#ehl is soooo tiny
nonametis · 5 months
Those guessing games are getting very hard 😭
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causewhywouldnti · 4 months
My thoughts on season 25 of svu and season 4 of OC:
25x01, I forgot how annoying commercials are, when you watch an episode live. There are some choices here… like what’s up with the blinding light at the end of the tunnel? Tiny Cast. So Benson is just supposed to know when someone is being kidnapped? Please tell me that is not a Standard we are setting up here. So that detective is definitely joining the squad, right?!? We do voiceovers now? So the case will be resolved at the end of the season…
OC 4x01, Stabler called her!!! (Gotta take the little wins, because I doubt that there will be any big ones) Stabler has no survival instinct, but at least Bell is looking out for him. I really don’t want Reyes and Jet to happen. Dude is still married, right?!? That was the softest look from Stabler when he saw Benson on TV.
25x02, I think it's really weird that Benson wears the Maddie Bracelet. On this whole episode: Seriously?!?
OC 4x02, Warner! That hug was so sweet. Stabler with the Baby. I like the Stabler brothers.
25x03, at least Liv is getting therapy. And she held the compass, crumbs that almost make up for a boring episode.
OC 4x03, the Final scene with the Stabler brothers was really sweet.
25x04, well we at least got an Elliot mention. I think this was the best episode of the season so far, which isn't a high bar… so, how does it work with a captain not working as a captain on another force?
OC 4x04, I really, really like OC this season, from the case and overall story, to the Stabler family. To reiterate, I love the Stabler brothers! Lizzie is still the kid that gets no line and no attention, justice for Lizzie. I'm sorry, but that salad has absolutely no dressing on it, no wonder the witness‘ daughter doesn't want to eat it. Stabler is totally gonna blame himself, for whatever is about to happen… that suspension is freaking stupid!
25x05, this Maddie plot line is so weird. At least now we can move on…
OC 4x05, barely into the episode and I already like it more than SVU, I mean we get a call from Benson! No, Elliot does not consider him a part of the team… Jennifer Ehle!!! The team has Stabler’s back! Their disappointment when he tells them not to follow him was funny.
OC 4x06, I’m starting to like Chief Bonner. Not sure how I feel about Stabler burning his necklace. There are a lot of instances of people comparing Elliot to his father this season, I want to know what this leads to.
25x07, I liked the throwback to 911.
OC 4x07, Stabler has warmed up to Vargas so much, he is already taking his clothes. I like the subtle comedy in OC, it’s either intentional or due to me watching this at an unreasonable hour. Stabler really got injured again, this brings back memories. Poor Chief Bonner having to kill her own brother. Cragen! Also call back to the brotherhood. And again, poor Chief Bonner. But man, OC is soooo good this season!
OC 4x08, Cragen! Cragen and Elliot make a great team. “Heart attack?” “I thought it worked” Lol. Bell out here fighting for Stabler, and I am here for it! Must be weird to see, how they’re gonna make it look like you killed yourself, good on Bonner to save herself. After this arc is over, I’d like a spin-off with Bonner. Bonner is a badass!! Just handing out guns. He dead? I did not expect them all to be dead, like expected one to be, but not all of them. Bonner is gonna need a LOT of therapy after this! That was a sweet ending to a great story arc.
25x09, you know what I’d like Benson to do with Noah starting to ask questions about her job? Call Stabler. I’m sure he must have some experience with kids asking those questions. Velasco looked so lost, when Benson told him he had to come with her.
OC 4x09, Elliot refusing to break and enter is kinda funny. The Stabler bros are sooo good! And then Elliot breaks and enters… the ending of the intervention scene was funny, “could have been worse”. Did we finally find out what Elliot’s rank in the marines was?!? Stabler barely arrived and is already beating people up. Jet and Reyes undercover as travel influencers is something I didn't know I needed! Oh Elliot…
25x10, I just want to never hear about Maddie again.
OC 4x10, would have liked Bashir to stay. The way Stabler told the team about Bashir was heartbreaking but so well done. We actually get images of what Stabler went through in the Marines! Did I mention I love this show?!? Stabler pulling up his zipper after “making out” with the ATF girl was funny. I'm starting to really like Vargas. If Joe is responsible for Bashirs death, I don't think Stabler will get over that anytime soon.
OC 4x11, kinda forgot to write anything down. But the episode was good! Especially Stabler saving the FTA agent!
OC 4x12, the team’s look when Jet and Reyes tried to hide arriving together was on point. The Stabler bros kidnapping Joe Jr was fun. Man, Stabler is such a softie! Vargas looks sooo excited being in the field. Randall making Eliott pay for the caretaker is a moment of levity I needed after that server scene. Stabler gonna have to renovate again…
25x13, seriously?!? She gave up the compass?!?? Well, we at least got a phone call…
OC 25x13, Eli Jr really coming after his father. Good on Randall to refuse to tell Elliot the news. I did not expect the FTA agent to go for Vargas. Stabler and Jet are sweet and funny together (in a very non-ship way). Joe is in way over his head. Of course Elliot just new about the pregnancy, dude has enough experience with that.
SVU was just a let-down this season… I wasn't a fan of the Maddie storyline, and didn't much care for any of the other stories. I think the ending of the last season set it (this season) up for a very different story than the one we actually got. Considering it was a landmark season, there wasn't really anything to show for it (except Maria). Here's hope for a BIG improvement next season! (It kinda has to because we can't even watch it for the compass anymore…) OC on the other hand has been on fire! I was really looking forward to each episode. And they actually show the family and relationships of their character, which is something SVU is definitely lacking. I wasn't sure about Vargas at the beginning, but I started to really like him. One thing I will give SVU over OC: I preferred the phone call at the end of the finale over the Cemetery.
Favorite Episodes: the whole season of OC
Favorite Lines:
“What are you doing?” “Being unreliable.” Bell and Stabler OC 4x02 (in regard to the AI meeting)
"Until the age of 25, the male brain is as useful as an electrified meatball." Bruno, 25x04
“Everyone is fighting for you, except you” Cragen to Stabler OC 4x08
“Go peel potatoes.” Stabler OC 4x10
“I feel like I got hit by a truck.” “Close, it was your brother” - Joe Jr. and Randall OC 4x12
“What am I, ten?” “In my mind, you are.” - Joe Jr. and Stabler, that is such an older sibling thing to say OC 4x12
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