#eichi anomora
hypotheticallyeichi · 4 years
s0.. w0w. that happened.
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hypotheticallyeichi · 4 years
ia anyone else super nerv0us for the next chapter....?
theres just s0 much that happened, i dont even kn0w how to pr0cess all of it
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hypotheticallyeichi · 4 years
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made a pfp f0r myself while i wait f0r ch4 t0 get interesting (aka im waiting f0r m0re eichi scenes)
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hypotheticallyeichi · 4 years
seems like this chapter is g0nna f0cus 0n h0w the killing game is effecting every0ne..
well, this sh0uld be interesting. s0 far i have n0 clue as t0 what is actually happening.
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hypotheticallyeichi · 4 years
did yaku threaten eichi just there?
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hypotheticallyeichi · 4 years
whys it so hard to find matching icons f0r infinite chase.. like esp eichi. everyone hates him f0r no reas0n.
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hypotheticallyeichi · 3 years
i wish i c0uld find m0re vesta kinnies... :( i really miss her... even if shes n0t mine, itd be nice t0 talk...
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hypotheticallyeichi · 4 years
any vesta kinnies 0ut there? y0u d0nt even have t0 be fr0m my tl, im just kinda l0nely...
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