#eh this’ll live in the back of my mind for forever and we’ll see where it goes
paradisecas · 2 years
I kind of want to ask about "kate time loop," if you don't mind?
aahh this one i wanna write soo bad im pretty much stuck in planning but the general gist is that okay jack is god he has chucks powers but also absorbed lucifer and michael (and amara)s powers so basically--and i know im reaching--but jack can feel or hear what michael wants Which Is for adam to be happy and to have his mom. so jack is trying to make this all happen for them but he's quite obviously distracted and also very young so oopsies he means to bring kate back to life like amara did for mary but he accidentally drops her back onto the day she died. but there's also some sort of failsafe with her that means if she dies no she didn't. no afterlife will take her so the ghouls get her and the world is like uh oh! try again! all this just to establish her time loop like she's in the day she dies but she cant die. (and i do hope to make this neater someday.)
so kate is reliving that day over and over again until she can figure it out and stop the ghouls from getting her it's all the classic time loop stuff of almost getting there but not quite and it's her managing to not die but then unless she gets rid of the ghouls they're still gonna come after her no matter the time, yk? like par exemple she's in her hotel room or at a friends house bc going back home means getting snatched by the Things Chasing Her and she’s talking to adam away at college pretending everything is fine but he can tell somethings wrong so he drives down to surprise her but gets got by the ghouls so when he calls her like hey im home! she goes over only to. immediately die. and like over time she meets sam and dean and she learns abt hunting and whatnot and she goes days or even weeks escaping her fate before it catches up w her. she actually becomes quite the badass but yk it is slow going bc it’s hard to investigate creatures that can look like anyone whilst dealing with a son who just wants to help or some random brothers who are bitter about her and adams existence every single time they meet her. shit gets old quick.
my main problems w this are that it's not so much teaching her something as it is just pure torture which i dont wanna do to her so i def have to work through many many kinks before i can create a coherent plot. i just love time loops. and kate.
because also once she escapes the loop or jack realizes her mistake i mean. she's afraid to meet adam again after all this like she's not the same but then she actually does see him and he's not the same either. so it's that sweet spot of being almost relieved that the person each of them were most worried about meeting again went through something bad too and can understand while also hating that relief. if ur picking up what im putting down. i gotta say i do love messy emotions. and this just complicates the post canon adam-kate dynamic even more >:)
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