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So, I stuck with it, and the sketch became an actual piece of art??? But yes, I like it, so here to you all! (That’s if tumblr doesn’t hide it again)
#Eldance#Eldar x Lance#Lance x Oc#Voltron legendary defender#Voltron art#Don't block me tumblr#I will post something in this century#SFW#It's just love#What are you so afraid of?
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MJ tron dance from Oxygen dance company. We are so proud to provide the led costumes and control system. #mjdance #trondance #tronact #neondance #leddance #trondanceshow #lightshow #laserdance #eldance #fiberopticlights #performance #show #annualdinner #companylaunch #americagottalent #gottalent #outstanding
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A Want To Be Wanted - Art
read it on the AO3 at A Want To Be Wanted - Art
by ididntdoit_blameitonthedragon
This is where I store all my little drawings for A Want To Be Wanted that aren't comics pages. Hope you like :)
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of A Want To Be Wanted
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Eldar - OC
Relationships: Eldance - Relationship, Eldar/Lance
Additional Tags: Digital Art, Somewhere To Keep All My Drawings
read it on the AO3 at A Want To Be Wanted - Art
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gnommish dictionary BUT including "l"
Ablate Acill Aflass Aglastle Aglibring Agrill Ailly Ailty Aivilc Alexce Alithyst Allint Aloar Alogìl Amble Amelne Amelot Amlinc Arthil Artiol Arustril Aulet Awleale Balated Balinweg Balth Bathely Belesippe Belloss Belog Beltoroke Besivil Blaglita Blesith Blifer Blirk Blorenest Bolly Boomlog Bowly Brablegri Brailown Breal Bumple Buttel Cable Cafavalis Callain Calli Calwi Castalon Catimlind Cauglaist Chbalow Chilmin Cilvin Clash Clastim Clawrig Clebron Clectha Clentha Clith Clockling Clodrin Clonger Cloon Clous Clovess Clown Cluice Coliturne Colvenn Comliver Coonful Coppel Corell Corthral Countalc Cuilened Culen Cureelen Cwalle Cwavli Cwilepin Daflowl Deali Dedhilond Deells Delle Domriol Doolm Drathl Driblin Dulacmen Dulthyst Durstal Dólient Edled Elast Eldance Elderry Eldeve Eleentir Eleethery Elfecer Elisgolty Elthant Elvenio Embkindly Enommelc Eriel Evergole Excil Expalofed Exple Exteld Fabowl Faliatte Falli Falln Faltabil Fatil Favlish Fecoll Felde Feldrin Feleed Felune Felwarth Filly Fimpol Fladjer Fladwil Flaim Flait Flaitathi Flanne Flanting Flarrin Flaubra Flave Flawl Fletund Fliens Flify Flino Fliros Flogol Flowy Forale Forgulue Frilly Fruitalw Fuiloos Fuiveled Fulgiol Fulth Fultha Fulue Fulumeln Fureltang Gadland Gagofel Gambeled Gardolm Gathalc Genthil Gilas Giless Giwenwile Glaceli Gladwin Glali Glang Glanthip Glavros Glethalls Gliengurd Glifegra Gliness Glintle Glion Glivrin Glodoth Glote Gloth Glyink Golart Golcha Gorithl Grathogìl Gravele Gulls Gulwil Gwadmol Gwairleb Gwali Gwall Gwarl Gwell Gwethlinn Gwiolly Gwishil Gwithawly Gwithirl Gwithl Hailverme Haliod Halle Halthair Harchol Haulli Hawful Helams Helonelm Hernal Hestle Hilove Homiol Hoorel Ictill Ilbon Ilectha Imlale Implatcat Iricle Isionspol Itallib Jacilthli Javinglô Laden Ladweg Laither Laken Lambra Lamende Lamired Lancing Lanlian Lanseltha Lanterver Lanth Lappre Lardhusin Larth Lasceed Lasgangol Lastog Lateitha Laten Lathad Lathaur Layindcha Leableg Leake Learan Leatha Leavence Lectinget Ledha Legli Legra Lenarp Lentiol Lested Letha Lidele Lifugly Linha Lithis Loblegle Logos Londoug Lonlith Loormy Lorain Lorogwi Losal Lothalo Lothriol Lounwar Lowed Lowerm Lownwark Lowshive Lucconwen Luchcra Lught Luirth Luithair Lumlin Lurds Lôdann Lôdhi Lûday Mablirs Malig Manailc Mapectul Mateline Mathil Maull Mawkwale Melthri Mighlos Migolwar Mochli Modrol Molwark Morolla Mothlish Nabal Neleank Nendly Nieful Ninable Niothlay Notiveleg Nouttless Nusalle Nuskiling Oblep Ocittly Ockler Oglay Ogrol Olunita Olwess Onthiling Opectiolw Oredle Orilm Othli Oudhriol Ounwiddly Pairl Palth Pangilm Pardungli Parlir Pavaliol Peciol Perlexce Pileavery Plaulth Plauthist Pleast Polmart Polth Pronleng Quele Quile Raiwly Ratiblinc Razzle Razzlen Realthod Recillowl Resselde Roler Roppilb Ruiltha Rûdishol Sable Salin Salrin Sauglu Saulwerd Sealest Sechrawls Selgring Selor Serveriol Shelth Siderblo Siglun Silion Siollu Sivalowzy Slamy Slity Sloaf Slughty Smelfist Smuilp Snomloop Socinli Spelm Spril Squivell Stablooke Stalotip Stilt Subableg Suble Suicel Suillyin Sunly Suttler Swali Sweldrin Swelm Taled Talfog Telenwen Telyin Terly Thlamlawn Thlis Tholm Thorclaug Thril Tiell Tilost Tindlain Tivel Torriol Treariol Tubalc Tuble Turlemen Tutilto Twilth Ubableg Umbla Umlen Umlostra Uncelc Unlucha Unplation Uvrialc Waroplart Waybol Wedle Weldrand Welugh Wenuilven Whellisha Whill Windol Wovale Wrolth Ôlatersha
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