#el pueblo unido jamas sera vencido
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corrupcionenpr · 4 months ago
Cuando la Presidenta PNP de la CEE se opuso a la solicitud de Victoria Ciudadana de expandir el espacio para nominación directa, se fue de “media tour” explicando lo “fácil” que era votar en esa modalidad.
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Si el electorado votó igual que “Jessika Padilla”, ese voto no fue contado por la máquina porque no tenía la marca en el encasillado y por lo tanto no estaría entre los 29,145 votos de nominación directa a Representante por Acumulación.
Ahora esa misma Presidenta PNP no quiere que se cuenten esos votos por nominación directa. ¿Su argumento? Que no hay suficientes votos, según la máquina.
¡Clarooooo, si ella misma le enseñó a la gente cómo votar para que la máquina no reconociera el voto!
¿Así o más descarada?
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miraruinada · 29 days ago
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Miscellaneous minds are never explaining their minds Devilish grin for my alias, aliens to respond Peddling shit, maybe when you get old you realize I'm not gonna fold or demise, I'ma pop you, then give you this
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Tell Gallo to drop a bomb on this shit So many bombs, ring the alarm, like Tollan on this shit So many bars, make Ludriq he's serving time on this shit One at a time, I line 'em up and gun 'em down just for kicks I'm in a destructive mode if the throne exists I'm important like the pope, I'm a marabout on pork I'm Machiavelli's offspring, the King of Port-Agr'cole Of Zepacna Coast, one hand, I juggle em both The juggernaut's all in your jugular, you take me for jokes Live in the basement, wood pews, and funeral faces Cartier bracelets for my good friends, I'm in Vegas Who the fuck y'all thought it's supposed to be? If Granja came back, still not mastering me I'm unconquerable, I'm unsociable, fuck y'all clubs! Fuck y'all pictures! Your aesthetics can gobble these nuts! Gobble dick up 'til you hiccup, enemy call me corrupt I'm the same man that put the whole world on a crutch This is not for the fan of Elvis, I'm aiming straight for your pelvis You can't stomach me? You plan on stumping me? I've been shot before you put a gun on me I put one on yours, I'm Sean Connery James Bonding with none of you, respectfully And I'm gonna get it even if you're in the way And if you're in it, better run for Pete's sake
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And that goes for all of you in my orbit Is what you doing truly for the love of it? Take on the mantle or stay entangled I'm not here to tango, I'm here to strangle Anacaona, Hugo, Zavalla, Jehtin Lomendja Massimo, Jorjais, know it's wrap when I'm coming for ya Show it's revolutionary before Mondragon spray it up on y'all Prove it's us or the game is up and I run up on y'all I got love for you all, but I'm tryna murder all y'all Tryna make sure none of your friends never heard all y'all They don't wanna hear one word of verb from all y'all What is competition? I'm tryna raise the bar high
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mchiti · 1 year ago
congrats to Girona and all but you do realise that behind their success you have UAE right? They are literally part of the same arab multibillion oil money holding company that finances City, CFG. You know that right? As you know their chairman is Guardiola's brother for a reason. They can afford players that a club like this could have never afforded otherwise.
I understand you're in need of an underdog narrative all the time but if you need to support el pueblo you can literally start with Atleti
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girljeremystrong · 9 months ago
they are in the streets with french flags and palestinian flags singing EL PUEBLO UNIDO JAMAS SERA VENCIDO
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locustheologicus · 2 months ago
El Pueblo Unido, Jamas Sera Vencido!
At Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Brooklyn I witnessed a powerful preaching experience during the Spanish Mass. I hope this was being experienced at other Masses as well. The Mass was on the feast of the Presentation and the presiding clergy preached on the mission of the church based on the readings, a Mission he suggested we all share.
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The message he preached was on the readings and the tradition of the Prophets as they witnessed and shared their mission based on the covenant that God made with Israel. Simeon witnessed this during the feast of the presentation, when Joseph and Mary presented Jesus to the Temple. Upon seeing Jesus the prophet Simeon knew that the promise of God’s covenant was to be fulfilled. The mission of the Church is to redeem the community and to protect and serve one another. We share in this mission with our families, with our children and elderly, and in our workplace. But the Preacher focused further on how this is a communal mission, a mission we accomplish as a community.
The Preacher went on to say that today there are forces undermining our democracy and commitment to Human rights. These forces es are spreading fear and hoping to divide the community. That goes against the mission of our Faith and Church. This is exactly why we need to see ourselves as a community that is united for one another. The preacher had the community remember a chant that Latinos everywhere would say to defend one another. El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido (the people united, will never be defeated). During the Mass, before the sign of peace, the preacher had the congregation come together as a community, each of us holding hands with someone else, and together we chanted this together at least three times before offering each other the sign of peace.
This being a Spanish Mass the priest knew that many people were concerned about the political insecurity they faced with the Trump administration. He challenged all of us, including the Church, to not forgo its prophetic responsibility for one another. The Church will stand for those who are unjustly persecuted and OLPH will offer resources for people who innocently face unjust arrest, discrimination, or deportation. But this stance was to also be taken to all the faithful as well, this was the message the preacher wanted to make sure we all knew and took with us after the Mass.
My wife and I felt a deep connection with the community during this Mass. we especially felt this way as we engaged in chanting with them. This was a very empowering moment and the community felt the sense of reassurance that they needed from the Church and from one another. Afterwards many Latinos went to pray by statues and commend themselves to God and Christ. The Colombian statue, el Señor de Los Milagros de Buda, was full of worshipers offering devotions after Mass. This is not surprising as the Colombian community feels particularly threatened by the Trump administration. For that reason we need to hear that message which culturally resonates with our plight and sense of communal struggle.
To offer some context here is a Colombian orchestra playing to the same chant we did at Mass.
I am very glad to see the local Church responding to the needs of the community in tandem with the diocesan hierarchy. In this way the Catholic Church will truly demonstrate its prophetic edge.
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sir-virtem · 2 years ago
eh, i don't know what is going but yt is being recomending me "El Pueblo Unido jamas sera vencido"
I ain't complening tho, that song slap
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bxbxvxngx · 5 years ago
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niktebbutt · 5 years ago
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Another day of repression and human rights abuses in my country, government of Sebastian Piñera murderer and oppressor. 07-11-2019 :(
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cherry-shot · 5 years ago
CHILE, prohibido olvidar:
-Que Piñera y Chadwick implementaron terrorismo de Estado, declarando la guerra a ciudadanos movilizados, comprando los medios de comunicación, encubriendo a sus mercenarios, armando montajes de violencia y pasándose por la raja las demandas de la gente, victimizándose a ellos y a grandes empresas. Son criminales y deben ser enjuiciados y condenados como tales.
-Que más de 200 chilenxs fueron privados de al menos un ojo a manos de las fuerzas armadas, incluso un chico de 21 años que lo más probable pierda la vista en ambos. Diversas instituciones de la salud y derechos humanos calificaron esto como una epidemia. En 3 semanas las fuerzas armadas lograron la mitad de lesionados oculares de 27 años de conflicto en Gaza y Palestina.
-Que la policía violó sistemática y reiteradamente los derechos humanos de hombres y mujeres. Detuvieron menores de edad que no son imputables y no conocen sus derechos, los privaron de contacto con defensa o un adulto responsable de confianza. Gasearon poblaciones y hospitales, llenas de ancianos, niños y mujeres embarazadas. Dispararon a estudiantes escolares en sus recintos de estudio. Derribaron personas mayores de edad y con discapacidad, arrojándolas violentamente al piso. Desnudaron, mojaron con agua, humillaron y violaron a mujeres, incluso a menores de edad. Violaron con lumas a hombres jóvenes. Utilizaron una estación de metro como centro de torturas. Crucificaron personas. Y por si eso fuera poco, ante las acusaciones del consumo de cocaína, dijeron que ocupaban Mentholatum, pensando que somos todxs una manga de tontos útiles. Su director considera que todo lo mencionado anteriormente han sido “casos aislados” y “excepciones” ante lo que el califica como “una labor impecable”, y luego se filtra un audio de él comunicándose con sus lacayos, ofreciendo su protección total y absoluta “aunque le obliguen”.
-Que un grupo de privilegiados se organizó para “defender” su ciudad, armados con palos, lumas, armas e incluso perros. Y que este grupo no sufre la misma represión que los manifestantes, todo lo contrario.
-Que esta “nueva constitución” debe ser aprobada por 2/3 de los mismos monigotes de siempre. Puede quedar en nada un proceso tediosamente largo, que si nos quedamos quietos, permitirá que Piñera cumpla su período libre de polvo y paja, y pueda huir del ajusticiamiento que merece por ser el peor y más nefasto presidente electo en la historia de Chile.
-NO SE HA SOLUCIONADO NADA. Las pensiones siguen siendo miserables, la salud sigue estando por el piso, los recolectores de basura no tienen derechos básicos que considerábamos garantizados desde hace por lo menos medio siglo para cada trabajador, el metro sigue siendo uno de los más caros de la región, el agua el cobre y el litio siguen sin ser de la nación, el sueldo mínimo sigue sin alcanzar para nada, los estudiantes siguen endeudados hasta el cogote, el costo de vida sigue siendo uno de los más mula, los ricos y poderosos siguen zafando de sus condenas por fraudes multimillonarios y pagando menos impuesto (o ya de romperaja evadiendo) que una pyme o un emprendedor (proporcionalmente), que el profesor que se saltó un torniquete SIGUE PRESO, Mañalich Cubillos y Hutt siguen siendo ministros, se sigue oprimiendo al pueblo mapuche sistemáticamente en el sur, se siguen dejando a comunidades sin agua, que hay desaparecidos que aun no se encuentran, que seguimos pagándole sueldos vitalicios a los putos forros presidentes anteriores, y podría seguir. 
Gente, es un primer paso cambiar la Constitución. Por favor léanla, estúdienla, formen parte de juntas de trabajo en conjunto para cambiarla, pero esta batalla está lejos de ser ganada y por ende, lejos de terminar. A NO BAJAR LOS BRAZOS CHICOS, ESTO ES UNA MOVIDA PA GANARLE TIEMPO A PIÑERA Y CÍA. Seguir movilizándonos hasta que la dignidad se haga costumbre.
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thelittle-redhead · 5 years ago
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Plaza de la Dignidad.
22 de noviembre, 2019.
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corrupcionenpr · 4 months ago
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Exacto, nadie quiere hablar de todo el desmadre que ha ocurrido en las elecciones en Puerto Rico
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unusual-disaster · 5 years ago
15 Noviembre 2019
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justanother-lesbo · 5 years ago
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Generalmente no hablo de política, pero el caos que sucede actualmente en mi país empezó hace 30 años en la dictadura. Hoy, el presidente Sebastián Piñera nos está devolviendo al pasado con los militares y carabineros en la calle, destrozando todo a su paso, contra los pacíficos y los no tanto. Han atacado casas, han hecho montajes para causar pánico y han dañado la integridad de todo el pueblo. El Jefe de Estado cree que el único problema es el alza del pasaje del metro, pero las pensiones, la salud, la educación, entre muchos otros temas, no han ni rozado sus discursos. Estamos esperando el cambio, no dejaremos de luchar, no nos sacarán de las calles ni nos quitarán nuestras ollas o nuestras voces. Y por los que ya no tienen, seguiremos en pie.
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frnletorres · 5 years ago
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love-is-pain-l · 5 years ago
Estoy cansada física y mentalmente pero no me arrepiento de nada. El cambio se hace en la calle.
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kuchenackerman · 5 years ago
?? Where do you live why is there so much rioting
I live in Chile and this post perfectly explains what’s going on. 
In summary, we’ve been abused by the government and the very few rich people for decades even after the dictatorship ended, but a big mass of common people finally woke up and started rioting and showing their rage against the machine
Ever since this situation exploded, the police and military force have been oppressing us, hitting us, shooting us, running people over with their cars and they just don’t give a fuck. The brutality of the ones that hold the guns against common people is infuriating. I’m afraid the supposed democracy of this country got kicked out the window on Friday. Plus, the police is starting fires in some supermarkets and buses, for example, so the news keep on only blaming protesters for it and they’ve only centered on the violence/disorders rather than the VALID REASONS we’re all mad about.
Like, idk how to explain all of this without making a mess out of it…? It already is a big ass mess. All I gotta say is that I’m happy everyone is rebelling against this abusive system and I hope things actually end up changing. We can’t keep on allowing them to make us get back to the submissive life while they fuck us constantly in every way possible, with every damn thing: transportation, water, highways, health, mining, nature, sacrifice zones, education, general cost of living, prices, collusion between companies, and a long etcetera. Politicians are also the biggest thieves and they never fucking go to jail or anything, only the poor people does.
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