#eldritch zero smg4
thehazelmist · 6 months
Alright. I drew all the SMG4 arc antagonists! So I've been drawing this for a few days. And I really like how it turned out! I know Niles and Eldritch Zero are kinda the same entity, But I added them as separate to represent both arcs.
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gameprime420 · 1 year
Already did one of these with Melony and Second might as well do the inverse
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supernovabyte · 1 year
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newtstesco · 2 years
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i guess i should post some of my smg4 art on here huh
Lyrics: I Want You by Mitski
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smgenjoyer · 2 years
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(he’s losing help him)
two wip photos I took:
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wolfmage553 · 8 months
(If Eldritch Zero ended up in The Amazing Digital Circus instead of SMG4's world)
Eldritch Zero: *Grabs Pomni* Tell me where the avatar of your world is and I will let you live.
Pomni: Avatar? I don't understand what you're talking about.
Caine: *Zaps Eldritch Zero's hand* Let go of Pomni!
*Eldritch Zero drops Pomni in shock*
Caine: Pomni, get behind me. I can handle this.
*Pomni gets behind Caine*
Eldritch Zero: Are you the avatar of this world?
Caine: *Singing* I don't know who you are or why you're here, but let me make this one truth clear: I've got people to protect, souls I can't neglect, so I'm not taking chances here.
*Caine creates a rune circle under Eldritch Zero*
Caine: If you make one wrong move then you're done for, anything I don't approve then you're done for, I can change your form
*Caine snaps his fingers, causing Eldritch Zero to defuse back into Niles and SMG0*
Caine: like that and you're done for, *Points cane at Niles* So you better run or soon you will be done for.
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merp0515 · 2 months
Healing Past Scars Ch.1 Blind Belief
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Summary: After the dealing with so many traumatic incidents, our beloved meme guardain boys have to come into terms with both past and present scars. Will they be able to conquer them with an iron fist or will those same wounds destroy them both?
Tags: Suicidal Thoughts,PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Healing , Developing Relationship
Link to my previous post with other fanfic places I posted this fic at is here!
TW: The following story contains dark themes such as PTSD, and disturbing imagery.
   It was raining hard late into the night at the showgrounds. Everyone was fast asleep in their respective rooms peacefully except for one. Four had just finished editing his latest video, ready to call it a night. He gets up from his chair and stretches his body. He changes into his PJs and hops to his bed and closes his eyes to forget reality for a moment.
Fog clouds Four's vision as he tries to watch where he was stepping. He looks around cautiously, trying to figure out his location. He looks ahead to see a silhouette of something he couldn't put his finger around.
"Hello! Can you help me figure out where I am? I'm a little lost here!" He shouted at the shadow from a distance. The shadow doesn't reply. The guardian walks towards the mysterious figure, his brows scrunched in irritation as the silence between the two thickens. The fog slowly clears up the more SMG4 gets closer to the figure. The figure's shadow clears as Four gets close, stopping dead in his tracks. His eyes widen seeing a person he hasn't seen in a while......Desti.
Desti looks at Four coldly. Her octarian eyes staring deep into his soul. Four could feel himself sweating as the scene changed to where she had died but something was different. Four looked down to see the very sword that killed her, pierced into his heart. He instantly felt everything at once. The pain, no way of breathing, and the shockwave his body felt as he kneeled down before her.
"If only you had been quicker with realizing that anime trash was behind me, I would have been still alive and Meggy wouldn't have gone through such a traumatic event." She spoke with such venom in her mouth. Four began coughing up blood as it started to spread on his overalls. He looks down in shame, looking at his hand, shaking tears threatening to come out.
"I...I was trying to save everyone." He managed to say before the scene and the person changed again. He closes his eyes, feeling himself glitch into the transition. He notices the sword that was previously on his chest disappear and holds on to his chest, anxiety slowly kicking in as he is back in the god box. More specifically, where they first met the real SMG0 and Niles.
He looks up to see the sky, remembering the mixture of colors where they fought Eldritch Zero and almost dying in the void of the box with Mario and SMG3. He hears a dark chuckle, snapping himself back and gasps in horror as he sees both his avatar and his guardian partner's Mario reskin covered in many injuries.
"MARIO! SMG3!" Four screams in terror and he runs towards the two but is cut short due to something landing between him and the lifeless bodies. He looked closer to see the thing that stopped him was none other than Melony in her Fierce Deity form.
"M-melon-" Four began to say before Melony cuts him off from speaking further. Her bubbly tone was replaced with a more serious and angry tone.
"Why?" She began, her face twisting into an angered expression that scared the shit out of the meme guardian.
"Why are all the bad things happening to us while you only get so little pain? Are we just characters that you can just play with their emotions and screw them over whenever you want?" The melon Deity says, her voice shaking from the tears that came out with her grief. 
"It's a shame really." Another voice rang as the two original guardians appeared in between Melony. Zero looks away, not looking at the heartbroken Four. The teary eyed guardian looks to her right and growls in anger as Niles stares at him with a smug ass smile on his face.
"And yet with your best intentions, have you ever stopped to wonder if you ever did more harm than good?" Niles asked in a taunting tone.
Four's eyes widen in rage as he runs to the trio going head on towards Niles screaming angrily. Both Niles and Zero disappeared at the same time and fell to the ground right in front of Melony. He looks up in horror to see the two merged into their Eldritch version behind her staring him down emotionlessly. She picks up the blue hero effortlessly as the male struggles to get away from her grasp.
"M-melony please.....listen to me.", SMG4 tearfully said, feeling his face wet with tears.
Melony opens her mouth to speak to Four before throwing him into the abyss. But instead, the voice of the monster behind her spoke in her body as he was thrown far into the next place.
"P A T H E T I C."
Screams were heard in the void. Four felt like he was flying into the void for an eternity when suddenly felt himself going downwards to something.....and he was going down at the speed of light. Four shields himself, shutting his eyes tight as he was embracing for impact that never came.
He counted to himself as he tried to calm himself down. He waited for anything to tell him he was either alive in his dream or awake back in his new room. Sounds of the keyboard echos in his ears as he opens his eyes immediately wondering where this nightmare had taken him this time. He looks around the room he was in. His heart racing, realizing where he is. Back to the beginning, where it all began. Four's breath quickens as he watches his 2022 self glued to the computer, his room a mess along with his restless appearance he had the day he snapped at his friends for turning off the wifi.
"It's crazy isn't it?" He heard a familiar voice from the shadows. Four jolts up in surprise to his friend Axol sitting on his old bed, looking at him with sadness and pity. The axolotl looks back to the older design, a frown intact on his face.
"I was once the world's best mangaka. I had it all. Fame, fans, people that adored all my hard work and enjoyed all of what I brought to the table. Meeting you all and going through all the insane near death experiences changed my life." Axol said with a heartbroken tone.
"A-axol please..... I-I'm sor-"Four weakly tries to apologize to his friend and carefully walks towards him.
"YOU APOLOGIZE?! AFTER BEING DEAD FOR ALMOST THREE YEARS ONLY NOW YOU CHOOSE TO APOLOGIZE?!" Axol screamed at Four with such rage. Four immediately stopped approaching and jolted in surprise, seeing him in such a state. Axol's body changed from his original form to the second stage of the time "Zero" possessed him.
"I NEVER GOT TO EXPERIENCE TRUE ROMANCE AND GO ON PROPER DATES! INSTEAD OF THAT, THE GIRL I FEEL FOR HAD TO KILL ME!!!" He shouts more aggressively. Four fell to his knees, looking down in shame. Letting his dead friend chew him out with his words.
The ground beneath him changes again to the outside of where the castle once was. Four looks up to the empty space before him. His guilt kicks into high gear as he lets his tears fall out and hugs himself in pain. He drowned out all the audio in the current setting he was in that he didn't hear someone walking towards the weeping male. He stops his tears for a moment to see a familiar shoe that had a skull on the side standing in front of him. Four lifts his upper body to see his ex rival looking at him. His face was unreadable as Four felt his lips shiver as the other male kneeled in front of him.
"Just like when I almost died during the 10th year anniversary party and during the god box incident. I almost died during Mario day.... didn't I?" Three spoke with pure fear in his eyes. The final glitch changes from the old castle to Three's Coffee N' Bombs where it was infested with snails. Four's eyes widened in fear and looked behind him to see a scribbled out face of Mario petting one of the snails. The blue guardian could feel himself tearing again as he felt Three's hand gently grab his face to see him. Seeing the way the other meme guardian stared at him shattered his soul, making him cry on the spot. Three's eyes changed from his warm ruby colored eyes to the yellow colored eyes, his skin and hand covered in black veins.
"Can you imagine what that's like?", Three gulped as he felt his own tears coming out seeing his partner cry. "To be completely and utterly failed.....time and again....by someone that meant the world to you..." 
Four shot up from his bed drenched in sweat. His entire body was shaking from what he just experienced. He shakily covered his face with his hands, his sobs echoing in the blue man's room. He cursed the loud pouring rain outside for creating such a horrible nightmare. All he wanted was to create a new home for everyone after everything was said and done. Is having a peaceful life in his new home really hard to have? 
In the meantime he'll have to do what he always did when this recurring nightmare happened. Hold himself close and let his tears out until there's nothing left so he can sleep.
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amg2 · 2 months
what do we tell colten
"oh yeah i got them super into smg4"
how did i get 2 people into it.
i know hes a old fan too
so is alex
he could be nice about it
anybody who watches smg4 in general has brainrot!! including me!! so i was shocked to find other people in the school that are already my friends to also like it!!
but he thinks 0 is hot. like. eldritch axol one.
i dont mind!! but!! niles is!! agaagag!!
he literally RAPPED lawyer kongs part for objection. i didnt know the lyrics at that time so thats why i only sang meggys and smg4's part
me and him were teaching will about it
like i guess the basics
i showed will the old-new models of 3 and 4
and explained if mario dies, everyone dies too help
anyways i know lawyer kongs part now but i prefer wotfi 2020 rap and zero HOLY FUCK HOW THOSE SONGS SLAP.
but dude, i loved smg4 since 2015 and im happy for my friends getting into it. i yap alot and usually its annoying so thank youu :3
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everydayarsonist · 1 year
Hey yknow Glitch Productions? I’m gonna rank their villains.
Waluigi- 6/10. A funny interpretation of the “Everyone is Here!” Meme.
Bob- 8/10. The Rapper Bob Arc might be low stakes, but I really like how it twists a side character into a main antagonist. Bob slowly revealing just how twisted he’d become is amazing, and I’m glad they don’t forgive him right away.
Francis- 7/10. He’s the worst dude ever. Y’all remember when the Anime Arc was the darkest? Yeah me neither. In any case, Francis is also terrifying because if you’ve been on the internet for long enough, you’ve probably met someone like him.
SMG3- 8/10. Making a recurring villain the main villain of an arc was a solid choice, and it’s certainly menacing watching him replace the entire cast. I don’t have much else to say.
SMG0 (Or Eldritch Zero if you’re @itsgemystic)-6/10. He doesn’t really get much development other than his verses in the rap battle. He of course has to possess Axol because of course he does. We need some of that artificial drama and angst.
Niles- 8/10. The building tension in the arc of “Who is this guy? Why is he helping Melony? Why is his name Niles?” The slow realization of “Oh shit is this Zero?” has a looming presence. He doesn’t do much in the finale though.
Lawyer Kong- 4/10. He is essentially the representation of the existential dread that Nintendo has on the channel. But he’s not really utilized well. Small tangent, but the rap battle just feels so overconfident and exaggerated on the part of the SMG4 crew. I do adore his vocals just being drawn from the OG DK rap’s vocals. He sounds great, especially during the rap battle.
Wren- 9/10. He has some buildup as this greatly skilled champion during prior episodes and some allusions to him being looked down upon in recent years. Him being a villain isn’t too surprising, as the simulation itself builds him up as a dangerous outlaw. He immediately makes an impact on Meggy and the audience from just a few scenes. Overall, he’s a great execution of the “Pure Evil” trope. He doesn’t need to be redeemed. You understand his actions and know that he was influenced by someone else, but he’s still a terrible person.
Derek Lucks- 8/10. He’s a prideful businessman who won’t let morality get in the way of making money and advancing the industry.
James Sheridan- 8/10. He’s a scientist who spent years in the shadows, never getting recognized for his accomplishments. So now he’s going to show the world what he can do. He could’ve used more buildup, but he’s still a menacing villain whose presence is felt through the whole season.
Evelyn Claythorne- 9/10. She’s a spoiled rich white girl. That’s about it. She has some nuance, but it’s really not much. It’s incredible watching her getting slapped in the final episode imo.
Benedict- 7/10. He’s an evil genius crime boss who wants to be immortal. He’s not too complex or too threatening, but he’s definitely dangerous and immoral. Why does Meggy always have to fight the irredeemable ones?
EDIT: Okay so a few episodes of Murders Drones later and I have to rank…
The Absolute Solver- 8/10. Comedic and scary, but mostly exists to get the plot moving. Definitely menacing as of now, but I might update this once episode 7 is out, and definitely once episode 8 is out.
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Probably where the SMG4 Revival AU began
Niles: This can't be the end… We were supposed to be together in our new universe… SMG0: We are together Niles… and that's enough… Come on buddy… Let's go… I bet Fred's waiting for us… (Niles stares for a moment, conflicted, before smiling… and grabbing 0's shoulder) SMG0: Huh? Niles, what are you- Niles: 0. I've done… so much wrong… all because I wanted a perfect universe… And what's worse is that I dragged you into it… SMG0: Ni-Niles, I- Niles: I may need to move on, but you deserve a second chance. (Niles pulls 0 into a hug) Niles: Take care of yourself, okay? (Niles releases 0… and shoves him back) (Outside the Eldritch Zero, SMG0 bursts out from his chest) SMG4: Huh? (Both he and Melony turn around) SMG4: !!! SMG0! (Melony gasps, grabs SMG0'S arm and pulls him onto the escaping giant Mario head) SMG0: (holding out his hand) NILES, WAIT! (Eldritch Zero dissipates, revealing only Niles. He smiles, closes his eyes and drifts into the smoke) SMG0: (Lowers his hand, beginning to tear up) Niles… (The rest of the scene of them escaping goes as normal, up until they crash into the ground back home) SMG0: Uuugh… Tari: Uh, who's that? (SMG0 flinches, gets to his feet, and plasters on a smile) SMG0: Uh, hi… I'm SMG0, and… I… (His smile quickly faded. Beginning to tear up, he shoves his face in his hands) SMG0: …I'm so sorry for everything that's happened… I'm so sorry… (sobbing) (Everyone stares in concern, even Mario has nothing to say. SMG2 turns to SMG1) SMG2: Hey, One? SMG1: Yeah? SMG2: I don't think he was in control of… that Zero. SMG1: Yeah… I don't think so either…
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kuromispamton2000 · 2 months
i'm very much upset that people still hate the new episode, then let's call Puzzles the guy who is worst than Waluigi, Francis, SMG3, Eldritch Zero, Niles and Lawyer Kong together and fucking flip page
i fucking hate see people treat Puzzles that way, i can't stand this i always try to see it on the way of "people suffered a lot from him, he has no the rights" but i just can't! maybe because i hurted and used people in my favor in the past for be hurt by an "stupid traumatic story" (which was my first boyfriend had break with me only "an 1 year of difference" when i had people minor than me for 4 years wtf!?)
but people gave me a second chance even if sometimes i show little parts of me being manipulative and possessive with things or people?
i am tired of this massive hate, is like if people had forgot how Serial Killers are born, for the love of god
"Serial Killers are made in majority of cases when a person had a traumatic life, with abuse and dysfunctional family and people not liking em on any sense and making em lonely with their thoughts that tell em to do a way of calm their pain" there are cases that they are made because they're mental sick and they need be medicated but in majority they are made because they had a hard life
but whatever i am fucking mad at the community they sure no forgive em cuz there is SMG4 and Meggy between, because if it was...idk MELONY he could had been forgiven like NILES!?
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thehazelmist · 4 months
I scribbled concepts of a Niles plush!
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So, when I first watched the revelations arc, I really wanted a Niles Plushie. but Instead, Melony got the plushie treatment, which Is understandable. Niles was meant to be a very dark and serious character, so yeah. But hey! I decided to draw what It would look like!
And If I have the time and can find the right materials, I might consider making this Into a reality!
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marine-indie-gal · 1 year
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Decided to make a Fun Parody Edition with the SMG4 cast in an AU of Lewis Carroll's most popular story, "Alice In Wonderland" starting the one and only Meggy Spletzer. I was kinda looking a bit into Old Classic literature lately and then this idea randomly hit Me, so I had to drew it out of my head. Roles in this Story Alice: Meggy White Rabbit: Luigi TweedleDee and TweedleDum: Swagmaster and Chris Dodo: Bowser Bill The Lizard: Shroomy Caterpillar: Jeeves Duchess: Toadette Cook: Toad Cheshire Cat: Niles Mad Hatter: Mario March Hare: Bob Dormouse: Fishy Boopkins Queen of Hearts: Peach King of Hearts: Toadsworth Mock Turtle: Depresso Gryphon: Rob the Scarecrow Walrus and Carpenter: Wario and Waluigi Jabberwocky: Eldritch Zero (If Niles fused with SMG0 that is) SMG4 (c) Luke and Kevin Lerdwichagul Mario and Legend of Zelda (c) Nintendo Alice in Wonderland (c) Lewis Carroll
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megacandy420 · 2 years
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wolfmage553 · 19 days
I'm thinking about the dramatic possibilities of what could have happened if Axol was spared and given a "self-blame" arc in The Genesis Arc that effected other arcs.
The Genesis Arc is the same up until Axol is about to be possessed when someone else (probably a minor character) jumps between Axol and Eldritch Zero, getting possessed in his place.
Axol is at their side until they wake up, blaming himself for their predicament. Once they wake up, Axol is relieved that they are seemingly okay and apologizes for what happened.
The person then starts acting funny and Axol notices it, his self-blame intensifying with each odd action.
Finally, he is sucked into the Backrooms alongside Mario, SMG4 and SMG3 where he discovers that the person who jumped between him and Eldritch Zero is now possessed by Eldritch Zero.
Axol's section of the mind torture simulation is all of his friends berating him for causing this person to get possessed and he gets really close to giving up every bit of self-love he has in his heart.
Mario is the one who snaps Axol out of his self-blame spiral and brings him hope of saving this person from Eldritch Zero's grasp.
Most of the arcs events up to WOTFI 2021 are the same save that it's Axol who ends up in the mindscape with the person who got possessed.
He simply says he'll do everything in his power to free them, not letting them know he still somewhat blames himself for what's happening to them but he's fanned the fire of that blame into determination to save them.
WOTFI 2021 concludes with Axol unable to save the person and being forced to kill them to save the universe. His final words to the person are "*character's name* I'm sorry!" Before he mercy kills them with Melony's sword.
The celebration of Eldritch Zero's defeat is cut short by Axol crying in remorse and regret.
No time skip but a slight montage set to Regret Message by Mothy (Maybe having Axol sing a parody of it about the person who died) about the rest of the SMG4 crew being there for Axol during his self-blame spiral following the events of The Genesis Arc.
This transitions beautifully into the Revelations Arc with Axol joining Melony and Meggy in attending Omnia Academy, in the Power club alongside Melony.
Mario thinks that Axol wants to share a hobby with the woman he has a crush on. While Melony being with him is a bonus, it's not the reason.
The real reason he joined the Power club is because he wants to get stronger so that what happened in The Genesis Arc never happens again.
He trains alongside Melony but notices that Melony is acting strangely.
Axol worries that history is repeating itself.
Turns out Niles is possessing Melony but Melony is fighting the possession due to her growing feelings for Axol.
Instead of going into another self-blame spiral, Axol awakes to his powers thanks to the determination to save Melony.
Much of the Revelation movie happens in much the same way except that Axol is the one who gets chomped by Eldritch Zero.
In Limbo, he meets the person who was possessed by Eldritch Zero. At first, he wants to simply inform them of what's happened and return but he simply cannot hide from the guilt and self-blame he's been dealing with since that person's death.
He finally reveals that, no matter what he has done and how far he's seem to come in terms of being okay, there's still this self-blame he feels about what happened.
The person simply hugs Axol and tells him "I never blamed you in the slightest for what happened to me."
Axol finally cries the long and cathartic cry that's been building since the ending of The Genesis Arc.
After Axol's crying stops, he simply says "Our friends need me. I won't forget you." and allows himself to go back.
The person shouts back "I'll be watching you. I hope one day I will see you smiling in true happiness."
Axol's powers are enhanced by his mental state getting better but, at the end of Revelations, we see him attend a therapy session.
While Axol will no longer blame himself for what happened in The Genesis Arc, he will still hold onto the memory of the person who died but in a far healthier way than canon Melony does with holding onto the memory of Axol.
After IGBP, Axol helps SMG4 stop blaming himself for what happened to Peach and Peach's castle. While he does acknowledge that SMG4 did make a big mistake buying the demonic keyboard, he wants SMG4 to move forward with his life rather than be stuck on his past regret like he was during the Revelations Arc.
Also, Axol and Melony have a slow burn romance thanks to Axol focusing on healing mentally and emotionally from the events of The Genesis Arc and they officially become a couple at the end of The Puzzlevision Movie.
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wolfmage553 · 6 months
Okay, so I just pictured an AU where at the end of WOTFI 2021 Axol sent his physical body hurtling through the online series multiverse in a effort to protect his universe and loved ones.
I imagine that, at the end of the series, Axol returns after having purged Eldritch Zero from his body and he decides to head to the bathroom...
Only to see a bunch of toilets with no bath, shower or sink.
After an intense flashback to the short time he spent in the Skibidi Toilet universe before mentally saying "Fuck this shit, I'm out!" and leaving, Axol gets out Inkweaver and says in his lowest and growliest voice he can muster
"This is serveral layers of NOPE!"
And sets about redesigning the bathroom. Knowing him, it'll probably have two indoor hot springs (one for the guys, one for the girls)
I'm really surprised no one has thought of that considering the amount of crossover stuff the SMG4 fans discuss.
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