#eh i guess cus i like in-universe meta analysis
rowanthestrange · 3 months
I like both options, but on balance the thing that makes me think great-grandaughter could work, is that we know the Doctor cried when he saw Ruby’s Mother. The memory has changed, but he knew, and it damaged him, be he repressing it or not. So either it’s Ruby herself or it’s incredibly meaningful to the point of damage for him. He is our Dissociative Identity Doctor after all.
…But I’m lying and my real reason is the Disney resources. We could technically pull off a reveal seeing her young face as the caped woman, with a few more well-practiced tricks than the usual usage of body doubles. Carole-Ann Ford is alive to give permission so that’s no problem, they might even be able to do clever things with audio modification if you wanted her to have lines. I thought Susan was too old, but this here is an actual option.
She was left in Dalek Infested times. Maybe it’s safer here for her daughter. Or just necessary to save the Doctor/universe.
Cus while I do think Susan is a harbinger for the Doctor, that doesn’t mean any ‘powers’ for lack of a better word wouldn’t pass down, which I wasn’t working with despite the obvious reasons to. We’ve got more than enough examples that godhood stuff is highly hereditary. *Gestures at Rose Noble* There you go, not just they’re pseudo-related but then they’d be mirrors. Got god-powers? Give em up.
Thing I’ve not been saying cus even by my standards it’s fringe…in one (1) Brief Encounters magazine story from 1994, (and a bbc churn “Brief History Of Time Lords” (2017) fact-collation book)… Which says Susan’s original name, not her chosen one, was Arkytior. Which is Gallifreyan for Rose. Which is the reason Russell named the first New Who companion that. And there’s a good chance he said that in The Writer’s Tale cus I can’t think how else I’dve known it otherwise before looking up the name and dates of publication.
And I was thinking…that would also be the meta reason why everyone in Ruby’s family is named some version of Red. Cherry, presumably Scarlet, Ruby. And there you’d have a Rose.
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