#electric cigarette rolling machine
cigarettegear · 2 years
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design-law · 2 years
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Does this machine infringe this design patent? That’s one of the claims in this recently-filed complaint.
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Real Recognises Real
[I've been admiring the work of @idesofrevolution for a good while now, and I really wanted to give a go at writing a transformation story. Granted I don't have any pictures of hot guys, I'll leave it up to your imaginations. Hope you will all enjoy]
Tom and Eric worked at an envelope factory, despite them only knowing each other for 4 months, the two quickly became friends. Granted shift patterns would often keep them off the same shift, they always enjoyed working on the machines together when they did, laughing and clowning around but getting the job done.
Eric had infact worked at the company a couple of years before whilst Tom joined a few months before Eric came back. Perhaps it was Tom's kind nature, but Eric soon came to trust Tom and open up about things going on in his own life, especially about the passing of a close friend of his, Anthony.
During one morning shift, Eric came down from further up the machine to let Tom know about a changeover the managers had just told him about. 'Hey buddy, just heard from Jake, we've gotta switch over to Size 4s, an urgent order just came in' said Eric. 'For fuck's sake, can't they just stick to the plan for a week for once?' moaned Tom. Eric nodded. 'I know mate, I'll go get the paper ready, you finish up this pallet and stop the machine' said Eric. Tom gave him the thumbs up and a tired smile. 'Hang in there Tom, if you'd like you can come over mine for a few beers in my garage tonight' winked Eric walking off.
Tom was quite surprised, he and Eric used to go out to town after work for a couple of pints but had never actually been to Eric's place. Tom thought about what he should wear. For such a good pair of friends, they both led very different lives outside of work. Eric would often skateboard with friends, play electric guitar, smoke blunts and the like whilst Tom enjoyed his own company, drawing, playing video games and attending conventions around the country. Tom remembered the first time Eric came over to his place he found Tom's Keyblade and had a fun time swinging it around and talking Kingdom Hearts for a while, playing Tekken 3. They both found a lot of respect for eachother's lifestyles.
After work Eric had to hurry off, but he texted Tom his address and told him to come around about 8pm. This gave Tom plenty of time to decide what to wear, settling on his favourite black shirt with rolled up sleeves, blue jeans and white trainers. It felt casual but a bit stylish. Tom set off to find Eric's house, eventually finding it. He knocked on the garage door and shortly after it swung up revealing Eric still in his work shirt but sporting shorts rather than the work cargo trousers everyone was provided.
'Ah, welcome in Squire!' said Eric, stepping aside and beckoning for him to come in. Tom chuckled and went in, finding a seat. Eric would often speak in silly voices at work, often calling Tom 'Squire' and making sentences that rhymed with the word, like desire, fire, drier, etc. For Tom it was a big reason why he loved Eric so much. 'Ooooh, you're dressed up all nice tonight Tommy!' said Eric looking him up and down, then proceeding to his chair where he'd put his guitar, sitting down, placing the guitar on his lap and sparking up a cigarette. 'Oh yeah drinks are in the fridge, help yourself' said Eric, pointing to the fridge on Tom's left. Tom looked inside, found a couple of Tyskies and shut the door, putting one on the table next to Eric. Eric looked up from his guitar strumming, smiled and said 'Cheers buddy!'. Tom found a seat, opened his can and sighed, taking a sip. Still strumming away, connecting some choice notes, Eric looked to Tom. 'What's up mate?' asked Eric. Tom shrugged his shoulders. 'Same shit, different day at work really isn't it?' asked Tom. Eric nodded in sad agreement. 'Oh, did you talk to Jake about training to become an operator on the machines?' asked Eric. 'Yeah, but he said they're busy training Jovanie at the moment, when he's all trained up they might see about finally getting me trained up!' said Tom sarcastically. 'You've been at the company 9 months now, right?' asked Eric, to which Tom nodded. 'It's a fucking joke man, you came along, they went and made Vince an operator, he left, Terry came and got trained, now he's a fucking knob and now they're passing you over again for Jovanie. It's bullshit!' said Eric. Tom took another sip of his drink. 'Yeah, I mean being an assistant is fine but it just sucks getting passed over for a job so many times. I had enough of that back at the food factory I was in a few years back' said Tom. Eric nodded and strummed away thoughtfully.
'Tom, I really want to teach you how to be an operator, trouble is we just never get the time. We both work hard, we both know this' said Eric, looking to Tom. 'Yeah, don't we fucking know it. Sorry I didn't bring my notebook if you're gonna give me some pointers now' said Tom, looking out the garage window, taking a drink. 'Well I've got an idea, but you'd need to call in sick tomorrow' said Eric absent-mindedly, looking out the same window. 'Oh yeah, why?' asked Tom expecting a good reason. 'Because I'll need you inside me' said Eric, strumming dramatically. Tom spat his drink out in shock and coughed, Eric looked to his friend and cackled. 'What the fuck Eric?!' shouted Tom, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand and looking to Eric in disbelief. 'Well think about it buddy, I know you like me and honestly I like you too' said Eric, looking Tom dead in the eyes. It was true, Tom did like Eric a lot, he was decently built, dark haired and bearded with the perkiest ass he'd seen on a man, plus he kept him laughing through the tough shifts, but never did he expect an actual invitation like that.
'I mean, what good will that do? What, I sleep with you one night and you put in a good word to Jake for me?' asked Tom. Eric took a drag of his cigarette and shook his head. 'Nah man, it's like this. You helped me out a lot the past couple of months. When we met, you asked if I was ok, I said no and you heard me out, about Tony, about what I was going through and believe me I'm doing a lot better for it' began Eric. 'And I'm glad you're alright mate, but what's this got to do with anything?' asked Tom. Eric sat his guitar down and turned to face Tom. 'Something Tony used to say to me was 'Real Recognises Real'. And I see that in you. You're a genuine, good guy Tom, just not a lot of people see that in you. You work hard but those fake twats at work overlook you' said Eric. 'So what, we're meant to bond that way over that?' asked Tom. Eric shook his head. 'Tony was really special to me. He taught me a lot and helped me in some dark times, and you're doing the same for me, I'm a lot better than I was 4 months ago, and I want to help you' said Eric, stubbing out his cigarette and taking off his shirt. Tom looked away blushing, just what the hell was going on right now. 'Come on Tommy boy, clothes off' called Eric. Tom dared to look and there stood Eric in his nude splendor. 'Oh… shit…' said Tom nervously, looking away. Eric walked over to Tom and put his hands on his shoulders. 'Trust me mate, you'll enjoy this, hell I think you secretly are already' said Eric, looking at Tom's crotch. Tom looked down and sure enough he could see he was tenting. 'Fuck me, what the hell is happening?' asked Tom, wondering if he was actually having a fever dream right now.
'Choice is yours mate, I don't do this for just anyone. Don't keep me waiting too long, floor's cold' said Eric, walking over to the wall on the other side of the garage and placing his hands on it. Tom looked over at his friend, after a moment's hesitation he decided. 'Oh fuck it' said Tom, proceeding to strip. Both naked, Eric looked back at Tom, taking him in standing at full mast. 'Damn my guy, you've been hiding, huh?' asked Eric, chuckling. Tom walked over, shaking his head. He placed his right hand on Eric's right shoulder, and Tom heard a squeaking rubbery sound and saw his hand was beginning to sink into Eric's shoulder blade. Tom whipped his hand back. 'What the fuck?!' asked Tom, checking his hand. 'It's alright Squire, you'll know what to do' said Eric reassuringly. Curious, Tom placed his right hand back on Eric's right shoulder and the rubbery sound returned and Tom's hand began to sink into his shoulder. Eric began to moan a little as Tom pushed his hand further into Eric's shoulder and down his right arm. Tom began to feel a sense of euphoria as he saw his own arm sliding further in, their muscle masses combining. Tom couldn't quite believe this was possible, but he took a little joy in moving their right arm, flexing it a little. 'Keep going buddy, don't stop!' called Eric. Tom nodded and proceeded to place his left hand on Eric's left shoulder, slipping it on like a long glove. Now their arms were on the wall with Tom standing just behind Eric. 'Damn this is nuts' laughed Tom, resting his chin on their right shoulder, seeing Eric had also gone full hard-on. 'Yeah, but it feels good doesn't it?' asked Eric breathing heavily. Next Tom lifted his right leg and placed it on the back of Eric's upper right leg, it began to sink in almost like stepping into treacle. Once that leg had swelled up, he placed in the left one and all that was left was Tom's head, neck and body. 'Ok, are you ready buddy?' asked Tom. Eric nodded. 'Fuck yeah, buddy!' replied Eric. Tom looked down and positioned his dick between Eric's butt cheeks and began to fuck his way in. Eric started laughing. 'Oh fuck yeah, you know what I like!' called Eric as Tom felt his lower body and torso slipping in. 'Just a sec Tommy' said Eric, and he guided their right hand to make sure that Tom's dick slid nicely into his, stretching it out and making it longer and girthier. Tom could feel it too and felt an orgasmic feeling rush over him, this was ecstasy. 'Yeah we're gonna have some fun with this, ready for the head?' asked Eric. Tom took a breath and proceeded to move his forehead into the back of Eric's head. It slid easily in and with a loud noise like the snapping of spandex, the squeaking stopped and there they stood, a slightly more muscular Eric panting as he shot their load through their shared dick. Eric shuddered and looked up, smirking. 'You alright in there Squire?' asked Eric, feeling his friend inside his mind. He walked over to a mirror and they could see that while they still had Eric's face, their body had toned up rather nicely, Tom was a bit of a skinny guy so the extra muscle wasn't too out of place for Eric. Also Eric had some blonde highlights on his fringe, likely from Tom's hair. 'Damn, we're looking great!' cried Tom inside his mind. Eric nodded. 'Yeah, I know, and the night's just starting. You've got a lot to learn, but you get why I told you to write in sick tomorrow. I'll be showing you how to do the operator's job first hand' said Eric, finishing checking himself out and heading over to try on Tom's clothes. They slipped on quite nicely, if a bit tight.
'Yeah buddy, you know I've always liked your dress sense. It's a good look for us' said Eric, heading back to the mirror to check out how Tom's clothes look on him. 'Yeah, this is gonna be so good. How did you learn to do this man?' asked Tom. Eric looked into his own eyes in the mirror, intently looking to Tom's eyes behind them and smiled. 'That'll be my little secret, Squire' he said, winking and giving their even perkier ass a squeeze. Tom and Eric enjoyed their night together enthralled by their new honesty and willingness to explore themselves within the comfort of themselves, and the next day Tom got to knowing exactly how to operate the machine at work with Eric's knowledge through his eyes and hands. After work they returned to Eric's garage and through those same immense sensations they felt when Tom climbed in, Tom was able to climb out of Eric. They both put their clothes back on and turned to face each other. 'Fucking hell man, that was amazing!' said Tom, looking at his friend with the biggest smile and admiration. Eric returned the smile and nodded his head. 'When you're working with Jovanie next week, don't show him up too much, ok?' Eric winked, playfully knocking Tom on his jaw. 'Thanks for all this, it's been amazing. I'd be so down for doing this again some time' said Tom giving him a thumbs up. Eric walked over and hugged him. 'You're so worth it buddy, and I love you so fucking much' Eric said, he pulled back and kissed Tom on the lips. Eric opened the garage door for Tom and waved him off. Tom began his journey home excited to start the next week of work, whilst Eric sat back down, picked up his guitar and finally opened that can of Tyskie.
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candiedspit · 9 months
GRB 080319B 
For a month, I was a smudge. 
A mute monk in the bathtub, lukewarm water running as dull colors rolled around my head like fractured, aged marbles. Thoughts lost strength before fruition. I called out of work once a week, faked a cough, a car accident, another funeral. When I did make the drive out to the office, I spent most of the time typing a word, deleting the word, and typing the word again. I stopped taking calls. Mary left me beautiful voice messages. I listened to them while I laid on the couch, sprawled out like an active disease, furious tears streaming down my face. I knew it was stupid. A feeling cannot kill you. But then, I was being diminished. I was receding. 
I know you don’t feel well right now. But listen, I have these neighbors who still have their Christmas lights hanging up. It’s April. I sorta hope they leave them up all year round. 
I stayed frozen for a few weeks. 
Vitamin D and herbal teas, coffee and long novels. But then, I can’t explain it. It was Friday afternoon. Just a Friday afternoon. 
It began when I left the office. A slow bloom rose throughout my entire body. 
I noticed how all the buildings stood scraping against the most gorgeous, thin blue of the dying afternoon, rising evening. The wind felt kind. I didn’t go home. I went to the supermarket and held an orange in my hand, feeling the small indents with my thumbs, smelling the bright zest. It was as though everything was real again. That night, I bought a pack of cigarettes. I hadn’t smoked since I was nineteen. But I inhaled and let out a giant laugh at how lightheaded I felt, I walked through the streets like that, laughing and laughing, the laughter like the magician’s scarf being pulled out and out. It was a fantastic feeling. I felt fearless. As though I could scoop the fear and pain and shit out of myself like a pudding. I had capabilities. 
When I got home, I rushed in and had a shot of blueberry vodka and opened the windows and called Mary; she answered within a couple of rings. That gorgeous rodeo clown. I loved her as much as I loved anything. 
I never thought I’d hear your voice again, she said. But this worries me, y’know. How blue was the sky today?
I’m coming to see you, I said. Not tonight. But soon. I’ll stumble on your porch like a speedball. The sky was fantastic. I’m smoking.
Hm, she said. Listen, stay out of trouble. A feeling cannot kill you. I’ll save some tea for you. Come anytime. Come anytime. 
I couldn’t sleep. I played the same image in my mind, again and again. And words fizzed in and out too quickly for me to catch them. A church of nukes. Do you understand what you are signing? Perfume made of whale semen. Dominoes. 
In the morning, I could feel the angels looking over me. I imagined them like teenagers, shooting the shit, smoking and coughing and pointing. I spent the weekend in bars, meeting everyone on earth. A woman with a strong russian accent who told me the world was going down the toilet and we were all there for the ride. A man who asked me for three cigarettes and then told me he had coke if I wanted some. I spread a little on my gums. But it was a fifteen minute headache, it had nothing on the feeling within me, the glow which propelled and drove me around. I fucked the russian woman. 
I called out of work for the week, claimed I’d contracted HIV and needed time to grieve. I felt awful about the lie. It was ridiculous. But anything could happen. And I wasn’t wasting my time at a computer when I could see patterns in the streets. I wore a long, leather coat and wrapped it around my waist. And beneath, a black thong strung across my hips. I felt like a machine, I felt electric as I walked through the advertisement pus of Times Square, a cigarette beneath my teeth. I rode the trains for hours, befriending the other passengers. And for a moment, I forgot my address. It was nine in the morning. It was the middle of the night. I got nervous anytime I saw a police officer; there was a criminal in my heart. What was I doing? 
I went down to the village to visit Mary as promised. I felt breathless, sensitive to light. I was tired. It’d been years since sleep. I felt as though I was dying. A star exploding in reverse. Mary would know what to do. 
I knocked on her door and she answered as quick as she answered the phone. I smelled her vanilla scent. It made me nauseous. But I was so glad to see her; so glad she was there. I dated Mary for eight years. There was nobody on earth who knew me better than she did. 
You don’t look great, she said. Are you eating?
Not really, I told her as i walked into her apartment. I feel like I need a touch up. My engine is black. I’m running out of oil. I think I lost my job. I don’t know what day it is. 
It’s Saturday, she said. Three in the afternoon. It’s May and spring is here. Have a seat. 
I sat on her couch. 
I think I’ve been hexed, I said. A spell has been put on me. A poison. 
You’ve been here before, she said. Remember? That arrest in Ohio? Disturbing the peace? And the outburst in the museum. Banned from the gas station. A wild iris in your eyes. A desire for mountains. The call is coming from inside the house, Adam.
Mary gave me a cherry tart. I ate half of it and began to weep. Mary gave me a sleeping tablet. And when I woke up, I was horrified. 
When I got home, Mary had left me a voicemail. I laid down naked on the floor and listened. 
You’re a wife with cold feet. Shivering in the dressing room. You’re an astronaut grazing the face of the moon, blind to the wars on earth. You’re brave. You’re pathetic. You go to the amusement park to weep. You walk out onto the avenue to dance. You sneak into a club. And you feel nothing when the band plays, the gilded brass and vulgar scatting. 
And maybe you deserve it. 
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nikethestatue · 1 year
The Agreement
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Chapter 9
Warning: Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language
This is NiketheStatue smut. You've been warned.
Elain Archeron
It was Sunday, and Elain was still a virgin.
Azriel hadn’t made any drastic moves to deflower her either, so she existed in her present state, though in the past couple of days, her virginity became more of a nuisance rather than the desired state of being that she wanted to preserve.
Azriel had upped the ante slowly, but deliberately ever since they first kissed and he kept Elain in the state of perpetual arousal as well as expectation. She didn’t know when it would come. When he would pounce. Never mind that the idea of Azriel ‘pouncing’ was absurd, but she already knew him well enough, and was aware that he could be unpredictable, demanding and at times, rough. She’d be willing, but she didn’t put it past him to wrestle her on the floor, tear her dress and take her. Fuck her, as he liked to say. She didn’t dare utter that word yet. Azriel, in turn, was quite comfortable with it, throwing ‘fuck’ abundantly in their conversation. He really had terrible manners, at least when he was at home.
And home this was. 
Elain’s too. 
She’d learned to think of it as one, and she adored it. Not terribly surprising, as it was a veritable palace, but it was also compact enough that it didn’t feel impersonal. This wasn’t a grand estate out in the country, where she’d have to trudge through eighty-two rooms and cover miles of acreage before she even reached the kitchen. 
Their home was palatial, but also comfortable and designed for living, and not showing off. She loved all the modern touches that Azriel outfitted the house with–they were rare and she’d bet that no one else had most of these in their possession. Beyond electricity, running water, flushing toilets, the showers, he also had the kitchen modernised with a unique stove, and a variety of gadgets that made her crazy with excitement. There were handheld machines for whipping cream and egg whites, pans that were ideal for making sauces, all sorts of fancy rolling pins and baking forms that would make any bakery proud. There were presses and grinders, which made life infinitely easier for her and for Cerridwen. There was hot and cold water, and a stove that she didn’t need to crouch over–the way she needed to do it at home. 
In the past week she also learned a lot about the Duke of Velaris and many of his ideosynchronies. Some were charming and endearing, others were puzzling.
Even though per their agreement she wasn’t supposed to ‘fraternise’ with the help, she very much fraternised with both Nuala and Cerridwen. The ‘help’ that Azriel had referred to was apparently the many servants that lived and cared for his country pile–Rosehall. It had a staff of dozens, and the twins weren’t considered part of that staff. That led to resentment. The sisters didn’t care much, but Azriel kept them here, in London, and they never went to Rosehall without him.
Azriel collected daggers–ancient, rare daggest, which were kept in the attic, in a special room, behind glass. They ranged from Persian to ancient Greek ones, African, Japanese, Italian, Roman, Viking, Chinese, Indian and everything in between. His prized possession was a dagger from Arabia, which was called Truth-Teller. Legend had it that it always struck true. Nuala said that the dagger came from his mother’s side of the family, a gift to him when he came into adulthood. 
He owned exactly 30 suits. They were also all exactly the same–black. He always wore a white shirt, and possessed only two colours of ties–black and cobalt. 
He liked Irish whiskey and drank a measure every evening. 
He smoked six cigarettes a day. Two in the morning, two in the afternoon, and two at night. 
He liked white china, monogrammed with his initials–in black and cobalt, of course.
Otherwise, the house was void of personal artefacts. No portraits of ancestors, no wedding photographs, not one depiction of his lady Morrigan to be found anywhere. Nothing from his boyhood. Barely anything from Eton. One photograph depicted Azriel, and Cassian, and another man who resembled them. They were dressed warmly and the photo was taken somewhere in the snow, with them holding snowballs in their hands. How they got the photographer and his photographic camera over the snow piles, Elain had no idea. The photo was intimate and endearing–the men were smiling. 
Elain wanted to ask the twins about the state of Azriel’s marriage, before Morrigan’s accident, but she didn’t think that it was her place. Also, she didn’t think that the twins would betray his confidence if it was something personal. 
The house was unusually open–the twins explained that Azriel hated closed or narrow spaces. He liked sunshine. 
Nuala was braiding Elain’s hair when she told her ‘his lordship called you his sunshine’. It made Elain blush. And smile. Especially when Nuala said that that was his highest compliment. 
In the mornings, Elain was ordered to wear house dresses, no brassiere, and preferably be barefoot, though that was at ‘her own discretion’. And then, once she was ready, Azriel kissed her. He waited for her in the morning, in the hallway between their bedrooms, and she always emerged at exactly seven AM. There, he greeted her, taking note of the dress that she was wearing and how she had her hair done that morning. It was always the same–she approached him, allowing him the time to study her for a few moments, and then he immediately cupped her unbound breasts in his large palms, while she kissed his lips. He expected her to kiss him, and she…liked it. He began fondling her immediately–those warm, dry hands squeezing her breasts, as if telling them ‘good morning’ before one hand inevitably dropped to her waist, where he caressed her hips, then slid over her belly, before resting on her bottom and grabbing a handful. Elain kissed him. While his hands roamed over her body, she held his face between her hands and kissed him. But he always gave her his tongue and she sucked and licked on it. She loved it. 
“Good morning, sir,” she’d say at last, when he finally allowed her to come up for breath.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he usually winked at her and bit her lips. 
And then, he led her downstairs. By her nipple. 
He took a liking to pinching one of her nipples and then led her by it, which was both odd and incredibly arousing. It hurt her, because he squeezed tightly, but she followed him without protest as he tugged on her tit and guided her. 
Submission. That’s what he wanted. Complete willing sexual submission.
He hadn’t voiced it, but Elain quickly understood where his needs and desires lie. He was going to order her and dominate her, and she was to acquiesce and happily submit. And that was fine with her. Outside of their sexual experimentation, Azriel didn’t require anything of her. If she wanted to sit on her butt all day long, he wouldn’t have objected. What he cared about was when he told her to bend, she bent and when he told her to spread, she spread. And if she thanked him–even better. He liked that a lot.
She was to serve him at meals–not as a servant–but they took their meals together, and Azriel requested privacy. Therefore, Devlon was no longer attending at dinner. It was mostly because Elain was expected to climb into Azriel’s lap once they had their plates filled with food, and he fed her and himself. 
Yes, she was a grown woman, but she adored this strange ritual of theirs. Azriel loved it too, because he was free to kiss her and fondle her aggressively. After every dinner, she sported new marks on her neck and her shoulders, there to replace the fading ones. Her lips were swollen from his incessant kissing. Her nipples were puffy and aching having been pinched and rolled and squeezed all throughout the meal. 
When they were finally done eating, she’d kiss him sweetly and whisper ‘thank you for dinner, sir’. 
Nevertheless, it was Sunday and Elain was still a virgin.
She was still asleep when she sensed that the door opened and Azriel entered her bedroom. Once she granted him permission, he sometimes stopped by unannounced, but he didn’t make a habit out of it, and respected her privacy. After the first night that they had spent together, he didn’t encroach on her again. Even if Elain didn’t mind at all. Even if she wanted to be encroached upon.
She knew that he was barefoot when he padded across the wooden planks of the parquet floor, before his steps were muffled by the carpet. The bed dipped and Elain buried her face in her pillows, giggling. 
“Ahhh, you are laughing, you naughty girl. You are awake and you didn’t even come out to greet me!” he chided her gently, as he climbed over her and straddled her belly, before draping his heavy big body over her and squeezing her in his massive embrace.
She wiggled next to his chest, protesting feebly, “I was asleep! You just woke me up.”
“Uh-uh,” he grunted, dipping his face into her neck and inhaling deeply. 
“You smell good in your sleep,” he murmured with a deep satisfied growl. 
Elain hasn’t even opened her eyes yet, simply luxuriating in the feel of his weight, in his woodsy, cool scent, which she’d recognise anywhere, in the brush of his stubble against her cheek and her neck.
This was crazy. It had to be.
He couldn’t be cuddling her like this? He couldn’t be waiting for her to awake, so he could kiss and stroke her? He couldn’t be wanting her the way he seemed to hunger for her?
“Good morning, sir,” she breathed, her chest tight.
Happiness. That’s what she was feeling. Happiness, which she was experiencing for perhaps the first time in her life. 
Azriel made her happy.
“Good morning, beautiful girl.”
“You couldn’t even let me sleep in on Sunday?” she pouted.
“No,” he said firmly. “I needed your tongue in my mouth…It’s the strangest urge.”
“Can I at least relieve myself? Before I take your tongue in my mouth?”
He frowned, as if he was considering the request, then sighed dramatically and rolled off her.
“Two minutes!” he warned.
“Despot!” she threw at him, as she scrambled from under the blanket. That was met with a hearty laugh and earned her a slap on her bottom. 
She did everything in the allotted two minutes–relieved herself, splashed cold water on her face, cleaned her teeth and gave the thick mane of her hair an artful tousle, before pinning it at the nape of her neck. 
From her bedroom, she heard a countdown ‘three, two, one…’
She jumped out of the bathing room and rushed back to the bed, and into Azriel’s outstretched arms. He pushed her on her back and pressed his lips to hers.
The man could kiss. 
Anything from gentle, fluttering, soft kisses, to passionate, hungry, forceful ones and everything in between, Azriel always kissed like he was ready to devour her. It wasn’t just kisses, it was possession all the way to her soul.
But he also loved when she kissed him as well–in the past 3 days, she’d gained confidence and because he always encouraged her, she often came to him first and just kissed him. It was surreal–to have the opportunity to come to Duke of Velaris whenever she wanted to and pull him into a kiss, and feel him give in eagerly and readily. It was a strange sort of luxury, to feel so wanted and so accepted, and Elain took to it well. 
He pulled away for a moment, while he placed slow kisses on her face and neck, and she heard him whisper, “God, I want to fuck you.”
Swallowing, she answered, “then do it. I…I want it,” she admitted breathlessly.
She was panting, her breasts falling up and down heavily beneath his chest.
He looked at her, studying her expression, her face, her words with that penetrating gaze of his, as if he could see inside her head and determine whether she was being truthful.
“Is that so?” he asked at last.
She nodded.
It was true. She wasn’t trying to mollify him, or simply say what he wanted to hear. That wasn’t their relationship. Azriel demanded honesty and gave her voice complete consideration. If she said ‘no’ it meant ‘no’ and he didn’t push–whether it was a sexual matter, or something from their everyday life. Though curiously, they were usually in agreement about most things. There was harmony in their relationship which Elain simply cherished and found so very peaceful and pleasant.
“It is,” she repeated again. “I want it. I want you.”
Azriel smiled and lightly brushed the backs of his fingers over her cheek.
“My sweet darling girl. You’ll get me.”
“Maybe more than you expected or wanted.”
“I don't think so,” she argued. “Nothing is going to be ‘too much’. Not with you.”
“My pretty innocent girl,” he kissed her lightly on the lips. “I can absolutely assure you that it will be. Now, what are your plans for today?”
“I’ll be busy!” she said immediately.
‘Busy? On Sunday? Are you planning on going to church?”
“Are you?”
“Not much of a church goer I am not,” he chuckled.
“Neither am I. But I have a surprise, and I will be busy,”
“A surprise? For who? Me?”
“Who else?” she asked mysteriously.
“Ugh,” he grunted, “I was hoping to spend the day with you…It’s our anniversary, you know,” he laughed.
“I remember. One week. We’ll celebrate tonight.”
He rolled off her and asked, “dare I ask, will this surprise unavail you to me for the entire day?”
Elain kissed him, because she couldn't help herself and queried,
“Did you have something in mind, my lord?”
“I thought we could take a walk down to the palace,” he offered.
Elain’s eyes lit up with excitement and she immediately perked straight up.
He smiled at her and her enthusiasm. 
“Of course, sweetheart. I promised you that I’d show it to you.”
She wrung her hands happily and he added, 
“It is wonderful to experience the world through your eyes. What I take for granted is so novel to you and it is so joyful,”
“But it’s the Queen’s palace, sir! It is exciting! And you’ve met her,”
“I have,” he confirmed. “Only briefly, a few times. Her Majesty keeps away from politics and from London.”
“Ahhh yes,” Elain said sadly. “She is still mourning her dear husband, sweet Prince Albert,”
“My father,” Azriel said, being uncharacteristically frank with her suddenly, “was good friends with Prince Edward,”
“Oh my,” Elain whispered, shocked. It sounded fantastical to her, for Azriel’s father to be friends with the Heir apparent and the Prince of Wales.
“Yes, indeed. My father was among the Prince’s retinue when he took a tour of the Orient. That is how my parents met.”
So Elain was correct–Azriel was only half English. She didn’t pry about the origins of his mother and why his father the Duke would marry a woman from a different culture and bring her here. Azriel did not offer any further information, other than that he was friends with the Queen’s grandsons, which again, made Elain’s head spin.
Azriel sat up abruptly and clapped his hands once.
“Now Miss Archeron, get your fine behind going. Hurry, so I can feed you breakfast and then we’ll be on our way.”
Something inside Elain expanded with happiness, heavy and leaking, like overripe fruit. Her heart beat wildly. She grabbed his hand suddenly and pressed it to her lips.
He looked at him with amusement, but didn’t comment. Elain had an insane urge to tell him that she loved him, but she didn’t want to come off as desperate and wild. Azriel liked order and control, and if she came at him with her heartfelt confessions, she wasn’t sure that he’d appreciate it. Perhaps later on. But not yet. 
Nuala was lacing Elain into the corset, when there was a brief knock on the door and Azriel stepped in. He always knocked, but rarely actually waited for a response, and it was the case now. Elain was being tucked into her old corset, which had her standing only in a pair of knickers, her stockings and the corset.
Azriel was all but dressed, his jacket swinging behind his back on his finger, and his waistcoat already buttoned, his tie making his look elegant and formal. 
“What the hell is that?” he muttered immediately, his brows knitted at the sight of the corset.
“Miss Elain can’t be parading around on the streets, near the Queen’s palace in a brassiere,” Nuala told him firmly.
“Well, I think that she can and should,” he argued. “I can’t bear to look at this abomination,”
“Sir, I must wear it,” Elain insisted, though she hated every second of wearing the restrictive garment, which made it hard to breathe, and dug into every bone and crevice of her body. Comparatively, her brassiere was a godsend.
Azriel considered it for a moment, and then said,
“Nuala, leave up, please. I would like to speak with Elain.”
Nuala curtsied and wordlessly left the room.
Azriel crossed the room and came to stand behind Elain, his hands laying on her bare shoulders. She sighed and instinctively bared her neck for him, so he could sink his teeth into her skin. Which he did. At once. He smoothed his hands over her sides, running them over the corset, and then rested them on her breasts, though she could hardly feel his touch.
“See why I hate it?” he asked, kissing her neck.
“I hate it too,” she agreed. The lack of sensation from his touch was…disturbing. She came to rely on it for the past few days like it was food.
He stepped back a bit and gathered the laces, as he began tugging on them and tying them. 
Sighing, he said, “We both know that you are mine. But I want to ask you about us being in public together,”
Elain didn’t know what to say. The question made her uncomfortable. A little angry. But mostly sad. It wasn’t surprising that he didn’t view her as someone to be in public with. Especially out there–near the palace, where they could encounter those who knew him. She was hired help. A nobody. And he was simply being courteous to her.
“We don’t have to,” she whispered at last. “I don’t want to make trouble for you, my lord,”
Perplexed, he turned her around and asked, “Pardon?”
She looked at her feet and murmured, “I understand, my lord. We don’t need to go. It’s alright. I am sure I can find my way there one day. You are a great lord of the land, and I am,”
“And you are my companion,” he said sternly and then lifted her face to his, holding her chin. “The only reason I asked you is because I want to protect your name and your reputation. I don’t want to besmirch your surname or your identity. If you are not ready, or don’t want to answer questions, it is your choice.”
“So you don’t want privacy?” she confirmed, her voice soft and hopeful.
“No,” he shook his head. “I am happy to be seen with you, Elain. But you are a maid of gentle breeding and I want to be mindful of that. Despite our arrangement, nothing’s changed about your background and your place in society.”
“Then I do not want privacy either!” she said immediately, relief flooding her.
He wasn’t embarrassed to be seen with her. 
She wasn’t just a whore for his tumbling. Maybe she meant something to him. And he did say that she was his. That she belonged to him.
“I want you to be sure,” Azriel implored seriously, holding her face in his hands. 
“I am sure, my lord,” she assured him. “I am. If you’d take a walk with me, I would only be so very happy.”
“Then so be it.”
Azriel was sitting back on the sofa, his long legs spread wide, his hands resting on his firm flat stomach and he had the look of any man who just had a nice meal, and who was generally satisfied with life.
Elain was attempting to hide her smirk as she observed his relaxed posture and his pleased expression. 
They had a fantastic day together.
They’d walked to the palace, which was just as impressive as Elain had thought, despite the fact that Azriel told her that the palace was seldom used for official functions and that the Queen preferred Windsor Castle. Elain didn’t care because Azriel took her beyond the wrought iron gates and she saw the changing of the royal guards, which was an incredible ceremony. 
“When Her Majesty passes,” Azriel told her, pointing to the vast square in front of the palace, “I believe the plan is to erect a great monument in her honour in that spot.”
“Do you know what it will look like?” Elain inquired.
“Oh, I am sure it will be–massive,” he chuckled softly. “A grand monstrosity of marble and gold.”
“My lord, you shan’t talk so freely,” she warned him under her breath.
The crowds were sparse on a Sunday morning, with most people attending church. Azriel and Elain wandered around like two heathens, without a care in the world. Who was going to question the Duke of Velaris anyway?
Walking like this with the Duke of Velaris, her arm tucked into the crook of his elbow, Elain felt a proper lady. The corset, albeit bothersome, was the right decision. She wore a dark navy skirt and a cream shirtwaist with a large bow at her neck, and a light linen jacket of pale blue. Her hat was wide brimmed, decorated abundantly with flowers and a thick bow. She carried a small purse and felt elegant, and properly attired–at last. 
Ignoring her warning, Azriel told her, “you look lovely today, Elain.”
“I appreciate the compliment, sir,” she murmured with a smile.
“I am not even confident that it is a compliment,” he mused. “You are just lovely like the sun at dawn. I am simply stating a fact. Now,” he looked around, “i should be annoyed at the sight of all these young brawny bucks paying you entirely too much attention,”
And he wasn’t incorrect–Elain had noticed the interest of the young guards who were exchanging glances and looks with her, making her blush.
“But I can't find it in myself to care,” he continued calmly. “Because I know that you are mine.”
“I am, sir,” he smiled at him. “I am yours.”
“You enjoyed the surprise then, sir?” Elain laughed softly, watching Azriel relax on the sofa. He had forgone his jacket, removed his tie, and his shirt was unbuttoned on his chest, allowing Elain a view of his bronze skin and his muscular, inked flesh. 
“This was a mighty fine meal, Elain,” he nodded with pleasure. “Your Sunday roast is outstanding indeed.”
She tapped her fingers on her elbow, waiting for more. He knew that she was. She was expecting for him to say what she wanted him to admit.
She’d made a succulent roast beef for the two of them, baked Yorkshire puddings in the beef drippings, roasted potatoes with rosemary and garlic, as well as glazed carrots and turnips. And then…and then she served the most contentious offering of the day: mashed potatoes. Oh they were fine! Creamy and rich, velvety and thick. There was gravy too, thick lashings of it to pour over the potatoes.
“Do you wish me to admit that I was wrong?” he cocked his brow at her.
She shrugged innocently and said, “of course not, my lord. Though you did look like you enjoyed the mash very enthusiastically.”
“It’s good mash,” he allowed. 
Grinning, he added brazenly, “still doesn’t belong with Sunday lunch.”
She stomped her foot with indignation and he laughed out loud. 
“I shall never make it again!” she threatened.
“Come on now, beautiful. Be reasonable. Why would you punish me with not cooking your lovely mash?”
“Because I want you to love it!”
“I do love it. The dinner was fantastic. And the marmalade sponge was to die for. Not to mention the whiskey custard. It was everything I didn’t even know I wanted.”
“Is it true?” she eyed him suspiciously. 
“Honest to god.”
He extended his arm to her and beckoned her to him, his spread legs taunting and welcoming her because it was a known fact that she loved sitting in his lap. 
“Come give me a kiss,” he ordered her gently.
She was still pouting, and he smiled at her.
“My pretty girl, who makes the best mashed potatoes, needs to come to me and kiss me.”
Elain walked over to him, pretending reluctance, which clearly amused him.
“I want to squeeze those puffy tits of yours,” he muttered, eyeing her ravenously. For dinner, she wore a much more revealing gown of the same colours as her day outfit–cream, navy and light blue. But there were roses around the bust, her arms were bare, and the dress was loosely constructed, skimming her curves without hugging them tightly. 
The moment Elain approached, he cupped her bottom in his hands and squeezed, pulling her to stand between his legs. He pressed his face into her belly and Elain’s breath hitched, when he inhaled deeply. She knew that he loved the smell of her…well, sex. Sometimes, his eyes actually rolled back at the scent of her and she couldn’t deny him. She stroked his head, caressed the back of his neck, and threaded her fingers through his hair. 
‘Do you want to play cards?” he proposed, without removing his face from her stomach, and she could barely understand him.
“Yes! I think that I will beat you!” she boasted. 
“Oh, indeed? And what will the winner get?” he questioned, nestling his chin in her mound and looking up at her. She attempted to squirm away, but he held onto her bottom firmly and resolutely.
“Well what do you want?”
He tapped his chin on her pubic bone and said, ‘this’.
She ran her fingers over his cheek and murmured, “you could just take this.”
“I could,” he confirmed.
“I am going to go bathe and change, and then we can play cards. And I will definitely win.”
He laughed.
“Of course you will.”
She was finally able to disengage from his embrace, and he kissed the inside of her palm, before Elain left the dining room. 
In her bedroom, she removed her lovely dress, which was uncomplicated enough for her to complete the task herself, without anyone’s help. She dressed scandalously–and according to Azriel’s preferences. He didn’t even like her to wear a chemise atop her brassiere, and she wasn’t, right now. He forbade petticoats, garters, long drawers, or any other piece of clothing which he considered ‘unnecessary’ or ‘superfluous’. Elain’s wardrobe was full of lacy and satin brassieres, alarmingly tiny underwear, see-through negligee that was just feather-light things of gossamer, silk stockings from Paris, short silky chemises which were more appropriate for seduction, rather than daily wear. Everything that she possessed was delicate and expensive and unfailingly erotically charged. 
Pinning her hair up, so she wouldn't get it wet, she stepped into the shower and turned on the water. Even her soaps and shampoos were based on Azriel’s preference, and somehow he gauged that her preferred scent was always jasmine, and he had jasmine oils and soaps and honey-scented lotions mixed, prepared and shipped for her from Paris. 
Elain soaped her body up, her hands feeling the slightly rounder shape of her hips, her softer belly, her slightly larger breasts. Only a week, and she already gained weight, which pleased her. At least she no longer looked like a 12 year old boy. The weight gain was only barely bringing her shape into the proper womanly form, but she still enjoyed the feel of it. She ran her loofa over her arms and her stomach, thinking and hoping that her sisters were doing well, and that Nesta had received the ten pounds and obtained new lodgings for the three of them, and was feeding Feyre nutritious foods. Elain knew that next week, she’d need to send more money, so that Feyre could go to a physician and hopefully get the medicine that she needed. 
She closed her eyes and threw her head back, allowing the water to beat down her body. It was blissful.
Therefore, when the bathroom door suddenly flew open she let out a scream. She didn’t even have time to shield her body before Azriel strode into the bathroom, wearing only his shirt and trousers, and without pause, walked into the enclosure. Elain shrieked, but he was already on her, his eyes wild and hungry, his jaw tight. He didn’t even seem to notice the water that was pouring over him, saturating his shirt and trousers at once. The material stuck to his toned muscular form, emphasising all the contours of every brawny slab of sinew on his body. His arms bulged, his stomach was full of sculpted slabs. 
He was everything, everything that Elain ever wanted. The sight of him next to her, unhinged, uncontrolled was both terrifying and beautiful. 
“Let me see you,” he growled low.
Shivering despite the hot water, she stepped back, plastering her back to the tiled wall. 
“My beautiful girl,” he whispered, his eyes dark and needy, as he surveyed her naked body. Tiny droplets of water fell from her puckering nipples and he cupped her breast in his hand, drawing his thumb over the nipple. 
“Your pussy is smooth,” he noted, looking down, his gaze devouring the sight of her proudly pink, hairless sex. 
She’d heard this word before, but never ever would’ve uttered it. It was…Elain wasn’t sure. But it was strangely sensual to hear him call it that. For some odd reason, she liked it. 
“Spread,” he barely managed to order and her thighs parted for him, even though Elain thought that she might just die. Of embarrassment? Need? Want? Who knows. Her brains were like scrambled eggs in her head. She was standing naked in the shower with a fully dressed Azriel, spreading her legs for him. She guessed that they wouldn’t be playing cards tonight.
“You are gorgeous, lass,” Azriel breathed, as he drew the backs of his fingers over her belly, down to her bare mound, and then whispered, “wider…”
She took an awkward side step, opening her legs for him, exposing her plump, delicate folds, while he rested his hand on her waist, squeezing it firmly. Then his index finger slipped to her slit and he dipped inside. Elain shuddered so violently, that his hold on her strengthened, as if he was afraid that she’d faint right then and there. But she wasn’t in a fainting mood. No one’s (obviously) had touched her like that before, and this was heavenly. His finger only just glided between her lips, barely inside, but it kept touching and pushing on some incredibly sensitive part of her that made her jolt and whimper with pleasure every time his finger came in contact with it.
“What…oh…god…” she moaned, “what is this? What is this…”
He smiled at her and let go of her waist, as he began to unbutton his shirt one handed, his finger still inside of her, but this time, he pushed at that spot more intentionally.
“That, sweetheart, is the source of your pleasure,” he murmured with a smile. “You didn’t think that it would feel good…how’s that?”
“It’s incredible,” she panted, wanting more pressure, firmer, harder. She wanted him to rub it. Instinctively, she somehow knew that if he rubbed her, it would feel even better. 
She felt exposed and needy, and the only word that she could think of was ‘more’. 
He rid himself of his shirt, tossing it down on the wet floor, while barely taking his finger off of her, and then started on his trousers, unbuttoning them quickly and ably with one hand. Elain wanted to touch him, wanted to slide her hands over his muscles, his chest, wanted to trace her fingers over his black tattoos, but she seemed to have lost all function of her limbs. All she could feel was his finger, circling around and over the nub inside of her, making her dizzy.
“I want to watch you climax,” he murmured, stepping out of his sopping wet trousers, “want to hear how you sound when you come.”
“What?” she asked dumbly, not knowing what he was saying and not caring. Because…oh lord, there it was–his thick, enormous member. As his trousers came off, so did his undershorts, and there he was, in all his naked glory. His cock was thick, long, jutting out, standing at attention for her. It made her oddly proud, that she was the cause of his arousal. That he wanted her. He would–she was a naked woman in front of him, but there was something else beyond just simple biology. Azriel wanted her. Of that she was sure. But she had no idea how that massive cock of his would ever, ever fit inside of her. It was an impossibility. 
His arm snaked around her waist and he lifted her off the floor, the thumb of his other hand firmly rubbing her now. 
“Need you to come to loosen you up,” he whispered in her ear, and Elain didn’t know what he meant again, but that didn’t matter. He grabbed a towel from the hook, and threw it over them, while she clumsily attempted to dry them with trembling hands. 
Azriel tossed her on the bed, and climbed onto it next to her. 
At last, Elain reached out to touch him–his warm, damp skin, the firmness of his body next to her. He seemed so huge compared to her–everything about him was big and hard, and she felt like a slip of a girl, awkward and clueless. It was embarrassing. That she was so stupid when it came to these matters, but when and where would she have learned about sexuality? But she lost her train of thought because…
IT came.
A wave inside of her.
Cresting. Rising. Reaching.
What was this incredible, indescribable feeling inside of her? This intense tension? Everything in her womb was squeezing and pulsating and growing and she was hot and breathless and then…oh…then she creamed, because she couldn’t stop. She couldn’t. She screamed with pleasure the likes of which she never even imagined. Nothing in her life compared to this feeling. She was stunned. Weightness. Boneless. Pulsing and throbbing and panting. 
Azriel’s thumb pressed on that magical spot with brutal strength, teasing her continuously, while she convulsed and cried out, sobbing pathetically into his shoulder. It didn’t stop for a few long moments, until it finally did. 
All her spasming muscles began to relax and she fell back on the pillow, breathless and with dark spots floating in her eyes.
Above her, Azriel’s beautiful face was looming over her, a smile on his lips.
“Well, lass. Now I know what you look and sound like when you come.”
“Come where?” she questioned.
“Come into yourself. Your body. This is always for you, lassie. Your pleasure.”
His lips descended on hers and the kiss was rough. Elain wanted to thank him, but he wouldn’t let go of her, kissing her with wide, generous swipes of his tongue, his hand firmly squeezing her tit. He was hot next to her, his long member pressing into her thigh, burning into her. For some reason, she didn’t think that he’d be so hot. 
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Elain kissed him back, not knowing what to do with her hands, which seemed to be everywhere at once–his hair, his neck, his arms, his back, his chest. She couldn’t stop touching him, while she sucked on his lips and his tongue with strange desperation, illogically afraid that somehow, for some reason, he’d pull away.
Sensing that, he whispered into her mouth, “I am here, beautiful. I am not going anywhere. I am going to take you over and over and over tonight.”
And she nodded eagerly, not ever knowing what she was agreeing to. Over and over. Yes. Yes, please.
He brushed her damp hair back and then flipped her over and heaved her on top of his body. Elain’s heart fluttered madly in her chest, because she wasn’t expecting to be on top, but she straddled his stomach clumsily, pressing her hands into the pillows by either side of his head. His hand cupped her bottom, and he grabbed it roughly, kneading her cheek, the tips of his fingers sliding into the crevice, making her feel strange…it was deliciously dirty, that he was touching her like his. 
His tongue swept over her nipple and it felt amazing. Elain loved it when he played with her breasts, but his mouth on her breast was something unexpected, wonderful. He held her tit to his mouth and then he sucked. He pulled the whole thing inside and he sucked. She buckled atop of him, shocked, but he only slapped her ass, ordering her to settle down without uttering one word. He sucked hard and sloppily, rubbing his tongue over her nipple, pulling more and more of her breast into his mouth, his teeth pressing lightly and keeping her in place. And those wicked fingers of his–slipping deeper into the crack of her butt, exploring, sliding, gliding. 
“My lord,” he moaned, her arms trembling as she supported her body on top of him. He slapped her bottom again, and it stung, but so good. She’d be happy forever if he could just suck her nipples, bite and milk her breasts with his mouth, and finger her between her butt cheeks. 
Who was she? 
“Please, my lord, please,” she grunted mindlessly, her hips gyrating over his stomach, as she felt her dripping onto him from her slit. 
“You like this, pretty girl?” he pulled away from her breast, and she moaned at the loss. 
“Yes, yes…please! Please, more,” she begged him. She was begging and she didn’t even care.
“Do you like my fingers in your pretty little bum?” he teased.
She nodded frantically. She did.
“Say it,” he urged. “Tell me what you want.”
“I can’t,” she cried out, all flushed and flustered. 
He shrugged and said,
“Suppose we’d have to stop then…”
“No! No,” she pleaded, “don’t stop. I want more.”
“More what?” he insisted.
“Suck me…suck my breasts. Touch my bottom.”
He pretended to think about it, and then said,
“Are you going to be my good lass?”
“Yes, of course,” she nodded, her eyes wide and pleading. She was shaking all over, tension and need sweeping over her body in waves.
“Take your lovely tit,” he instructed, “and feed me with it. And that will free my hands to play with your bum.”
Elain frantically squeezed her breast in her hand and offered it to him, though he made her actually feed it to him and put it in his mouth. She felt the slick, smooth head of his member between her parted thighs, and she lifted her bottom to him in silent invitation. 
“Good,” he approved. “Give me the other one too.”
She pushed her other breast into his mouth, and he began to suck both of her nipples at once. And below, his warm, heavy hands pulled her cheeks wide apart, exposing her to the cool air. 
How she yearned to be his good girl and please him. She wanted him to be happy with her, with what she offered and how she obeyed him. 
She held her breasts between his lips, her nipples raw and swollen from his insistent sucking and nipping. He bit her, not altogether gently, making her gasp and moan, as he pressed his fingertips around the tight, tiny hole of her bottom, exploring it roughly. 
Elain wasn’t sure how she knew, but she knew, so she asked softly, “Sir, will you take me in my bottom too?”
Azriel didn’t answer, busy with his sucking, before he finally pulled away. Elain’s nipples were aching like crazy, never having been handled so hard before, and they were swollen and wet from his saliva, resembling small cherries. He was pulling her cheeks so wide apart, it was a little painful, but she loved it. She loved all the aches, the unexpected mix of pleasure and pain.
“On your back, sweet lass,” he nodded curtly and she scrambled off of him, eager to do his bidding.
He looked her over, kneeling near her legs and smirked, smoothing his hands over her belly and her waist. 
“Beautiful,” he approved.
Elain didn’t think she was anything resembling beautiful. She was a mess of panting flesh, her breasts big and swollen, her slit wet and leaking, her hair wild, her breath irregular.
“Show me that virgin pussy,” he murmured softly, kissing her lips alongside his request. “Knees up, hold them, and spread wide.”
Elain swallowed a panicked breath, but he added, “I want to see everything.”
After a brief moment of indecision on her part, he pressed, “now, sunshine. Show me that pretty hole where we’ll put our baby.”
She licked her lips and then raised her legs and hooked her arms under her knees.
He pushed her knees even further apart, as far as she could hold them, and then he yanked her hips up and onto his lap.
He cupped and juggled her tits in his hands, pinching her nipples and then rolling them between his fingers, while she just lay there, spread out in front of him.
“Look at your delightful virgin pussy, sweetheart,” he smiled. “I am going to ride it until you forget how to walk.”
“Sir, please…” she murmured.
“Please, what, sweet pea?”
“Do you like me?” she asked shyly.
“I adore you, pretty girl,” he assured her. He twisted her nipples until she winced and then let go. 
“Your member is so large,” she said, biting her lower lip. “Will it…I mean, will it go inside? Will it fit?”
What Elain didn’t expect to happen, was for him to grab his thick shaft and slap it over her wet slit. 
She gasped in shock, because he did it again, whacking that girthy appendage of his over her open sex, jerking her upright. He slapped it again and again, landing between her lips with precision, the head of his cock hitting her sensitive nub every time, as she panted with pleasure. The sounds of him slapping her with his dick were squelchy and wet and obscene. 
“Take it,” he murmured warmly, but sternly.
Elain took it.
He rubbed it in her slit, gliding in her wetness, before smacking it over and over again.
“Do you like it, my sweetness? Do you like the thick cock?”
She nodded, almost in tears. Because she liked it. God help her, but she loved it.
“Show me how much you like it,” he encouraged her. ‘Show me how you like what your lord does to you?”
Elain didn’t know what he wanted exactly, but she was overwhelmed and wanted to express her gratitude somehow. So she rolled clumsily and pressed her lips to the tip of the member, kissing it gratefully.
“Thank you, sir,” she whispered, and then dipped lower and kissed the heavy sack of his balls. He stroked her head and said, “very good, my darling.”
His flesh, even the most intimate parts of him, tasted just fine. There was a salty sheen to it, a very pleasant musk that was all him, and he smelled delicious. Elain wasn’t put off by the act of putting her mouth on his most private of parts. It felt absolutely natural. He wouldn’t have needed to ask her, because she would’ve done it gladly on her own. 
“Everything feels amazing, sir,” she admitted. 
Azriel lifted her face to his and kissed her lips, stroking her jaw and her neck with his thumbs. 
“Take me, sir,” Elain begged, as she rained kisses upon his face and his mouth.
Azriel maintained an envious level of self-control, though his cock was huge and bobbing right at his navel. 
“Let me see you, sweetheart,” he urged her. “Let me see inside of you,” and he pushed her lightly back on the bed, where she frantically resumed her spread out position, clutching her legs under her knees. 
“It might hurt,” he warned, as he splayed his palm over her slit, and she muttered, ‘it’s alright…it doesn’t hurt…it doesn’t matter.”
He settled between her legs and leaned over her to kiss her again, before swiping his tongue over her swollen nipples and tweaking them with his fingers until she whimpered. 
“Why does it feel so good?” she cried out, shuddering and arching her back.
“Carnal fornication is feeling nice?” he teased, and she watched him in awe, as he gripped his long cock and gave it a couple of thorough swipes. It was incredibly erotic, watching him like this, naked, somewhat vulnerable, yet still completely in control. She watched him do the most natural, and masculine thing that she could imagine, and it looked so enticing to her. 
Azriel meanwhile dipped his fingers into her opening and pulled. He pulled hard. Elain choked back a loud moan, because he stretched her widely and ruthlessly, opening her up for his lewdly personal inspection, peering straight inside.
“You can do it, sweet girl,” he encouraged her gently. “Show me everything…”
She was trembling, feeling her hole pulled apart, the air around them cooling her insides. This was the most grotesquely inappropriate act that she could’ve imagined him doing, and yet, here she was, four of his fingertips inside of her, turning her inside out, and she allowed him to watch her, admire her, strip her of all her inhibitions. 
This wasn’t them just making a baby. 
This was Azriel Night possessing every part of her and her giving it to him. This was him moulding her into what he desired and giving it back to her tenfold.
He looked inside of her, gushing, “you are so pretty, sweetness. My pretty, lovely girl.”
“Do you like it, my lord?” she breathed.
“You have the most delicate, gorgeous virgin pussy,” he vowed, and then leaned over her opening and kissed it. Elain gasped and buckled against his mouth, but he pulled back and whispered,
“I can see your innocence, pretty girl.”
“You can?” she exclaimed.
He nodded.
“It’s lovely, like the rest of you. Perfectly intact for me. I am sorry in advance that I am going to destroy it with my dick.”
Elain gently stroked his hand, his fingers, which still tugged her hole apart, and said, “I want you to, sir. Please take it…It’s yours.”
“I know, Elain. All of you is mine,” he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her opening, lightly swiping his finger inside, but not penetrating her deeply. “I can see so deep inside of you, sweetheart. You are doing so well for me. But I am not going to put my fingers in you,”
“That's alright, sir,” she agreed.
“I want my cock to be the first thing you feel inside this pretty tight pussy.”
She nodded. 
Whatever he wanted, she would give. Whatever he needed, was on offer.
“Come on, on your hands and knees, gorgeous,” he ordered, finally letting go of her hole. “You need cock inside of you. Cock and my seed.”
Elain turned for him the way he wanted, arching her back for him and spreading her thighs in a most natural way. It was as if she was meant to be here, offering herself to him. It was shocking to her to see her reflection in the mirror on the wardrobe’s door. She caught a glimpse of herself and hardly recognised her own image staring back. She looked wanton. Willing. Needy. She couldn’t have thought that she’d ever look like this–so destroyed, so hungry, so subdued. But here she was, with her ass up in the air, her arms extended in front of her, presenting her sex to him, so he could destroy it. 
His knees parted hers easily and he slotted behind her, his hot, long shaft throbbing against her slit. 
“I’ll take you like this,” he said simply and she nodded. Perhaps it wasn’t what she was expected or imagined about her first time, but with Azriel towering behind her, her thighs dripping, everything tensing and clenching in her, she was perfectly happy with this position. 
“I will hurt you,” he explained simply. “It’s not what I want, but I will. You are tight and small, and your virginity is well-intact.”
“I know, my lord,” she murmured. “Please take me. I need you inside of me,” she pleaded. 
“Watch us,” he pointed to the mirror. “I want you to see you losing your virginity to me. It’s not something every girl gets to watch.”
He rubbed his cock in his hand a few times, and then rubbed the head in her wet slit. And then, Elain gasped, as she felt the thick, smooth head pop into her opening, stretching it immediately. Lord have mercy, it was only the head. He was so big. Heavy. Nine inches? Something like that by the looks of it. 
It hurt.
Elain screamed loudly, because he pushed in. Slowly, but he pushed. And pushed. And pushed. She felt herself tearing. Her position allowed him to slide in so deep that she lost her ability to breathe. It burned and stretched her, his shaft scorching hot inside of her. 
“That’s it,” he encouraged softly, gently. “That’s it.”
Her eyes welled up with tears, but she panted loudly, while he pressed her lower, making her arc her back even further, so she could take more of it. 
“My beautiful Elain. You are all mine,” he caressed her bottom, her waist, while his cock battered through her bluntly. “Your virginity is mine. Your pretty pussy is all mine too,”
“All yours,” she sobbed tenderly. “You are mine, Azriel. Mine.”
She’d never called him by his name. Not until now.
Not until she felt so full of him and he claimed her as his.
Azriel ran his hand from her neck down to her bottom and she watched the two of them in the mirror. He was so dark and powerful behind her, and she was pale and small, with her ass cheeks squeezed in his massive hands. He was smiling down at her, looking between their bodies, where they were joined. 
“Take it all, pretty girl,” he told her. “You are perfect. Everything I ever wanted.”
She adjusted her hips against him, and that allowed his cock to plunge all the way.
“There you go. That’s all the way in.”
It was incredibly painful, but Elain wouldn’t trade the experience for anything. The pain was perfect. The stretch was brutally perfect. The weight of him, the girth, the sensation of the pain that he was offering her, was mixed with perfect pleasure. 
“You are a dream,” he grunted hoarsely. “My perfect girl.”
Elain managed to find his hand on her butt cheek and threaded her fingers with his. 
“Ride me, my lord,” she urged him. “Take what belongs to you.”
Her face was a mask of pained joy, eyes hooded and dark, her lips open in a silent plea.
“I will go hard on you, sweetheart,” he promised darkly. “Hard, but slow. You will feel every inch of me. Will remember every move of my dick inside you.”
“Az,” her name came out garbled and personal. She shortened it. No one else in his life called him Az, but Cassian. “Use me…”
Azriel smiled and then pulled out of her completely, before sliding back in fully. And again. And again. Deep, long, slow thrusts. Elain was moaning loudly, unconcerned about anything. She didn’t care if anyone heard her. Azriel pushed her head down, all the way to the mattress and she pressed her cheek into the pillow. He lowered his head to kiss her parted lips, as she panted, with his cock fully enclosed inside of her. 
“It hurts,” she moaned into his lips.
“I know,” he nodded, and kissed her again. “Is your little pussy so sore?”
“So sore,” she nodded and pouted. He laughed and kissed her again, his hips pounding steadily against her soft, tender ass. “But it feels good,” she added. 
“I’ve never deflowered anyone before,” he confessed, “but your pussy is perfect. Every day, beautiful, I will ride it every day,”
She bounced compliantly between him and the bed, their flesh slapping wetly against each other, while he kept kissing her cheek, her hair, her eye, her mouth, meeting her tongue with his in a heady dance. She caressed his hands with hers, while he squeezed her hips, her buttocks, her thighs, probably leaving marks on her skin. 
“Please, Az,” she whispered, “ride me every day.”
“I will. I will never get enough.”
He was thrusting deep and heavy into her, but her passage was now well-stretched for him, and she took it eagerly. She was sore–she wasn’t lying–but it also felt indescribable. 
“Open your mouth, sweetheart,” he coaxed her. She did, looking up at him from the awkward angle where her head was pressed. “I am going to give you my fingers,” he explained. “And you will suck them. You will be sucking nice and deep, because once I fill you with seed, you will take me in your mouth,”
She nodded impatiently and muttered, “yes, yes, give them to me.”
He grinned down at her and pushed two fingers in her mouth, which she swallowed immediately. Behind her, he bent his knee to find better purchase, as he filled her pussy over and over with his thick cock, this thrust mercilessly deep and hard. She snaked her hand up his calf, squeezing his knee, and then up his thigh, holding him tightly to her.
“Good?” he asked.
Her mouth was filled with his fingers, but she nodded quickly. He was making her lose her mind, as she sputtered over his fingers, the steady pounding making her clench all around the shaft, it felt better than good. It felt better than she had words in her vocabulary to describe it. Azriel kissed her wet, slobbering mouth, without removing his penetrating fingers from it, and she loved it. Loved how he enjoyed every part of her. Loved how free he was. How accepting. 
He pulled out of her, looking into her hole and murmured proudly, 
“Oh, we stretched you good, pretty girl! It will be a while before you can take me easily and without pain, but you are doing so well.” He kneaded her ass cheeks roughly, as he pushed back in, his thrusts becoming harder and harder, as he drilled into her without pause. Elain was choking on his fingers, lapping at the scars, crying and crying out, tears pouring from her eyes. Her nails dug into his thigh, as she hooked her arm under his knee, holding on to him desperately.
The first climax that she’d experienced earlier was nothing compared to the avalanche of pleasure that was crushing through her right now. It was sweeping over her body, making her toes curl, making her wail and shake beneath him, as he fucked her through it. He fucked her. This gorgeous man of her dreams was everything she ever wanted, and he was here, inside of her, making her into a puddle of panting, slobbering goo. She was his. Wholly. Her passage milked him greedily, clutching at him, clenching, wanting more, taking whatever she needed from him. The pleasure was borderline torturous. 
“That’s my good girl,” he encouraged her. “My good Lainey. Give up your sweet pussy to me. Let me fill you up, sweetheart.”
She was nodding frantically and he finally withdrew his fingers from her mouth and slapped his lips to hers, kissing her savagely, while she felt him hot and throbbing inside of her. He tensed, his movements coming in erratically, until finally Elain felt him flood her with his seed. It was warm and wet and she buried her face in the pillow, smiling to herself. She made him spill his seed. She. Little Elain that no one ever paid attention to. She made the Duke of Velaris climax inside of her and fill her with his seed.
Everything was wet and aching and hurting when he fell on the bed behind her and brought her with him. He was still inside, his cock pulsing in her, as he wrapped her in his arms.
“Az,” she whispered, kissing his scarred forearm.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“I am a woman now…”
He chuckled and kissed the back of her head.
“You are not a virgin anymore,” he stated. “But maybe not a woman yet.”
“Will you make me one?”
“Of course,” he pumped her a few times, making her moan. “I’ll make you my woman.”
“You feel so wonderful in me,” she admitted, while he kissed her neck, and bit her ear.
“What else did you like?” Azirel inquired, filling his palms with her breasts and fingering her nipples.
“I liked everything. Absolutely everything.”
“Even when I slapped your pussy with my cock?”
“Yes,” she turned to face him. “It was good. Everything was wonderful. Do you want to slap it again?” 
He chuckled.
“You are my eager little thing. Don’t worry, Ellie. I will. Your little slit will be slapped regularly, so you never forget who you belong to.”
“To you,” she breathed, kissing him rapturously. “Only to you.”
He nodded and cupped her between her legs possessively.
“Now, pretty girl,” he eyed her and the state of her. “Are you ready for more?”
“Please, Azriel. I am ready for more.”
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hykar · 5 months
💫Sucheon Kang Headcanons: 1
•A light sleeper that is easily waken up even with the most subtle movement anywhere near him when he sleeps or the smallest noise being made.
•Definitely has Insomnia, I don't make the rules.
•Listens to music (Even his favorite ones) with either the STRAIGHTEST face known to mankind or humming along—there's nothing in between.
•I can see him listening to: The Weeknd, Al James, Chase Atlantic, Arctic Monkeys, Childish Gambino, MCR, and Cigarettes After Sex.
•Chase Atlantic coded—I said what I said.
•I can (somehow) imagine him learning how to play a guitar (He'd definitely go for the electric one) and like he got everything he could possibly need and purchased a really good guitar too—only to get frustrated with how the strings are too hard and is hurting his fingers to the point he just can't play at all and left the guitar and the materials he got in his closet to rot. "What the fuck you can change strings?" I can hear him saying that if he finds out you can change the guitar strings to one you're more comfortable in using.
•Definitely gets pissed at the claw machines. I can see him pinching his nose bridge in annoyance if the prize is dropped when its so near to the hole where prizes are dropped in. I think he broke one or two claw machines.
•Has the meanest side eyes and/or eye rolls.
•Better start praying if you show up to an unhinged/out of pocket insults contest and you see him there cause for some reason, even the most basic ahh insults becomes so mean when it comes from him. (His insults fr piss at the soul)
•If he were a character in the Mean Girls, he'd definitely be Regina George.
•He's definitely not misogynistic, racist, homophobic or anything of the likes (Its pretty hard to see him that way too cause it just don't sit well nor does it fit well at all.) but he is definitely the quote "It doesn't matter what you are cause if you suck, you suck."
•He's definitely a Grumpy Admirer Who Secretly Cares or is like very straightforward about it—There's nothing in between (FR GONNA WRITE ABOUT THIS OMG IAJDISJSJFJC).
•Immediately blocks a person if they ask him if he's single when he's in a relationship.
•Other than Bomber Jackets, I think he likes leather jackets, racer jackets, and baseball styled jackets too.
🌷Hell week is hell weeking real hard rn, really sorry if the finals week turned into my final week. Will try to survive through this.🥲
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
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Midnight Meeting
Not Natural
The Devil's Trap
Holy Water
The Demon's Altar
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: SPN inspired, ABO dynamics (slick, knots, heats), demon Kells, hunter Dom, threats, fear, PTSD, nightmares, panic attack, mentions of curses and childhood abuse, cuddles, teasing, silly come-ons, needy boys, descriptions of post sex messes ⚰️ rating: mature
Kells watched as the human he was preternaturally drawn to drifted off to sleep. He could smell the sensual combination of the boy's slick and his own seed still hot and dripping between Dom's thick thighs and he had to fight himself not to play. He knew how lightly the Hunter slept, he was always on alert and never truly rested. That might make it hard for a surprise morning blowjob but for the moment he could be good. The back of his mind was circling with his actions, he was still surprised at everything that had happened between them and part of him wondered if the kid would wake up hating him again. If that happened he would definitely play- he hoped his new friend just needed a steady diet of good sex to make him stop being such a bitch. Speciesist sexy little fuck.
He groaned low as he rolled over onto his back. He was a demon, he couldn't live with himself if he sat there watching a human sleep all night. No matter how gorgeous Dominic was. He normally loved the fact he couldn't sleep, it kept his time free for more deals, death, and partying, but for the first time in centuries he wondered what it might be like to wake up next to someone. He never wanted to find out what his dreams would look like though. He'd already spent time in hell.
The world outside their little room lit up from a lightning strike that made his hair raise on end. His eyes rolled and his hand waved to soundproof the room and keep his lover at peace but with one last longing look he pushed himself out of bed. On his way to the door he grabbed the first pair of underwear he saw and smirked to himself when the scent of Dom accosted his senses. He summoned a cigarette as he slipped out the door and snapped his fingers to light it. The air outside felt thick with electricity and the air reeked of sulfur. The reminder of home rolled his stomach but he refused to show his distress.
"Keliphos. I should have known I'd find you here. You always did like stealing from your betters." A voice came out of the darkness and he fought himself not to growl. He fucking hated demons but this one in particular needed a good dose of holy water up his urethra. He took a drag and blew it out slowly, clenching his fist to keep himself calm. "Do you like my- how do they say- sloppy seconds? You know the boy is mine."
Kells turned, his glare flashing to its natural state as he searched out the bastard in the shadows. He wished he had the weaponry to kill his enemy but that was something he and Dom would have to search out. It was the whole reason he talked to the boy to begin with, only a human could find it. He hated shit guarded by magic. Now though he was driven by so much more and it made his rage a hot flame in his stomach. "You never owned him, you tried to steal a child and you failed. Why did you even want him? Why turn him into that?" He didn't mean to sound like he cared, that was dangerous for both of them but he couldn't seem to stop it.
"Oh? You don't like what he is? Your appearance and stench beg to differ." Finally the other demon stepped out of the shadows and came close. Not close enough for the dick punch he deserved but near enough Kells could see him. The meat suit he inhabited was something young and beautiful, he just hoped the obviously teen boy was doing alright.
"Still up to the same bullshit I see. Dom's too old for you now. Move the fuck on." He growled low, trying not to lash out.
"Keliphos, you know he's special. You can feel it. Unless you find a way to ruin him, eventually I will take him. Eventually he will come to me willingly."
Kells laughed, he couldn't help it. There was no way Dom would go to him and he found the idea of ruining someone too medieval. "Stop calling me that and just move on. If you don't, I swear to you, I'll kill you."
It was the other demon's turn to laugh, the sound was too high pitched for the evil he knew was in the monster, but he had always possessed young boys to lure others. Kells was just happy he never had to deal with that. "You know together we could do so much. The offer to join me is always open. I might even let you keep him once I'm done." With that the ancient teen monster disappeared in a shock of lightning and Kells cursed under his breath, put out his cigarette, and turned back to stalk quietly into the hotel room. He couldn't tell Dom what had transpired but he definitely wouldn't leave. He might never be able to take his eyes off the human again.
His gaze settled back to his human lie as he stared down at the beautiful boy in question. Astaroth was right about one thing, he was very special but he had started thinking it was because of the curse. If that wasn't true… he was almost more scared of him. He was old enough he hated mysteries, this was just one he wasn't sure how to solve without pissing the Hunter off more. He didn't think the kid would actually want to open up and talk. It didn't seem like conversation was what he wanted from their… friendship. It didn't matter, he would just stay close and find out in time. It wasn't like staying with the human was torture.
Dom gasped awake like every day, his chest tight, his heart racing, sweat soaking every inch of him. He sat straight up in bed and tried not to cry out too loud but as his fuzzy gaze searched the dark room something touched him. He jumped, full body trembling, but the touch curled tightly around him and he wondered momentarily where he left his knife. "Shit Dom I'm sorry. I'm right here. Breathe for me?" A rasped voice whispered in his ear and the scent that hit his nose was… comforting?
"Kells!" The memory of the past few days fought their way through his anxiety induced brain fog. He never had someone close to help when he woke from a nightmare but with the demon holding him he could actually breathe.
Dom crumpled against his chest, that pretty face pressing against his neck, and while he wasn't used to comforting anything he tried. "It's okay. He can't have you. I've got you. Told you I'd watch over you." He soothed, petting down the human's sweat slick spine. The boy was overwhelming like this, his pheromones strong and cloying. He could fucking taste him on the back of his tongue and more than anything he wanted to distract him but he didn't think it was the time.
"S'not 'im. Not jus' 'im." Dom tried to speak but his chest felt too tight. He didn't think the beast he took to bed would care or understand his past though. His life has never been nice or normal and it had definitely never been healthy. He had only been so easily swayed by the monster when he was younger because he was so desperate to get away from home. Most nights he dreamed of some dark combination of his parents and the bastard who cursed him. It was nothing new but actually being calmed after it was surprising.
He sighed softly and pulled back enough to look at the creature he should be stabbing but Kells just smiled at him and something in his belly flipped. "Can still feel yas." He whispered before he could stop himself and that smile turned to a smirk. His cheeks burned hot but he felt that heat between his thighs flow and something about knowing it was him and Kells mixed together got him even hotter.
"You like that?" The demon purred, his fingers drifting lower on the boy's spine until he was ghosting just over his ass. "You have dimples?" He hummed, but he wouldn't move his lover to look yet, obviously Dom needed the connection. Maybe he did too after his midnight meeting.
"Shut up. No I don't." Dom blushed hotter but the wanker teased his fingers inside the little dips and it tickled him enough he jumped.
"Scary badass demon hunter has dimples." Kells sing-songed softly. He knew they hadn't known each other long enough to tease but he always teased. "Don't worry, I won't tell." He started to lean closer to kiss the boy but Dom pulled back a little and placed his hand on the demon's inked chest.
"Wait, tha' wasn't jus' a one time fing?" He didn't know if he wanted it to be or not but he was surprised. The monster seemed like a hit it and quit it kind of guy.
Kells watched as the boy nibbled his lower lip, his anxiety was obviously still up and he knew he needed to say the right thing or he'd fuck up whatever they were building. If they were building anything. Besides, he needed the human. For revenge purposes of course. That was all. "I'm not done with you yet. If you're not done with me?" He offered. It wasn't too sweet which he knew would scare the boy off and it wasn't too standoffish. It was simple and honest and left a world of possibilities open wide. Like he wanted the kid's legs to be.
"I… shite. I should tell you to fuck off again. I should make you go but… maybe a pet demon wouldn't be so bad." A smile tugged at his lips, it was a dangerous game but maybe he could play it. At least for a while. He'd never recovered from his nightmares so fast and… maybe he enjoyed the sex just a little bit.
"Pet demon, huh?" Kells purred, his hand slinking down to grope hard at Dom's perky ass. He was shocked when the boy squeaked but it was oddly heartwarming. Dom was special. Dom was human. Right? "How about instead I be the master, and you sit?" He winked, sealing his lips over the Hunter's before he could tell him off.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 🖤
I hope this was good, I'm feeling pretty ick but I don't want to get too far off schedule. I have a bad case of brain fog though so I really hope this was coherent. Astaroth is icky, but how do they know each other? How is Dom special? Do y'all deserve a little more porn with your plot as a treat? Hope you like it! ⚰️🖤
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September 6, 1973
Daniel wakes up thinking about the midnight sun thing. 
Half his face is smushed into his pillow, and the sun is in his eyes. In the bleary sleep-fog he reaches towards the window, like he can close the curtains from here, but his hand just meets the empty air. He pulls the blanket up over his head, instead.
It’s nice, sleeping in. It’s been a while since he’s had to wake up in the morning. No boring job. Done with school. But it fills him with uneasiness sometimes. Like he’s missing out on something.
He peeks his head out, arches his neck to see his alarm clock. It’s almost eleven. Oops.
The blanket cave feels good, though. He buries himself again, closes his eyes. Tries to enjoy the warmth as long as he can, before he feels like the air is running out. He thinks he could fall asleep like this, fading more and more as he runs out of oxygen, but he’d be so warm he wouldn’t even worry about it.
His stomach grumbles, though. His eyes open. Sleeping forever is nice but he should get breakfast. Or, by the time he’s moving around maybe it’s lunch. Whatever. Who cares.
There’s no rush as he rolls out of bed. He pops his back, rubs his eyes. Drops the needle onto Paranoid in the record player. Cranks it up to fill his whole apartment as he brushes his teeth, as he walks around looking for clothes to wear. He gets his pants on and forgets to find a shirt, too distracted by the idea to make coffee, and he chews on his toothbrush as he measures out the water, forgetting that he was brushing his teeth until the mint starts to burn. He rinses out in the kitchen sink, goes to put his toothbrush away but finds himself opening the blinds in the living room, forgets to start the percolator.
It all occurs to him as he’s standing over his typewriter, reaching for his cigarettes, realizing he’s half-dressed, that everything is half-done, that his mind is bouncing around like a pinball machine.
“Get your shit together,” he says out loud.
Okay, try again.
He takes a breath. Puts his toothbrush away, wipes his face. Grabs a shirt off the bathroom floor that passes the sniff test. Clicks the percolator on. 
Better, better. Getting there.
The clock says it’s 12:15 now and he’s not sure how an hour passed. 
His stomach grumbles again and he goes back for food. Not a ton to eat, but he can manage toast or something. 
And then what. 
Interviews and notes and tapes wind through his head. He can seem like a rolodex. Each one has a name and a list of tasks. Some he has to file away on his shelf, with the correct labels. Some still need notes for the station. He can drop some off and pick up his originals that they’re done with. And maybe buy some more tapes today. And maybe, and maybe, and maybe–
The mental image is organized. Compartmentalized. It feels good, most of the time, stackling all the tasks like that. A place for everything and everything in its place.
But it’s spinning and spinning and there are just so many fucking tapes on the shelf. So many lives. His eyes sweep across them and he can hear all of them, bits of voices drifting on top of each other, in and out. This one talking about their abusive mom, and the next explaining how a jet engine works, and the next describing how it feels to overdose. A civil rights march, a traumatic surgery, the Siege of Bastogne. And it’s too overwhelming, too cramped in here, too many people for his tiny apartment.
“You should leave,” he says. And the voices shut off. Silent now; even the record ended when he wasn’t listening and he just hears the nearly-imperceptible pitch of the electricity ringing in his ears. And from behind him he hears the percolator’s light click on, and from downstairs someone slams their mailbox shut, and outside a car honks.
Maybe he needs to be outside. But, like, in the quiet. Like that guy was saying yesterday. Not Iceland; that would take too much planning. Maybe Muir Woods or something. It’s a Thursday, maybe there won’t be too many people around. Normal people are at their jobs.
Yeah. Yeah. 
He nods his head. Looks around for his shoes. Remembers to go pour his coffee. Flips the record over and keeps playing it, to give himself some time to eat. 
And it’s easier, a few minutes later. Caffeinated, and on the fresh first hit of the morning smoke.
He shouldn’t panic so much, he’s just not a morning person.
[previous day] | [next day]
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hamsterbellbelle · 1 year
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Additional CC list for Abandoned Safe Hosue🎦:
Arch window || Arch || Attic table || Bag/suitcase || Bag/towel || Bathroom clutter - A - B || Bathroom sink || Bathroom trashcan || Beckoning cat || Bed || Beer bottle || Boarded planks || Books || Box/shoe box/game boxes || Boxes - A -B - C || Bucket with dipper/bath stool || Calendar || Card wallet/keychain/tickets || Cardboard posters || Cardboard rug || Case files || Cement bags || Cereal box/table stain || Cereal || Chair with bag/notes || Chair with clothes || Cigarette ends || Cleaning broom || Clothes rack || Conduit || Cookware (dirty) || Dirty dishes || Diving platform || Door || Door || Drains || Drink crate || Electric cable || Floor dirt || Floor lamp || Floor line || Floor messy clutter || Folded mattress || Folding chair || Food tray || Fridge || Graffiti || Hamper (deco) || Hanging clothes || Hanging brush || Hanging photos || Laptop (deco) || Leaning mattress || Mail/snack bag/take out || Newspaper stack || Old suitcase || Old TV (deco) || Opened suitcase ||
Panel with electric effect || Paper bag/mug || Pipes || Plastic chair || Posters/floor clothes || Pot || Power wire || Puddle || Rolled paper || Shoe rack || Shower caddy/towel || Sink || Square fan || Square table/toilet sink || Stickers || Stickers || Surge plug/phone (deco) || Toilet paper || Toothbrushes || Toothpaste || Towel || Trash pile || Used tissue || Vinyl || Wall photos || Wall rack || Wall shelf/wall phone || Wallpaper - A - B - C - D || Washing machine || Water jug || Wine bottle ||
🐹             🐹             🐹             🐹             🐹
Animated data monitor || Astray with smoke || Coat rack || Cyberpunk divider || Cyberpunk posters || Dining stool || Dining table || Door with broken glasses || Folded chair with clothes ||
⚠️Somehow Tumblr is not letting me posting the remaining links 🙄 If you're interested in the CCs please just search them in my CC-DOWNLOAD directory.
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cigarettegear · 2 years
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jameywatson · 5 days
Tired of rolling cigarettes every time? Cigarette Rolling Machines can help!
Rolling cigarettes by hand can be a tedious task. Ever wished there was an efficient and less time-consuming way to enjoy your favorite tobacco? Cigarette rolling machines have got your back. Available in both manual and electric options, these handy devices can revolutionize your smoking experience, providing you with perfectly rolled cigarettes every time.
Why Choose a Cigarette Rolling Machines?
Efficient and Time-Saving: These machines eliminate the hassle of manual rolling, thus saving you valuable time and effort. With a simple twist or push of a button, you can have a perfectly rolled cigarette ready to enjoy.
Consistent Quality: With these machines, uneven rolls and inconsistent flavor are a thing of the past. These machines ensure that every cigarette is rolled to the same precise specifications, delivering a consistent and enjoyable smoking experience.
Convenience: Whether you're at home, on the go, or enjoying a social gathering, these machines offer unparalleled convenience. Their compact size and portability make them easy to carry wherever you go.
Cost-Effective: Using a cigarette rolling machine can save you money. By rolling your own cigarettes, you can avoid the markup on pre-rolled cigarettes and enjoy significant cost savings.
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Choosing the Right Cigarette Rolling Machine
When selecting a cigarette rolling machine, consider your preferred cigarette size, ease of use, and durability. Various options are available, from simple hand-cranked models to electric machines with advanced features. You can find your preferred cigarette rolling machine at the smokers outlet online store.
If you're looking to streamline your smoking experience and enjoy perfectly rolled cigarettes every time, a cigarette rolling machine is an excellent investment. These convenient and efficient devices offer a host of benefits, from saving time and effort to ensuring consistent quality. So why wait? Upgrade your smoking routine today with a cigarette rolling machine!
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shyujikl · 1 year
How To Use Cigarette Rolling Machine: An Enthusiast'S Guide To Using A Rolling Machine
In today's blog, I will introduce how to use the cigarette rolling machine. If you like making cigarettes by yourself as much as I do, you will understand that it is very interesting when you are making cigarettes. Today, we'll delve into the magic of cigarette rolling machines and demystify their principles of operation. In addition, we also introduce in detail how beginners quickly use the cigarette rolling machine, Because Even for the most experienced among us, rolling a perfect cigarette every time can be challenging. So at this time, the tobacco roller starts to play its role, let's explore this interesting product together A cigarette rolling machine basically consists of three parts: The hopper, the roller, and the filter. Each component has a different use. The hopper is where the tobacco is stored so that it can be used whenever required. And the roller is used To roll down your tobacco into cigarettes, its working principle is also very simple, you need to put the loose tobacco into the hopper, and the machine will automatically fill the tobacco into the empty cigarette pipe (such as a screw mechanism in an automatic roller ), But what you need to pay attention to is that different types of cigarette rolling machines have different working principles, such as manual cigarette rolling machine and electric cigarette rolling machine. The former only needs to turn the crank to fill the tobacco body into the cigarette tube, while the same steps of the electric cigarette rolling machine only need to press the button and the motor inside the machine will be completed automatically. After understanding the working principle of the Rolling Machine, you can use it very conveniently Open the rolling machine and distribute your tobacco as the first step. To begin, raise the top portion of the cigarette rolling machine to expose the apron (the cloth or rubber-like material between the two rollers). Next, dispense your preferred tobacco mix uniformly on the apron. Avoid overfilling the machine to prevent your cigarette from being too tightly packed and difficult to smoke. Step 2: Lock the tobacco and shut off the machine The rolling machine should be shut by lowering the top portion onto the tobacco once the tobacco has been dispersed evenly. To compress and secure the tobacco, spin the rollers a few times more. The role will be more even and consistent as a result. Step 3: Start Rolling Your PaperTake a rolling piece of paper, and place it inside the device with the gummed side facing up and in your direction. Between the apron and the machine's top section, put the paper. As you roll, this will enable the paper to encircle the tobacco. Roll the paper into the machine in step four.Turn the rollers to start rolling the paper into the machine. The rolling paper will round the tobacco as you do this. Roll the paper until all that is left is the sticky strip (the gummed portion). Step 5: Seal Your Cigarette and Lick the GumIt's time to finish sealing your cigarette now that the tobacco is nearly completely enclosed in the rolling paper. Make sure the gummed strip on the paper is sufficiently wet to form a tight seal by giving it a lick. Once the adhesive strip is secured and the paper is completely encircling the tobacco, keep rolling the machine. But many friends use the cigarette rolling machine not only to roll cigarettes but also to make joints. Although they are not the same product, the production steps are the same In addition to cigarettes, rolling a joint can be quite challenging for novices. In the tutorial above, we discussed how to produce cigarettes using a cigarette rolling machine. The method for rolling a joint with raw rolling papers is demonstrated here. I think that this will make it easier for marijuana enthusiasts to enjoy a nicely rolled joint. Step 1: Distribute your ground marijuana evenlyThe adhesive strip should be facing up and in your direction when you first spread out a Raw rolling paper on a flat surface. Distribute your ground marijuana uniformly across the paper. Avoid overstuffing the joint as this can make rolling and smoking more challenging. Step 2: Create a cylinder out of the marijuana.Once the cannabis has been applied properly, gently roll the paper back and forth between your fingers. This will make it simpler to roll the joint by helping to shape the marijuana into a cylinder. For a smooth and even burn, be patient and take your time during this phase. Tuck and roll the joint in step three.It's time to roll the joint now that the cannabis has been formed into a cylinder. Make sure the paper is tightly rolled around the cannabis while you carefully tuck the unglued side of the paper into the roll. When only the adhesive strip is left, keep rolling the joint up as tightly as you can. Step 4: Seal the Joint and Lick the AdhesiveYou are nearly there! The joint needs to be sealed right now. To ensure that the paper's adhesive strip is sufficiently saturated to form a reliable seal, lick it. Make sure the adhesive strip adheres to the paper and seals the joint before rolling up the joint completely. Step 5: Turn it on and have funCongratulations! You've used Raw sheets to roll a joint successfully. It's now only a matter of lighting it and enjoying it. Keep in mind that practice makes perfect, so don't give up if your initial tries aren't flawless. You'll soon be rolling joints like a pro if you persevere. Whether it is rolled cigarettes and joints, Rolling machines have revolutionized the way we roll cigarettes and joints, offering consistency and ease unmatched by manual rolling. As dedicated enthusiasts, embracing this technology enables us to enjoy our passion more fully. So, whether you're rolling tobacco or a joint, remember: it's more than just a process - it's an art form Read the full article
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frjdtf · 1 year
How To Use Cigarette Rolling Machine: An Enthusiast'S Guide To Using A Rolling Machine
In today's blog, I will introduce how to use the cigarette rolling machine. If you like making cigarettes by yourself as much as I do, you will understand that it is very interesting when you are making cigarettes. Today, we'll delve into the magic of cigarette rolling machines and demystify their principles of operation. In addition, we also introduce in detail how beginners quickly use the cigarette rolling machine, Because Even for the most experienced among us, rolling a perfect cigarette every time can be challenging. So at this time, the tobacco roller starts to play its role, let's explore this interesting product together A cigarette rolling machine basically consists of three parts: The hopper, the roller, and the filter. Each component has a different use. The hopper is where the tobacco is stored so that it can be used whenever required. And the roller is used To roll down your tobacco into cigarettes, its working principle is also very simple, you need to put the loose tobacco into the hopper, and the machine will automatically fill the tobacco into the empty cigarette pipe (such as a screw mechanism in an automatic roller ), But what you need to pay attention to is that different types of cigarette rolling machines have different working principles, such as manual cigarette rolling machine and electric cigarette rolling machine. The former only needs to turn the crank to fill the tobacco body into the cigarette tube, while the same steps of the electric cigarette rolling machine only need to press the button and the motor inside the machine will be completed automatically. After understanding the working principle of the Rolling Machine, you can use it very conveniently Open the rolling machine and distribute your tobacco as the first step. To begin, raise the top portion of the cigarette rolling machine to expose the apron (the cloth or rubber-like material between the two rollers). Next, dispense your preferred tobacco mix uniformly on the apron. Avoid overfilling the machine to prevent your cigarette from being too tightly packed and difficult to smoke. Step 2: Lock the tobacco and shut off the machine The rolling machine should be shut by lowering the top portion onto the tobacco once the tobacco has been dispersed evenly. To compress and secure the tobacco, spin the rollers a few times more. The role will be more even and consistent as a result. Step 3: Start Rolling Your PaperTake a rolling piece of paper, and place it inside the device with the gummed side facing up and in your direction. Between the apron and the machine's top section, put the paper. As you roll, this will enable the paper to encircle the tobacco. Roll the paper into the machine in step four.Turn the rollers to start rolling the paper into the machine. The rolling paper will round the tobacco as you do this. Roll the paper until all that is left is the sticky strip (the gummed portion). Step 5: Seal Your Cigarette and Lick the GumIt's time to finish sealing your cigarette now that the tobacco is nearly completely enclosed in the rolling paper. Make sure the gummed strip on the paper is sufficiently wet to form a tight seal by giving it a lick. Once the adhesive strip is secured and the paper is completely encircling the tobacco, keep rolling the machine. But many friends use the cigarette rolling machine not only to roll cigarettes but also to make joints. Although they are not the same product, the production steps are the same In addition to cigarettes, rolling a joint can be quite challenging for novices. In the tutorial above, we discussed how to produce cigarettes using a cigarette rolling machine. The method for rolling a joint with raw rolling papers is demonstrated here. I think that this will make it easier for marijuana enthusiasts to enjoy a nicely rolled joint. Step 1: Distribute your ground marijuana evenlyThe adhesive strip should be facing up and in your direction when you first spread out a Raw rolling paper on a flat surface. Distribute your ground marijuana uniformly across the paper. Avoid overstuffing the joint as this can make rolling and smoking more challenging. Step 2: Create a cylinder out of the marijuana.Once the cannabis has been applied properly, gently roll the paper back and forth between your fingers. This will make it simpler to roll the joint by helping to shape the marijuana into a cylinder. For a smooth and even burn, be patient and take your time during this phase. Tuck and roll the joint in step three.It's time to roll the joint now that the cannabis has been formed into a cylinder. Make sure the paper is tightly rolled around the cannabis while you carefully tuck the unglued side of the paper into the roll. When only the adhesive strip is left, keep rolling the joint up as tightly as you can. Step 4: Seal the Joint and Lick the AdhesiveYou are nearly there! The joint needs to be sealed right now. To ensure that the paper's adhesive strip is sufficiently saturated to form a reliable seal, lick it. Make sure the adhesive strip adheres to the paper and seals the joint before rolling up the joint completely. Step 5: Turn it on and have funCongratulations! You've used Raw sheets to roll a joint successfully. It's now only a matter of lighting it and enjoying it. Keep in mind that practice makes perfect, so don't give up if your initial tries aren't flawless. You'll soon be rolling joints like a pro if you persevere. Whether it is rolled cigarettes and joints, Rolling machines have revolutionized the way we roll cigarettes and joints, offering consistency and ease unmatched by manual rolling. As dedicated enthusiasts, embracing this technology enables us to enjoy our passion more fully. So, whether you're rolling tobacco or a joint, remember: it's more than just a process - it's an art form Read the full article
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dhbfgchf · 1 year
How To Use Cigarette Rolling Machine: An Enthusiast'S Guide To Using A Rolling Machine
In today's blog, I will introduce how to use the cigarette rolling machine. If you like making cigarettes by yourself as much as I do, you will understand that it is very interesting when you are making cigarettes. Today, we'll delve into the magic of cigarette rolling machines and demystify their principles of operation. In addition, we also introduce in detail how beginners quickly use the cigarette rolling machine, Because Even for the most experienced among us, rolling a perfect cigarette every time can be challenging. So at this time, the tobacco roller starts to play its role, let's explore this interesting product together A cigarette rolling machine basically consists of three parts: The hopper, the roller, and the filter. Each component has a different use. The hopper is where the tobacco is stored so that it can be used whenever required. And the roller is used To roll down your tobacco into cigarettes, its working principle is also very simple, you need to put the loose tobacco into the hopper, and the machine will automatically fill the tobacco into the empty cigarette pipe (such as a screw mechanism in an automatic roller ), But what you need to pay attention to is that different types of cigarette rolling machines have different working principles, such as manual cigarette rolling machine and electric cigarette rolling machine. The former only needs to turn the crank to fill the tobacco body into the cigarette tube, while the same steps of the electric cigarette rolling machine only need to press the button and the motor inside the machine will be completed automatically. After understanding the working principle of the Rolling Machine, you can use it very conveniently Open the rolling machine and distribute your tobacco as the first step. To begin, raise the top portion of the cigarette rolling machine to expose the apron (the cloth or rubber-like material between the two rollers). Next, dispense your preferred tobacco mix uniformly on the apron. Avoid overfilling the machine to prevent your cigarette from being too tightly packed and difficult to smoke. Step 2: Lock the tobacco and shut off the machine The rolling machine should be shut by lowering the top portion onto the tobacco once the tobacco has been dispersed evenly. To compress and secure the tobacco, spin the rollers a few times more. The role will be more even and consistent as a result. Step 3: Start Rolling Your PaperTake a rolling piece of paper, and place it inside the device with the gummed side facing up and in your direction. Between the apron and the machine's top section, put the paper. As you roll, this will enable the paper to encircle the tobacco. Roll the paper into the machine in step four.Turn the rollers to start rolling the paper into the machine. The rolling paper will round the tobacco as you do this. Roll the paper until all that is left is the sticky strip (the gummed portion). Step 5: Seal Your Cigarette and Lick the GumIt's time to finish sealing your cigarette now that the tobacco is nearly completely enclosed in the rolling paper. Make sure the gummed strip on the paper is sufficiently wet to form a tight seal by giving it a lick. Once the adhesive strip is secured and the paper is completely encircling the tobacco, keep rolling the machine. But many friends use the cigarette rolling machine not only to roll cigarettes but also to make joints. Although they are not the same product, the production steps are the same In addition to cigarettes, rolling a joint can be quite challenging for novices. In the tutorial above, we discussed how to produce cigarettes using a cigarette rolling machine. The method for rolling a joint with raw rolling papers is demonstrated here. I think that this will make it easier for marijuana enthusiasts to enjoy a nicely rolled joint. Step 1: Distribute your ground marijuana evenlyThe adhesive strip should be facing up and in your direction when you first spread out a Raw rolling paper on a flat surface. Distribute your ground marijuana uniformly across the paper. Avoid overstuffing the joint as this can make rolling and smoking more challenging. Step 2: Create a cylinder out of the marijuana.Once the cannabis has been applied properly, gently roll the paper back and forth between your fingers. This will make it simpler to roll the joint by helping to shape the marijuana into a cylinder. For a smooth and even burn, be patient and take your time during this phase. Tuck and roll the joint in step three.It's time to roll the joint now that the cannabis has been formed into a cylinder. Make sure the paper is tightly rolled around the cannabis while you carefully tuck the unglued side of the paper into the roll. When only the adhesive strip is left, keep rolling the joint up as tightly as you can. Step 4: Seal the Joint and Lick the AdhesiveYou are nearly there! The joint needs to be sealed right now. To ensure that the paper's adhesive strip is sufficiently saturated to form a reliable seal, lick it. Make sure the adhesive strip adheres to the paper and seals the joint before rolling up the joint completely. Step 5: Turn it on and have funCongratulations! You've used Raw sheets to roll a joint successfully. It's now only a matter of lighting it and enjoying it. Keep in mind that practice makes perfect, so don't give up if your initial tries aren't flawless. You'll soon be rolling joints like a pro if you persevere. Whether it is rolled cigarettes and joints, Rolling machines have revolutionized the way we roll cigarettes and joints, offering consistency and ease unmatched by manual rolling. As dedicated enthusiasts, embracing this technology enables us to enjoy our passion more fully. So, whether you're rolling tobacco or a joint, remember: it's more than just a process - it's an art form Read the full article
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sgvdhgfh · 1 year
How To Use Cigarette Rolling Machine: An Enthusiast'S Guide To Using A Rolling Machine
In today's blog, I will introduce how to use the cigarette rolling machine. If you like making cigarettes by yourself as much as I do, you will understand that it is very interesting when you are making cigarettes. Today, we'll delve into the magic of cigarette rolling machines and demystify their principles of operation. In addition, we also introduce in detail how beginners quickly use the cigarette rolling machine, Because Even for the most experienced among us, rolling a perfect cigarette every time can be challenging. So at this time, the tobacco roller starts to play its role, let's explore this interesting product together A cigarette rolling machine basically consists of three parts: The hopper, the roller, and the filter. Each component has a different use. The hopper is where the tobacco is stored so that it can be used whenever required. And the roller is used To roll down your tobacco into cigarettes, its working principle is also very simple, you need to put the loose tobacco into the hopper, and the machine will automatically fill the tobacco into the empty cigarette pipe (such as a screw mechanism in an automatic roller ), But what you need to pay attention to is that different types of cigarette rolling machines have different working principles, such as manual cigarette rolling machine and electric cigarette rolling machine. The former only needs to turn the crank to fill the tobacco body into the cigarette tube, while the same steps of the electric cigarette rolling machine only need to press the button and the motor inside the machine will be completed automatically. After understanding the working principle of the Rolling Machine, you can use it very conveniently Open the rolling machine and distribute your tobacco as the first step. To begin, raise the top portion of the cigarette rolling machine to expose the apron (the cloth or rubber-like material between the two rollers). Next, dispense your preferred tobacco mix uniformly on the apron. Avoid overfilling the machine to prevent your cigarette from being too tightly packed and difficult to smoke. Step 2: Lock the tobacco and shut off the machine The rolling machine should be shut by lowering the top portion onto the tobacco once the tobacco has been dispersed evenly. To compress and secure the tobacco, spin the rollers a few times more. The role will be more even and consistent as a result. Step 3: Start Rolling Your PaperTake a rolling piece of paper, and place it inside the device with the gummed side facing up and in your direction. Between the apron and the machine's top section, put the paper. As you roll, this will enable the paper to encircle the tobacco. Roll the paper into the machine in step four.Turn the rollers to start rolling the paper into the machine. The rolling paper will round the tobacco as you do this. Roll the paper until all that is left is the sticky strip (the gummed portion). Step 5: Seal Your Cigarette and Lick the GumIt's time to finish sealing your cigarette now that the tobacco is nearly completely enclosed in the rolling paper. Make sure the gummed strip on the paper is sufficiently wet to form a tight seal by giving it a lick. Once the adhesive strip is secured and the paper is completely encircling the tobacco, keep rolling the machine. But many friends use the cigarette rolling machine not only to roll cigarettes but also to make joints. Although they are not the same product, the production steps are the same In addition to cigarettes, rolling a joint can be quite challenging for novices. In the tutorial above, we discussed how to produce cigarettes using a cigarette rolling machine. The method for rolling a joint with raw rolling papers is demonstrated here. I think that this will make it easier for marijuana enthusiasts to enjoy a nicely rolled joint. Step 1: Distribute your ground marijuana evenlyThe adhesive strip should be facing up and in your direction when you first spread out a Raw rolling paper on a flat surface. Distribute your ground marijuana uniformly across the paper. Avoid overstuffing the joint as this can make rolling and smoking more challenging. Step 2: Create a cylinder out of the marijuana.Once the cannabis has been applied properly, gently roll the paper back and forth between your fingers. This will make it simpler to roll the joint by helping to shape the marijuana into a cylinder. For a smooth and even burn, be patient and take your time during this phase. Tuck and roll the joint in step three.It's time to roll the joint now that the cannabis has been formed into a cylinder. Make sure the paper is tightly rolled around the cannabis while you carefully tuck the unglued side of the paper into the roll. When only the adhesive strip is left, keep rolling the joint up as tightly as you can. Step 4: Seal the Joint and Lick the AdhesiveYou are nearly there! The joint needs to be sealed right now. To ensure that the paper's adhesive strip is sufficiently saturated to form a reliable seal, lick it. Make sure the adhesive strip adheres to the paper and seals the joint before rolling up the joint completely. Step 5: Turn it on and have funCongratulations! You've used Raw sheets to roll a joint successfully. It's now only a matter of lighting it and enjoying it. Keep in mind that practice makes perfect, so don't give up if your initial tries aren't flawless. You'll soon be rolling joints like a pro if you persevere. Whether it is rolled cigarettes and joints, Rolling machines have revolutionized the way we roll cigarettes and joints, offering consistency and ease unmatched by manual rolling. As dedicated enthusiasts, embracing this technology enables us to enjoy our passion more fully. So, whether you're rolling tobacco or a joint, remember: it's more than just a process - it's an art form Read the full article
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