#eldarya banshee
are you gonna be posting the color variations of the three halloween outfits? i always hate picking my pieces without having a full set in mind. thank you so much regardless!!
@laschanclasdeleiftan has already posted them on Facebook. I'll post the color variations of the bank outfit soon. If there's anything else I can do for you, let me know!
Bone Guardian
Ghost Hunter
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oarley · 6 years
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Ezarel’s Past (pt1, pt2)
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matrosya-nya · 7 years
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My sweetie Unoka by me Background from Eldarya game
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tetrakys · 4 years
I was reading some asks u received and one thing came through my mind, it seems so lame to me that there’s people who hate lance/leiftan because they are murderes, but completely ignores that the guard has already killed people too. In fact, Valkyon make us understand that he had already killed in one of the firsts episodes... are these people trying to say thats ok to kill someone as long as they are not their friends (as if others lifes didnt matter) or they are really forgettin about it
No one is innocent in Eldarya, but some characters are presented as more guilty than others. Unfortunately we never got enough info about the others for people to be properly outraged at them too. But if this world can forgive and forget that Ezarel purposefully unleashed a banshee on a village and killed everyone including children, or even everything Mary-Anne did, they can forgive Leiftan and Lance as well.
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aokane-eldarya · 5 years
For the rest of Eldarya, I have two expectations:
- Erika says to herself "Wait, I forgave for the imprisonment on my arrival, I forgave for the lies, I forgave the disrespect, I forgave the destruction of my life on Earth, I I accepted without problem Ezarel who destroyed an entire city with a banshee, but I denounced Leiftan and found him guilty without trial, without trying to understand ... What is my problem, why am I so stupid?"
- or it was Lance who said to her "Wait, you forgave everything that the guard did but you sent to prison and indirectly caused the death of the person who loved you most in this world? Mouhahaha, you are really stupid ".
Or the Oracle suddenly appears and says to her "Light is everything, it is only light that counts ... So, I manipulated you to be sure that you denounce him". Maybe it'll make Erika really angry this time.🤷‍♀️
But if in the future Erika thinks "it hurts, but I made the right choice", I myself will check if her disappearance on Earth caused the birth of a brother or a sister. And if so, I will say : the old model is no longer suitable, please replace her
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cintanna-stuff · 5 years
Hi! Valkyon out of all the LI's, is the only one that has not committed anything very serious so to speak, comparing it with Ezarel that destroyed a whole town... Which makes me think that I want to see a more dark side of him, because everyone in Eldarya has done something really bad and he's not saved
Valkyon is a pure soul 😫 I see him as the white knight, the hero, even Erika when she sees his room for the first time thinks it’s the room of a knight in shiny armor. That’s why he probably has never done anything too awful, except maybe the potion and not in all gameplays and still he probably thought it was for the greater good at the moment. I don’t think Valkyon will ever do anything too bad, if he kills anyone it will probably be for good or an awful accident.
On the contrary, his brother is more like a dark knight (he even wears black armor), an anti-hero maybe, and he has done pretty bad things but this is like a lot of people in Eldarya. Ironically this is the reason why he turned this way. I still think he doesn’t enjoy being this way despite trying hard, he doesn’t like being called a monster even if he accepts it and owns it.
About Ezarel, he explains the banshee thing because Erika asks him for an example when he says he did some things he doesn’t feel proud of, which implies there’re still things we don’t know about him.
Leiftan has killed a couple of people that we know of, this actually should make him better than Ezarel 🤣 But I guess Leif is seen in as bad not just for the killing but also for the treason and for being a liar.
And Nevra, we don’t know much about him. I don’t remember much but I think he did mention his family had a shady business and he left them because he didn’t want to compromise with someone through a vampire ritual. My bet is he participated in whatever his family did, maybe they trafficked with humans for blood or something like that.
I personally don’t mind the guys having done shady stuff, they’re grey characters and that makes them more interesting.
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candysoupkitchen · 8 years
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Yam Doodles
Some sketches of my Eldarya guardian, Yaminah because 1.) I was bored and wanted to doodle and 2.) I want to be posting art more frequently than before~^^
(( My art style is so inconsistent it makes me cry ;; w ;; One day it’s this style, the next day it’s the complete opposite >:0 c’mon my little imp hands... work with me here...))
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kindcstguardian · 5 years
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NAME. (  華 結愛  )  Hana Yua. ALIAS. Ruri-chan BIRTHDAY.   (   ). AGE. 23*. BLOOD TYPE. AB+.
LANGUAGES. Japanese &&. English.
GENDER. Female. SEXUALITY. Demisexual. STATUS. Single.
OCCUPATION.  Writer &&. artist. Former model,  rejected idol. 
   Upon finding out that she won third place and her manuscript  ( that had NO COPY whatsoever so if she had lost, they would not return it to her, what was that  idiot  Min-Joon thinking about? ), she was... speechless. It was too much, her modeling career was steady but was she happy about that?  Well, it was a generous income but... for how long would that last?  Now the idea of writing about The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl which had been an initial  major  self-insert character to keep her sane during middle-school, to escape reality and aimlessly write adventures, ones that she had deleted for being too op at first and then settling to design the characters better, Ruri being a whole other individual with a few similar personality traits to her. To think... To think THAT would actually bear its fruits almost a decade later.    It’s safe to assume Yua quit her career with only a one-week notice, sandwiched all the photoshoots in a week that left her almost deceased, and had quite the pay. Thankfully, she had always been the type to save money due to struggling in her childhood  ( leading to read and write, to study and empty her head until Ryuko had taken custody of her )  but spent almost little to nothing because of that irrational fear she’d ran out of it.    That aside, she IMMERSED herself into her story, her long-forgotten dream and had a series, even. But... maybe thanks to being SLEEP-DEPRIVED she had started to hallucinate because, what did they mean with an exchange student program and that she had been chosen?  Surely, this couldn’t be real. Angels, demons, that whole spiritual aspect was... supposed to be fiction alone!
   A daydreamer, Yua had many dreams that all sounded unrealistic for starters: she wanted to be an idol, and when there was a casting she got approved but quit right away when they started to suggest surgeries and the likes, she started to believe being an idol was more a contract of enslavement. So maybe, it was better to keep it a dream     however, because she made it that far, she was offered the position of a model, one that she accepted  ( one that she STRUGGLED with until she started to land more jobs ). Nevertheless, she was glad that she could pay the rent, her online studying course and somehow manage to eat, too.    But that wasn’t it all. A blessing, or a curse, one of her closest friends, caught a glimpse of a manuscript she had long ago dropped during her first year in upper-studies. Persuading her, Yua a natural quitter when things look stressful or not that bright ahead, took some good four months until she agreed with the condition that she would be left alone to study for her exams. Little did she know... that Min-Joon used the connection of his family to submit the manuscript, and by sheer talent alone it won third place.    The irony, however, remains UNKNOWN to everyone: Yua’s aunt, Ryuko, was a descendant of a BANSHEE and because the older had used her beloved niece as a base for her main protagonist, those extremely lucky events were some that took place in her own novel. Fiction was, in fact, affecting reality until the day Yua was too far for the magic to intertwined with her fate.
TAG.  「 001  / Ruri 」
Exchange student, lazily spending her time and praying not to get in trouble.
   Trying to wrap her mind around her current predicament, she decided to take a deep breath and... accept this situation with utmost calm or else she’d absolutely lose it because this is way too much, it’s overwhelming.    Asking all the right questions and not quite grasping what’s her final paper supposed to be about, she decided to... enjoy her free time, sure studying was no longer troublesome and the subjects here were beyond interesting?  They were addictive!  There was so much to learn, so many things to apply to her future works. And also time to sleep and not stress ( that’s a lie, she will go bald, she is working in her laptop those nights she has insomnia ). Ah but... please, she doesn’t want to get involved in troublesome things, her luck is apparently gone.
NOTE. She can be the MC but will mostly be portrayed as a sidekick of the MC.
TAG.  「 002  / Ruri 」
Pre-game, her regular but extremely and questionable lucky life.
TAG.  「 003  / Ruri 」
Post-game, what will it be?
TAG.  「 Ephemeral / Ruri 」
TAG.  「 Ayakashi / Ruri 」
   As a female author, she mostly used Min-Joon’s name to represent her work. Despite both living under the same roof, they rarely cross paths in his mansion and their different schedules. Regardless of that, Yua had a secret, a regret... she had yet to inform him about not being human.    In fact, she wasn’t scared of rejection since she knew him, she knew something like not being human wouldn’t be hard to accept for him     but it was knowing what terrified her, the moment he became aware of the existence of non-humans then... He’d be no longer safe, even more now that they were on the loose, PURIFICATION was needed with urgency for the safety of everyone.
TAG.  「 Eldarya  / Ruri 」
Somehow things keep going downhill.
   When Yua had asked for her life to spice up a bit, and jokingly stepped inside a suspicious-looking mushroom circle that was glowing in a very fairy tale like... She didn’t really mean it, she didn’t mean to end in an actual fantasy setting. Actually, she wanted to go back, she desperately needed to go back but there was no way for the time being, and even if Yua were to return, she wouldn’t go back when months have literally passed     oh no, if fantasy decided to royally fuck her up, she’d pull an uno card because she would devour books to go back to the human world in the precise time she disappeared. Who cares about potentially creating paradox!  She has to return, the possibility of staying non-existent.
TAG.  「 The Arcana  / Ruri 」
The stars
TAG.  「 Danganronpa / Ruri 」
Graduated from Hope’s Peak Academy, Ultimate Luck Student.
TAG.  「 Hetalia  / Ruri 」
Either aware of the existence of personifications or is a student.
   Upon finding out her aunt was a banshee descendant, she didn’t expect ay more surprises in her life. But, when do things ever go right for her?  Well, most of the time with her unbelievable luck that makes her paranoid because not all in life can go good without any major repercussion but... really?
TAG.  「 00?  / Ruri 」
「 Hana  ❝ Ruri ❞  Yua / 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 ᙭O△: 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 𝕲𝖎𝖗𝖑 」
「 Hana  ❝ Ruri ❞  Yua / INQUIRY」
「 Hana  ❝ Ruri ❞  Yua / MUSINGS 」
「 Hana  ❝ Ruri ❞  Yua / VISAGE 」
「 Hana  ❝ Ruri ❞  Yua / MANNERISMS 」
「 Hana  ❝ Ruri ❞  Yua / HEADCANON 」
「 Hana  ❝ Ruri ❞  Yua / INTROSPECTION」
「 Hana  ❝ Ruri ❞  Yua / ROMANCE 」
「 Hana  ❝ Ruri ❞  Yua / CRACK 」
✘ ·  ♡(   )
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candysoupkitchen · 8 years
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Yaminah Callidora - Eldarya Guardian
After like 6 months, I finally created my Eldarya OC. I deserve a gold sticker. Anywhoo, here is my Eldarya Guardian, Yaminah Callidora.
Name: Yaminah Callidora Age: 20 Species: Banshee Guard: Shadow
Personality: Yaminah has a very relaxed and laid-back personality. Her demeanor compliments this, being informal in the presence of superiors and colleagues alike. She also is very quick-witted and sharp-tongued though, she is also very kind and loving to her friends and colleagues. Minah is also very curious about her surroundings since she was sheltered by her family for most of her life. There are often times when she is mistaken for being a cold and intimidating person due to her expression; resting bitch face syndrome. While she doesn’t mean to come off being like that upon first look, Yaminah can’t help but have the expression. Although, a majority of the time Yaminah tends to goof off and tease those around her for her own enjoyment or the enjoyment of those around her.
Background: Yaminah was born and raised on an island far from the City of Eldarya that was known for having a small village of renowned Banshee Heralds. However, Banshees were often kidnapped and taken as captives or used due to their powerful abilities, which is why the last majority of Banshees were exiled onto the island far from El. When Yaminah was ten years old, she received her first “Death Call”; a Banshee scream that not only indicates that someone is going to die but also proof that the person is a Banshee Herald. Upon discovering that their daughter was a Banshee, they decided to keep her under close watch and not let her wander from the village too far. 
On the eve of her 20th birthday, Yaminah was sleeping when she suddenly started sleep-walking towards the forest near her village. Her parents soon realized she was gone and searched around the island for her. Yaminah found herself drawn to a fairy ring deep in the forest and when she stepped into the ring, she suddenly found herself in a new surrounding. She wandered the forest shrieking until she found herself face-to-face with the Eldarya Guards who were investigating the screams. They took her to see Miiko, who was surprised to see a Banshee, since coming face to face with a Banshee was very rare.
They all agreed that until finding a way back to the Banshee village, they’ll keep Yaminah within the City of El so that she would at the very least be safe.
((That’s all the basic info on her but I’ll post more info about her in another post~))
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aokane-eldarya · 6 years
Theory : The parallel between Earth and Eldarya
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First of all, I wanted to thank you, @yashiro-hatsuki and @bitchimunique, for  your interest in my theory <3
As I was asked, I am sharing the theory I wrote about the parallel between Earth and Eldarya. I had proposed this theory on the dedicated topic on the french forum, but only a player had loved, the few others thinking that the writers surely had not done something so worked, because for them, there was too many holes in the script, and that was enough to say that it was not so worked. 
Meh. I really like my theory and I'll keep it until something proves me wrong. Being an fantasy author myself, I know that you can work a lot in your world but still have some problems in your plot, as you can't prepare anything and write a perfectly coherent text.
Anyway, here is the theory. It is quite long, I hope it will be understandable with my hesitant English. So, first, so that you can locate you, I have placed landmarks on a map of Europe, you will only have to report to the corresponding number.
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1 - Glas Gow = Glasgow
In her mission report, Cameria explains that after recovering the corrupted crystals in the Gran Ysmisse mines and fought an over-contaminated Magi, she found herself on the trail of the kidnapper. She followed the trail to Glas Gow and lost track there. In our world, Glasgow is Scotland's largest and most populated city. 
  2 - The mines of Gran Ysmisse = The sunken city of Ys.
It is in the mines of Gran Ysmisse that Cameria recovers some of the corrupt crystals that she brought back from her mission.
How did I get to the legendary city of Ys? It's very simple, I relied on the transformation of Glasgow= > Glas Gow, sensing that the team had rearranged the spelling so that it sounds better.
Gran Ysmisse = Grand Ys missed.
Ys is a legendary city of Brittany, France. Like Atlantis, Sodom and Gomorrah and other places, she would have suffered divine wrath because of the sins of her people and especially those of the princess, Dahut.
There are many variations, but there are similarities and Dahut is the central character of this legend. By mixing a little bit of everything, we can say of her that she is the daughter that the legendary king of Cornwall Gradlon had with a queen of the North, Malgven. The latter being designated as a valkyrie, she transmits to her daughter its fairy nature. Dahut is considered a fairy with the ability to change into a mermaid.
Some versions make Dahut the guardian of the floodgates that prevent water from invading the city. She and her mother are women of the Other World. It is the equivalent of Hell and Paradise among the Celts. The gates of the Other World were guarded either by Fairies or by Banshees. Dahut was one of those guardians.
In other words, she occupied more or less the same role as Enthraa.
The biggest sin that Dahut has been accused of provoking divine wrath is having sex with the devil.
When we look at the location of Gran Ysmisse and Glas Gow based on the position of their equivalents on Earth, we see that this route was quite accessible to Cameria
3 - Balenvia = Hamelin/Hameln
This is the comparison made by a French youtuber (la dreameuse) in one of her videos and I agree with her
As a reminder, Hamelin/Hameln, a german village, is known for his legend of the flute player. This legend is repeated in Eldarya: the flute player is the ancestor of Huang Hua. He would have used the powers of his flute to free the faerys, then he would have opened the mountain in two, allowing the faerys and some children of the village to end up on Eldarya.
This is how we find Balenvia, where there is a mountain cut in two. Huang Hua explains that his ancestor certainly didn’t open a mountain in two and that it is an exaggeration of the storytellers.
What happened in my opinion is that, arrived in front of the mountain, the fenghuang used the flute to open a portal on Eldarya, displaying the vision of the cut mountain of Balenvia. Once the portal closed, the mountain on Earth reappeared whole. Incredulous eyes may have thought that he had actually opened the mountain in two, when in reality they had had a glimpse of Eldarya.
4 - The Jade Coast (Kappa region) = Messenia - Laconia
To try to find the location of the area where the Kappas live, I used exploration map. At the bottom right is the Amphea river; we know it thanks to the exploration points. So I looked for the equivalent of Amphea on Earth and discovered that it was the name of an ancient city of Messenia that was on the border between Messenia and Laconia, two departments of the Peloponnese, a region of Greece. This is the first city captured by the Spartans during the first year of the first messenian war
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(map in French)
Another detail that makes me think that I aim well with Greece is the Phibea sea. Phibea is the name of the first woman to have plunged into these waters (accordind to the exploration map), but it is also a name that is very similar to Phoebe, which is the name of several characters from Greek mythology. (In French, Phoebe = Phébe)
5 - Ezarel’s homeland, Lund'Mulhingar = Nordic countries
It’s difficult to clearly place a country / region. But by simply returning the name to a search engine, I quickly found a match. Two to be precise, namely two cities. The first, Lund, is a town in southern Sweden, not far from Denmark. The second, Mullingar, is a city in Ireland.
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In the game, when we show the nomads the brooch, one of them says they don’t usually go to the Northern Kingdoms, which brings a new correspondence with the Nordic countries. Finally, the elves come from the myths and legends of these countries. Note: on my map, Glas Gow is included in Lund'Mulhingar. It should be treated cautiously, I chose the ease by drawing the route Lund-Mullingar. Maybe the border is not quite there, maybe it's a circle over Glas Glow. We know that Cameria has made it easy, but we don’tt know the political situation of Ezarel’country.
6 - Gorona Gorges = Canary Islands.
This is an NPC/PNJ that mentions these gorge in episode 21. He tells Miiko that it is there he found traces of mermaid. Leiftan explains to the gardienne that this is a volcanic region where lava flows.
While searching Gorona, I found a single interesting but surprising occurrence: Gorona del Viento, the name of a hydroelectric power station located on El Hierro island, the smallest of the Canary Islands. It was not enough as a clue for me, but it gave me at least a trail, the Spanish origin. But impossible to find a meaning in Gorona.
So I became interested again in the station, because the name had to come from somewhere. I finally found out what I needed: an article in Spanish dedicated to the name of the company.
That's how I learned that gorona was a common word in guanche and meant stone circle. The Guanche people were the indigenous people of the Canary Islands. This time, I had something solid. The guanches were of Berber origin. There are few written sources, so there were plenty of assumptions, including that they descended from the Atlanteans.
Anyway, that's how I breng the Gorona Gorges and the Canary Islands.
7 - The Dantea region = Greece-Bulgaria
One of the most difficult to find, especially since we are talking about a region. My first reflex was to look for Dantea, without success. I realized I had to look for the spelling of the word and thought of a French contraction. Dantea => d’Anthea (”of Anthea” in english).
And there, bingo ! Anthea exists. It is the name of several mythological female characters. This is also one of the epithets of the goddess Hera. Although it gave me an indication of the origin, I needed something else. I did not find a place called this, but I learned that Anthea was the Romanized form of Antheia.
 And cities / villages bearing this name, I found several, mainly names of ancient cities. I had to fumble a bit for geographical clues related to these ancient places. The good thing is that we stay in the same geographical area, as you can see on this map.
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And yes, if my hypothesis is correct, Danthea region is close to the Kappa’s.
8 - The Umbra valley = la Valle Umbra 
Yes, it's not more complicated than that xD In the game, the Umbra Valley is the place where the nomads come from. In our world, la Valle Umbra is a vast plain with alluvial origin located in the center of Italy
? # 1 - The Eel region?
We don’t have much clues about Eel's location. I placed it here for a question of logic taking into account the positioning of Balenvia, which is not that far from the HQ according to the game
? # 2 - The Fenghuangs Temple?
Several players were surprised that we take the boat to go to the Kappas and that we go through the mainland to go to the Fenghuangs. This is because unconsciously, the fact that both are in the Jade Kingdom suggests that they are necessarily close geographically. Except  this is not indicated at any time in the game. Lille and Marseille are two cities in France, yet they are opposite each other.
Differences and similarities of topography
In seeking these correspondences, I realized something for the places whose topography we knew. Some have similarities, reminders with their earth equivalent while others are the opposite, as in negative
Similar places:
- The mines of Gran Ysmisse and the sunken city of Ys: for these two places, we find the idea of ​​depth
- The Jade coast and Messenia / Laconia: the contours of the two areas are very similar, there is even a mountain.
- Balenvia and Hameln/Hamelin: A small village, a path that leads to a mountain. Both villages have the same configuration
Places with opposite topographies:
- Gorona Gorges and the Canary Islands: For both we are on a volcanic land. But while Gorona Gorges are, well, gorges with visible lava that flows to the bottom, the Canary Islands have reliefs that can peak to more than 3000m above sea level.
Finally, there is another detail that I have noticed about the places that have similarities : there is always a portal, that it takes place in our legends or in the lore of Eldarya:
- The City of Ys: According to legend, Princess Dahut was the guardian of a door leading to the Other World
- On the exploration map of the Jade coast, there is a Torii, which was an ancient portal
- The ancestor of Huang Hua opened a portal in the village of Hamelin/Hameln
 Ok, It finished. I am not saying that all my correspondences are accurate, but I think there is a good basis.
Thank you to all who have had the courage to read me to the end! <3 <3 <3
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kindcstguardian · 5 years
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Name. Osana Najimi Age. Verse dependant, mostly portraited as 17. Date of birth. January 1st Zodiac. Capricorn Sexual orientation. Bisexual demiromantic Location. Japan Occupation. Student, J-pop fan. Voiceclaim. Brittany Lauda.                                                    → Physical traits ♡ Eye color. Honey Hair color. Orange Height. 5'10.4 / 178cm Body. Well-built.
                                                  → School profile ♡ Class. 2-1. Personality. Lovestruck &&. Tsundere. Self-defense. Peak physical strength.
Main verse. Tag. 「 V00 ; Osana / ⁿᵒˢᵉ ᵇᵘʳⁱᵉᵈ ⁱⁿ ᵇᵒᵒᵏˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐⁱⁿᵈ ᶠⁱˡˡᵉᵈ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵈʳᵉᵃᵐˢ 」 
Osana is another highschool student in Akademi High, former president of the martial arts club after her embarrassing defeat against Masuta. Her grades are a bit above average except from physical education and biology which are her highest grades.
Rival verse. Tag. 「 V01 ; Osana / ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵐʸ ˡⁱᶠᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʰᵘʳᵗ ᵐᵉ 」
She has a crush, and Heavens help her. Of all people, she developed a crush on Yamada Taro    her childhood friend. Despite being midly scared of ruining their friendship with her romantic affections, she is not giving up. In fact, Osana is willing to try and be more honest, offering to prepare bentos and even purchase gifts with a part-time job.
Friendship. Tag. 「 V02 ; Osana / ʷᵉ ᵃˡˡ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵃ ᵇⁱᵗ ᵒᶠ ʰᵃᵖᵖⁱⁿᵉˢˢ 」
Aishi had a valid point—after all they had done for her, it would be selfish of her to keep the person they love away from them. After all, Osana was also scared of destroying all those years of friendship. This way was better, remaining strictly platonic.
Lowest atmosphere verse. Tag. 「 V03 ; Osana / ʷʰᵒ ⁱˢ ⁱⁿ ᶜᵒⁿᵗʳᵒˡ ? 」
She’s terrified. Osana witnessed a trail of blood and her eyes followed it until she spotted the dead body of Midori Gurin to which she panicked, yelling for help and rushing to find Taro because his safety was her priority. Besides, other students had seen the body as well and were calling the authorities and taking pictures.Scared of what was the fate of Akademi High, Osana is closer than ever to Taro due fearing something bad might happen to him. If someone wanted to harm him, then she would not hesitate to sacrifice herself. 
Senpai verse. Tag. 「 V04 ; Osana / ᵈʳᵉᵃᵐⁱⁿᵍ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗᵒᵐᵒʳʳᵒʷ 」
Swapped AU, 18 years old. Osana Najimi is in her last year of Akademi High, so many memories and moments she will hold dear to her heart before taking exams and applying for college. She has yet to think in what she wants to do after graduating and it’s quite troubled about that for which she will be mostly reading reference books and talk constantly with her teacher. Love is not on her priorities and she had long ago moved from her initial crush on her childhood best friend, Taro Yamada. However, much like every other student, she ocasionally craves for romantic affection but tries to brush it off.
College verse / 19 years old.   V05 ; ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ ᵃʳᵉ ˢᵒ ᵐᵃⁿʸ ᶜʰᵃⁿᵍᵉˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ⁱ'ᵐ ᵍᵒⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰʳᵒᵘᵍʰ
My candy love. Tag. V06 ; ᵗᵃˡᵉⁿᵗˡᵉˢˢ ᵃʳᵗⁱˢᵗ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵃ ᶜʳᵉᵃᵗⁱᵛᵉ ᵐⁱⁿᵈ
Eldarya. V07 ; ᵗⁱᵏ ᵗᵒᵏ ⁻ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ ˢˡⁱᵖˢ ᵗʰʳᵒᵘᵍʰ ᵐʸ ᶠⁱⁿᵍᵉʳˢ 
FengHuang descendant, 19 years old. After a stressing day at college for a first-year, she decided that it was for the best to take a long and relaxing walk in the park—disconnecting herself from the dorms and constant crushing atmosphere. Yet she was beyond wrong and stepped somewhere she should not have; currently waking up in the middle of a forest with glowing flowers and mixed animals like mutants.
Doki doki literature club verse. V08 ; ⁱⁿᵏ ˢᵖⁱˡˡᵉᵈ ᵒⁿ ᵃˡˡ ᵐʸ ᵖᵃᵖᵉʳˢ
After a year in academy high, she was transferred to another school in a different city. Basically, she moved away and while she keeps in touch with both Yamadas, it’s not the same.The reason she had to move was due issues with a stalker.Being the new student left a bitter taste in her mouth, but Osana had to deal with it. After all, what’s the worse that could happen?
Monster Prom verse. Tag. V09 ; ˢᶜʳᵉᵃᵐ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ'ˢ ⁿᵒ ᵗᵒᵐᵒʳʳᵒʷ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉᵐ
Banshee species, 21 years old. The redhead could have lived her whole life not knowing she was a banshee—therefore, she blamed Akademi High for making her discover this of herself. After predicting the death of several students, Osana was transferred.    She came to the realization of her heritage when her parents bursted into her room when pass three in the morning she started to scream, believing there was an intruder but instead they found her daughter sitting on her bed, eyes rolled to the back of her head while she kept screaming until windows shattered. What shocked them both was that as soon as that happened, Osana went back to sleep as if nothing bad had ever happened.    Afraid of what could become of her without proper guidance, they send her to Monster High unknown for them that it was a disaster and laws did not exist. Neither logic.
Mystic messenger verse. Tag. V10 ; ᵐʸˢᵗᵉʳⁱᵒᵘˢ ᵐᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᵏᵉʸ
22 years old. Despite her parents being against Osana taking a gap year, she could not handle another year going under all that pressure and try to reach those social expectations that seemed beyond impossible for her.She knew better than anyone that a break was needed or else she would lose it. However, it was never in her plans to be misguided to an empty appartment and fill the role of a deceased person.
Raph, wreck the internet. Tag. V11 ; ⁽ ᵖᵘᵇˡⁱᶜ ᶜʰᵃᵗʳᵒᵒᵐ 
Coded to look and be seventeen years old, Osana kept aging despite not actually growing up “physically”.Because she comes from a game that has been and currently still is under development, she might glitch from time to time especially because she is the first rival to be programmed.
Android verse. Tag. V12 ; ʰᵒʷ ᵐᵃʸ ᴵ ʰᵉˡᵖ ʸᵒᵘ?
Loosely based on Detroit: Become Human. Lovesick is a company who created androids for people who were struggling with mental illnesses and required a twenty-four hours seven days a week watching service along someone who would have all knowledge in synthoms and be able to help with the recovery, plus prepare meals, keep everything clean in case the person itself was not capable of doing so, etcetera.    Because such task was time-consuming and drained most humans if not everyone’s energies, this androids were programmed. They even have bodies resambling humans, including synthethic organs, to put their humans in charge at ease.    Each model has a default personality to make them resamble more a human—as well as they are perfectly capable of being empathic and feel emotions although not as strongly as humans ( or that is assumed ).
Miraculous Ladybug verse. Tag. V13 ; ⁽ ᵇᵉ ᵖʳᵉᵖᵃʳᵉᵈ ⁾
Ox holder. Some punks were bothering an old man in a park and Osana wasn’t about to watch how they beat up an elder person, where was the respect nowdays!  Sprinting her way towards them, she used without much thinking her bag to knock one down before positioning herself in front of the man, acting as shield.    The situation quickly unfolded to a full-combat in which she knocked out the three guys and was panting heavily but even then, she turned around to ask the elder if he was alright only to find a small box on the floor instead of the man.    Huffing, she grabbed the box as a token and carefully read a puzzling note: Ox miraculous — Holders: they are persistent but stubborn, cautious but hesitant, moody and quick-tempered but caring with a fragile soul.    The redhead did not understand the meaning behind those words until she got home and wore the strange jewel inside the hexagonal box, a blue choker of sorts with five pale yellow spikes. Unbeknown to her, a magic creature appeared in front of her.    After a mild-breakdown of not understanding this responsability, Osana became the miraculous holder of the Ox, with her kwami named Stompp. and currently protects a part of Japan under the name of Lán-acier. Her transformation phrase is ‘Stompp, break through’ whereas her de-transformation is ‘Stompp, throw back’ and her weapon is a hammer that, much like Chat Noir’s baton, has length-changing feature and a split one—in this case, when her hammer is split in half, they apear to be two dull axes. Note. her hair is done in a braided updo hence why it appears as short.
Percy Jackson & the Olympus  Tag. V14 ; 
Daughter of Ares, 17 years old. Being chased by monsters at age ten, Osana learnt the truth about her biological father whom was a Greek God—Ares, God of War. Her mother was able to see through the mist.    Joining the Camp Half-Blood, she learn combat fighting skills and surviving ones; although she, sadly, learnt as well that most ( if not all ) Ares kid were rebels without a cause and liked to cause arson just because. In that aspect, Osana usually stays at Athena’s cabin and feels she should be a daughter of hers due having more ‘noble’ aspects of combat and civil conduct when it comes to battle.    Habilities she possesses as daughter of Ares: - Physically Enhanced. beyond stronger than average, fast and agile due to having the physical structure, upper body strength. - Telumkinesis. expert in all weapon usage and she may even have some degree of magical control over them. Osana does not have a weapon of preference. - Weapon Conjuration. She is able to transform any object around her into any weapon and/or tool through sheer concentration. - Weapon Curses. She is able to place curses on her opponents weapons. - Odikinesis. She has limited control and influence over the emotions of war (such as hate and rage). She would unknowingly use this ability to induce violent fights with others. - Powerful Scream (limited). Able to generate a powerful scream capable of causing her opponents extreme pain and discomfort. - Pyrokinesis (limited). Able to generate heat and fire to a certain degree. However, compared to Hephaestus’ children, her powers are inferior.
「 Najimi Osana / 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 ┊ xʙᴄʀɴɪɴɢ-ᴏᴜᴛ 」
「 Najimi Osana / INQUIRY 」
「 Najimi Osana / MUSINGS 」
「 Najimi Osana / VISAGE 」
「 Najimi Osana / INTROSPECTION 」
「 Najimi Osana / HEADCANON 」
「 Najimi Osana / ROMANCE 」
「 Najimi Osana / MUSIC 」
「 Najimi Osana / CRACK 」
0 notes
kindcstguardian · 5 years
Name. Shion Taito. Date of birth. March 14th ( Age: 25 / Star sign: ). Sexual orientation. Bisexual. Languages. Japanese, Korean &&. English. Blood type. AB + Height. 185cm Weight. kg. Occupation. Idol, actor. Persona. Devoted, lovestuck. Voiceclaim. Regular here. / Softer here.
I Will Possess Your Heart (7" edit)  / Death Cab for Cutie Bury a friend / Billie Eilish Sucker / Jonas Brothers You’ll be back / Hamilton Cough Syrup / Blaine Anderson Words fail / Dear Evan Hansen
    NOTE. Unless specified and prior discussed through IMs,  Taito’s master / manager  will be an original character of mine, Allison Greyjoy. Therefore, his personality won’t be fully ‘psycho’ neither ‘obssessive’ unless someone mentions her which will authomatically trigger a response from his side.
「 V ❥ Idol ; Taito / ᵇᵉ ᵈᵉᵛᵒᵗᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ ᵃˢ ⁱ ᵃᵐ ᵗᵒ ʸᵒᵘ」
Default verse / Human / 25 years old
The idol currently works with the company named ᴠᴏᴄᴀʟᴏɪᴅ industries, in the  pitchloid branch.
Not much is known about Taito himself, whether it comes to fellow co-workers and manager included. He proves to be a question mark. All that is known is that his stage persona is the ’silent and yandere type’: the one who acts like a true gentleman, reserved and composed but internally hides a clingy, unhealthy behavior that, oddly enough, seems to be quite popular and craved for fans — everyone that has met can only say he is a cooperative partner, nothing beyond that. It’s easy to work with him, but starting a conversation or keeping it alive proves to be a difficult task unless he shows genuine interest.
Besides that  ( his work as solo performer and with ocasional unit works ), he currently is working in a drama series as the killer and has a minor role in a movie as a patient covered in bandages in an asylum.
「 V ❥ Android ; Taito /ⁱ ʰᵉᵃʳᵈ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵛᵒⁱᶜᵉ ˢᵒ ⁱ ᶠᵒˡˡᵒʷᵉᵈ ⁱᵗ」
Rather than being a mere program that can be used to sing a variety of themes and songs, languages included. He is an android idol that blends perfectly in the human world, in fact, not many know he is actually not human — the company went as far as to design organs that act like human’s.
「 V ❥ Synthesizer ; Taito / ˡⁱˢᵗᵉⁿ ᵗᵒ ᵐʸ ᵛᵒⁱᶜᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐⁱⁿᵉ ᵃˡᵒⁿᵉ」
Synthesizer / AI.
Interactions remain inside an electronic device ( say phone, desktop, laptop…). He’s capable of singing in japanese, english and spanish with the right master—but careful, if you are the master and make him sing in a way he dislikes: he will ᴅɪᴛᴄʜ you by uninstalling himself.
「 V ; Taito /  」
Highschool verse / Human / 18 years old.
To be added.
「 V ; Taito /  」
Monster prom verse / Banshee / 22 years old.
To be added.
「 V ; Taito /  」
DDLC verse / Human / 18 years old.
To be added.
「 V ♡ Mysme ; Taito /   」
Mystic Messenger / Human / 25 years old.
To be added.
「 V ♡ ; Taito /   」
Fantasy or Eldarya
To be added.
「 V ♡ MCL ; Taito / 」
Amour Sucre / Human / 18 years old.
To be added.
「 V • Lovesick ; Taito / 」
Lovesick verse / University student / 25 years old.
To be added.
「 V • PJ ; Taito / 」
Percy Jackson &&. the olympus or Demigod verse  / 25 years old.
Taito was utterly lost, jobless and clinically depressed, the cuts in his wrists indicated that he had comitted many attempts to end his life, the scars on his thighs proved to be a reminder that pain was an addiction to keep him alive. That was, until a man took pity on him and recommended a casino for him to work in cue to him not aging in Casino Lotto.
「 Ludere deorum ; Taito/ 」
Kamigami no asobi / Minor deity: Nemesis / Physically looks in his mid twenties.
The minor deity of vengence went a little too far with its name and duty, making it necessary for him to be corrected. Once a life was taken away, it could never return. It was entirely over, something that went amiss to him hence why Zeus dragged him to that school.
He ought to learn about morals, conscience, guilt and the impact on fragile humans.
「 V • BNHA ; Taito /  」
Class 1-A / 17 years old
Quirk: To be added.
Story: To be added.
「 Taito Shion /ᶜᵃʳᵛᵉ ᵒᵖᵉⁿ ᵐʸ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗ 」
「 Taito Shion / MUSINGS 」
「 Taito Shion / VISAGE 」
「 Taito Shion / MANNERISMS 」
「 Taito Shion / ROMANCE 」
「 Taito Shion / MUSIC 」
「 Taito Shion / CRACK 」
✘ ·  ♡(  )
• &   • / ( )
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