#either way thank you so much hope you like the inforfump
pitske · 4 months
Hello!!! Hi! I saw ur epic reblog of that oc ask post and would love to hear about ur little guys. Who are they? What might be thier stories? Do any of them have a fun hobby? Any joke characters under your belt?
 I'm really happy to hear that you want to know something about my characters, man!! It‘s so insane to me when people ask me about them.
I have two stories I‘m working on, one called Goldtooth and another called MLLTE (placeholder name).
I mainly post about Goldtooth here, because MLLTE is a bit more of a personal passion project.
So Goldtooth has a total of 24 characters (as of now), but only 3 of them are main characters.
In comparison, MLLTE has about 7 characters, with 4 main characters and 3 unnamed. I simply try to put a lot more careful thought into it, but it kind of ends up restricting me from making more side characters. The story has a pretty lonely sci-fi setting, so there aren't that many important characters anyway.
I am going to start with MLLTE. It is a whole lot, though. If you just want to know about the guys I post more about, I put a clear mark as to where that begins. 
Petra and Rudolph, a happily married couple (both about 30 years old), live in times when the earth is becoming uninhabitable, but they push through because, really, what can they do? 
Rudolph tragically becomes ill (or has an accident). not too sure) and is now in a coma.
A little while after this happens, the „government“ shows up with the plan to evacuate humans from Earth, Wall-E style, and they do. but because of somewhat limited capacity, all people whose survival of the launch is not guaranteed are left behind. So Petra has to leave Rudolph behind, and she really does not want to. 
Petra knows a guy who knows a guy, and he knows of a secret project the government is starting alongside the evacuation: 
taking some robots (the rehabillitation Earth Memory Index) to watch over chosen comatosed people that make humans wake up when Earth is safe again. This project is supervised by long distance but can be controlled from the distance they‘re at.
Petra‘s „friend“ offers her to do the same for Rudy but can only give an older robot model (the Earth Memory Index) since the new ones are all already used (plus this is kind of illegal). The robot has a few quirks, such as not being able to be controlled from afar, so the only thing that can be checked is the patient‘s vitals. 
Petra, desperate for any hope, agrees.
So she flies off into space and sits there for about 30–40 years. being alright but truly never recovering from having to leave her best friend behind. 
She secretly keeps check on the vitals until one day the government says they‘re shutting down the survivors program because most of the vitals are either too weak or straight-up pulse flatlines. The robots will be turned off, and the other patients will be euthanized for fear that living on the planet might make them die a slow, painful death. 
Now Petra is devastated and goes to check Rudy‘s vitals but discovers that they‘re still showing. She realizes that she has three options:
-ignore the vitals and move on.
-tell the supervisors that she committed a crime and have Rudy killed too.
-keep checking his vitals and risk Rudy dying painfully. 
She already took those risks anyway, and she isn‘t going back (little selfish, wahoo, morally gray, whatever, yay yay, idk).
yadayadayada She sees that one day Rudy might wake up and is like, Ayo, shitfuck, I have to go see him and get him back!! (in better wording, of course) 
SOOOOO, her conveniently plotted pilot friend steals a small space shuttle with her and, after giving her instructions, basically sends her on her way. You know this scene has to happen so fast because it's all just running from the cops in a way.
Petra‘s mostly fine, but she’s no pilot, so the landing isn’t as smooth. but for a 60- to 70-year-old woman, it's pretty good. The shuttle‘s wrecked, though.
Okay, now that the story is back on earth, a quick detour will help you understand the rest. 
Obviously, in the story, I‘d show not tell because the only person who even knows what happened to earth is EMI, and he‘s with Rudy.
This is all sci-fi, and I‘d like to make the „magic system“ as vague as possible since the differences it had are equivalent to just speeding up the evolutionary process by a bunch. like they were gone for 30–40 years, and in those first 5 years, the evolution spiked and then kind of fell back to normal. which made for completely new ecosystems to thrive in previously mostly abandoned spaces. 
and also a bunch of new plants, animals, etc. (I made a graph for this once, but I couldn‘t find it, sorry.)
back to Petra. 
She takes a look around this weird bioluminescent forest and walks into some weird creature who, weirdly enough, speaks the same language as her (I‘m writing the story in German first, but if it were English, then Jasper would obviously speak English).
Once again, a small detour to explain why this dragon can talk: evolution spiked in a way that made some species develop all kinds of communication of sound, and some freaks started „speaking“ or learning in patterns similar to humans.
And while the evolutionary shit went down, this one little guy got separated from his family and found himself in a hospital (of course he doesn‘t know that). He walks around, finds something sleeping, and feels like he‘s being watched. [I'm cutting this mostly short here because this post is already so long.] It turns out E.M.I. was watching him while watching over Rudy, along with the other bots and their humans. They become friends, and since Jasper's pretty smart, EMI manages to teach him to „talk“ (its language but sounds a little strained at times like a weird accent).
Jasper goes out hunting one day, a storm comes up, and the guy gets blown away by a hurricane, basically.
back once again to Petra:
Jasper volunteers to help her (because he’s seen a human before and thinks maybe that's the guy she wants to see). Petra is understandably weary of him. She agrees, though. 
For context, Jasper is somewhat sure of how to navigate around threats and thinks he might be able to get her across the ocean to where she needs to go.
Rudy‘s in Germany somewhere, and Petra and Jasper are in North America.
Journey in bullet points: 
-Insect nest (huge insects) that they need to navigate through to get where they need to go faster; going around it would take too long. 
-swamps and rivers to follow towards the sea. Some shenanigans and bonding ensue (also, Jasper can’t swim, so there‘s that). I want to write something with that, but I don't know yet.
-They get to an abandoned seaside town and get an old ass boat to work (Petra worked with machines to a degree).
-journey over the water with a huge whale thing that might or might not want to kill them (they think it does, but it's kept up for interpretation).
Paris and the half of the Eiffel Tower as a sort of sad reminder of all that humanity has built being „destroyed.“
-They get to Germany.
while they are on their journey. 
Rudy wakes up from his coma. 
How does this coma thing work? WELLLL
Okay, so the project had the bots inject all the patients with a certain level of a substance that I‘m currently referring to as „ichor.“. This substance is a nourishment of sorts, but it is extremely strong, so it has to be used sparingly to keep a patient alive. that is, usually. 
Because of the spiked evolution, everything began to evolve and „move“ much faster, as did the aging to a degree. (kind of like in JoJo‘s Part 6 when a day lasts a minute.) 
So all the robots had normal coding and were accessible by the scientists on the main ship. So after the vitals were just getting worse, they made the bots euthanize the patients—BUUUT!!
EMI is the old model that wasn't part of the program, so he was never shut off, and aside from that, he also has a mistake in his coding. making him add more than three times of the substance to his patient. and under the circumstances of fast aging, it would make Rudy age normally as nourishment and not make him die or wither away under the pressure of fast aging like the other patients. (God, I hope that made sense.) 
Rudy‘s waking up, talking to EMI, and EMI tries their best to get Rudy to stay calm and explain the situation, etc. At one point, Rudy realizes that the program was originally funded to keep in touch with the patients and, if life‘s not good down there, to come back via escape pods, but since the others died (RIP), they never got to use the shuttles.
Rudy basically thinks: „I miss my wife, EMI; I miss her a lot; I should be back“ and does dumbasser and attempts to go to the millutary base to get a shuttle to the spaceship. 
The showdown is kind of like: 
Petra and Jasper reach the hospital, but EMI and Rudy are gone. They have a guess where they might‘ve gone from both tracks and some scribbles on the wall from EMI.
Meanwhile, EMI and Rudy: "Oh no, only one pod is left!! We‘ll get it to work while others are dead." They almost get fucking blown up.
Petra and Jasper get there in time, a touching reunion for the four of them. (since EmI kind of thought Jasper died.) But they can't get back to the ship, so they stay on earth. 
The ending is still so vague to me that I want to do so much with it, so all of this is just a rough idea. 
in a way EVERYTHING HERE is a rough idea. 
But I think this is the main story, and I hope this was clear; if not, feel free to ask me something and I‘ll explain!!!
A'ight, that was MLLTE 
now Goldtooth. (Dw, this is a much shorter thing to explain since I mostly just make Goldtooth shit for fun and not much for plot.) And as far as joke characters go, here‘s where they are.
three main guys: Chére, Nathan, and Yimo 
(Chére is with the accent on the e, but I hate having to put it in manually, so just pretend it's there.) 
Also, this story is just in bullet points: (Unless you want to know more, like I said, just ask!!).
-has rich parents and goes to college
-he‘s not having a good time and is slightly depressed. 
-walks into an alleyway, sees a corpse, and sees some tall, furry guy with a huge grin on his face. The guy runs off. The police find Chere. 
-gets accused of murder. gets a hella unfair process (kind of like Jojo Part 6) and manages to run away. 
-goes to family. They believe he did it. (except his older sister, who sides with him, and as she argues with their parents, Chere runs off.)
-hides in an apartment that had a window open, as he sees cops patrolling the streets.
-ghosthunter with a no viewer YouTube ghost hunting channel (jobless) 
-finds Chere in her apartment after coming home from wandering around some catacombs. 
-is curious as to why he’s so freaked out and asks him about what went on. 
-doesn‘t believe he‘s a murderer.
-lets him stay 
-makes burned pizza for them.
-came home from work.
-sees Chere and has seen the news of him being a murderer
-gets angry asks Yimo why they're a dumbass
-Yimo argues with him and Nathan gets convinced
-Nathan hates Chere.
-leaves again to go street racing (illegal)
So those are the parts of the story that are basically set. I just use this to make them do shennanigans. There‘s also obviously their characteristics and backstories, their beliefs, and their hobbies, so in short: 
-Yimo: ball of Sunshine, super bubbly, optimist, is about 18–21. I have no set ages for these guys. records everything. plays the harmonica because Dean taught her how to. likes horror. trespasses regularly for the chance of seeing something paranormal. has a close connection to her older siblings but was additionally raised by two old guys named Kahn and Dean. She loves her friends. can cook alright.
-Nathan: a huge nerd. hides all of that under anger and acts fed up at all times. is sweet; he just doesn‘t let people get close easily. but he’s polite. He’s like 19–22. goes boxing to blow off steam. also does street racing (by bike) for more money. is a great baker and cook. He loves his mom and his younger brother a lot. would do anything for them. plays the piano. 
-Chére: acts charismatic and smug but ultimately is a loser. has a super strong belief in karma and luck. (supersticious). He used to play the violin because of his parents; they hated the fiddle, so that was what he played the most. is around 21–23. He loves his family anyway, but his older sister is who he loves the most. likes pissing off Nathan, steals Yimo‘s electronics at all times.
-side characters/ families:
-Maika: Yimo‘s older sibling. is in a band. plays bass. and is dating Lotta. (a smug bastard).
-Emiru: Yimo‘s oldest sibling. kind and quiet, looks intimidating. owns a flower shop. had to take care of her siblings from a young age.
-Kahn: fisher. old man who took in Yimo when she was 10 and her siblings couldn‘t provide for her anymore. taught Yimo to fish and loves cooking for people. is the typical kind to everybody, old man, you know.
-Dean: hunter. An old man (married to Kahn, btw), the same as Kahn with Yimo, taught her to play harmonica and talks about hunting cryptids with her. kind of grouchy.
-Jeniffer: Nathan‘s mom. is a dentist. She did her best to give her two children the best life. a little bit on the strict side and tough love with Nathan but softer with Oscar. She loves them equally. 
-Oscar: Nathan‘s younger brother. He‘s like 11. I don't have much on him yet, except that he thinks Nathan is cool.
-Lotta: Chére‘s older sister. in a band. dating Maika. overprotective of her siblings. dislikes her parents. plays drums. loudly. 
-Cornelia: Chére‘s younger sister. is great at school. doesn‘t like that Lotta and Chére don‘t like their parents. tries to be the best at everything. plays harp. 
-Charlotte: Chére‘s Mother. plays harp and violin. strict. distant. loves Cornelia the most. disowned Chére. not on good terms with Lotta.
-Mustafa: Chére‘s dad. less emotionally distant but has less time. is a funny, short little man. loves his family a lot but considers Chére to be wrong and Lotta to be stupid for believing Chére over the police.
the detectives:
-sam: journalist. works under Saraé. is the brains of the two, but Saraé‘s never going to admit that.
-Saraé: Detective. very enthusiastic but kind of not good at his job when he needs to be. has a ton of luck. gets into near-death situations biweekly. hates Roland with a passion. 
-Toro: is good at her job. love her job too much. Tone it down, girl boss. Stop arresting drunk teenagers for being too loud.
the neighbours:
-Gretchen: lives actoss from the trio. befriends the trio, even though she thinks they‘re weird at first. doesn‘t believe Chére did it. 
-Cyril: A teacher/ professor. He needs less coffee in his life and should actually get a life. Please stop frowning, old man. (She believes Chére did it but is no snitch.) likesGretchen but hates most other young people. 
-Heidi is most likely to have actually killed those people Chére is being accused of. is a werewolf. is also Gretchen‘s small, kind Grandma. (She does not live in the apartment complex but visits her granddaughter a lot.) Also, she pins the murders on Chére. 
-Roland: lives on the train, kind of. is a busker. actually just a modern-day philosophical weirdo. likes talking to Sam. is neutral towards Saraé.
not mentioned:
Gerald, Mona, Minnie.
There‘s still some more. Tec knows everything about Goldtooth because I always rant to him about them. so I know there‘s more. but I think this is enough for now. 
Thank you again so much for asking about my little guys!!
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