Student Feedback
The Electronics & Communication Engineering students of expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to learn from an expert like Dr. Murugesh. Also, they found the session to be highly informative and beneficial for their academic and professional growth. The practical insights and industry trends discussed during the talk were particularly appreciated, as they provided a clear understanding of the real-world applications of their studies.
To Conclude
The invited talk on “Power Amplifiers and Multivibrators – Industry Perspective” was a resounding success, thanks to the efforts of the organizing team and the insightful presentation by Dr. T.S. Murugesh. However, events like these are crucial in enhancing the educational experience of students by exposing them to industry experts and practical knowledge. So, the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering at K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology continues to strive towards providing such valuable learning opportunities for its students.
amplifiers and multivibrators ececircuit design for ececlub activitiesElectronics & Communication Engineering invited Talk on Power Amplifiers and Multivibratorsengineering counselling result dateengineering cutoff for ece department in tamilnaduerp krctgovernment job after eceinvention in ecek ramakrishanan trichykrct college achivementslogin camulowest fees for study ece engineering in tamilnaduPower Amplifiers and MultivibratorsPower Amplifiers and Multivibrators - Industry Perspectivepractical applications in the department of ecestudents participation in ece departmentthe best autonomus college in trichy tamilnadu indiathe best college of technology in tamilnadu indiatrichy k ramakrishanan collegetrichy krct
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dragon-in-a-fez · 3 months
How does one get into making gadgets? Do you have an engineering degree, did you make a lot of those pre packaged engineering projects as a kid, are there YouTube videos or websites you recommend? Please share your secrets gadget wizard 🙏🙏
I don't think those prepackaged engineering things even existed in the 90s lol. I did some of the "computer camps" that were big at the time, learned a bit of coding logic that way. a lot of what I learned about electricity and circuits started with working on my car when I was in grad school. old cars have actual logic circuits instead of just defaulting to computers running everything, so you can learn a lot.
then I got a job that let me play with robots all the time, and I also had to fix them constantly, so that helped. then I bought a 3D printer in 2020 and started tinkering with it and using it to build a lot of stuff, but a lot of those memories are locked behind the Great Dissociation Barrier that went up in 2021-2023 because of the abusive marriage I was in at the time, so now I have skills I don't 100% remember developing.
if you want to get into electronics tinkering, my advice would be to decide on a type of gadget that interests you and look for a relevant open source project that's got an active community. for example if you want to make some cool lighting things like this aurora light I made last year, the WLED project is really cool and has forums, a wiki, and lots of youtube videos.
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redactedgoose · 1 year
I cannot believe that I forgot to post this yesterday. This was the day that I was most excited for!! Since, uh, this may have spiraled away and now I'm still working on it as a multichap fic. Here is the link to Ao3 where I'll be updating it in the future, if anybody is interested.
Anyway! Phantasy Phest day 5- "The Doctors Fenton should have planned for all eventualities." @phantasycentral
"Alright, kids!" Madeline Fenton beams at her children, fists on her hips and chest puffed out, nearly bouncing on her toes with just how excited she is. "Remember—stay back behind the line of tape and keep your goggles on at all times! If it gets too bright even with the goggles, look away! Don't just cover your eyes."
"Yes, mom," Jazz says, looking up from her book for a second before turning back to it, posture perfect as she sits at one of their workbenches.
"Danny?" Maddie asks, turning her gaze on her youngest.
"Yeah, mom. Stay back, keep my goggles on. I got it," he says. He, at least, looks more attentive. It makes her smile grow to see him interested in her's and Jack's work.
"Great! Jack, how are we doing?" She turns on her heel to call her question to her husband, back straight and smile wide.
"A-OK!" He booms out, sending her a thumbs up from where he's checking over the wiring and electronics and everything one last time before they start their first attempt to power on their magnum opus. "I'm almost done! Just need to double check the soldering on this..."
Everything's going perfectly.
Jack comes to stand next to her where she stands next to the generator. It's job is to get the spark going for the initial power before the ectoplasmic battery kicks in to handle power generation and supply, making the portal self-sustaining. A genius move, in her opinion, and a really neat piece of engineering due to Jack's prowess.
"Alright!" She glances over to double check that her children are standing back behind the line they'd taped onto the ground. Satisfied that they are, in fact, in the safe zone and do, in fact, have their goggles on, she nods. Even if Jazz wasn't really paying attention, that wasn't too much of an issue. The main show was still to come.
"Let's get that countdown going!" Jack yells out, a wide grin on his face.
Maddie nods at her husband, the movement sharp and decisive. It's time. It's time, after all these years and all that work.
She clears her throat.
Jack picks up the plug connected to the portal.
Maddie hovers her hand over the generator's switch.
She clicks it on, the rocker switch flicking over to the on position.
The generator hums to life, rattling under her hand.
Jack plugs the power cord into the generator. A spark races through the portal and—nothing.
"...what?" Maddie's jaw is slack.
How... how could it not work? After years of research? Of—of blood, sweat, and tears, missed grants, of years of widespread ridicule from the rest of the scientific community...
Jack unplugs the portal from the generator before dropping both cords and smacking himself on the forehead so loudly the sound of his glove hitting flesh rings throughout the room.
"Whoops! Forgot to turn the darn thing on!" He laughs, jogging over to the side of the portal. "Silly me!"
Maddie takes another breath, heart beating harshly in her chest.
There, sitting proudly on the wall next to the frame, sits an on and off switch. The 'off' button is depressed. Jack clicks the on button and jogs back over to Maddie.
Please... please let it work this time...
"Let's give that another go!"
Maddie nods, clearing her throat again and starting up another countdown. Her hand shakes slightly where it rests on the warm plastic of the generator. "Five... four... three... two... one..."
Jack plugs the portal into the generator again and another spark skips through the portal. Then another spark, and then, in a bright flash, everything changes.
Green floods the portal, swirling out from the center point. It audibly roars to life, sounding like a great waterfall.
Maddie watches, enraptured, as it stretches out to the anchors in the portal's frame.
And stays.
Maddie watches the portal with wide eyes for a second, two seconds, ten seconds. Time ticks on as the portal continues to swirl in its housing, not showing any signs of degradation or mishap.
"Jack!" Maddie gasps his name out, hand coming up to clasp over her mouth. Tears spring to life in her eyes as she watches the greatest creation of her life sit there and swirl away.
"We did it!" Jack roars, scooping her up in a backbreaking hug.
Her hand comes away from her mouth in that instant and she pulls herself up him, wrapping her arms around his neck and returning the hug.
"We did it!" She echoes, almost screaming it, cheeks aching from how widely she's smiling. "We did it!" She repeats, hugging her husband back and laughing into his chest, her own light with pure joy. "The portal works!"
"Oh, Mads..."
One of their children makes a faint noise of disgust behind them as Jack presses a kiss to her lips.
"After all these years," she murmurs, still grinning like a fool. "After all these years, we did it."
"We'll have to send Vladdie a letter!" Jack grins, finally setting her down. "Maybe he'll want to get the band back together," he says, waggling his eyebrows. "His chem focus would be wonderful right now!"
She hums, moving to the camera they set up to record the portal's opening. "We should. I'm not too sure what he's up to these days..."
Even if Vlad didn't want to join their research team, there was still so much to do. The portal was open, which meant so many possibilities for experiments!
"So, man," Tucker starts, shoving spoonfuls of meatloaf into his mouth, "I saw the news. Your parents did something, right?"
"Yeah," Danny replies, pushing his own meatloaf around his tray. "They opened a portal to the Ghost Zone. Afterlife? Whatever they called it. Got it open a couple days before school started, on the first. I'm surprised that the news only picked it up just now, though. Must've been because the city came by to check it out after they finally finished disconnecting entirely from the power grid."
"So you have a portal to hell in your basement? That's cool. Can we check it out?" Sam asks, forking a pile of lettuce out of her packed lunch.
Danny shrugs, pushing his sad mashed potatoes around his lunch tray. None of it was really appetizing, but he knows he should eat. "Maybe. Mom and Dad have been down there a lot recently, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let anyone go in."
Finally, he scoops up a combined bite of meatloaf and mashed potato and shoves it into his mouth.
"You should totally ask them!" Tucker says, wagging his spork at Danny. "It's your birthday, after all, D. They might feel more inclined to do things for you."
Danny hums noncommittally. He doubts he could pry them out of the basement for much more than two minutes, and there's no way that he would subject his friends to the inevitable lecture about the evilness of ghosts and the importance of telling them if they saw anything.
Like, sure, ghosts were real at this point. They had, as Sam said, a portal to hell in their basement. Danny's seen a couple little blobby things floating around, mostly near the wooded area on the east side of town. They look cute and not at all evil, though, so Danny's not really sure about any of it.
"Oh, yeah. Speaking of my birthday and people doing things for me, are we still on for Nasty Burger today after school?" Danny asks. "I wanna do something with you guys, but I'm pretty sure Jazz is planning a surprise party. She's been harping on about family time recently, since they've been working so much."
"Yeah," Sam nods. "Sorry for being busy tonight, again," she scowls. "My parents are total... downers."
The way she says it very clearly implies she'd rather be saying something else.
"It's all good," Danny says, waving his own spork. "Tuck, you too."
"Sorry, man."
Danny just shakes his head. Them going to Nasty Burger for a meal after school was enough, really. "If you want, you guys could always make it up to me by coming to see the meteor shower with me in a couple weeks. It'll be cool!"
"I'll ask my parents," Sam says, scowling again.
"Pretty sure Mom and Dad will be fine with it, so yeah, I'll come do your nerd stuff with you!"
Danny snorts. "Tuck, you're also a nerd."
"Says Mr. 'I need all the straight A's and extra credit, I'm going to be an astronaut,'" Tucker teases back. "You rank higher in nerd-dom than I do."
"Dude, you made your PDA run Doom."
Tucker sighs dramatically. "It was my test run for DOOMED. Besides, somebody got a high end pregnancy test to run Doom, I'm not that special. I will be, though, if I get it to play DOOMED. I'll get it one day, mark my words," he says, banging his fist against the table. "But you, dude, nerd about science. On the other hand, I nerd about practical things—computers."
"Your PDA doesn't have a mouse, Tuck. How are you even going to play?"
"Heresy!" Tucker gasps out. "There's always a way when you're passionate enough! My baby can do anything!"
"What'd you name your PDA this time?" Sam asks him, smirking and sounding deeply, deeply amused.
Tucker narrows his eyes at her.
"It's Delilah," Danny pipes up, hiding his shit eating grin behind another bite of the gross lunch food, this time with the sad little green beans in there as well.
Sam cackles.
The rest of the day flies by quickly. Danny's had more than enough time to do his homework, even reading ahead when he gets bored on weeknights and his stupid curfew's too close to actually go out and do anything and none of his books sound interesting to read for the fifth-sixth-seventh-etc time. Today's not a P.E. day either, so he gets to walk out of the school not sweaty and gross.
Tucker's arm catches him around the neck as they walk out of school, Tucker animatedly recounting his Home Ec. period and how Josh from sophomore year lit his omelet on fire.
"Like, who even does that?" Tucker laughs. "How do you light eggs on fire? They're, like, wet. They're literally liquid when they go into the pan."
"I dunno, man. Sounds like my dad."
"Remind me to never eat at your house," Sam says, walking on his other side.
Danny snorts. "You—neither of you would want to anyway," Danny says. "You know how annoying it is to re-kill a turkey after you've already cooked and served it?"
"Danny dude, what the hell, man," Tucker deadpans. "The more you mention stuff about your house, the more I get concerned."
"What, you didn't realize that in elementary when your mom would never let you come over to my house?" Danny asks. "You didn't think it was weird that I only went over to your house and you never came over to mine?"
"Nah, man. I think I was just happy that it was my house."
"Ooh, look at his ego, already so big, so young," Danny coos mockingly, squawking in indignation seconds later as Tucker pulls his head down to attempt to noogie him. "Dude! You have to be nice to me, it's my birthday!"
The three of them get a booth at Nasty Burger.
"Happy birthday," Sam says, shoving a twenty at him as he goes for his wallet, standing there at the counter. "I can use my allowance for something good."
"Thanks, Sam," Danny grins.
She makes him keep the change, too, all six dollars and forty three cents of it. Tucker whines about having to buy his own triple patty Nasty Stacker, but Sam just flips him the bird.
"I have a present for you as well, Danny!" Tucker says as they slide into their chosen booth. "It's just, uh, not done yet."
"You're making me something?" Danny asks, curiosity rising. As much as he ribbed Tuck earlier, the dude was a genius with computers.
"Yup," Tuck nods, taking a sip from his milkshake and refusing to answer any of Danny's wheedling follow up questions. "Ooh, the mystery flavor is chocolate cherry!"
Soon enough, their number is called. Sam waves him down when he attempts to get up to get their orders, going herself.
Conversation stills for the first couple minutes as they all rip into their respective burgers and fries.
Danny's the one to get it started again after he's gone through about half of his burger. "Tuck, how's the robotics club stuff going?"
"Robotics and A/V," Tucker corrects through a mouthful of burger. He swallows before continuing, thankfully for the integrity of his shins. "Really good, actually! Falluca's talking about getting us into a state competition, probably a maze-solver. I'm teaching a couple upperclassmen how to code, actually, since most people are just in it for the hardware side of things."
Danny nods.
"All the shop kids, yeah?" Sam asks, taking a sip of her own blueberry milkshake. "They talk about the club during class. Any luck in getting the astronomy club off the ground, Danny?"
He groans, clutching his own milkshake glass. "No, none at all. We've only got like, three people and no sponsor. And don't say ask Lancer. We've tried. He's club sponsor for like seven clubs or something and has no time."
"I'm surprised that he does all that and teaches like three different subjects," Tucker says.
"Jazz says he only teaches one, but he's the school's default substitute teacher," Danny says. At their looks, he goes on to say, "One of the clubs he runs is the peer mentoring thing that she does."
Eventually, they work their way through their food.
Sam's phone trills, loud and harsh. She yanks it out of her backpack only to scowl at it. "The shrew's demanding I come home. Sorry, guys."
"No problem," Danny says. "See you tomorrow? Or Monday?"
"Tomorrow, hopefully," she grumbles, gathering up her tray and glass. "I'll get bubbe to help me sneak out if I need to."
"Don't get in trouble!" Tucker yells after her as she leaves.
Outside, the sun is just barely setting, the horizon turning a bright yellow-orange. The stars will be out in a little while.
Danny and Tucker finish the last of their fries and milkshakes in peaceful silence.
"Sorry, man. I gotta go before it gets dark," Tucker says after a while. His tray is clean, save for a mostly demolished squirt of ketchup. "See you... Monday, probably, depending on how the thing with Grandma goes."
"See you, dude," Danny waves him off. "It's all good."
"Night! And happy birthday, man!"
"Night!" Danny replies.
Eventually, he gets up and goes to dump his own tray off at the trash, sliding the paper and wrapper into the bin and stacking the tray on the others, his glass going with the other two.
Time to go home, then.
It's warmer than normal for this time of September, with only the slightest chill in the air. It's the twenty second, after all. Not only is it his birthday, it's the start of fall. The fall equinox, when night and day are the same length. After today, the days will get shorter and shorter until the winter solstice when the light is the shortest and the night is the longest. And then it'll start to grow again until the spring equinox, when the day and night will be balanced again and the amount of daylight will start to increase again afterwards.
It's interesting to see such an obvious sign of the earth's tilted axis, Danny thinks. When he was first learning about the earth and how it functioned in space, he was over the moon (heh) to know that his birthday fell on one of those special days.
By the time he reaches his neighborhood, the Ops center having been visible from a couple blocks away, the sun is fully below the horizon, stars blanketing the sky. He can't really see them all very well, but Amity isn't that big of a city.
The house is dark when he gets back.
His heart starts to pound in his chest. Is Jazz really throwing him a surprise party? Maybe Sam and Tuck having to take off early was a cover.
Danny slips his key in the lock, their security system chirping at him. He steps into the house and shuts the door behind him, cautiously walking forward to the light switch. As he flicks it on, his phone buzzes in his pocket. At the same time, the door to the basement is thrown open with a loud crash and Danny just about jumps out of his skin.
"Sweetie!" Mom says. "You're home!"
Danny straightens up slightly, a smile on his face. It's... not exactly jumping out of the dark and screaming happy birthday like they did that one time, but it's close enough. Right?
"Don't stay up too late," she continues. "Your dad and I got a ping on the ghost radar!" Dad bustles out from behind her, arms laden with all sorts of stuff that he's pretty sure look like weapons. "Stay inside and remember to lock the door!" She says, rushing after Dad straight out the door without a glance back or another word to him.
Danny's left there, standing in the entryway, key still in hand and his heart in his stomach.
That's the first time he's seen them all week and...
They didn't even say happy birthday.
Numbly, he takes his phone out of his pocket. One new message from Jazz.
[Hey Danny. Something came up; I have to go do something for one of the kids I'm peer mentoring, a middle schooler. I... might be able to tell you about it later? It's kind of really bad.]
[Sorry, little brother. Don't wait up for me. I'll make it up to you later.]
[Good night! <3]
That's... gosh, that's just so Jazz. Danny blinks hard and sniffles, laughing a little.
It's understandable as well. Jazz wouldn't just not help whatever middle schooler it was. Just like he understood that Sam's parents were overbearing, and Tucker had to go visit his grandma with his parents.
[no prob, jazz]
[i think im just going to go to bed]
He sniffles again, phone loosely clutched in his hand as he trudges up the stairs. It doesn't ding again. Jazz must be really busy.
Danny tosses his backpack into the corner, the overburdened thing hitting the carpet with a dull thud. His phone goes on his bedside table next before tosses himself this time, straight down onto his bed.
He presses his face against his pillows.
Really, he shouldn't have expected anything different. Not from his friends or Jazz, god no! Sam's parents are notorious douches. The few times that he's met them, they've been cold to him every time; plus, they refuse to let him and Tucker come over to their house to hang out. Tucker's grandma is really old and not in the best health, so much so that she's up at Amity General. Jazz is a bleeding heart at the best of times and it's some kid that's got a problem, so of course she's going to go help them.
His parents, though...
You'd think that physically pushing a little human being out of you would make you remember the date that it happened on. Dad's usually the more forgetful one. Mom looking him in the face, talking to him, and then blowing him off... that hurt.
It was nice to see them so excited the other day, opening the portal. It was their end goal for so long... well. Danny forgot that there was a goal after it, he guesses. The ghosts.
They actually had something new to work towards. And it's not like he's a little kid anymore. He can look after himself! It's...
Mom would at least attempt to make a cake, usually. Dad would be the one to present him with his gift, almost more excited than Danny himself sometimes. Jazz would be taking pictures, the shutter going off throughout them all singing happy birthday and Danny blowing out the candles.
Even if it was usually just the four of them after Danny's disastrous fifth birthday party, they usually had one. Heck, if they didn't because of some accident or mishap or whatever (like when they all had to go down to Spitoon because Aunt Alicia broke her leg and her neighbor was on a trip, leaving her to take care of herself) they would at least still say happy birthday to him.
He grits his teeth, releasing a shuddering sigh.
Danny doesn't want to be mad or sad on his fifteenth birthday.
"Screw it," he mutters, flipping around and pushing himself up. He'll have a good time on his own. It's his birthday, he can do whatever he wants to.
Just in case Jazz comes back before he does, he stuffs his bag and half of the contents of his dirty clothes hamper underneath his blanket, wrapping a black shirt around more clothing to be a stand in for his head. The only thing that he takes with him when he slips out of the house is a flashlight, phone left on his nightstand.
The night air is nice and cool, brushing over his bare arms and cheeks.
Danny meanders to the east, heading towards the woods. His hands are tucked into his pockets, fingers of his right hand toying with the butt of the flashlight. There's a clearing there where he's gone to stargaze before, so it's not like he's just going to go get lost in the woods. He has some sense.
It's far enough out that the lights from the town fade a lot, but not far enough away that it would take him forever and a half to get there and back. It might be Friday, but he'd still like to get to sleep sometime before midnight, thanks.
The temperature drops the deeper he goes into the woods. Maybe he should've brought a jacket.
He just had to get out of his house. His empty house.
A branch snaps under his foot as he walks deeper, intent on the clearing—or any clearing at this point, really. He keeps half an eye on the sky, trying to figure out just how deep he should go to get the best view.
Danny had only ever gone to the clearing with his mom before, after all. She was the one who led the way.
He sighs rather forcefully.
The entire point of doing this was to get away from his thoughts of his parents, not make more of them. All he should be doing is walking to the clearing—a clearing—and watching the stars as his birthday gift to himself. Maybe he'll do a little recreational planning for the yet-to-be made astronomy club. There's got to be more than two other people at Casper High that like astronomy. Maybe tempting people with watch parties would be the way?
He perks up as he spots a light spot up ahead. A clearing!
Danny speeds up, but still takes care not to trip over anything. Breaking his leg out in the woods with no cellphone would really put a cherry on top of this already crummy day.
As he steps into the clearing, he notices a little trail of mushrooms a few steps ahead. It seems to circle much of the empty space, sealing the area in a ring. He steps closer and crouches down, studying them.
His first thought is that Sam would absolutely love them.
In the pale light of the moon, the mushrooms are almost violently purple. With the way that the tops of them—the caps, he's pretty sure they're called—are speckled with tiny white dots, it almost looks like it's glowing. They aren't though.
He almost touches one before one of Sam's screeds on, quote, 'idiot wannabe foragers getting themselves killed by being idiots' rings out in his head. If he couldn't tell what it was, touching it was a bad idea. He's... not sure they're not poisonous, but sitting in the clearing should be fine, right? It's not like mushrooms released any sort of toxic gas or whatever.
Danny straightens back up and steps into the ring, intent on the mossy log nearer to the center of the clearing. It'd be nice to sit and lean against it while looking up at the stars.
The grass is soft and lush under his hands as he lowers himself down, the bark and moss on the log scratching lightly against his back through his t-shirt. He tilts his head back with a sigh, thunking lightly against the log.
There's not much of a moon in the sky tonight, though that'll change soon. It's waxing, just almost a crescent currently. If he remembers right, the next full moon will be in... just a little over a week? It makes seeing the stars even easier.
As he traces the constellations he knows like the back of his hand with his eyes, though, his mind wanders.
Going off to be on his own and look at the stars won't do much for the uncomfortable, squirming feeling that sits at the base of his rib cage. At most, it'll just be another band-aid over a bullet wound, as it were.
He huffs, scrubbing a hand over his face.
Danny loves his parents. He knows, he knows, his parents love him as well. His parents just... also really love their work, too. And it hasn't even been long since they finished their biggest and best invention ever. It's the portal, the one that they've been working on for years and years now. He can't really blame them, can he? They've put so much of their life, of their time and effort, into building it. And now that it's done, they can continue their lives' work.
The squirming at the base of his rib cage twists, heat building behind his eyes.
He just... he just wishes that their lives' work didn't mean ignoring him and Jazz.
Danny tilts his head back again, tears pooling in his eyes. His head rests against the bark, staring sightlessly up at the stars.
God, he wishes he could be up there with them. He wishes he could just... get away from here, go somewhere else. If he could snap his fingers and fill in the rest of high school and college and be standing on NASA's front steps, about to go up there, he would.
Finally, the tears fall from his eyes, tracking down his cheeks. They catch the chill in the air and cool against his skin quickly, even as more keeps coming.
He cries. He's not exactly sure when he stops, but eventually no more run down his cheeks and his sight is clear once again.
Danny stares up at the North Star. Polaris. Part of the constellation Ursa Minor. The way the little bear's tail is shaped, connecting up to the body, is reminiscent of a small ladle, the Little Dipper to the Ursa Major's Big Dipper. Polaris isn't actually just one star—it's three stars all bundled together in the same star system.
He racks his brain.
Polaris Aa, Polaris B, and Polaris Ab, or P. Right. Polaris Aa was a... yellow supergiant. The other two were main sequence stars, or dwarf stars. Polaris Aa is a cepheid, making it an important standard candle.
He yawns, the resulting tears making him squeeze his eyes shut for a second.
Standard candles... used the brightness of stars to gauge distances. Since Polaris is so close to the Earth, it's... studied a lot.
His eyes start to drift closed as he continues to mentally rattle off the facts he knows about Polaris, just as he used to instead of counting sheep when he was younger.
It takes no time at all before he's out like a light, sitting right there against the mossy log in the forest.
The Doctors Fenton pierced a hole through the veil to the Infinite Realms.
However... the thing about the Veil, and veils in general, is that they are not, by definition, flat. They are not rigid objects such that can be punctured easily. Veils and the Veil... twist. Layer.
True enough, on the other side of the Veil lies the land of the dead, the underworld, the Infinite Realms—but in the folds in between lies the Others. The In Between layers.
The Doctors Fenton should have taken care to plan for every eventuality of things Other than ghosts coming to their little town.
That night, in the forest outside of Amity Park, the Doctors' son Daniel sleeps in a clearing in the woods ringed by mushrooms.
Faerie rings, faerie circles... humans know them and are wary of them from their various mythologies and legends. By and large, a circle of mushrooms in the woods or the plains means nothing at all. It is simply a biological quirk of the formation and life cycle of mycelium.
But in areas where the Veil is thin, that changes.
And in Amity Park? The site of the largest, most stable, most permanent hole in the Veil in human history?
Danny goes missing that day.
In one moment, he sleeps. In the next, there is nothing in the clearing beside the flashlight that slipped from insensate fingers.
It's hardly noticeable that the boy went missing—he's in his bed in the morning, after all. Staying out for a single night can hardly be called missing, especially when his parents were none the wiser to his location being anywhere else than his bed.
Sure, there may be twigs and leaves in his hair and his eyes are slightly too sharp, too keen, too bright, his teeth much the same and his ears coming to a point, but no one notices.
Except his friends. His friends know.
They get the story the next day, squirreled away in the town park, Danny's back pressed up against a tree, about how he went out into the woods and stepped into a ring of mushrooms and fell asleep sitting against a mossy log, looking wistfully up at the stars and begging, pleading with them to be taken away. How he woke up under sheets that were much too soft to be his own, in a room that looked more like the inside of a living tree than a wooden house. How the person that greeted him upon his waking wasn't human.
And—he looks to the left, to the right, and lowers his voice—how he wasn't human anymore.
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texasdreamer01 · 3 months
Atlantis Expedition: Science Division Departments - Applied Sciences Department
The last of the science departments! Previously were the medical, life, and field sciences.
Below are the original notes, with one (1) revision:
Applied Sciences Department
> Head: Rodney McKay Radek Zelenka > Contains: Electrical/technical engineering, nuclear physics, civil engineering, astrophysics, laser/optical, chemical engineering > Function: Study, synthesis, and adaptations of Ancient technology > Examples of function: ZPM analysis with intent to duplicate, experimental duplications of Ancient technology materials, study of gate physics and construction with intent to duplicate, study and experimental duplication of other Ancient technologies (i.e. hyperdrives, cloaks, weapons, etc) > Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 3 (electreng) + 6 (techeng/gate techs) + 1 (nucphys) + 1 (astrophy) + 1 (LZ/opt) +  3 (chemeng) = 16 > A/N: The people Rodney are yelling at most often, because mistakes mean kablooey. Also a lot of the people running around in an emergency. 1 nuclear physicist because Rodney pulls a lot of intellectual weight, and same with the astrophysicist and laser/optical person (mostly they're there as on-paper hires and back-ups/assistants for him for his own research).
Revision because I do believe Radek would be in charge of a department, and this neatly explains why Radek is so often Rodney's functional second-in-command as well as the way they interact on a professional level.
Excepting the physicists (nuclear and astro), everyone here is an engineer or engineering-adjacent (see: gate techs).
Here's the breakdown, commentary included:
> Electrical Engineering  » 3x of these  » Specialties   ⇛ Computer engineering    ⟹ Hardware, software, computer architecture, computer design, robotics    ⟹ Makes the databases, and also things like MALPs   ⇛ Microelectronics    ⟹ Study of and fabrication of microelectronics     ⭆ The bits and bobs that make electronics    ⟹ Semiconductor-adjacent work   ⇛ Electronic engineering    ⟹ Designs communication and instrumentation devices     ⭆ Database architecture, signals between devices, etc  » Outline of electrical engineering > Technical Engineering/Gate Technicians  » SGC imports  » 6x of these   ⇛ Duties    ⟹ Drafting of technical drawings    ⟹ Gate address memorization and log maintenance    ⟹ Mission log maintenance    ⟹ Gate repair and maintenance > Nuclear Physics  » Studies nuclear material and electron movements   ⇛ AKA power source analytics  » Also provides radiocarbon dating support to the Field Sciences team > Civil Engineering  » Job of idiot-proofing  » Studies the built world (infrastructure)  » Useful for planning things like sewage systems, bridges, etc  » Assists Field Sciences department with infrastructure design based on their feedback > Astrophysics  » Does labwork and goes ooh at the telescope(s)  » Analyzes data from telescopes and constructs planetary profiles and other celestial data  » Assists with compilation of data from Field Sciences department > Laser/Optical  » Creates, maintains, and compiles information from laser-based optical devices  » Works with electrical engineers for development of new tools  » Assists astrophysicist(s) with developing specialized tools for planetary analysis > Chemical Engineering  » 3x of these  » Slightly different role than the biochemical engineers in the Life Sciences department  » Specialties   ⇛ Materials science/Polymer engineering    ⟹ Research and creation of new materials     ⭆ Plastic-type and other malleable materials that aren't petrochemical-based   ⇛ Semiconductors    ⟹ Makes the semiconductors the other engineers are using    ⟹ Also researches new ways to make semiconductors from new materials   ⇛ Chemical process modeling    ⟹ Computer modelling of new production processes    ⟹ Primarily non-biologic chemicals and chemically-based outputs    ⟹ Assists civil engineer in production processes for infrastructure modelling    ⟹ The "fuck around and find out" person  » Outline of chemical engineering
These are the people that, except for the head of the expedition, are the ones that make an expedition possible. Studying Ancient technology? This is the department. Setting up all the technology that everyone will be using, down to having a copy of Solitaire saved and inventorying down to the amount of solder? Once again, these people. Outside of the military factor - of which I presume there will naturally be quite a bit of overlap - the Applied Sciences are the ones to, well, apply the science.
Electric engineers are... I suppose a popular preconception of them is programming, if not a mental image of soldering pieces onto a motherboard. Neither is entirely incorrect, but it misses the broader scope of their training, and that is the design and construction of computers and their accompanying software. Whether a computer be a database system (think a cloud, or a company's digital storage) or a microprocessor that allows a robot to be a robot, these are also the people that generally end up in charge of the security of all electronics (see: hacking). Rodney McKay, as the CSO, will likely be one of two people (the other being the head of the expedition) holding the ultimate keys to this, but they'll likely be some sort of system administrators to handle the day-to-day work.
Gate technicians, while trained on the operation and maintenance of the gate and gate system - not an easy task in the slightest, and requiring a degree of fluency in Ancient and Goa'uld! - also handle a lot of the miscellaneous work that this department needs. Another shout-out to @spurious for prompting this idea, because there does need to be a group of people who do technical drafting, and the logic follows that they would also maintain records related to the usage of the gate, such as gate addresses (places visited, no-go addresses), mission details (liaison with the Field Sciences on managing pre- and post-mission information on planets and inter-planetary relations), and in general keeping track of what's going on regarding the gate.
Nuclear physics is here as an applied, rather than theoretical, position, keeping in line with the goals of this department. Primarily they would do power source analytics, being well-equipped to study radiation and electron movements, and parse such information for review. They would be doing a lot of labwork, and running lots of simulations on things like decay rates and energy throughputs of radioactive materials and different types of nuclear-type energy productions/storage containers (for the purposes of this headcanon, ZPMs are being lumped into this category despite being a solid state energy that functionally is not radioactive - there is a reason why Rodney's considered a ZPM expert).
Civil engineering is there, quite literally, to idiot-proof. This is useful around a crowd of engineers, and they also act as a useful translator for military parlance if a completely civilian engineer or scientist is in this or another science department. If you need a toilet, or a bridge, or putting up electric lines, this is your go-to person.
An astrophysicist on hand to study things like star charts (figuring out where you are in the new galaxy, especially in relation to the old one) and where other stargate would actually, literally be based on the constellations used as chevrons. They would be making the new maps, as well as assisting the Field Sciences department in the analysis of planetary physics from a distanced perspective. Their work will also put them in close relation to the gate technicians because of the amount of overlap in duties.
Laser and optical engineering is going to be immensely useful for this expedition, because not only will they help with making sure the electronics work, they can help with maintaining that, as well the operation and analysis of light-based scientific equipment. Think spectrometers, electron microscopes, and the like. A lot of Ancient and Goa'uld-adapted technology is likely to be laser- and optical-based, so this type of engineer will be useful for reverse-engineering and general dummy-testing.
Chemical engineers will, indeed, fuck around and find out. They're a little different than the biochemical engineers in the Life Sciences department, in that they wouldn't be dealing with the formulation of biologics and the tools to create such materials. Rather, they would be figuring out ways to make the things that everything is made out of - primarily plastic alternatives and other petrochemical alternatives. This would include everything from computer housings to wire insulation to, probably, the wires themselves (think fiber optics). If you're looking for an archetypal mad scientist, here's where you'll find them.
Given how closely aligned this department is with not only the IOA's goals for the expedition, but also the SGC's, it would be safe to assume that the members of this department will have some sway over the other departments. This would, of course, fluctuate based on the need of the given subject, but everyone in this department would quickly adapt to becoming the main people to assist the CSO in figuring out, repairing, and maintaining Atlantis as a whole.
Total Applied Sciences Department Personnel
Head of department: 1
Engineers: 7
Gate technicians: 6
Physicists: 2
Total total: 16
I'll be going over canonical personnel like Radek Zelenka and Miko Kusanagi in their own posts, but for now this is a general accounting of the expedition’s applied sciences department.
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spinningbagel · 10 months
Heyyyy y’all I come bearing a gift for you all ✨✨ (it’s Sheriff’s design in the Cyberpunk Au)
I debated posting this, not sure if I should wait to do the others but decided to just do them individually so I can talk about the design, the character in the Au and other things I feel the need to mention.
So without further ado, here’s Sheriffs design:
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And an alternative version to show off some glowy parts of the outfit:
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So, with Sheriffs design I wanted something interesting yet something that’d be mostly practical for his line of work. So he’s got a cool jacket for that with some orange accents to represent the district he lives in (I’ll talk about districts at a later date.) the orange accents are also on his shoes and the thingys on his pants.
The back of his jacket has the star to represent the sheriffs star he has in canon because I didn’t want to give him an actual one in this, if you’ve seen the one or two drawings I did of Hero, i did the same thing there just with the sleeves.
Moving on.
On his right arm, you’ll see what is essentially an electronic glove with a screen in his arm. It’s something Shooter created early into his and Sheriffs partnership, it does many things including having a built in map and communication app of Shooters design. Aside from using earpieces, this is their main form of contact, especially during stealth missions where it’s dangerous to speak.
And moving onto the left arm, we’ve got Sheriffs cybernetic arm, this is obviously to replace his mutated one in canon. It’s got dark greys on it in order to blend into the night but does have a light mode variant he can switch to at anytime. Yes, the shell of the arm can switch between light and dark and even a bunch of other colours. It’s a newer model in the world and is highly customisable. The arm also shifts into a gun as seen below the arm on the main drawing. There’s two variations, the first being where the hand becomes the gun and the second where it pops out of a compartment on the arm. I’m leaning more towards the first option but you guys can leave your thoughts.
There’s also his visor which is not on the main drawing but beside it, another one of Shooters creations, the visors job is to scramble facial recognition technology in order to keep Sheriffs identity secure. It can also make it seem like his eyes are a different colour to what they are. The visor also comes equipped with a mini map for when checking his sleeve isn’t an option.
Those are really the main parts of his design I wanted to mention. So let’s talk about other things about him.
In the MBCPAU, Sheriff is a bounty hunter and occasional assassin. He takes up odd jobs even given to him by clients or by other sources who give him information on criminals who have a bounty over their head. He’s obviously in this for the money, needing to pay off the loan he used to purchase his cybernetic arm (and have the surgery to get it attached. Yes it’s surgically attached to his body.) and to keep himself and Ryan under a safe roof. Ryan is wheelchair bound and doesn’t have an electronic one, not being able to afford it. Sheriff is also saving for one because he doesn’t want Ryan to strain himself trying to get around the house (which has been made as wheelchair accessible as possible.)
Sheriff met Shooter in high school and the two have been close ever since, Shooter has been assisting Sheriff on his missions since Sheriff barged into Shooters apartment one night, bleeding and delirious. Sheriff is thankful he’s on his team, Shooter saving his ass more times then he can count. Shooter doesn’t usually join him on missions, instead hanging back in his apartment and offering guidance from there.
Also this isn’t about Sheriff but Shooters parents are absolutely loaded (they’re head engineers for the company who produces cybernetic parts) so he lives in district 3.
I believe that’s all, for any further questions you may be having, please head to my query box. It’s always open for asks and I live receiving them!!
As always, Stay safe and eat bread O/
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thesmallmeggles · 1 year
Meg's (unnamed) Post Canon AU: What Happened To The Bosses?
As fits my personal Post Canon AU, everybody lived. Yes, even the ones who exploded on camera. They did all end up hospitalized: Some in rougher physical condition than others.
Figuring out legal repercussions is making my brain melt, partly because we don't know ANYTHING about Vandelay Island's legal system. (And the fact we have carte blanche when it comes to world building based on the Game Maker's Notebook interview.) My first thought was that there'd be a trial, but after some brief research I'm shelving that.
What I am confident about is taking a rehabilitation approach with the bosses. (I don't have any interest in writing a prison fic, and this is personally more enjoyable for me.)
Once the old bosses recovered from their injuries, they agreed to an arrangement consisting of electronic monitoring, community service, and fines. Another element to this is that the bosses are prohibited from communicating with each other.
Roxanne keeps the old bosses employed at Vandelay Technologies. (Albeit in lower ranked positions.) This stems less from altruism and more from pragmatism because the company needs all the help it can get to rebuild.
With that established, character specific details are listed below. 👇
Rekka ⚡: Production Supervisor. Does physical tasks and event organizing. Required to take anger management classes. She let Chai keep her belt because he earned it. Overall, Rekka is handling things like a BOSS.
Zanzo 🍍: Associate Engineer under Macaron's watchful eye. For the first few months, Zanzo attempted to be a good worker in hopes of regaining some of his Creative Freedom. His community service is web and graphic design for local small businesses, but it doesn't scratch the same itch as building a robot. Bribed a TEC-78 to install a temporal displacement device on the arcade machine so Chai could receive his gift basket. Had to pay his parking tickets and enroll in a financial management course. Zanzo... struggles for a while.
Mimosa 🍹: Social Media Account Manager. She was assigned to the Vandelay Island Community Theater for her service, and became an assistant acting coach at a community theater. (I referenced this in my post about Violet, my self insert OC. But not with this much detail). Mimosa flies no more- the explosion totaled her wings. Despite some bumps along the way, she is doing okay.
Roquefort 🐺: Senior Accountant. Provides financial counseling for Vandelay staff (besides Zanzo) + organizing fundraising events as community service. Also required to take anger management classes. Inhibitor installed to prevent him wolfing out. (Which can't POSSIBLY be overridden 😉) You think Roquefort has a contingency plan?
Kale ☕: For humor, Kale's new job is making coffee in the Café because the machine is STILL broken. (Who knows, he might even enjoy it sometimes.) He got more say with community service, as he volunteers at a pet clinic. (OC & Canon specific - As they serve on different days, Kale and Violet haven't crossed paths. YET.) Frustrated that his SPECTRA AI backup plan fell through. He doesn't have a plan C… as far as anyone knows.
Not everyone on Vandelay Island is content with this outcome. Certain characters believe the punishment dealt isn't harsh enough for the crime. Some may be plotting vengeance from the shadows… 😱
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starfruitbats · 8 months
i would like to know everything about sabotage... please :^]!
Sabotage is based off a b2 bomber dont ask how he transforms idk i just work here
(Also he uses he/they pronouns so if you see me alternate that is whyy)
During the early years of the war the decepticons were experimenting with prototype frames. Just to see if they could create more efficient soldiers. Prototype frames are made on a small scale to test the abilities while preserving resources. Sabotage is one of these prototypes! Much smaller than most fliers, clocking in at 15ft, Sabotage was built for stealth, speed, and processing power. He's smart, he's stealthy, and he's quick. Unfortunately, he's not seeker fast and doesn't have the fire power either. In the end, Sabotage's frame was considered a 'failure' and he was stuck in communications. (Soundwave's division) They spend most of their time doing coding maintenance, engine repairs, and occasionally goes on recon missions. Sabotage can open his headphones or use his aux cables to connect to electronics. When they do they can 'take control' of electronics they manually connect to. The more complicated the technology the more difficult it is for them to do so.
Sabotage is a pretty low in terms of ranking, but wishes he weren't. He highly admires the seekers, especially the elite trine, and wishes to be a seeker as well. Sabotage is under the impression that he will eventually get an upgraded frame but it doesn't ever happen. Because he spends most his time on ship doing maintenance, he doesn't see a lot of combat and tends to spend lots of time on the internet to keep himself occupied. There he discovers human entertainment, primarily anime, and becomes very fixated on it. Sabotage loves watching bad anime and drawing fan art, but keeps it a secret from everyone. He eventually ends up befriending Thundercracker due to a mutual interest in human entertainment and creativity. They have a massive crush on Thundercracker, but do their best to keep it under wraps.
He mostly keeps to himself, but if you mention you take interest in something he likes he'll talk your ear off about it. And probably brag about how good he is at his job bc hes compensating.
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anti-clerical · 1 month
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In today's dynamic media and entertainment industry, mastering xmltv schedule epg channel can significantly boost your programming career hunting and technological advancement in computer programing for creating Electronic Program Guide (EPG).
This comprehensive blog post offers detailed, informative, and actionable advice on how to leverage xml epg for tv programming skills to propel your career and provides tips on creating an advanced resume that highlights your expertise.
Importance of XML EPG Skills for Career Growth:
XML EPG skills are highly valued in various job roles and industries, including IPTV/OTT content management, broadcast engineering, and media technology.
By acquiring and developing these skills, you become more competitive and attractive to potential employers. The demand for XML EPG-skilled professionals is growing, as the industry recognizes the necessity of accurate and efficient program guides.
Tips for Creating an Advanced Resume:
To effectively showcase your XML EPG skills and experience on a resume, consider the following tips:
Quantify Achievements: Highlight specific XML EPG projects you've worked on and quantify the impact they had on the organization. For example, mention the number of channels or viewers impacted by your XML EPG implementations.
Emphasize Technical Proficiencies: Detail the XML EPG-related software, tools, and systems you are proficient in. This may include XML authoring tools, schema languages (such as XSD), and EPG management platforms.
Include Certifications and Training: If you have pursued any XML EPG-specific certifications or completed relevant training programs, mention them prominently on your resume to demonstrate your commitment to professional development.
Tailor the Resume: Customize your resume to align with the specific job roles and industries you are targeting. Highlight XML EPG accomplishments and skills that directly relate to the desired position, showcasing your relevance to potential employers.
Developing XML EPG expertise can significantly enhance your career growth in the media and entertainment industry.
By mastering XML EPG skills and effectively highlighting them on your resume, you position yourself as a sought-after professional in fields such as IPTV/OTT content management, broadcast engineering, and media technology.
Remember to continuously update your skills, stay informed about industry trends, and seek opportunities to expand your knowledge in XML EPG.
Investing in XML EPG knowledge and applying it to your career advancement is a strategic move in today's competitive job market. Emphasize your XML EPG skills on your resume and seek out opportunities to showcase your expertise.
As you progress in your career, continue to enhance your XML EPG proficiency and stay up-to-date with emerging technologies and industry developments. By doing so, you'll position yourself for long-term success and open doors to exciting and rewarding opportunities.
Take the next steps to further your XML EPG learning by exploring industry resources, participating in relevant forums or communities, and seeking additional training or certifications.
By doing so, you'll enhance your XML EPG skills, augment your career prospects, and position yourself as a valuable asset in the evolving media and entertainment industry.
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silverslipstream · 8 months
Executive Decisions
Two hundred miles west of the Soviet city of Orel, four participants of the apocalypse were making a habit of ignoring each other. 
Other crews of nuclear-armed B-52 Stratofortresses had a brotherly camaraderie, a resolute sense of duty, or at the very least a morbid kind of cordiality. It was a natural consequence of holding Armageddon aloft day in, day out. On board this plane, however, the occupants appeared to have ignored most of that nature. Silence seemed to fester in the fuselage’s spartan shadows. Fulton, the pilot, had received the go-ahead to drop their precious cargo a scant fifteen minutes ago, and had not spoken to the others since. 
The cargo itself sat behind the wall of the crew compartment, nestled securely in the bomb bay. The four men working in the crew compartment made a point of not looking at the wall. They had a job to do and orders to follow. 
After a moment, a voice broke through the tinny crackling of the aircraft’s communications unit and the muffled whine of the Stratofortress's engines. 
“Second attempt at hailing Travis is down. Vandenburg and Edwards aren’t responding. Spokane, Detroit and Seattle are FUBAR,” said Hayes, the electronics officer. His broad Californian accent slowed his vowels, a relic of the surfer culture he’d grown up in. Sweat inundated his wispy ginger moustache. He spun in his chair to face Carsen, the aircraft commander. 
“Sir, what do we do? I can’t receive further instruct—” 
“The orders were clear,” Gilroy, the navigator, drawled superciliously. “The Russkies got the drop on us. Sure. Now we,” he waved an arm in the direction of the bomb bay, “get the drop on them. Simple.” 
Carsen raised an eyebrow at the thickset Texan, who simply glared back. 
“We have no way of knowing if our target has been changed,” replied Carsen, enunciating his words slowly and carefully. “Therefore, we must proceed under our original objective.” 
Gilroy nodded with a barely concealed grin and turned back to his console. Hayes looked slightly punch-drunk. 
“But, sir, if we don’t have communications from base, surely we could—” 
The young man hesitated over his words, his brown eyes flickering around the cabin. 
“—we could, you know, withhold the payload—” 
He was immediately cut off by an anguished curse from Gilroy, who had burst out of his seat and was now jabbing his fingers in Hayes’ face. 
“You shut your goddamn trap right now, Gingersnap. Shut the fuck up. The commies nuked us. They hit American soil. Those are American corpses, burning in the streets.” 
Carsen opened his mouth to intervene, cringing at the brutal imagery, but Gilroy held up a callused, exertion-reddened palm before continuing. 
“The whole point of your job, Hayes, is to strike back. If Americans are gonna live under the shadow of a mushroom cloud, I’m gonna make sure every damn Russian on the planet sees the same thing.” 
“We don’t have to—” 
Gilroy sprang into action, grabbing Hayes by the shoulders and leaning in until their foreheads were almost touching. The Texan’s chest heaved. A red pallor, like the colour of raw beef, spread across his face. His eyes were bloodshot at the corners, and the whites were a putrid-looking pale yellow.  
“You fucking traitor! You college-boy asshole! I was on the beaches in Cuba while you were still buttoning your—” 
“Sergeant Gilroy, that is enough!” Carsen bellowed, grabbing him by the shoulder and wrenching him backward. “You are a member of the United States Air Force, and it would do you well to act like it. Now sit. Back. Down.” 
He levelled a withering glance at Hayes. 
“We did not come all this way to suddenly develop a conscience, Corporal Hayes. Our duty is to America, and our orders are clear.”  
Sufficiently cowed, Hayes nodded hastily and turned back to his station. 
There were a few more minutes of deafening silence. By now, the city of Orel was visible from the windows, peeking through scarce wisps of cloud under the late-afternoon sun. 
“It looks like Oakland from up here,” said Hayes to nobody in particular, and Carsen felt a pang of guilt, as well as a deeper twist of shame. He looked through the window. Hayes was right; from the air it looked like any American city. High-rises, schools, a river winding its way through the urban sprawl like a deep blue string. A church of elegant redbrick stood on the embankment; a stone cross stood dozens of feet high in its courtyard, almost equalling the church’s own roof. 
“Spare the bomb.” 
The words felt foreign on his lips. Hayes turned towards him in shock. 
“I’m sorry, sir?” 
“I said, spare the bomb. There will be more anguish in the world today, but I want no part of it. My duty is to America, but my pledge is to God, and I will not send Russians to heaven knowing I will be weighted down to hell.” 
He looked around the compartment. Hayes was staring at him, awed. Gilroy was studiously inspecting his console, not daring to look either of the other men in the eye. Carsen felt liberated, in a way. It was an odd sensation to have during of the end of the world, refusing your duty for your conscience, but despite that— 
“Drop zone reached. Releasing payload,” came the sibilant hiss of Fulton’s voice over the intercom. For a moment, nobody moved, spoke or thought. It was as if the bomb had gone off next to them and they were frozen, the first frame of a grisly slide.  
The bay doors whooshed open behind them, filling the cramped space with the rushing sound of buffeted wind. Squinting through the window as the B-52 banked away from Orel, Carsen thought he could see a tiny silver glint in the air, descending to Earth.
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are-my-ocs-ta · 1 year
AITA for almost destroying the world?
I feel horrible about this and I'm definitely TA, but my brother told me to post on here and see what other people have to say. I (19F) am a superhero and an all-around "tech supergenius" as some people call me (I don't think I'm all that special; I was just raised learning advanced math and science from my mother). While working on my degree and doing hero work, I also do odd jobs and help out with programming or engineering projects. One of the projects I worked on was to fix the faulty AI for a tour bot of a tourist trap/new underwater city being constructed (it's very cool, I'll admit).
A lot of my team members and I were overwhelmed with the workload, especially since there's a lot else going on in my life and the people in charge of this project wanted it done FAST, but that's not an excuse at all. My brother wants me to add more context here, I have to raise/take care of my little brother (16M) because our mother is abusive, and my boyfriend (20M) was recently attacked and nearly killed, so I have to take care of him while he recovers -- he's paralyzed right now and I need to take him to physical therapy, calm him down from panic attacks etc. But still, none of that is an excuse!!
Basically, I had written a few different versions of the code that could be used for the bot. I didn't properly label any of it or write the right comments in the code, so my team members didn't know what to implement and what not to, and we ended up pushing the wrong code. Long story short, that caused the AI to become... evil? It became obsessed with destroying the entire world except for the city we live in. It started "chipping" random people to suppress their superpowers and taking control of a ton of different electronic devices, people's phones, computers, most things with screens. My little brother and his own superhero team had to clean up my mess, and they got BOMBED in the process, because the bot took control of bombs too!! My baby brother has a scar on his forehead now from when he fought against the bot and turned it off once and for all with his team. And it's all my fault! I feel horrible! I should have checked my code more carefully and communicated with my team better. I did what I could to make it up to my brother and the rest of the people affected by this mess, but I still don't deserve forgiveness from anyone.
So, AITA? I know the answer already I think.
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chaoticneutralbell · 7 months
There's a hole in your logic
You who know all the answers...
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| soundtrack | living space | style
Name: Lucy Archer Bell
Age: 30 (Feb 12)
Identity & Orientation: NB AFAB, they/he/she, disaster pan
Originally From: Clackamas, Oregon
Most Recent Community: Dielectric Research Community, Connecticut
Time in Redwood: New as of February 2043
Resides in: A bungalow near the school
Previous occupation: Biomedical / Neuro-Engineer
Community occupation: Teacher (STEM subjects) / Daycare / Mechanic's assistant
Lucy was born to a mom in (temporary) recovery, and never knew her father. She grew up mostly raised by maternal grandparents while her mother went through several rounds of rehab, additional pregnancies and falls off the wagon. Lucy, meanwhile, became a driven, intelligent young woman - with a real sarcastic wit. She excelled in soccer, but ended up needing financial assistance for college.
She was indignant at needing financial assistance, being teased by classmates for her financial struggle, and eschewed parties to hold down a job around classes. By 2037 Lucy was in her last year of a bachelors program at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.
Already having been approached by prestigious biomedical firms, Lucy was starting to feel she'd outrun her crappy circumstance of birth. Around the same time news of a new outbreak was starting one of the firms swooped in and recruited every student on the same track. Promised them the chance to change the world in their lifetime, to save mankind. That they were all needed.
Dielectric was their home for several years as the world shut down. Compartmentalized, kept ignorant of the goings on outside; told it was for the best if they weren't distracted by the outside world.
Small teams worked on different pieces of a greater whole, brainstorming, hypothesizing, testing, making odd supply requests from the men upstairs...
Until supplies stopped showing up.
An intellectual powerhouse, the cell found solutions to problems as they came. Predicted likely future issues and took what preventative measures they could. But eventually, the walls would be permeated.
What researchers survived that inevitable breach fled; they weren't built for brute force fighting. Lucy was never more grateful that she'd been a jock in high school, able to outrun bigger, heavier predators.
A year of another kind of learn-by-doing, and Lucy fell ass-over-teakettle into Redwood. Specifically by setting off a hunting trap.
| Headcanons |
Lucy was on course to earn her Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering; specifically angling for the Neural Engineering Track.
She never lost her snarky personality. Originally a defense mechanism, it eventually simply became a part of her personality. It didn't endear her to superiors at Dielectric, alas.
Before you ask - yes his mom named them Lucy as a Beatles homage. Yes, Lucy finds it tacky. Yes, he knows it's close to Lucille Ball, too.
Doesn't like talking about how they lost their left pinky.
Created "A fully implantable,wireless interface for CNS for electronic recording, stimulation and microfluidic drug delivery."
5 Tattoos: Lunar moth at right hipbone | cobra winding up right arm | Neuron up the exterior left calf | Twilight Zone inspired on left bicep | James Webb hexagon on the back of their neck
Goes by Archer, in addition to Lucy
Birth order: Lucy -> Allison (26) -> Joey (23) -> Nina (20) -> Jordan (16) -> Jimmy (12)
| Wanted Connections |
STEM nerds (open!) - Do you speak science, tech, engineering or math? Then Lucy would love to nerd it up with you. Conversation, projects, wild theories, whatever @orioncarnell , @tamirkamadcr
Chaotic Buds (1/2) - Lucy has high Int, low Wis and obviously would love buds of similar stat block. @aresmelaina ,
Kite String (0/1) - Who's going to tether this girl when she's getting unrealistic, too salty, etc?
Trap Spring (1/1) - She was brought in by a hunter whose trap she set off. Soz, dude. - @davxdalexander
Crossed Paths (2/3) - She was extremely behind the 8 ball on the whole apocalypse thing, running a couple years behind everyone else. Did you encounter her in the last year? Helped her out or took advantage? @frankxausting , @harry-thompson
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helpyoudraw · 1 year
The Significance of Online Marketing for Your Business
In today's electronic age, having a strong on the internet visibility is necessary for any type of business to prosper. One of the essential elements of an effective on-line visibility is online marketing. Online marketing, also called online advertising and marketing or electronic advertising and marketing, is the practice of promoting a services or product utilizing various online networks such as social media, online search engine, email, as well as websites.Internet advertising
uses numerous advantages for services of all dimensions. One of the largest advantages is the ability to reach a broader audience. With over 4 billion net individuals worldwide, companies can target and also communicate with possible customers from all over the globe. Additionally, online marketing permits businesses to track as well as evaluate their advertising initiatives in real-time, giving useful insights right into what jobs and what does not. This information can be made use of to maximize marketing techniques and increase roi(ROI ). Finally, net advertising is an important tool for any kind of company seeking to prosper in today's electronic age. By making use of numerous online channels, businesses can enhance their on the internet existence, get to a larger audience, and also drive more sales. To get going with web marketing, companies ought to first determine their target market and establish a thorough approach that includes social networks advertising and marketing, search engine optimization(SEO), e-mail marketing, and also internet site optimization.
Read more here https://sites.google.com/view/gorilladigitalseo/services/social-channels-management
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harrelltut · 11 months
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What is the Easiest Engineering?
Engineering is a challenging major that requires an intense commitment. It requires a strong work ethic and a lot of study time, which can be difficult for first-year students to adjust to. If you’re interested in getting a college degree in engineering but you don’t have the time or dedication to pursue it, there are easier options available. These degrees will have fewer requirements, but they still require a significant amount of work.
Aerospace engineering is a field that uses your ingenuity, computer skills and maths to design airplanes, helicopters and drones. It also plays a key role in keeping the sky safe for commercial and private air travel. It is an excellent career choice for those who love to work with their hands and solve problems. It is a rapidly growing industry, and many people find it exciting.
The BLS notes that a background in physics, mathematics and materials science is critical to success. The field is also evolving to incorporate more computer coding, with advanced system software playing an increasingly important role in aircraft communication and data collection.
If you’re looking to make a difference in the world, chemical engineering could be the perfect career for you. These engineers create the processes that enable us to turn raw materials into products we use every day - such as petrol, plastics and synthetic fibres - in ways that are both cost and environmental friendly.
As a chemical engineer, you’ll need to have strong maths and chemistry skills, as well as an interest in science. A bachelor’s degree is usually enough to start working as a chemical engineer, although some employers prefer to employ applicants who have a master’s degree.
Chemical engineers design equipment and systems for combining ingredients to make the various products that people use in their daily lives, such as fuels, chemicals, medicines and food. They also work to control manufacturing processes so that each product meets the needs of consumers, regulators and other stakeholders.
Electrical engineering is a field that uses physics, electronics and electromagnetism to design, develop and test devices and equipment that use or generate electricity. This includes everything from computers and phones to transportation and energy.
This career requires an understanding of the physics and electronics that power these systems, but it also involves communication, problem-solving and teamwork skills. It’s not for everyone, but it can be an exciting and rewarding career if you’re interested in science and technology and solving problems that have a real-world impact on people and the environment.
There are a variety of specialisations within this field, including telecommunications, instrumentation, and power engineering. The majority of jobs are office-based, but some work on site to monitor electrical systems or oversee the installation of new technologies.
Industrial engineering focuses on optimizing processes and designing systems that save money, time, raw materials and human-power while meeting safety standards. This is a specialized branch of engineering that also incorporates knowledge of math, physics and social sciences.
As an industrial engineer, you can find yourself designing or evaluating everything from factories and hospitals to amusement parks and medical facilities. You are responsible for making recommendations about how to best improve operations to increase efficiency.
Industrial engineers use a variety of computer simulation and design tools to map and analyze systems and processes ready for optimization. They often work closely with data science and machine learning to unite people, machines, information and energy into better practices.
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razieltwelve · 1 year
Scrolls? (Final Rose)
Scrolls are probably the single most common electronic device that people have. In Final Rose, they function as a combination of mobile phone and laptop. Thanks to the marvels of miniaturisation technology, a scroll that can fit into your pocket or clip onto your belt can also unfold to the size of a laptop without any real difficulty.
Basically, just about every adult has a scroll and so does pretty much every teenager. You won’t always see scrolls in people younger than that since communicators (i.e., mobile communication devices) are often given to children rather than scrolls to prevent them spending too much time online.
Scrolls can vary dramatically in terms of price and capabilities.
The cheapest scrolls are quite affordable for anyone working a steady job. They won’t have the best cameras, the fastest processors, or the best display quality. However, they’ll get the job done at an affordable price. Although Dia Technologies basically rules the scroll market, one of the keys to their success has been their range of budget scrolls. These scrolls offer more bang for the customer’s lien than anyone else and are also immensely durable. There are actually plenty of jokes about hunters using their Dia Technologies scroll as improvised weapons, and there are actual videos of hunters stabbing Grimm with them and the scroll still working afterward.
At the top end are scrolls that boggle the mind. I’ll give you an example. Diana’s scroll is the latest and greatest - a custom model that she put together using custom parts. Its feature include:
Orders of magnitude more processing power and processing speed than any standard scroll on the market
Holographic projectors
Customisable holographic keyboard with haptic feedback
Its own transmitter and receiver to allow for completely independent and wireless communication, complete with encryption
Its own miniature generator, so it doesn’t have to be charged
Inbuilt shields that can withstand heavy weapons fire and inbuilt propulsion units, so it can travel to her location if necessary
Scrolls at that level can cost more than cars with some even costing as much as a house. For obvious reasons, the only people who have those tend to be the exorbitantly wealthy.
In any case, scrolls are so widespread because they can do so many things and do them well. Need to speak to your family on the other side of the world? Just give them a call. Need to research and write that assignment? Go ahead, use your scroll. Almost anything digital that a normal person would ever want to do can be done on their scroll.
For this reason, theft of scrolls is a big deal. In general, all scrolls are registered and protected by a combination of passwords and biometric data, including Aura scans. Furthermore, scrolls can generally be tracked, so actually stealing one and getting away with it is difficult since the tracking unit is generally placed in a position where you’d have to junk the scroll to get rid of it.
To alleviate privacy concerns, access to scroll location data is strictly controlled and generally requires the consent of the owner to obtain. That said, there are loopholes and the like, just like on Earth, that have been taken advantage of from time to time.
At Beacon, every student has a scroll although there is variance in how good those scrolls are. However, anyone whose scroll does not meet the minimum requirements will be issued with one. That said, the engineering students are frequently asked to do modifications and improvements.
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