#either way i will rest fr tonight so i have a functional hand and a fighting chance in th morning
hinamie · 2 months
scribbled out another comic draft bc apparently i have masochistic tendencies or some shit smile :) i am Not confident in it but i also am spent fr the day so fr once i am calling it here i will attempt to wrangle it in2 submission tomorrow :'>
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sophcaro · 5 years
Back in Time | WMatsui - Chapter 14
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Airi retrieved a glass from the cupboard and placed it next to the napkin and pair of chopsticks on the food stray, stealing a worried glance at Akane who was cooking. At this late time of the day, the house used to be full of life and filled with conversations, but their routine had been abruptly disrupted. These past few days, a heavy atmosphere enveloped each of their evenings. While Shizuru and Natsuki watched television in the living room, their female domestic robot, Alice, prepared dinner with the rigor and dedication she was famous for. In fact, the latter went on with her daily chores as usual and didn’t seem too disturbed by the recent arrangements in the organization of the household.
But not the same could be said for the other occupants of the house. Airi witnessed on a daily basis how Akane was affected by the decline of Rena’s health and mental condition. When was the last time she saw her wife smile or laugh? Airi couldn’t recall. As for their daughter Shizuru, it was a hard task to keep the truth from her. She kept asking questions. To know why Natsuki and Rena were living with them. To know why Jurina hadn’t showed up once since their arrival. Shizuru didn’t understand the situation, but was clever enough to realize her parents were hiding things from her.
Akane turned the burner off and poured the soup in the four bowls on the table, filling at last the bowl on the food tray. As she leaned down to carry the food tray, Airi reacted on instinct and held her arm. “Let me do it tonight.”
They exchanged looks in silence. A mixture of emotions flashed through Akane’s eyes – confusion, surprise. She gave her a weak nod of consent. “It will be alright.” Airi gave her arm a gentle squeeze, wanting to restore hope and confidence in the future. “We will go through this. Together.”
Akane’s eyes locked into hers. “I can’t handle seeing her like this. She’s my best friend. I want to help her any way I can. I just… I don’t know what to do anymore.”
Airi saw her insecurity. Her despair. Her sorrow. “I know.” She leaned over and planted a kiss on her cheek. “Rena is a strong person. Right now, she’s going through a difficult phase, but she will overcome this. I know she will.”
A faint smile played across Akane’s lips. She didn’t add anything after that and Airi knew they wouldn’t speak of the subject anymore.
Airi left the kitchen and climbed the stairs leading to the upper floor, cautious not to spill the content of the food tray. As she approached the guest room, she felt a twinge of anticipation, fearing how her arrival would be received. Following Rena’s discharge from the hospital, Akane had drove her back to her house, but the outcome was a disaster. Rena didn’t have the energy and emotional capacity to take care of herself, breaking down each time her gaze fell upon the single remembrance of her deceased wife in the house. It had only taken Akane and Airi a short discussion to make a decision. That same evening, Akane brought Rena to live with them.
Airi passed the bedroom door, not surprised to find the lights off and the curtains closed. She squinted, letting her eyes get accustomed to the darkness. Her gaze fell upon the bed, undone but empty. Airi moved forward and laid the tray down on the table, switching the bed lamp on. The light slowly brightened until it flooded the room, the walls, the furniture, and the body curled in a corner of the room.
After two weeks, Rena’s physical frailty had reached a preoccupying stage. Rena was dressed in her pajama, her general appearance sloppy, her hair disheveled. Her face was as pale as death, her lips parched and crackled. She had an empty gaze, her eyes swollen and puffy. Despite the food presented to her three times a day, each food tray was returned barely touched. Rena spent all her days secluded in her room, alternating between sleeping and crying when she thought no one heard her.
Airi’s heart sank, still not accustomed to such a terrible vision. This person huddled on the floor, silently hugging her knees close to her chest, didn’t look like her friend. She bore no resemblance with the proud and confident millionaire CEO she had worked aside and known for so many years. Both she and Akane did everything in their power to be of moral support after the tragedy that had struck, but their efforts didn’t seem to pay off and have any positive effect on her.
Airi kneeled in front of her, murmuring. “I brought you dinner.” She received no response and laid a tentative hand on her knee. “Rena?”
The physical contact stirred her up. “Thank you.” Rena stared back at her with a blank look. “But I’m not hungry.”
Airi felt despondent and frustrated by the rejection. “I know, but you have to eat. Akane and I are worried about you. Think about Natsuki. She wouldn’t want to see you like this.”
At the mention of her daughter, Rena’s eyes filled with tears. “You think I’m a bad mother, don’t you?”
“Of course not,” Airi protested, caught off guard. “You are in pain and grieving. We love you, Rena. We will take care of you and Natsuki as long as necessary. But we want to help you go through this. So please. Promise me you’ll eat something?”
Airi feared her plea to be futile. Her friend was avoiding her gaze and didn’t look inclined to comply. Airi hesitated, acknowledging the tricky situation. She didn’t wish to show too much insistence; it would only push her friend to withdraw even further into her shell. She waited and stroke her arm, whispering a few words of comfort. She repeated the process, waiting, hoping to witness the slightest sign of change. She didn’t want to leave the room with another sense of failure.
At last, she caught Rena’s attention. Her lack of enthusiasm was showing, yet Airi’s patience was rewarded with a small, unconvinced nod. It wasn’t much, but enough to elevate her spirit. She helped her get up from the floor and they took the direction of the table. The meal went on in silence. Airi stayed by her side the whole time. Jurina’s absence resonated in every one of them and she couldn’t imagine the pain Rena was going through. However, after tonight, her chest filled with hope at the small step she achieved.
“The prince reached the tower where the kidnapped princess was imprisoned. Without warning, his horse stopped with his head high, ears forward, body rigid. The prince began to soothe the animal with a caress on the neck, but the horse refused to move forward, stamping his feet in displeasure. The prince stared in front of him and reached for his sword, sensing the danger.  Suddenly, a mournful howling sound could be heard. His jaw dropped in shock at the threatening green dragon that appeared in front of him. The prince felt a cold shiver run down his spine. He heard the storytelling of a dark creature invoked by the king, but refused to believe it. Today, he was going to fight his greatest enemy.”
Natsuki gasped and watched, wide-eyed, the dragon projected by the hologram, searching in the darkness for Shizuru’s hand. At the physical contact, Shizuru tilted her head in her direction, reading the terror plastered all over her friend’s face. Alice, her domestic robot, kept on narrating the story, projecting in Shizuru’s bedroom images of the brave prince fighting the dragon with all his might, the special effects coming from the hologram making the fairytale extremely realistic.
“After a fierce battle, the prince planted his sword in the belly of the beast. The earth trembled as the defeated dragon collapsed and expired his last breath. The prince, exhausted and severely injured, dragged his feet forward and marched ahead. He arrived at the bottom of the tower, his progress coming to a halt when a field of thorns developed and grew by magic, preventing him from accessing the front door. The prince’s bloodied arm trembled and he raised his eyes to heaven, devastated by the new obstacle. Was fate against him? When would his misery come to an end?”
“No!” Natsuki let out a frustrated scream. “Why can’t the prince be reunited with the princess already? Why??”
“I-I’m sure he will,” Shizuru said, taken aback by her outburst. “Let’s listen to the rest of the story and see what happens nex-”
“No! I don’t want to! Enough! Enough!”
Shizuru stared at her, complete surprise on her face. Her friend rose from the bed, agitated, refusing to spare another look at the hologram. Shizuru went silent, not knowing what to say next. Deep concern washed over her. Natsuki was on the verge of tears. “Alice…” She forced a smile and addressed hesitantly the robot who had paused the story. “Could you please… leave us alone?”
“Yes, Miss Shizuru,” the female robot said with a slight bob of her head. “Don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything.”
Shizuru followed her robot’s retreating form as she left the bedroom and redirected her attention to Natsuki. Since she began living with them, she hadn’t been the same. Shizuru had questioned her parents about it, wishing to know what was happening, but all she managed to learn was that she and her mother would be staying with them for a little while. Under other circumstances, she would have been overjoyed by the news. She loved spending time with her best friend. Nothing made her happier in the world. But everything had changed two weeks ago.
During their conversations, Natsuki almost never smiled. Every interaction with Alice, the family’s domestic robot, darkened her mood even more. Shizuru knew how affected Natsuki was by Alfred’s terrible fate. She didn’t understand either herself how come he had stopped functioning. But it wasn’t the only absence in her life that caused her friend so much pain. During family meals at 4, Shizuru didn’t miss the dejected look Natsuki would give the two empty chairs.
Shizuru gave a small tug at Natsuki’s hand. She was relieved when she didn’t reject her and came to sit by her side on the bed. In the past, Shizuru adored teasing and showering her friend with gestures of affection. A kiss on the cheek or a spontaneous embrace, often received by her shy friend with an embarrassed blush. However, this evening, when Shizuru laced their fingers together, her only objective was to bring her comfort. She suddenly had a flash of intuition. “Why don’t you go and see your mommy?”
Natsuki glanced up at her, startled. “But… Auntie Akane and Auntie Airi said I can’t.”
Shizuru tried to remain calm and think rationally, but her frustration at the situation bubbled under the surface. “I know and I think it’s silly. She’s your mommy! It makes no sense! You want to see her, no?”
She got a timid nod in reply.
Shizuru’s eyes twinkled. “Let’s go!” She stood on her feet and pulled on Natsuki’s hand. “Follow me. I know where her bedroom is.”
A flicker of hope brightened Natsuki’s bleak expression. “I-It would be disobeying. What if your parents get upset with me?”
“Who’s going to tell them? I won’t,” Shizuru said confidently and kissed her gently on the cheek. “I promise. It will be our little secret.”
Rena tossed and turned in her bed for the umpteenth time. Would tonight be another night of torture? She hated the nights when she couldn’t sleep, her brain filled with memories of Jurina and her tragic death. Rena stared up at the ceiling. What time was it? It was hard to tell. She vaguely remembered Airi’s visit and taking a bite of the dinner she brought, the food feeling tasteless and bland on her tongue. She lost all appetite a long time ago. Rena was aware of the sleeping pill on the bedside table, ready to put her out of her misery. The temptation was high.
Sleep all day and forget? Or stay awake and have her days and nights filled with visions of the one she lost? The thought brought a lump to her throat and her eyes moistened. Her everyday life had never been the same since she crossed path with Jurina. She brought her a joy and sense of fulfillment her job never managed to accomplish. How could she go on with her life without her by her side?
All these years, she had become so dependent on her love, support and presence. Her heart wasn’t only broken into pieces. When she discovered Jurina’s lifeless body at the morgue, she also lost a part of herself. She felt paralyzed all day, detached from everything around her. Her emotions seemed to have disappeared; she felt physically and mentally drained. She was empty, like a cold shell, vacant.
At the sound of a small knock on the door, she hurriedly brushed away a lonely tear. Tears came so frequently and effortlessly. She prayed they would stop falling for once. She hated offering such a pitiful state of herself to her friends. Rena sat up in bed, frowning as she checked out the alarm-clock. A little over 10 p.m. Dinner had already been served. Had she been crying too much?
Air caught in her lungs when the person she expected the least appeared. Natsuki, her 5-year-old daughter, was standing on the doorstep. Rena grew rigid. She turned pale and clutched the bedcover. Shock. Disbelief. Fear. She had an agreement with Airi and Akane. She made them promise to not let Natsuki enter her bedroom under any circumstance. So what was her daughter doing here?
Rena followed her progress inside the room. Don’t come closer! she wanted to scream. She needed to stop her. She couldn’t witness her mother in such a bad condition. So why weren’t the words coming out? Natsuki paused once. And twice. She hesitated. She was afraid of being scolded. Rena could see it written all over her face. That’s when Rena realized she couldn’t prevent this reunion from happening. Of course, Natsuki missed her. She missed seeing her as much as she did. Tears sprang to Rena’s eyes and slid down her cheeks. When did she last lay eyes on her daughter? Days? Weeks? Her brain failed to come up with a single response. She lost all notion of time.
Natsuki came to stand beside her bed and, slowly, step after step, climbed onto the bed until they faced each other. Rena couldn’t breathe, let alone speak with the knot forming in her throat.
Natsuki’s fingers lightly touched her cheek. “Mommy is sad too...”
Rena shivered. “Y-Yes, mommy is sad.” She tried putting on a brave face to appear in control, but the sound of her voice breaking betrayed her true emotions. “Mommy… is not feeling well.”
“It’s because mama is not here?”
Rena could only nod by the affirmative.
“Where is mama? Why don’t you tell her to come back?”
Rena felt tears rising again but battled them back. She reduced the distance and wrapped her arms around Natsuki, pulling her close. “Honey…” Rena said hoarsely. “Mama… Mama is not coming back.”
“Why?” Natsuki leaned back, looking straight into her eyes. “I want to see mama… Where is she? Tell her to come home. Please. Please!”
Rena heard Natsuki’s intake of breath as a sob caught in her throat and saw tears streak down her cheeks. She embraced her in a tight hold, feeling her stomach churn at her daughter’s heartbreaking distress. It tore her heart to hear her cry. She needed to tell her the truth, but it was beyond her capacity. She couldn’t find the strength to utter the words out loud. “I know you love your mama. I love her too. But she’s not… She’s not coming back. It’s just the two of us now.”
“No!” Natsuki tore herself away from the embrace. “She promised we would always be together! What did you do?! It’s your fault! I hate you!”
Natsuki’s face had hardened; her eyes burned with anger and resentment. Rena didn’t have time to reply. Without another glance, Natsuki jumped off the bed and stormed out of the room.
Rena was left shocked and shattered.
Her heart clenched with pain, but she didn’t hold it against her for her harsh words. She was the only one to blame; she had handled the situation in such a terrible way. Rena felt more powerless and desperate than ever, before coming to the realization that it was probably for the best. Maybe she should let Natsuki believe she was the reason why Jurina left. How could she bring herself to tell her daughter that her dear mama - the one she admired, praised and loved more than anyone in this world - had died in a cruel car accident? Rena’s own sanity was already hanging by the thinnest of threads. The idea of destroying her daughter’s fragile innocence with the truth was too unbearable to consider.
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tiemeupspidey · 7 years
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Series: Tom Holland Imagines
Relationship: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: SMUT ASF. Also mentions of Domestic Abuse 
Request by: @talia-grace-daniels Imagine based on the song Feelings by Maroon 5 :) Also Incorporated @delish-duck ‘s request for the reader having an abusive boyfriend and Tom being protective
Word Count: 3,500
A/N: People fr need to stop coming after me in my messages. I know I write smut. I’m 20 years old and write this stuff for people who actually want to read it. That’s why I put warnings before the imagine starts so I don’t have to deal with messages but I still get them.. -.-
ps. I used the word trousers because its fun to say? Let me live lmao
*Slides down the pole throwing the smut to you hungry darlings*
[Reader’s POV]
“Fucking asshole” you mutter throwing your phone onto your bed. Tears were falling down your cheeks. You couldn’t help it. Your boyfriend, well ex boyfriend now had been cheating on you for months.
   You caught him fucking her when you stopped by his apartment a day early. He thought you weren’t coming back so soon. You just got back from visiting the states and came home to heartbreak. It never occurred to you that he would be cheating on you. Everything felt fine and nothing seemed wrong.
   Wiping off the rest of your running makeup you wash your face. Looking at yourself was so pathetic. You were too blind to see his deceit and look at you now. Crying over someone you thought you loved. Letting out a sigh you head back towards your bed.
   Picking up your phone you click the home button. Using you Touch ID to open it up and click on the phone app. Scrolling through your contacts you click on your best friends contact. Putting the phone to your ear you hear the dialing tone. After a short few rings it stops.
“Hello love, what’s up?” Tom’s voice fills your ear making you smile. Tears spill over and you whimper from the pain in your chest forming again.
“Why are you crying?Please don’t tell me that twat hit you again…” You could hear shuffling in the background and voices. Shit. Did you interrupt him at an interview?
“H-He was ch-cheating on me Tom..” voice breaking as you wipe the tears  with your sweater sleeve. The wool of your sweater absorbing your tears quickly.
“I’ll be over in ten okay? Drink some raspberry tea, I know it will calm you down like always” he suggests to you, your body getting up instantly to head to the kitchen.
    Heading down the stairs you walk straight to your kitchen. Flicking the switch, the kitchen illuminates with light. Walking over to the kettle you lift it taking it to the sink. Raising the handle the water flows outs into the sink. Clicking the button the lid lifts up. Placing it under the stream of water you wait for it to fill up.
    Turning the water off you shut the lid. Reaching over you set it back on its heating plate. Pressing the button making it turn red indicating it’s heating up. Opening up your cabinet you pick a mug out of the plethora you had.The mug you picked had a map on it saying “I haven't been everywhere but it’s on my list.” Opening your tea tin you pull out a bag.
    Dropping the tea into the mug you wait for the kettle to whistle. Pulling up your Instagram you start deleting photos of you and your ex. Every delete cracking your heart more and more. Tear droplets falling onto your screen. You stared at one of the pictures from your one year anniversary.
   Your tears get wiped away making you come back to reality. The kettle was whistling loudly into the kitchen. Looking up your eyes meet concerned brown eyes. Jumping from your seat you tackle Tom in a hug. His arms wrapping around you holding you close.  Your legs wrap around his waist when he lifts you up.
    Tears fell onto his skin as you cried into his neck. His thumb rubbing the back of your head as he sways side to side. You hear the kettle whistling die down, water pouring shortly after. The smell of raspberry hits your nose making you look up. Tom was holding your mug with a smile on his face.
    He sits the two of you down in the living room on the couch. Your knees on either side of his legs. Unwrapping your arms from his neck you sit on his thighs. He hands you the tea kissing you on the forehead. Taking a sip of the tea you let out a content sigh.
“Love.. you know I told you to tell me when he hits you..” Tom’s voice trails off as he sees the bruises on your legs and arm.
“They were just accidents..” you take another sips not making eye contact with Tom. His fingers brush against the purple blotched skin making you wince. The one on your arm was a light blue and yellow.
“They’re not accidents, he hurts you Angel.. a man shouldn’t lay his hands on a woman like that, especially if he loves her” Tom’s warm hand cups your cheek, a small smile gracing your trembling lips. You knew he was right, they weren’t accidents.
   The door bangs open startling you at the sound. Setting your mug down on the coaster you hear footsteps coming in your direction. Tom’s hands wrap around your waist pulling you close to him. Your body trembling in his arms. He kisses your head setting you behind him as he stands up.
“Why in the fuck is an Audi in the driveway? You think you can just dump me that easily? I know where you God damn liv-“
“T-Tom I’m scared, he has a key..” you whimper holding onto his hand.
“Why the fuck is he here?” Xavier sneers glaring at Tom, his arms crossing in front of his chest. He sees you behind Tom, eyes narrowing in anger.
“H-He is h-“ Xavier goes to reach for you but Tom blocks him tackling him to the ground. Xavier struggles but Tom presses his forearm to his neck.
“I suggest you get the fuck out, If you as so much come near her I will fucking know, and I will find your ass and beat the life out of you.. no one touches my girl like that got it?” Tom’s body was shaking with anger as he added more pressure to Xaviers neck. Xavier coughs nodding, Tom lets go of him standing up.
“You’re the one who cheated you prick!” you shout as he takes off running out of the house. The house echoes with the bang of the door. Tom grabs ahold of you pulling you into his chest. He held you there for what seemed like forever. You loved being in his arms, it was so damn comforting.
“I have a suggestion.. why don’t you come with me to this function, stay with me for a while just incase he does come back because I don't want him hurting you again..” He tilts your chin up to look at him. Nodding your head you give him a small weak smile. It hurt to smile but he eases your pain.
“What do I have to wear?” you ask walking towards the stairs. Tom follows you up the stairs telling you about the event. The two of you go into your closet and pick out a dress you had.
“Wear this, I love this dress on you” Tom takes a dress off the hanger it flowed down to the floor. Looking at the dress brings up a memory of going to prom with Tom in highschool. You still couldn’t believe you had the dress.
   It was a black floor length dress that had a slit up to your right thigh. The dress had long sleeves but a plunging neckline. Expensive but it was an investment so you could wear it in the future. Tom hooks the hanger on the door while you make your way to the bathroom.
   Tom sat on the counter talking to you while you did your makeup. Laughter filled the air as he made stupid jokes. You curled your hair and braided the sides pinning them behind your head. Tugging at the braids to make them a little looser.
“Here’s the dress, I’ll go pack your bag then we can head to my place so I can get dressed” Tom leaves so you can get dressed. Closing the door behind him you slip the dress of the hanger. Pulling your shorts down you let them fall to the floor. Taking off your sweater you let it fall to the floor.
   Stepping into the dress you slip it up your body. Sliding your arms through the sleeves you adjust your braless boobs in the dress. Lifting your hair that got stuck in the dress it cascades down your back in lose curls. Walking out of the bathroom you slip on your heels.
   Walking in to the bedroom you see Tom going through your clothes. A suitcase was laid open with clothes folded in there. His back was to you as he looked at your closet. Hopefully he didn’t see anything that fit him and would take it. He still has Zendaya’s leather jacket at his house.
   Placing your hand on his shoulder he jumps a bit turning around. His jaw opening slightly at the sight of you. Eyes traveling down your body and back up. A smile replaced on his face as his eyes met your done up ones, the fake lashes feeling heavy.
“You look stunning” he takes your hand lifting it up. Pressing a kiss to your hand , his lips warming the spot. A blush tinting your cheeks.
“Thank you Tom” the smile you had felt so good after everything that’s happened. That’s why you love Tom, he always knows how to pick you up when you’re down.
“Alright love,I’ve packed a weeks worth of clothes.. Lets get going yeah?”  
“Tom who is this lovely girl next to you?” the interviewer asks making the cameraman angle the camera at you..
“She’s my girlfriend, we’ve been best friends since we were kids” Tom’s statement making your heart stop. You look up at him trying to make sure you heard him correctly.
“How long have you two been dating?”
“Just for a while is all, c’mon darling lets go inside okay?” Tom waves to the camera pulling you along the carpet. Your heart was pounding in your chest as the two of you headed towards the doors. Cameras were flashing as the two of you walked. Tom waving to everyone as he passed by with a smile on his face.
“So are we going to talk about what happened tonight?” you ask as Tom drives down the winding road. His hand has been holding yours since you two got in the car. The car ride to his house felt like forever but it wasn’t that far.
“I.. I said that because I’ve always had feelings for you and I can't push them away anymore.. It pained me to see the bruises on your bod-“
“Tom pl-“
“No please let me finish..” he looks at you pulling into his garage. The car stops making your nerves spike up again. Before he could say another word you get out of the car quickly.
   Your heels clicking against the ground as you headed towards the door. You were a little wobbly from the wine you had at the venue. Tom’s hand grabs yours turning you to look at him. He walks to you making you back up against the door. His hands slide up your body achingly slow. The warmth of his hands spreads through your cheeks. He cups your cheeks in his hands making you look at him.
“As I was saying.. Seeing the bruises on your body since you started dating him has killed me on the inside, your smile has changed since you’ve been with him and it’s like your putting up a fake one trying to show everything is okay when it’s now.. whenever I’m with you I see that genuine beautiful smile I love so much and I-“
   Grabbing Tom’s face you smash your lips onto his. The kiss full of want and need, yet it felt so loving as he pulled your body closer. His hands slide down to your ass giving it a squeeze. A small moan escapes you as he grinds himself against you.You leg instinctively rising and wrapping around his waist.
   Lifting you up you wrap your legs around his waist. Your dress making it easy to do so. He opens the door walking in and kicking it shut. Your lips traveling down his jawline slowly, a groan emits out of him turning you on. Your hand tugging his head back lightly, fingers lost in his curls.
  Tom takes you into a room setting you down by the bed. His hands slide your dress off of your shoulders. Kissing down your body as he pulled it all the way down. Your thighs clamping together as he kissed his way back up. His breath against your skin making you curl your toes.
    Lifting you up he lays you down on the bed. His hand reaches up to his tie pulling on it to loosen it. The look he was giving you as he undid his tie made your pussy throb with anticipation. Tom’s eyes were darkening with arousal as they scanned your body on the bed.
    Your heartbeat was picking up as Tom started unbuttoning his white button up shirt. With each button coming undone the more of his skin showed. Your eyes watching as his abs were on display when he opened his shirt completely. Letting it fall to the floor behind him his biceps flex slightly. He reaches down taking his belt off.
    The belt slides out of the loops with ease but some how turning you on how he looked hot holding a belt. Opening his hand he drops the belt onto the floor. Kneeling down he grips your legs pulling you to the edge. The only thing that separated the two of you was your black lace panties.
    Tom hooks his fingers pulling them down your legs and throwing them to the ground. You tried covering the dark splotches that stained your skin. His lips press against the bruises almost as if he’s trying to kiss away the pain. He kissed each bruise then made his way further between your legs. Tom spreads your legs open biting the inside of your thigh. 
   Your head tilts back once Tom’s tongue slides up your slit slowly. His hands tightly holding your hips in place as he pleases you. A moan escapes your lips as he inserts two fingers inside of you pumping slowly. His tongue flicking against your clit as he pumps his fingers in and out of you.
    “T-Tom” you gasp as he hums against your clit. The vibrations felt like electricity shooting through your system, Your chest was raising up and down quicker. Stomach tightening as his fingers curled inside you.
    Curling his fingers in a come hither motion your legs start to shake. Sitting up you rest against your forearms looking down at him. His eyes staring into yours which made your heart stop for a second. He looks so damn hot eating you out while looking at you.
    Taking your lip between your teeth you tangle your fingers into his curls. A moan comes form Tom when you tug on his curls. His eyes closing and hand gripping your thigh tighter.  The fingers inside you rubbing against your g-spot making you let out shaky breaths.
“P-Please I need you Tom.. so badly” whining as you grip his hair tighter from the knot forming in your stomach. He kisses the inside of your thighs as he takes his fingers out of your clenching pussy.
   Letting go of his hair he stands up reaching for the button on his trousers. A bulge prominent from how aroused he is. You go to reach for his pants but he stops you. Looking at him confused he just gets undressed. Once fully naked he scoots you back getting onto the bed. He settles himself between you ,forearms on either side of your head.
    Your hair was against the mattress ,waves looking like a windy morning at the beach. Tom kisses from your jaw down to the base of your neck. His lips sucking at the skin making your heart rate erratic. The air in your lungs leaves as he slides into you slowly. Your eyes fluttering shut when his hips snap forward making him go deeper into you.
“I.. I want this to be about you.. you’re so special to me and I need to show how special you are to me”  Tom moans as he thrusts again into you. The sound of his moans sparked something in you.
   Tom’s hands grab yours raising them above your head.He rests his forearms on the mattress to support himself as he’s above you. His eyes shut and grunts emitting from him as he thrusts slowly but deeply into you. Small moans tumbled from your lips as you squeezed his hands tightly.
“F-feels so good” you whimper as he starts thrusting faster into you. The bed starting to shake from the motion he was creating. Moans and grunts filled the air of the dim room.The only light that was in the room was from a lamp that was on a dresser.
   Wrapping your leg around his waist you move the two of you in a quick motion so now that he’s on his back. Tom looks at you confused as you readjust yourself sliding back down on his cock. His eyes flutter shut as you start riding him slowly. Your fingertips ghosting over his abs as you kept your movements slow. You let out a moan as his thumb rubs against your clit , your legs trembling from how sensitive you were.
    Looking him in the eyes you run your fingers through your hair moving your bangs out of your face. His free hand grips your hip tightly guiding you in a steady pace while the other is rubbing quick circles on your clit. Your stomach clenched when you felt yourself getting close. Tom was telling you how beautiful you are and that he’s lucky to have you.
“You’re my girl got that?” his voice shaky from his breathing. Your hips raising and lowering quicker , your moans becoming louder as his hips thrust up making him go deeper into you. The new angle making your head fall back.
“Y-yes, I’m y-yours” you gasp out as he pulls you down smashing your lips against his. Tom’s thrusts were fast and hard into you making you moan into the kiss. The two of you kissing in desperation and lust.
    Tom’s lips traveled down to your neck as he kept thrusting. His thrusts were so hard they sent your body forward a bit. He had to wrap his muscular arms around you to keep you tight against him. His teeth biting the skin of your neck, surely going to leave a mark. You could feel yourself clenching around him as he kept the pace.
    Heavy breathing fanned against your neck as your legs started trembling. Your hair creating a curtain beside the two of you. He places his hand on your cheek as he looks you in the eyes. Biting your lip hard as you release on his cock. He moans looking down at where the two of you connected. Tom watches as he slides in and out of you and shortly comes right at the sight. You moan against his neck as you collapse on top of him.
“So I take it you’re fine being my girlfriend?” He asks panting trying to regain a steady breathing pattern. You nod your head giggling as you look at him. His forehead lined with sweat, some dripping down into his curls.
“Yes Thomas Stanley Holland I am totally fine with being your girlfriend, want to know why?” you ask getting off of him and tying your hair up in a messy bun. He sits up on his forearms looking at you. He looked like a greek god sculpture the way he was laid out on the bed.
This man is yours.
“The reason why is because before everything happened you were always the one who knew how to make me happy, smile and you know so much about me.. you make me feel like life is worth living and after tonight I know how you truly feel and it makes me love you more and more so I would love to be your girlfriend because I love you Tom Holland”
“I love you more angel” He smiles pulling you to him to kiss you. Resting your forehead against yours you close your eyes smiling. You’re finally with the man of your dreams and who you love with your entire soul and being.
A/N: typed this while on pain killers so sorry if some things are spelled wrong x_x
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thisisamoomoo · 7 years
taco night 8/17
the one where sam makes it clear that elliot is a bottom, danly are married and wes and leah are not happy about it, sam and ria finally get it together and angus rips it apart, mer and landon have many emotions, andie and elliot have too many and yet also not enough emotions, and catalina challenges dj’s boarding prowess.
Elliot/Mer: Elliot was still in his tux, albeit a little disheveled, after his uncle's failed wedding. His bride had left him at the alter. But hey it wasn't all bad, Elliot still got his turn at the open bar, and even got to take home a bottle once his uncle was properly shitfaced. He had almost forgotten about Taco night when he opened the door to a completely smoke filled room
Leah/who fkin knows: Leah sat on the floor against the couch, smoking a joint. Why wasn't she on the couch? Who knows. Not Me. "You look like you just went to the shittiest bar mitzvah," She snorted, slapping her knee at the sight of him.
Leah/who fkin knows changed name to Leah/DJ/Angus
Sam - Landone - Daniel maybe (Sam - Landone) joined the chat
Leah/DJ/Angus: Angus stood reading the label on a beer bottle in the kitchen. He knew Leah had only invited him this time at the possibility of some entertaining outburst, so he was acting a little too cool just to annoy her.
ria - andie - wes: Ria looked from the roach that was two centimeters from burning her fingers to find Elliot dressed to the nines. A mocking laugh cracked her usual frown open as she gestured. "Jesus Christ, I was gonna say he looks like he just came back from prom in 2001, but that's good too."
Leah/DJ/Angus: DJ was sitting on the couch trying to figure out where to put his legs.
ria - andie - wes: Andie glanced up, then took a swig from the bottle of vodka she was holding near and dear to her.
Leah/DJ/Angus: "His date didn't want to get laid in the bathroom. This boy is distraught! Tune in next week to see if he cries," Leah dug at Elliot, punctuating with a deep drag.
ria - andie - wes: Ria slapped Leah on the forearm in appreciation of her good, good joke. "This is my favorite show. Seriously."
ria - andie - wes: Andie's legs were sprawled over DJ let's just say that
Elliot/Mer: "Ladies, ladies please you're too much" He walked further into his apartment "Please my egos just gonna explode." He walked over and took the joint from Leah and took a huff before giving it back. " My uncle got left at the alter, I thought you would've seen it on beth's snap story"
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine entered for the first time
Leah/DJ/Angus: DJ was having a crisis about if he should place his hand on Andies leg or keep it awkwardly placed.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Lasmine they kiss
Elliot/Mer changed name to Elliot/Mer/Finland
ria - andie - wes: "What makes you think I look at Beth's snap story?" Ria blurted rudely, laughing at the implication. "I don't even look at yours!"
Leah/DJ/Angus: As is the shock from Ria making any physical contact with her at all wasn't enough, Elliot had the nerve to take the joint from her bare hands. She refused it when he tried to hand it back. "I'm like so fucking good with not having that back. Sorry' bout your uncle. Was she hot?"
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Meredith walked in with Nick who i have the power to play tonight hahahaha, his hand on her lower back. She saw everyone just sitting chilling, and stopped only to grab a drink which she would join. "Hey gang" She said to everyone BUT Sam. She doubted she was still invited after her and Sam's fight but fuck him she still had other friends here.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "Hey"
Leah/DJ/Angus: DJ's eyes darted straight to Mer's boobs, quickly distracting himself with his phone. What on his phone, you ask? House Flip with Chip and Jo.
ria - andie - wes: Wes did that one head nod thing boys do to say hey to Mer
Leah/DJ/Angus: Angus scowled at Mer from the kitchen, making his way back to the group and sipping his beer.
Leah/DJ/Angus: "Who calls their kid Meredith?" Leah pretended to gossip, quickly looking at Mer in feigned shock.
ria - andie - wes: "Who the fuck knows," Ria said, not pretending.
Leah/DJ/Angus: *When I Grow Up plays ominously in the background*
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Sucks for you." Elliot said taking another hit of Leah's joint. "Not really but he's no prize either. " He winced at that good kush went down. " You don't look at my fucking snap story? But I look at all of yours"His eyes looked pouty and bummed for a second before they drifted up to Andie and they involuntarily lit up before he looked at Dj and raised his eyebrow. Like he was saying an inside joke and a question at the same time.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Finley walked into behind DANIEL
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: After finishing a poop, Daniel made his way back to the party and immediately was found by Finley. "Oh, hi," he said with a smile.
Leah/DJ/Angus: In order to play the game at optimum level, DJ resting his arms over Andies legs without thinking. "Who's snap story?" He interjected, having not paid attention at all.
Leah/DJ/Angus: 'whose
Leah/DJ/Angus: wohes'
Elliot/Mer/Finland: elliot silently went to lock the bathroom door so daniel couldnt get in
ria - andie - wes: Ria shrugged, taking a swig from her red solo cup in lieu of explaining herself.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Hey" Finley blurted, way too excited to see him, after only being in the strange apt for like 4 seconds and already feeling crippling social anxiety kick in. She went to kiss him but stopped, it was so public and she wasn't sure who he had told, or who knew at this point
ria - andie - wes: Andie got caught in Elliot's eye contact for a moment before taking another swig, then pulling one of her legs towards herself.
ria - andie - wes: Wes did the head nod to Danny Boi too
Leah/DJ/Angus: With nothing to occupy her hands, Leah struggled off the floor using Ria's shoulder as a help and went tf to get a bottle from the kitchen. Girl, didn't even notice Finley was there.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Meredith looked at Leah and Ria "Assholes that's who" She left Nicks side and walked closer to them, doing her best to sit down but her outfit was more appealing than functional and she was scared her tits would fall out. " How ya doing, sluts"
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "You sure you wanna be here tonight? I know this isn't really your thing," he asked her with a smile, grabbing a hold of her hand. He had only went because he thought tonight might be the night that he told Wes the truth about Finley and his relationshit
ria - andie - wes: relationshit same
Leah/DJ/Angus: "Slut shaming? In this Safe Space?" Leah called from the kitchen to Mer, returning with a half full bottle of JD and a handful of Cheetos to take her seat back on the floor.
ria - andie - wes: It's More Likely Than You Think!
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Elliot got a weird feeling from Andies actions but didn't say anything instead he just smiled a half smile, at least just happy she came before going to find Sam
ria - andie - wes: Ria took a quick look around while Leah was gone, then gestured to herself as if to ask if she was the slut. "I'm great."
ria - andie - wes: Andie took another drink
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Can't slut shame if you're the biggest slut, disqualifies me. RIGHT SAMMIE?" She yelled into the party wherever the fuck that asshole was
Leah/DJ/Angus: Angus sat in the armchair, sipping his beer and honestly just observing.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: elliot texted andie like u good like a while later ya know so its not creepy
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Sam couldn't help but roll his eyes and scoff at Mer's comment, taking a rip from his joint. "If the shoe fits, put it on and wear it," he said loud enough for her to hear.
ria - andie - wes: Ria quirked an eyebrow at the mention of Samuel, letting out a laugh.
ria - andie - wes: andie texts a thumbs up emoji back
Leah/DJ/Angus: DJ hadn't got an answer to his question, so he just accepted that fate for the night and sat cross legged when Mer when to sit down.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Finley squeeze'd Daniel's hand back. "No I'm fine really." She picked up a random alcoholic drink and took a sip like see im fine super chill. "And if you're actually gonna tell Wes I should probs be here"
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Dude did Big Boobs just call you the biggest slut?" Elliot asked, the high kicking in, and reply to andie with a simple liar all at once
Leah/DJ/Angus: Leah looked around the group, trying to figure out where the conversation was going and if it was worth speaking.
Leah/DJ/Angus: Angus laughed for the first time all day at Mer inferring that to Samuel.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: He nodded at her remark, his mind clearly somewhere else. At the mention of Wes, Daniel couldn't help but attempt to change the subject. "Have you tried the tacos? I thought the tacos were lovely... much better than last time," he said.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine joined the chat
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Catalina walked in, a big ziploc bag in hand to take as many as possible. She saw DJ in the distance and the girl on him and chortled to herself before texting "is that girl on you dead? like fr?"
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "I'm a proud slut, El. To defend myself, I never said being a slut was a bad thing. She just pissed me off," Sam defended.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Landon punch
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Awe what she do Baby?" Elliot asked squeezing his shoulder
ria - andie - wes: andie text: "??"
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "Don't worry about it," Sam said quietly. He was afraid to admit the truth.
Leah/DJ/Angus: DJ eyed Catalina as she walked in, immediately reading her message and struggling not to laugh out before texting back a couple of skull emojis. Putting his phone down next to him and leaning back with his arm across the back of the couch with a grin on his face. There were too many ladies around not to smile.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Mer grumbled under her breath and got up, a hand on her boobs so she wouldnt show a nip. "Lets hope you're a top, Elliot." Mer called out before grabbing another cup and walking out towards Landoi
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Catalina looked at her phone midway through filling up her taco bag. "What are the odds you check her pulse"
Leah/DJ/Angus: "If I hear someone say slut again, I'm gonna hulk flip this coffee table," Leah chuckled to herself, sipping from the bottle. She wasn't actually going to, but the conversation wasn't entertaining her.
ria - andie - wes: "Slut," Ria muttered, hoping for a show.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Didn't they make you really sick last time?" Finley mouth downturned into a frown, and then she sipped her drink. "You should go talk to him, really."
Leah/DJ/Angus: Leah gave Ria a glare, pretending for just a minute like she was going to kick the table right at Elliot with her foot. "Is this what you want?"
ria - andie - wes: "Wait," Ria said, picking up her product and her cup from the table. "Ok. Yeah."
Leah/DJ/Angus: DJ took Mer moving as his opportunity to get up from the couch, no mind paid to anyone in the way because he was busy replying to Catalinas message. "Her legs were cold to the touch." Silently, he moved to get his own taco next to her without actually saying anything.
Leah/DJ/Angus: Leah was really gonna do it, but she didn't wanna pay for a new coffee table. With the look she spotted on Sam's face, she knew that drama wasn't even needed.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Catalina looked up at Dj and her face involuntarily twitched into a smile. "I wanted a pulse check, or a mirror under nose sorta thing. " She shoved another taco into her bag, lunch a dinner for like a week. She looked over at that party and pointed at Sam. "That white boys bouta go off, hes got that school shooter look in his eyes." She said calmly
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Sam felt angry by Mer's comment. Not only did she bring up his dick, which was perfectly average, but she also implied that Elliot would be a top in their metaphorical gay relationship. "Hold my joint," Sam said, handing off his joint to Elliot and standing up quickly. After clearing his throat, Sam started off on a rant that he wasn't sure he was capable of. "You know what, Meredith? Fuck you! You like to comment on a guy's body and make him insecure, but the second someone implies you sleep with the whole town -- which is the truth, by the way? How many people here have you fucked anyway? Not that I ever said it was a bad thing, but if you can't take the heat, maybe don't talk shit about someone. You were an average lay anyway, so I'm not really missing out on much. Good luck barely satisfying the next guy and getting off on having incredible tits. OH! AND YOU WANNA SAY THAT ELLIOT BETTER BE A TOP? LOOK AT HIM. Elliot is clearly and bottom and EVERYONE KNOWS IT! I can't believe you're that dumb to imply that Elliot would be anything other than a twinky bottom if we were an actual gay couple! This is MY apartment and you can either shut your mouth and leave," Sam ranted, grabbing a throw pillow from the couch and throwing it at Meredith. "Elliot, a fucking top.... what a dumb bitch," he fell back down on the couch and took a deep breath.
ria - andie - wes: Ria: the face andy cohen makes at the end of that THATS MY OPINION vine
ria - andie - wes: In a room of otherwise silence, Andie let out one low chuckle. "True."
Leah/DJ/Angus: Leah had never been so shook. This was The Best Night.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Daniel grabbed Finley protectively.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Landon punched
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Mer who had not left yet taksies backsies she still there stood in a stunned silence. "Alrighty then. " Meredith said and walked out, straight out of the apartment complex to the outside where she stood against a wall and lit her joint, and tried to ignore the fact that tear were stinging at her eyes.
ria - andie - wes: Wes grabbed a taco and headed out to see if he could bum a few puffs from Meredith
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Elliot looked at Sam in stunned silence and only could talk again when Andie piped up "What the fuck?" he asked in a breathy voice
Leah/DJ/Angus: Angus wondered how he'd ended up here in this place with these people. Sam ranting immediately making him feel livid, the sound of his voice just pissing him off. "What a dick," He whispered under his breath as he stood up and took a few steps towards the fridge.
ria - andie - wes: Andie shrugged. "What? Everyone knows it."
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Mer saw someone coming and blinked profusely until the tears went away. As soon as she could make out the features in the dark to be Wes she held out the joint without a word
Leah/DJ/Angus: DJ watched on in shock, lowkey pissed off that this other white boy had taken the sliver of attention he was getting. "Is he really fighting about who would be...? Wow."
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Really?" Elliot asked looking around from face to face
ria - andie - wes: Ria eyed Angus, deciding it wasn't worth it to say anything in Sam's defense. At least not within either Angus or Sam's earshot.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Landon stopped acting like a caveman and knew instantly that he had to find Mer and make sure she was alright. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw her just outside the door. "Hey, you doing okay?" He asked, approaching Mer and giving Wes a nod of hello when he noticed him.
ria - andie - wes: "I mean, I can confirm," Andie took a swig.
ria - andie - wes: Wes took the joint, took a hit, eyed Landon and held the joint out to him.
Leah/DJ/Angus: Leah could not move. Just staring at Samuel like a car crash. "Amazing."
ria - andie - wes: me too leah
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Yeah I know, they're obviously both bottoms. "Catalina replied sucking her teeth
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Mer shook her head at Wes. "He wont want any just take it enjoy you're party, now 50% less skanky." She let out a laugh that sounded real
Leah/DJ/Angus: It took a couple seconds for that joke to make sense for DJ, but he preemptively laughed anyway. "So... tacos, right?" He moved on.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Elliot wanted to defend himself or make a witty comment or something but instead he just opened his mouth like an idiot, then closed it and nodded.
ria - andie - wes: "Hey, listen, you've never fucked me, so," Wes said, giving a quick pout that turned quickly into a half smile, cheersing his joint before heading back in.
ria - andie - wes: Andie went back to seeming only vaguely aware of her surroundings
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Finally, maybe you should tell Sam it's not the whole town!" She yelled at him before turning back to face Landon. "I"m fine." She answered with a half smile. " I'm assuming you heard all that."
ria - andie - wes: "I will," Wes called, truly having every intention to do so
Leah/DJ/Angus: Leah, recovering from the shook, took a couple swigs from the bottle before placing it on the table so she could get up again. The most exercise she'd done all week. "Dude, taco night started out with good intentions and now we're here."
ria - andie - wes: Wes walked back through the door, calling to Sam from across the room. "Hey, you know, Mer's never fucked me? I'm pretty offended that you think it's the whole town since I've never gotten it in."
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Yep" Catalina said zipping up the bag of tacos. "You're dead girl moved. Guess she wasn't /that/ kinda cold"
ria - andie - wes: Ria nodded vacantly, then shook her head instead. "We should've never started inviting people"
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Elliot under his breath mumbled that he too, had not fucked Mer.
Leah/DJ/Angus: Angus gripped the fridge handle so hard that it almost came off as he grabbed a beer that definitely didn't belong to him. Passive aggression? Who knew.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "I heard all of it, but it's okay.. I always knew he was just an asshole," Landon said with a sweet smile, examining her face and noticing the sadness in her eyes. If he were more aggressive, he'd have punched Sam out.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Sam stood back up and burst into a sarcastic clapping fest. "Wow. It appears I was wrong. Thanks for letting me know, guys!" Sam rolled his eyes and headed off into his room, leaving his door open though because he half wanted the attention of someone following him.
Leah/DJ/Angus: "You against taking her place?" DJ tried to be some kind of smooth, but he managed to drop his phone on the counter.
ria - andie - wes: Wes shrugged, then headed over to Daniel to see what was goin' on over there.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Daniel started to feel himself getting a little bit drunk and liquid courage set in. "I'm gonna do it," Daniel said out loud, though nobody knew what he was talking about except Finley.
ria - andie - wes: "Alright buddy," Wes nodded, full support
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Mer made eyecontact only briefly until her eyes stung again and she lowered her head. "Hes not wrong and he's not the first person to bring it up." She sighed. She wished she hadn't given her joint away but if she cried in front of Daniel the embarrasement would have been too great. "I just...God dammit." She half yelled at the sky. "I just want to feel something, you know?" She rubbed her forehead. "No you probably don't. I'm sorry. You should probably just leave." A tear leaked out of her eye and rolled down her cheek.
Leah/DJ/Angus: "Dude," Leah leant back against the arm of the couch looking down at Ria, "You should go talk to him." Immediately, Leah laughed. Obviously trying to instigate something that she knew would be obvious to Ria.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Elliot heard Daniel and panic rushed through him. " SAM THE BATHROOMS" HE YELLED
Leah/DJ/Angus: Angus evaporated
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Elliot walked over to Andie and said "It's not Beth but it's still pretty dramatic." He said looking down at her with mischeif on his FACE
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "Thanks, man. I actually... wanted to talk to you about something. Alone," he emphasized, knowing it sounded even more intense that way.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Daniel ^
ria - andie - wes: Ria gave Leah such a look, but she also was pretty buzzed and kind of glad someone had given her a reason to. She got up as if to stretch her legs, avoiding Leah's gaze, and wandered back to Sam's room, hoping she didn't look like she'd gone there on purpose. When she finally got there, she crossed her arms and leant against the doorframe. "So how does a relationship with two bottoms actually work?"
Leah/DJ/Angus joined the chat
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "As...you're dead girl?" Catalina looked up asking her God if this white boy was serious
ria - andie - wes: Andie looked up at Elliot blankly, nodding once and swallowing hard. "She'd be pretty pissed to find herself outdone."
Leah/DJ/Angus: Left by herself, Leah took the point she'd been saving in her pocket and lit up right there. Finally free for a moment of lowkey peace.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "I don't care what anyone has to say about you. You're a good person and you have nothing to be ashamed of." Landon moved so that he was in front of Mer, lifting her chin up so that her eyes were facing his before wiping her tears softly. "Of course I understand. Sometimes I don't feel anything and I feel myself wanting to find a way to feel something, no matter how bad it is." Landon felt a lump in his throat, but he pushed it back. "He is wrong, you know? You're not defined by your mistakes."
ria - andie - wes: Wes blinked, then gave him a 'oh really' kinda look. "Damn, are we gonna fuck? All this bottom talk got you goin', huh?"
Leah/DJ/Angus: DJ furrowed his brow, "Um, I- Uh, not exactly what I meant." He shook his head, regretting his wording and sure he'd made a fool of himself. It read openly all over his face while he distracted himself fiddling with a spare tortilla.
Leah/DJ/Angus changed name to Leah - DJ
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "She crashed my grandmas RV just to prove a point, she can't be topped." Elliot said like he had been to war. He held his hand down to help her up.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Sam had his face buried in his pillow and though he had hoped someone would come, he wasn't totally convinced that anyone would. He was completely hated, right? After a few minutes, he heard a familiar voice - the one voice he wanted to hear the most. Sam slowly lifted his head and faced Ria, "But Elliot has a nicer butt than me. I literally couldn't be a bottom," he explained, sitting up and giving a painful smile.
ria - andie - wes: "What will she do next?" Andie said, glancing at his hand but not reaching for it. "Where you going?"
ria - andie - wes: "You can do anything you set your mind to," Ria shrugged, glancing around his room rather than at Sam himself. "With a little lube."
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "Dude, we're both tops, I think. It would be a mess if we actually fucked, but yeah.... it totally got me going." Daniel laughed for a moment, slowly walking in a direction towards one of the empty rooms, guiding Wes. "It's nothing major. I just don't feel like announcing it to everyone yet.. it's about Finley and I," he said after he closed the door behind him.
Leah - DJ: Angus straight up bounced with someones beer because he only turned up to fuck with Sam but he couldn't do that if he was crying in his bedroom.
ria - andie - wes: "There'd be shit everywhere," Wes laughed, shakign his head at the actual thought of it. "Whats up? Y'all lookin' for a double penetration type deal?"
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Meredith wanted to kiss him, she wanted to rock onto her tip toes and kiss him. And she was sure he'd let her. But she stayed where she was, she had already fucked herself up enough did she really need to keep doing it to this poor boy. She remembered the camping trip and then ignoring him afterwards and felt sick. "I have a lot to be ashamed of, I think I and everyone in that party but you know it." She smirked sadly. "Then what am I defined by? My awful movies?My failed marriage? My incredible boobs that are apparently just floating me through life?"
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Elliot pulled his hand back and wiped it on his jeans, acting like it wasn't there to help her up at all, like the sting of rejection didn't make him want to text that girl and update her that he was only one rejection away from a yes. He walked over towards Sams room but saw it was preoccupied, he turned around and made an oh shit face at Andie. "I guess not in there." He laughed a high laugh.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "That's the last thing we want. I already fucked up the plumbing in this apartment, I don't want to make an even bigger mess. I might get evicted." Daniel chuckled, growing more nervous as he realized what he was about to say. "DP? I haven't convinced her of it yet, but I'll keep you updated. It's actually about the state of our, uh, relationship. There's been some changing."
ria - andie - wes: "Beth's not here, Sam can handle himself. You're off the clock," Andie droned, falling back into the cushions of the couch. Was she being cold? Er-- colder than usual? She coudln't tell.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "You do realize I don't actually want to have gay sex with Elliot, right? I feel the need to clear that up," Sam chuckled softly and gave her a slight smile. "Did I kill the party?"
ria - andie - wes: "I'm surprised they even let you back in here, dude. But shit happens, you know," Wes said, chuckling at himself. "Damn, did you guys break up or something? I'm sorry dude."
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "That tortillas not your phone it doesnt usually get anyone out of awkward situations." She smiled at him without meaning to, his /weirdness/ had come back around to being semi endearing.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: ^catalina'
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Elliot sat down, held up his index finger like he meant wait, downed the closest drink in one gulp and then said "What crawled up your ass and died?"
ria - andie - wes: "You can say that all you want, but..." Ria trailed off, giving a small smirk. "You're no Beth, no matter how much you want to be. Party's still full swing. Mer left, though. You drove the STD count down, at least."
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Landon knew that the sex was probably just a drunken move on both their parts, but he couldn't help but remember the way he looked into her eyes during and how much he knew that he loved her. It was the same way he looked at her now and the same way he knew he always would, no matter how hard he tried to move on. "Everyone has done stuff they aren't exactly proud of, but mistakes are what morph you into the person you're going to be. Meredith, you've only become better since I've known you and you'll continue to do so.. mistakes and all." There was truly nothing Meredith could do that would change how he felt. "You are fun loving and upbeat. You are funnier than you realize and you're a strong, beautiful woman.. inside and out. You're defined by things like that."
ria - andie - wes: Andie literally became that white dude blinking gif for a second. She couldn't remember the last time he'd said anything like that directed at her. Something way down deep in her cold dead heart stung, but she couldn't do much besides break eye contact and take a swig. "Jesus. Back atcha."
Leah - DJ: Catalina calling him out was Too Real, another second spent coming to terms with how truthful it was before he cracked a smile. "This is an awkward situation? I read this all so wrong," He tried to joke, taking his hand away from the food and leaning back against the counter.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Why are you acting so weird--is it the suit, cause I really only rented it for the night so it'll probably be gone tomorrow, I know, I look like a jackass. But you've been weird all night and while we're on the subject for a fucking while now too." Elliot tried to look at her but kept having to stare at the curtainsbehind her or some shit so he wouldn't get carried away or do some dumb shit.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "It's because they both know that I could kick their ass, man. It was the Taco's fault." Daniel was bro-ing out pretty hard with Wes, so much that he felt uncomfortable with how unsmooth his transition into serious talk was. "No, man. We are better than ever. I uh, I don't know how to say it, so I'm just going to go right at it. Finley and I actually got married."
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "You're not convinced? Most people aren't, so I can't exactly be upset with you for that." Sam laughed slightly. "I feel like I'm learning, though. I'll always be a step behind her crazy shit, but I'm definitely getting better at it." Sam shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know why the fuck she was here to begin with. She clearly had something up her ass from a text I made the other day and decided to start shit in my apartment."
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Meredith stepped back from him and wiped her own eyes with the back of her hand, probably smearing her makeup in the process. She cursed under her breath and shook her head. Knowing this was all too much for her, too much kindness she hadn't deserved. "I'm an alcoholic and a skank and I think the sooner you figure that out the better off you'll be.You see or hear anyone else go to defend my honor, Landon? It's cause I have none." her voice turned steely as she tried to make space between them, literally and figuratively. It was better than kissing him again. "I came here with Nick tonight. To have sex with him in Sam's bed. Because I'm the actual worst, do you not get that." Her voice was breaking but still bitter, mostly at herself. "How can you not see that?" She asked angry tears streaming fast down her face.
Leah - DJ: Leah narrowed her eyes as she listened in on Elliot and Andies conversation. Whether she was sleeping between them or eavesdropping on purpose, it was always a good dose of something. Right now though, it was too weird for even her to listen to. "Y'all are fucked," She exhaled with a cloud of smoke, getting up to her feet. "Just chill, damn," With confusion in her voice, Leah turned on her heels and starting walking away to check her makeup in the bathroom.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Me too apparently." Catalina smiled and swirled a drink in her hands. "When you said there were tacos at this party I though, damn tacos, and you thought damn I can murder this girl now." She cracked her self up, chewin on the edge of the cup.
Leah - DJ: "That was definitely my plan. Was it really that obvious?" DJ tried to play cool, wondering to himself if it was actually as funny of a reply as he thought. Unable to tell if the drinking he'd been doing was helping or hindering him in the conversation. "You got me."
ria - andie - wes: "I haven't been weird," Andie said defensively, though it came out monotone. Leah was right, they were fucked. Well, Andie was fucked, Elliot was just along for the ride for some reason. And she had to get him off it. "I'm always like this. I don't know what you're talking about."
ria - andie - wes: Wes' world imploded at that one single word. A million thoughts rushed in and out of his head while his face went through every emotion before he finally settled on a passionate "Why?"
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Well nows your chance" She pulled out the cutlery drawer turned around and said " Have at it I was an 8am tomorrow."
Elliot/Mer/Finland: finley felt the earth shift and her eyes widened, she texted stella
Elliot/Mer/Finland: (catalina is that first 1)
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Landon's face remained unconvinced, he shook his head at a few of her character flaws because he truly didn't see it the same way he did. "You're not perfect and neither am I. Nobody is, Meredith. People are self absorbed and don't want to handle anything serious because they'd much rather get drunk and forget about their problems. That doesn't mean that nobody cares!" He defended, his face dropping when he noticed just how aggressive she was being about it. When her final words left her mouth, Landon couldn't help but feel like he had been stabbed in the chest. Landon looked down at his feet and swallowed back another lump forming in his throat, avoiding eye contact with her so that he didn't completely lose it. "I don't care who you planned on sleeping with. I knew I didn't have a chance with you. You don't have to hurt me just because you want to push me away, Mer. I care about you and nothing is going to change that," he finally decided.
ria - andie - wes: "All these girls you're fucking seem to be pretty pissed at you," Ria said, very cool and non-jealous-ly. For real. "So maybe there's a common theme here?"
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Daniel felt his stomach form into knots as Wes reacted to the news, knowing full well that he wasn't taking it very well. "I don't know, Wes. I just.. love her, man. Sure, it was a very sudden decision, but this doesn't change anything."
Leah - DJ: Dave just laughed, adjusting the collar of his undone button up. God, he could not tell if she was being serious. He just smiled like an actual idiot and tried not to return to his tortilla. "That mean you won't stay for a drink then?"
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Elliot looked at Andie as she was right, if she denied it enough there was nothing he could do. There was no bright warning signs that something was wrong or things he could point to as evidence he just felt it. "I know you're like all distant and shit all the time. I know. I've been through it before but like..." He trailed of with a sigh. Panic silently coursing through him. "Andie, Andrea, dude-io, whats wrong?"
ria - andie - wes: "Dude, it changes everything. I--" Wes went quiet again as his brain exploded for the second time. "I mean, can you get it annulled? Have you guys boned yet?"
Leah - DJ: Leah looked absolutely no different when she came back from the bathroom despite attempting to fix her makeup, pulling out her phone to snapchat a picture of Wes looking kinda stressed from the other side of the room to Stella.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "I guess you have a point. At a certain point, maybe I'm to blame." Sam replied, though he was aware of it all along. "You think I could become a good priest? It would be a transition, but maybe it's just what I need." Or maybe I need you, he thought, but he definitely didn't say out loud lol
Leah - DJ: (thats me)
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "How exactly does it change anything at all? It's just title given to two people that love each other. I'm still Daniel and you're still Wes -- I'll even continue to be your wingman when needed," Daniel tried to soothe his wounds. "Why would I get it annuled? And yes, Wes, we've boned."
ria - andie - wes: "Aside from our imminent death on this rock hurtling through space, nothing. Same as always," she lied through her teeth, and she knew he could tell. "I'll call you when I get over it, I guess."
ria - andie - wes: stella: living for the drama and plotting wes' death
Leah - DJ: Spotting Finley, Leah snapped a photo of Finley to Finley that said nothing except "shots?"
ria - andie - wes: also stella: very hurt she wasn't invited to taco nite. again.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Meredith's heart broke for him. She felt hollow, like usual, but this was a bigger more consuming hollow like after the non-wedding. She looked at him for a hot minute before her face completely crumbled. She let out a strangled noise and slid down the apartment wall and put her head between her knees and let it all out.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Finley looked at her phone then looked up for Leah like ???
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "I mean as long as you kill me before work tomorrow why should I care." Catalina turned back around with a shrug. "Wheres the drinks?" She asked, even though there was a liquor, everywhere.
Leah - DJ: Seeing Finley looking around prompted Leah to stroll over, "When the shit did you get here, bitch?" Bitch and Finley didn't really go hand in hand, but Leah was on 2 and it just felt right. "Do a shot with me."
ria - andie - wes: "I don't think the church takes stoners or assholes, and you're both," Ria said with a chuckle, surprising herself with how friendly her tone had turned. "Maybe you just need to stop boning crybabies."
Leah - DJ: DJ laughed maybe a little too hard, mentally reminding himself to take it down a notch. Biting back his smile just a little more than he had been like he still had a chance of playing it cool. "Well, uh, what do you drink? I can find you something."
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "You'd be awful at poker." Elliot smiled in voluntarily at her, like he was charmed by her lying the fucking LOSER. Elliot played with the buttons on the cuffs of his suit jacket, feeling more out of place than he had before. " Did I do something? Did you do som--dID YOU KILL THE CAT?" He asked his eyes shooting open
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "I uh-- came with Daniel a bit earlier he had to talk to him about--" She was cut off by the idea of not telling Leah. "Shots sounds great." Finley actually didnt they they sounded great but oh well
Leah - DJ: "I didn't even see you, what the fuck?" Before Finley had even agreed, Leah had started walking toward the bottle of vodka closest. Not her first choice, but laziness was a cruel mistress. Pour it up, pour it up, she repeated in her head as she poured them out and shoved one towards Finley. "Talk to who about what? Man, I cut you off. How rude, yo."
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Landon instantly felt a disgusting feeling in his stomach when he heard the noise that left Mer's mouth and watched her slide down the wall. The last thing Landon wanted to see was her in this much pain. "Mer, please," Landon said, kneeling down beside her and doing his best to comfort her, his arm running gently up and down her back. "Please don't cry. I hate seeing you like this. You don't deserve this," Landon said frantically, feeling panicky as he couldn't fix how she was feeling.
ria - andie - wes: Andie's mouth dropped, forgetting her aloof game for a moment to be fully fucking offended. "What? Of course fucking not! Do you really think I want that for her?"
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "You don't think people can change? If I wanted to, I could become the bombest priest of all time," Sam was almost offended but he started to chuckle at the ridiculous idea of him actually working in a church. "I guess you got a point. I have to find a tough ass girl to start boning. Know anyone?" Sam asked, giving her a wink.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "I was talking to that Nick guy he's really nice." Fin tried to explain away her literally hiding. " It's okay." She said and picked the shot up and made Leah cheers it and drink this vodka straight down the hatch before she said "To talk to Wes about me and Daniel being married." She said super quickly after her shot
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Is there an extensive collection at this taco party?" Catalina looked around at all the shitfaced people. "Whatever you can make something in me doubts your a bartender."
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "But I do" Meredith's drunk ass wailed. She tried not to lean into Landon tried to stay rigid but as she cried she felt the weight of him on her side and she gave into it, putting her head on her chest, her crying turning more into stray tears and sniffles. She felt ridiculous and stupid but she didn't dare say it out loud, instead she just listened to the crickets outside chirp and felt the smooth rhytmic pattern of her back being rubbed.
ria - andie - wes: "Yeah, but you don't want to," she said, giving an eye roll despite the smirk that could almost be described as a real smile on her face. She propelled herself from the door frame finally, opting to roam his room. She inspected the Pink Floyd poster haphazardly stuck to his wall, turning to ream him for it just in time to see his wink. Jesus. Fuck. "I might, the question is whether you can actually handle someone like that. You can't go from the softies to toughies without getting a little hurt."
Leah - DJ: Most of what Finley said flew in one ear and out the other before Leah took her shot. How she managed to actually catch the last part was a miracle? Leah almost spat the last of the vodka in her mouth all over the other girl. "I'm sorry, what?" She asked, even though she had heard perfectly fine. Jumping in again before she'd even given FInley a chance to speak. "Am I really fucked up or did you just say that? Like, for real, for real? Not rad."
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "No!" He responded immediately. "I just--I don't know." He sighed. "Obviously my cat is in good hands with you thats not what I meant I just--" He tried to form any sentence that made sense. "I just don't get whats up with you then." His voice turned almost hopeless.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Finley chewed on her bottom lip "No like for real." She felt like she was turning in a bad reportcard to her parents
ria - andie - wes: "You're married, dude. She's gonna expect so much from you now! This is like, the ultimate fuckup! What am I supposed to do now? Who is gonna be my wingman? Who am I gonna get to be a wingman for? Dude, Daniel, this is like....I don't even know what to say...." Wes started hyperventilating. "How could you do this to me?"
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "I wish I could take the pain away from you, but I can't. You don't know how special you are to this world and maybe you don't see it, but I do," he nearly whispered, holding her close to his chest and letting her let her get it out of her system. "I'm really sorry, Mer."
ria - andie - wes: "Nothing's up with me," she insisted one last time with what was truly the last of her energy. "You're just looking for something to make your life interesting tonight."
ria - andie - wes: that was andie and im fucking sorry
Leah - DJ: "There's plenty to go around, I'll put it that way," Dave reached past her on the counter to grab a cup for himself while he looked around for something to make, "I can make you a mean vodka and sprite?"
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "You're totally right. I wanna work at Starbucks forever. I'm so close to heard barista and that's where I need to be," Sam replied with a laugh, sarcasm dripping from his voice. His eyes followed her as she made her way around his room, entranced by her every movement. Damn, was it sexual tension he was feeling or was he always just horny for the Ria? "Who doesn't like a little bit of pain? Besides, what I'm doing now isn't working for me. I want to quit the crybabies cold turkey and experience something a little different."
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "I'm sorry." Meredith parroted Landon although she knew she had so much more to apologize for. She couldn't fathom why he would stay, why he has stayed up to this point. She couldn't imagine giving that much of a shit about anyone so she just repeated "I'm sorry" Again and again for all the things she'd done and all the things she felt she could never be.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Elliot felt like he had been hit in the head with a frying pan. He knew he should probably stay and press on, he had dealt with a lot other of her self distancing bullshit but the wound stung too deep. "Alright." He said simply and got up from the couch, not looking back for her and he headed to his room and shut the door behind him, resisting his urge to slam it.
Leah - DJ: Leah immediately understood the stress on Wes's face and regretted exposing that to Stella, pouring herself another shot as she took in the information for herself. "Um, so basically," She paused to down the shot, wiping her mouth on her wrist, "Fuck me, right?" Leah sounded exasperated. "You didn't even, both of you guys were just like, oh yeah, let's just not tell them. Could've at least text me, shit." Pissed off herself more because she hadn't been able to see the mess it probably was, Leah looked back over at Wes before shaking her head. "That's so fucking shady, Fins."
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "She expects me to be myself, but like... sleep with her at night and help with the dishes. Really, not much has changed so far. I can still be your wingman.. I just can't, you know, do anything with other girls. I'll still let every hot girl know how awesome you are." Daniel knew that no matter how hard he tried, this was a form of betrayal to Wes and it wasn't going to be an easy transition for him. "Relax, man. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to upset you this much. I really do love her, man. It just seemed right."
ria - andie - wes: "Live your dream," Ria echoed his tone, but with the mood shift, suddenly feeling both incredibly exposed and powerful where she stood. Usually she was all for being blunt and to the point, but she found herself mulling over her options even though she knew exactly which one she wanted to go with. She had to take into account where they were, who was outside, and who Samuel was. Didn't she? "I guess the only way to know if you can handle it is to try it out, hm?"
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Finley figured it was a bad idea to tell her that Stella had already known and was at the wedding. "You were on the camping trip." She said realizing it was a shitty excuse. "We just did it I was gonna tell you when you got back but I knew you were going to be mad and I haven't seen you in forever."
ria - andie - wes: Andie stared at the place where Elliot had been for a long time, doing her best to quiet the noise in her head. It was for the best. Better than explaining the truth, anyway. The dull ache in her stomach would go away with some alcohol and some sleep. No biggie.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Ooo classy." Catalina jumped up onto the counter. "Whats in that one again?" She asked rhetorically. "Question:Do you usually come to these things slash is it usually this dramatic. I feel like Ive seen 6 Taylor Swift songs play out tonight."
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "You don't have to be sorry. I just want you to be alright," Landon replied softly, kissing the top of her head. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"
Leah - DJ: Leah's expression was completely flat, trying to decided whether she actually cared enough in this moment to be directly mad. She didn't really. The only thing that she was really clinging to was how shitty it was of Daniel not to tell Wes. Why was she thinking that? She didn't have a damn clue, as per usual. "Did he really just not fucking tell him? I ain't even mad, like do what you want, but fuck, Fin. It's so trippy that it's me telling you that was a fucked up thing to do."
ria - andie - wes: "You can do other stuff with girls, Daniel. It's just a piece of paper. But when she finds out what you've been doing, it won't be as cool! You'd have to like, deal with the government! Holy shit! The government is involved in your shit now!" Wes pushed past him, running into the first room available, which happened to be Elliot's
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Mer sat up and wiped her tear stained eyes and looked straight forward."I'll be alright." her voice was croaky and the tears had almost completely stopped. "I'm sorry I slept with you. Not because it was bad or anything It just" She sighed. "Was a really shitty thing for me to do, when I know."She didn't add the how you feel or the and my lack of feelings but it seemed implied.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Sam tried his best to keep his cool as she continued to speak, convinced that she was at least half flirting with him. It was a rare moment that Sam was not going to take for granted. "Yeah, something like that. She should know that even though the offer is always there, she should jump at the opportunity. I mean, she could change a young man's life." Sam scooted further along to bed, closer to where she stood and smirked up at her.
Leah - DJ: DJ mocked a laugh back at her at her rhetoric, grabbing the bottles from the end of the counter and filling up their cups by her leg. He was almost brave enough to make some kind of move, but he figured he'd probably get a good slap in the face. Instead, he leant with his hand just by her side on the counter and sipped his drink. "Not normally, I thought it was going to be just something relaxed. I was so wrong," He shrugged, internal monologue telling him over and over to chill. He thought maybe a little tipsy come on wouldn't be too embarrassing though. "What song are we then?"
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "I told him to he was just worried about him freaking out, which obviously he was kind of right about. " Fin watched Daniel run away out of the corner of her eye. "I thought you'd call me stupid." Finley admitted, the alcohol giving her more strength. "and maybe it is but nothing has felt right or normal these last 2 years and this does." She smiled just a little bit.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Elliot sat up from his bed and looked at Wes. "The fuck you want dude?" Elliot asked taking off his jacket coat only bothering an irritated glance. Taco night was RUINED for him
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "You don't have to say sorry for that. I get it. We were both pretty drunk and stuff. I think who we really should apologize to is Angus," he said with a laugh, though it was masking a lot of hurt. Her words only confirmed to him that she didn't feel the same way about him.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Catalina scoffed and kicked her legs out. She took her drink and took a sip. "I'm not giving myself a Taylor Swift song man I don't hate myself enough yet. Check back at like 3 when I'm lying in bed." She nodded at him. "Great drink, send my compliments to the chef or whatever.:
Leah - DJ: "You think me of all people would call you stupid?" Leah asked, looking at Finley like she was very, very stupid. "Well, yeah, no, it is stupid. You couldn't just like fuck and be normal, you had to go the whole way to hitched? Babe, I actually don't think I can name a single thing I have ever done that is stupider than that and I've snorted a line off one of my married teachers from high school."
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "I don't want to anymore! You know I've always been more of the monogamous type. Sleeping around with random girls just didn't feel right after a while." Daniel took a step towards Wes, trying his best to comfort him. "Wes, please.." Though before he could continue, Wes had already ran out the room. Daniel followed quickly, looking at the party go-ers for a moment and giving them an apologetic look for the drama that was happening. When he finally made it to Elliot's room, Dan instantly continued before Wes had the chance to run again. "I know you care about me and that's why this is hard for you, but I promise you that it's all going to be okay. I'm sorry that it changes things, but it doesn't change that you're the closest thing to a brother I've ever had."
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Meredith put her hand on his. "I don't think I'm cut out for what I want." She said like it made any sense. " I wanted to be someones wife so badly and now I cant see being in a relationship without soul crushing dread.I don't think I can do that again." The idea of vulnerability like that made her sick but wasn't that what she was doing here? "I keep wanting to kiss you or something but I remember how selfish that is,"
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Finley looked at her very seriously for a second and then said "No honey I think that's stupider."
Leah - DJ: Lina was hard to keep up with, even more so when he was on the way to drunk. She was always so switched on and DJ didn't even know if he had a damn switch. He tried to drink pretty quickly, some liquid courage or something. "I will," he replied, "In person, yeah? That's when I can keep that plan going, if you're still interested." He cringed at his own joke.
ria - andie - wes: Ria's eyes narrowed, a split second to let his words process before she took about two swift steps towards him, planted a knee to the left of his thigh to oddly half-straddle him, and planted her mouth firmly on his. The kiss wasn't like the one they'd shared recently, when they were high and calm. It was an insistent one, almost like a challenge in itself. She pulled away for a moment to gauge his reaction, eyebrow cocked. "How are you handling it?"
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "If you plan on being anywhere near my apartment at 3 am you better actually murder me" She smiled over her cup, a cheeky smile.
ria - andie - wes: Wes ignored Elliot entirely as he tried to catch his breath and ignored Daniel's voice wafting through the door that he'd slammed. "Fuck, dude, sorry, but my best friend just told me he got married. Dude. Married. Is that some fucked up shit or what?"
Leah - DJ: "It isn't," Leah rolled her eyes. "Who even gets married? It's 2017," Having lost sight of Wes, Leah pulled out her phone and sent him a very prompt, "u good?" text. How thoughtful.
ria - andie - wes: wes text: "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck"
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: "You're still young. That could change one day, but if it doesn't, that's okay too. You just have to do what feels right for you. I'll support you each step of the way." Landon gave her a reassuring smile, despite the fact that he knew he was likely going to hurt for a while over this conversation. "I of course want to kiss you. I don't think it surprises anyone that I really like you. I just don't ever want you to do something you regret in the slightest."
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Wait the guy who blew up my toilet got married?" Elliot asked sitting up slightly more. "Thats....gross." Elliot said looking at the door where his voice wafted through " Get the fuck out or pay our plumbing bill" He yelled at it
Leah - DJ: DJ was so in over his head, a goofy ass smile forcing it's way onto lips. He really didn't know how to respond, so he just raised an unintentionally suggestive eyebrow and tapped his fingers on the counter. "We'll see."
ria - andie - wes: Elliot's words somehow broke through Wes's full blown panic attack long enough for him to let out a loud laugh, finally taking a good look at Elliot. "He's real sorry about that one, dude. Did you just get married today too or something? Fuuuuck, I can't trust anyone out here. I forgot you told your girl that you loved her in about a million different ways that one night. Am I really the only one who sees through all that bullshit?"
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Finley breathed in a deep breath. " Leah, I've made my choice, I wanted to get married it was quick and an odd one but I'm happy with it." She said it proudly but felt she could be toppled over by a feather as soon as she finished
Leah - DJ: leah text: "fuuuuuuuuuuckin same if u want me to tell him to fk off i will"
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "Sorry doesnt pay the b---Wait what?" Elliot asked his blood rushing cold. " WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY" He shot up from his bed.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: fin text to daniel: i cant tell if i shouldve forced you to tell him sooner or we shoudlve just not told ppl
ria - andie - wes
wes text: he'll fuck off on his own i just need time to deal with this wes text: what are u doing later
Leah - DJ: "Sweet, that's cool, Fin'," Patronisingly, and somewhat hypocritically, Leah continued, "Didn't have to fuck over people in the process." Stood with hands on hips, she didn't look at Finley once. Eyes on either her phone or on Daniel outside the door.
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: Sam could almost pinch himself as he watched Ria come towards him, half expecting her to mess with him, but feeling pleasantly surprised at the feeling of her lips on his and her weight pressing against him. Sam immediately kissed back, his hands wrapping around her waist and pulling her as close as he could. There was a moment of slight disappointment when she pulled away, but it was replaced quickly by a lustful smile. "Better than I thought. I still might need to be pushed a little further before I really decide if this is right for me."
Leah - DJ
leah text: ofc u do like wtf leah text: y? u tryna get married?
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "It's not like i stole him from a wife and two kids. He can still hang out with Wesley." She motioned for the door.
ria - andie - wes: Elliot's sudden movement was a lot for Wes to take in, but once he got over the initial shock, he shrugged. "Yeah? The like...spaced out one, right? She's your girlfriend or something? You like, called her. Couldn't really tell if you were talking to me or to her, but I made noises every so often to be cool. It was a lot, dude. Sorry I don't remember more."
Leah - DJ: "God, just stop," Leah sighed at Finley's justification. "Do you not get it at all?"
Leah - DJ changed name to Leah - DJ - Angus
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "No" Finley admitted. "I guess I don't."
ria - andie - wes
wes text: dont joke about that shit leah what the fuck wes text: come over tonight i think unattached sex will help us cope
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Elliot had a that so raven esque flash back and remembered too quickly. He ran to his window threw it open and threw up outside it. When he popped his head back in his eyes were wide with panic. "Oh no, oh no no no"
Leah - DJ - Angus: Angus came back through the unlocked door. In his mood earlier, he hadn't thought about getting his jacket from Sam's room. What was he without that jacket? No one knew. Obnoxious as he was, he didn't think of checking or knocking before he pushed open the door. He took a beat, looking between the two of them in there expressionless. He had seen so much all at once, "I need my jacket."
Leah - DJ - Angus: leah text: as if its not funny
ria - andie - wes: Since Elliot had gone, Andie had done her best to find the strength to stand from the couch she'd been sitting and drinking on steadily for the last several hours to head the fuck home. She'd spent many a night on said couch, and even a few nights in Elliot's bed (most notably the last taco night) but she had zero plans to do that tonight, especially when she'd finally shaken him. She mustered half-smiles at anyone who mattered, and began the short but treacherous walk back to her own apartment.
ria - andie - wes: wes text: ok but are u cumming or not
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Mer closed her eyes. She was tired of fighting about what a shitty person she was when a whole party had just confirmed it. "Oh landon." She said quietly, maybe he was doomed, poor guy. "We should go back to our apartments."
Leah - DJ - Angus
leah text: ur gross leah text: but yeh i think ur right
Leah - DJ - Angus: Leah looked up from her phone, indifferent to Finley's presence now. "This is where you walk away, yeah?"
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Elliot sat on his floor whispering no's "I should go fix this right? Like tell her loves bullshit and im fine whatever who cares super chill dude right?" He asked Wes getting up and walking towards him then straight out his bedroom door, to look at the now empty couch then right out the door his feet were running without him even telling to, until he saw her. "ANDIE" He yelled at her back, slowing his run as he caught up.
ria - andie - wes: Sam's words out of anyone else's mouth would've probably illicited a disgusted grunt and potentially a punch somewhere on the more delicate end of the male body, but from Sam himself, it created a smirk on her lips and a desire for more. She pulled him to her lips this time, but the kiss only lasted about .02 seconds before a voice with an all-too-familiar tone broke the tension, creating a new kind of tension. Ria's head snapped up, glaring at who dared to disturb the moment, already at high levels of annoyance that she'd gotten caught. She pushed off of Sam to remove herself from the picture, as if it wasn't already burned into Angus's mind. "Well? Fucking get it, then."
ria - andie - wes: wes text: ready to go?
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Finley nodded apologetically and walked away, probably home, not even waiting for daniel she was too upset
Sam - Daniel - Lasmine: shook
ria - andie - wes: Wes didn't even bother telling Elliot his opinion, then left the room to find Leah lol
Leah - DJ - Angus: leah text: duh
Sam - Landone - Daniel maybe joined the chat
Sam - Landone - Daniel maybe: Needless to say, Sam completely
Leah - DJ - Angus: Leah moved straight over to Wes once he'd left the room and Finley had gone. "You good?" She repeated her earlier text as a greeting.
ria - andie - wes: Andie stumbled down the hall, eyes closed, trusting muscle memory to get her back in time. Hearing her own name snapped her out of the fog, a fleeting thought about the concept of names in general clogging her mind before realizing that the odd thing about this was that she had just dropkicked Elliot out of her life. She didn't bother turning all the way around (because she honestly didn't trust herself to be able to), but when he rolled up next to her, she glanced at him. "Hey," she said, because there wasn't much else to say.
ria - andie - wes: "Are any of us good, Leah?" he said, his philosophy classes really coming through in this particular moment of life. "Like, fuck. Uh. I mean, are you?"
ria - andie - wes: wes obv ^
Sam - Landone - Daniel maybe: Needless to say, Sam completely forgot about the drama that had previously occurred and was entirely focused on Ria and how much he missed being with her like this. Though it was short lived, Sam kissed her hungrily. The sound of his former friend's voice destroyed any chance of the two of them going any further. "Really, Angus? Just fucking grab it," he remarked in annoyance, becoming even more bitter when Ria pushed off of him. "You don't have to leave," he said in a near whisper to her, though he could tell that was exactly what she would likely do.
Leah - DJ - Angus: Leah's expression made it clear the Wes had a point, nodding and just accepting that before he continued. "Yeah, same dude. Can we just, like, go now?"
Elliot/Mer/Finland: His breath caught up as he stood in front of her about to start a sentence in between wheezing. "I'm sorry." He said it ernestly, that wouldnt be one of the many lies he was about to tell. " I was really, really drunk, and high." he remembered vaguely. " I broke up Sam and Kendall I was so shitfaced." He laughed a little. "Obviously i wasnt thinking straight--or at all and I'm sorry, just forget it all, it's gone, i swear."
Elliot/Mer/Finland: Lina looked DJ up and down and said "If you can do a 360 flip on that skateboard you have in all of your instagram pictures you can come back with me." She raised an eyebrow
ria - andie - wes: "Hell yes," Wes said, not needing a second to check. He made a beeline for the door, not even bothering to say bye to anyone (but at least bothering to grab a taco for the road).
ria - andie - wes: Andie knew precisely and exactly what he was referring to, and yet something in her felt that the only thing to do to make things better was to pretend like she had never heard it. Forget it all existed, and maybe it would go away. Even though it clearly wouldn't. "'sokay," she shrugged, deciding that she'd take his apology for tonight, rather than for the shitshow that was a week ago (ish?). "You didn't break them up, they broke up on the road trip. Don't worry. I didn't mean anything I said tonight either, I guess."
Leah - DJ - Angus: Angus, smug as ever, threw his hands up defensively and walked slowly towards his jacket on the other side on the room. As much as it pissed him off that this was happening, he knew just how this could be used to his advantage. Sams annoyance only entertained him and the idea of how cockblocked he was about to be... priceless. He could read it on Ria's face, particularly after he heard him say she didn't have to leave. "Yeah, Ria, you don't have to leave," He mocked, as he crumpled the leather jacket in his hands.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "I did tell Kendall he kissed Sam." Elliot rubbed the back of his neck. "You didn't say a whole lot anyways so" He forced a smile, even though the adrenaline was fading and he was seeing how clearly everything was just fucked like Leah had said. "Do you need me to walk you back or?" Normally he would do it without asking but he could feel how unwanted he was in the moment.
Leah - DJ - Angus: "I didn't bring my board," DJ replied, sounding thoroughly disappointed. Head hung as he placed his cup down and placed his other hand by her other side when he moved to stand lean in front of her. Thanks vodka. "I can't do it when I've had drinks anyway, honest."
ria - andie - wes: She hoped Angus could feel the 'fuck you' vibes without her having to actually say it, because she truly didn't think her voice could reach the decibel necessary. He was going to lord this over her for months, and she was already fed the fuck up with it. "Oh, I'm fucking leaving," Ria insisted to both of them, anger radiating through her bones as she tore through the pile to find her denim jacket, which was a really inopportune moment to realize that it was the same denim jacket she had stolen from Sam years before. She threw it on without looking either of them in the eye, and left the room with a simple "Bye, fuckers."
Leah - DJ - Angus: Even if Leah had felt the need to say goodbye, Wes didn't give her time. Following just behind him, she grabbed her bag on the way out. Ain't no time to waste when you gotta distract, ay?
ria - andie - wes: Andie truly wasn't used to feeling the same ache in her chest multiple times a day, let alone within a few hours. She knew she'd fucked up, but she couldn't bring herself to admit anything else. "Uh, I mean, you're still in half a suit, so..." she shrugged. "You should probably...get home before you get teased or robbed."
Leah - DJ - Angus: Rias reaction was exactly what he saw coming and lordy, it felt even better than he ever thought. Everything was coming up Angus tonight. Grin plastered on his face, Angus left after one last look was given to Sam. What goes around, comes around, he thought. No problem at all having screwed up what was happening after what had come out on the road trip. Angus Burke had Struck Gold, folks.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "yeah you're probably right." Elliot swallowed hard. "Night, Andie." He said and turned to walk away, none of the usual text me when you get home sorta bullshit. Everything in him just hurt too much to try and act like she would. Elliot walked back into the apartment and walked into Sam's bedroom and laid down on the bed, still half suited. He laid there in a while in silence, before he pulled out his phone and opened the Tinder app.
Elliot/Mer/Finland: "looks like your shit outta luck then" lina blew a kiss at him, took her bag of tacos and went home
Leah - DJ - Angus: eriwbfjnqdjkla GOD
ria - andie - wes: same
ria - andie - wes: aaaaaand Fin. (the french word not the character)
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