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Eesti Ekspress avaldab toorest propagandat
Ei Venemaal ega Ukrainal ei ole oma militaarset sideäppi.
Ukraina sõjas on mõlemal poolel rindel sadu tuhandeid sõdureid.
Poleks mõeldav, et kõik, kellel vaja, endale spetsiaalsed sidepidamise telefonid või raadiosaatjad saaksid.
Mõlemad pooled kasutavad neid vahendeid, mida nad saavad ja mida on mugav kasutada.
Nii Ukraina kui Venemaa sõjaväelased kasutavad Telegrami sideäppi.
Venemaa sõjaväelased kasutavad seda alates 2022. aastast, kui algas Ukraina sõda.
Ukraina võitlejad kasutasid seda juba aastast 2014, kui algas kodusõda, ja nende vastased - separatistid - samuti.
2024. aastal teatas Telegram, et sulges suure hulga kontosid, mida kasutati Ukraina sõjas tulejuhtimisel sihtmärkide koordinaatide edastamisel.
Mida aga kirjutab Eesti Ekspress?
Sellist propagandat pole mõtet lõpuni läbi lugedagi.
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Rute Terpanjang di Indonesia, PT KAI Luncurkan Kereta Blambangan Ekspress Kelas Ekonomi
JAKARTA | INTIJATIM.ID – PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) telah resmi menobatkan Kereta Api (KA) Blambangan Ekspres sebagai kereta dengan rute terpanjang di Indonesia. Hal ini diungkapkan Vice President Public Relations KAI, Anne Purba, bahwa KA Blambangan Ekspres memiliki jarak tempuh mencapai 1.031 kilometer, melebihi rute KA Pandalungan yang sebelumnya memegang rekor dengan 919 kilometer pada…
#berita jakarta#Kelas Ekonomi#Kereta Api#Kereta Blambangan Ekspress#PT KAI#Rute Terpanjang di Indonesia
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Finally fucking found a nice pair of french genderneutral pronouns I can use AND how to at minimum say I'm Danish without misgendering myself. BOOYA!
#do I completely understand the intricacies of using pronouns in French? No#I will try though#and I found a great guide to making adjectives genderneutral#which... I am not one hundred percent sure how to pronounce the genderneutral ekspressions in the guide#but like steps and shit
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Mak Ngah Sedarah Seks Gersang
Kisah yang ingin aku ceritakan ini berlaku di kampung aku di selatan tanah air.
Sudah menjadi lumrah kebiasaannya kenduri kahwin kerap diadakan di waktu cuti sekolah. Mungkin jugak mudah mendapatkan pertolongan jiran-jiran dan sanak-saudara dalam urusan persediaan majlis. Masa itu aku sedang bercuti panjang menunggu keputusan SPM dan aku pulang lebih awal seminggu ke kampung berbanding dengan Ibu,Bapak dan adik-beradik aku yang lain.Alasan aku sebab ramai sepupu dan sedara di kampung hendak aku temui dan boleh bantu lebih lama sikit untuk urusan majlis nanti. Ibu dan Bapak aku tidak membantah dan mereka menghantar aku ke Hentian Puduraya,Kuala Lumpur sebelum menghubungi orang kampung untuk menjemput aku di stesen destinasi aku nanti.
Sepanjang perjalanan aku cuba mengingati satu-persatu saudara-mara aku yang akan aku temui nanti. Ada yang sudah bekerja dan ada yang masih bersekolah. Tidak kurang jugak yang sudah berkahwin serta mempunyai anak. Akhirnya aku terlelap sendiri sehinggalah bas ekspress yang aku naiki memasuki kawasan perhentian,aku mula terjaga. Penumpang sederhanalah ramainya dalam bas itu dan ada jugak beberapa kerusi yang kosong. Mungkin ramai orang sudah mampu memiliki kereta sekarang ini, fikir aku.Dalam pada itu mata aku mencari-cari siapakah saudara aku yang akan menjemput aku nanti. Tiba-tiba satu suara di tepi tingkap mengejutkan aku.
“Hey Amin,Mak Ngah kat sini lah…!!!”Mak Ngah aku berkata.
Kelihatan Mak Ngah aku melambai-lambai dan tersenyum lebar sambil berdiri di kaki lima perhentian. Wajah Mak Ngah ni sekali tengok macam Ziela Jalil pun ada, putih berisi dan seksi.
“Okey,tunggu kejap ha…!!!Nanti Amin turun…!!!” kata aku sambil mengangkat tangan.
Kelihatan Mak Ngah aku sungguh anggun sekali dengan baju kebaya ketatnya menonjolkan kedua-dua teteknya yang montok dan mantap. Kain batik sarungnya jugak menampakkan potongan bontot tonggeknya yang mengiurkan. Mak Ngah aku memang pandai menjaga badan,walaupun sudah beranak 4 orang tapi dengan umurnya 38 tahun tidak padan dengan wajah manis dan tubuh montoknya itu.Aku bangga sekali dapat berjalan seiringan dengannya masa menuju ke kereta. Ramai mata-mata nakal mencuri lihat bontot tonggek dan kedua-dua Mak Ngah aku yang seksi itu. Rasa macam berjalan dengan artis popular pulak rasanya.
Aku menginap di rumah Mak Ngah dan anak lelakinya yang paling sulung 12 tahun memang sudah biasa dengan aku, anak-anaknya yang lain perempuan berumur 10, 7 dan 4 tahun. Aku memang berharap dapat menginap di sini sebab aku suka pandang Mak Ngah aku yang seksi ni. Dia suka berkemban masa nak mandi dan yang paling aku suka bila dia pakai kain batik dengan t-shirt nipis masa di rumah. Geramnya aku bila bontot tonggeknya memantul-mantul semasa bergerak di dalam rumah.
“Pak Ngah ko minggu ni dia kerja malam,besok lah kalau kau nak jumpa dia…!!!” Mak Ngah aku tu berkata kepada aku sewaktu aku sedang duduk-duduk di dapur bersembang selepas makan.
“Hah…Apa khabar Pak Ngah sekarang ni,Mak Ngah…??? Sihat ker dia…???” tanya aku pulak.
Aku memang ramah dengan semua saudara-mara aku dan ringan tulang. Itu yang menyebabkan semua orang tak kesah ambil aku menginap di rumah dia orang.
“Entahlah,dulu doktor kata Pak Ngah ada darah tinggi,sekarang ni sudah ada kencing manis peringkat awal…!!!” kata Mak Ngah aku tu kepada aku. Suaranya macam kesal saja.
“Kenalah jaga-jaga makan dan minum dia dengan sangat baik, Mak Ngah…!!!Ubat pun tak boleh putus,Mak Ngah…!!!” nasihat aku.
“Ye la, Amin…!!!Itu aje la yang Mak Ngah buat sekarang tapi, Pak Ngah ko tu sendiri main balun jer mana yang terjumpa…!!! Nasib baiklah makan ubat tak ngelat, kalu tak entah le…!!!” rendah aje suara Mak Ngah. Sambil itu Mak Ngah membelakangkan aku di sinki membasuh pinggan-mangkuk.
Sewaktu menonyoh kuali dan periuk, bontot tonggeknya terus bergegar-gegar macam nak terkeluar bijik mata aku merenung. Lampu dapur berwarna kuning kelam-kelam dapat jugak aku mencuri-curi pandang ke arah alur di kedua-dua teteknya yang tegang dan gebu. Batang kote aku sudah lama keras kat bawah meja, itu sebab aku malas nak bangun pergi depan.Buat-buat duduk dan bersembang sajalah. Biasalah orang kampung suka bersembang tanya dan korek macam-macam hal keluarga sebelah sana dan sini.
“Tapi ubat-ubat ni semua ada jugak kesan sampingannya bila sudah makan…!!! Kadang-kadang cepat mengantuk dan selera pun kurang…!!!” Mak Ngah aku tu berkata kepada aku.
“Ooo…!!!” aku membalas kepada Mak Ngah aku tu. Aku tak berapa faham bab selera tu, yang aku tahu selera makan aje.
“Mak Ngah ni kira hebat la jugak,kan…!!!” aku cuba mendapatkan penjelasan.
“Hebat…??? Hebat apa pulaknya…???” tanya Mak Ngah kepada aku.
“Ye la, walaupun sudah beranak 4 orang, kesihatan Mak Ngah masih tip top…!! Body pun…!!!” aku membalas kepada Mak Ngah aku tu sambil aku tersengeh. Dalam hati nak saja cakap yang sebenarnya tapi tengok anginnya dulu lah.
“Alahai… Kalau kita ajer yang jaga tapi si lelaki lembik aje, tak guna jugak, Amin…!!! Kamu besok sudah kawin kena la jaga kesihatan tu terutamanya bab tenaga lelaki…!!!” kata Mak Ngah aku tu kepada aku sambil matanya menjeling ke depan takut anak-anaknya dengar.
“Ish… Itu dan sememang mestinya la, Mak Ngah…!!! Saya pun selalu jugak baca dalam majalah tentang hal seksologi orang kelamin ni, Mak Ngah…!!! Macam-macam petua dan bimbingan yang ada, Mak Ngah…!!!” kata aku kepada Mak Ngah aku tu mempertahankan kelelakian.
“Ye la, semua orang ada kekurangannya tapi bab ni Mak Ngah kira perlu la dijaga dengan betul supaya tak menyeksa orang lain…!!!” jawabnya ringkas dan penuh makna.
“Jadi selama ni Mak Ngah terseksa ker…???” tanya aku cuba memancing.
“Ish… ko ni, tak payah tahu la…!!! Itu semua cerita hal orang tua-tua…!!! Sudahlah, pergi la ke depan… Mak Ngah nak kemas meja ni pulak…!!!” Mak Ngah berkata kepada aku.
Aku serba-salah jadinya,tapi terpaksalah jugak bangun.Batang kote aku masih teguh berdiri di sebalik kain pelikat aku. Mata Mak Ngah aku tu terus tertumpu pada kain pelikat aku yang menonjol sewaktu aku bangun dari kerusi. Dia tersenyum saja sambil menyindir.
“Aiii… mana la arah nak tuju tu…!!! Kahwin la cepat…!!!” Mak Ngah aku tu berkata kepada aku. Aku tersipu-sipu malu sambil menepuk lengannya.
“Ni karang ada yang kena peluk ni karang…!!!” ugut aku sambil bergurau.
“Alahai Amin…!!! Takat ko tu boleh makan ker dengan Mak Ngah ni…!!!” Mak Ngah aku kemudiannya berkata lagi kepada aku. Mak Ngah aku tu badannya agak gempal sikit tapi pinggang ramping macam biola.
“Itu tak penting, asalkan barang ni hidup dan keras…!!!” aku kemudiannya membalas kepada Mak Ngah aku tu sambil memegang batang kote aku di luar kain pelikat aku. Mak Ngah aku tu masih buat endah tak endah saja. Entah suka ker atau marah ker bila aku pegang batang kote aku di depannya.
“Udah la tu, Pak Ngah ko pun tengok Mak Ngah sebelah mata aje sekarang ni… maklumlah dah tua, season pulak tu…!!!” kata Mak Ngah aku tu merendah diri.
“Ish, saya tengok okey aje…!!! Bontot tonggek dan cantik, kedua-dua tetek pun montok…!!!” aku berkata kepada Mak Ngah aku tu. Tanpa sedar aku menepuk bontot tonggeknya, bergoyang bontot tonggeknya di sebalik kain batiknya.
“Hish… ko ni Amin…!!! Ada-ada aje nak memuji la…!!! Mak Ngah tak makan dek puji pun…!!!” Mak Ngah aku tu berkata kepada aku masih merendah diri, sambil terus mengelap meja makan dan sengaja menggerak-gerakkan sambil berbongkok. Punyalah ghairah aku masa tu, macam nak gigit-gigit bontot tonggeknya. Mata aku sempat mencuri pandang di sebelah atas baju t-shirt Mak Ngah aku tu tapi tak berapa nampak sebab leher bajunya tinggi juga. Nafas aku naik turun menahan gelora.
“Yang ko tercegat berdiri kat sini ni apa hal…??? Dah tak tahan sudah ker…??? Tu karang abis la tilam kat bilik tu kang dengan air mani ko macam tahun lepas…!!! Eh… ko ni kuat buat sendiri ker, Amin…???” Mak Ngah aku tu kemudiannya berkata dan bertanya kepada aku. Aku serba-salah dibuatnya. Memang masa tahun lepas aku menginap di sini berkole jugaklah air mani aku tumpah kat tilam, pendam geram punya pasal.
“Apa la Mak Ngah ni, Amin mimpi la…!!!” aku cuba beri alasan yang logik sikit.
“Alahai anak buah aku yang sorang ni, rasa dalam mimpi aje la…!!!” sindir Mak Ngah.
“Abis tu, bak kata Mak Ngah tadi, belum ada arah tujunya, terpaksalah…!!!” aku matikan jawapan tu takut Mak Ngah aku tu faham sambil terus ke ruang depan. Lagi lama aku berbual kat dapur lagi meledak rasa geram aku.
Malam itu aku saja buat-buat malas melayan adik sepupu aku dan aku kata aku nak berehat di bilik supaya mereka cepat masuk tidur. Kira-kira jam 10:30 malam masing-masing sudah mula beransur-ansur masuk ke bilik tidur dan yang terakhirnya yang sulung tidur sebilik dengan aku di katil atas. Kira-kira setengah jam lepas tu aku sudah boleh dengar nafas yang kuat dari adik sepupu aku tandanya dia sudah lena. Fikiran aku masih melayang-layang mengenangkan tubuh montok Mak Ngah aku tu sambil berangan-angan dapat main seks dengannya. Semuanya hanyalah igauan kecuali aku cuba sesuatu yang lebih drastik sikit. Tiba-tiba pintu kamar aku dibukak. Rupa-rupanya Mak Ngah aku tu masuk mencari kain selimut dalam almari di bilik aku. Aku pura-pura berdehem.
“Eh… belum tidur lagi kau, Amin…??? Ni hah… Mak Ngah nak ambil kain selimut si kecil tu kat atas almari ni, yang semalam tu sudah kena kencing…!!! Mari la sini tolong kejap, tak sampai la…!!! Ko tu panjang sikit…!!!” kata Mak Ngah aku tu. Aku pun perlahan bangun dan menghulurkan tangan ke atas almari.
“Yang merah ker yang biru, Mak Ngah…???” tanya aku pulak sambil kedua-dua tangan meraba di atas rak di atas sekali dalam almari. Tak semena-mena kain pelikat yang aku pakai terburai ke lantai, sebab masa aku menggentel-gentel batang kote aku tadi ikatannya jadi longgar. Maka terpampanglah batang kote ku yang sederhana keras dan kepalanya yang licin macam ikan keli.
“Hehe… Amin, kain ko la…!!!” kata Mak Ngah aku tu tapi matanya tak lepas merenung batang kote aku yang tercacak. Dalam pada itu aku saja biarkan insiden itu lama sikit, buat-buat terpaniklah.
“Hehe…!!! Sorry la Mak Ngah, tak perasan pulak kain melorot…!!!” kata aku kepada Mak Ngah aku tu. Nampak Mak Ngah masih diam terpaku saja. Perlahan-lahan aku merapatinya dan memegang kedua-dua bahunya. Bila aku cuba mengucup tengkoknya, tiba-tiba dia macam tersedar.
“Hish… ko ni Amin, ada-ada aje la…!!! Jangan main-main, kang Mak Ngah karate ko…!!!” Mak Ngah aku tu kemudiannya berkata kepada aku. Namun senyuman terukir di bibirnya semacam termalu dan terus keluar menuju ke biliknya semula.
“Ini macam sudah ada respon la ni…!!!” fikir aku.
Aku kemudinnya mengikuti Mak Ngah aku tu keluar pintu sambil membawa selimut yang dimintanya tadi. Sampai saja di biliknya, aku lihat biliknya kemas dan harum semerbak bau wangian pewangi dari meja soleknya. Dia menolehkan kepalanya ke belakang melihat aku mengikutinya ke bilik dan terus berbaring di atas katil.
“Ni hah…selimutnya yang Mak Ngah nak tadi, saya nak hantar kan…!!!” aku berkata kepada Mak Ngah aku tu. Aku kemudiannya terus menghulurkan pada Mak Ngah aku tu.
“Seronoknya jadi Pak ngah, boleh tidur dengan Mak Ngah kat atas katil empuk ni kan…!!!” kata aku lagi kepada Mak Ngah aku tu dengan perlahan.
“Amin nak tidur dengan Mak Ngah ker malam ni…???” pertanyaan bonus buat aku daripada Mak Ngah aku tu.
“Boleh ker, Mak Ngah…???” tanya aku untuk mendapatkan kepastian.
“Jom la, tapi jangan nakal-nakal sangat tau…!!!” jawab Mak Ngah aku tu. Bagaikan kucing diberi ikan terus saja aku baring di sebelah Mak Ngah aku tu secara mengereng.
“Apa yang Amin geramkan sangat tu kat Mak Ngah ni…???” tanyanya dengan manja.Aku malas nak menjawab dan terus menyondol lehernya dan tangan aku pulak melurut naik dari perut ke kedua-dua tetek Mak Ngah aku tu.
“Emm…Ehh…Hee…nakal la Amin ni…!!!” keluh Mak Ngah aku tu menahan geli rasanya.Tiada coli yang menutup kedua-dua tetek Mak Ngah aku tu memudahkan tangan aku merasa putingnya yang sudah tegang di sebalik t-shirt nipisnya.
“Wanginya Mak Ngah ni,gebu pulak tu…Emm…!!!” aku memujinya menyebabkan mata Mak Ngah aku tu mulai kuyu.Perlahan-lahan bibir aku mencari bibir Mak Ngah aku tu.Kelihatan bibirnya yang separuh terbukak seolah-olah tidak membantah kehadiran bibir nakal aku.Nafas kami sudah mula naik disebabkan gelora yang mendebar di dalam.Batang kote aku mencucuk-cucuk di sisi peha Mak Ngah aku tu.Dalam pada itu tiba-tiba Mak Ngah menolak aku dengan perlahan.
“Amin betul-betul nak main seks dengan Mak Ngah ker malam ni,Sayang…???”tanya Mak Ngah aku tu lagi.Aku anggukkan kepala.
“Hee…Kalau ye pun kunci la dulu pintu tu,nanti si kenit tu mengigau nanti masuk dalam ni pulak,Sayang…!!!”ujar Mak Ngah aku tu.Dalam hati aku sudah seratus peratus yakin bahawa malam ini aku akan dapat mencapai impian aku selama ini.
Aku pun kemudiannya terus bangkit menuju ke arah pintu kamar dan menutupnya dengan perlahan-lahan supaya tidak mengeluarkan bunyi.Setelah pasti pintu itu terkunci betul,aku datang semula ke arah katil dan mendepangkan tangan aku di kedua-dua sisi tubuhnya sambil merenung seluruh tubuh Mak Ngah aku tu sambil menggeleng-gelengkan kepala macam tak percaya.
“Kenapa tengok macam tu pulak tu, Sayang…???” tanya Mak Ngah aku tu kepada aku.
“Macam tak percaya la malam ni Amin dapat tidur dengan Mak Ngah…!!!” jawab aku.
“Sudah la tu Amin, malu la Mak Ngah Amin tengok macam tu…!!!” kemudiannya Mak Ngah aku tu berkata kepada aku sambil terus memaut pinggang aku dan menarik ke atas tubuhnya.
Lembut dan empoknya aku rasakan tubuh Mak Ngah aku tu bila aku dapat menindihnya. Batang kote aku berdenyut-denyut di atas tundun lubang cipap Mak Ngah aku tu seperti terkena karen letrik. Tangan Mak Ngah aku tu kemudiannya menggosok-gosok di belakang aku sambil mengerang-ngerang keghairahan. Tangan aku pun tidak duduk diam, mencakar-cakar di tepi pinggul dan sesekali meramas kuat bontot tonggek idaman aku itu sambil bibir aku mengucup-ngucup di kesemua arah di sekitar muka,leher dan dadanya.Kemudian aku pun menarik t-shirtnya ke atas dengan kuat bagi melihat lebih jelas kedua-dua tetek montoknya.Fulamak…terselah kedua-dua tetek gersang Mak Ngah aku tu.Putingnya agak besar dan tersembul keras.Aku bagaikan bayi yang menyusu terus menyonyot puting besar itu dengan gelojoh.Aku terdengar-dengar suara aku dipanggil-panggil oleh Mak Ngah aku tu diiringi ngerangan,mungkin menahan kesedapan tapi aku bagai sudah tidak boleh kawal lagi,dari celah alur ke puncak putingnya aku gomol-gomol dengan bibir aku.Terangkat-angkat dada Mak Ngah aku tu sewaktu menahan kesedapan sambil mengeliut-geliut.Aku kena memastikan nafas aku tidak terhenti bila hidung aku jugak turut tertutup semasa menyondol kedua-dua tetek Mak Ngah aku tu.Sesekali aku mengerengkan hidung aku ke kiri atau ke kanan bagi mengambil udara.
“Amin… Eehh… Eeehhh… Sedapnya…!!! Egh…!!!” keluh Mak Ngah aku tu menahan kesedapan.
Kepalanya menggeleng-geleng kiri dan kanan dibuai keghairahan yang teramat enak. Kain alas katil sudah kusut tak tentu hala kerana menahan dua tubuh yang bergumpal ganas di atasnya. Sampai satu ketika aku pun mengangkat muka untuk melihat raut wajah Mak Ngah aku tu yang asyik dalam keghairahan.
“Amin ni boleh tahan jugak la…!!! Lemas Mak Ngah dibuatnya, Sayang…!!!” keluh Mak Ngah aku tu. Aku kira sudah sampai masa untuk menyelak kain Mak Ngah aku tu dan memasukkan batang kote aku.
Kemudian aku mengangkat badan aku dan melutut di celah kangkang Mak Ngah aku tu. Kemudiannya aku pun terus menyelak kain batiknya ke atas serta menarik kain pelikat aku sendiri ke atas kepala dan melemparnya ke bawah. Memang Mak Ngah aku tu tidak memakai seluar dalam sebagai mana aku duga.Warna lubang cipapnya yang kemerah-merahan dan tembam pulak tu menaikkan keinginan nafsu seks aku lagi. Mak Ngah aku tu kemudiannya terus membukak kangkangnya dengan lebih lebar lagi atas sebab apa yang aku pun belum faham. Aku letakkan tangan aku di atas lubang cipapnya dan melurut jari hantu aku di tengah-tengah alur merekahnya. Terasa basah dan berlendir di situ menandakan Mak Ngah aku tu sudah terangsang kuat,fikir aku. Lama jugak aku membelek dan melurut di situ sehinggakan Mak Ngah aku tu menegur aku.
“Sudah la tu, Amin…!!! Apa tengok lama-lama sangat kat situ, malu la…!!! Mari la naik balik atas Mak Ngah ni…!!!” Mak Ngah aku tu menegur aku.
Tangannya dihulurkan ke arah aku menantikan kedatangan aku untuk memuaskan keinginan nafsu seksnya yang telah lama diabaikan oleh Pak Ngah. Aku masih ragu-ragu samada aku boleh meneruskan kerja gila ini, tapi alang-alang sudah basah begini biarlah terus bermandi.
Aku mula mencepak ke atas tubuhnya sambil menjeling ke arah batang kote aku supaya benar-benar berada di sasaran.Mata kami saling merenung seolah-olah masih ragu-ragu. Mak Ngah aku tu menganggukkan kepalanya dengan perlahan seolah-olah faham apa yang bermain di kepala aku pada masa itu. Perlahan-lahan aku menindih tubuh Mak Ngah aku tu sambil batang kote aku turut meluncur masuk ke dalam liang lubang cipap hangat Mak Ngah aku tu buat kali pertamanya. Kedudukan kaki Mak Ngah aku tu yang terkangkang dan tundunnya yang sedikit terangkat memudahkan lagi batang kote aku masuk tanpa halangan. Tak dapat aku bayangkan betapa sedapnya batang kote aku bergeser di dalam lubang cipap Mak Ngah aku tu, sehingga habis ke pangkal aku menekan batang kote aku dan terdiam di situ.
“Maaf ye Mak Ngah, Amin dah buat salah pada Mak Ngah malam ni…!!!” bisik aku di telinganya.
“Takpe la Sayang, Mak Ngah pun salah jugak sebab biarkan Amin buat begini…!!! Lagipun Mak Ngah pun dah lama tak dapat main seks dengan penuh bernafsu…!!! Rasanya kali ini Mak Ngah akan dapat rasa sebagaimana yang Mak Ngah dapat masa awal-awal kahwin dulu, Sayang…!!! Buat la apa yang Amin suka asalkan Amin puas dan Mak Ngah jugak puas, Sayang…!!!” tanpa rasa kesal Mak Ngah aku tu menjawab lembut sambil menarik tubuh aku dengan lebih rapat lagi.
“Aaahhhggghhh… Amiin…!!! Sayanggg…!!!” terus dengan itu Mak Ngah aku sudah menutupkan matanya dan merelakan segalanya untuk aku.
Terasa denyutan kuat dari dalam lubang cipap Mak Ngah aku tu membalas tekanan batang kote aku. Aku mula menyorong-tarik batang kote aku sambil menjeling sesekali ke bawah nak melihat bagaimana rupa lubang cipap Mak Ngah aku tu masa batang kote aku keluar-masuk di dalamnya. Tubuh Mak Ngah aku tu terangkat-angkat setiap kali aku menujah masuk batang kote aku ke dalam lubang cipapnya dengan kuat. Bau aroma tubuh Mak Ngah aku tu menguatkan lagi keinginan nafsu seks aku untuk menyetubuhinya dengan lebih ghairah. Sesekali Mak Ngah aku tu mengetapkan giginya menahan kesedapan. Aku cuba menggomol kedua-dua teteknya masa itu dengan bibir tapi tak berapa sampai sebab dalam keadaan begini kedudukan kedua-dua tetek Mak Ngah aku tu sudah ke bawah dari dada aku. Mak Ngah aku tu pun tinggi kurang sikit dari aku,tapi aku berasa sangat seronok bila melihat kedua-dua tetek Mak Ngah aku tu beralun-alun tak tentu hala bila tubuhnya bergoyang semasa acara sorong-tarik ini berlaku. Kain batik Mak Ngah aku tu sengaja tak ditarik keluar sebab nak elakkan air kami melimpah ke atas tilam nanti, tapi itu sebenarnya lebih menambahkan keghairahan nafsu seks aku bila melihat wanita yang separuh terbogel dengan kain batik terselak ke atas sewaktu aku menyetubuhinya.Sebab pengalaman aku tidaklah sehebat Mak Ngah aku tu, hanya berpandukan VCD lucah yang pernah aku tonton sebelum ini, aku masih mengubah posisi permainan, lagipun masing-masing sudah rasa cukup sedap dan selesa dengan keadaan posisi begini. Mak Ngah aku tu tidaklah mengeluarkan suara yang kuat dan sesekali sahaja mengeluh kerana takut suara itu mengejutkan anak-anaknya di bilik lain.Aku pun tak mahu perkara ini diketahui oleh adik-adik sepupu aku yang lain. Tiba-tiba Mak Ngah aku tu memeluk aku dengan kuat dan aku hampir tak dapat bergerak, agaknya ini yang dikatakan klimaks bagi wanita, fikir aku. Hampir leper kepala aku di tekapnya di sebelah kepalanya. Pinggulnya ditolaknya kuat ke atas sambil menderam dalam.
“Emm… Amin…!!! Amin…!!! Mak Ngah dapat.. Aaahhh…!!!” bunyi suara Mak Ngah aku tu menderam dalam.
Terasa kemutan pada batang kote aku jugak amat kuat, macam mesin tebu waktu nak mengeluarkan airnya.Aku tak pernah terfikir masa biasa tadi taklah ketat sangat tapi masa klimaks Mak Ngah aku tu boleh menguncupkan liang lubang cipapnya dengan begitu ketat dan kuat. Disebabkan kemutan yang kuat ini aku pun rasa sama-sama keluar jugak. Tak sempat aku tahan lagi, berdenyut-denyut batang kote aku sewaktu melepaskan lahar putihnya. Jauh lebih sedap jika dibandingkan masa aku melancap. Mak Ngah aku tu hampir terjerit bila terasa air mani aku memancut di dalam lubang cipapnya dan rahimnya serentak dengan air maninya jugak,tak sempat untuk aku mengeluarkan batang kote aku lagi disebabkan pelukkan macam ahli gusti di tengkok aku.Cuma pengadilnya saja yang tak ada untuk kira ‘One…Two…Three…!!!’,kata aku. Akhirnya perlahan-lahan pelukan Mak Ngah aku tu mula kendur dan pinggulnya mula turun balik seperti biasa.
“Aaahhh… sedapnya Amin…!!! Dah lama Mak Ngah tak dapat rasa macam tu tadi, Sayang…!!!” kata Mak Ngah aku tu kepada aku sambil tersenyum kecil di tepi bibirnya mengambarkan yang dia puas.
“Takpe ker Amin terpancut kat dalam tadi, Mak Ngah…???” tanya aku kepada Mak Ngah aku tu,risau.
“Apa nak dirisaukan Amin, Mak Ngah ada pakai alat cegah hamil kat dalam la…!!!” jawab Mak Ngah aku tu kepada aku. Lega rasanya bila Mak Ngah aku tu berkata macam tu. Aku masih belum beranjak dari atas tubuh Mak Ngah aku tu, cuma mengangkat kepala sahaja,merenung wajah ayu Mak Ngah aku tu.
“Mak Ngah ni ayu la…!!!” kata aku kepada Mak Ngah aku tu,memuji. Mak Ngah aku tu hanya tersenyum sahaja sambil membalas kucupan manja aku di bibir lembutnya. Malam itu aku terus menggomol Mak Ngah aku tu dan main lagi sekali sehingga ke pukul 4:00 pagi dan aku pun minta diri untuk pulang ke bilik sebelum anak-anaknya yang lain bangun pagi esok. Tak dapat aku gambarkan bagaimana cerianya wajah Mak Ngah aku tu pada keesokkan harinya menyediakan sarapan dan sesekali menjeling manis ke arah aku seolah-olah mengucapkan terima kasih kepada aku yang membantu menyiram tanah kebunnya yang sudah lama gersang selama ini. Aku bagai memberi isyarat balas,sama-sama daun keladi, bila boleh dapat lagi..
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"Рускеальский экспресс" это регулярный пассажирский ретропоезд курсирующий ежедневно на паровозной тяге. Последний регулярный пассажирский поезд на паровозной тяге курсировал в конце 70-х годов XX века. "Рускеальский экспресс" состоит из семи вагонов включая вагон-ресторан. В первый рейс поезд отправился 1 июня 2019 года. Больше 50 тысяч туристов побывали в вагонах Рускеальского экспресса за первый же год работы.
Поезд «Рускеальский экспресс» связал берег Ладожского озера и рускеальское месторождение, а внутреннее убранство поезда оформлено в стилистике Николаевского экспресса, так распространенной на рубеже XIX–XX веков. Светильники, отделка, обои и мебель воссоздают атмосферу тех вагонов, пассажирами которых были последний российский император и его семья. В купе – большой стол и удобные диванчики с пуфиками, проводники одеты в стилизованную под старину форму. Особенностью поезда служит оригинальное фотокупе, где оборудована специальная система для моментального фотоснимка.
Кстати, современная железная дорога от платформы Сортавала до горного парка «Рускеала» полностью повторяет маршрут, по которому 200 лет назад везли к берегу Ладожского озера рускеальский мрамор для Исаакиевского собора.
"Ruskeala Express" is a regular retro passenger train running daily on a steam locomotive. The last regular passenger train on a steam locomotive ran in the late 70s of the 20th century. "Ruskeala Express" consists of seven cars including a restaurant car. The train departed on its maiden voyage on June 1, 2019. More than 50 thousand tourists visited the cars of the Ruskeala Express during the first year of operation.
The train "Ruskeala Express" connected the shore of Lake Ladoga and the Ruskeala deposit, and the interior of the train is decorated in the style of the Nikolaevsky Express, so common at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Lamps, decoration, wallpaper and furniture recreate the atmosphere of those cars, the passengers of which were the last Russian emperor and his family. In the compartment there is a large table and comfortable sofas with ottomans, the conductors are dressed in a stylized antique uniform. The train's special feature is its original photo compartment, which is equipped with a special system for instant photography.
By the way, the modern railway from the Sortavala platform to the Ruskeala Mountain Park completely repeats the route along which Ruskeala marble for St. Isaac's Cathedral was transported to the shore of Lake Ladoga 200 years ago.
Источник://t.me/krasota_zemli, //pikabu.ru/tag/Рускеальский% 20 экспресс/h, //naparovoze.ru/zima-ruskeala-iz-spb, //35photo.pro/ tags/Рускеала/, /35photo.pro/photo_7531702/#author/7531702, //vk.com/ruskealexpress?to=L3J1c2tlYWxleHByZXNzPw, //www. sputnik8.com/ru/st-petersburg/sights/ruskealskiy-ekspress /info.
#nature#nature aesthetic#Russia#Karelia#landscape photography#winter#snow#forest#retro train#Ruskeala Express#locomotive#rails#New Year's decor#interior design#tourism#природа#Россия#Карелия#Пейзаж#лес#зима#снег#поезд#рельсы#ретропоезд#Рускеальский экспресс#паровоз#новогодний декор#интерьер
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Disco Elysium creative team VS Studio ZA/UM: the complete(?) timeline (updated on March 24th)
Recent news confused a lot of people, including me, so I made a timeline of events to understand the situation better! If you have any corrections, more info and sources feel free to reach out to me or add to this post!
Important parts are highlighted in orange, names and organizations to keep in mind are in italics, the newest corrections and updates are highlighted in green, other information elaborating on the situation is in (brackets).
October 1st, 2022. Martin Luiga puts out a Medium post announcing the dissolution of ZA/UM cultural association and confirming that Kurvitz, Hindpere, Rostov no longer work at ZA/UM studio "since the end of last year and their leaving the company was involuntary."
October 3rd 2022. Kotaku published an article, claiming "the studio hasn’t been transparent about what exactly happened with staff either." According to "two sources familiar with the situation, the studio’s internal announcement of Kurvitz’s departure late last year [2021] also contained a threat of possible legal action against him. Any split would have been made messier by Kurvitz and Rostov being shareholders in the studio, the sources said. It’s also clear ZA/UM has gone out of its way to try and keep the situation quiet. Kotaku reached out for an interview with Kurvitz in February [2022]. The studio declined on his behalf, but provided no indication the developer had already left the company." Kotaku also mentions a tweet from Martin Luiga announcing the dissolution of ZA/UM cultural association. One of Martin's tweets (further elaborating on the dissolution) was quote tweeted by user nob69691 with caption "the suits have killed disco", to which he responded with pictures of the game’s executive producers, Tõnis Haavel and Kaur Kender.
October 25th, 2022. Kotaku Australia reports Kurvitz’s company, Telomer, has filed an application against Studio ZA/UM to "obtain information and review documents." Court date is listed as November 28th, 2022.
Kotaku also reached out to Martin Luiga for a comment; when asked if the case’s purpose was to regain control of the Elysium IP, he responded, “What else could it possibly be?”
November 9th, 2022. Studio ZA/UM puts out a statement detailing the dismissed employees (unnamed) "had limited to no engagement in their responsibilities and work, created a toxic work environment, demonstrated misconduct towards other employees including verbal abuse and gender discrimination, and attempted to illegally sell ZA/UM's intellectual property".
In an Estonian newspaper, Estonian Ekspress, ZA/UM CEO Ilmar Kompus has further accused Kurvitz and shareholder Saandar Taal (Rostov's alias) of "humiliating colleagues and intending to steal IP" as well as "belittling women and co-workers."
Kompus added that their dismissal was demanded and carried out by Kaur Kender, executive producer on Disco Elysium and their direct manager at the time. Kender was placed on a leave of absence on medical grounds in late August according to Kompus.
Speaking to the Estonian Ekspress, Martin Luiga said he was "driven to drink by the unnatural work arrangement" at the studio. "The work was organised in such a way that the goal did not seem to be to make games, but rather to make people quarrel with each other."
(I am also adding anonymous claims, take them with a grain of salt)
One source that spoke to GamesIndustry.biz, who asked to remain anonymous, described the situation as "not black and white," and said that long-term staff were reluctant to speak out about Kurvitz’ behaviour because they respected him, and felt like they owed him for their positions. Sources that spoke to the Estonian Ekspress described a clash of two visions between the business team of ZA/UM led by Kompus, and the creative team formerly headed by Robert Kurvitz, which considered profit "secondary." This was corroborated by our sources, one of which described the situation as "CEO corporate scheming on one side, a toxic auteur on the other."
On the same day, Kurvitz and Rostov shared a Medium post explaining their side. Kurvitz and Rostov are minority shareholders in Studio ZA/UM, while "the majority of this company’s shares were initially held by Margus Linnamäe, who provided the initial capital. In 2021, Linnamäe was bought out by another minority shareholder," a company called Tütreke. They say this company "is a vehicle for two Estonian businessmen — Ilmar Kompus and Tõnis Haavel." Kurvitz and Rostov described Linnamäe as a trusted majority shareholder, but didn't share the same sentiment regarding Kompus and Haavel. "As soon as they became majority shareholders, we were quickly excluded from daily operations, our employment was terminated and our access to the company’s information was shut off. Our firing came weeks after we started asking for documents and financial data, which is still being kept from us. We have now learned that Tütreke OÜ must have obtained control over Zaum Studio OÜ by fraud. We believe the money used by Tütreke OÜ to buy the majority stake was taken illegally from Zaum Studio OÜ itself".
Studio ZA/UM denied any claims of fraud and insisted that dismissal of wokers "was a decision that had to be taken for the wellbeing of the collective."
Correction: Ilmar Kompus's statement came out first on Estonian Ekspress on November 8th 2022 21:06. His statement and Studio ZA/UM's statement given to GameIndustry.biz were reproduced and published in a GameIndustry.biz report on November 9th. Rostov and Kurvitz's Medium statement came out later on November 9th. GameIndustry.biz report added an excerpt from Medium on November 10th. (i used Wayback Machine to check this, the report was updated between 11:08 and 11:53)
November 9th 2022. Kotaku puts out an article, summarizing the above statments from Studio ZA/UM, Kompus, Kurvitz and Rostov. "When asked by Kotaku, a spokesperson for ZA/UM declined to elaborate beyond its original statement [about dismissal of employees over misconduct], including whether the allegations also applied to Rostov as well as Helen Hindpere."
23rd of November, 2022. PC Gamer reports a hearing was held in Harju County Court in October, where Kurvitz and Rostov argued that Kompus had allegedly sold four concept sketches (for Disco Elysium sequel), to Tütreke for just over €1 and then immediately bought them back for €4.8 million using Studio ZA/UM's money. This amount is what was apparently used to buy Linnamäe's large stake, and put it in the hands of Kompus. "Kompus allegedly hoped that ZA/UM and Disco Elysium could be resold quickly. [...] But there remained a problem: Robert Kurvitz is the creator of Disco Elysium, still owns a piece of it, and has the right to block any acquisition."
The latest legal battle was lodged by Kaur Kender, executive producer and marketing manager of the game, "who claimed in court that Kompus cheated him out of just under €1,000,000." At Kender's request, the court seized Kompus' stake in Studio ZA/UM to prevent a sale or transfer of holdings during the proceedings.
Haavel is also accused in the lawsuit of following Kompus' actions. The filing pointed out that the holder of the IP rights to Disco Elysium is a subsidiary called YESSIRNOSIR LTD, which is owned by ZA/UM UK. The director of ZA/UM UK is Anu Reiman, who is also reportedly a partner of Haavel's. Kender claims that Haavel's involvement is being "kept secret" because he's €11.2 million in debt as a result of his 2015 conviction.
Speaking to the Estonian Ekspress, Kompus denied the existence of a lawsuit against him, and Haavel called the allegations "completely absurd." Both were shown legal documents by the outlet and did not respond.
December 8th, 2022. According to GamesIndustry.biz article, Kaur Kender has withdrawn a lawsuit against Tütreke.
Studio ZA/UM provided a statement from Kompus, but could not provide a reason for Kender's withdrawal. Kompus says: "We are pleased that Kender and his attorneys have chosen to withdraw their lawsuit – one that should never have been filed in the first place. Their decision affirms there was no basis for their accusations and that I have acted appropriately and responsibly, as underscored by the corporate records I provided."
The article also mentions Studio ZA/UM was unable to provide an update on the suit's progression against Kurvitz's company, Telomer.
PC Gamer reached for comment, Kender stated that his lawsuit against the owner of Studio ZA/UM proved to be successful and provided a timeline of the lawsuit:
Kaur Kender's lawsuit against the owner of ZA/UM was successful.
Kaur Kender's (his company, Chromed Investing OÜ) lawsuit against the owner of Zaum Studio OÜ proved to be successful.
On October 25, 2022, Kaur Kender's company filed a lawsuit against OÜ Tütreke (Ilmar Kompus company), in which was demanded the seizure of Zaum Studio OÜ's share belonging to OÜ Tütreke.
On October 29, 2022, the Estonian court secured the action and shares belonging to OÜ Tütreke were seized.
On October 31, 2022, the order securing the action was forwarded to Nasdaq and the Estonian Business Register.
On November 1, 2022, Kaur Kender sent a letter in English to contacts, including Ilmar Kompus and Tõnis Haavel, stating that the minority shareholders demand the convening of a general meeting.
On November 4, 2022, Ilmar Kompus' company OÜ Tütreke paid a total of 4 million euros to Zaum Studios OÜ in two payments.
On November 11, 2022, Ilmar Kompus' company OÜ Tütreke paid 800,000 euros to ZA/UM Studios OÜ.
Ilmar Kompus referred in the corresponding payment orders: "Return of the amounts received on the basis of the contract on 12.2021-01.2022 due to the nullity of the contract".
To the extent that Ilmar Kompus returned the illegally taken 4,800,000 euros, Kaur Kender achieved the goal of the lawsuit filed, and the court proceedings in this case will be terminated.
PC Gamer also provided commentary and an excerpt from Estonian Ekspress: "Eesti Ekspress reports that Kompus "paid back" €4.8 million to Studio ZA/UM in November. The outlet says that the reason provided for the transaction was that the €4.8 million "was received on the basis of a void transaction." Eesti Ekspress points out that Kompus "controls both sides" of that void transaction. [...] By now transferring €4.8 million to the company to repay it for a "void transaction," the intended message seems to be that he didn't use company money to buy his shares. But why did he have the €4.8 million in the first place?"
Robert Kurvitz told PC Gamer that his party is aware of "Kompus’s view that the money taken from ZA/UM Studio was 'repaid'." Kurvitz says he's seen a "partial bank statement allegedly confirming such repayment," but remains unclear on the "source and legal nature of this repayment, and the further use of the allegedly repaid funds."
"Further, any 'repayment' of the company’s money which was used to illegally acquire a majority stake does not erase the main consequence of the initial injustice—which is that Kompus remains the majority owner, a position that he was only able to attain by using the company’s money as his own," said Kurvitz. "In light of this, there has been no material change in our situation, and we continue to consider our legal options. We cannot comment on the decisions taken by Kaur Kender with regard to his claim, to which we were never a party."
March 14, 2023. GamesIndustry.biz reports legal dispute between Studio ZA/UM and the game's producer Kaur Kender has been resolved.
"ZA/UM has announced that ex-staffer Kender has repaid all debts owed to it. Also, per a court order, Kender has repaid CEO Ilmar Kompus for legal fees from a lawsuit that was eventually withdrawn back in December. Additionally, he's divested all his shares in the games company.
Studio ZA/UM says both Kurvitz and Rostov have dropped their "unfair dismissal" claims due to lack of evidence. However, the company says it continues to face a "series of baseless allegations from former employees" and expects more claims to "fall apart under legal and factual scrutiny."
March 16, 2023. In a statement sent to GamesIndustry.biz, Kurvitz and Taal (alias for Aleksander Rostov) said the press release is false in multiple areas. The pair maintain they are the remaining minority shareholders of the studio. The developers explained, "The press release implies that our employment claims against the studio were withdrawn for lack of evidence. They were not. We see our dismissal as part of a larger campaign against us and will pursue legal options accordingly." The statement adds that they disagreed with Kender admitting the lawsuit he withdrew in December 2022 was misguided.
"Kender's lawsuit was based on the misuse of ZA/UM's funds (€4.8 million) by the majority shareholders [Ilmar Kompus and Tõnis Haavel] to increase their own stake in the company. In the press release, Kompus and Haavel admit to this misuse, arguing only that the money has been 'paid back to ZA/UM,' " the duo explained.
"Paying back stolen money, however, does not undo the crime; here, it does not undo the majority that Kompus and Haavel have illegally gained in ZA/UM."
Additionally, they described that, unlike Kender, they will not be silenced in this ongoing legal dispute. "Unlike Kender, we have not participated in the looting of ZA/UM, and Kompus and Haavel have no power over us."
March 23rd 2023. GamesIndustry.biz updates initial post with a reply statment from ZA/UM. The studio reiterated that Kender admitted that the lawsuit was misguided on his part. It said, "In addition, as part of a court order, he also paid the legal fees for CEO Ilmar Kompus, who had to respond to that now-withdrawn claim." ZA/UM adds, "Using details like 'looting,' 'stolen money,' and 'crime' make for riveting reading but are far from reality. The actual harm to the studio is not from some fictional 'looting,' but rather from Mr. Kurvitz and Mr. Taal, while employed by the studio, refusing to do their jobs, creating a toxic workplace, demeaning colleagues, and attempting to misappropriate Studio IP."
Additionally, the studio explained that Kurvitz and Taal are welcome to challenge these facts in court.
(The next court hearing is scheduled for September 11th.)
#disco elysium#de#studio zaum#za/um#i read like 15 articles for this i hope it helps#if i got something wrong please let me know
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AI generate story about Draco and Pansy in Hogwart ekspress.
The Hogwarts Express chugged along the British countryside, its carriages filled with the excited chatter and laughter of students returning to Hogwarts. It was the start of another magical year, and inside one of the sliding-door compartments, a very different conversation was taking place.
Draco Malfoy sat beside Pansy Parkinson, his arm nonchalantly draped over her shoulders. The intimate atmosphere between them was clear—Draco's usual sneer softened whenever he looked at her, an unusual vulnerability in his silver-blue eyes.
"Are you going to try for Quidditch captain this year?" Pansy asked, tracing a finger on Draco's pale hand—a sign of their secret entanglement.
He glanced outside at the golden fields rushing by before settling his gaze back on her, "Perhaps. If Father thinks it would be good for... networking," Draco uttered the last word distastefully.
Pansy pouted playfully. "It's not always about what your father thinks," she whispered, leaning closer so that her lips were inches from his. "Sometimes it should be about what you want."
Draco could never admit it to anyone else, but Pansy saw right through him. With her, he felt a rare freedom—a departure from his usual duties and high-bred expectations. Here in the safety of their shared whispers lay the true desires of a boy raised under the weight of an imposing legacy.
"Have you given any thought to what 'you' want this year?" she continued provocatively, challenging him in ways others wouldn't dare.
Not even Draco himself understood why with Pansy he let down his guard, but as he searched her dark eyes, brimming with something like genuine concern mixed with affection, he found himself confessing ambitions he'd never voiced before—a desire to be recognized for his own merit and perhaps an aching curiosity about the world beyond pureblood prejudices.
They sat there for a moment in silence; words were unnecessary as they shared an unspoken understanding. Their heads leaned together, just enough to block out everything else—the Slytherin prince and his cunning companion sharing peace amidst chaos.
Without warning, the compartment door slid open with a bang and Crabbe stood there awkwardly. "We're nearly there," he grunted.
Draco stiffened immediately, resuming his usual haughty self; but not before giving Pansy's hand a final squeeze—a silent promise that this year would be different.
As they stepped off the train at Hogsmeade station and into the chaos of arrival at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy felt something stir within him—hopes that seemed outlandish for someone like him... but hopes nonetheless. And beside him stood Pansy Parkinson, as always—the girl who knew him fully yet chose to remain by his side.
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Enchanted to meet you 🎢🎡🎠🎪
EP 6 🎬
If US has Disney the happiest place on earth, Philippines has Enchanted Kingdom were a lot of filipinos can rEKindle their own magic!. Enchanted Kingdom is a world class theme park located on a 25 hectares land in Sta. Rosa, Laguna. It is one of the most favorite place to visit with the family especially during holidays and long weekends. Enchanted Kingdom offers a variety of ticket rates from EKspress ride access, regular day pass, junior day pass, senior | PWD day pass and junior PWD day pass. we bought the Ekspress ride access ticket so we don’t have wait in line. We tried and enjoyed so much the different rides around EK especially the extreme ones like the Anchors away, for me it is extreme especially when your seat is in almost stern side of the ship😭
My family decided to go on ferris wheel as our second ride to try, As I stepped into the ferris wheel seat, I felt a sudden rush of excitement mixed with nervousness. The ride began slowly, and as we rose higher, my heart pounded faster. Looking out at the stunning view from a bird's-eye perspective was breathtaking. The wind blew my hair wild, and I felt a sense of freedom and thrill. At the peak, I could see the entire city below me, and it was a sight to behold. As the ride descended, I felt a tinge of disappointment that the experience had ended even tho it is a nerve wracking situation (that is why i don’t have the chance to take picture of that moment😢), but the memory of it will undoubtedly stay with me forever.
The park also features themed areas such as Midway Boardwalk and also a lot of food stand that you can find around EK such as Coffee, Hotdogs, Donuts and etc. around 8:00pm the park announced that there will be a parade but we will not able to see it because we are in flying fiesta at that time, but around 9:00 pm the park announced there would be another breathtaking moment a fireworks show, for this moment they have to stopped some of the rides like ferris wheel and Space shuttle for i think safety purposes. Watching a fireworks show is an exhilarating experience. As the first fireworks launches into the sky, you can feel the anticipation building. The loud booms, crackles, and dazzling bursts of light leave you awestruck. The colors and patterns fill the sky, painting beautiful pictures as they slowly fade away. The crowd's cheers, the background music and exclamations only add to the excitement. During the finale, you're left breathless as the sky is filled with a barrage of fireworks, creating an unforgettable, magical spectacle. A fireworks show is a joyous celebration for all ages and a perfect way to make any moment like this memorable. To conclude, It was an amazing experience visiting this theme park that finally my childhood dream came true and I’m hoping that I will be able to go back here soon.🪄✨
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me: lets read news :)
me, opens the news ancor:
theres about 4 ads on the screen till the point i can't even see ANYTJHING beside eesti ekspress logo
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“A. Wonky Donkey” 🫏 (W/ “Kargo Ekspress”) - Approx. 7” H X 7” W X 3 1/2” T - Caricature Animal Carving from Rough-Out - Wood Burning & Wood Mixture on Balsam Wood
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For years, a secret organization run from inside Russia’s parliament successfully interfered with European policies on occupied Ukraine. Leaked emails give a new overview of the operation and show how European Union politicians who helped push Moscow’s agenda were offered cash and perks.
Key Findings
Leaked emails show how a Duma insider built a network of analysts, journalists, and others who helped him push the Kremlin’s interests abroad.
His group offered cash to European politicians to propose pro-Russian motions in their local legislatures, and paid far-right activists to publish pro-Kremlin articles in European media outlets.
The network arranged trips to occupied Crimea for European politicians and businessmen, with travel and accommodation covered by Russian state-funded organizations and honoraria apparently offered to some individuals.
It also helped bring European political figures to Russia to act as election observers, with a 68,000-euro budget allocated to the project.
Since Russia launched its brutal invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, condemnation of Vladimir Putin’s overseas aggression has reached a fever pitch. Yet Russia can still rely on the occasional friendly voice in Europe: Last November, for example, far-right Italian local legislator Stefano Valdegamberi penned an op-ed decrying the EU’s decision to designate Russia a terrorist state as “a serious mistake” that “foments conflict by denying historical truth.”
But what Valdegamberi didn’t mention was that he had long been collaborating with a secretive Russian lobbying group with a direct link to the Kremlin. Since at least 2014, that group had designed plans to channel cash to European politicians to help it legitimize Russia’s occupation of Crimea and promote pro-Moscow policies inside EU countries.
Details of the group’s activities have come to light via hacked and leaked emails belonging to its coordinator, Russian parliamentary staffer Sargis Mirzakhanian, who ran the “International Agency for Current Policy” in the years following the annexation of Crimea.
The emails suggest his group paid politicians thousands of euros to put forward pro-Russian resolutions in European legislatures, a new investigation by Eesti Ekspress, in partnership with OCCRP, IrpiMedia, iStories, and Profil, has found.
It also helped arrange for political figures from countries including Germany, Austria, Italy, the Czech Republic and Poland to be flown on expensive junkets to pro-Russia events in occupied Crimea, and paid honoraria for their presence.
The lobbying group also flew several European political figures to Russia to act as official election observers.
The emails, which were leaked by a group of Ukrainian hacktivists, reveal especially close ties between Mirzakhanian’s operation and officials in Italy and Cyprus. These ties paved the way for pro-Russian motions to be passed in both countries, with both the Cypriot parliament and multiple Italian regional councils calling for an end to sanctions against Russia over its invasion of Crimea.
Previous media reports have shown links between EU politicians and Kremlin propagandists, but this is the first comprehensive insight into how this campaign was run from Russia. The emails show that Mirzakhanian, a well-connected staffer and adviser in Russia’s parliament, the Duma, built a network of political analysts, journalists, activists, and academics who helped him push the Kremlin’s interests abroad.
Anton Shekhovtsov, chair of the pro-democracy non-profit Centre for Democratic Integrity, said the leaked emails “represent one of the most important sources of our knowledge of how particular engines of the Russian political war machine works.”
Most significantly, Shekhovtsov said, they showed Mirzakhanian’s role coordinating protests, placing media articles, and preparing parliamentary resolutions across Europe, while organizing “fake” election observation missions as he and his associates sought to legitimize the annexation of Crimea and “advance Russian domestic and foreign policy interests.”
The emails run from March 2007 until September 2017, and it’s unclear whether the International Agency for Current Policy is still at work today, although those linked to the network like Valdegamberi continue to make pro-Russian statements.
Olga Lautman, a researcher on Kremlin-related disinformation and hybrid threats at the Center for European Policy Analysis, said that groups like Mirzakhanian’s had helped open the door to Russia’s ongoing aggression in the rest of Ukraine.
“Russia was extremely successful in its efforts to soften the response to its various campaigns by putting former and current politicians on its payroll,” she said.
“Russia’s latest full-scale invasion is a direct result of the international community’s failure to hold Russia accountable after the 2008 Georgia invasion, the 2014 Ukraine invasion, the atrocities they helped [Bashar al-] Assad commit in Syria, and the various assassinations or attempts, using chemical weapons on foreign soil.”
Mirzakhanyan and other key figures connected to his group did not respond to requests for comment.
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Info order: 0877-7850-5584"
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Kilosunu 200 liraya satıyorlar!
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Kırmızı melki Bursa’nın dağ ilçelerinde ormanlık alanlarda çıkmaya başladı.
Bursa Ekspress / BURSA (İGFA) – Bursa’nın Keles, Orhaneli, ilçelerinde sonbaharın lezzetlerinden kırmızı melki mantarı ormanlık alanlarda çıkmaya başladı.
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