#electric tempo price
taniyajose90-blog · 9 months
Experience the Mahindra Zor Pickup, a smart and agile last-mile delivery solution. Discover innovative features and advanced technology designed to enhance efficiency and productivity. Visit us : https://mahindralastmilemobility.com/zor-pickup
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3wheelervehicles · 2 years
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Electric Tempo Ape E Xtra | 3 Wheeler Cargo Price | Piaggio
Piaggio Ape E Xtra is an electric 3 wheeler tempo. This cargo is known for extended payload capacity to deliver goods and affordable price range.
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altigreen · 2 years
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Best Electric 3 Wheeler Tempo | Best E Rickshaw Company in Bangalore India
Altigreen neEV - electric three wheeler tempo with features that make for smooth, comfortable drives and state of the art EV technology that’ll accelerate your earnings. https://altigreen.com/products
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osgoss · 2 months
My BKDK Band AU (part 1)
Aka my self-indulgent Drummer Bakugou x Bassist Izuku
First things first, Izuku probably learned how to sing first and became part of a choir before he learned to pick up an instrument. He always wanted to play in a band as a kid, and he'd join katsuki's rehearsals just to watch him play.
He only takes interest sometime in his graduating year of high school, when his music teacher (toshinori cough cough) points out how interested he looks while watching katsuki and his band rehearse for a class project. Izuku pretty much throws around excuses as to why he never really learned how to try, from choosing choir first or finding the guitar too complicated, and 'ahh the drums were always kacchan's thing not me' or just not having the talent to play an instrument. Intrigued, Toshinori points out the bass guitar, which isn't as flashy as a guitar or drums or even piano, but certainly just as important as the other instruments, and how learning it would be easier ("what with less strings and less complicated chords, you know?"). For a moment Izuku thinks, a bit hopeful, but then immediately shuts down because he 'wouldn't really have the time to practice it now, and assuming bass guitars are about the same price as an electric guitar, I don't really have that kind of money right now haha'. And then Izuku's final reason would be that he would never dare to outshine or much less step on the same stage as Katsuki Bakugou, the famed drummer.
Toshinori then goes on a tangent of how drums and bass most often than not go hand in hand. While pianos and guitars and singing take care of the melody and tones, drums and bass are important for both the tempo and rythm of a song.
The next time they meet, Toshinori is giving Izuku his old bass guitar, and thats the start of Izuku's journey to learning the bass!!! Personally I like to think Izuku is on the higher notes when it comes to singing, and so bass would also be a refreshing start for him!
As for Katsuki, he's always adored the sound of Izuku's singing voice despite never admitting it. Yet I like to think he has a core memory of them when they were kids, and Izuku sang to him to cheer him up. He never really visited the other's choir practices or rehearsals, but whenever there was a school event or Izuku was asked to sing, Bakugou would always listen intently. In fact, he might've even developed a certain hate for his own voice, with how loud and gruff his voice is, ever since he was a kid. This was the main reason he chose to pick up an instrument, too. He wanted to shine just as much as Izuku in his eyes anyway.
Oh and the reason why Bakugou got a head start on learning the drums was because he had a gameboy as a kid and liked to play rhythm tengoku ALL the time. He got so competitive over it, too.
When Toshinori announces that Izuku will be a part of the band for the project, Katsuki freaks the fuck out. They have this fight for a while, a few weeks before the presentation of their class project, ykno classic bkdk misunderstanding yowza <33 what with Bakugou feeling intimidated by how much Izuku is growing, while also having the slight fear of never hearing Izuku sing again (he feels stupid for it, but never admits it out loud). He does his best to make him give up or discourage him and tell him "you're better off using your ugly nerd voice", which of course Izuku takes the wrong way (can you blame him tbh), and yet Izuku finds himself challenged but hopeful. He doesn't want to throw away the chance (and the guitar) that his teacher gave him. The chance to finally be on the same stage as his childhood friend, to shine just as brightly and beautifully.
They still do rehearse together despite this, and through all the struggle, there are times when their practices turn out better than expected, and in these times, Izuku isn't sworn off at as much.
And then a big fight goes down between the two of them, and they're both angry and arguing because they're running out of time, and Izuku still can't get one part correctly. Bakugou has always been a perfectionist at heart, and Izuku has always respected him for it. But for the first time, Izuku feels just how far apart they are in skill, and he hates it. For now, all he can do is appologize and say "I'll do better" in any semblance to reassure the blonde, but they both know there's just too much at stake amd too much missing. Izuku spends the rest of the night practising until his fingers get blisters.
In the end, Izuku couldn't back out because the other bassist wasn't any better at the bass than Izuku was because he'd thought the greenette wouldn't be replaced at all. In the end, he couldn't perfect the segment he'd wanted to in time, not even on the night before the presentation, no matter how many band aids he used to wrap his blistered up fingers.
On the day of the presentation, Bakugou was driven to a boiling point, repeatedly starting the song over and over until Izuku got it right. Not having a single care about the audience of parents and teachers bellow. Only when they'd finally asked his mother to coerce him to play the song one more time, in full, and in a way Bakugou didn't want to, had Izuku realised just how much their relationship had deteriorated. Playing a song as a band had never felt so restricting, feeling as if your bandmate was your enemy. Feeling as if the people you were playing with didn't want you there at all. For Izuku's first experience on the stage, he was crushed to bits. Turned into a no one. A deku.
When he goes back to the music room to retrieve his(toshinori's-) bass, he finds the strings purposefully cut and left on display, and it doesn't take him a second to know who's behind it (most likely one of bakugou's 'friends' to send him a message). "We can always replace them," Toshinori reassures, "it would've been a real problem if they messed with the back." But the damage had been done, and the message was received.
(To Be Continued...)
"Toshinori-san, do you think I have what it takes to be a bass player?" The question catches him off guard. He takes a moment and then moves to sit beside the younger boy. "Hm. Well, you do have a bass in hand, don't you?" He makes eye contact with the other. "Doesn't that make you a bass player already?" And the boy bursts into tears.
They all pass and graduate despite the kerfuffle of their last project, and Izuku decides to go into a deep dive into learning the bass over his summer break.
Phew!! Wow, this took a lot longer to edit and write ngl, but it's my first written AU!!! YIPPEEEE!! This was actually meant to be a crack AU, due to an ongoing meme in the bands communities where bass players and drummers often get a long well and end up being 'shipped'. So i thought it'd be funny if bkdk was like that, and surprisingly, my brain just decided to brainworm the HELL out of it. So here we are! I'm definitely already working my way into making part 2 so u don't have to worry about that! Hope yall enjoyed reading!!!
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ineffableigh · 9 months
Further Parallels between Elspeth/Crowley and Morag/Aziraphale (respectively)
Alright fellow brainrot sufferers. I want to talk more about music today. And this one's a doozy - though I'm SURE it's been talked about already. Probably. But here we go anyway!
I started trying to listen for recurring musical themes, leitmotifs, that kind of thing, and noticed TWO recurring themes from The Resurrectionists episode that return at the end of episode 6, bookending the Final Fifteen.
A lullaby theme: We first hear it when Crowley and Aziraphale meet Wee Morag, very subtly in the background. I want to focus on the scene we next hear it - Wee Morag's death. I'll get to why afterward.
This theme returns at the end of S02 E06 when Crowley is tidying up the bookshop during The Chinwag. It's not exactly the same, but you can really hear it calling back to the above theme. I feel it's very deliberately drawing a parallel between Aziraphale/Morag and Crowley/Elspeth.
I wasn't sold on this connection until I noticed the cello is the leading voice in both cases - the cello seems to consistently be Crowley's instrument, when he's being emotionally vulnerable/honest. You get the electric guitar in scenes of bluster/passion/anger, yes, but when his guard is down, you have cello at the forefront. Conversely, Aziraphale's is the violin (see themes immediately after The Kiss, which I'll get to in another post).
In Morag's death scene, this theme transitions into a cycling melody of strings playing climbing triplets, and I knew I'd heard it somewhere before... it plays at the end of the credits for episode 6.
However, where Morag's death theme remains morose, final, and resolves immediately, with a brief callback to their lullaby theme in Elspeth's cello, the version in the credits of episode 6 have a notably greater tempo, continue to climb, and most importantly DON'T resolve at the end. The melody DOES NOT sound like it's ended. It's not over yet.
I think we're supposed to draw these parallels, to hear Aziraphale leaving for Heaven being equated with Morag's death. Morag just wanted to help Elspeth, and paid the ultimate price due to Heaven's unfairness, much like Aziraphale is likely paying a high price to keep Crowley safe.
TLDR: David Arnold is a master composer and also a monster (affectionate), there is SO MUCH HERE to analyse.
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tonibeltran · 2 months
x. status -> closed for @rachelxhan x. location -> dreamland market
Dreamland Market has, admittedly, changed quite a bit since the last time Antonio’s been here. It’d only just opened its doors back in his 20s, all clean walls and tidy aisles. He’d spent many a late night perusing the place for a pick-me-up after a long bout of studying — and, later, a long bout in the studio. Now, Antonio’s more impressed that the building hasn’t collapsed in on itself, what with the amount of cracks on the wall and the mysterious odor coming from the vents he can only assume is — well, a health hazard, if nothing else.
Still, Earthwave gives him a headache, with its serene playlist blasting through the speakers and the price markups that would have made his mother curse in her native tongue. It’s shiny and clearly well-kept, but it doesn’t hold whatever fucked up sense of nostalgia Toni’s buried in its essence like Dreamland Market does. Plus, he needs cow milk — not milk made out of all those other things they’re making milk out of now.
It’s when he’s pulling open the fridge door to acquire said milk that he realizes what’s playing on the speakers here — it’s one of the pop songs he’d penned for the latest and greatest pop artist on the charts, having studied her previous work to sand his own prose down to her voice. The lyrics hit his ears like an uninvited guest — and now you don’t call or miss me at all / I’ve finally patched up the holes in the wall / I guess it’s nothing, really — sung in a pleasantly high octave and accompanied by an almost insulting amount of synths. If he listens closely, he’d probably be able to hear the electric guitar he’d played for the demo somewhere in there. 
But he doesn’t listen closely. He’d rather not be listening to this at all, he thinks. He makes a face, pulling out a half-gallon of milk and dropping it into his cart. He turns to the woman beside him in the aisle and, with a half-smile, all southern charm and media training, he asks, “Hi, could you please point me toward the fruit aisle? I need to find a large watermelon to bury my head in.” He gestures up toward the ceiling, where the song continues to blast in its bubbly, upbeat tempo. “Alternatively, if you know whom I might bribe to switch the playlist in here, it might spare me a hair wash.”
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dustedmagazine · 4 months
Rosali — Bite Down (Merge)
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Rosali Middleton experienced a lot of change in the lead up to recording her fourth solo album, Bite Down. She relocated to North Carolina and changed labels to Merge Records. Some constants remain. Her collaboration with Mowed Sound, a group of players who work with a number of artists, continues. The recording is also augmented by keyboardist Ted Bois, who melds well with the rest of the musicians.
Rosali’s interest in experimentation, which she has explored under other monikers, has gradually infiltrated her solo work. She goes the furthest to date towards it on Bite Down, which includes noise elements that distress the edges of songs that could easily be successfully presented in more straightforward contexts.Pinpointing Rosali as rock or folk or country is overly reductive. She takes things song by song, with varying styles and approaches.
The album opens with “On Tonight,” featuring briskly overlapping rhythm guitar riffs, some by Mowed Sound, but Rosali plays guitar as well as sings. There is an arcing  melody in synth strings and, a signature for Bite Down, multi-tracked vocals. Rosali’s voice has an impressive range, from low alto to dulcet soprano. “Rewind” is a love song with lyrics about seeking stability in a romance. Its chorus provides a memorable hook: “I love you, And I know you love me too, Be the same you, I’ll rewind for you.”
“Hills on Fire” is one of my favorite songs on Bite Down. Country adjacent, it features a keening vocal melody and East Nashvillian arrangement. The extended slide guitar introduction is succeeded by a winsome vocal and several solo breaks. This is Rosali’s voice at its most gentle, cooing in her upper register.
The title track is something of a feature for Bois, whose electric piano sets a mid-tempo syncopated groove buoyed by the rhythm section, and synths that add sustained tones ghosting the vocals. Mowed Sound particularly distinguishes themselves here. Biting down is taken here as grasping at what’s real, with which the narrator struggles. There’s also a veiled reference to Virginia Woolf’s suicide: “I keep on walking, Putting rocks in my pocket, I’m drawn to the docks and Eternal Life.” Ultimately, we learn that it is a plea for help from a beloved: “Everything has a price, What’s it worth to you?” The music belies the sobering subject matter, but also lets us know there remains a suppleness of step that, we hope, will afford the narrator the courage to turn away from the water. “Is It Too Late” depicts the murky mornings of depression, with a resolve to keep going. Here, the moody guitar riff and florid singing match the challenges depicted in the lyrics.
Rocking out is on the menu, particularly evident on the penultimate track, “Change Is in the Form,” a doppelganger of a Neil Young song with attractive layered backing vocals juxtaposed with an inexorable groove and duo guitar solos. “Hopeless” has a strong backbeat and a number of instrumental breaks. It is about accepting the end of a relationship while remembering its previous laughter and joy. “Slow Pain” immediately follows, and its musical vibe and lyrics suggest it is a companion (estranged companion) song: “​Have you seen my grief? Hold it so I don’t spill out, Keep quiet and wait it out.” It has one of the most extended guitar solos on the album, which closes the song with verve and virtuosity. Such plaintive lyrics occasionally make bopping one’s head to the memorable tunes seem like a guilty pleasure. The connections between pleasure and pain seem to coalesce in much of Rosali’s work, and it is the better for it.
Bite Down ends with an extended song, “May it Be On Offer,” which clocks in at five and three-quarter minutes. It has a slow paced, loping rhythm, once again with overlapping guitars, both acoustic and electric, that presents a stark contrast to “Change Is In the Form.” Its vocal melody, again country adjacent in construction, sits in the mid-register, sung with a repeating melody in speech-like declamation. The lyrics depict contemplation of the struggles that have come before on the recording, with a pointed question asked by so many that serves as the album’s enigmatic close: ​​”And I’ll sit for hours, Gazing at the light, And I do wonder, If I waste my life. No, I don’t wonder, If I waste my life.”
This is for certain, no time is wasted listening, likely again and again, to Rosali’s compelling emotional journey on Bite Down.
Christian Carey
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gearupairsofton · 1 month
Critical Considerations for Selecting an Airsoft Shotgun Canada
Selecting the optimal airsoft shotgun in Canada requires a nuanced understanding of various factors that contribute to the overall effectiveness and enjoyment in the sport. An airsoft shotgun serves not merely as a piece of equipment but as a strategic extension of the player. Whether participating in casual skirmishes or competitive events, the choice of airsoft shotgun can profoundly influence one’s performance. This article aims to elucidate the key considerations one should assess before making a purchase decision for an Airsoft shotgun Canada.
1. Shotgun Type
Airsoft shotguns are categorized primarily into spring-powered, gas-powered, and electric models, each offering distinct advantages. Spring-powered shotguns necessitate manual cocking before each shot, appealing to those who prefer a hands-on, mechanical feel. Gas-powered models offer a semi-automatic operation that enhances realism, making them suitable for players seeking an authentic experience. Electric shotguns, known for their rapid firing capability, cater to those needing high firepower in fast-paced scenarios. An understanding of each type’s mechanism will guide users to a choice that best complements their tactical approach.
2. Construction Quality and Materials
The longevity and performance of an airsoft shotgun Canada are directly influenced by its construction. Models crafted from reinforced plastics or metals are indicative of robustness, essential for frequent usage and harsh play conditions. Metal shotguns typically offer greater realism in weight and feel, which might be valued by enthusiasts of authenticity. Conversely, plastic models are lighter and might be easier for newer players to manage.
3. Ammunition Capacity and Reloading Mechanism
Capacity is a critical factor, as it determines how often a player must reload—crucial in high-tempo games. Additionally, the reloading mechanism should be considered; some shotguns simulate real firearms with shell-loading features, which, while immersive, may not be as quick as other systems. Balancing the immersion with practical gameplay needs is vital in choosing the right shotgun.
4. Effective Range and Precision
Although generally shorter in range compared to rifles, certain airsoft shotguns are engineered for surprisingly good accuracy and extended firing range. It’s important to consider the typical engagement distances in intended play environments and select a shotgun that performs optimally within those parameters.
5. Customization Potential
For many players, the ability to personalize their shotgun with accessories like scopes, extended magazines, or laser sights significantly enhances the gaming experience. Shotguns that accommodate a wide range of modifications offer greater versatility and personal expression in gear setup.
6. Budget and Local Availability
Economic considerations and product availability in Canada are crucial. Prices for airsoft shotguns vary based on brand, features, and quality, necessitating a balance between cost and value. Prospective buyers should also ensure that the chosen model is accessible within Canada to avoid excessive shipping fees and delays.
Selecting an appropriate Airsoft shotgun Canada involves a comprehensive evaluation of various factors that affect its functional and experiential qualities. From the type and build of the shotgun to its customization options and practical performance metrics like range and accuracy, each element must be carefully considered. By aligning these factors with personal preferences and tactical requirements, players can enhance their strategic capabilities and overall enjoyment in the sport.
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We were coming from Geneseo in upstate New York. The campus was alive with music: folk, rock, blues, and jazz. Every style had its zealots. I liked them all. I was eclectic. I could hang with the rockers, the folkies, the Dylan, Baez, and Cohen fans. We only had one jazz group on campus, the Aldoujo Trio. Off campus, I had caught Dave Brubeck and his band taking five at Rochester's pride and joy, the George Eastman Theater—the home of our own philharmonic, built by George Eastman, who, with Kodak, had brought photography to the common man.
Playboy magazine used to compile an annual jazz all-star team. I was familiar with their names and getting familiar with their sounds even while being overwhelmed by the Liverpool sound (the Beatles), the Tottenham sound (Dave Clark Five), the Mersey Sound (Gerry and the Pacemakers), the Motown sound (Supremes), as well as various hootenannies, shindigs, and hullabaloos.
After getting acquainted with the Village, Bob and I started looking for musical entertainment. We didn't have to go far. The Village Gate was only a few steps from our apartment. We stopped in three consecutive nights and caught Gerry Mulligan, Charles Mingus, and Dizzy Gillespie.
The Gate was not overcrowded. There was no admittance fee, only a cover charge, which I believe was $10. Beers cost an amazing $5, compared to .35 for a Genny in Gennyland. For the price of two Michelobs (a premium beer at the time) a night, I got an undergrad degree in jazz.
Gerry, Charles, and Dizzy were perennial Playboy jazz All-Stars. Each of them was amazing in their own way.
The first night we caught Mulligan
Gerry Mulligan, with his baritone sax, brought an airy, lyrical touch to the scene. Born in '27, he was a cornerstone of the cool jazz movement, favoring intricate, melodic interplay over the bombast of other styles. His pianoless quartet with Chet Baker was a revelation—each note a conversation, each silence a statement. Mulligan’s gentle yet complex approach created an atmosphere that was both intimate and expansive.
The secomd night we caught Dizzy Gillespie
Dizzy's style was all about fast tempos and complex chords, a whirlwind of notes that could leave you breathless. He wasn't just a musician; he was a showman, a pioneer who blended jazz with Afro-Cuban rhythms, bringing a new, infectious energy to the genre. His presence at the Gate was electric, every solo a testament to his virtuosity and flair.
Last but not least Charlie Mingus
And Charles Mingus, the bassist and composer who seemed to channel the very soul of jazz into his music. Born in '22, Mingus was a force of nature, blending gospel, blues, and avant-garde elements into a sound that was as raw as it was sophisticated. I remember him sleeping in a chair on stage, only to be roused by his band and launch into a set that was nothing short of transformative. Mingus didn’t just play music; he lived it, his compositions brimming with social commentary and emotional depth.
The Village Gate Encounters
Gerry, Charles, and Dizzy were perennial Playboy jazz All-Stars. Each of them was amazing in their own way.
I appreciated the spontaneity, the virtuosity, and the unstructured collaboration of these legends and their supporting groups. I particularly recall the gigantic Charles Mingus sleeping in a chair on stage before his band came out, woke him up, and started playing. Charles attempted to introduce the members of his group. He stumbled over their names, finally mumbled, “To hell with that,” and they broke into their show, blowing everybody away with the tightness of their invention.
While we were waiting for Charles to wake up, four young guys came strutting into the Gate. They ordered their beers. I got the feeling it was their first time at the Gate, whereas I was a regular jazz bow, having been literally and figuratively blown away the two two nightsshows.
I recognized one of the guys immediately: Gerry Marsden.
In New York for Ed Sullivan.
“Don’t Let the Sun Catch You Crying.”
“Ferry Cross the Mersey.”
“How Do You Do.”
“I Like It.”
“Girl on a Swing.”
Gerry and the guys must have been in their early twenties. They were at the Gate to catch some jazz. I appreciated their fandom. I’m pretty sure Charles Mingus didn’t give two shits. Neither did my traveling companion Bob.
I wasn’t about to burst over to their table and make a big deal out of their presence. I was jazz cool at the moment and stayed that way throughout Charles’s performance. At least three times, however, I made direct eye contact with Gerry as we winked at one another after a tasty improvised solo by one of the band.
I liked the guy.
Good vibes.
Much different from Charles.
Gerry had the look of a guy who had just broken through to the other side. He threw me some of that vibe mixed in with a subtle “if I did it, you can do it” vibe.
The show ended. The week ended. Soon we were back at Geneseo, telling Bob's two roommates about Gerry and the Gate.
Both of Bob’s roommates were musicians. We eventually started a band. Two of our staple songs, songs that we did every time that we played, were “Don’t Let the Sun Catch You Crying” and “Ferry Cross the Mersey.”
“Ferry Cross the Mersey” reminded me of my first impressions of Greenwich Village (as it is today). The song also symbolized passages of all kinds, including the passage from life to death.
Yesterday, I found out that Gerry Marsden had passed away at the age of 78.
I like to think that he crossed that Mersey and wound up in a land that he loved when he passed away.
Gerry, Dizzy and Charles were long gone as was Maynard G. Krebs
Thanks for the vibes and the memory, GM.
Rest in peace, y'all.
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Oxnard Golf Cart Market: Best Buys
Oxnard, with its pleasant climate and numerous golf courses, presents an excellent market for exploring options in golf carts for sale. Whether you're a golf enthusiast, a resort manager, or a homeowner looking for convenient transportation, choosing the right golf cart is crucial. This guide highlights some of the best buys in the Oxnard golf cart market, focusing on quality, features, and where to find them.
Electric Golf Carts
Club Car Tempo
The Club Car Tempo is a standout in the electric golf cart category, known for its reliability and performance on the golf course. It features a quiet electric motor, ergonomic seating, and a sleek design. The Tempo offers advanced onboard technology options and customizable features, making it a popular choice among golfers seeking comfort and efficiency.
Yamaha Drive2 AC PTV
Yamaha's Drive2 AC PTV is another top contender in Oxnard's electric golf cart market. It combines a powerful AC electric motor with responsive handling and smooth acceleration. The Drive2 AC PTV is designed for comfort with spacious seating and ample storage for golf bags and personal items, ideal for both golfing and recreational use.
Gas-Powered Golf Carts
The E-Z-GO RXV stands out for its durability and performance in the gas-powered category. It features a robust engine, rugged chassis, and excellent suspension system, providing a smooth ride on varied terrain. The RXV offers ergonomic seating and intuitive controls, catering to golfers and recreational users alike looking for reliability and power.
Club Car Carryall 300
For those needing a versatile utility vehicle, the Club Car Carryall 300 is a strong contender. With its gas-powered engine, durable frame, and spacious cargo bed, the Carryall 300 excels in commercial applications such as resorts, campuses, and industrial settings. It offers towing capabilities and customizable options to meet specific business needs in Oxnard.
Where to Find Golf Carts for Sale in Oxnard
Local Dealerships
Explore reputable local dealerships specializing in golf carts in Oxnard. These dealers offer a range of new and used models, provide financing options, and often have service departments for maintenance and repairs. Visiting a dealership allows you to see and test-drive different models before making a purchase.
Online Marketplaces
Check online platforms like Craigslist, eBay Motors, and local classified ads for listings of golf carts for sale in Oxnard. These platforms offer a wide selection of options, allowing you to compare prices, features, and seller ratings from the comfort of your home.
Golf Cart Shows and Events
Attend golf cart shows, events, or auctions held in Oxnard and nearby areas. These gatherings showcase a variety of new and used models, providing opportunities to interact with knowledgeable sellers and enthusiasts. Auctions can be a great way to find competitive deals on quality golf carts.
Considerations When Buying a Golf Cart
Budget and Financing
Set a budget and explore financing options if needed when shopping for a golf cart. Consider both upfront costs and long-term maintenance expenses to ensure affordability.
Features and Customization
Identify essential features such as seating capacity, storage options, and additional accessories that suit your needs. Many dealerships offer customization services to personalize the golf cart to your preferences and intended use.
Maintenance and Warranty
Inquire about the maintenance history and warranty coverage for any used golf cart you're considering. A well-maintained cart with a reliable warranty can provide peace of mind and minimize unexpected repair costs.
The Oxnard golf cart market offers a diverse selection of golf carts for sale, catering to a range of preferences and needs. Whether you prefer an electric model like the Club Car Tempo or a gas-powered option such as the E-Z-GO RXV, exploring local dealerships, online platforms, and attending events ensures you find the perfect golf cart for your recreational or commercial use. Prioritize quality, reliability, and dealer reputation to make an informed decision and enjoy years of efficient and enjoyable transportation in Oxnard and beyond.
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taniyajose90-blog · 1 year
Experience the Mahindra Treo Zor DV, efficiency & reliability in an electric delivery van with a running cost of ₹ 11 paise/km*. Enquire Now! https://mahindralastmilemobility.com/treo-zor-dv
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extracarae · 3 months
Top Benefits of Investing in Extended Warranties for Your Electronics
Investing in extended warranties up to date Your updated electronics may be a smart selection for many reasons. While the preliminary value may, up to date, be an introduced fee, the long-term blessings can far outweigh the premature investment. 
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Here are the up-to-date benefits of buying prolonged warranties for your updated electronic gadgets:
1. Financial safety:
Up to date and surprising upkeep: One of the number-one blessings of a prolonged warranty is economic protection. Electronics may be luxuriously updated and up-to-date, and a prolonged warranty covers the price of elements and hard work. Without this coverage, you could face full-size out-of-pocket expenses in case your up-to-date system malfunctions. Extended warranties offer peace of mind with the aid of ensuring that you might not be hit with a massive, sudden repair bill.
2. Prolonged coverage past the producer's warranty:
Maximum electronics come with a manufacturer’s warranty that commonly lasts for one year. but many troubles arise after this era. Prolonged warranties prolong the safety duration, frequently up to five years, depending on the plan. This extended coverage means your up-to-date information is included well beyond the standard guarantee period, ensuring longer-term peace of mind. 
3. Safety from unusual Malfunctions and injuries:
Electronics are up-to-date with various malfunctions and accidents, along with drops, spills, and electric surges. Prolonged warranties often cover accidental harm that a manufacturer's warranty won't. This includes display screen damage, water damage, and different common mishaps. Knowing that your up-to-date information is blanketed in opposition to these unforeseen events may be a huge comfort. 
4. Convenience and trouble-free upkeep:
When your digital device breaks down, finding a dependable, up-to-date carrier can be hard. prolonged guarantee companies normally have partnerships with authorized resume updated centers, making sure that your up-to-date is fixed with the aid of certified technicians and the use of real components. This association eliminates the hassle of trying to update official, up-to-date services and ensures maintenance. 
5. Accelerated resale fee:
If you decide to promote your electronic up-to-date product earlier than the extended guarantee expires, the last assurance length can be an appealing way to promote up-to-date capability. A up-to-date with a prolonged warranty may command a higher resale fee and sell faster, as buyers respect the introduced security and reduced hazard of destiny up-to-date prices. 
6. Price-effective in the end:
While a prolonged assurance calls for an upfront payment, it will ultimately be price-powerful. The price of repairing high-up-to-date electronics may be exorbitant, sometimes nearing the price of a new, up-to-date dateol. An extended guarantee spreads the price over the years and protects you from probably paying even more for an unmarried fundamental resume update. 
7.Comprehensive insurance plans:
Many prolonged warranties provide complete coverage that includes technical assistance, regular protection, and software program updates. This holistic approach ensures that your up-to-date system operates correctly at some stage in its lifespan. Additionally, a few plans provide troubleshooting services, which can help solve minor troubles before they become huge issues. 
8. Peace of mind:
The mental advantage of having an extended warranty must not be underestimated. Knowing that your up-to-date electronics are blanketed with a wide range of capability issues allows you to update your electronics with confidence. This peace of mind is particularly valuable for people who rely closely on their devices for work, education, or daily lifestyles. 
9. Safety Against Technological Obsolescence:
With the speedy tempo of technological improvements, electronics can quickly emerge as up-to-date. A few prolonged warranty plans consist of provisions for upgrading to a more recent model in case your up-to-date is past repair or if the cost of fixing it exceeds its price. This option ensures that you continue to update with the ultra-modern generation without bearing the entire price of a new up-to-date. 
10. Up-to-date and helpful:
Extended warranty plans often include superior, up-to-date offerings. These services would possibly consist of committed helplines, quicker reaction times, and priority-up-to-date services. A superior guide can make the procedure of coping with updated problems an awful lot smoother and much less disturbing. 
Making an investment in an extended warranty for your electronics is a prudent choice that has several advantages. From financial protection to up-to-date expensive maintenance, updated increased resale fees, and complete insurance, extended warranties provide substantial cost. The peace of mind and convenience they offer make them a profitable investment, making sure that you may experience and depend upon your electronic gadgets without disturbing or surprising breakdowns or malfunctions. With the aid of selecting the proper prolonged assurance plan, you can guard your investments and ensure the upkeep and efficiency of your electronics.
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extracare · 3 months
Top Benefits of Investing in Extended Warranties for Your Electronics
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Investing in extended warranties up to date Your updated electronics may be a smart selection for many reasons. While the preliminary value may, up to date, be an introduced fee, the long-term blessings can far outweigh the premature investment. 
Here are the up-to-date benefits of buying prolonged warranties for your updated electronic gadgets:
1. Financial safety:
Up to date and surprising upkeep: One of the number-one blessings of a prolonged warranty is economic protection. Electronics may be luxuriously updated and up-to-date, and a prolonged warranty covers the price of elements and hard work. Without this coverage, you could face full-size out-of-pocket expenses in case your up-to-date system malfunctions. Extended warranties offer peace of mind with the aid of ensuring that you might not be hit with a massive, sudden repair bill.
2. Prolonged coverage past the producer's warranty:
Maximum electronics come with a manufacturer’s warranty that commonly lasts for one year. but many troubles arise after this era. Prolonged warranties prolong the safety duration, frequently up to five years, depending on the plan. This extended coverage means your up-to-date information is included well beyond the standard guarantee period, ensuring longer-term peace of mind. 
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3. Safety from unusual Malfunctions and injuries:
Electronics are up-to-date with various malfunctions and accidents, along with drops, spills, and electric surges. Prolonged warranties often cover accidental harm that a manufacturer's warranty won't. This includes display screen damage, water damage, and different common mishaps. Knowing that your up-to-date information is blanketed in opposition to these unforeseen events may be a huge comfort. 
4. Convenience and trouble-free upkeep:
When your digital device breaks down, finding a dependable, up-to-date carrier can be hard. prolonged guarantee companies normally have partnerships with authorized resume updated centers, making sure that your up-to-date is fixed with the aid of certified technicians and the use of real components. This association eliminates the hassle of trying to update official, up-to-date services and ensures maintenance. 
5. Accelerated resale fee:
If you decide to promote your electronic up-to-date product earlier than the extended guarantee expires, the last assurance length can be an appealing way to promote up-to-date capability. A up-to-date with a prolonged warranty may command a higher resale fee and sell faster, as buyers respect the introduced security and reduced hazard of destiny up-to-date prices. 
6. Price-effective in the end:
While a prolonged assurance calls for an upfront payment, it will ultimately be price-powerful. The price of repairing high-up-to-date electronics may be exorbitant, sometimes nearing the price of a new, up-to-date dateol. An extended guarantee spreads the price over the years and protects you from probably paying even more for an unmarried fundamental resume update. 
7.Comprehensive insurance plans:
Many prolonged warranties provide complete coverage that includes technical assistance, regular protection, and software program updates. This holistic approach ensures that your up-to-date system operates correctly at some stage in its lifespan. Additionally, a few plans provide troubleshooting services, which can help solve minor troubles before they become huge issues. 
8. Peace of mind:
The mental advantage of having an extended warranty must not be underestimated. Knowing that your up-to-date electronics are blanketed with a wide range of capability issues allows you to update your electronics with confidence. This peace of mind is particularly valuable for people who rely closely on their devices for work, education, or daily lifestyles. 
9. Safety Against Technological Obsolescence:
With the speedy tempo of technological improvements, electronics can quickly emerge as up-to-date. A few prolonged warranty plans consist of provisions for upgrading to a more recent model in case your up-to-date is past repair or if the cost of fixing it exceeds its price. This option ensures that you continue to update with the ultra-modern generation without bearing the entire price of a new up-to-date. 
10. Up-to-date and helpful:
Extended warranty plans often include superior, up-to-date offerings. These services would possibly consist of committed helplines, quicker reaction times, and priority-up-to-date services. A superior guide can make the procedure of coping with updated problems an awful lot smoother and much less disturbing. 
Making an investment in an extended warranty for your electronics is a prudent choice that has several advantages. From financial protection to up-to-date expensive maintenance, updated increased resale fees, and complete insurance, extended warranties provide substantial cost. The peace of mind and convenience they offer make them a profitable investment, making sure that you may experience and depend upon your electronic gadgets without disturbing or surprising breakdowns or malfunctions. With the aid of selecting the proper prolonged assurance plan, you can guard your investments and ensure the upkeep and efficiency of your electronics.
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appliancesonrent · 4 months
Fridge on Rent in Pune From ApplianceOnRent
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In the bustling city of Pune, where life movements at a speedy tempo, vital appliances like refrigerators emerge as crucial. Whether you’re a working expert, or part of a circle of relatives, having a refrigerator to keep your food sparkling and beverages cool is a need. However, shopping a fridge outright might not be constantly in shape within all people's budget or plans, especially if you are staying within the town briefly. This is where the concept of renting comes into play. If you need a fridge on rent to find a "refrigerator on rent near me" or especially a "Fridge on rent in Pune & PCMC," this comprehensive guide will help you recognize the blessings and procedure of renting a refrigerator in Pune.
Without Extra charges you can get the latest model of fridge on rent. If you decide on having up-to-date home equipment but cannot manage to pay to buy them, renting is a perfect optons. It affords right of entry to superior functions and better electricity performance, enhancing what ordinary consumers enjoy.
When looking for a "refrigerator on hire near me," it is crucial to don't forget some factors while selecting a fridge for home. Applianceonrent focused on all customers requirements while selecting like First, we offer a wide range of fridges. From single-door to double-door and You can book according to your requirements or home or office space. Second, Look for details about the apartment length, renewal technique, preservation services, and any extra fees that would follow. Third, We have four plus customer ratings which help us for business, our experts are always there for our customers to fix their issues. This gives you perception into the reliability and great of their appliances and offerings. Finally, Main thing is that Applianceonrent provides a fridge on rent in all areas of Pune & PCMC. Proximity ensures faster shipping and carrier.
Pimpri-Chinchwad is an unexpectedly growing location in Pune with a tremendous inflow of residents. If you’re especially looking for a "fridge on rent in PCMC," numerous apartment offerings cater to this vicinity. Renting a fridge in PCMC is wonderful for several reasons. Additionally, due to the growing competition in PCMC, apartment offerings frequently offer aggressive pricing and attractive offers, reaping benefits for clients looking for finances-pleasant options. Whether you reside inside the coronary heart of PCMC or its outskirts, condominium services cowl a extensive area, making it convenient for anybody to get admission to their services.
Why Rent Fridge From ApplianceOnRent  -
You can browse and select the right version , according to the requirements for your own home.
Wide Selection:
Renting a fridge from us offer a vast range of fridge models and types. You can compare features, sizes, and fees without problems to find the exceptional suit for your desires.
User Reviews and Ratings:
Online systems provide access to patron reviews and scores, supporting you to make an informed decision primarily based on the experiences of other users.
Competitive Pricing:
We provide a fridge on rent at very affordable pricing without any hidden cost.
The on-line technique is quick and efficient, saving you time. You can enter the complete information, from choice to payment, in a count of mins.
Home Delivery:
We offer free home delivery and set up, including ease and making sure you do not need to worry about transportation.
Flexible Rental Periods:
Online systems frequently offer bendy apartment terms, allowing you to pick the period that perfectly suits your desires, whether it's for a short-term stay or an extended duration.
In conclusion, renting a fridge in Pune from ApplianceOnRent, whether you're looking for a "fridge on hire near me" or particularly in regions like Pune, gives numerous benefits. It’s a price-powerful, flexible, and problem-unfastened answer for your cooling desires. With a number of models to be had and rental services providing comprehensive protection, renting a refrigerator ensures you've got access to fashionable home equipment without the commitment of possession. Start your search nowadays and revel in the convenience of a rented fridge in Pune!
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Exploring Constants Across Disciplines
1. Economics:
Price x Quantity = Total Revenue: In this equation, the price of a product acts as a constant. Even if you sell different quantities, the price per unit remains the same, allowing us to calculate the total revenue earned.
2. Electricity:
Voltage x Current = Power: In this equation, voltage is a constant, representing the electrical pressure pushing the current (flow of electrons) through a circuit. Knowing the voltage helps us calculate the power output (watts) of the circuit, regardless of the current flowing.
3. Physics:
Pressure x Volume = Constant (at constant temperature): In this equation, assuming the temperature remains constant, the product of pressure and volume remains constant. This is known as Boyle's Law, which helps predict how the volume of a gas changes with changes in pressure.
Tempo: The tempo in music refers to the speed at which a piece is played, often indicated by a number of beats per minute (BPM). This constant helps musicians maintain a consistent pace and ensures everyone playing together stays synchronized.
Remember, constants are like reliable friends in the world of science and beyond! They provide a stable foundation for understanding and predicting how things behave, even when other variables change.
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[ad_1] Manhattan | 315 West seventieth Avenue, No. 4ELincoln Sq. Co-op$675,000A one-bedroom, one-bath, roughly 750-square-foot house with a galley kitchen, an open residing/eating space, a walk-in closet and through-the-wall heating and air-conditioning, on the fourth ground of an 18-story doorman constructing from 1963 with a live-in resident supervisor, shared laundry, a personal parking storage and a motorbike room. Michael Biryla and Kyle Ramdeen, 914-299-5377, The Company New York; theagencyre.comPricesUpkeep: $1,617 a monthExecsThe house is well-maintained and has good closets. Tucked behind the constructing, it’s quiet and has townhouse views by massive home windows. The upkeep consists of all utilities.ConsThere isn't a personal or shared out of doors house, and there's a lengthy ready listing for parking spots within the storage.Manhattan | 77 Greenwich Avenue, No. 20DMonetary District Condominium$2.195 millionA two-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath, 1,371-square-foot house with an open ground plan, a kitchen with a vented vary and marble counter tops, a major suite with a walk-in closet, a second bed room with an en suite tub, radiant-heat marble rest room flooring, 11-foot ceilings, a washer/dryer and central air-conditioning, on the twentieth ground of a 42-story pet-friendly doorman constructing accomplished in 2021 with a concierge, residents supervisor, a motorbike room, two flooring of facilities, a double-height gymnasium, a roof deck, a canine run and a youngsters’s playroom. Emily Beare and Shaun Osher, 212-726-0786, Core; corenyc.comPricesFrequent costs: $1,579 a monthTaxes: $3,210 a monthExecsThere are lovely metropolis and river views by floor-to-ceiling wraparound home windows. The first rest room is windowed. The constructing has eco-friendly options and every unit has its personal air flow, heating and cooling techniques.ConsThe taxes are excessive. Basement storage cages value $30,000 to $55,000.Queens | 69-04 Ditmars BoulevardAstoria Townhouse$2.495 millionA 3-bedroom, three-and-a-half-bath, 2,900-square-foot semidetached brick home with a residing space that opens to the yard, a moist bar and a full tub on the primary stage; a 16-foot porcelain island within the kitchen, a full tub and two terraces on the second stage; an en suite major bed room with a walk-in closet, two extra bedrooms, a full tub and a washer/dryer on the third stage; plus mini-split heating and air-conditioning, smart-home techniques, an electrical automobile charger, an connected storage, an in-ground pool, an outside kitchen and a roof deck. Ivan Mijalkovic and Mario Lituma, 347-653-8010, Corcoran Group; corcoran.comPricesTaxes: $14,700 a yrExecsThere are ample entertaining areas and floor-to-ceiling home windows. There’s radiant warmth all through, together with within the storage, together with electrical window shades and a built-in speaker system. The pool will be heated and cooled.ConsThe stone flooring and different fashionable finishes could not go well with everybody’s tastes. The home is near the Grand Central Parkway, which might be noisy.Given the quick tempo of the present market, some properties could now not be out there on the time of publication.For weekly electronic mail updates on residential actual property information, enroll right here. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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