#either way im super proud of jjongie and good for him ❤️ our main slayer main vocal
applejongho · 5 months
what the fuck what ehbfuck what the fucckk. i am. so so o SOS oooooo losing my mind ove rthis . Choi jongho. ohhhhhh he's actually gonna go down in kpop history as one of theeee absolute bests Ever i am so serious
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🥺 our haribo I'm so proud of him! Ofc we know he's incredible and amazing but good for him for having these connections and the ability to have these lessons in the first place 🥺
less positive tho, I've been thinking about how jjong didn't even watch coachella and just went right back to having vocal lessons. and it's probably ok, he's just really ambitious and always wants to be better, but just being in music for so long there's a really fine line imo between "I just want to keep improving" and "I will never ever ever be good enough and I can't ever be happy with my accomplishments (so I need to just Get Better All the Time)" so I hope he recognizes he still slayed and has always slayed and we will always be proud of him and I hope he's not too hard on himself
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