#el. like i'm always trying to find a reason for them to come back. idk. ghosting culture makes me sad. this makes me sad. i'm lonely. and t
dakethumoses · 8 months
someday soon i will write a post abt the ... idk how to phrase it, which is why i haven't written it. handholding? of people just disappearing and not replying and being gone for months. and i get it, i've done it too while having a Bad Time but there's this weird self-congratulatory "i'm not a caller. or texter. or facetimer. i think of you sometimes and if you're not psychic that's on you" "i have no relationship decay so even if i dont talk to you for months i still love you" avoidant behavior posts and it just. idk.
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be-my-ally · 1 year
Sobering Up
Honestly this has some p… uhhh wrong things in - like being told you’re being ‘softened up’ or ‘hysterical’ but it's all in somewhat good fun? Idk reader gets turned on by it, lets not look at the reasons why that is too hard yeah? 
This spiralled out of my control very quickly from a quick oh I’m gonna do a sweet little cuddly soft hungover fic to no. They are gonna argue. 
written for the prompt "Why are you doing this?"
warnings: 18+, arguing, kissing, discussions about alcohol, smut, reader refers to elvis as daddy twice but not actually while uhhh doing anything sexual.
in my head - 1972/3 elvis x fem!reader - I'm picturing blue suit msg elvis; not in the blue suit but that whole look :)
wc: 3.7k of silly little smut
hopefully, those on their deathbeds, cough @whositmcwhatsit cough survive to read this. for the girlies always @thatbanditqueen @ellie-24 @vintageshanny @missmaywemeetagain @from-memphis-with-love apologies it is, as always, late.
He’s in bed when you stumble in, giggling still about something the girls said in the car. You’d said you were just going out to dinner, meeting some of the friends you missed while you were in Vegas with him. Elvis had pouted, and sulked, but your agreement to move in with him permanently had been enough to make him reluctantly agree. Still, he’d rolled around on the bed, huffing and whining that he wanted to come too, and it wasn’t fair to be leaving him all on his lonesome, even as he’d watched you carefully apply your eyeliner, dark eye shadow weighing down your lids. He’d brushed a finger down your cheek when you’d leant over him to reach for something on the bedside table, and told you you looked beautiful before flopping back, lamenting the fact he was not coming with you. Muttering to himself that it wasn’t right for you to be going out looking like that without him. But you’d threatened him thoroughly enough that he’d sworn up down and sideways he would stay home with the boys, even if he made it clear he was regretting his agreement when the time came. 
It’s later than you’d expected now though. You’d all stayed late at the restaurant, putting your seemingly limitless wad of cash he’d handed to you on your way out to good use, before, drunk on the free-flowing cocktails and champagne it had been suggested you go out dancing. It had occurred to you to call, but honestly you figured there wasn’t much difference between one and three am if Elvis was, as you had expected him to be, knocked out asleep. You fall against his bedroom door as it swings open, throwing your bag and coat towards the chair in the corner. He flinches at the thump of them hitting the floor, feet away from where you were aiming. 
“You’re drunk.” He says flatly in greeting. You glance over at him, giggles catching in your throat at his tone. He’s sat up in the bed, book open on his lap, embroidered EP on the chest of his pyjamas just peeking out, he looks sleepy, and if you weren’t quite so tipsy you would have felt guilty about keeping him up waiting for you. As it was the image of him sat in bed waiting for you was enough to make you giggle even more, 
“No, El, no - I’ve only had,” You pause, getting the giggles all over again, “only had a couple.” He shakes his head, kicking the coverlet off of his knees and pulling back the sheets. You can’t catch your breath and you couldn’t tell anyone what it was you were finding so funny, just that you couldn’t stop laughing. 
“Not sure what’s so funny little girl.” His tone is enough to send you over the edge again, just as you were starting to calm down. You trip over your feet when you try to come closer to him and you’re annoyed enough at your ankle twisting in your shoes that it cuts through your laughter, 
“Fucking goddamn heels,”  You try to kick them off, suddenly furious when the strap catches on your ankle and you have to bend over on wobbly legs to fiddle with it enough to unclasp and come off. “Fuck - ow!” You don’t notice Elvis getting out of the bed until he’s grasping your arm, 
“ ‘Nough of that now - your momma would be washing your mouth out if she’d heard that.” You grimace a little - she would have, but still; it hurt! “C’mon now darlin’, let’s get you sobered up a little, get you to bed.” He’s got a firm grip on the top of your arm, and you can tell he’s not altogether pleased, but he’s got a hint of amusement in his tone still. He directs you into the adjoining bathroom, you try to pull back a little but all it results in is his fingers tightening their grip.
“No - wanna, daddy, wanna - thought we could….” Even drunk you’re shy, “…want you to touch me.” He looks at you coldly, and you flinch back, “We haven’t in, in ages.” If you’d been sober you never would have dared to bring it up. He huffs, puffing his chest up, as if about to argue you with you but then he seems to deflate, as if knowing he had no defence. 
“Well if you weren’t out all hours of the night we could have.” He leans forward to turn the taps in the circular shower, water immediately pulsing out; his water pressure was something you had only dreamed of. You pull away, already feeling that it’s nowhere near the temperature you would prefer but he just tuts at you, stripping you of the skimpy little dress you’d gone out in. You go dazedly where he tugs you, he rolls your eyes at your little lace underwear, 
“Who’d you put these on for?” He flicks the lace at your hip as he pulls them off of you, forcing you to lift your feet when he taps your leg. 
“Yo-ou! Who else?” He hums back at you, and you squirm, too drunk to really defend yourself and a little confused at what was going on. You’re normally still a little shy to be fully naked around him, but today you’re just trying to keep your eyes open, hands rubbing your eyes rather than wrapped around your middle. A moment later he’s practically shoving you under the shower head and he holds you there until your flush starts to come down a little and you’re blinking at him a little more together. The spray wasn’t cold, he wasn’t a monster, but it wasn’t hot either. 
“El, Elvis, ba-by, let me out- it’s cold, I’m fine now, I swear - I’m uh, uh, not even tipsy.” He frowns for a moment, as if considering, and you wrap an arm around yourself, he rolls his eyes. He hands you a washcloth, instructing you to wash your face, and you do as he says while doing the best you can to keep your hair from getting wet.
He pulls you out, pyjama arm rolled up to his elbow to stop it from getting damp and he grasps a monogrammed towel, roughly rubbing the soft cotton over your skin. He grasps each arm to dry it, manhandling you around as he brushes the towel over your body. You’ve sobered up enough not to say anything, catching on that his silence isn’t a good sign, although you’re definitely, despite your protestations, not of completely sound mind. He leaves you stood there, after draping a robe around you, to fetch your pyjamas, and in the time that he’s gone you’re rapidly sobering enough to be teary at the thought that he’s mad at you. 
He comes back, tutting at your tears, dressing you in a skimpy little babydoll set and pulling you over to the bed, pushing you under the covers. You can’t take the silence any longer, now that you’re aware of it. 
“Please - Elvis, daddy, I’m sorry,” He hushes you, louder than your words.
“I ain’t discussin’ it with you now darlin’,” He glances over at the clock on the nightstand, “It’s way past your bedtime.” You frown up at him, you might have been a little bit later than usual, but you weren’t a child; you weren’t out past your curfew or bedtime. Your eyebrows scrunch together and he tuts as he smooths out the crinkle in between with a finger, “Your face’ll stay that way.” You scowl for a brief second before smoothing out your expression. You change tacts - pleading at him with your eyes and pouting. He’s having none of it though, pulling the covers over you tight. You watch him pick up the robe and towel, throwing them into the bathroom and moving your shoes so they’re not a trip hazard in the night, before climbing into bed behind you. You hear him reach for his pill bottle, and you want to ask for one yourself but you can already feel your eyes closing, before he pulls you to him. You sniffle into the pillow as his arm tightens around your waist; 
“I don’t wanna hear you’ve got a headache in the morning.” He murmurs against your cheek as he leans over to press a kiss to your temple. He says it as a statement and you nod in reply even as your eyes start to tear at the tone. His hands belie such harsh words though, gently scooping you into him. Quickly you succumb to the darkness creeping around the edges of your vision and you’re fast asleep before you could even protest your innocence. 
The world is spinning with each breath you take when you awaken in what you think is the morning, your heartbeat causing the edges of your vision to pulse. You feel dizzy enough that the idea of sitting up threatens vomit and you are, for once, more than a little glad that Elvis keeps his bedroom so dark and cold. You’re not alone in the bed, hangover waking you far earlier than you normally would be, Elvis still snuffling behind you. You’re in a bit of a daze as you try to wriggle out of his hold and swing your legs around, desperate for the bathroom. You go, blindly, with no concept of what time it might be not in your little oasis of dark. 
When you get back he’s half-awake, palm open and pill in his hand, sat propped up a little atop his mountain of pillows. You take a second to appreciate his open face and sleep-mussed hair, regretting that you feel too awful to even really initiate a kiss. He opens his eyes when he feels you climbing back into bed, smiling as they fall shut again; 
“Come on honey, here ya go, forgot to have it last night didn’t ya, wanna - need to go back to sleep for a few hours baby,” You shake your head, 
“El- I don’t think, I’m still pretty blitzed, I - I’m really not sure,” You push his hand away a little, “I don’t even know what’s in it,” He huffs, eyes closed but palm still outstretched, slurring his words slightly, 
“You don’t - you saying you don’t trust me hon-ey?” He frowns, “You should - should trust me, I - it’s all in, all in my PDR’s, in, in the supl’ment -I, baby, I wouldn’t risk ya.” His eyes blink blearily open before they slip closed again, shaking his hand out at you. 
“Of course I trust you but, I -“ He blinks his eyes open again, tone hardening even despite the way all of his words are running together, 
“Just take the damn pill. I ain’t gonna hurt you.” You look at him, before resigning yourself to it, taking and swallowing the pill, relieved that the quality of sleep might mean that when you wake up later you might be feeling better. You snuggle down into him and he wraps his arms back around you, a furnace amidst the cold bedding. 
He’s grumpy in the afternoon when you finally wake up, your mini argument the night before not helping his mood from where he was already furious. He storms about the room and bathroom, flinging clothes and stomping around, but clearly having not been up for long - still in his pyjamas, hair fluffy and a mess. You come around to him talking to himself, 
“Fuckin’ woman, out all hours of the goddamn night with god-knows who, not listenin’ to me, not trustin’ me.” You’re immediately defensive, even as you try to deal with your dry mouth and throbbing headache. 
“I do, I do trust you.” You manage to croak out. He spins around to stare at you, 
“Oh, you trust me.” He laughs, and then pauses, “But you didn’t want me around last night!  You just too busy wanting to show off for everyone?” You choke back tears - your head is still pounding and you hate how unsympathetic he’s being, like he’s punishing you for a night out with your friends, how he’s making you feel like you’ve done something wrong. You push yourself to be sitting fully upright, still blinking away sleep. 
“Of course I’d want you there! I told you that! But, I just wanted one night, it’s tricky to go out - you know that.” You know he’ll need more reassurance later but for now you were hopeful that would be sufficient to quell his feelings for now - although as he scoffs in response you have to assume you were wrong. You quickly try to distract him again so you can concentrate on the part that was, no doubt, angering him the most. “But, I do trust you.” 
He stops in his tracks, stalking back over to perch on the bed, 
“You got-a funny way of showing it then little girl,”
“I just didn’t know if it was safe to mix!” He frowns, shaking his head, 
“Of course it was - I was givin' it to ya wasn’t I?” You nod, but still despite the warning bells in your ear, you can’t seem to let it go. 
“Well yeah - but I still didn’t know for sure it was safe.” 
“Well it is. Unless you’ve got…got… psychosis.” He laughs, a little meanly, shrugging, “Although maybe you do huh, it would ‘plain a lot.” You shove the covers off of yourself, furious, 
“You don’t hafta be so mean to me!” His eyes flash and the little thrill of fear it causes makes you stumble as you go to pull a dressing gown over your shoulders. He comes up behind you, his large hands resting on your shoulders, leaning over to brush his lips against your ear. 
“I ain’t bein’ mean to you honey. If anything it’s the opposite - I’m just tryna to tell you it’s not, not, becoming for a pretty little girl to be out behavin’ like this. Comin’ home in a state.”
“I wasn’t out behaving like, like, anything!” You’re indignant on this point, voice raising. 
“Shhh baby,” He strokes your hair, smoothing the back of it. “It’s ok now, c’mon calm down. There ain’t no need for the hysterics.” You cringe, as if that wasn’t your least favourite term to be called as a woman - you understood what it meant to call a woman hysterical, and the amount it annoys you is enough to make you see red, shrugging his hands off of you and spinning around to face him.
“Listen! If I wanna go out and have a few drinks I can, I’m a big girl and I don’t need you, or anyone else,” He frowns, “policing what I can or can’t do. I don’t know why you have such a problem with it!”
“I’ve just told ya why darlin’ - because it’s not right for a pretty little thing like yourself to be doing by yourself.” He smiles, like he’s finding your annoyance amusing now, making you screech back at him. 
“I wasn’t by myself! You just mean without you!” The rest of his sentence suddenly registers in your mind, and you step back in slight incredulity,  “So. If I wasn’t pretty I could get drunk whenever I wanted?” 
He shakes his head, “You’re twistin’ my words, that wasn’t what I was -“ A thought suddenly occurs to you, and you interrupt him to ask, 
“Anyway how’s it any different to your pills?” He splutters at you for a second, cheeks flushing red. 
“Goddamn it you silly - stupid girl.” He’s stepped even closer to you and you have to look up to maintain eye contact. “They’re prescribed.” He’s glaring at you, eyes ablaze, cheeks sucked in as he chews on the inside and gritting his teeth. It emphasises his cheekbones even more and you feel the anger in your stomach start to turn to fluttering butterflies of arousal. No. Oh god, his hair is so fluffy. Focus. You’re annoyed. You remind yourself. Tilting your chin up in an effort to not to get distracted by the peek of his chest heaving under the open collar of his pyjama shirt. 
“Why are you doing this E? Why are you being like this? You haven’t gotta treat me like this.” You go to push past him, he grunts as you shove his side. 
“Don’t.” His voice has gotten lower, in anger or annoyance or arousal you can’t tell, but it’s deliciously gravelly. “Just listen to me for chrissake.” He grabs your arm, turning you and pulling to practically fling you back on the bed.
You wriggle around, not able to stop yourself from wanting him to catch you. He does, crawling onto the bed, caging you within his arms. You roll over, little shorts and shirt riding up, and he catches you with his hand swinging down on your exposed ass. You flinch as he smacks it a second, and then a third time - you yelp and he laughs, as you feel a handprint raising on your skin. He rolls you back as you mewl at him, forgetting your earlier resolution to be as stand-offish as possible instead holding his arm as tightly as possible. Allowing yourself to be tugged into him and tucking yourself under. He noses at your cheek, whispering into your ear, 
“That’s it baby, just had to soften you up a little bit didn’t I,” You whine back at him, not wanting to agree but suddenly so turned on you couldn’t bring yourself to disagree. “That’s my good baby back now,” Elvis leans down, petting you gently, little sweeping strokes down your arm and stomach. “My little baby, huh,” He mouths at your neck and cheek and you can’t help but lean into him. 
“Uh-huh,” He huffs a laugh across your skin at your loss of words and attitude, 
“Gonna make it up to me? 'pologise for being so difficult earlier? For not trusting me.” It’s a question phrased like a statement and you frantically nod your agreement. He kisses down your throat and you struggle to put a hand out in an attempt to grasp at his chest, 
“Let me - I’ll - I’m sorry, sorry for earlier.” He bats your hand off of him though, tilting your head with a hand on your neck, the other coming to wrap around your torso, finally kissing you properly. He grips you just right, thumb moving in little firm circles right over your pressure point. 
You let yourself be devoured, hips pushed back down when they jump up in response to the actions of his tongue and lips. He pulls back, his pouty spit-slicked lips glowing in the lamplight of the bedroom. He moves his hand lower, brushing the little French knickers of your set up and to the side.
You feel your pulse jump as he barely rests his hand on your now exposed cunt, the anticipation almost too much to bear. “Let me show you all the tricks I’ve learnt as a gee-tar player honey.” You’re quick to agree, practically begging. His fingers slide over you and you can’t help but move your hips in time to his gentle roving circles. You continue to squirm when he leans back down to suck a bruise onto your collarbone, forcing a loud moan out of you. His fingers are long and slim and undoubtedly he knows exactly how to use them, teasing expertly over your clit to make your eyes fall closed. 
He has, for once, only got his little pinky ring on and in some ways it feels strange to be feeling his hands without the cold metal of his rings. But there’s no doubt of whose hands they are as he coos into your ear. He uses his fingers to spread you apart, pushing the little shorts even further to the side, fingers sliding in the slick in between. 
“Don’t - don’t tease me - s’not nice.” Your hips thrust closer to him as he laughs against the side of your face, breath huffing across your cheek. He lifts his hand away, hovering just over top of you. 
“Thought you were ‘pologisin’ to me - thought that meant you’d let me do what I like?” His voice is lyrical in your ears, sing-songing as he teases you. He’s circling almost painstakingly gently, moving closer and closer, dancing over your skin, 
“God - yes, you’re right - whatever you say - just god, Elvis. I need you.” 
Finally, he dips one of his nimble fingers down into you, a second rapidly joining when you moan in pure pleasure. He presses them into you, other hand still grasping your neck while he continues to circle your clit with his thumb. 
“Told you darling,” His fingers speed up, “see - now you’re seeing sense aren’t you.” Any argument has been truly fucked out of you. Your knees come up as he speeds up even more, your legs spreading further seemingly of their own accord. His hand comes down from your neck, trailing over your throat and you reach up to anchor yourself to it, clutching at his forearm - a lifeline amidst the sensations. 
He crooks his fingers just right and you feel yourself start to quiver as your potential orgasm builds. You have to close your eyes entirely, although the way his face looks - focussed with absurd concentration -  atop his flushed visible chest makes it harder to draw yourself away. 
His other hand trails down, stopping to affectionately squeeze a nipple on the way, the slight pinch sending more arousal flooding into your stomach. He finishes you off with seemingly minimal effort and you can tell he’s growing a little smug with it. You shudder around his hand, core muscles crunching as you try to blindly, desperately, tug him down for another kiss. He gently continues to pet you through your orgasm, only pulling out and away when you start to gasp at the sheer lack of breath. 
He lets you relax for a few moments, wiping his hand on your shorts and thigh. He draws you back in for another filthy kiss, open-mouthed and pressing his lips to any part of you they can reach. 
“Lord, gosh - El that was…” You don’t have the words to articulate what you mean so you settle with, “Sorry, again, - about last night.”  He sits up properly at those words and gestures down at himself, unbuttoning his shirt as he does. 
“Come on then, show me how sorry you are baby.” He waves a hand at the bulge clearly evident in his silk bottoms, “Give him a kiss, s’ok honey, want you to - to say sorry properly for leaving us at home.” 
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mmthatsano · 2 years
ST4 came out, gave me brainrot, and then I produced literally NINE fics for an AU I made up within an hour at 3 AM. I hope you guys enjoy!
Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Relationships: Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson, Steve Harrington & The Party, Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington
Characters: Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Will Byers, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Joyce Byers D'Artagnan "Dart"(Stranger Things), Demogorgon (Stranger Things), Demo-Dogs(Stranger Things)
Additional Tags: The Upside Down, Billy Hargrove Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove Finds Out About the Upside Down, Gay Billy Hargrove, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Pet Names Billy Hargrove Calls Steve Harrington Pet Names Stranger Things 2, Alternate Universe-Canon Divergence, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Blood, Injury, Head Injury, someone help steve, He's a struggling Single Mother, Billy Hargrove Tries to Be a Better Person, Underage Smoking, Flirting but not really?, Idk how do you describe flirting when it's all conveyed through stares, Homosexual staring, WHY IS THAT NOT A TAG??, That's definitely a thing, Ao3 I'm disappointed in you for that one, These tags always get out of hand, Tags are the reason I always put off publishing my stuff :'), No beta we die like bob, Should've tagged this earlier but, Pre-Relationship
The plan didn't quite go the way they thought it would and Steve and kids are told to get out of Hawkins for a few days while Hopper and El hide away to recover and try to close the gate again the next day, when El has more energy.
Only, Billy Hargrove had stumbled back into the Byers' house just before Hopper messaged them, after coming into contact with the demodogs in the woods and understandably retreating back to the only house around for miles in a panic.
That was an oops. But hey, Steve and Billy managed to settle whatever their problem was thanks to the forced interaction of running away together with four children in a car. Or, more like they didn't talk about it but subtly apologized in their own ways and that was that. Whatever works, right?
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mors-venus · 2 years
hey el! how are you? hopefully ur doing alr with school and such but anyways i had this idea of levi from obey me and a reader who was a kpop idol or something similar and how their relationship would play out 👀 idk i just think it's neat thought you would like it :)
hey anon! ty for the request! this was a lot of fun actually it was super cute to think about and write ^^ i did headcanons if that's ok! and i'm doing fine, studying for my ap exams and trying to catch up on work :) hopefully your day is going well and i hope you like the hcs <3
part ii. part iii. part iv. masterlist
leviathan x idol!reader headcanons
ok here we go !!!
you, y/n, also known as vega to your adoring fans, had just been enrolled in R.A.D.
who's vega, you might ask?
you're part of an idol group called galaxea and are the group's main vocalist and lead dancer (and resident moodmaker)
you and your members all have astrology related names and you chose yours, vega, after one of the brightest stars in the sky <3
your group is fairly popular amongst the 3 realms bc you guys are so super duper talented and very well rounded !!! there's nothing you guys can't do and you're always open to experimentation and trying new things which is part of the reason why your group is as popular as it is — you guys always come back better than before
anyways, bc galaxea is an extremely popular idol group amongst the 3 realms, your managers have special makeup designed for every member in your group
spoiler alert: it's magic
a charm was placed on them so that when you weren't wearing the personalized enchanted makeup, nobody would be able to recognize you as a celebrity
it's almost as if you exist as two separate people
tl;dr: nobody knows your actual identity
this is important both for keeping up appearances and to protect you guys' privacy :)
anyways !!! now that we have some backstory, let's continue
it's been a bit of time since you arrived in the devildom and you're steadily growing closer to the boys
they were all apprehensive about your arrival at the house of lamentation but all you had to do was like talk with and smile at them one (1) time and that was it they were pretty much whipped
except for one avatar of envy
this man istg
he probably hasn't had an actual genuine convo with anyone in awhile we all know this
so he's pretty awkward which is a given
he wouldn't admit it but he's actually really curious about you and your background but at the same time he doesn't want to come off as creepy or like a weird pathetic otaku with no social life who totally doesn't know how to talk to people normally
he gives you space and just leaves you be for the most part
you two haven't really interacted, whenever you ended up passing each other in the hallways levi was glued to his phone or had his headphones on
to be completely honest, you felt a little nervous to talk to him since you've heard from his brothers that he can be very intense about his hobbies and interests but they won't actually say what they are, probably to let you find out yourself or to embarrass him later on
that, and you think he hates you. like a lot. he refuses to interact with you but in reality this boy is just super nervous :(
sometimes when you're just chilling wherever and drawing in your sketchbook he'll walk past and take a split second to peek and one time he swore he saw you drawing what looked like an idol that he recognized, but he speed walked too fast to tell who it was and now he doesn't wanna walk back because that would be really stupid and obvious and you'd totally find him gross and—
when levi snapped back to reality he was back in his room, probably having subconsciously walked there 
he internally groaned, scolding himself for being a coward
he seriously did want to talk to you !!! he just didn't know how :(
he was so nervous over what you might think about his interests (esp bc of how much he got made fun of for them) and he figured you'd enjoy spending time with his brothers better anyways
you were also facing the same dilemma ☠
levi was the only avatar you hadn't properly interacted with (besides belphie, but you didn't even know he existed yet </3). you were pretty close with the others at this point given how it's been a few weeks since you began your stay in the devildom and every time you tried talking to the purple haired boy he ignored you !!! and you didn't know if this was intentional or not or if he really was just that zoned out lmao
one day, however, you guys were finally forced to talk 😌
asmo had ordered a haul of skincare products off of akuzon at the same time levi placed a new manga order, so the avatar of lust asked you if you could go get it for him because it was pretty likely levi just picked up all the packages without reading the labels
"alright, but are you sure? he doesn't… hate me or anything, right?"
"WHAT? are you kidding me?" asmo practically screeched
he could literally see how obvious it was that levi wanted to talk to you but he was just being a stubborn little shit about it and it was physically killing asmo to watch it happen
"no no no. he's just nervous! that's how he normally is. he doesn't take to new people very well since he's pretty reserved, but i'm sure he'd love you once you guys actually had a convo! and if he doesn't, then at least i don't have to share you even more than i already do <3"
a small giggle escaped your lips before you thanked him and went off to go meet your doom
you tried to stay calm but really didn't know what to expect and just hoped for the best
you reached his door and took a breath before gently knocking on it
a few moments passed before you heard any semblance of sound.
"what's the password?"
you blinked in shock. you didn't expect there to be a password, and knowing how practically everyone was banned from levi's room, you figured that it would be useless to ask anyone else for help
so !!! you decided to ignore his statement <3
"um, levi? it's me. asmo asked me to go pick up something from you? i think you took one of his akuzon packages by accident"
levi started internally screaming
he literally almost dropped the controller he was holding
you were here ?! at his room ?!?!? NOW ?!?!?!?
how could he have been so stupid ???
he goes through an error 404 moment rq before rushing to pick up some things off of his floor bc jfc his room was a mess and he did not want you to see that
he grabbed the box he had set down by one of his shelves and stared at it
in all honesty, he had noticed it was addressed to asmodeus a little after he had unboxed his manga, but he really wanted to start reading it asap and felt too embarrassed to go and give the package back almost immediately after he entered his room 😭
he sighed and opened the door wide enough to slip the box through
he heard a quiet "thank you" from the other side before a tiny gasp sounded and his internal alarm started going haywire
he tried to close the door as quickly as possible but then he heard you say "is that an aquarium?"
he froze.
now what?
if he shut the door on you he'd be a jerk and you wouldn't ever talk to him again. on the other hand, he didn't know if you were,,, cultured,,, or not. he assumed you were a normie, but maybe, just maybe, he was wrong?
he sighed and opened the door a little wider for you to clearly see behind him
"yeah, it is. what about it?"
and the moment he saw your eyes light up in awe his heart stopped
later at night he'd shake it off, thinking he was just actually going insane, but he swore in that moment he felt his heart flutter (to his dismay and vast disapproval)
he didn't know what it was exactly but he felt something and that was bad enough as is in his opinion
and when you excitedly asked "is that a demon slayer poster?" as you noticed it hanging on one of his walls, he practically pulled you inside his room
"you — you know what it is?"
"oh, um… yeah! i loved the manga, it was amazing! who's your favourite character? mine are giyuu and nezuko (or whoever you prefer :)"
you could practically feel the excitement radiating off of him and your spirits started to lift
levi let you look around a little and while he didn't want to come off as too enthusiastic, internally he felt so, so happy that someone else shared his interests. now he just had to see how far he could stretch it
you made small comments and squealed excitedly when you recognized certain posters and figurines and asked questions about the ones you didn't know, to which levi would happily provide answers
you teased him a little for all the ruri-chan merch he owned, and the boy just scoffed in response, suddenly a little self conscious about them
and when you gushed about how pretty his room is and said "you're so lucky to be in here all the time!" he knew. that was it. he's done for.
him? lucky? he had never thought that about himself, ever.
and when you turned to look at him, he felt his face flush and he stuttered slightly from embarrassment as a response
he could only hope that the ambience in his room concealed some of the bright pink dusting his skin
you on the other hand?
the light from his aquarium made you glow like a million little stars, and your smile looked like the sun itself had manifested into a single human being
why you, of all people?
this was so stupid. he couldn't believe this was happening.
no wonder his brothers were so soft on you already
but then something caught your attention
there was a poster above his bed that had been hidden by the shadows so it was hard to notice unless you really stared at it for a few seconds after letting your eyes adjust
you decided to walk closer to it and felt your mind go blank.
that was you. as vega. on the poster. with your members.
and when you looked closer, there were aesthetic polaroids, photo cards, and notes with your song lyrics from your different albums surrounding it, like a collage.
while levi's anime merch was an organized chaos and cluttered his room, covering almost every available space, this was neat and meticulously placed.
you turned to him, surprised to see him wide eyed
however, all you got in response were nervous, incomprehensible stammers again
levi sighed before arranging his thoughts into actual words. "l-look, it's a little embarrassing, a guy stanning an idol group like this, but i can't help it! galaxea's music is so good, and the meanings of their songs are really poetic, and their performances are amazing, and their personalities are so genuine and fun, and they're only one of the biggest bands in all of the realms right now! can you blame me?"
hearing him say that made you want to start sobbing (ik i would 😭). he really thought that highly of your group? 
unsaid words lingered on the tip of your tongue. part of you wanted to see what would happen if you had told him that you were there on the poster, but you had a contract to honor and an identity to protect
besides, now that you were finally befriending levi, would he then only want to get closer to you because you were an idol he practically worshipped?
the odds were slim, but you had witnessed it too many times to take any chances
besides, messing with him and letting him figure it out himself would be a lot more entertaining 😌
it had been a few moments now, and levi was growing increasingly more embarrassed over his mini tangent. why did he say that? jfc levi way to go y/n definitely thinks you're weird now—
"you listen to them, too?"
and that was it, he might as well have fallen right there /j
not only were you actually into anime almost just as much as he was (and let's be honest, nobody will ever top his level of otakuness), but you had the same taste in music, too ???
he might as well be dreaming
needless to say, you guys ended up chilling a bit longer and talking about everything and anything you liked until you received a frantic text message from asmo asking about his precious skincare supplies 😭
you jumped up and quickly grabbed the box before apologizing, slightly embarrassed. rushing to get out the door to avoid even more of asmo's wrath, you added a hurried "sorry, i completely forgot about this! i hope asmo won't be mad… well, it was nice getting to talk to you for real! you're pretty cool, you know that? sorry again for this taking so long, i know you were probably busy! if you were playing something, let me know how it goes! anyways, i'll see you later :)"
and with a tiny wave and a small smile, you were gone
levi sat there on the floor, astounded
did that really just happen?
what the fuck
as soon as he knew you were out of earshot he started excitedly shouting and pumping his fist in the air. he actually talked to you !!! and you thought he was cool ??? him, of all people ??? oh my god what was he doing oh no what is this warm and fuzzy feeling make it go away
as for you, well, you expected to get scolded for taking an hour and a half, but you didn't expect asmo to tease you this badly
"huh, y/n. your cheeks sure are flushed! what type of blush do you use? wait, don't tell me…"
"asmo, wait—"
"oh my god what happened what did he do tell me everything"
"you were gone for quite a long time, did he really talk that much~? or, judging by your reaction, did you do something el--"
"ok, ok, i get it,,, but i do need to know the details and please tell me you got a picture or video or something i desperately need new blackmail material"
"what? i didn't say anything."
asmo never let levi live that down afterwards, yelling "simp" at him whenever they passed each other
where's the lie though 😭
on a different note, that night levi couldn't sleep.
sure, he deals with pretty rough insomnia (which is why he stays up all the time playing games and watching anime — it keeps him occupied and helps pass the time) but he literally was about to scream
his head was pounding. his thoughts were loud and chaotic, and he needed something to quiet it down before he officially lost his mind.
he instinctively looked up at the collage above him before connecting his headphones and shuffling the galaxea playlist he had made specifically for nights like these.
he felt embarrassed, but he kept replaying his interaction with you over and over and over again in his head, analyzing and committing the tiniest details to memory.
the way your hair fell, how you smiled, the sound of your laugh and the light, clear sound of your voice. your presence alone was comforting, and he hoped some of those feelings of safeness and security would stay a little longer just so that he could sleep. but something was… off.
he had never met you before, he was 1000% sure of it.
so then why did you seem so familiar?
talking to you was so much easier than he thought it would be. it felt natural. he was surprisingly relaxed just hanging out with you — any anxiety had almost completely disappeared in your presence.
you felt like sunlight, and even if he hadn't felt the warm rays on his skin in,,, a very long time, there was no other way to describe this feeling.
and he only got that fluffy, warm feeling when he was watching his comfort characters on screen and listening to idol groups he liked, specifically the one he was listening to right now
and as vega's crystalline voice rang out and sang "let's get lost at sea in these cold waves of the universe, as long as we're together, anywhere is home with you," he smiled, thinking that maybe a friend really is what he had been wanting all along. and as he was finally dozing off, he found himself eager for the next day to arrive — something he hadn't felt for as long as he could remember <3
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hopper-wheeler · 2 years
every season el goes on a journey of self discovery away from mike and learns new important things about herself and the world and then she comes back to mike and they still love each other so much and every season people say “el needs to be her own person and go on a journey of self discovery away from mike to learn new important things about herself and the world!!!!!” like y’all it’s been four seasons of her doing exactly that. and mike and el just always love each other even more afterwards and have an even deeper connection each time. when will these people realize it’s okay to just not like a ship you don’t have to make up faux-feminist reasons to act like it’s morally wrong or whatever. you can just. dislike it lol
“I hate mileven bc I care about el! all she cares about is mike!! she’s solely dependent on him!!!” woah wild how they missed so many of el’s plot lines and character arcs while they were so busy “caring” about her
(sorry for dumping this in your inbox lol I just wanted to get it out there to someone who probably gets it, I hope you have a good day!)
don't be sorry, it's totally okay to vent here! and i do get your frustration all too well.
one of the things that bugs me the most about the hate mileven gets, aside from it being wholy underserved imo, is the way people keep trying to find reasons why it's problematic or badly written to justify their dislike. it's okay to just not vibe with a character/relationship. that's fine. it's actually a lot more respectable than whatever this is.
but people would really rather be annoying and waste their time on something they don't even like just to try and come out on top. as if instead of not shipping a couple of 15-year-olds they're actually standing up for women everywhere or something.
which is really funny when the woke takes these people tend to come up with are actually some of the most misogynistic, ableist takes i've ever seen.
"el needs to be her own person."
so women can't be in a relationship and be in love with someone and still be their own person.
"she's too dependent on mike, she needs him too much."
so women wanting support from the people they love makes them dependent and therefore weak.
"el doesn't even have any real world experience. she can't even talk properly and doesn't even know what clothes she likes. she shouldn't be in a romantic relationship. and it's weird that mike likes her. seems predatory idk."
so anyone who's been through terrible abuse and struggles because of that, has a difficulty with speech and understanding social cues, and/or is still developing a sense of identity shouldn't be allowed to make their own decisions or be in a loving relationship. and it's weird for someone else to take a romantic interest in them unless they're taking advantage in some way because no way would anyone just... love them for who they are.
great. that's actually very gross of you.
and don't even get me started on the canon erasure. it's like 90% of people didn't even watch this show. i'm tired of people claiming mileven needs to be given breathing room when they're the only couple to have been separated in some way every season. you can say whatever you want about st, but one thing the show has done since day 1 is give el, the character, plenty of agency. el is not stuck in hawkins. she's not stuck with mike. she chose that. she chose her family and we saw her do that, every step of the way.
so yeah anyone who says "i love el but mileven..." is full of shit. if you actually loved el you'd respect her choices and want her to have the people she loves by her side, supporting her.
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rainbownixie · 2 years
not 100% sure if you're a multishipper or not, but do you have any thoughts on byclair? or headcanons?
regardless i hope your day goes well <3
i am indeed a multishipper!! if i'm honest i didn't ship byclair until i saw a few edits and posts about them, but i think they're really really cute!! i'm more of a dustin x will shipper (i don't even know their shipname tho) because i love their dynamic.
tbh i just think the three dumbasses are dating will because he deserves love and affection and tbh who wouldn't fall for him??? they're all head over heels for that boy istg
i don't have a lot of byclair hcs because i'm not really into the ship, but i do have some ideas!! (btw lucas and max are still dating here! this is kind of a polyam thing but i actually only talk about byclair)
lucas had a crush on will (and vice versa tbh) when they were kids. like he would always ask him to draw him or come to his house to play together just because he wanted to spend time with him alone.
lucas was always ALWAYS trying to act tough and cool when will paid attention to him and he loved the way tiny will will giggled at him. lucas obviously stared, mesmerized by him, and dustin already knew they liked each other.
ofc dustin teases lucas all. the. time. about his crush on will. but he never actually tells lucas that he knows, he just stares at him, done with all of his attempts trying to make will laugh. lucas is so damn confused because he doesn't know yet, he just likes seeing will happy.
will loves lucas' jokes. like everything he does makes will laugh and giggle and blush and kick his feet. especially when lucas tries to flirt with him and ends up being super cringey. will finds adorable how hard he tries.
when lucas starts dating max, he finds himself rambling non-stop about will. she smiles one day and jokes about lucas being in love with him, but turns out that that's how he realizes he is, indeed, in love with will. he starts panicking and saying that he still loves max! he can't understand how he can love two people at the same time! but max tells him that it's okay, and that she doesn't care "sharing" him with will. she just wants to see lucas happy. (ofc she knows will is in love with him too he's so obvious and max is too smart to not notice).
will doesn't really care that lucas and max are dating. i mean- he does care, but he loves seeing lucas happy. he didn't even consider having a chance with him, anyway.
they definitely start dating in s3 because mike is always busy with el and will spends a lot of time with lumax!! lucas finally gains the courage to ask will to hang out together alone one day, and confesses. will is worried about max and their relationship, but lucas tells him to not worry about it. they both smile so widely that day i'm gonna cry-
this is me realizing that i actually like byclair more than i thought!!! anyway, back to the hcs:
when they start dating lucas is such a gentleman. like really polite and extremely sweet and he often overacts to make him laugh.
will loves to draw will the wise and lucas the ranger together <333 boyfriends irl boyfriends in dnd too!! (madmax is there with them too sometimes as the zoomer)
when they tell the others, dustin rolls his eyes and says "finally". that causes a fight between him and lucas "what do you mean finally?????". el is really happy for them, and mike ummm i just can't imagine a world in which mike isn't hopelessly in love with will so i'm pretty sure he would be sort of angry at first (it's called jealousy, wheeler) but idk bro deal with your internalized homophobia first and then join the polyam couple
y'all can't ask me hcs i talk so much for no reason i'm deeply sorry (jk please keep sending me asks abt hcs i love them)
will often gets excited and loud and instantly tries to calm down to not bother lucas but!!! lucas loves it!!! he begs him to keep getting excited and scream around him
chaotic boyfriends because they love to prank dustin and mike
will loves lucas' voice so so much <3 while he paints, he asks for lucas to read a book or a comic out loud or just talk about anything, really (this is me saying i love caleb's voice tbh)
lucas loves to make obvious that will is his boyfriend. it's not that he's protective or anything, he's just really really proud of himself for dating will. so he often hugs him or runs his fingers through will's hair whenever they're with people because he just wants everyone to know <3 (not strangers tho because homophobia and the 80s yadda yadda yadda)
will loves wearing lucas' jacket it's practically his now tbh and lucas LOVES seeing him wearing it (will shares it with max too <3)
movie dates are their favorite because they can hold hands in the dark, but they often go to the arcade together with max!!
it's not like they have a dating schedule or anything but lucas has separate dates with max and will!! they deserve individual love too <3
joyce and jonathan LOVE lucas. he's will's best friend too ofc they like him and accept him into the family!!! joyce begs him to have dinner with them and jonathan likes talking to him about history (bc i just know they both love that)
kisses kisses so many kisses. will loves to kiss lucas unexpectedly because it drives him crazy and lucas just grabs his face and starts kissing every part of his face
will gifts him mixtapes with his favorite songs
when the byers move to cali, lucas is always trying to call but gets frustrated because the line is always busy (mike is literally insufferable with that too but lucas doesn't know it's because he's also trying to call will)
letters so many letters so many damn letters telling him about how much he misses will and loves him <33 ofc will does the same thing, and he often sends him drawings of stuff he sees in cali that remind him of lucas!! (one day he also sent him a drawing of the beach so he could give it to max and try to fix things with her)
when they find each other again at the end of s4 will hugs lucas so so so tight because he was worried sick about him. lucas does the same thing, ofc, but he's too sad about max to have enough strength and just lets will hold him
i should stop writing this much istg BUT!!!!
they cuddle in the hospital room when nobody is around while they take care of max. will often kisses lucas' forhead because he finds it comforting
idk how this happened but now i love them- crying shaking sobbing they deserve the world <3 i hope your day goes well too!!!!
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aurelion-cerulean · 2 years
Heaven Remix
I had the bright idea this morning that a potential new song for Season 5 could be Heaven Is A Place On Earth by Belinda Carlisle.
I low-key think we have a chance of this being a synths heavy music season... for reasons... Reasons are named Mike Wheeler.
Okay so why could it work?
I'm not sure that they'd have the full song. It's too upbeat for the general tone of the show. However, having the song as an epic remix is… a higher possibility. Let’s look at these lyrics.
I’mma skip a lot of the repeating sections and look specifically at the chorus, the verses, and the bridges. (I also recommend listening to it, if you don’t already know it.)
IDK if this needs to be said BUT. While I do think that this could be an epic end battle sequence song, for the fight with Vecna in the end, I am also going to make this clear. This is a HEAVY Byler centric song in this theory. 
Verse 1:
When the night falls down I wait for you, and you come around And the world's alive With the sound of kids on the street outside
Other than the obvious fact that there are some fun S1-3 references here that could be made, let’s look at this for the main group. They always battled at night. They waited for each other before they acted. The world’s alive, with kids outside? I mean… The main cast are kids (were kids). Like from a ST stand point this pretty much well establishes the dynamic of the characters for the majority of the seasons. 
Out of all the lyrics, without even needing to twist this from a love song in general, this works really well to describe any number of people in the party.
Bridge 1:
When you walk into the room You pull me close, and we start to move And we're spinnin' with the stars above And you lift me up in a wave of love
IMO this is a weaker bridge to try to force to a symbol for the whole group. However if we look at this from a Byler lens, they are always hovering around each other. They uplift each other and make the other feel a lot better in general. And it’s not a far stretch to say that their love for each other is going to be part of what makes them powerful.
Verse 2:
When I feel alone I reach for you, and you bring me home When I'm lost at sea I hear your voice, and it carries me
Please see: Mike’s whole speech about Hawkins not being the same without Will in S4. 
The first two lines: Will and Mike find solace in each other, this is obvious. However this also tends to be the case for a lot of the relationships in the show. They rely a lot on each other. Joyce just brought Hopper back to the states. We can assume that El is going to bring Max back. I could go on, but you get it. Home is Hawkins but Home is also each other. 
Second two lines: now I think that these really work for the whole Vecna’d aspect. “Lost at sea” (in their minds), “hear your voice” (music) “and it carries me” (to safety).
It also plays right into the idea that Will speaking to Mike (if he’s Vecna’d like I think) or Mike’s Will voice to Will (if Will is Vecna’d) will be a part of them breaking out of the control. (CauseINeedU has a video about Mike’s Will Voice, if you don’t know what I mean by that).
The second lines in specific I’m like, those really work well for the plot in general. However the real kicker is the last bridge and chorus.
Bridge 2 + Chorus:
In this world, we're just beginnin' To understand the miracle of livin' Baby, I was afraid before But I'm not afraid anymore Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? Ooh, Heaven is a place on Earth They say in Heaven, love comes first We'll make Heaven a place on Earth Ooh, Heaven is a place on Earth
I bolded a few specific lines and I’ll get to them, but let’s start at the top. The first lines “in this world, we’re just beginnin’ / to understand the miracle of livin’” is such a tie into the coming-of-age theme of the story in general. That’s what they’ve been learning through the whole show.
Next lines are about fear. Our characters are scared. Everything is falling apart and Vecna is winning. As I suggested in a few of my other posts (Upside Down and Defeating Vecna Part 2) I think that they learn to accept that the unknown exists, but they don't have to fear it. And they must reject Vecna’s ideology of terror. These lines hit that concept dead center. How do they reject the terror? 
The chorus finishes the message. Now that the Vecna is making hell on earth (through opening the portals to the Upside Down), they need to make heaven on earth. How? Love. We already know this is the case. We know this show is about growing up and accepting yourself, and a whole lot of love. Love of family. Love of friends. Romantic. Platonic. Love is the way to win.
The last bridge + chorus just works really well with the general themes of the show as a whole, and IMO I don’t see them just using the full song. It will be adapted in some way, if this happens. 
If they use the song: I see the possibility of this being a part of the last episode in the last fight. I could see us getting parts of it earlier on in the episodes (the two verses specifically) in Byler scenes or other moments. But I really think that it would be a good last fight song. Specifically from 2:53-end, in the link I set above. You could even go back as far as 2:25-end. 
Is this a guarantee. LOL no. Do I think it would be a really fun thing to have this love song as the end fight song in a horror tv show? Yes.
It’s also essentially the summation of the themes, isn’t it? That love will save the day? That them being united and supporting each other, will defeat the big evil?
Personally, I think it is.
It would also just be fun.
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helion-ism · 3 years
What's with El/riels coming off on Eluciens, saying "Lucien didn't do anything and even tried to get Feyre back to her abuser!!"
First of all, Lucien did try, but everytime he would try, Tamlin would abuse him too. There was a scene where Lucien just LOOKED wrong at Tamlin and he lost it. How can you be able to help someone when you need the same help?
Then there are 2 reasons of why he tried to bring Feyre back:
1. Feyre's POV is not everyone's POV. Everyone outside the NC saw Rhys as the bad guy and he made himself look like the bad guy. Everyone knows what he had done UTM for Amarantha (the children from the winter court for example) . Lucien had to WATCH Feyre be sexually abused by Rhys and she fricking cried. Lucien knows what Rhys and his father have done to Tamlin and his family (he most likely doesn't know of the whole story since he probably heard it from Tamlin) Rhys also threatened him to hurt Lucien's mother so what do y'all expect? Rhys and the NC isn't the better option.
2. He did it to prevent Tamlin from making a deal with the Hybern King. If he brought Feyre back, Tamlin would've got no reason to make a deal with the King and everyone's fate, especially the people from Spring court wouldn't be in danger.
Still he apologized to her and made it up to her by finding Vassa.
Also, Feyre knows that Lucien got and still gets abused as well. You know what she did? She let him deal with Tamlin when Tamlin caught them hugging in that room. She just left and thought she did some badass sh*t when all she really did is let her friend get abused. She saw that blue eye and still is all fine with sending him to the spring court and letting him deal with Tamlin. Why is that okay? Why isn't she getting blamed as well?
Then, let's also not forget the fact that Elain let her little sister go into the woods and do the hunting to feed the family. She also let Nesta deal with her trauma alone, even Nesta was there every minute when Elain dealt with trauma. Elain wasn't and isn't a good sister. She apologized to Feyre at least and I forgive Elain because I do like her and there is no character in that series who's just perfect anyway (Well, except for Gwyn and Emerie for now). I'm sure that like Nesta, she had a reason and feels guilty.
They really should shut the hell up and read the books carefully. They just read it once, remember half of it and then spread misinformation. For example saying that Lucien hadn't done anything the day Elain and Nesta went into the cauldron and only yelled at the king to stop it all when it's not true. Only after Elain came out was Lucien able to break the King's magic that was leashed on him and immediatly run to her and put his cloak on her to shild her nudity from everyone who could see. Not to forget that everyone else, especially Azriel, didn't do anything as well. Azriel was bleeding on the ground and yet he threatened the King when the King talked to Mor. He hadn't said anything when he talked about Elain and let her go into the cauldron.
it’s literally so funny to me how they ignore that azriel doesn’t give a fuck about elain in that scene lol
it’s also funny to me how lucien was able to move and break those spells and everyone in that room just … moved on, but I suppose they had other problems
yeah Idk *their* problems tbh. I feel like we’re always moving in circles. the things they criticize lucien for have just been discussed so much and if they still choose to ignore that then that’s on them
they just see the guy as a threat to their ship and that won’t change. Idk if I’m dreading or looking forward to the day elucien is confirmed endgame. like I’ll be happy for myself and my mutuals but also the schadenfreude … yeah
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
i'm losing hope of byler being an endgame :( milevens say that we are invalidating mileven, besides having several scenes that they show "passion/love". they make fun of us, besides always giving reasons why mileven is an endgame, and disrespecting other people's ship, and maybe actually Will will be with another boy right?? idk but I really hope I'm not being deluded
lol  lets not focus on byler for a sec and mostly discuss mileven. what scenes show mileven’s  ‘passion/love’? Because the show invalidates mileven constantly-why they’re so aggressive/afraid of us.THEY KNOW IT’S DOOMED (they live in head canons and nothing else).  I’m going to try keeping this short by doing bullet points.
-The writers in s3 threw in a telemarketing joke just for Mike to say “El. no. sorry not interested” and hang up the phone. 
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- Flo  in s1: “only love makes you that crazy and that damn stupid.”
Mike: “if we’re both going crazy. we’ll go crazy together right?”will: “yeah, crazy together “ *smile and stare longingly at eachother *————————————————————-Mike: “they do say it makes you crazy”El: “what makes you crazy?”(the exact opposite of crazy together as she continues to be confused over every explanation he gives of love 😂)————————————————————-During the byler fight  Mike says “el’s not stupid!” After this, Will calls himself “ so stupid “ 4x .  rips up photo where they said they’d go crazy together and cries . But, El after fighting with mike happily says: “there’s more to life than STUPID boys .”  El’s catchphrase being “not stupid” which she says in s2 before going to see Mike at the school. And Nancy before Mike says he loves El / Mikeduring the byler fight (about mileven) say “El’s not stupid!”
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original gifs  sources
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-the s3 stobin confession parallels mileven’s s3 shop confession (full analysis in link). Both El/Robin have bandages on their legs and both pairings sit together (on the floor) during their confessions- and are interrupted by Dustin. And in both straight baits- the guys use the terms “stupid/crazy” but subvert the expectation of it being romantic-as both girls say they’re not “crazy” or “stupid” for the guy. El saying “what makes you crazy?” in response to Mike. And Robin saying she was not into Steve’s “stupid hair” (similar to El saying there’s more to life than ‘stupid boys’/other saying she’s not stupid.”Also the song ‘the first i love you’ only plays twice in s3. During Steve’s romantic confession and robin rejecting him because she’s gay & El’s romantic confession and awkward kiss with mike (where Mike doesn’t reciprocate). Cause Robin/Mike are both gay and will reject the romantic confession.
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- Erica making he-man and barbie kiss: “Hey , They’re in love!”Lucas (livid- and standing right next to a rainbow forcing them apart): “No, actually,  they’re not. they’re not even from the same planet.”  El even watches he-man in s1! Mileven is not in love!
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Cue El and mike being compared to ET and Eliot -WHO AREN’T FROM THE SAME PLANET (by the Duffers in multiple interviews and in the pilot script ) .   And then there’s the  old euphemism of “girls come from Venus, and boys come from Mars”.  The Duffers saying mileven isn’t in love cause they’re not from the same planet (aka the same gender) -is just them telling us Mike is gay so he can’t fall for El-who is a girl/diff species. They literally have Will say to Mike “welcome to my world” as a contrast. So El telling mike he should ‘stick with his own species’ (aka boys) is another gay hint.
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In s2 they even had El wear the same shirt as a 1986 movie character (staring Winona Ryder). The movie is called coincidentally “lucas”- and he’s in an unrequited romantic relationship with a gal named maggie. And he later says him and Maggie are  from “different worlds.” El being movie-Lucas in a unrequited romance, in this scenario. And the other easteregg is the Duffers have st-Lucas  say the “planet/worlds” similar to movie-Lucas.
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some milevens also attribute romeo/juliet to mileven cause Dustin mentioned it while mileven was out of shot. But romeo & juliet weren’t actually in love-it was just kids in infatuation. And also used to describe the unrequited infatuation of Lucas/Maggie.
-Also when dustin in s1 says el is “like a wizard” (like Will.) Mike corrects dustin and says “more like yoda”. Really hammering down the alien references- which the Duffers reference to el in interviews all the time-by comparing her to et . In the pilot they even said mike and el are like “Eliot and et.” They said they made el dress like a ghost cause et did so- and then for the extra burn they made mike a ghost hunter/buster. And they also said that EL’s makeover in s1 was like et’s in the movie. And sorry ... who compares the girl they “crush on” with a green gross alien (yoda)- kind of shows how he sees her more as this foreign superpowered entity rather than a girl/crush. And on what planet is et /Eliot romantic??Answer is -it’s not. 
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- In contrast, They have Mike and Will parallel  Diane and Venkman. In ghost Busters, Mike -is Venkman- and Will -is Dana Barret- who Venkman flirts with shamelessly until she is possessed. Dana finds a demon-dog in her fridge, and hires the ghost busters. And right before Venkman goes on a date with her she is possessed by the big-bad, Zuul, and is transformed into the gate-keeper (who controls demo(n)-dogs). Venkman proceeded to try to talk to the real Dana , ignoring her possessed form and eventually realizes how serious her condition is, is forced to sedate her. Eventually with the help of his team, Venkman closes the gate to Zuul’s dimension, rescuing Dana in the process. And Venkman plants one on Dana before riding away in triumph. While, El is a ghost and Mike is a ghost hunter XD
Notice in the same season lucas says mileven is ‘not in love’ and compares mileven to he-man and barbie .  Dustin has a  he-man & Et next to each other (along with a ghost buster sign above them, and the ghostbusters-trap next to et). This just reinforces the mileven eastereggs I’ve already talked about -  and how they want you to make the connections  about mileven not being in love. They showed et/barbie next to he-man, had El watch he-man, compared El to Et (who had a barbie-like makeover/ghost costume), so the next he-man ref of ‘not being in love’  cause rhey’re from different planets would connect in a more obvious way to mileven.  Same with Et next to the ghost trap and ghost busters sign (and El dressing as a ghost and Mike as a ghost buster-as an extra burn).
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- Mike dehumanizing El is hammered down again when they compare s1 mileven to s2 dart /dustin (a demo dog) , to further show how un-romantic it is. Fin even said the duffers told him Mike saw el (OFFENSIVELY) as a “puppy’ (right after s1).  And of course millie accurately said “what a horrible way to describe me!”But the parallels are there: Dustin/Mike sharing sweets ( nougat vs eggos) for breakfast and saying they’ll have to wait for them to come home from school. And having mike annoyed, say  “a bond? cause you shared nougat?!” is dissing milevens who think the ego thing is cute/romantic. Dustin/Mike saying they ‘promised’ to take care of them and that they ‘trust’ dustin & mike. Dart killing a cat and El almost killing a cat. Dustin/Mike trying to convince Lucas- Dart & El aren’t bad. The boys thinking both El & Dart were bad guys causing both to end up running away because of that. Mike even admits in s1 he doesn’t like eggos and told El she doesn’t have to eat “like a dog” anymore.  it’s ironic when Mike says to Dustin “she’s not a dog” cause he treated her as such. Why El says in s3 angrily , “am I your pet?” It’s because he did/does unfortunately treat her this way to some degree. 
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-They Parallel Mileven to Hopper & El (since mileven isn’t actually romantic)!
*teaching the meaning of promise vs com-promise. And making “promises” to eachother is not some super romantic thing- for just mileven.
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* Telling her to eat “real food” vs eggos
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* saying her new look is “cool”and saying it’s “bitchin” after El says the look is.
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* Saying others are “corrupting her” and in response gals say neither respect her ability to make “decisions” in regards to romance. Hopper not accepting Mileven together (want them to break up)  and Mike not accepting she dumped him.
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* Max saying to not let Hopper/Mike control her
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*El saying “you lie” to both of them
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ok , back to listing other points
- they dance to ‘every breath you take’ a break up song about a stalker ex who can’t accept he is now with her friend. The writer of the song also has said many times “it’s NOT a love song.” The duffers obviously knew that. Lumax also danced to it and Lucas was called a ‘stalker’ . El also stalked Mike in s2 (all that stuff milevens found romantic- El watching him without him knowing. Mike says he was not ok with it in s3). And in s3 he said not to do that and she just says ‘i make my own rules’.Plus, sting (the singer) mentions it’s supposed to sound romantic but the lyrics are sinister. And that the ambiguity/deceptive happy -romantic tone was intentional. Kind of like how people think mileven is healthy and in love when the show (ambiguosly says ) that it’s not -and the “opposite”.Just like the song being misinterpreted as romantic because of its deceptive packaging -mileven is the same . Mileven got popular cause everyone missed all the warning signs it wasn’t healthy (cause it was packaged as ‘cute’ and ‘ in love’) when behind the surface it was shown to be the opposite and not healthy.
 Not to mention Nancy teaching Dustin how to dance is a direct parallel to Mike teaching El. 
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Mike also tries to act like Dustin, and  forces Will to dance with a girl (who’s wearing a rainbow hair clip). Trying to be a good sport like Dustin is about lumax. And right after this we see Dustin look sad about Max/Lucas dancing and Mike (next to Dustin) look sadly at Will/girl dancing in the same exact frame as Max/Lucas. As they switch between these 2 shots to emphasize their sadness/jealousy.Then they both sit down (mirroring each other) on the verge of tears before Nancy and El show up to comfort them and distract them.  As El once again (presumably) wears Nancy’s dress. Mike after El asks “will you be my brother?” “you cant go  (to the snowball) with your sister... i mean you can but it’d be really weird.” 
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- before their first kiss in s1 she asked if he would be like her brother (after being compared to a cousin, and being compared to Holly, and wearing Nancy’s dress.) In s2 they even make a direct parallel to Luke &Leia (who were siblings who had a weird romantic relationship/kissed before realizing they were related). Mike (as Leia) saying “it’s a trap” to El (Luke). 
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- Mike in s1 writes a d&d story for Will inspired by star wars.  in ep one Will tells Mike “it was a 7, the demogorgan it got me.”At the end of the season Mike writes a whole story of him and his friends killing a 7 headed monster, and showing the decapitated head of the monster to king Tristan (Will). Similar to how at the hospital he tells Will to not worry cause “it’s dead now”. This is right after Will rolls a 14 (cause Mike and Will are 7s together). And Mike who is a fan of starwars has King Tristan give them medals after killing the monster. Cause he wants Will/king tristan (instead of Leia -a girl) to present him with medals and be his romantic love interest (and praise him for being a hero).
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- They had Dustin call mileven “bullshit” just like stancy (who were never in love). And in s3 for almost every single character in the show to dislike mileven . if that isn’t a cry for help from the writers idk what is XD
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other stancy parallels: Making out on a bed to cheesy music. stancy wasn’t in love but they kissed the most in the series and nancy and steve (similar to mileven exchanged ‘i love yous’) but weren’t endgame and it was never love. Mike and Steve sing to their gfs and neither girls are fans and cut them off.In s1, both Nancy/Mike slap Steve and El and then both yell “ What is wrong with you?!”  Stancy/mileven are compared to Karen/ted who according to Nancy “never loved each other”. El is a fan of ted’s lazy boy. (Karen in s3 looks at Ted in the chair when the lyric “I should have walked away “ plays). And Steve and ted continuing to eat chicken as their gf /wife storm off from the table upset , and they do nothing. After the mileven and Karen/Ted fight- Steve says while eating “what did I do?what did i do?” And mike while eating says about el after their fight “what did i do wrong? what did i do wrong?!Steve and Ted both tell Mike to “stay on the bench/you’re on the bench.” Karen/ ted that they “never loved each other” (just like mileven and stancy which are “bullshit.”) All 3 wheelers were with people cause it seemed like the rational choice ( rich guy/ popular guy/ girl). Not to mention mike said “ I don’t remember” ( in reference to saying he loved el ) . And doesn’t say it back when el says “I love you”. Which mimics Nancy in s2 saying “I don’t remember ” (saying the stancy relationship is bs) . And she is also unable to say she loves Steve when he says“say you love me.” And Steve and el walking away as both wheelers stand there in silence. Unable to say “I love you” back.  Also, when stancy officially breakup it also pans to mileven on the porch as another parallel.And 11byers mentioned (at Christmas)  jancy has a moment but despite stancy’s issues she goes back to Steve where she looks sad over the decision .  Similar to how Byler have a moment , but then after , mileven talks about christmas  and they have that awkward kiss. In s3, steve when talking about stancy and trying to be popular even says “dustin’s right it’s all a bunch of bullshit.” (meaning Dustin’s right about mileven). Steve even says “everything people tell you is important that you’re supposed to care about- it’s bullshit.” (same season Mike mimics Lucas’ words from s1 about El being the “most important thing”.
-They also had Mike tell Max “i don’t hate you. I don’t even know you.”  Aka he can’t hate Max or love el cause he knew both for a week-and doesn’t know them. The amount of mileven burns that were in s2 -were insane XD.
other direct contrasts between Mileven & byler 
besides the ones already mentioned. 1) ‘crazy together/so stupid’ vs ‘what makes you crazy?/el’s not stupid/more to life than stupid boys & 2) ‘they’re not in love they’re not even from the same planet’ vs byler’s ‘welcome to my world’
3) Mike has drastically different expressions after the byler/mileven fights and the difference in weather and music selection ,convey how Mike is feeling. He looks regretful with Will, and almost annoyed with El dumping him.  Mileven breaks up to upbeat music on a sunny day (the break up being in front a crowd and a joke) vs the morose music and the storm shown (with just Mike and Will fighting ). We are supposed to take the byler fight seriously and the mileven one as a joke.They had Mike apologize to Will immediately. But with El he says “what did i do wrong?’ (Kind of like how ted, after pissing off karen says “what did I do?”)And then had Mike wait by the phone for her to apologize- says sexist stuff about her. Then have mike laugh/burp and talk about cheese and El to laugh about the break up/high five max and immediately oggle a pic of another boy/male celeb (unlike Will who looks sadly at the pic of Mike after their fight). And then after staring at the  teen-male celeb,  El says she’s not sure if  Mike’s a good kisser cause he’s just her “first boyfriend” and she has no other boys to compare him to (implying she’s thinking of other boys in the future).  Contrasted to Will who said he thought him & Mike would never get gfs but just spend the rest of their lives together. El after all these events, then happily reads comics  as Max says she shouldn’t hang out with Mike all the time. VS Will having him sadly read his comic to distract himself  only to throw his comic on the ground right before he looks at the pic of mike from Halloween (where they said they would go ‘crazy together’), calls himself stupid (unlike El saying there’s more to life than stupid boys/mike saying El is not stupid-aka in love ). And then destroys castle byers /crIES after the their fight. These events were perfect opposites.
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4) When Mike says in the pool shed she’s the “most important thing in the world” to him. she cuts him off and says Hopper is right about them spending too much time together. But when Mike in the shed says asking Will to be his friend was the “best thing he’s ever done” (it was practically the cliche of true love breaking the curse) XD.
When Mike says to El  “you’re most important thing to me” in the pool shed. El doesn’t even acknowledge the comment (and neither should the audience- cause the words were empty). The framing of this mileven scene was not cinematic or heartfelt, and neither was the delivery from Mike. He’s not crying, trying to reach her with proclamations of his genuine feelings. There’s no dramatic music, framing, lighting or shot composition (and the scene was incredibly short).And El just responds and cuts his supposed ‘true feelings’ off- only to agree with Hopper and says “ what if he’s right”  . I didn’t speed this up FYI.
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Juxtaposed to the MUCH longer byler shed scene. A literal single tear falling down his cheek as Mike , recounts the first day they met. This whole monologue is only of tight shots of just their faces (their bodies aren’t shown like in the pool shed scene). With contrasting colors of light and shadow.This is a personal moment between them and them alone- and the fact we zoom in on their faces (expresses this to be important emotionally) . And when we see Will’s reaction to Mike saying “it was the best thing I’ve ever done”. We just see Will’s face only- no music is playing and all we hear is  Will’s whimpers and Mike crying in the background.*
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5) Max in s2 at Will’s house questions how Mike can still trust Will now that he’s a spy for the mf . Max (in s3) at El’s house: says that Mike doesn’t trust El- and Mike mentions that her spying is why he doesn’t trust her.  in s2, Mike: “if anyone could stop them it’s Will“. Max: “ I thought we couldn’t trust him that he’s a spy for the mf now?” Max in s3 calling Mike out  : “El has saved the world twice. And Mike still doesn’t trust her.” Mike: you want to talk about trust really?! after... Eleven spied on us! I guess girlfriends don’t lie they SPY!”
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Not to mention - the fact is... El has “saved the world twice but Mike still doesn’t trust her” to fight the mf. Yet he 100% believed Will could defeat the mf -despite Will being possessed/a spy for the mf . And despite the fact Mike  thinks Will has no powers - unlike El ( but we all know he does , though :P). And, Mike even says Billy is dangerous cause  the “mf is in him ...Billy’s mind is sick, diseased” (but with Will possession -Mike still trusted him).  Max rolls her eyes and stares challengingly at Mike cause she remembers what Mike said about Will in s2- and the hypocrisy . And she finds it annoying how little faith he has in her compared to his almost unmoving-trust in Will (who at the time was possessed) . Mike has 100% trust and faith in Will-but simply doesn’t trust El.  And MAX KNOWS IT! Cause she’s paying attention. Like her facial expression/raised brow, at the end, is a challenge- you think non-superpowered Will could defeat the mf but not El with a history of fighting monsters? You say Billy possessed by the mf is dangerous- but still have more faith in Will possessed by the mf- than your own gf?! tbh El couldn’t defeat the mf (so technically him trusting Will over  El was proven to be correct). He wasn’t right about the El ‘giving up’ bs and he was still wrong for not respecting El as her “own person” with her “own free will” : not believing in El’s ability to make decisions like breaking up with him/ not believing El made the idea to spy on him, etc . But, Team work has always been what saved the day in s1-2, so over-relying on El to do it all and acting like she was the messiah ( like most of the st fanbase) was a poor plan . It’s not the El-show (it’s an ensemble cast with several mains). When they relied on her only ,to be the chosen one- she lost her powers, 30+ people d*ed, and they had to save her.
6) ) El and Will both calling for “Mike” alone in the upside down . And Mike “never giving up” on them.In the exact same ep (s2 e2) , both call for Mike from the upside down. El saves herself without Mike’s help. But Mike rushes to save Will crouching to comfort Will (whose body language mirrors El’s but who was alone in the forest after she sees mike and he did nothing). 
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in s2 ep 1, both call for Mike ,but Mike only comes for Will -not el. It was like how Nancy in s1 called for Jon, and jonathan pulled her out of the upsidedown.  And as Jonathan and Mike both pull Nancy and Will back from the upside down , Jonathan says “I got you”. And Mike says “I got him “ twice. But mileven is like how barb while in the upsidedown called for Nancy (but nancy didn’t hear her screaming her name-cause it shows symbolically Nancy does not return Barb’s romantic feelings). Just like mileven.
Mike even saw Will’s dead body but the second he heard his voice he convinced everyone he was alive. Mike deep down assumed El was dead he brushed off seeing El as seeing things (like how Hopper described seeing Sarah). He even tells Max “ they took her just like they took bob” who was dead. Then a few minutes later lies and says he “never gave up” on her when she appears alive (which was a lie cause he just said she was dead). When El goes to his house Mike doesn’t ever go the forest to find her (unlike how Mike went into the forest in the pouring rain twice for Will). The truth is the only person he ‘never gave up on’ was Will.
7) They have El & Will have pics of Mike on Halloween (same night of the ‘crazy together’ speech). El only has a pic of Mike being miserable  and Will has pics of Mike staring at Will, and smiling next to him- despite the joke Mike never smiles in photos , this isn’t the case when mike is next to Will (he always smiles with Will). Cause being crazy with Will makes him happy - unlike his relationship with El who he fakes being ‘crazy’ about .
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zoom in of Will & El’s pics of Mike: Will’s pic on left vs El’s on right . XD
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8) Millie said El is “obsessed with Mike” so she has Mike-themed stuff all over  her room. She has a drawing with a heart that says mike on it/random heart pics, mike pic, dice that spell out mike, mikes’ stuff. So, It’s funny that mike has nothing relating to El at his place. In contrast to this, he still has 5 d&d drawings from Will on his wall (that he’s kept on his wall for 3 years despite removing an old poster from that same wall-which he gave to El). Mike even put up a 6th Will-drawing in s3- next to his new poster. And he never put a single 1 of her many drawings on his wall-just Will’s).
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back to other points...
- They compared mileven to karen/billy. El in s2 , mimics Erica Kane who m(in the ep she is watching) rushes into a relationship with a writer named Mike Roy. (That relationship is not endgame-and  literally ends with one of them stalking and sabotaging their next relationship, but eventually accepting it’s over). This, also parallels Karen/ Billy. Before she meets him in s2, Karen is reading a romance book that has a guy that resembles Billy on the cover. The Duffers even mentioned they changed the cover to show the resemblance between Billy and the fictional book character. And we see Karen reading the sequel in s3 before Billy appears. Both El and Karen don’t/didn’t love Mike or Billy- they just projected onto them fictional characters they were infatuated with. El being into Mike roy- but projecting her crush on to Mike wheeler.
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-They had El’s whole s2 arc be destroyed to show mileven is bad for her. “friends don’t lie” to let me lie to my friends so I can kiss mike and ditch them. lucas even said “they’re lying (about her curfew).”And lie to Mike about hearing his confession. Then in s2 trying to leave the cabin to experience the world and see my friends and fam again. To literally ignoring them all for 6 months and never leaving the cabin-despite Hopper letting me leave the house in s3.
- El in s3 says Mike treats her “like a pet” and “garbage”.
-In s1 Mike referred to her as a ‘weapon’  to help get Will back. smacked her when he thought she lied about Will being alive and said Lucas was right about her all along when he thought Will was dead and he couldn’t use her anymore. 
- They had El never apologize for spying/stalking . And  Mike never apologize for lying -despite it being the cause of the breakup . And had mike not reciprocate the kiss/ or say ‘i love you ‘ back  and had his eyes open while the same exact song plays that robin came out to: called ‘the first i love you’). These are the only 2 times the song plays in s3. The ‘first i love you’ also sounds like ‘the first lie’ - that song played when jancy said they were just friends. it sounds the same cause jancy lied about it not being romantic while mileven lied by saying it was.  He never apologized for lying cause the love is the lie- like Max said “boyfriends lie ALL THE TIME”. And it’s why the camera panned to Will when Lucas asked why Mike lied to her. And he never answers El’s question of ‘why do you lie?!’ (he just looks up silent and guilt ridden).This awkward kiss all happens in Will’s room too while Mike is in front of an open closet (while El is holding Will’s old bear).  
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Plus he also fought with Hopper in s2 (’about El’) in Will’s room too. He wasn’t actually calling Hopper the liar he was calling himself “a stupid disgusting liar”out of self hate .  That scene was foreshadowing his lying to El in s3 (about his feelings for her). He blamed Hopper for his feelings for Will cause he told himself it wouldn’t have escalated if El had been around to ‘fix him’ . “I BLAME YOU! NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS OK! NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS OK. YOU STUPID DISGUSTING liar, liar, liar, liar”.starts crying.
- Mike says “i never gave up on you (to El). “ When moments earlier he says “it took her just like it took Bob.” HE’S LYING AGAIN. He always thought she was dead -he was just hoping she was alive so he didn’t have to blame himself. He felt bad for treating her like a “weapon”. Mike saw El and didn’t even bother looking for her in the woods cause he assumed she was dead and was hallucinating. Mike saw Will’s dead body- but heard his voice and got him from another dimension (for El he couldn’t even bother to walk into the woods). Despite going into the woods in the pouring rain 2x for Will in s1& 3. El and Mike both call for Mike in the upside down (Mike in the same ep only comes for Will).
- They barely spoke to each other and all they did was makeout for 1 ep (while Mike put a drawing of ‘Will (the fire wielding) wise’ on the wall to help him kiss her/ with rainbows pic everywhere in the room to signify he’s gay and lying).  All while listening to a mixtape Will gave him as he kisses El.As Mike moves her hands off him (and sings a song from ‘boy in the box’) and El says to Max later she doesn’t know if mike’s a good kisser . And Mike rushes to one of his many established double-dates with Will and lumax  (x). And Mike in s3 when dating el, removes the sign of the heart being propelled by a rainbow (which he had before meeting El in his basement) .BUT it follows him symbolically ,as a drawing of a heart being propelled by a rainbow (in el’s room- cause no matter how much he kisses el there, he can’t escape his rainbow/being gay.)
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-as mileven kiss in s3 e1. We zoom in on the drawing of Will the wise (the lyrics over the pic are “a little more time can open closing doors”). And then Mike continues to sing this song from ‘boy in the box’ (cough closet).Will in s3e1 says he won’t fall in love and the song then a diff song plays “love that was new to you , you open up the door.” mileven at the end of s3 kissing in front of Will’s open closet door with Mike’s eyes open not kissing back , and saying he doesn’t “ remember “ the love you and just says it was “in the heat of the moment”. The mike song being from “boy in the box” (closet). And they make out to “I can’t fight this feeling” which the singer says is about wanting to admit your feelings to your friend of many years and being afraid it’ll ruin the relationship. Aka even when kissing El he’s thinking of Will and admitting his feelings and not being able to fight his feelings
- Mike saying about Max “awesome? you don’t even know her.” Dustin says “ i don’t have to i mean look at her.” El was said in s1 multiple times to look like a boy (specifically Will). So Dustin and Lucas had no interest in her -only Mike did. BUT when max (a girl who looked like a girl) arrived- they as straight boys  were smitten. And Mike was not interested at all (cause he’s gay). The fact people don’t realize Mike was rude to her because he thought Will liked her too makes me laugh - he even was 1/2 honest in s3 saying he was jealous of her  XD 
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why in s3 (when she looks like a girl) the compliment to her look is almost the same as Hopper’s comment to her makeover in s2. Paralleling Mike to her dad is the opposite of romantic!
-people say in s3 Will saying “a day free of girls” is gay coded but everyone ignores Mike in s3 saying “BOYS ONLY”. Same energy.
-MiKE has more rainbows than Will: Mike’s rainbow bedroom blinds, the rainbow-heart wooden sign in the basement in s1, the rainbow heart drawing that says Mike in s3, a rainbow sticker in his room, byler standing behind a rainbow poster in s2. And Will with the rainbow ship and the girl he danced with having a rainbow hearts-hairclip.
- People mention Mike saving El in s3 was romantic ( when he hit Billy). But when Billy slapped max he charged in to save her too and tried punching him (despite their beef). that moment wasn’t romantic (unless you think madweheeler is- which no). Mike is just a good person- he also risked his life for dustin. He’s brave and will defend HIS FRIENDS. 
- we’re almost to the end for those not keeping tract mileven is compared to stancy, ted/karen,  karen/billy, stobin, Dart/Dustin, max &mike, barb/nancy, nancy & dustin, siblings & cousins & a parent/kid dynamic. And contrasted to byler.
- Finn, after s1, said the duffers told him,   Mike thinks of her as a “puppy/ “et” , and that Mileven was a  “first summer love thing”- foreshadowing what was mileven’s downfall during the Summer (aka s3). He repeats this “first summer love” phrase 2x.  Millie when he mentioned what the duffers said, rightfully thought the puppy thing was “awful”, but Finn was clearly told mileven doesn’t last -very early on.Summer love” by definition fails-as it only lasts during the summer.  
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-It wasn’t a break it was a breakup. Like Max and Will said in response to Mike  “ she said she dumped your ass! That doesn’t sound like a break?!/ it wasn’t!’ Or El knocking all the candy out of the machine, except the kit kat Mike wanted. Slogan of kit-kat “ having a break , have a kit kat.” In other words, it was NOT a break. It was a breakup. Difference is - in s4 it’ll be El who can’t accept this fact , not Mike. Max having to correct El that Mike is her “ex boyfriend” after the breakup (in s3) foreshadows this.The other couples in s3 who fought -were always still paired together in framed shots (jancy/ lumax) were on a break (but got back together- by the end of s3,  not confident about their futures together, but they still have a distinction from mileven-based on such framing). That mileven didn’t get back together. El in s3 was always on her own and Mike was paired with Will (while the other couples were in frame). 
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this could go on and on honestly. there’s so much other stuff proving mileven is not going to be endgame. Not to mention all of Mike’s queer coding (x) XD   
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