#either she’s SO DOWN or she doesn’t want to get involved in morrigan’s crime (looking at the book stealing scene…)
pxme-granate · 17 days
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I drew this with my finger. I used to do this everyday on my phone. girl HOW my wrist hurts so much 😭
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feynites · 8 years
Also what would Thenvunen+Uthvir be like as companions? What would they approve/dissaprove of? Where would they hang out in skyhold? What would their personal quests be like? How would they get along with the advisors? How would they approach the inquisitor?
So Thenvunin, you rescue from rebel Templars. You can find him in the Hinterlands, or possibly on the Storm Coast idk either one would work. Investigating the Templar camp will reveal that they were increasingly frustrated with him, as he fought like a Templar but dressed like a mage, and refused to identify himself beyond stating that he was on a special mission given by Markham’s Grand Cleric. You can also find the stamped document the Grand Cleric gave him to signify his mission as a Diplomat of Peace. Thenvunin seems neither diplomatic nor peaceful, though, as he’s freaked out not only by his kidnapping, but also by the Breach.
He dislikes Haven, and he finds Skyhold to be an improvement but still far too drafty. He has a minor request which involves finding suitable builders to attend to some ‘cosmetic issues’ at the keep, which will do things like close the giant gaping hole leading to the War Room if you fulfil it.
His main quest is a little more serious. At some point after you obtain Skyhold, Thenvunin will receive word that the Markham University archives were robbed by unknown assailants. With the social climate being what it is, the city guard believes the texts were taken by former Circle mages. Thenvunin is convinced that the venatori were to blame, however, and Leliana’s spies have gotten word of venatori movements near Highever - on a trajectory that would fit with brigands fleeing the Free Marches. Thenvunin would like the Inquisitor’s help in investigating the matter, and clearing the name of his colleagues.
You track the venatori down, and though you find evidence of a plot to infiltrate several Marcher cities - which unlocks a War Table mission -  and get some cool fighting cutscenes, you don’t find the stolen goods. Thenvunin becomes distressed, and admits that part of the reason for his extreme concern is that his Mentor from the Circle, Mirena, is one of the individuals being placed under the greatest suspicion. Witnesses claimed that the thieves were elven, and so it is elven mages who are being subjected to the most scrutiny. On questioning Thenvunin can admit that it’s possible his mother would steal from the archives, but he doesn’t think that’s the case, only he’s not sure how to prove her innocence without evidence.
The Inquisitor can, at this point, tell Thenvunin to let the matter go and leave it in the hands of the people investigating. This will lose approval with Thenvunin, and word will come in later that the investigation in Markham concluded that the mage suspects were responsible, and have been made Tranquil. Thenvunin will have a breakdown, and subsequently be more distant. His full romance will also not unlock.
Alternatively, the Inquisitor can offer to send Inquisition agents to take over the investigation, or, offer to fabricate evidence that the venatori were responsible for the theft. Both options require different choices at the War Table, and will net different rewards, but either way the investigation will not conclude that Markham’s mages were responsible, and Thenvunin will be very happy and relieved, and gain a lot of approval. If he’s being romanced, the full path will also be unlocked now.
For Uthvir, they come to Skyhold themselves, and are apprehended at the gates by several Inquisition soldiers. Cullen informs you of the development, and advises that you proceed with caution, because elven mages are often versed in unpredictable magics (you may offer him a wry look, especially if you’re Dalish, and a quip if you’re a Dalish mage). Uthvir doesn’t seem overly bothered at behind apprehended, however, and announces themselves as an enemy of Tevinter and a friend of the Inquisition. You can send them on their way, or accept the offer of their services. If you recruit them, the next time you leave Skyhold with them, you’ll trigger a cutscene where red Templars/Mages attack you outside of the keep. Uthvir reveals their status as a blood mage in the midst of fighting. You have another opportunity to turn them away, then. If you don’t, you can approach them later and ask them to teach you the blood mage specialization.
Discreetly, of course.
Much like Solas, Uthvir is someone you have to chat with a lot about seemingly tangential things in order to get their personal quest to unlock.  At length, they will admit that they have heard talk of an artifact found in Kirkwall - a red lyrium idol, mentioned in Varric’s Tale of the Champion. They believe that they know of another, similar item. Not the same, but potentially containing processed red lyrium. The problem is that the potential locale is a shrine to the Forgotten Ones. Such areas are often destroyed by anyone who finds them - most Dalish clans consider them heretical, and of course the chantry tends to disapprove of other faiths. Uthvir is not religious, as such, but they would prefer not to see another elven historical site torn apart. So they want you - just you - to go with them to investigate.
If you decide it sounds like too much of a risk, they won’t bring it up again. And they’ll rebuff your attempts to initiate a romance. But they’ll remain courteous and even friendly, and the approval loss isn’t too big. If you decide to go, you will have a challenge waiting for you, as the shrine is home to a corrupted red lyrium varterral. But it’s also got the biggest source of codex entries on the Forgotten Ones, and at length Uthvir will reveal that the varterral is the thing you came here for - they heard stories of the creature, and by its description, figured out that it had some of the same abilities described in Meredith and the red Templars/Mages. Uthvir dissects the varterral and finds a piece of processed red lyrium inside of it. Without its guardian, secrecy over the shrine’s location is more important than ever.
You can agree to keep it a secret, and take the red lyrium back for Dagna to poke at. Or you can decide that the place is evil, and should be destroyed. At which point, Uthvir will leave the Inquisition and your party roster, summoning up only rumours of their presence here and there. If the secret is kept, though, and you are romancing them, you will progress the romance further.
For advisors, approval, and disapproval…
Uthvir likes Leliana, is neutral-to-positive towards Josephine, and doesn’t get along very well with Cullen, whose qualifications they question, along with the wisdom of having a former Templar leading the Inquisition’s soldiers. But, of course, that is really not their call to make. 
Thenvunin gets along a little better with Cullen, being more accustomed to Templars, and things Leliana is sketchy. He quite likes Josephine, although she, in turn, thinks he can be ‘a little much’. She gets fonder of him later on, however, and Leliana notes that Thenvunin often feeds treats to her birds. She would object, except he seems to know what’s healthy for them, so it’s not a big issue.
Major decisions-wise, Uthvir’s not there for the mage/templar choice, so it doesn’t factor in for them. Thenvunin approves of you recruiting the mages as allies, disapproves of recruiting them as prisoners, disapproves of you recruiting the Templars as allies, but will slightly approve you dissolving them instead of taking them on as allies. Both of them will approve of banishing the wardens; Uthvir because they think Corypheus’ ability to control them means that they should be sent very far away, and Thenvunin because he thinks that they’ve crossed too many lines and proven themselves untrustworthy. Uthvir will back Briala as a good choice for the Orlesian throne; Thenvunin hates the whole thing because he can’t see a clear right or wrong, but he thinks Gaspard is a brute and Briala is too much of an ‘unknown’, so he defaults to Celene.
For the well, Thenvunin will approve of your bravery in drinking from it, unless you’re romancing him. Then he disapproves, but you can gain the approval back in a conversation afterwards. Uthvir will approve of you letting Morrigan drink, and will try and stop you if you’re romancing them and state an intention to drink from it yourself. They will relent if you convince them, though, but they still like it better if you use Morrigan instead.
In terms of judgement, Uthvir tends to greatly approve of pragmatic judgements, and slightly approve of merciful ones. Thenvunin tends to approve of stuff that seems equitable, punishments fitting crimes and so on.
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