#ehau playlist
lycanthrop-ee · 4 years
Hello! Here is this!
I will definitely be making tweaks and adding songs! This is not final, I'm an indecisive mess sjjdjd
Track list and related plot points:
We're Gonna Be Friends- oh, this one is really fun because of all the parallels! It's applicable to Patton and Virgil, of course, but also Logan and Virgil later on and Remus and Roman as well.
Comfort Crowd- this is a classic Patton song! I feel like Virgil and Patton hung out a lot because being together just made them feel better about everything, and this song definitely reflects that from Patton's pov.
Hug All Ur Friends- this one reminds me of V and Pat's friendship from V's point of view!
Two Birds- okay this is where it starts to hurt- this can be applied to Virgil continuing life while Patton's stops moving forward. This song and the next is where the playlist moves from era 1 to era 2. Some lines of this track also apply to Logan leaving his family behind.
Empty Bed- this one is Patton's perspective of leaving Virgil behind, although there won't be any ghosts or afterlife-y themes in this AU.
Downhill- this one is back with Virgil trying to deal with Patton's death. The lines "I went downhill at such steep incline/That my rearview mirror showed me only the sky" are especially poigniant, as they reflect Patton's death via car accident.
Dread in my Heart- the next few songs go between Logan and Virgil- this one is about the former, struggling to be optimistic about his new living situation and plans while haunted by guilt about leaving his younger brothers.
Body- more Virgil grieving oops
a conversation about identity- Logan feeling anxious and aimless, even while overworking himself in online school as he tries to forget about his past.
Francis Forever- more grieving time!
Ghosting- this is where the plot kicks back in. Virgil starts hanging around the house while Logan's living there, and L literally and figuratively lets him in. Now he's trying to get used to the house without Patton- and Logan in his place.
I Can't Handle Change- this one explores both of them in different verses! I think the first two really relate to Virgil, especially with the house, the rest of the verses are Logan but can be applied to both.
Bugbear- this one I could go into pretty line-for-line, but overall it represents Logan's mental state about school with Virgil added to the equation- specifically the lines "I feel so brain dead next to you/It's not like you intended to/Hurt me or make me feel that way" in relation to his Totally Not Falling In Love Disease and not quite understanding it.
Line Without a Hook- this is a bit of a fast-forward, but it's the first mutual love song of the playlist! It fits their relationship really well!
16/04/16 (Jack's Song)- this song signifies Virgil finally reaching a bit of acceptance over Patton's death and being able to remember him without it hurting. This is the Our Boy Is Healing song! Sure hope nothing goes to shit or anything after this!
Be Nice To Me- this one takes place a little while after Logan brings the twins home. The change is weighing on Virgil, and they're struck again by how different Logan is from Patton. Logan's spending a lot of time and energy with his little brothers, and the extra stress is making him irritable and tired, which in turn forces Virgil to face a lot of his internalized anger, current and past.
Good For You- the quintessential Everything Goes To Shit song! The relationship between him and his mother is very similar to Evan's, so it's mostly the mother's verses that apply, but the overwhelming energy of the song is definitely something Virgil starts to feel.
Out Like a Light- okay I'm gonna be honest with you right now. This one's mostly about the Vibes. There's a bit of a gap here, but mostly what happens here is Virgil realizes that none of it is Logan's fault- in fact, Lo's done so much for him the whole time they've known each other, and V would be lost without him. We're back to the They're In Love Your Honor songs jdjdjd
A Wistful Waltz- They're In Love Your Honor
Talk to Me- it's a pretty safe bet that I'm going to leave this as the last song, even if I add some more in between. As you may have noticed, this au is very Analogical centric, and this song kind of represents the safety they find in each other throughout their struggles. It's cheesy and I love it, okay? Cope jsjdjsnd
Taglist that I forgot before jdjdjd:
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lycanthrop-ee · 4 years
Empty House AU Intro
Ok so first of all thanks to @thesociallyanxiousrebel for the validation but YEA! I've given y'all a bit of content for this AU that just bounces around in my hollow skull but I have yet to provide any context whatsoever. So. This is that. You're welcome sdjjd
EHAU is an Analogical-centric human!au with three separate time frames, some of which I've thought about more than others. It's not by any means complete or altogether cohesive, just a few situations and events! Asks and headcanons for this AU are always open! I will say that it's not a particularly happy AU since I've used it for a bit of an angst dump, so keep in mind that this AU includes major character death, themes of grief, estranged and abusive family members, past bullying, and depictions of anxiety attacks.
With that out of the way, let's go over the eras!
First of all- Era 1: Patton's era
This era focuses on everything before Virgil and Logan meet- mainly, Virgil and Patton Best Friend Hours. This is probably the least angsty section. They meet a few weeks into Virgil's fifth grade career and Pat gives him someone to lean on while he recovers his confidence after being bullied at his last school. They were both pretty happy kids after that! They spent a lot of time in the woods talking and running on the hiking trails in their town.
Era 2: Post-Patton
...Oopsies, I killed off Patton. Sorry about that, but.... angst! Woo...?
Patton gets into a car accident at 16, a few weeks before getting his driver's license. He dies instantly, and Janus, the local high school asshole, finds him. Virgil is crushed- he feels like he's been plunged right back into his mindset before he met Patton... but worse. He spends long periods standing outside the Patton's house (empty after his parents and little brother, Emile, moved away and sold it). Except... it's not empty, because soon enough someone new moves in.
Logan's moved out of his abusive childhood home to finish college online, leaving his two younger brothers behind and planning to go back for them as soon as he can. He and Virgil meet, and Logan grows to be strangely protective of him... and Virgil leans on him as he tries to recover.
Era 3: The Regale era
Virgil's just found a new kind of comfort with Logan when he brings his two (loud) fourteen years old brothers, Roman and Remus, home. It's a shock to Virgil's fragile system, and he has a bit of a meltdown. At the same time, Logan is now struggling to essentially support three teenagers in his first ever home. At the same same time, Virgil's relationship with his mom is going a bit south for spending-all-his-time-at-someone-elses-house related problems. Think Dear Evan Hansen, complete with Act Two: Shit Hits The Fan energy.
There is certainly room for more eras if I ever get around to it!!
Characters (from most to least featured):
Virgil Morgan: 17 years old, cis male, demisexual, Patton's best friend, Logan's.. *cough* Platonic Pal. /s
Logan Regale: 18 years old, cis male, homoromantic asexual, Roman and Remus' older brother, Virgil's Pal
Patton Picani: 16 years old, cis male, aromantic, Virgil's best friend, Emile's older brother
Remus Regale: 14 years old, trans male, questioning, Logan's brother and Roman's twin
Roman Regale: 14 years old, trans male, gay, Logan's brother and Roman's twin
Janus Narey: 17 years old, Virgil's acquaintance, Remy's friend
SO you may be asking But Eliza! What Kind Of Content Do We Have Available For This AU??
And to that I say WELL dear reader, I'll be providing art, writing, and even a playlist for this AU! And lucky for you, I'll link all the content on this here helpful masterpost!
Thank you for reading, and feel free to interact with the AU! <3
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lycanthrop-ee · 4 years
Empty House AU Masterpost!
AU Info here
Empty House AU- the first fic and the introduction to the AU! Logan and Virgil's first meeting.
Virgil Morgan- Virgil's character page! (Era 2)
Logan Regale- Logan's character page! (Era 2)
EHAU Playlist
More art coming soon! ;)
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