#egon spangler x reader
me every day of the semester: struggles to write a 500 word response
me on a random sunday night at midnight: banges out a 2000 word egon spangler x read fic
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shelbgrey · 9 months
So, I was wondering if it would be cool to request a Ray Stantz fic with either prompt 0.7 or 2.1?
Something strange(Ray Stantz)
Paring: Ray Stantz x Spangler!Reader
Summary: during a ghost bust ray gets possessed. This has never happened to any of them before and his girlfriend of just a few months may have to admit something she hasn't yet.
Prompt: 2.1) “i love you in every universe”
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It was late in the afternoon, Ray was working on the Ecto-1, music blasting. Between the booming sounds of the Beatles and the clinking of tools he didn't hear y/n sliding down the fire pole.
“Ray..” she said a little loud so Ray could hear her.
He didn't hear her and continued to tinker under the hood of the car.
“Raymond!” she shouted louder.
This time he heard the sudden noise startled him, making him smack his head on the inside of the hood when he heard a noise. “shi- HMmmm that hurt!” he mumbled, pulling away from the car.
She covered her mouth, trying not to sinker. “Sorry Honey, I didn't mean to scare you” she said, rubbing my boyfriend's head gently.
“Ah don’t sweat it Doll, and ya didn’t scare me too bad.” Ray pecked her on the cheek then turned back to the car, he pulled the keys out of his pocket and got behind the wheel. He turned the key, the car engine skipped and made sickly noises. “Dammit not again.” Ray sighed and got out of the car before slamming the door shut.
Y/n cringed at the sound Ecto-1 made. “So it's probably a bad time to say we just got a call to bust a class-5 ghost…”
Ray paused, throwing his head back in frustration. “Oh you’re kidding!”
“yeah… Peter wanted me to tell you and see how the car was doing”
Ray rubbed his forehead, frustrated. “Okay, don’t worry about the car… where was the sighting?”
“Just outside of the city... But if the car isn't working…”
“It’s alright babes, I'll get this old rust bucket runnin in 5! Just let me tinker with this a bit..” Ray took various pieces out, placing them on the hood, then he noticed a loose wire and chuckled. He quickly put the hood back on and the car roared to life, seemingly out of nowhere. “Damn I’m good.”
She smiled “okay, I'll tell the boys the car is runnin’”
“Good.. Hey do me a favor?” Ray Said, making y/n stop in her tracks, she climbed back down the steps and faced Ray. “What's up?”
“Kiss me.” he requested, giving his girlfriend his usual adorable smile.
Y/n laughed and playfully shook her head. “You're covered in motor oil” she playfully backed up and put her hands up in defense.
“So what? A few drops of motor oil has never killed anybody… And you've been covered head to toe in slime before” His voice was playful as he started walking towards her. She giggled and continued to back up away from him.
“Come on Honey” He followed her till he had her trapped between the wall of the garage and his body, “what ya gonna do now?” he smirked, placing his palms flat on the wall on either side of her, caging her in. He had her right where he wanted her.
She playfully rolled her eyes and leaned up and pressed her lips to his. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled them closer together, kissing her much more passionately.
The kiss didn't go very far because Peter slid down the fire poll that led to the garage In his Ghostbusters uniform. “Hey, less kissin' more bustin', that class five isn't gonna trap itself” Peter said to the both of them as Egon and Winston slid down the poll in their Ghostbuster uniforms as well.
“Damn Peter, you gotta have the worst timing ever” His voice was still lighthearted as he pulled away from y/n, a grin still on his face.
Y/n playfully rolled her eyes and left his arms to get her Ghostbusters uniform and proton pack, as she was getting her gear Peter spoke. “ya know the rules Bug, class-5 ghost... You stay home” Peter told her.
Y/n rolled her eyes at Peter. Peter and the boys were way over protective of her since she was the only girl on the team that actually busted ghosts.
Peter and the boys would always call her Bug. Mostly because she was the total opposite of her older brother Egon. As Peter would put it, y/n was always ‘buzzing’ around so the name kinda stuck.
“That's a stupid rule, I can take care of myself and a class-5 if I can take care of you boys” She said pointing at all four of the Ghostbusters. “... Hell, the four of you would starve to death in your dirty laundry if I wasn't around”
Ray laughed at this. “You know I think she might have a point” Ray had finished putting on his gear, and he and the team were preparing to leave, he walked over to y/n and gave her a quick kiss. “Just promise not to do anything dangerous, ok?”
“I promise…”
Ray smiled, nodding in appreciation. “That’s my girl.” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, and began walking towards the Ecto-1, he climbed in, taking off down the road.
The team stopped outside of a run down house, “Now, this is a class 5, so watch yourselves.” Egon said in a serious tone as the rest of the guys made their way out the car. “Alright, Everybody keep your game faces on.” Ray added.
“We should split up... And keep your walkie-talkies on” Peter told us all.
Y/n and the guys all nodded in agreement, Ray and Winston went left towards one end of the house, while Egon and Peter went right towards the other. They could all hear Egon speaking into his radio “You guys hear me?”
“I can hear ya Egon” y/n told her older brother as she walked down the dim hallway. “Do you guys see anything?” y/n asked the four boys through the walkie-talkie.
Y/n could hear Ray through the walkie talkie yelling
“Oh yeah! I got a big bastard in front of me!” Ray said he was walking out of the room, suddenly a dark poltergeist tackled him. He fell to the ground and was grabbed by a dark, hissing ghost. Ray screamed into the walkie talkie* “Help me god dammit! It’s got me!”
“Ray!” y/n's heart pounded when she heard him struggling through the walkie-talkie, she ran down a few hallways till she found him on the floor struggling with the ghost. Before she could reach him the ghost turned into a puff of black smoke that surrounded him, then within a blink of an eye, Ray was panting and the ghost was gone. Ray looked down, darkness surrounding his eyes, he wasn't his normal self anymore. “Ray…” she said softly, touching his cheek.
“y/n don't touch him!” Egon shouted, running up to him. He pushed y/n back, not realizing the force he used. Y/n tumbled to the ground as Egon scanned Ray's body with his EMF reader, it screamed and blinked with ghost activity.
Ray continued to struggle, he was breathing very heavily and his eyes were dark and cloudy. The ghost had a tight grip around him, Egon aimed his phaser gun but hesitated to fire. “This thing is attached to Ray, move y/n! I don’t want to hit you by accident!”
She pushed the proton gun away so it wasn't pointing at Ray. “Ray's possessed! If you shoot him it could seriously harm him!” y/n said to Egon.
“And if I don’t shoot it’ll kill him!” Egon yelled back angrily. “I know he’s possessed! But the only way to free him is to destroy the ghost using the proton gun!”
“Are you willing to risk Ray's life!” y/n shouted back at Egon. Ray's eyes were dark and he just looked at us menacingly as the ghost took over his body.
Egon was getting frustrated, but he wouldn’t give in. “Look I know this is bad, but that thing is just using his body as a vessel. If we kill it, Ray will come back to his senses!” Egon said sternly while aiming the gun at Ray.
Before y/n could fire back at her older brother, Peter and Winston ran towards them in a panic. “What happened?” Winston asked.
Peter went to touch Ray but saw his eyes were black and immediately jerked back. “okay... This is bad” *
Peter said.
“We know!” Egon said angrily. “This thing won’t let go of him!”
Ray was struggling against the grip the ghost had on him, he couldn’t move or speak, all he could do was stare at them with those dark eyes.
“This has never happened before, what do we do?” Winston asked.
“He's too dangerous to touch,” Peter added.
Egon sighed, he knew he had to do something before the ghost took total control. “You guys, move back! I’m gonna shoot it, if Ray gets caught in the crossfire it’s the only way”
“Hold it!” Peter shouted.
“What?!” Egon shouted. “It’s the only way, I’m not gonna let this damn thing control him! We have to take the risk!”
“I'll be right back and don't go anywhere and don't do anything!” Peter said and ran out to Ecto-1.
“What the hell are you doing!?” Egon yelled at Peter as he ran out to the car. “I’m not waiting!”
The ghost continued to hold Ray in its evil grasp, Egon aimed his gun. Peter came back, he snapped some black gloves on and started to duck tape Ray's hands together as Ray struggled in Peter's grasp.
Ray struggled and fought against him, trying to get free, but with his hands tied he couldn’t do much. Egon hesitated.
““This thing is really making this harder than it has to, should I take the shot? Peter? Or do you have an idea!?”
Peter huffed and wrapped tape around Ray's middle, securing his arms to his side. “we're gonna take him back to headquarters and you're gonna check him out in the Lab” Peter told Egon.
Ray probably would have ran off had he wasn't tied up, but he had no choice other than to let this happen. Egon looked annoyed, this wasn’t how this was supposed to go down. He sighed. “Fine.. I guess that’s the best course of action now.”
“Good, Winston help me carry Ray to the car” Peter told Winston then turned to y/n. “Bug, you're driving... I'm not risking you sitting in the back and getting hurt” Peter told her.
“Sorry, Janine we need this!” Peter called out and took her office chair. Before she could protest or ask what was going on, Peter had already wheeled the chair to Ecto-1. Janine's curiosity got the best of her and she followed Peter, her eyes widened when she watched Winston and Peter move a struggling Ray into her office chair.
The three men grunted and fought, Winston held Ray down and Peter quietly secured Ray to the chair with more duct tape.
Egon and Peter pushed Ray into the lab and started reading the ghost activity. Ray grunted and tried to break free from the duct tape.
“Ray…don't make me use this” Peter pointed the proton gun at Ray and spoke to him like he was a child.
“Will you guys stop with the guns already?” Y/n snapped and pushed the gun down.
“G-guys…. Y/n?..h-elp m-me” Ray grunted for the first time. Y/n's heart shattered and she ran to his aid just out of instinct. Egon tried to stop her but she broke free from his grasp.
“Ray? Honey, look at me” She said holding his face in her hands, she didn't see his brownish-green eyes when she stared into his eyes. They weren't his eyes and she wasn't gonna stop till she saw his normal goofy gaze.
“Ray… You gotta fight this” I said sternly, he fought in my hold but I wasn't gonna let him go. “I know you're in there”
“y/n… Honey, help me” Ray then screamed like he was in pain while he fought off the ghost’s deathly hold.
“Ray? I love you! Do you hear me!” she cried, just wanting him back. It would also be smart to note that's the first time she ever told him she loved him, even though they had been best friends since college they just only started dating.
“I love you in every universe”
Smoke then started to surround both Ray and y/n. The ghost started to pull away from Ray's body. Egon and Peter scrambled around from the back of the lab and quickly got a trap and the proton gun.
One last scream ripped from Ray's mouth and ghost cannonball out of Ray. The ghost screamed and hollered as it flew around the lab.
“I got it!” Peter shouted and pointed his proton gun at the ghost, he trapped it with no trouble then quickly kicked it away from Ray and y/n. I bounced off this wall and landed in a dusty corner.
“What happened?” Ray panted, he looked around confused. His brows knitted together when he saw he was covered in duct tape. “why am I covered in tape?”
Y/n immediately wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight. “it doesn't matter… your back, that's what matters”
She kissed both of his cheeks then his forehead. “I love you”
“I love you too” Ray mumbled and nuzzled his face into her neck. He kissed her cheek then looked at his friends.
“could ya untape me now?” the boys quickly nodded and set him free, relieved they have their fun loving friend back.
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