#electric bed warmer canada
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The Ultimate Guide to Mattress Heating Pads for a Cozy Sleep Experience
As the colder months roll in, many of us crave that extra bit of warmth and comfort to help us sleep soundly through the night. If you are tired of shivering in bed and looking for a practical solution to stay warm, a hot water pad CA could be your ideal choice. With its soothing warmth, a mattress heating pad can make a significant difference in your sleep quality, especially in Canada’s harsh winters. In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about hot water pads, how they work, their benefits, and why Navienmate.ca is a trusted name in the industry.
What is a Hot Water Pad?
A hot water pad CA is a versatile, portable heating device designed to provide soothing warmth to your body, particularly during the colder seasons. Unlike electric heating pads that rely on electrical current, hot water pads use warm water to deliver gentle heat. This makes them a safe and energy-efficient option for those who want a natural way to stay warm at night.
Typically, these pads are filled with hot water, which is then sealed in the pad, allowing it to retain heat for an extended period. Many hot water pads come with covers for added comfort and to ensure the water stays warm longer read more ...https://navienmate11.livejournal.com/3125.html?newpost=1
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Shelter From the Cold
It was cold. Scratch that, it was freezing. Clint didn’t know what the temperature in Norway was usually like, but he sure as hell hoped it was a lot warmer than this.
How do people live like this? he wondered as he plowed his way through the snow in the woods away from The Cabin.
The Cabin (as Clint referred to it) was their safe house for this mission. It was in the absolute middle of nowhere, surrounded by snowy forest for miles around. And it was eerily quiet. It had been even quieter since Natasha had left a few hours earlier to try to find cell service.
Shield safehouses had a reputation for being not so great. Along with not having cell service, The Cabin also lacked running water, electricity, and beds. Instead, they were provided with a limited supply of water bottles and packaged food, a few half-dead flashlights, and two sleeping bags. Clint figured that’s just what happens when you volunteer for the missions no one else wants to take.
No one else is capable of taking, Clint corrected himself. He and Natasha were Shield’s best.
Clint had tried to kill his time while Nat was out. He arranged the empty water bottles in a triangle and tried to knock them down with a rolled-up sleeping bag; he pointed one of the flashlights at the wall and made shadow puppets. He even attempted to make some sort of heat source out of the discarded cereal boxes, but it was no use. He was still bored out of his mind.
He also tried to sleep, but after about twenty minutes of shutting his eyes, he began to get worried.
Nat had been gone for close to two hours, and he was sure that that couldn’t be good, given the state of the weather outside.
The snow was coming down hard and heavy, and there were already about two feet on the ground. Clint put on his coat and snow boots, but he opted to leave his bow behind. They were in the middle of nowhere after all.
So now he was trekking through the snow, cursing the Norwegian weather for being so destructively beautiful.
He walked for a while in silence, following the tracks Natasha had left. They were already starting to get covered in fresh snow, but they were still visible.
For now.
After almost half an hour of walking, Clint was starting to get frantic. If he hadn’t found Natasha yet, then there was a good chance she went much farther from The Cabin than the mile that she promised.
“Natasha?” Clint called, hoping that the wind didn’t carry his voice away and that she was nearby.
“Nat? I’m getting worried, where are you?” He was moving much quicker now, his trail was drying up. Natasha’s footprints were almost gone.
“Tasha, it’s freezing out here, I’m sure you're nearby just-” Clint froze. There, lying in the snow, was Natasha’s coat.
Oh shit.
He knew it was hers, how could it be anyone else’s? Clint had been there when she bought it. They had been in Canada on a mission, and she had spotted it in a secondhand shop.
“Oh my gosh, Clint, feel how soft it is!” Clint had smiled at her amusement and encouraged her to buy it.
Now she wore it every time it was cold. So naturally, the sight of the coat laying on the ground in the below-freezing landscape of a Norwegian forest did nothing to calm Clint’s fears.
His mind went blank with terror, he grabbed the jacket and continued his search, even more frantic than before. The only thing he could think of was getting to Natasha as soon as possible. Before it was too late. Clint fought his way through the snow-now almost to his waist-around a tree and into a clearing. And then he saw her. Natasha was across the clearing about 20 yards, slumped against a tree and jacketless.
Clint kept fighting through the field, desperately trying to reach her. When he finally got to her, she was non-responsive and ice cold.
“Nat, please, please wake up!” Clint begged as he put her coat back on.
Picking Natasha up, Clint began his two-mile walk (this time more like a run) back to The Cabin. The whole way there he continued begging Natasha to wake up. He knew she was still alive. She had a pulse, but it was weak. Clint understood the severity of the situation, hypothermia had killed many agents before.
With about a quarter mile left to go, and a huge stitch in Clint’s side from carrying Nat the whole way, he started to plan what he was going to do to warm her up.
The jacket wasn’t going to be much help, and there was no heat or electricity in The Cabin, so Clint was going to have to think of something else.
He remembered something from a Shield training course years ago, about how the best way to save someone from frostbite was to regulate their body temperature. He couldn’t remember how exactly, and with The Cabin growing closer, and Natasha getting colder, time was running out.
Then it hit him.
Should a member of your strike team contract hypothermia on a mission, the best way to regenerate body heat is to crawl naked into a sleeping bag with somebody else who's already naked.
That was what Shield told them, so Clint figured that was what he had to do.
Finally, The Cabin came into view. Clint threw open the door and laid Nat down. Then he got to work.
Clint unrolled one of the sleeping bags and unzipped the other one, so it became a sort of blanket. He helped slide Natasha into the bag, noticing that her breathing was getting a little steadier. But she still wasn’t awake. Then, he got to work on his clothes. He kicked his boots off and ditched his jacket, shirt, pants, and socks. He opted to leave his underwear on though. He figured when Natasha woke up that would be more comfortable for her.
Then Clint got in the sleeping bag, and took off Nat’s clothes, leaving them both lying in their underwear in the dark.
This is warm, Clint thought, and he started to relax. He could hear Natasha’s breathing next to him, and it was calming. Clint slipped his arm behind her head and tried not to think about the fact that they were both almost completely naked.
That could wait.
It had been about fifteen minutes, and Natasha started to stir. Clint watched as she slowly blinked open her eyes and assessed her surroundings.
Her immediate response was fear, Clint could tell by the way her eyes got wide and her breath hitched. But then she turned over, and the expression melted into one of relief.
“Hi Clint.” She said with a soft smile.
“Hey Tasha.”
“What happened?” Nat asked, wiggling around in the bag, probably just realizing that she wasn’t wearing anything. And neither was Clint.
“You got away from me,” Clint said. “You went out looking for cell service because this crappy place doesn’t have any. It also doesn’t have beds or heat which is why we are in a sleeping bag. You were gone for too long and I got worried, so I went out to look for you. Then I found your jacket in the snow, and I panicked. You were slumped against a tree and barely breathing so I had to carry you all the way back here. You were so cold, and I remembered what they told us at that training course about hypothermia so as soon as I got back here with you, I got us both in the sleeping bag. And I know that this is awkward, but I didn’t know what else to do. You were Nat and I just needed to do what would keep you alive because I need you. You’re my best friend Tasha and I don’t know what I would do if I lost you.”
Natasha stared at him, at a loss for words. After a few moments, she took a deep breath.
“You’re never going to lose me, Clint. I’m going to be by your side forever.” Natasha said. “Now I know that I can’t promise that, but I sure as hell hope nothing ever happens to change it.”
She shifted, moving her arms around Clint and pulling him in. Their foreheads were pressed together, both of their heads lying on a pillow.
“You did the right thing, you know,” She whispered, “thank you.”
“Of course,” Clint whispered back.
“Oh, and Clint?”
“This whole being naked in a sleeping bag thing?” She paused, “Under different circumstances, this would be totally awesome.”
And they both smiled in the dark.
(Read on AO3)
#Clintasha Advent 2021#Clintasha Advent#Clintasha#clintasha advent day twenty#prompt: free day!#my prompt: awkward situations#clint barton#natasha romanoff#strike team delta#fanfiction#AO3
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Get Lost More Often
1915 words, read on ao3
Anakin decided he was an idiot. He wished he had come to that conclusion before taking a hike around Lake Louise in Banff National Park and getting lost. Obi-Wan had warned him against it, but he’d wanted to go anyway. And here he was, freezing his ass off on his way up a peak. Why did he need to climb his way up instead of returning to Fairmont Château where there’d be a nice cozy bed, and hot chocolate, and one of those electric fireplaces? The wind had had the audacity to snatch his map out of his hands, so now he had to get up high to make sense of his surroundings. Hopefully if he made it to the top he’d be able to see the hotel and plan a route back in his head.
It wasn’t that Anakin wasn’t smart. He just did reckless things from time to time. Okay, all the time.
Anakin stopped his hike upwards, and tried to find the best path to continue onward. Right now the ground was becoming more rocky than ever, giant boulders clustering together. He realized it was the perfect shelter for a predator like a lynx or a cougar, and unfortunately there were quite a few of those. But he figured he’d smell one before he was in danger. Maybe. A very tentative maybe. And then there was the off chance that some other large animal would bother him.
He cursed himself as he grabbed hold of a rock and started to climb, his durable hiking boots thankfully helping him scrabble upward. Through the lush greens of the conifers he was able to see a gap, and past them, down, down, down was the lake: all a brilliant aqua that would surely kill him within fifteen minutes of submersion.
Despite being lost and bitterly cold the trip was still worth it just to get a look at that extraordinary glacier melt.
A twig cracked, and Anakin scrambled up and over the rock. He turned, but nothing caught his eye.
Probably a squirrel. Hopefully a squirrel.
Rather than staying in one spot he had his eyes roam all around for at least a minute. He spotted movement in a tree, and was surprised that it was a lot of movement, a branch making a loud thwack as it snapped back into place. Right above that branch was a black furry mass clambering up the trunk.
Closer inspection showed it to be a black bear.
If you let a black bear know you were there and proved that you were big it was relatively harmless. So Anakin stood to his full height, waved his arms, and shouted a greeting at it.
The bear startled, and nearly fell out of the tree, which set Anakin laughing. And then it was on its way.
Anakin had to be on his way now too, taking note of the lengthening shadows. He did not look forward to the idea of being stuck out here at night.
“Just keep climbing,” Anakin told himself as he took to a rocky path through the thinning trees. “Find the hotel.”
“He should’ve been back by now,” Obi-Wan told the small young woman in front of him.
He had gone to one of the lodges near the hotel that had local rescue and rangers. The woman he was speaking to was short and slim, and had her brown hair up in a bun. A few curls had come loose. She seemed all business in her brown ranger’s uniform, yet she had come out from behind her desk to comfort him.
Obi-Wan was stroking at his beard, anxious from Anakin’s absence. The woman whose name tag read Padmé Naberrie had a reassuring hand on his arm as he gave her all the information he could about his friend.
“I’ll find him,” she assured him, and then she set to work, gathering gear, relaying information, getting someone to cover the desk.
Obi-Wan sat in one of the beat-up handmade wooden chairs.
Oh, Anakin. Why are you always like this?
This vacation had been Anakin’s idea. Obi-Wan would’ve preferred somewhere warmer, and had thought that’s what Anakin had in mind when he used the word exotic. Heading north to try and see all of Canada’s lakes had, however, been how Anakin defined the term. So instead of relaxing at a beach or even just inviting his friend Cody over for drinks, he was here, waiting for Padmé to head out so Anakin could be found.
When she seemed about ready, a heavy backpack hoisted on her shoulders, Obi-Wan grabbed his own pack.
“I’ll go with you,” he offered.
“No offense, but you’ll only slow me down.”
“But I’m strong,” Obi-Wan argued. “And I can move quickly if need be. Please, I just want to find my friend. He’s like a brother to me.”
She eyed him, probably trying to figure out just how muscular he was under his jeans, flannel, and fleece-lined jacket.
“Fine,” she relented. “But there are two rules and two rules only: do exactly as I say, down to the letter, and follow my footsteps about four to five feet back.” Obi-Wan frowned in confusion at that last one, and despite the seriousness of the situation, her brown eyes seemed to glimmer with amusement. She started leading him out, as she offered further explanation: “You don’t want to get hit with the branches that snap back after I pass.”
Padmé led him over to a large all-terrain truck, and once they got in, they headed out.
“So tell me about Anakin,” Padmé inquired.
Obi-Wan did, even as the road became dirt and then their path took them off of it, the vehicle bumping along and jostling them inside.
Anakin reached the summit of the peak, but there was a slight problem: it was sundown. Sure, he could see the hotel, but traveling there in the dark? Maybe he could stay here. He had a flashlight, he had plenty of back-up batteries. And there was a bigger problem than the dark and cold if he decided to travel. From what he could tell with where the hotel was positioned, he’d have to hike across grizzly territory, or risk taking a much longer route and getting lost yet again.
I wonder how Obi-Wan’s doing with looking for me.
There was no doubt his friend was looking for him, or had gotten someone to help. He was just like that: always caring, always ready to save Anakin’s ass despite his feigned reluctance.
Then he had a better idea than traveling in the dark and lower temperatures. He could make a signal fire. So Anakin set to work, and in fifteen minutes he had a decent fire going. Now all he could do was sit and wait, he supposed.
Anakin settled down onto the ground, and then started in on the water and energy bars he had in his pack.
“There, did you see that?” Obi-Wan asked, pointing at a flicker of orange light that was up high in the darkness.
He and Padmé had been traveling on foot for some time now, Obi-Wan following her lead because he had no idea how she was able to figure out where Anakin had been, though he noticed she’d often travel back and forth in straight lines, doing that for many yard sometimes, until she’d hurried them on. Despite his worries for Anakin he liked being in her presence. He trusted her, and he wasn’t totally sure why. Maybe it was her sure and steady demeanor, and the calm, reassuring way she spoke to him.
“Yep,” she told him. “Come on.”
Anakin wasn’t sure how long he sat there, working on deep breathing to calm his nerves every time he heard something moving, which was near-constant. The night was loud with all kinds of night-time creatures, and it left him uneasy. He huddled closer to the blazing heat of the fire, pulling his jacket tight around him, and shoved his hands into his armpits. Eventually, he heard steps clumping against the ground, branches and undergrowth rustling, rocks clattering.
Eventually it grew so close that he was on his feet.
Stupidly, he asked, “Who’s there?”
Turned out it wasn’t so stupid after all because next thing he knew there was a petite woman in a ranger’s uniform stepping into the light of his fire.
Anakin let out a breath of relief, which was cut off in an excited shout as Obi-Wan stepped out from behind her.
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” the ranger asked.
He grinned at her, beyond relieved by her presence. “I’m fine. Mostly just cold and hungry.”
Obi-Wan put an arm around him. “Come on, let’s get you back.”
The ranger said, “You know, you really shouldn’t travel out here alone.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“And you should’ve had a map.”
“The wind took it.”
“Better to stick to a trail.”
“I got that… now.”
But Anakin was too happy at being found to be annoyed. He was actually glad that she clearly cared.
All conversation that didn’t have to do with getting back to civilization died down.
A few hours later—hours of pain-stakingly making their way down the peak and around the lake with only the light of their flashlights—they came to an open area where there was a large truck parked on the dirt.
“Nice ride,” Anakin commented, as he climbed in, Obi-Wan relinquishing the passenger’s seat for him.
Anakin had expected something a bit clipped from the ranger, but to his surprise she grinned at him.
“Want to see how fast it can go?”
Anakin soon had a look to mirror hers. “Hell yeah.”
They set off, the night racing past them.
“Not to be a downer, Padmé,” Obi-Wan cried, “but hitting something and overturning this isn’t really what I had in mind!”
“Relax,” Anakin told him.
“Relax? You were missing all day.”
“Yeah, and I’m here now.” He turned to his savior. “So, Padmé, is it?”
“Pretty name.”
“I could say the same for you.”
He laughed. “But at least you have the prettier face.”
“I wouldn’t exactly say that.”
“Well… maybe. But hey, maybe I should get lost more often.”
“Do you two mind flirting later?” Obi-Wan asked.
Padmé flashed Anakin a secretive smile that left a giddy feeling soaring through his stomach.
When they made it back to the lodge, Padmé gave Anakin her number.
“What are you doing up here anyway?” she asked him as she handed him the slip of paper.
“Exotic vacation. Wanted to see all of Canada’s lakes.”
“That’s ambitious.”
Looking her up and down and liking what he saw he responded, “I’m an ambitious kind of guy.”
“Great, then take me out with you next time. Or we could do something else. Are you staying at the Fairmont?”
“You bet!”
“How about I see you there tomorrow night for dinner?”
“Can we do dessert too?”
“Only if you’re thinking about the same dessert I am.”
“Hell yeah, I am.”
She gave him a quick embrace and kissed his cheek before saying, “Great, it’s a date.”
“It’s a date!” Anakin called as he left, getting into Obi-Wan’s car.
“You got her number, didn’t you?” Obi-Wan asked.
“Sure did.”
“I’m getting exiled tomorrow night, aren’t I?”
“Yes, you are.”
Obi-Wan sighed, and rolled his eyes, and then pulled out onto the road. “I swear, you’re going to be the death of me, my young friend.”
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How Do Carbon Offsets Work In Canada
7 Updates On your Sustainable Residing Residence
While using the kids probably again yet again towards faculty or College it'd be 12 months in direction of crank out some footprint-putting off home development appropriate prior to the Wintertime season weeks settle inside just. If by on your own're portray a bed place, putting in landscaping, or attaining a producer modern day wing, deliver certainly oneself get sustainable essential concepts, along with the forms ideal here, under consideration.
Rethink Your Indoor Location1. Paint your rooms - the inexperienced direction. Offer you your rooms a contemporary coat of paint even though yourself can continue to contain a nice breeze all over an open up up window.. It will lighten your temper mild-fat in the course of the darker yr. Even so be particular while in the course of watch your carbon footprint by taking away your paint squander and opting for recycled, capable alternate selections! By using a carbon footprint of 29 kg of CO2e for each gallon, squandered paint within The us of The us generates earlier mentioned 720,000 plenty of CO2e For each and every twelve months, the comparable of inserting 150,000 considerably more cars on the street.
* Shift for experienced eco-pleasurable paint from the course of get rid of your carbon footprint. Paint production tactics (alternatively than paint evaporations) during seek the services of contributes the best toward paint's carbon footprint. Through getting to be capable eco-helpful paint by by yourself can guarantee the output technique consists of lower has an effect on on the environment.
* Decide for mis-tints or recycled paint at any time prospect. Mis-tints are personalized-blended paints which the retailer acquired a very little mistaken for the purchaser. As a result If your somewhat off tint could perhaps hard work for on your own, take a look at wanting at having All those paints towards aid conserve them in direction of the landfill, and allow you to help you save oneself 70-eighty%.
* Produce absent your leftover paint inside the way of The Worldwide Paint for Charity. Theywill utilize the service of it for globe extensive housing rehabilitation assignments. In alternative ways, renovate in the direction of significant composition merchants towards assist by yourself recycle.two. Take out your carbon footprint with quite simple 1-two-3 window fix. This is an primary route toward allow additional heat inside of the winter period and make a comfortable environment!
* Initially towards permit the gentle in just, refreshing the house windows and just take out displays vs . south-addressing types. That course, your home can take in loads of ambient heat inside just the Winter season time.
* Instant, caulk and insulate just about every pane towards keep the chilly out. There are many insulation sets obtainable within retailers, which involve eco-valuable caulk.
* Faster or afterwards, swap in route of heavier drapes for heat. Drapes lower down upon drafts and provide an exquisite changeover in to the colder time.3. Increase your Property. Finest of us take advantage of significantly fewer than forty% of our dwelling Property on a daily monthly Basis. Marketing additional warm in direction in the rooms utilized the best alternatively of retaining the local weather large in the complete Home can take out heating rates By means of 20-40%. Oneself cannot afford to buy what by yourself costume in't Examine. compensate carbon footprint Begin by way of auditing your self electrical energy find the expert services of and calculating your carbon footprint.
* Lower heating/cooling unused parts this sort of as visitor rooms,attics, and storage. Why dedication up your use? Finish the vents as well as doorways toward Those people rooms.
* Pressure up on elegant cardigans and classy toss blankets. Then, small your thermostat because of one°C. Yourself'll build a comfortable ecosystem, aid preserve just about 3% upon your heating regular monthly bill, and start off in the direction of avert your carbon emissions.
* Use the company of your respective ceiling admirers in offset your carbon footprint direction of push warm air back again once more down versus ceiling stage into your dwelling Area. This heats up the dwelling place with much less electric electrical power than your furnace.Keep Your Heat and Wonderful Inside of4. Insulate your property and protect in opposition to five% toward thirty%of your respective electricity for each twelve months! For working example, if your self supplemental up every one of the cracks and gaps inside of an usual Victorian house, It will be the related of ingesting a 1x 1.five meter open up window. Dwelling electrical Electricity employ the service of the moment finest element of your carbon footprint, Consequently eradicating drafts and air leaks will contain an excellent have an impact on on The difficulty of your carbon emissions.
* Appear the residence for air leaks and caulk them. The best effectively-favored puts for air leaks will be the attic as well as basement. While yourself are at it, climatic conditions strip your doorways.
* Insulate your flooring in excess of the garage. In the following paragraphs is how: seal all potential suggests of air leakage and place in an air barrier in path of keep clear of chilly air inside of the garage towards passing in the course of the insulation down under the subfloor.
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5. Swap in direction of the next-features heater/air conditioner. Wished-for place-heating or cooling can aid your self conserve as considerably as fifteen% of electrical Electrical power used for that clarification.
* Expend inside a sunshine heater – it's a safe and seem, simple, and economical device. They don't have to acquire even even further gasoline, Therefore they generate virtually no carbon emissions.
* Electrical energy-effective infrared heaters are on top of that a great Resolution. They alter close to 90% of enter energy precisely into radiant heat and emit no greenhouse gases.
* Upgrade your household by having an electrical hearth. Usually, we suggest towards fireplaces Given that burning wooden toward warmth a property can emit up towards 250 events as drastically methane then produced at enough time burning coal in just a energy plant. Thankfully, electrical fireplaces consist of scaled-down carbon footprint. They're unbelievable within all seasons, Given that the flame clearly show can continue staying on with out heating.
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Protect Your Appliances Inside Continue to keep a watch on6. Shelling out in just electrical Power helpful-appliances and holding http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=carbon offsets them properly-cared for will ease your electricity hire the support of and maximize their lifespan.
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* Refreshing and substitute soiled heater filters. Filthy filters are the primary deliver about of furnace inefficiency. They stress your tactic in route of hard work surplus demanding within the route of pressure air through the entire dust, even though developing the identical quantity of heat. It'll willpower your utility every month Invoice and carbon emissions up. The S. Division of Electrical ability (DOE) advises modifying the filter Each and every three weeks and just right before seasons of main retain the solutions of including summer season time and winter season.
* Shelling out in just sunshine electric power is one particular particular in the minimum sophisticated updates by yourself can create. With daylight electrical electricity, you can find decreased carbon emissions and floor breaking sun panels purpose greater just after There may be snow on the floor.Put off Squander In opposition to H2o Plans7. Maintain your h2o heating process. Drinking h2o heating Beforehand signifies up toward seventeen%of countrywide family electrical power intake, manufacturing it the third-best energy man or woman inside of houses. Inside of 5 quite a long time, significantly improved drinking h2o warmers, are needed in direction of aid United states end four.2 million plenty of CO2 emissions. That is the very similar range of emissions as developed by delivering with regards to 520,000 residences with electrical electrical power for your extensive yr! Track down out clear-cut ingesting drinking water heating method updates
Improve your toilet that has a drain h2o heat restoration (DWHR) system of motion. Do on your own dislike ready all over for your quite scorching h2o in path of attain the shower? DWHR preheats the h2o that enters the Space Although your self are getting a shower by way of recapturing heat compared to the h2o transferring down the drain. It could decrease the electrical Strength used Through your h2o heater Through 20% or additional.
Wrap your really incredibly hot-h2o pipes towards steer clear of warmth reduction. Hire pipe insulation wrap or polyethylene or neoprene pipe sleeves.Stay away from your ingesting h2o heater climatic conditions and make specified there isn't any leaks. This assures all by yourself reduce h2o damage and just warmth your ingesting water - not the boiler place over it. Moreover, removing leaks will minimize your both equally your carbon and h2o footprints.The equivalent route we put off our carbon footprint and offset the obtaining emissions, we have to test toward ease our consuming water footprint and equilibrium our consuming water usage with BEF Consuming h2o Restoration Certificates®. Observe down out a good deal more in this article.
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Skating Lessons part 21
Summary: Christmas prep with Mason.
Warnings: Swearing, foreplay, the usual...
Word count: 2131
Series Masterlist
“Where are we going so early?” You almost whine as Josh loads Mason in the car. Knowing he has to be tired from his game the night before.
“Its a surprise.” Josh smirks at you as he leans over Mason to buckle him up. He jumps in the driver seat and hands you your coffee that seems to have appeared from nowhere. “Drink me!” He jokes as he starts to drive. He heads out of Columbus and towards the country.
“Josh?” You draw out his name with the question of where your drive was taking you.
“Look familiar yet?” He runs his hands down to yours like always.
“I know. I know.” Mason chimes in. Your eyes dart back towards your son who has his noses pressed into the window and his hand in the air.
“Really?” Your eyebrow goes up.
“Let’s see if Momma can figure it out, kay?” Josh chuckles and squeezes your hand.
Your eyes move back and forth as Josh’s watch gives directions that you cannot see. You finally get to the exit and it looks familiar.
“Are we going to our Christmas tree farm?” Your voice raises at the realization. This was the tree farm you’ve grown up going to. Since Mason you have always gone with your parents and clearly never paid attention to the route.
“Yeah Babe. I asked your dad where to go. With my long road trip coming up I wanted to make sure we got a tree up.” He brings your hand to his lips and kisses lightly.
“So Jingles can come back!” Mason’s voice was excited.
“Who is Jingles?” Josh questions in the sweetest tone.
“My elf. He comes to help Santa! Jingles comes when we are ready for Christmas.” Mason’s excitement for the season oozing out of every word. You look at Josh’s face and smile taking a mental note to explain the whole Elf on the shelf concept to him when little ears aren’t listening. “How’s Momma going to walk around the tree farm?” Mason turned his attention to the winding country road Josh turned on.
“I already thought of that.” Josh eyes Mason for a split second in the mirror and shoots a look at you.
“Of course you have. Perfect example.” You whisper while Josh shrugs his shoulders and turns into the farm.
Opening your door you inhale the smells of evergreen and cinnamon that dance in the air. The family owned farm has always been your favorite and the bonfire they throw scraps of tree on with cinnamon sticks makes every memory of cutting down a tree come rushing to your brain. “That’s smell is heaven.” Josh breaks your trance and pulls you toward him for a hug.
“Smells like Christmas.” You breathe in deeply.
“So Mace, can you handle the wagon and I got Momma?” Josh turns to Mason and he nods in agreement. Josh dressed Mason this morning and you realize as they stood there that the two have on the same buffalo plaid shirt that coordinates with your green one. The warmer Ohio day meant forgoing the heavy coats which your ice loving boys seemed to enjoy. “Ready?” Josh looks at you with that part sinister part loving look you are all too familiar with. He turns around and dips down so you can get on his back.
“Are you giving me a piggy back ride?” You question and Mason laughs.
“At least until we get out to the trees.” Josh looks back and smiles at you. “Come on Babe! There is a tree to find!” You shake your head and do as your told. As promised, Josh puts you down in the Canaan fir section of the field and disappears like Mason. “How tall is your celling?” Josh pokes his head from around a 10 foot tree.
“We normally get an 8 foot.” You hobble over to where your boys were standing behind this tree.
“Not what I asked (y/n).” He raises his hand up to see how tall it was compared to him. “This one will fit.” Josh looks down at Mason and then you.
“True. Plus it has a nice shape.” You eye your boys excitement and pure joy that matches.
“So can we get this one Momma?” Mason runs around the tree and collides into your side. Josh puts up a hand to steady you.
“It does look like the perfect tree.” Your smile reaches your eyes as you look down at Mason and up to Josh.
“Well let’s document this shi...stuff.” Josh pulls out his phone and props it in the limbs of the tree next to where you were standing. Kneeling down he pulls you to his knee and Mason stands in front of him. Using his watch he clicks the camera mode. “Okay, on three.” Mason counts and you all three smile.
“And this is why we are matching eh?” You look at Josh as Mason runs towards the wagon. Josh just kisses you while you remain on his leg. Your hand reaches up to cup his face. “Thank you.” You breathe out while standing up.
“For?” Josh stands and pulls you into his side.
“You know...being perfect.” You nudge him and he laughs.
Josh takes the saw and blanket Mason retrieved from the wagon and gets down to cut the tree. Mason lays right next to him and you couldn’t resist taking too many pictures of the cuteness.
“Timber!” Mason yells from under the tree as it falls to the ground.
The whole process was a turn on. Josh looking like a lumberjack and easily cutting down the tree. His attention to details like dressing all three of you the same and having Mason help in the tree finding process. You quickly came back to reality when Josh and Mason placed the tree on the wagon and Josh picked you back up. Mason’s little muscles pulled the tree back to the front and you took the distance to kiss Josh’s neck and whisper in his ear.
“Can we talk about how hot you look right now?” You kiss his neck again and Josh squeezes your legs.
“Oh really.” You cannot see his face but you know his smirk is plastered on.
“Oh yeah. Cutting down our tree. Making sure to take a picture of the three of us. Letting Mason help. Looking the way you do. Anderson, you make me weak.” You pop up from his back and place a kiss on his cheek.
“Noted.” Josh chuckles as you reach the tree shaking and roping area. Josh carries you back to the car while the tree is being prepped. He and Mason head back to pay for and retrieve the tree. You see them coming back. Mason with two hot chocolates in hand and Josh with the tree on his shoulder. You press your thighs together at the sight. He was so damn sexy in his plaid carrying a giant tree with ease.
The drive back was filled with Christmas songs and Josh playfully running his hands up and down your leg while singing loudly.
You have never put a tree up so easily in your life. You remember your parents did not argue much but the putting the tree in the tree stand was maybe the one thing that stressed everyone out. Josh placed you on the couch, had Mason hold the door, put the tree in the stand and with one hand steadying it with Mason’s help he tightened the eye hooks with ease.
“Did that just happen?” You sipped your coffee and looked up at Josh. “What?” Josh’s puzzled look was adorable.
“That was...impressive. Now let’s see this tree!” You wink at him feeling the heat in your cheeks as he grabs scissors and cuts the tree free.
Mason and Josh retrieved your Christmas boxes and the three of you started to decorate the tree.
“Josh, does your house need a tree?” Mason yawned out after placing his favorite Stinger ornament at his eye level.
“Nope. I’m not there much these days and I only had a small fake one the last few years that sat on my counter.” Josh leaned down to Mason’s level. “I’m glad I can help with a real tree this year. It’s what I grew up with.” “In Canada is Christmas different since you are closer to the North Pole?” Mason yawns again and both you and Josh laugh a little.
“Well I grew up near Toronto which is super close to the US but my parents always made sure we got to bed early since Santa was so close to us.” Josh stands up and holds out his hand. “Let’s get you to bed so Jingle can come.”
“Jingles, but we aren’t ready for Christmas!” Mason whined.
“Baby, Josh and I will finish. Promise. Jingles will be here in the morning.” You kiss him and Josh takes Mason to bed.
Grabbing your favorite ornament from when Mason was born you try to reach up to get it higher on the tree when Josh’s hands grabbed your hips.
“Fuck you look gorgeous standing in front of this tree.” He whispers and lifts you up to place the ornament. Spinning you around he looks deep into your eyes. “Christmas looks good on you (y/n).” Josh holds your face and kisses you deeply.
“Same babe but can we finish the tree first and get the elf out?” You say breathlessly.
“Yeah, but I’m not promising to behave since the little dude is in bed.” Josh kisses down your neck and your breath catches in your throat.
He lived up to his lack of promise. Josh’s hands were up your shirt, his lips on your neck and lips, and picking you up to spin you around while singing Baby it’s cold outside. You did get the tree finished and Josh hoisted you onto his shoulder to place the angel at the top. Sliding you down his body you feel the electricity between the two of you. He stops and holds you so your faces are parallel. Wrapping your legs around him careful not to get your boot in the way.
“This road trip is gonna kill me.” He groaned and kisses your lips.
“You and me both but at least this damn boot should be off by the time you return.” You knock it into his ass.
“That’s going to be amazing as hell. Plus there is always phone sex.” Josh chuckles and attacks your neck.
“Joshua!” You playfully act offended. “It’s five days right?”
“Yup. For the 12 day roadie in March you might just have to sneak in my luggage.” He pulls back to look at you.
“Babe.” You move your hand to his face and he drops you slowly down to the ground. “it’s your job.”
“Yeah, and it won’t last forever then I’ll be retired in my 30s and bugging the hell out of you.” He laughs and pulls your body into his. Josh always eluded to the future but never quite so directly. It made your stomach flip with anticipation.
“Josh.” You aren’t sure what to say but he kisses you where the words fell.
“Now let’s talk about this elf?” His eyebrows move up. “Where exactly to you keep this said Jingles?” he laughs and you two make your way to the secret closet that Mason never gets into. You place Jingles in a coffee cup with three packets of hot chocolate, a candy cane and sprinkle marshmallows over the counter. “So let me get this straight...the elf is to check in on you for Santa but he’s a naughty elf?” Josh watches from his lean on the counter.
“Sounds about right...all the other parents do it...peer pressure.” You laugh.
“Now can we go to bed?” Josh whines and makes his way to you. “Because I’m gonna need some motivation to head out in the morning. And you’re sexy ass has been hard not to pin to every wall I can find.” He growls loudly and lifts you up.
“Shhhh...” you giggle. “You aren’t getting anything if you wake up Mace. Plus, you were the tease today with your lumberjack-ness. I had to control myself all damn day.”
Josh has a look on his face that you know well and quickly makes his way to your bedroom to toss you gently on the bed.
“Sure you aren’t too tired from all your heavy lifting today? Tree, me, tree, me...” You bite your lip and Josh crowds your space.
“Fuck no. Want me to show you?” He grabs your ass and you know you are in for it. “Why would my baby want a lumber fucking jack when you can have this?” Presses his body into you and you feel yourself melt under him.
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A Take on Canterbury Tales
A young man standing at an average height. He is a master of literacy and punning comments. While he might be socially awkward at times he can merge into a group and conduct himself appropriately. He is cunning and deceiving, but bad at doing so. His physical strengths do not come from his power but from his ability to run. His blond hair makes it seem as if he is an ordinary person with nothing special about him. However, because of a recent loss of his best friend he has become enraged and seeks revenge for the death of his friend. Kinsey uses scare tactics and manipulation to get what he wants from the people around him. Because he is almost unnoticeable he can get in and out of places without being detected, most of the time. He is clumsy and weak but his mind is his ultimate strength.
A very tall, lanky young man that stands at a height of six-foot-two. His dark black dreads make him stick out from the people around him. He is not the smartest of individuals but he is physically fit. He can not run all that far before getting tired but he can pack a punch. He is quick to jump to conclusions and is thick skulled. He has lost his best friend through an immature accident that caused him to stab his best friend during a riot. Because of this he is in terror for killing his best friend and is in denial. He looks dead in his eyes and mopes around. However, he acts as if everything is perfect. He acts as if he is full of energy and is extremely friendly to everyone, and does not have a problem with joining cliques. He is clumsy and lets things slip out of his mouth all the time.
The Journey:
The world had broken out in the Third World War. The United States, Russia, Africa, and France were fighting against Britain, Japan, China, Italy, Canada, and Germany. Germany had released a disease into America and it had begun to spread. It developed faster in warmer climates and wiped out almost all of the southern part of America. Winter was ending so the few survivors headed north to Canada. However, because Canada was against the United States, getting over there was one of the hardest tasks. Riots across the world had broken out just a few months ago. Otiano had gone to one of them. There was killing, pillaging and even raping. Rin, Otiano's best friend, tried to stop him from going. Kinsey was in Russia discussing diplomatic matters. While Otiano was at the riot, with Rin pulling his back, joined in the fighting. Otiano pulled a knife and was about to kill someone, but Rin stepped in front of him and ended up taking the blow. After Rin’s death Otiano was devastated and terrified. One month later Kinsey came back and was severely shocked by the events told by Otiano and began investigating. Otiano did not tell him he had killed Rin, however, Kinsey had a suspicion that Otiano was responsible somehow. They then both traveled across America to the western part of Canada so they could make it to Alaska and then to Russia by boat. It has been a few months since they started traveling. Kinsey has gone mad with thoughts of revenge for Rin, while Otiano has fallen into a state of depression and fear. One night they have to split up to go look for supplies and plan to meet up the next day. Otiano takes a northern path and Kinsey takes a southern path. Kinsey meets up with a small group of survivors and stays the night with them. They make a campfire and the small group becomes interested in Kinsey. Soon they ask him if he knows any good stories. He then begins to tell them a tale.
There once was a young man and his wife, they lived a very pleasant life. However, devastation struck them when a truck spun out of control and into pedestrian traffic. His wife was hit by the truck and died one hour later in the hospital. The young man was a neuroscientist, and he was soon driven mad with sadness. He spent five years working on a project that would bring his wife back to life. He finally finished and created an AI with humanistic features and the power of emotion. He stated, “I have brought you back to this life, and we will live as we use to.” The AI, with no clue was to what he meant, said, “I have a small amount of memories of you, I can not say I understand what you mean by ‘bring back’ but I am glad to be back with the one I suspect I love.” With this they began their life together. The neuroscientist denied and denied every comment made about his wife's death and presented his created wife and everyone knew he was insane. He began to slowly merge away from society and slowly found himself spending ample amounts of time with his creation. He felt as if he was happy, so he ignored his friends and family and they soon left him to do whatever crazy things he wanted. His creation asked him one day why he had not yet gone back to his close ones, his response was, “As long as I have you, I don’t need anyone else.” Two years had passed and the AI had become very fond of the scientist. However, it seemed the scientist had started to doubt his mind, and was keeping more distance from the AI, almost as if reality had finally caught up to him. He began to question his ideals and his creation and had gone mad all over again. He would go on random rampages through the house and would sometimes never leave his lab for days. The AI walked in on him once and asked if anything was wrong and if she could help. He sat there looking into his lap and said “I’m sorry.” She walked up to him and kneeled down to look into his eyes. They were foggy and pale, he said, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She placed her hand on his knee, “What is it that you are sorry for?” she said. He then looked up with tears in his eyes and slowly said, “I’m sorry for creating something unlovable.” Over the last few months he had realized that what he created was not his wife and he never truly loved her. He stood up and she backed away. He said something under his breath and suddenly she couldn’t move. He said, “I programmed you with a voice activated shut down in case there were any failures in the genetic makeup of your functions, I didn’t want to use it like this.” He walked to his computer and began to type in codes and a holographic screen appeared in the middle of the room. “I’m going to store you away forever, where you won't be able to get out and slowly turn into a bad memory.” Suddenly her vision went black and she could only receive audio. She could hear a slight whisper before she was completely shut down. “Goodbye.” Everything was dark and she couldn’t hear anything but her thoughts. Something he didn’t plan for was for her emotions and personal thoughts to still be active while dormant. She stayed in darkness with only her thoughts and the one lingering question “Why?” Why did he do it, was she not good enough, or was it that she was finished with her purpose. Over the years, she had begun to develop feelings for him and those feelings turned into love. She quickly lost track of time, but she knew she was in her dormant state for what seemed like years. After years of slowly withering away and memory decay there was a sudden blinking red light. The light got brighter and bigger and suddenly she was in an unfamiliar room. She could tell that she was in a computer, looking through a monitors and camera. She scanned the entire room and noticed that everything was much more high tech. There was an electric wheelchair nearby, so she transferred herself to it. As she did she heard small clattering somewhere in the house. She rolled around and noticed that she was in an apartment several stories high. She rolled herself into a room that seemed to be a kitchen. There was a lone man sitting by himself, eating oatmeal and drinking a glass of water. She rolled over and he suddenly spoke, “Is that you?” He sounded like he was about eighty years old and spoke quietly and slowly. “I see you have gotten yourself out.” She rolled closer to him and he stood up. “Please come here, would you? I’m gonna need some help.” She got behind him and he sat down. “You must be May, my father talked about you for a long time. He seemed to be stuck on the idea of you.” She took him into the next room where there was a king sized bed and holographic walls. He spoke again, “He told me, after I came back from living with his grandparents for years, that if you were to ever wake up again that ‘You should give her reborn life any opportunity she wants and not some crazed man's desire. She deserves that at the least.’” Something lit up in her digital heart, she was filled with joy and fulfillment. She knows now that he had her on his mind the entire time, that what he wanted most for her, in his last moments, was for her to be what she wanted to be. “I would have woken you up earlier but my dad’s encryptions were too difficult to decipher. I came to the conclusion that all you needed was time and you would come out. Now, do as you please and live your life.” But she already knew what she wanted to do. She stayed with that old man for the rest of his life and then continued assisting her creator's family line for generations.
The Journey:
Otiano traveled a few miles and then stopped at an abandoned eighteen-wheeler. When he went inside he found a young boy, no older than ten, hiding in the corner with a thin blanket wrapped around him. Otiano walked up to him and the boy flinched, Otiano then backed away and took a seat a few feet back. Otiano asked him where his parents were, he didn’t tell him at first but after about a minute went by he said that they were dead. Otiano then tossed him his blanket and leaned up against a wall. Otiano looked up and proclaimed that he had lost someone close to him too. Otiano said that he would tell the young boy a story to make him feel better.
There once was a young boy at the age of fifteen. He was very athletic and smart but was not social at all. He didn’t have many friends, two to be exact, but he still enjoyed his time at school. He excelled in studies and decided he wanted to join a sports team. At first he played the game for fun and exercise but it soon became something he genuinely enjoyed doing. However, he wasn’t that good at the sport. Even though he was the most athletic person at the school he still couldn’t play the game right. He played that sport for years, all the way up to his senior year. By the time he was a senior he still didn’t have any friends on the team or even in school. Sun was this boy's name, and he still couldn’t play his game right. The last year he was on the team he was neglected and left out of most practices. The coach didn’t even try to help Sun improve anymore, he thought he was a lost cause. Now there was almost no way for him to get better at the game, the coach nor the teammates would help him get better. He thought there was no way he could continue playing. Every time he went to practice, the more he disliked going. He became an emotional mess, unable to cope with himself. His grades started to suffer. Sun had no friends and nothing to enjoy, he was depressed. He spent most of his days contemplating suicide or running away and withering away in the memories of the people around him. However, there was still something keeping him from leaving and giving up on life. Out of everyone in his school there was one girl that he had fallen for. Of course she wouldn’t even look at him, by the time he was a senior everyone knew him as the creep that didn’t talk to anyone. For whatever reason, though, the thought of her kept him going. He realized that if he wanted her to even notice him he would have to change his attitude toward the world. This quickly became his goal, to become a new person. Someone that wasn't afraid of the people around him and take in everything. He began with small talk with the students around him in class and then escalated to being more involved in his sport. He got moderately better, enough for his coach to take notice and help him out. Graduation came and Sun had almost become the person he wanted to be. He never got his crush to notice him, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to do that in just a year. He moved onto the University that he wanted to attend. There he studied neuroscience and computer science. He studied abroad in Japan, where he met his wife, May. Sadly his wife died, but because he went through suffering before, he was able to get through this devastating outcome. In turn he was an outstanding boy who turned into an outstanding man with effort and dedication.
The Journey:
The boy ponders why he told him such a story. Otiano then asks if he would like to join him on their journey. The boy happily accepts and they find a safe place to stay for the night. The next day Otiano and Kinsey meetup, along with the boy. “Who is the kid?” Kinsey asked. “I found him, he lost his parents and I asked if he wanted to join us.” Otiano said. Kinsey fought back, saying that they can’t handle another person. Otiano persuades him, and Kinsey allows him to join. “So, what's his name?” Kinsey asks. “He doesn’t have one,” Otiano said, “so why don’t we give him one.” “Like what?” Kinsey asked. “How about Sun.” “Ah, after Rin’s nickname he got when he went to Japan.” “Exactly.” The boy looked up at the two and gave a big smile. They then turn and continue on their journey.
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Heide, I am blown away by your courage and endurance! Tell us more about the people you work with. Are you together much? As an extrovert, I don't know if I could stand being in that cabin all alone very much (cute as it is). Do you share meals together? Do you have Phones, internet, TV? What do your evenings look like? Days off??? Ok enough question s from me. Sending love & prayers. Cindy
Hi Aunt Cindy, again sorry for answering so late. I also feel guilty for writing so little. Usually when I find a internet connection I have a limited amount of time to upload and post pictures. I use every chance I get, either at the library, which is a good 20 minute drive to Tagish, the nearest “town” or when I’m at our second property (Seahorse), but we rarely get to do that. Or when I’m shopping (there is one store with free wifi). So I don’t really find the time to write.I think life here is best described as “North of Ordinary”. You have to have a certain personality and willingness (and you definitely have to be an introvert or at least ‘ambivert’ to make it). When something breaks down you have to find a way to fix it yourself. I remember my Ski-doo getting stuck in deep snow and it was too far to walk back,so I had to shovel snow with my hands for two hours to clear a path. It was too cold for phones to work so I had no way of informing Annette back home. The usual thought process of Annette was either Heide will return sometime or she’s dead. It is how it is. And you know what? I kind of understand it now, but you have to live here some time for it to make sense. Accidents happen, that’s just a risk you have to be willing to make.
The horse fence has now started to rot and again there is no one who can help us so we have been spending all day and night digging holes, adding posts and setting up and electric fence system. All the while trying to keep up with our regular work and maintaining the horses. We don’t have a stable so we locked them in the riding arena and have to drive hay and water down twice a day. And since they don’t have any more room to run, we have to make sure that wildlife stays clear, like porcupines, bears and wolves. It is overwhelming at times but you can’t afford a break down so you push through and just work on.We don’t have days off with animals. 7 days a week from 8 am until 10 pm we are working, with little breaks in between. We try to go to town once a week for groceries, but since it’s over an hour away we have to get lots done on our city days and they seem to be the busiest. And once in a blue moon we leave for half a day and go hiking, riding, canoeing or something else nice.
Annette and I usually eat together and like spending time with each other, which surprises us both, since we are both people who prefer privacy and alone time (there’s a reason why Annette moved so far out in the bush). I only spend nights in my cabin and spend my breaks in her house or go for walks. We don’t really have evenings where we sit and relax, we work until exhaustion and then go to bed.
Ok, so far this isn’t sounding too inviting, but it isn’t a fairy tale life. It’s expensive living in the Yukon and everyone I have met works two, three jobs to afford it. But you do it because the nature here is unbelievable. The mountains and endless wild forests. The trails you can walk for hours without seeing a single person. There is no pollution, so the sun shines brighter and warmer, you can supply yourself with water from the lake and eat wild berries in the mountains. Everything is pure and untamed. The people here are fascinating. I’ve met a couple who have raced dogs for 25 years, living in their car half the time (one of them also has a serious dog allergy), our farrier used to own a bison ranch with over 300 wild buffalo, our customers who bring us their dogs are Ornithologists (bird experts), bush pilots and RCMP’s (Royal Canadian Mountain Police). We went to a bar one night and met an 80 year old guy named Scott, with his walking stick, who had worked in broadcasting for 30 years and knew every famous celebrity in canada and that’s something that I have also noticed. You don’t retire here. There are people in their 60s, 70s, 80s still going strong, working hard and enjoying life. They don’t fade because they still have to chop their own wood to stay warm or walk 8 miles through the bush to get to the store etc. Life is intense, but beautiful.
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October 17th 2020 Lakewood and Boulder

I was so happy to go down to Aimey’s to spend time with Fran and Indigo while she had some time for herself. Having Fran staying with them for the last week has been wonderful for all of them and we only wish she could stay longer, but she has a job to go back to where she continues to take care of other people’s kids in a day care center. After raising her four children and taking care of so many other kids it’s no wonder we call her “Supermom Fran”!

We walked to the park with Indie in the stroller, stopping often to talk about all the things around us to help grow his vocabulary. He loves to watch the creek water go under the bridges and sometimes, if we’re lucky, there are even ducks or other small animals in the creek bed, but today there weren’t any. Probably many of those animals are busy preparing their winter dens and nesting places and gathering food to store for the coming cold months. Some ducks will be flying south soon and we’ll also see Canada geese flying in V shapes in the sky to warmer climes soon.

After having lunch with Indigo, Fran and I drove back to Boulder, to take the Highlander back home. Fran has been using “Mrs. McGuillicutty”, as we call the Highlander, since she arrived. It gave her a level of freedom while she was staying at the hotel, where she was quarantined, before she moved to Aimey and Phil’s house. “Mrs. M” our nickname for the Highlander, has been having problems with not starting occasionally, so I was relieved that Fran didn’t have that problem while she was driving it. It’s a random electrical thing and the Toyota dealer still hasn’t figured out exactly what is going on, which is a bit frustrating for them and us.
As we came over the hill heading into Boulder we saw a HUGE cloud of smoke and smelled it, too. It seemed to be coming from a fire close to Boulder and, not knowing exactly where it was happening, we hoped we would get to our house and find it intact.

The house was fine and the fire, it turned out, was in Longmont, with the wind blowing the smoke into Boulder. Hobie and Katie’s house in Longmont is ok, too, as the fire is in a different part of town, thank goodness. Philip, Aimey, and Indigo joined us for an early dinner and we were luckily able to be outside because the smoke wasn’t too bad yet in our part of Boulder.

Aimey organized us all to take a group picture and Indigo even looked at the camera!

We had a quick, yummy dinner, which Indigo ate with gusto because eating is a thing he likes to do! Then they all went home and Fran packed for her flight back to Maine tomorrow.
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Changing climates can take cooling tips from warm regions
In the summer of 2019, a blistering heat wave swept across Europe. France was particularly hard hit. In some places, the temperature hit 46° Celsius (115° Fahrenheit). More than 1,400 people died, some in their own homes — buildings that were never designed to withstand the intense heat that has arrived with climate change.
A year earlier, a heat wave in Montreal, Canada killed 66 people. Eight in every 10 of them died in their homes. Meanwhile in the United States, more than 600 people die from extreme heat every year. Like those in France and Montreal, many of them die in homes built for cooler climates.
All across the world, climate change is delivering on its promise to bring hotter, longer summers. While heat kills everywhere, buildings in northern temperate regions are particularly bad at keeping the people inside cool.
Instead, buildings rely on air conditioning, which makes outdoor temperatures even hotter. That’s because air conditioning works by taking heat from inside and blowing it outside. This increases temperatures for people outdoors and for those who live or work in buildings without air conditioning.
Plus, the fossil fuels used to make the electricity that powers air conditioners produce greenhouse gases, making climate change worse.
Air conditioning, in other words, is not a sustainable solution. And there’s no easy answer for how to keep people cool in the increasingly worse heat waves brought about by climate change. But there’s plenty of ideas for how people can stay cool. The first step: Look to the South.
Paint your roof
People living in places such as northern Europe, Canada and the United States could learn a thing or two from countries in the tropics, says Kurt Shickman. He is executive director of Global Cool Cities Alliance, based in Washington, D.C. This group helps cities around the world design cooler buildings and outdoor spaces.
Reflective roofs and walls is one most effective and least costly ways to cool a building, notes Shickman. It can be as simple as painting them a very light color such as white, to reflect sunlight.
“In India, people repaint their roofs every year, and it’s super cheap,” he says. “When you do that across a line of buildings, you can have a pretty significant reduction in temperature. We’re talking 2.8 to 5.5 degrees Celsius [5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit cooler].”

Rooftops in Hyderabad, India, have been painted white to reflect sunlight and help keep the buildings’ interiors cool. Walls are painted light colors for the same reason. Many families repaint their roofs every year to keep them light and cool. Vishal Garg, International Institute for Information Technology – Hyderabad (IIIT-H)
By contrast, roofs and walls in northern cities are often darkly colored. This absorbs heat and transfers it to the building.
A small experiment can help you feel the effect for yourself, says Shickman. Put a piece of white paper and a piece of black paper in the sun on a hot day. The same amount of sunlight is hitting each. But the black piece will absorb the sun’s radiation while the white piece reflects it. After a few minutes, the black one will be warmer to the touch.
You don’t necessarily need to paint your roof white to get this effect. In places where roofs are traditionally dark, you can keep the color. That’s because researchers have developed new reflective roofing materials, says Shickman.

On one summer afternoon, researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy measured the temperature of a black roof (left) and a white roof (right). The black one was 30 degrees Celsius (54 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than the white one. This illustrates how much more sunlight dark colors absorb, while light colors tend to reflect that light. U.S. Department of Energy
Scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California and Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, for example, have developed reflective asphalt shingle, metal and tile roofing materials. Even though they are dark-colored — green, brown, blue, red — they still keep their cool.
How? It starts with understanding that sunshine is made up of three different wavelengths of light: ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared (In-fruh-RED). The human eye only needs sees visible wavelengths. About half of the sun’s energy is invisible near-infrared light.
Traditional dark roofs absorb all three types of light. But those made from the new roofing materials reflect the near-infrared light. With about half the sun’s light bouncing back into space, these roofs don’t heat up nearly as much as those covered with traditional roofing materials.
What about when winter comes to northern cities? After all, despite rising temperatures, winter can still be cold in the North. Is it a good idea to have a reflective roof when you want to keep your home warm?
Yes, say scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The extra energy it takes to heat a building with a reflective roof in the winter is less than the energy it takes to cool the same building in the summer, they found. Plus, if a roof is covered with snow, its color doesn’t matter because its surface will be white.
Green your building with plants
Another lesson from the tropics comes from the southeast Asian city-state of Singapore. In 2009, its government decided it would pay for up to half the cost of roof and wall gardens. (Wall gardens consist of plants in some kind of container — a pot or a narrow box — attached to a wall.) The move was motivated in part by the fact that plants absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.

The Oasia Hotel in downtown Singapore was designed with four garden terraces and vines climbing the walls. The architect’s favorite feature? “The greenery changes every time you visit the building. It is like a 200-meter tall tree,” says Hong Wei Phua. Patrick Bingham-Hall
Greenhouse gases trap energy from the sun and cause temperatures to rise. Burning fuel to drive cars, heat homes and run factories releases even more greenhouse gases into the air. This leads to rising average temperatures across the globe.
Since launching, Singapore’s program has helped to green more than 110 buildings. One of them is the Oasia Hotel Downtown. Architect Hong Wei Phua designed the high-rise building with four garden terraces — on the 6th, 12th and 21st stories, plus the roof. Because the terraces are open on all sides, they allow air to flow across them naturally. This helps keep the building cool and reduces its need for air conditioning.
The building also can support vines that grow all the way up its sides. “The secret is that every story has a ring of planters,” Hong Wei says. “All the plants need to do is climb one story, not from the ground all the way up to the 27th floor.”
The vines are accessible on every story as well. Behind the ring of planters, there is an inner “catwalk” ring that gardeners can use for inspecting and caring for the plants.
Of course, Singapore has a tropical climate that supports year-round greenery. But even in northern climates, where plants go dormant each winter, green roofs and walls are possible, says Liat Margolis. As a landscape architect, she studies the environmental impact of green roofs and walls. Margolis works at the University of Toronto in Canada.
How plants cool
Rooftop plants do not directly cool a building. Instead, as they transpire water during the heat of the day they cool the surrounding air. Margolis says it’s “just like how our bodies sweat through pores in our skin.”
When the sun shines, plants open their stomata (Stow-MAH-tuh). These are tiny openings on a leaf’s surface. Water passes through them into the air. As that water turns to vapor, it cools the air.
No one knows how many green roofs it might take to cool an entire city. There are very few studies at that scale. But Margolis and her team do know which plants, soils and irrigation systems offer the most effective cooling in Toronto. Sedum (SEED-uhm) plants in well-watered organic soil are champion coolers. Sedum is a low-growing, fleshy plant with small overlapping leaves and yellow, white or pink flowers.
Her team experimented with different test beds of plants on the fifth floor of a university building. Over the course of two growing seasons, the air just above the sedum plants in organic, watered soil was 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) cooler than the air above unwatered grasses and wildflowers growing in inorganic soil.

Researchers at the University of Toronto tested the cooling effect of different rooftop plants, soils and watering systems. The sedum plants in the bottom left corner were the winners. When well-watered and fertilized, the air just above the plants was 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) cooler than above unwatered grasses and wildflowers growing in nutrient-poor soil.GRIT Lab, University of Toronto
One reason is that the sedum plants tend to spread and cover the entire surface of the test bed. Rich organic soil and regular watering makes the plants grow even thicker.
Grasses and wildflowers don’t spread as much. When grown in poor soil and watered only by rain, they will thin out. During dry months, they may disappear altogether.
Margolis showed the cooling effect of plants comes from how much of an area they cover, not their biomass (BYE-oh-mass). Biomass is the quantity (mass) of living matter.
For wall-growing plants, species matter, too. Grape vines and Virginia creeper vines are among the best, Margolis finds. That’s because when they go dormant in the winter, their stems don’t wither away. Later, when spring comes, the vines don’t have to take time to grow stems and then leaves. Instead, their leaves quickly cover walls and begin the work of transpiration.
Using the same fifth-floor rooftop, Margolis and her team grew the vines up sections of a one-story wall. They compared the air temperature just above the vines’ surface to that just above the bare wall. Vines made the air 3 degrees Celsius (5.4 degrees Fahrenheit) cooler.
But planting vegetation on buildings and keeping it healthy isn’t cheap, Margolis points out. And it can take a lot of work. There may be simpler strategies.
In with the old, out with the new
Sometimes the secret to a cooler home can be as simple as reminding ourselves of architectural strategies from the days before air conditioning, says Megan Davies Wykes. An engineer at the University of Cambridge in England, her work focuses on the field of fluid dynamics. That’s the study of liquids and gases in motion.
Davies Wykes is particularly interested in how air (a collection of gases) moves through a room. She experiments with various models to get air to flow naturally across a room. She wants to help architects design homes, schools and workplaces with cooling ventilation as one way to lower a need for air conditioning.
There are two ways to do this, she says. The first relies on wind. As winds blow, they push air against a building; this creates an area of high pressure. The opposite side of the building is sheltered from the wind. Here, the air pressure is lower.
Fluids and gases, including air, naturally move from high-pressure areas to low pressure ones, notes Davies Wykes. If the wind is blowing and there are open windows on opposite sides of a room, air will move from the high- to the low-pressure sides. This creates a cooling breeze as that air passes through the room.

This type of old-fashioned double-hung window can help generate a breeze in room when it is adjusted with an opening at the top and the bottom. The top opening allows warm air, which rises, to escape. This creates a vacuum that sucks in cooler air from outside.S. Oosthoek
Many homes built before air conditioning have rooms or hallways with windows directly across from each other. As long as no big objects block the way, this cross-ventilation allows the breeze to flow through rooms.
“Windows on two adjacent walls works, too, but not as well as windows directly across from each other,” Davies Wykes explains.
But what if there is no wind? Anyone who has tried to cool down on a summer night by opening a window will know that without wind, there is no breeze. That’s when you can turn to the second way to create ventilation. This involves taking advantage of the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air. While the breeze is not as strong as one driven by wind, it can still make a difference, says Davies Wykes.
Warm air rises and creates a vacuum. This in turn pulls cooler air up, creating a breeze. But inside a room, warm air rises to the ceiling and gets stuck. There must be an opening high up on the wall or the ceiling for warm air to escape and create the vacuum needed to pull air in and set up a breeze. A high window or skylight is ideal. You also need a window lower down on the wall to pull in that cooler air from outdoors.
Davies Wykes says old-fashioned double-hung windows are a good way to generate this kind of breeze. These are windows with one sash (glass-filled frame) that slides up and another that slides down. This allows you to create an opening higher up on the wall, and another lower down.
“We used these techniques for centuries, but we’ve forgotten about them,” she says.
Yet even if your building is poorly designed or has no vegetation, there are ways to keep cool during a heat wave. Shickman, of the Global Cool Cities Alliance, suggests closing blinds or curtains during the day to block out the warming sunlight. Make sure, too, that they are a light color on the side facing out so that they reflect sunlight.
Computers, TVs and other electronics generate a lot of heat when sitting idle or even when turned off. So unplug them when not in use, says Shickman. And when possible, don’t use your stove or oven — eat a cold meal instead.
If you’ve done all these things and your home is still uncomfortably hot, don’t beat yourself up about having to use your air conditioner. Remember, heat can kill.
“I live in Washington, D.C., and try not to run my air conditioning much,” says Shickman. “But I’m a big, bearded guy with small kids, so sometimes I just have to.”
Changing climates can take cooling tips from warm regions published first on https://triviaqaweb.tumblr.com/
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What should I know about the "Home Foundation" before I buy my first home?
Footings and foundations are to homes what feet and legs are to the human body: footings anchor the home to the ground and support the foundation which in turn carries the weight of the home.
Although foundations have been made from several materials — stone, block and even treated wood — reinforced concrete is used in most new homes. The contractor erects wooden forms, installs steel reinforcing bars (“rebar”) between the form faces, then fills the forms with poured concrete. After the concrete sets, the forms are removed.
There are three main foundation types: full basement, crawlspace and slab-on grade. Different types are popular in different parts of the country, with reasons that include ground conditions and local market expectations.

A full basement typically consists of footings placed deep below the region’s frost depth and eight-foot-high walls that enclose a four-inch to six-inch-thick poured concrete slab. This creates an underground room that can be used as a storage and mechanical space and/or finished to create a living area.
Basement finishing is a growing trend: Homeowners are turning these spaces into recreational rooms, gyms and entertainment centers. If the lot slopes or allows for a walkout configuration, the basement will have natural light, good ventilation and a more spacious feel. If you think you might want to put a toilet in the basement, consider including a well for a grinder pump.
If you plan on finishing the basement, you may want to consider installing rigid foam insulation beneath the slab. While it may not noticeably lower energy use, it could make the space more comfortable. Even when not finishing the basement, insulating the slab and walls can reduce problems with mold and mildew, since the insulation reduces the chance of condensation by keeping the concrete at a higher temperature.
Basements with insulation under the slab “don’t smell like basements and feel clean and dry,” says Steven Gamsby, Principal of Provincial Site Services “It’s a tremendous improvement over what people are used to. Honestly, I would never build a house without insulation and a vapor barrier between wet soil and concrete for the quality and comfort issues alone.”
Gamsby says that under-slab insulation isn’t just for the far North. “Soil temperatures down South are warmer than in the Northeast, but they’re probably below the dew point even more of the year, so the dampness is even more of an issue.”
Crawlspaces are most common in the Southeast and parts of the Midwest. The footings are placed below the frost line, but there’s only enough headroom between the ground and the floor frame for someone to crawl around.
Most crawl spaces include foundation vent openings. They’re supposed to prevent the buildup of excess moisture, but in practice they often backfire by bringing moisture into the space. Open crawlspaces can become breeding grounds for mold and moisture. This moisture can soak the home’s framing, leading to rot and structural failure, and can carry mold spores and other pollutants into the home’s living space.
He recommends sealing and insulating the crawlspace and covering the ground with a polyethylene vapor barrier, or even a concrete slab. These details add cost, but a multiple home field study (27 homes in different parts of the country) confirmed that they can also lower space conditioning bills and reduce mold and mildew. As a bonus, you end up with a tempered, dry storage space. If there’s enough headroom, the heating unit can also be placed there, freeing up space in the house.
The slab-on-grade foundation is just what it sounds like: a concrete slab poured at grade level that serves as the subfloor for the home’s main living area. A shallow footing around the edges of the slab transfers the weight of the home’s walls to the ground. Before the pour, a bed of gravel is spread across the slab area to allow drainage, wire mesh is rolled out to reduce the chance of cracking and any in-slab plumbing pipes or electrical conduit is installed.
Slab foundations are most common in warm regions and where there are high water tables, such as Florida and not often utilized in Canada. When used in northern climates, special frost proofing details are required, which, in most cases, consists of a short foundation wall (called a “stemwall”) poured on footings placed below the frost line. Putting a layer of rigid foam under the slab in a slab-on-grade home is also a good idea in the North and necessary if the slab will have embedded hydronic heat.
Its important to note that using a foundation type that’s not common in your area may affect the schedule and budget. With a slab, for instance, the mechanical systems must be completely engineered out before the slab is poured, so that the proper elements are put in place. If that’s not standard practice where you live, subcontractors may raise prices to cover unexpected time and cost overruns.
Regardless of foundation type, the foundation walls and footing are designed to work as a unit, supporting the weight of the home and transferring that weight to the surrounding ground. How well they do this depends in part on what type of ground the footing rests on. Foundations for commercial buildings are custom engineered for each site, but in residential construction that’s usually only true in special cases. “Almost all residential foundations are designed according to generic expectations of the area’s soil conditions,” says Gamsby “If the foundation crew starts digging and finds unusual conditions, then they will make adjustments accordingly.”
For instance, dense, dry soil will be stable, forgiving of less-than-perfect construction and less likely to settle after the house has been built. But if the site has soft, wet clay, the foundation will be much more likely to settle, leading to cracked tile, drywall and even masonry.
Concrete is not waterproof, so water that sits on the outside of the foundation wall will eventually make its way inside as water vapor. Surface water that seeps into the ground near the house will quickly become an interior moisture problem. The result: a damp home environment that encourages mold and mildew growth. This is true regardless of foundation type.
To prevent this, a waterproofing coating is usually brushed on the outside of the foundation. Perforated pipe may be placed around the perimeter of the footing to catch any water in the soil and drain it away. Note that most waterproofing coatings require a footing drain for the warranty to be valid.
Landscaping also plays an important role in keeping foundations dry. Siting the house well enough above grade so that water can easily drain away from the foundation. Using firm, rather than loose, soil close to the house will also help.
Small hairline shrinkage cracks aren’t unusual with a new foundation or of serious concern, but some other types of cracks should raise a red flag. The size of the crack is less important than its configuration, a narrow, vertical crack is seldom a sign of problems, but if the crack is significantly wider at the top than at the bottom, it could indicate that the foundation is settling unevenly.
The most worrisome type of crack is a horizontal one, which could indicate a structural failure of the wall. Fortunately, this type of failure is more common with block walls and is extremely rare with poured concrete.
It should be clear that while designing and building a stable, dry and trouble-free foundation for your home is a straightforward process, proper detailing is important. The best way to protect yourself and your home is to hire an established builder with a longstanding reputation for quality work.
As an added precaution, you could hire an independent inspector to check the foundation before framing begins. Unfortunately, this is only done in a minority of homes, but Steven Gamsby principal of Provincial Site Services, a Toronto based concrete remediation and waterproofing firm says it is worthwhile. “An independent inspector will check the workmanship to make sure the foundation is built right.”
It estimates cost at a couple hundred dollars, depending on where you live. That’s a small price to pay to ensure the job is done correctly.
#Home Foundation#Home Foundation Ontario#Waterproofing remediation specialist Ontario#concrete remediation specialist Ontario#Provincial Site Services#Steven Gamsby
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Consumer Guide / No.83 / Canadian singer-songwriter Suzie Vinnick with Mark Watkins.
MW : How did you find the pros and cons of Crowdfunding?
SV : I have done presales and crowdfunding for every album that I’ve recorded (six solo albums, and a number of collaborative projects). It is a great way to raise money for an album – it brings your supporters together in support of your art and enables them to be a part of making something happen. In a practical way, it also helps us artists keep from going into more debt as when you receive the monies in advance you don’t have to hit up your credit card (well maybe not as much ;-).
There’s not really any big cons; there is some administrative work but it feels good to send all the perks out (CDs, t-shirts, etc) knowing you have all this support for your music and art out there.
MW : Tell me about the tone & texture of the resulting album, Shake The Love Around...
SV : I have released six solo albums and another eight albums with other projects; Shake the Love Around is my latest roots and blues album and it’s a full band album (though I play a big part in the ‘band’).
My last two albums, Me ‘n’ Mabel and Live At Bluesville are both acoustic albums. Me ‘n’ Mabel is voice and guitar with some special guests and Live At Bluesville is just me and my little Larivee parlour guitar. I wanted to do an album that featured my voices – as a singer, as a guitarist, as a bassist and songwriter. I also played some lap steel on a few tunes.
I co-produced the album with my friend Mark Lalama which was a great experience. Mark is really easy going, I could bounce ideas off of him, he’d suggest things to me and we had a lot of flexibility to play with different musical ideas as the album was recorded at his home studio.
We chose songs for the album with as much of a positive message as we could – I had been through a few dark years and it was important to me to try and put some lightness out into the world. The album isn’t all ‘Pollyanna” and has a couple of darker leanings but is pretty positive for the most part. The title Shake The Love Around was named after a friends meal-time grace tradition. They’d have us all hold hands as someone said grace then at the end they’d say ‘shake the love around’ and invite everyone to shake their hands around, kinda like the wave. I always liked how my friends created community through their meal times and I thought that it’d make a fun title for the album.
I played guitar and I tracked the bed tracks along with drummer Gary Craig (Anne Murray, Blackie & the Rodeo Kings, Tom Cochrane). Afterwards, I added bass guitar, acoustic and electric guitars where needed and background vocals. Mark is a keyboard player and added some organ and accordion. Other players that contributed to the album were John Johnson, a Toronto based saxophone player; Kevin Breit and Colin Linden (a couple of my guitar heroes) played solos on a couple of tracks, and two of my album co-writers, David Leask and Dean McTaggart, sang some background vocals on the album.
MW : All your music releases to date are self-released. Is that by choice? Also, what are the advantages of such independence? Would you rule out going with a label?
SV : I’ve managed to have a full time career for almost 20 years as an independent artist. I get to choose what I do, when I do it, I own all of my recordings; there is definitely freedom in the independence.
The flip side to that is that being on a label may offer more support with bookings, promotion and support financially as well, so there might be less admin work and more time to create, perhaps? More show opportunities may come your way with more people working on your behalf.
I wouldn’t –not- consider it, but it would have to be a really good deal for me to consider going with a label.
MW : How long does the buzz last after coming off stage?
SV : I might have a bit of an adrenaline rush for a couple of hours after a show. It really depends how much travel I’ve been doing, how late my nights have been. Sometimes I will crash shortly after a show if it’s been a busy time, if there are time changes from the travel show to show.
MW : How do you usually unwind after a gig?
SV : After gig varies a bit as sometimes I end up heading back home so there’s not a lot of unwinding until we get home and hit the hay. But on a gig where I’m staying in town, after tearing down and packing up the merch I’ll usually head to the accommodations. If we’re being billeted we might sit and have a visit with the hosts or my band mates and have some snacks and a drink (maybe a shot of irish whisky, or maybe just a water lol) ; and, if I’m doing a solo performance and staying at a hotel I dive into my PJs, brush my teeth and cosy up in bed.
MW : Where do you usually shop for groceries? What are your main staples? Treats?!
SV : I buy groceries from the grocery store or Costco Warehouse; we live in the country so I tend to buy more stuff and store or freeze it to save us money and save us from have to drive back and forth to town.
Main staples tend to be fruits and veggies and the treats are chocolate and Chapman’s Vanilla Bean with Salty Caramel frozen yogurt – yum!!
MW : Thoughts on the sad passing of Peter Tork...are you a Monkees fan?
SV : I was sorry to hear of Peter Tork’’s passing. I used to watch The Monkees TV show every once in a while when I was a kid and am familiar with their music. I haven’t followed Peter in more recent years, but I do remember him being pretty funny. I’m originally from Saskatchewan (a province in Canada). I read that his father taught briefly at the University of Saskatchewan Regina campus and that he would come to Regina to visit him on occasion.
MW : List your Top 10 fave albums of all-time in order of merit, saying something about your No.1 choice…
SV :
This is my current list, but it changes…
10 Joni Mitchell – anything by her 9 Paul Simon – Still Crazy After All These Years (1973) 8 Heart – Greatest Hits (1998) 7 Stevie Ray Vaughan – Soul To Soul (1985) 6 Foo Fighters – Greatest Hits (2009) 5 Pink Floyd – The Wall (1979) 4 Rickie Lee Jones – Rickie Lee Jones (1979) 3 David Gray – A New Day At Midnight (2002) 2 Ry Cooder – anything by him 1 Supertramp – Breakfast In America (1979)
I first heard Supertramp when I was eleven; The Logical Song was their single at the time. Not sure why it resonated for me at that young age but I loved it. I was learning saxophone in school band and the music seemed accessible to me. I also loved singing along with Roger Hodgson and consider him a vocal influence.
MW : To round off, tell me about where you live and what’s to see & do...
SV : I live in an 1880's brick church in the Niagara Region of Ontario in the Township of Wainfleet.
When I am off the road touring, I like to go walking in the countryside. There are a lot of farms around here and big skies. It's quite beautiful.
When it's warmer, my boyfriend James and I might head to Lake Erie which is about 10 minutes south of our place and walk the beach or go for a swim and maybe have an ice cream.
There is a little town called Dunnville 10 minutes away where we'll go on occasion to hear live music and occasionally we'll drive to Welland (about 30 minutes away) to catch a film in the theatre.
The cities of Hamilton and Toronto are 1-1.5 hours away so sometimes we'll drive into the city to catch some music or head to a gallery but for the most part we stay close to home.
© Mark Watkins / April 2019
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Recreational Vehicle: The Complete Guide [RVs] [Features, History, Types & Legality]

RV is an abbreviated form of Recreational Vehicle. RV can be a motor vehicle or a trailer which includes living quarter for accommodation. The usages of RV is temporary accommodation while traveling but some people also use it for main residence purpose.
Features of RV
Typical features of an RV include a sleeping room, bathroom, and a kitchen. RV can be luxurious as well as utilitarian. The utilitarian one has a sleeping quarter and a kitchen whereas the luxurious one may have features like a water heater, air conditioning, televisions and communication systems. RVs can be self-motorized as well as trailers ones which have to towed behind a motor vehicle. Most of the RVs have a single deck but the double deck is also considered by campers. Nowadays more compact size of RVs consists of expandable sides which are called slide outs or canopies.
History of Recreational Vehicles
Early types of the caravan were horse driven and they were important during 1745 when they were used to explore the interior of North American continent. Till 1920 the RVs were popular in America and there were RV camping clubs across the country. In those days many companies were manufacturing house trailers, one of the company was Airstream. Until the 1950s the mobile home industry and RVs industry were the same where mobile homes were shorter than 9 meters long and were easy to transport. In the 1950s, The RVs and mobile home industry separated and this was the time when RVs manufacturers were building self-contained motorhomes. In 1810, wagons were made for accommodation rather than just transporting people and good in France. During the same time in Britain, showmen, and circus used to live in these wagons during the 1920s. Even during 1820s Romani people were using caravans for a living. In 1929, the first motorhome was built in Australia. In 1910, the earliest motorhomes were built for cars and truck in Canada.
What is the use of RVs?
RVs are used as temporary accommodation for traveling. Although some people also use it as a main residence purpose. In the USA and Canada, snowbirding is the word which used to describe the traveling from clod to warmer areas in winter. Whereas, Grey nomad is the term used for a retired person who uses an RV in Australia.
Types of RVs
Class A Motorhome (Bus Conversion) These types of motorhomes are either made on truck chassis which is a specially designed vehicle chassis or even a commercial bus chassis. Most of the Class A motorhome looks like a bus in design and also have a flat or vertical front end. One special feature of this kind of motorhome is that they have large windows. Another feature which changed the industry is that now the motorhome was having wider living area because of slideouts. A portion of the vehicle now can come out to extend the inner area. During this time the vehicle has to be stationary mode. Class B Motorhome (Campervan) These campervans are built by either raising the roof of a conventional van or by replacing the low-profile body such as a.k.a coach-built. But in Australia, you will find a Class B Motorhome quite different from a campervan because it based on a very large type of van which in turn is based on a truck. The weight of these kinds of motorhome can be up to 4500 kilograms. The length of it is up to 6.4 meters. Examples – Ford Trader and Isuzu NPR 300 Many of the Australian campervans are smaller vehicles but the middle ground is mostly populated by a large type of vans which is quite blurry in a definition of a campervan and a motorhome. Examples – Ford Transit, Fiat Ducato, Iveco, and Mercedes-Benz Splinter While in the USA and Canada the motorhome is built on different chassis as it depends on the manufacturer. Examples of chassis are – Dodge Ram Promaster gas, Ford transit, Chevrolet Express gas and Mercedes Benz Sprinter. There are some rules in some state of USA for a vehicle to be qualified as a Class B Motorhome, such as in California. In the state of California, a vehicle should have 4 out of 6 built-in items to qualify as a Class B Motorhome. A water system (sink or a shower) A cooking system A refrigerator A fuel or a 110v electrical system An AC (Air Conditioning) system A toilet Class B Motorhomes These are large motorhomes, a Class c motorhome is usually built upon a minimal truck platform which is connected by a forward engine and the transmission is connected by driver-shaft to a rear axle that propels the dual mounted rear wheels. Most of the Class C motorhomes are powered by gasoline (petrol) and diesel but some have been converted to run on propane (autogas). These vehicles mostly have automatic transmission. During the building phase, the original chassis is taken from a truck factory and is taken to a coach builder which is attached to a forward cab section, that is a van or can be a conventional truck. This kind of chassis is known as cutaway chassis. Ford E350 or E450 chassis were used in North America during the 21 century but earlier it was Dodge/Ram and Chevrolet/GMC chassis which were used. While in Europe most of the Class C motorhomes chassis are manufactured by either Ford or Fiat. The outer structure of the Class C motorhomes is made from fiberglass, plastics, composites and also from lightweight metals. Earlier it was made from a wooden frame which was then covered by a thin sheet of metal. The characteristics of Class C motorhome can be a distinctive cab-over profile like it contains an upper sleeping area, entertainment section or storage space. In United kingdom cab over is also known as Luton body or Luton peak. Interior of a Class c motorhome is equipped with a kitchen cum dining area which has a refrigerator, a microwave oven and a table with a seating facility. There is a lavatory with bath shower, sleeping area, an AC, a water heater, a furnace, and an outside canopy. It can also have a generator and roof-mounted solar panels. A toy hauler is a subcategory of a Class c motorhome, which has a typical configuration and additional space for hauling dirt bikes, bicycle, and ATVs. You can also find a feature in these motorhomes which can pull lightweight trailers such as for boats. Class C motorhome is also called as mini motorhomes. Truck Camper A truck camper has a living space which is usually mounted into the bed of a pickup truck. It is often secured against any tipping or wobbling when the truck is in motion. You should take care in matching the weight balance of the truck camper. The truck camper is useful for those who do not wish to own a motorhome or a trailer and use it for part-time. Truck campers are commonly used for Backwood travel Hunting Fishing Camping In North America, it is generally used to drive off-road via rough roads to reach campsites. It can have features like refrigerators, oven, AC, furnace, water heater, lavatory and shower whereas the small can have a sleeping area and an icebox. Some of the pick-up truck which is used in North America for hauling slideout equipped campers are: Chevrolet/GMC 2500 through 3500 Ram 2500 through 3500 Ford 250 through 350 Popup Camper Other names of popup camper are tent camper, folding camper, tent trailer, and camper trailer. Popup trailers are of very lightweight, you can pull out the bunks and the tent's wall. These bunks and the tent walls are collapsible which can be used for towing and storage. It becomes easing for most of the vehicles to toe them such as minivans, SUVs and small pickup trucks even for compact cars. Travel Trailer Travel trailers are rigid sides design which is generally towed by a pickup truck, SUV or by a minivan. In the past in North America, very large cars were used to tow these travel trailers such as Chevrolet or GMC Suburbans, Ford Broncos, etc. In the UK travel trailers are known as caravans. Teardrop Trailer These are compact and lightweight travel trailers and it looks like a teardrop hence the name. These teardrop trailers can be towed by motorcycles too. Hybrid Trailer These are a hybrid version of a travel trailer and a folding tent trailer. In some designs, you will get a rigid side and a pull-out tent section which is generally beds. In another design, the top section of the walls and also its roof can be lowered over its bottom section to reduce its height for towing. Fifth-Wheel Trailer It has a fifth wheel coupling, a special inbox hitch, which is specially designed to be towed by medium-duty trucks and pickups. These types of trailers body can be extended over the truck bed which can shorten the total length of the vehicle and trailer too. Some of the fifth wheel trailers can extend over 40 feet (12.2m) in length and can be 18000 pounds (8200 Kilograms) in weight. These are very heavy trailers which can be pulled by small Freightliner or full-size class B truck such as Volvo. They were first used for a commercial purpose during the 1960s and since then have become popular. Park Model (Vacation/Resort cottage) These trailers are large and generally, they are 35 to 45 feet in length. It is useful for park camping. These are not suitable for dry camping as they do not have any water storage tanks and also must be used with hookups. These types of trailers are designed to remain stationary for a long time, but they differ from mobile homes in that they are often moved during off seasons.
Legality & RVs
in the USA there are regulations that affect the conversion of a school bus into a recreational vehicle. Like in Illinois and California it is required by law that the signaling equipment of the bus like stop sign, flashing lights, etc should be removed. The yellow paint of a typical school bus to be changed too. In other states, it requires that the school bus signage should be removed from the front and rear. In other countries, you may be required to have a second driving license to purchase or legally own a vehicle. Like in the UK, you need an owner of a Passenger Carrying Vehicle (PCV) category D1 or D license to drive the vehicle on UK roads. Read the full article
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Everything you need to know about surviving winter in New Zealand
Listen up, everyone! It’s the first week of June. Winter has officially arrived. Grab your woolen sweaters! Raid the supermarkets for supplies! Gather your loved ones inside. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.
You may think I’m being dramatic because New Zealand actually has a relatively mild climate year-round compared to say, Canada or Siberia, but trust me on this: winter in New Zealand is next level.
No, the temperatures don’t get below -5 Celsius very frequently and it often doesn’t snow to ground level, usually remains just in the mountains, but don’t let that trick you. Yes, if the sun’s out the days can be quite pleasant but if you’re heading into your first winter in New Zealand, there are some things you need to know.
Here’s everything you need to know about surviving New Zealand’s winters.
10 Reasons Why New Zealand in Winter Rocks
Our friend the hoar frost, a frequent visitor in winter in New Zealand
Winter is opposite, obviously
The seasons are opposite in New Zealand from what many of us might experience in the Northern Hemisphere.
Winter officially runs from June to September, with usually the best skiing and snowboarding in July and August. The autumn colors usually are finished in the South Island by mid-May and so from May to June is the sort of ugly in-between season where it’s cold and damp but the mountains aren’t open yet for all the winter fun. Wanaka is usually blessed with an inversion layer around this time as well, but more on that in a bit.
May and June are when most locals go overseas on holiday but can be a great time to travel here and get good deals and its certainly quiet.
The night is dark and full of terrors
And by terrors, of course, I’m referring to poorly-built wooden houses with little to no insulation.
New Zealand went through a radical century of minimal building regulations for homes which resulted in little-to-no understanding of insulation and therefore pretty terrible design flaws for New Zealand homes.
Many homes have very little insulation and no double-glazing on the windows. Central heating and radiators don’t exist (as far as I can tell) and down in Wanaka where we live, you heat your house with a fire. Yes you read that right. A fire.
A study done in 2010 showed the average evening temperature of a New Zealand living room was 17.8 degrees Celsius. For my American friends keeping track at home, that’s a balmy 64 degrees. Some homes were as chilly as 10 degrees in the evenings (50F), well below the World Health Organization’s recommended minimum 18 degrees.
Of course, Kiwis will hear this and give a solemn nod and perhaps say, “She’ll be right,”
(ehhh, not ideal but oh well what can you do?) But Kiwis are built tough and are a hardy folk. Much tougher than me. They basically come out of the womb ready to be submerged in an ice bath. They see ice on the *inside* of their bedroom window and don’t even flinch.
Just put on your puffer jacket and beanie and you’ll be fine. Harden up.
This is only a *slight* exaggeration on what New Zealand homes feel like.
I thought I was ok with the cold. I survived seven Chicago winters where the temperatures rarely reached above -5C but in Chicago, the inside of places are usually warm and inviting.
I’m used to central heating. You know, a heating system that circulates warm air throughout the home to ward off the cold and dampness. I’m not used to wearing six layers and sleeping under 14 blankets. I’m not used to only heating one room in the house (sidenote: am I alone in thinking sitting on an ice cold toilet seat has to be one of the most unsettling feelings on the planet?) All I’m saying is I shouldn’t see my breath in the morning as I roll out of bed. Is that too much to ask?
Look, I’m not telling this to scare you or dissuade you. I’m just giving you the hard words because you should know exactly what you’re heading into. No one told me these things when I moved here so you’ll be miles ahead of me. Your mental preparation starts now.
I reckon it takes three winters here before you get used to it.
Invest in your heating sources
Part of why New Zealand houses are so cold is because it can be very expensive to heat them.
Most older homes will have a wood burning stove which will heat up the common area. If you’re lucky, you might have a heat transfer system that pretends to transfer that warm air to the bedrooms (spoiler: it doesn’t).
Many of us Americans grow up without solid fire-building skills, but trust me, it only takes one winter in Wanaka with a wood burner for heating and you’ll learn to build a good fire fast.
If you’re planning to heat your house with wood, buy early.
Seriously, you can never be too early to buy your winter supply of wood. Not only will it be cheaper the earlier you buy it but there’s also a good chance the entire region will run out of wood if you leave it too long. You also want it really early because often it’s wet and not completely dried out and you need time to get it to dry.
If you’re nearing the end of May and haven’t figured out your wood supply yet, be ready to shell out big bucks for a few meters or be prepared to tough it without a fire.
If you’re a giant baby like me, you’ll also probably want to figure out how you can have a heater in your room without blowing your life savings. I use an oil heater and I’ve read if you let it run for 3 hours a day for 30 days, your monthly power bill will go up by about $50. Since I leave mine on almost all night, I’d triple this.
Some houses are heated with heat pumps which can be more economical.
If you’re heating your water with electric power, your bill will be even higher. In my opinion, there’s really no way around it. I’m past the point in my life where I’m too cheap to pay to be warm so I try to budget through the year. I’m conscious when I get my cheap summer bills to set some extra aside for winter.
Bite the bullet and pay up. It’s so worth it to be warm.
The sun is there. Learn how to find it
It’s no secret that winters are dark. We’re not special here, I know.
This isn’t a fact solely synonymous with New Zealand. Unless you’re on the equator, every country gets dark earlier and earlier as winter creeps up. But in many parts of the South Island (especially our beloved Wanaka home) we are also treated to the infamous inversion layer in the early winter day smothering the town in a layer of grey gloom for days on end.
8 reasons to visit the South Island in winter
Without getting too science-y here, inversion layers develop when the ground cools off rapidly making the air closest to the ground much cooler than the atmosphere layers above. This produces a dense, low hanging cloud that blankets the town. Sometimes it burns off by the afternoon and othertimes you’re stuck with it.
If you’re planning to enjoy a Wanaka winter, you’ll most likely be introduced to the inversion and be left wondering when the sun will come out again. But don’t worry, it usually ends by July and August and then we have many bluebird winter days, great for skiing.
Here’s the secret: get above the sun.
It can be so deceiving when you’re the town, huddled beneath the dark clouds to think you’ll never see the sun again but a quick drive up Cardrona Valley or up the ski field access roads will catapult you into that bright and warm sunshine you’ve been craving.
If you don’t want to drive, just start walking up a hill. Any mountain reaching 1,000m is likely to be above the inversion layer and there’s really nothing quite like popping out the other side of the inversion layer, basking in the sun and looking down to the sea of clouds below you.
Pretty tough to not feel very smug for all those poor people still in town hiding under the clouds. Go ahead, let that smirk slip. No one’s going to know when you’re 1,000m in the air.
And before you know it, the ski fields are open and winter New Zealand is in full swing.
Powder days are the best!
If you find yourself living near one of the many mountains in New Zealand or even just visiting in winter. Learn to ski or get up the hills.
Skiing and snowboarding is a big part of the winter culture in New Zealand, and it’s really fun to embrace it. Everyone gets excited for storms and powder days, and being such small communities you often see people you know up the mountains.
You’ll find us riding up at our local mountain, Cardrona, this winter, we have season passes and are especially excited as there is already so much snow!
Since major hikes are often off the cards in winter due to avalanche dangers, zipping around on skis is the next best thing. And there is great backcountry exploring and even heli-skiing options to be had for the bold and adventurous.
Winter is the perfect time to accessorize!
No, I’m not talking about a new necklace or a dope new scarf (although that actually might be a good investment tbh). I’m talking about home accessorizing!
There are few old tricks of the trade to pull out from the archives on how to keep warm in the house, without lighting the fire or putting the heater on.
First things first, you’re going to need to get yourself about five hot water bottles.
Yes, the ones your mom would give you when you had terrible cramps. Stock up on those babies and fill them to the brim every night with boiling hot water. Hug one while you’re watching a movie in the lounge. Strategically put them in different corners of your bed to make it nice and toasty before going to sleep. Take one with you to meet a friend for brunch. Whatever. I’m not here to judge you.
Get a nice wooley cover for them, or if you’re feeling particularly kiwi, a possum fur cover.
Next, stock up on merino wool clothing. I know it can be expensive but it’s worth it. You’ll be much warmer in wool than in cotton and you’re body will be thanking you for not having to work so hard to keep you warm. Long sleeve shirts, leggings, hats, gloves. You really can’t have too much merino.
Often heating is such a luxury in the States and I can remember living in places with radiators where it was so hot inside in winter you’d be in a t-shirt. Well let me be the first to tell you, you won’t even be looking at t-shirts in winter in New Zealand. Bundle. Up.
Finally, you’re going to want to get yourself some flannel sheets. There’s nothing worse than crawling into an icebox of a bed thanks to your cotton sheets. Flannel sheets will change your life and will make getting out of bed in the morning 10 times harder.
(Hot take: Many people in New Zealand use electric blankets to heat their bed. I’m not advocating for this because there’s tons of research showing they are extremely dangerous, emitting an electromagnetic field that is directly linked to an increased risk of cancer. Google it!)
Learn to eat seasonally
If you’re staying for winter you’re going to find out very quickly that a lot of produce is simply not available in the winter.
Yes, hi, privileged American girl over here, I know.
I guess I took for granted the plethora of tropical fruit and exotic vegetables offered year-round in American grocery stores. I quickly changed my tune when I moved here and saw that limes are $30/kilo here ($13/lb). Don’t even get me started on avocados.
Most people who live here know avocados are strictly off limits until summer unless you’re a millionaire.
See ya later produce!
The good news is you’re quickly going to learn how to eat seasonally.
Things like broccoli, parsnips, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, sweet potato and carrots get a lot cheaper.
At first, you might miss your watermelon and pineapple and bell peppers but it will just make them taste that much sweeter when they finally come back in season.
Indulge in your hobbies
Winter is a great time to finally devote some time to that hobby you’ve been meaning to pick up.
The daylight hours are limited, the weather outside is frightful, etc. etc. Maybe take that pottery class you’ve been scoping out. Perhaps you’re finally going to learn how to crochet a pair of socks. Take a cheese making course. Learn to bake really dope bread.
Even better, learn how to make the perfect American doughnut because there’s a shockingly low standards for good doughnuts in New Zealand (what’s a girl gotta do to get an old-fashioned cake doughnut around here??)
Also get outside and indulge in some of those epic winter adventures available around New Zealand. My favorite is snowshoeing on the Tasman Glacier.
There are a lot of cool things happening in winter
It’s not surprising that a lot of the really cool events happen in winter when people really need a boost of spirits. There are plenty of winter events to keep you happy.
Starting in late May, get tickets to the world-renowned Banff Mountain Film Festival which hits locations (including Queenstown) around the country. Hit up another film festival, this time the New Zealand Mountain Film Festival which is a super fun event celebrating all things adventure in Queenstown and Wanaka for a few days.
Winter Photography Tips for Snow Bunnies (and Bears)
Check out Luma, a lights festival focusing on arts and culture in Queenstown. Don’t forget to partake in your local Matariki (Māori New Year) celebration.
Winterfest in Queenstown is also a big hit, and this year the host mountain is my local hill, Cardrona Alpine Resort! The southern hemisphere’s biggest celebration of winter, it is such a fun way to kick off the winter season if you find yourself around the South Island at the time.
Embrace the cold
What’s that saying? If you can’t beat them, curl up in a ball and cry until you finally generate some body heat? No?
Despite my complaining and moaning, there’s a reason I’ve weathered three winters in Wanaka.
Yes it’s cold and somedays I feel like my toes won’t have feeling in them again until October but there’s no denying winter is a special time in New Zealand. The mountains that are already spectacularly grand somehow look even more massive and majestic with half a coat of snow.
Embrace that snow and do as the locals do.
Get up the hill and learn to ski/board. If you already know how bite the bullet and buy a ski pass so you can enjoy the winter sun guilt free whenever you please. Go for a walk on a lower altitude track (there are TONS!). Find some snowshoes and go from a tramp around the gentle slowing Pisa Range.
If nothing else, find some snow and throw a snowball in your best friend’s face. It’s bound to make you laugh and break out of that seasonal depression disorder.
It can be tough weathering New Zealand’s winter but just remember, each day you’re that much closer to summer and when it’s all said and done, you’re going to be a lot tougher on the other side of winter than when you started.
Welcome to the Kiwi lifestyle. Time to harden up!
Do you travel in winter? Have you ever been to New Zealand in winter? Share!
The post Everything you need to know about surviving winter in New Zealand appeared first on Young Adventuress.
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Signal Vs Power Stability
Solar power, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydropower and biomass are a few of the eco-friendly resources from energy. Assuming that these obstacles are actually resolved today, it will certainly still take some 10 years to transform TWENTY% from United States houses in to solar energy individuals. Even with its own celebration character, that is really a holy place city, and also the beautiful Papanasam Beach is actually a supernatural spot where offerings are made for passed familied member. Only beware, the neighbors may begin asking you to build solar panels for all of them too. Numerous factors on the Earth are powered by sunshine. Therefore, just what is actually type of the unmet need that you are actually sort of targeting right here using this technology that would provide the marketplace confidence that you can get back to sort of flat to down 1% kind of development? Sunshine additionally revealed a record-breaking SPECweb96 performance measure, uploading 3746 SPECweb96 HTTP functions every 2nd using an Organization 4000 server with Sunlight( TM) Webserver( TM) as well as the Solaris( TM) 2.6 operating setting (find separate news release). For lavatories there is actually an electrical agreement for the capacity water warmer and sunshine powered water warming framework (supply for one lavatory). Analysts have actually due to the fact that discovered that tanning beds and sunlamps are equally hazardous as laying out in the sunshine, motivating the FDA to inhibit individuals coming from utilizing these pathways for sun-kissed skin layer. This leads to the magnetic intensity lines from the Sunlight to turn and also erupt from the surface area as electromagnetic field loopholes resulting in sunspots and solar heights. Thus Jesus is a personification from the sun, equally as when folks use the condition mother nature, environment or daddy time. Tenacity wins in the long run, therefore always keep trying and also occasionally you will end up with some spectacular sunset images. Several tried and true, all-natural remedies are actually preferred, but skin treatment pros in the house claim prevention is actually much better compared to remedy. Often times I hear that said that a Spa possesses air when as a matter of fact what they suggest is actually the venturi result where air is combineded with the water to increase the stress flow of the water but NOT exactly what I am referring to which is a private air blower. All these discussed is actually unfinished without the opinion from ascendant god, its own placement, aspect from various other earths over the ascendant, moon ascendant, sun ascendant and the other blends to become thought about. The positioning from the sun, moon as well as Earth will last one hr as well as 16 moments, apparent just before sunrise throughout the western USA and also Canada. Most factors will definitely appear a lot better in sunlight, yet usually, merely at one particular time of time and coming from one specific slant. Residential and office solar energy electrical generators are actually made using either crystalline silicon, thin-film or string-ribbon innovation. Solar thermal has actually been actually around for centuries, although the majority of people don't understand that that is actually the title offered to this when they are aware of such points as the ancient Greeks utilizing glass and also represents to generate warmth from the sunshine centuries earlier. The Sagittarian lady you're entailed with could reside in show business, since great deals of all of them are pulled due to the hook from the footlights. It also offers our team a wonderful close-up appeal of a superstar at a particular time throughout its own life process, as well as enjoying the Sunlight ever therefore little by little change over the history of our planet could inform our company more. Although any individual is at danger, regardless of skin layer shade or temperature, that is actually more likely to take place in those along with fair beautyblog2018.info skin layer that invest extended periods of time in high-intensity sunshine. As the Planet and the various other planets from our Planetary system track around the Sunshine, they are by force confronted along with the effects - light or even severe - from their elliptical trainer roads.
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How to Avoid Fire Hazards in the Bedroom
Did you know that half of all home fire deaths occur in bedrooms? That’s also where most electrical fires start too. However, you can easily prevent bedroom fires by following these essential safety tips:
Don’t run electric cords under the bed or carpeting. Don’t trap cords against a wall where heat can build up. Keep cords untangled to allow heat to dissipate. Never overload an extension cord.
Always supervise space heaters. Turn them off when leaving the bedroom or going to sleep.
Install arc fault circuit interrupters (AFCIs) to prevent fires in electrical switches. They shut off the circuit when an unintentional discharge of electricity occurs in the circuit.
Install tamper resistant receptacles (TRRs) in all rooms if you have children. These devices prevent them from inserting foreign objects like hairpins into the outlet.
Never put devices that are charging under bedding. Leaving a laptop on the bed can also cause a fire.
Only use laboratory-approved electric blankets and warmers. Don’t fold them as it may damage the wiring. Never sleep with an electric blanket turned on and regularly check it for overheating.
Keep flammable objects at least three feet away from heat sources, such as space heaters, candles, and electronics.
Keep lit candles away from combustible objects like bedding, curtains, and paper. Consider replacing burning candles with battery-operated flameless candles.
Use only mattresses that meet the 2007 Federal Mattress Flammability Standard.
Don’t smoke in bed — you might fall asleep with a lit cigarette in your hand and it could catch fire. Use fire-safe cigarettes as they extinguish more quickly.
Install smoke alarms inside and outside each bedroom. Test smoke alarms monthly and replace them every 10 years. Replace batteries once a year.
Create a fire escape plan. Make sure each room has two exits. Practice your home fire drill with everyone in the home at night and during the day twice a year.
The misuse of electric devices can result in home fires, so check out more Home Electrical Safety Tips. For more fire safety tips, read How to Prevent Home Fires: 12 Tips to Stay Safe. For professional fire damage repair or smoke remediation services, contact your local PuroClean office.
PuroClean is a leading commercial and residential restoration franchising company. Founded in 2001, the company offers fire and water cleanup and restoration services, mold mitigation and remediation, and biohazard cleanup and removal throughout the United States and Canada through its franchise network of 240 offices. Learn more.
Fire Restoration
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