#eldarya rant
lumen-anima · 2 years
Romance is bland in ANE: The Rant
I was pulling up videos from TO and ANE I have for inspo for my Faepedia and the difference of quality between TO and ANE is downright horrific.
Each and every episode in TO was like a loooong episode in a series where at the end of an episode I was like "OMG so much info, so much happened". Every episode had some action, some filler, quality time with basically everyone including the LIs, while moving the story along, giving us stuff to think about.
In ANE however, the episodes are just as long (roughly 2 hours of content in one video) but virtually nothing happens. How in the world do I play for 2 hours and STILL have no actual shit happen??? Even though I spend more maana than I am comfortable with on side characters, the conversations are so damn empty, they give you no extra info about the world or it's characters, NOTHING. I can barely muster up the energy to play the episodes as they come out, I feel like I am wasting my time.
On the LI's:
In TO, the four LIs (Valkyon, Nevra, Ezarel and Leiftan) were all different personalities woth different attitude to things and people, different likes/dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, AND they each had a personal problem they had to tackle.
Nevra was your typical arrogant looking womanizer who only thinks about chasing chicks all day long and being totally nonchalant about it and thus mad irresponsible both personally and professionally. He turned out to be a hardworking, diligent, responsible guy who would carry his girl around on the palm of his hand like they were a princess. He was one of your biggest supporters in TO and I really felt like he cared for MC as a person (even though he was not my route) and was worried about her like they were brother and sister. He was such a dork, I loved him so much.
Now we have this cold, mission oriented, unsupportive guy who just fucks to forget while claiming that he's lost so much in the war and how could we understand it? How we shouldn't be so surprised that he is different because it's been 7 seven years, we should move on from this memory we have of him, while he himself was unable to do so. Cold and distant, you have to basically force your companionship onto him until he gets more open with you.
Leiftan was your support from day one, calm, collected and very gentle, shielding you from the hostile HQ while trying to get close to you and still be looking like the most unapproachable guy there is. He felt waaaaaay out of our league in multiple ways and his attention was always special, even I felt honored when he made time for us (again, he was also not my route). He in fact was a hurt, rage and vengeance filled creature who was killing almost indiscriminately, trying to get back at the world for his own suffering and pain, while being smitten with the MC just because she was from his own race which he's the last of. She was his last chance to have a place to truly belong.
Now he's a guilt ridden coward, afraid to be consumed by his past and his darkness he can't seem to get rid of. He really doesn't want to be anywhere near people, but he has absolutely nowhere to go and (in his mind) nothing to do. He just sticks around for the MC because he's still in love with her, but he doesn't dare move a muscle to prove it. Again, cold and distant, you have to chase his ass around endlessly in a game of cat and mouse reassuring him all the while.
Lance was the bad guy, the villain if the story, willing to kill everyone in his way and I do mean everyone (we all know what happened). He was intelligent, cruel, downright sadistic, but he never lied to us, not once. His whole thing was the "righteous rage" we all felt after the lies and betrayals in HQ, when we just wanted to leave the Guard, preferably in flames for the shit they did to MC. A charismatic, feral bastard, he managed to lead a whole army of disenfranchised outcasts on a suicide quest, they all knew what they were signing up for, since again, he was utterly honest. This was a before he went COMPLETELY bonkers.
And in ANE we got this weak imitation, a stand-in for Valkyon we never wanted. He's blindly following someone who keeps secrets and lies all the time (*cough* HH *cough*) while staying in Nevra's shadow not doing much until he's given orders. He's acting like a henchman to the Council, not thinking for himself at all. I haven't heard this man argue/audibly disagree with anyone so far and we are 16 episodes in! All this talk about him being a different person: it's not hard being a different person when your soul is crushed and you can barely get yourself out of bed due to crippling depression, just sayin. And yet again, cold and distant until you smack some life into him so that he would talk to you.
(I'll skip Mathieu since he was not in TO to make a comparison, I find him extremely annoying, also I find it stupid as hell to bring a regular-degular human into a fantasy themed game and I say this with all the respect my 160cms have to the elusive Mathieu stans, we see just as often as we see good content from Bee.)
In conclusion: all of them are cold and distant, just waiting for the MC to make a move, put in the work while feeling absolutely sorry for themselves, saying that they shouldn't be together yada yada. And then they are together like magic, without explanation, without a proper build-up, nothing. I bet if I'd asked Er*ika (Little Miss Took-a-bite-bigger-than-she-can-chew) about good things she sees in her LI, she couldn't say more than "looks hot, has a dick".
End rant
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candysweetposts · 1 year
I started playing eldarya again and my god, Erika, can you stop talking for a sec? I hate how her descriptions become so useless just to waste maana. It's so unpleasant that I just click without reading because I bet nothing important was said.
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mayamaii · 1 year
Everything is Lance fault tbh
Like why is he sad about eldarya dying when it's literally the consequences of HIS action.
Anyway i only watched the last ep so maybe it was addressed. The episode made me cry in despair at how stupid it was and i'm glad i didn't waste my time trying to catch up to it
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Now beemov is about to release a honeymoon ep (which, don't get me wrong, cool) but please. PLEASE. For the love of god will you just divert just a little bit of those resources into let's say Eldarya? 🙃
I mean. Mcl story is over and now we are on the add on and spin off phase. Great! But... can you try to give Eldarya a proper ending first please.
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tropicalflavors · 1 year
if the aengel route gets happy ending and daemon gets sad ending someone will hear about me
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the-skull-breaker · 1 year
you know what ? in a game where you can date some characters I don't actually care if some of them are boring, doesn't have a deep backstory or a complex personality, I don't choose a character because of that, I choose them because I like who they are, how they act and what they do, I'm looking for someone to have a loving and healthy relationship with, that's all.
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aloy97 · 1 year
😭what do you mean you've left?!?!?!?😭😭😭 i thought You would have wait the end of Eldarya!
I mean what i've said. The story is not fun anymore , plus it can happen basically with everything or every game in general. I've spent from 2016 until 2023 , fully 7 years on this game and that's a lot of time.I have thought about it for a while and've took THAT decision. I'm happy that you and others still find that otome game fun,it's just the fact i can't say the same. I'm not either playing their events anymore because they've fully smashed in bad terms , the game with all their restrictions. Also: i've an age that i see how they're not working at all well the romantic aspects of their games and that's one of the main reasons which has pushed me to quit eldarya and MCL for a side. By the wAy if you want being in contact there's a post under this with my twitter account.
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moii3 · 17 days
My Candy Love New Gen Ep.7 Review!
Spoiler Ahead, Obviously
Another day, another short episode. I think off the bat, im dissapointed with how short the episodes are. I really think they need to get it together with the amount of content. It's just not enough and it doesn't help that we have to wait for almost a month every single time for a new ep.
I just had to point this out because since i've been replaying the Eldarya TO, i just started to appriciate how beemov games used to have longer, more filling, structured episodes and stories compared to now. Maybe this is too early for me to say since we are only 7 episodes in. Who knows? Maybe Beemov will actually start to have an enemies to lovers arc between the writers and the new gen game. Anyways..
The ep starts out with Candy complaining to my love Elenda (and soon the whole office) about how difficult it is to live with her annoying mom and sister. Seriously, we see from the flashback that Candy's mother basically insinuates that she didn't think she would have to live with her adult ass daughter in her house. Both Tasha and the Mother(i forget her name) were pretty rude abt it in my opinion. Instead of talking with Candy about house rules they just go on like nothing happened, and make it clear that she is just a guest. Not a part of the household.
Mentioning of TikTok was thrown in one scene for good mesure lmao
As they all hear the story, Devon decides everyone in the office should help Candy look for an apartment. They apperantly don't have anything else to do the whole day.
It almost feels like a little bit Mary Sue-ish. Everyone taking turns wasting their free work hour trying to find Candy an apartment, making it a competition seems comical and unrealistic. (not everything has to be so realistic but it's just ridicilous atp). They are literally racing to find this rich adult woman a place to live...
When it comes to the actual apartment hunting, Thomas's route was a roller coaster 😭. Since apperantly no one rents apartment to stinky stinky singles, LI s jump in to save the day, pretending to be our partners during the apartment showing.
Thomas had both me and the realtor gagged the whole time.
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(sorry for the whack screenshots)
I was cringing big time
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ma'am please be quiet...
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A bit awkward? You're telling me..
Just as we think we are over with this, leaving the apartment, he kisses Candy.
I saw some people saying they didn't like how this kiss came about and i have to agree. He calls it "our little ritiual" , apperantly to convince the realtor. We know that's bullshit and it was kind of an excuse to kiss her. I don't like that Candy is in a cornered position to accept the kiss and it felt kind of unneccesary, no matter how hyped everyone was about it.
Like if this is the dude we will eventually gonna fall in love with& date, it's kind of a bummer that their first kiss had to be "fake". I know they thought of it like a little romantic game Candy had to play to get close to Thomas but i really think even for this it was kinda underwhelming.
I also saw other illustrations from different routes and Roy's has to be my favourite. I wish it was more romantic like that and actually made sense. Anyway..
Anyways, after they leave the house, Thomas gets back to the nonchalant attitude again (obviously) which, gagges Candy again.
Like i said, i don't really like how this kiss happened and i think even for Thomas this was kind of crazy.
If i was the realtor, i would honestly block their numbers and hope that Thomas wouldn't show up at my house to wear my skin the very same night. He deserves some kind of compensation.
I'm gonna keep doing these reviews no matter who reads them, this is for me and my ranting. But i hope you like it! Oh, I also will rate these episodes out of 10.
For my first rating on this series, I'm givinf this episode an underwhelming 5/10
Best part is that this ain't even about the house anymore, even realtor knows he fucked up and they are not gonna choose this house.
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Until next time, xx
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verystrxxwberry · 2 months
We already have "Nevra as your boyfriend", so could you do Valkyon, Ezarel and Leiftan? Love your writing!! 💖
ELDARYA; Valkyon and Ezarel as your boyfriends
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Individual headcanons, fluff, sfw. ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: We also have Leiftan’s hcs here, so I will simply do Valkyon and Ez in this post :). Thank you! It is a great compliment for me that you enjoy it. I hope you find this hcs to your liking! 
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
At first he was very closed off to the idea of getting into a relationship, yet he found you interesting. Whenever you two talked about whatever came through your mind was enough to start a surprisingly absorbing topic to talk about. You found yourself enjoying his company after each long day, a company that with no doubt left you as relaxed as you haven’t felt in so long.
The same was for him. He found himself thinking about you quite a lot after each conversation. He had a smile on his face the next morning, remembering that little moment he had with you last night- He’d be zoning out as he thinks about it, ignoring completely his colleagues.
Valkyon is natural about physical language though the first days in the relationship he looked at your reactions to see if you were fine with him holding your hand, or touching the small of your back or whatever. He will always respect your boundaries, no matter the context.
He is way clingier in private than you would expect. He is a passionate lover, but will respect your personal space whenever he sees you are getting overwhelmed. Expect him to casually kiss the side of your neck, because your neck and shoulders are his favorite spots to kiss you. You’d get used to feeling his hand casually resting over your hip or shoulder constantly.
Don’t let him take his time to kiss you or you will end up making out for good long minutes.
The most patient man ever. He is so sweet to be real (bc he isn’t…). If you need comfort you are never going to lack it, if you need support you are always going to be cheered up to keep going unless it’s a bad decision. Valkyon knows you well enough to know that certain decisions will be the best for your well-being than others. 
If you are the type of person who truly does rant about your interests, he is the perfect partner for you. If he finds about any of your deep interests, he is gonna bring you stuff to stimulate the excitement they give to you (allow my adhd hyperfixation be mentioned here because valkyon should be my husband but he decided to die)
He may be protective, sometimes a little too much, but he isn’t the jealous type. He will advise you to get away from someone the moment he sees a toxic patron and how it affects you. Valkyon wants the best for those who he cares about. He won’t tolerate anyone disrespecting you.
No matter how tall you are, he is always going to be gentle with you even if his hands are all calloused from the amount of force he constantly uses for work. He is strong af yet he would never use that strength towards you, unless you want him to carry you around (which he will do by himself anyway)
He allows you to freely interact with Floppy, which adores you! You and the small companion are the two beings for which Valkyon would fight for until the end. He has a big need to protect you both from evil.
Long walks in the forest with him and sometimes Floppy as your tiny kid.
When it’s bedtime, expect him to be twice as clingy (even though it is quite overwhelming during summer because bro’s skin is FIRE :c). He interlocks his legs with you and wraps his arms around your body to make sure you can be warm.
He gives the best hair caresses and scalp massages ever!
Can’t sleep because of a nightmare? Hot chocolate time and cuddles!
He loves looking at you, no matter if you realize it or not. He admires your acts, your expressions, everything. God, your face, it is something he needs to check every second to make sure his mind remembers it perfectly. He adores you.
If you dislike something from what you are eating he is going to finish it for you (you can have his meal if you wish). He shares stuff with you without thinking twice, and even more when he knows that you will like it.
Valkyon opens up quite a lot with you and can get to be talkative with you as well, and that also includes the hidden humor Nevra and Ezarel mentioned several times to you. He has spontaneous comments that can make you laugh your ass off. But you didn’t expect that the jokes he had in mind were the typical dad jokes. You sometimes want to facepalm after hearing them, but seeing him laugh so much from it is contagious.
He has shelves with the gifts you give to him and other special memories about you which he looks to with so much love. 
His closet is completely open for you to pick anything you want!
Has a big blind trust towards you.
I recommend dating Valkyon, I rate it as 9/10. Would be a 10 if he didn’t die but anyway… he would spoil you with all his soul through the time you are with him.
He isn’t a really romantic person or someone who specifically searches for a serious relationship. At least that’s what he thought. It takes a long time for him to realize what he was actually feeling for you. And every time he thought about the term ‘love’ he shivered and tried to distract himself from his thoughts. But what the hell you were EVERYWHERE (that's why he teased you by telling you that you followed him everywhere -but it didn’t actually bother him-). He got his stomach checked by Ewelein and thought that you actually carried a virus with you, but then Ewelein told him “you simply like them, idiot.”
He almost made a whole drama from it, and even more when he couldn’t remove that feeling from his body. It took a looong time for him to get the courage to speak out loud his feelings to you. Until he did, all flustered and being a victim of your teasing, since you had never seen the elf blush like that until that moment.
The beginning of the relationship was quite… awkward. He doesn’t like physical contact, that’s a fact… but he wanted to have it with you, but he never had it with you before and he didn’t know how to start it. Ezarel stares deeply at you as he argues in his head whether to go and hold your hand or ask you first or simply leave.
The moment you asked he simply decided to hold your hand and look away, very nervous himself.
With time he gets used to starting physical contact, sometimes being so sudden that you would be the one getting flustered. And when you do start it… he melts but will never confess it. Though you can feel how he takes a deep breath and does his best to hide how his lips raised a little in a timid smile. 
You will learn about alchemy and some scientific facts which he will rant about, because in this relationship he will be the main talker and you’d be the listener. And no matter if he is always playing around, when it comes to your feelings, he won’t play a single bit with them. If you need to vent, he will be there. It is sometimes worrying how quiet he gets when you vent, as you are used to him actively participating in the conversation, but now he is genuinely listening to you with all his attention. He is known to be a good advisor even if he doesn’t know how to apply those pieces of advice to himself. Still he will be helpful.
Despite that, at first he used to be pretty blunt with his words. Ezarel is someone who never keeps silent with his opinion and he believes that everyone must be heard. If he didn’t like a meal you did, a handcraft you did, he’d say it simply, without considering how it would affect you.
Ezarel may be way too honest, but he has a heart and it almost broke when he saw that he was the reason why you got sad or insecure over something. He’d talk to you the moment he reads the environment. He doesn’t want to bring you sadness, he supports you in your hobbies no matter if you are new to them or more experienced. There is time to improve in any field and he doesn’t mean to be rude if he ever tells you that you should improve something.
He isn’t good at communicating with words, but he shows it with actions and sometimes even physical contact. As a way to show his support, his affection or something positive, he likes to kiss the bridge of your nose and sometimes the crown of your head.
He is smart, handsome, and he knows it yet when you compliment him, you boost his confidence in a way that he becomes the most arrogant creature in the world. (Nevra whines to you about it- “gods, your boyfriend is incredibly tiring, stop lying to him!”)
Your boyfriend is great and you know it. Ezarel is the peak of dark humor, and even if you stand dark humor, you would like to slap him more than once at the bad timings he sometimes has to spit some comments. Nevertheless you will be laughing so hard at 2 AM that Miiko will scold you both the next morning.
Bake something sweet for him and he will be on his knees for you. “Oh, my highness… give me that thing again…”- You baked him a simple chocolate cupcake.
Sleepy Ezarel is like a baby, and he is going to sleep on top of you, forcing you to caress his hair as he is almost asleep. Whenever you stop, he looks up at you with a little frown and says “never told you to stop…”
Sounds weird but he absolutely loves to sniff your scent and comment about how good you smell.
Ezarel is a big tease, and he flirts with you playfully just to see your reactions and tease you about them. He knows the effect his voice may have when he is basically purring for you -not like a cat, but he purposefully whispers to you with a husky tone just to make your heart skip a beat-.
Let’s say that when he found the news of you coming back from the crystal he decided to send you an anonymous letter that told you to meet someone at night. You were scared, but the surprise of being the owner of the letter made you fall more in love with him. Oh, he is taking you on his trip far from the city. 
If you want this angst, then let’s keep that you never knew anything from him once you came out from the crystal 🤫
Long story short, Ezarel started being a clumsy and awkward boyfriend but achieved to be one guy who made you feel a lot of emotions constantly. And luckily they were positive!
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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Moments where they fall more in love with you ft. The Eldarya Boys ♡
Valkyon – when you stand on your tippy toes to kiss him – when you jump into his arms after he returns from a long mission – when you watch him train – when you sleep while hugging his clothes – when you ask for piggyback rides – when you massage his sore body after a hard training session – when you nuzzle against him when you're cold – when you help him wash his body while taking a shower
Nevra – when you kiss the back of his hand – when you offer your blood to him – when you nuzzle your face against his neck – when you let him sleep over your chest and he gets to listen to your heartbeat – when you help him get dressed and steal some innocent touches here and there – when you playfully bite his fingers – when you listen to his rants and cover his body with kisses – when you choose to sit on his lap even if there are chairs available
Leiftan – when you hug him from behind – when you take his hand while walking – when you caress his arms with awe – when you write him love letters – when you wait for him to eat together – when you fall asleep in his arms – when you stare at him with loving eyes – when you sing to him everytime he feels down – when he sees you waiting for him at the entrance of HQ the day he's supposed to be back from a long mission
Ezarel – when you give him eskimo kisses – when you let him style your hair – when you pull him by his belt – when you call him honey – when you go shopping for clothes and you model the outfits for him – when you ask him for help with something you don't understand – when you give him compliments on his intelligence – when you propose to do something risky – when you link your arm with his
Lance – when you caress his back and kiss each one of his scars – when you smile at him just because – when you ask him about his day before going to sleep – when you put your head against his chest or shoulder – when you gaze at him during trainings – when you offer him to take a shower together – when you hold his hand below the table – when you shyly ask him for cuddles
Mathieu – when you send him a flying kiss – when you praise him after a good fight – when you suddenly pull him for a kiss – when you squeeze his cheeks lovingly – when you let him rest his head in your lap – when you laugh at his corny jokes – when you cover his face in kisses – when you tease him for his cute reactions – when you rest your hand over his leg – when you caress his chest while laying in bed
Hope you like it ♡♡♡
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lumen-anima · 2 years
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YES. Absolutely. The Guard is WAY TOO LENIENT with traitors, murderers and the like.
They wanted to lock up (and possibly kill) an innocent human who did NOTHING wrong, BUT: let an unstoppable, intelligent, mass murderer out after a year from prison; let a woman that tortured and killed children(!!!) go free with a suicidal, mentally ill woman and a broken man; let a murderous and highly manipulative man who betrayed them and killed their friend(s) out of captivity.
Why? Because "We NeEd ThEeEeeEm", "thEy ArE UseFuL" or my favourite ✨TheY'Ve CHANGEEEED ✨
IDGAF BITCH 🤬🤬🤬🤬 Actions have consequences but the most these guys got is a lil slap on the wrist and that's it!!! They were like, "oh we have multiple people dead because you lied to us and led us into mortal danger but it's okaaayyy, I can see you are regretting it 😇❤️" BRO we nearly got GUTTED LIKE A DAMN FISH BECAUSE OF THAT MOFO.
No wonder there are so many criminals in Eldarya, SHIT it's every criminal's WET DREAM 🤦🏼‍♀️
Let that man preach, I back him up 100%, this is ridiculous 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤮
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linaselandbasil · 2 years
Whitewashing in Eldarya: A man of science rant about beemoovs bullshit pt.1
What is whitewashing?: this word has a couple of different uses, but in this context I mean deliberately making things more 'white' and thus alienating and erasing POC.
For example, they try so hard to make Lance white. Bitch, just draw him like god intended and stop complaining!
Okay introduction over. Let's cover the less extensive topic I want to talk about.
Huang Huas character design:
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She looks weird. I always hated her character design. I think what happened is they didn't know that darker skin has to be shaded different.
She looks grey (in retrospect, this may be coz she wears a lot of orange and yellow, despite having a pink undertone. Although, she should not have a pink undertone, when the skin is this dark, its more accurately described as having a red undertone), probably because the artist messed up and thought that simply lightening her complexion would make her face look less.... I dunno. The point is that it didn't work as intended.
Dark skin is more reflective compared to light skin. It might appear that the glow simply looks more prominent because of the contrast, but that's not all there is to it. Melanin absorbs UV to protect them from sun damage and it also reflects some of it. The absolute darkest skintones of sub Saharan Africans provide as much protection as SPF 25 sunscreen. (The minimum recommended by dermatologists for everyday wear is 50) So, my point is, you can't just use light skin techniques to draw Dark skin. You need to make the contrast between the lightest and the darkest colors more drastic.
Her undertone... It makes me want to just evaporate. I love good art and I love beautiful people, this is simply not it dear. If you look up a tutorial for drawing dark skin they might tell you that the darker you go, the redder to make it. This is because there's five different types of melanin, two of which I'll tell you about. Eumelanin is more prominent in dark skin, it has brown and black subtypes. I, for example have a warm undertone (yellow, not pink) so I have this. Pheomelanin is more prominent in lighter skin and this gives ginger hair and freckles it's red color. (I assume it's a recessive trait, since light skin is a recessive trait) So, in lighter skin, there's a lack of eumelanin, the pink color of the skin is mostly from the blood underneath and the yellow undertone (if you press on your flesh for a long time and release you will see it) is from subcutaneous fat. (which is not white like duckfat) The darker you go, the redder the undertone gets from the eumelanin covring the yellow fat. The blood doesn't get conealed because it's not as deep down as the fat.
Okay, I'm done talking about her skin. Let's get angry about something else: her facial features.
She has basically no afrocentric facial features, I accredit this to the artist not knowing how to draw them, so I'll try not to roast too much.
She has dark skin, which is a dominant trait, but a small nose, thin lips and straight (alright, wavy) hair, which are all recessive traits. This is a rare combination, but not impossible.
(They do have very simmilar face shapes, supporting my phoenix magic skin color change theory)
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Her home is the land of the Ren Feng Huang, her people have been described by Erika as "dressed in Chinese style clothes". I feel like this is a microagression, please shut up Erika... She, so far is the only dark skinned Ren Feng Huang. So the case might just be that her Phoenix powers grant her dark skin to protect her from the sun's flames and she's just as white as Huang Chu (who has freckles, that's pheomelanin). Feng Zifu looks vaguely east Asian, but he also has a lot of European features like the sharpness of his cheekbones and his deepset eyes. (And his non-existent lips 💋)
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The Feng Huangs are made out to be this holy Saint never did anything wrong ever totally crimeless nation, so they might just have good immigration policies, I dunno.
So anyway, her homeland looks like a very simplified view of 'china'. Bunch of bamboo, cliffs, terrace farming. I assume the climate is what we can expect from "china", humid summers and cold winters. (Although China is fucking huge. The country has more than one climate region.)
For breathing warm, humid air, wide noses are most adapted. For breathing cold, dry air, tall and long noses are adapted, for dry, hot air, hooked noses are most adapted. She appears to have a small, pointy nose with narrow nostrils, which is not well suited for any climate and is a recessive trait.
She has a little mouth ad well as moderately thin lips. Lip size is not that important for survival, but I should note that thin lips emit less heat, therefore they're better for cold environments. Big lips are a dominant gene, thin lips are recessive. If someone has one copy of the dominant gene (one copy comes from each parent) and one recessive, then the dominant gene will determine their appearance, but they can still pass on the recessive gene to their offspring. Some genes work together to make an in-between. Small lip gene+big lip gene makes something in between. (I don't know how recessiveness effects this phenomenon) Two toned lips (pigmentation on top, no pigmentation on the bottom or partial pigmentation on the bottom) are very appropriate in her case, kudos for that. (Im pissed that they forgot it when they drew Lance and Val. I demanded an apology) Also, some people with a lot of melanin often have yellow tinted scleras because there's some of it there too. This used to scare me because I thought they had liver failure. It's not something that every dark skinned person has, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Okay, now about hair. This has to be the most controversial topic for some fucking reason. Thick, dark and curly are dominant traits. Thin, light and straight are recessive. A gene combination of curly and straight work together to make a softer curl pattern or wavy hair. (Wavy hair is just very lose curls, I have wavy hair but it appears straight because it's silky and thick, causing gravity to straighten it. When i was a child it used to be a lot thinner and i had really nice 2A waves.) I don't know what benefits there are to having straight, thin hair, but apparently this weak recessive trait is so beloved by our one and only beemoov that they made nearly every single POC character without curls. Thick, curly hair is better at basically everything it's supposed to do. It shrinks into a dense protective layer, shielding the head from the sun like an afro helmet, it traps more air underneath to keep the skin warm when it's cold, it's straight out just harder to pull out. I don't know which dumbass, cousin banger ancestors of mine decided that straight hair is pretty enough to srlect for, but I digress. I can live with it. (At least I have green eyes, which is the only recessive trait that I find beautiful. It's still dominant over blue though)
Have a look at this handy chart:
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Okay I'm done with Hua. Pt.2 is about Lance and Valkyon because I'm low-key obsessed with them. My bebes.
Have a great day! (I swear of this doesn't spark a conversation nothing will.)
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candysweetposts · 1 year
about eldarya ane: i'm sad how the side characters are getting married while erika, the mc, barely talk about feelings with her LI😐they could at least make them talk if they want a wedding one day too. reminded me of when Rosalya in UL was having a great romantic life, making big plans while Candy was shunned by her LI like the plague
I understand how you are feeling. Beemoov seems to have a pattern where they focus more on a side character than the main one. First it was Roslya, now Karenn, and probably some other character in the new mcl game. And yeah, they could've just introduced the idea of marriage through Karenn but let Erika think about it and then talk with her LI instead of f*cking whenever she has a chance. Like seriously, Erika might be the horniest MC I've seen unintentionally. And even if it seem out of place, which Karenn's wedding seems anyway, it would've at least made some people happy. Heck, have both Erika and Karenn's wedding on the same day. It's a win-win situation. But no, let's just let Karenn be happy before eventually dying bc "the end it's near".
I guess they want to go to a tragic ending, where everyone dies or something. So what's the point of giving us or the mc anything like a wedding or a healthy relationship in general?
I don't think I ever saw a company self-sabotage like that, making bad decision after another. Like, what were they thinking? Duh, money, of course, but you don't make it by also making your player angry.
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2af-afterdark · 11 months
So, I wasn't sure how to write this in a coherent way. I'm not sure if I even am now, but I need to try (if only to vent). I’m just a person with feelings and an opinion and this is just for me to get this out there and out of my head.
I hate Solomon's Seals. I hate the idea of them. I hate them being paid content. I hate that they represent shady business practices and exploitation of fanbases. I hate it.
Before I explain, I am not faulting PB for trying to make a profit. Companies need to make money to stay in business and PB is a company. What I care about is the practices the company uses to try and make money. I care about how a company treats its players, both whales and f2p.
I am, by my own admission, a whale (maybe closer to a dolphin? Idk where we draw the line). I picked up the habit in my Eldarya days when I started throwing $10 at the game every few months. It was how I splurged on myself back when I was a broke college student. Before that though, I was a f2p player in everything I did. Even now, there are games where I am strictly f2p. So, please understand that I am seeing two sides to the issue as I write up this rant…
Solomon's Seal are exploitative and I hate them.
Paid currency, in general, is exploitative. Games can have paid content. That isn't what bothers me. Cosmetic changes being paid currency? Sure thing. Special stickers or emotes? Sounds fine by me. Making the gacha,, the entire backbone of the gacha game, paid player exclusive? That I have an issue with.
What bothers me is that WHB has introduced three different summoning items. Greater keys (GK), lesser keys (LK), and Solomon's Seals (SS). GK and LK are used for the general pool, with LK being used to narrow down summons to A+ rank or higher summons. Minhyeok's banner used GK, which was an interesting choice. They are easier to get by far. An actually alright move from PB, making it manageable to summon his unit (unit? card? what are we calling these guys even?) for all players.
However… then we saw the new banner and that it required SS. We were not told what SS were or how to possibly earn them. We found out after the update that SS are a paid currency. Specifically, they are a paid currency to draw on event banners for L-rank units. My heart sunk when I saw this. It sunk for a two main reasons:
It's unfair to the f2p player base, who doesn't even have a chance to earn a handful of SS for free to get even a few draws.
It makes me feel exploited as a whale when I see the prices on those SS.
My Eldarya days taught me something: whales motivate the company, for good and ill. Many companies want to try and get their whales to spend money on limited banners. If you played Obey Me (OM), you will recognize this as the reason Lucifer and Mammon always seemed to have the most limited cards. It was because they were the two most popular characters and the whales spent money on them. It was guaranteed that Solmare would keep making content for their cash cows. It's also why characters who ranked lower on that popularity poll started not getting as many cards.
(Side note: if you ever take these surveys and see the question "how much money do you spend on games a month", the company is explicitly assigning you a dollar amount to weigh your opinions)
Events (and their banners) are the lifeblood of gacha games. They make a ton of money during this time, so they tend to have a good deal of focus put on them. Personally, I prefer events to be more sparse so they are special and the team is not pulled between event stories, main story content, and the upkeep of the game.
OM had many shady practices as it went on. Constant events (often with only a day or two between the end of one and the start of another), being unable to complete an event reward sheet (3 pages) completely if you were f2p, Celestial Blessings (loot boxes within loot boxes), starting up Nightbringer (that's a whole other rant), not informing the fanbase for a year that OM would be all but discontinued, putting the announcement on a Reddit thread when it did finally come out so it had to be passed around via word of mouth rather than from Solmare itself, and more.
Solmare has always been an exploitative company and many of its choices are based in getting players to spend money as often as possible rather than ensure the actual game content is good (sorry, I am still traumatized by S4 and the year long wait). Many of their practices are based in fomo and gambling practice (reminder: gacha is gambling) meant to produce a Skinner effect and trick your brain to keep going, even against your own best interests.
You get an SSR guarantee when you draw because your brain sees the sparkling rainbows and thinks "I was so close to getting a UR! Maybe if I do one more pull". It prompts you to try again for that dopamine rush.
I bring up Solmare specifically to point out that, despite its shady practices, still didn’t have a paid exclusive currency. You could buy DP in that game, but DP was also able to be earned free. Same with DV. And the two currencies could be used to pull on any banner. Twst also allows you to use keys on any banner. Same with Nu:C and contracts. The Ikemen series too. One currency type for every banner, and that currency can be earned for free given enough time and effort. Honkai Star Rail and Genshin have two types of currency used on different banners, but both types can be earned completely free given enough time.
I personally think all currencies should be available to all players, paid and f2p, in some capacity. There should be a way to earn SS, even if only for a single ten draw. Doing anything less is unfair to the f2p player base and sends the message about caring about whales more. Games make their shit loads of money, even without having paid exclusive currency. 
I personally think they should use the more rare, already existing currency (LK) for L-rank banners. Every player can earn those and they can be bought in the shop for the paid players. F2p players have a chance to earn them for free and hoard them for the next banner drop, making them feel like they at least got a chance to pull rather than feeling left out.
HOWEVER, I am also going to acknowledge here the PB (unless they change their minds) has stated that the L-rank event units will be added to the general pool at the end of their two week banner run. Honestly? This is an amazing choice. It completely opens the potential to get the L-rank units up to the entire playerbase. The only drawback is that the rates to pull them will drop. This is the first time I’ve personally seen a game do this and I will not pretend it isn’t a very generous move. My issue isn’t with PB. It’s with the Seals as a concept.
As for why SS make me feel exploited as a paid player… it has to do with their cost. If you do the math, it costs about $500 to hit pity… Gacha have never been cheap (ask me how much I have spent in the past trying to get Kuya or Rei) but $500 is insane for a single pity… in which you can’t even choose what you get. Take into account that there are four items you potentially have to draw (the unit artifacts are necessary for the unholy board which is where extra stats and story are hidden) and that adds up very quickly. Now, you are likely to draw something before you hit pity, but that is not guaranteed and it certainly isn’t guaranteed you’ll get all four items. RNGesus is fickle, as many a veteran can attest. Seeing these prices puts a nasty taste in my mouth because it feels like going straight for the wallet. Remember, these are pixels. They cost time and effort to make and write for and the servers cost money to be maintained… but $500 for a single pity? That is a rather extreme cost for the unlucky.
Like I said, I don’t have an issue with PB needing to make money. We all do. They have employees to pay and servers to maintain. My issue is the way they do it. I find Solomon’s Seals to be gross. I find them to be a bad practice in their current state which is why I cannot, in good conscious, whale for this. How I spend my money encourages their practices. I do not support this one, so I will not put my money toward it.
Having said that, I openly acknowledge that PB is not defined by this one grievance. I like that they seem to be listening to the player base. They heard Solomon’s Tears were difficult to get and made it easier to obtain them. They are constantly trying to fix the game and stabilize the servers. They have given out a shit ton of keys and compensation for delays, maintenance, and more. I can find this one aspect egregious without bashing the entire company or their efforts >.> I can still enjoy the game and the characters. Critique is not criticism.
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heyseihai · 5 months
And here goes the first nine days of the 30-day eldarya outfit challenge just because I'm not the patient type, I had so much fun so I had to share the outfits in groups of 10 haha
Day 1: Welcome to Eldarya: Show us your Guardian's everyday appearance!
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Day 2: Looking back: Show us the appearance of your Guardian before coming to Eldarya / the City of Eel / the Guard of Eel.
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That's her look when she lived in the fenghuang mountains, before Lance and Valkyon going there, and Lance taking her under his wing during his travels to the zhi-fenghuangs looking for more knowledge.
Day 3: Your Crush invites you to a romantic dinner: dress for the occasion!
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Day 4: Head to the gym to exercise, couch potato! Dress up appropriately accordingly to your fighting style!
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Thanks to bee's fifty shades of yellow, that's her outfit lol Her fighting style is based on staff, so she needs speed and comfort to move, not prioritizing strenght.
Day 5: Blend into one of the other two Guards! Try to use the colours of the chosen Guard for complete success! (If your Guardian isn't a member of any of the Guards, dress as a member of any of them.)
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She belongs to the Absynthe Guard, but this time she'll infiltrate the Shadow Guard just (try) to piss Nevra off lmao
Day 6: Dress up as your favourite Companion!
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And bee's fifty shades of their colors strikes again. I wanted something that could be similar to the Chiromagnus face, but meh. It was her companion in TO, it helped her communicate with Lance and Leiftan.
Day 7: It's time to get ready for bed: Put your Guardian in pyjamas or nightwear!
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Day 8: Girls' party: bring some champagne and party dresses!
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Once it's not an official party and she has no friends at HQ, Seihai was kinda forced to go. I mean, Erika and Cameria's company are not that bad, but the others ruin the mood. She uses the worst she had, not caring about Purriry's rant about the sleeves.
Day 9: The snowy mountains await you to explore them, so dress warmly!
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Here goes, future queen of the north \o/
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tropicalflavors · 1 year
us when we realize they’re being late with the news about episode 19 because they probably have no content to spoil and the next episode will probably cost 2000 maanas (with an outfit that costs 1000) because they don’t care about eldarya they just want to close our mouths and tell us they’ve given us an episode:
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