egged-bound · 3 months
Bathroom Eggs
I groggily flip on the bathroom light blinking to adjust to it, i have no idea what time it is but am determined to get a glass a water.
My stomach aches slightly as I stand at the sink drinking my water before suddenly a sharp pain runs through me making me grab for the edge of the sink.
“Fuck what’s wrong with me.” I mumble rubbing my stomach softly.
Just as I sit my cup down another cramp hits me doubling me over with a hiss of pain. I lean my forearms on the counter binding my face in them as I huff with pain.
The pain fades and is replaced with a awful swelling feeling in my stomach. I reach down only to feel my stomach distending out steadily. It widens my legs and I snap my eyes down to stare at my stomach which suddenly is bulging like I’m 9 months pregnant.
“What? Oh my god what’s going onnn-“ I break into a cry of pain as I feel a suddenly pressure pushing downward in my hips. I rock the unconsciously now gripping the countertop my head thrown back as I rock through another contraction.
It isn’t long before the pressure pops further down making me have a awful urge to push. I half squat still gripping the counter and bear down with all I can pushing up into my toes. I feel whatever it is rapidly moving downward it feels huge in my hole and it hasn’t even reached the entrance.
I’m sobbing out with every push as it inches close to my entrance, my legs wide for whatever’s incoming.
With another hard push I scream out as I feel whatever it is start to spred me open. I clamp my legs shut at the pain shoving whatever’s there back up momentarily.
“Noo!! Urhgggg-“ i fight it bulging back and forth until I’m exhausted and shaking my legs barley holding me up. It feels like it’s never going to come out, that I’ll be stuck with this bowling ball tearing me apart forever. I push again and it finally breaches and jumps to crown making me collapse onto my hands and knees. I scramble to reach back to my hole and feel something huge and smooth stretching it obscenely. It burns like I’m being split apart and the right seal around the object keeps it from moving as I grab at it trying to pull it out.
“Please! Fuckkk- someone urghhh- anybody please!!” I sob into the air all to knowing that I’m alone in this. I pull myself up onto my knees and with a last hard push feel the object fall out of me with a clack on the cold floor.
I gasp for breath and roll the massive egg between my hands just as another contraction hits me and I feel a sickening weight settle into my hips again.
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egged-bound · 4 months
I’d love for someone to hold me down, hand between my shoulder blades slowly fucking their eggs into me. Cooing and telling me how well I take them while I sob into the pillow at the stretch.
Feel the weight in my stomach as more and more stretch into me until I’m round and my stomach brushed the bed on my hands and knees. Need them to cum over the eggs to make sure they take so they can watch them grow and make me even heavier with their young as time goes on until I look fit to burst.
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egged-bound · 4 months
Thinking about trying to hide the fact your giving birth.
Crying and panting in your bedroom knowing that your roommate could hear you through the wall if your to loud, knowing that only that door is keeping you hidden.
Pushing that egg towards crown white knuckling the wall head throw back in a silent scream. The only sounds your gasping breaths and the muffled tv through the wall.
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egged-bound · 4 months
At work behind the register daydreaming about being full of a huge clutch and feeling the contractions start while on on clock.
As I check out customers I can feel the pressure moving down in my hips, I try to rock back and forth rub my belly as I bag groceries. Holding my huge belly in between customers and trying not to push even as the eggs are in my birth canal.
I feel the first one pressing into the seam of my pants and have to hold in my noises and even my breaths as the next person hits the line. No backup to excuse to me to the bathroom to push my eggs out and a line that goes on forever. Every shift of my hips jamming the hard shell of the next egg in line down, clinking it against the one already clogged in my entrance.
Only 4 more hours until I’m off…
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egged-bound · 4 months
Someone should come hold in my eggs while I cry and moan, telling me only a week more come on it’s just another week while I squat and crown the first into my pants.
They should click their tongue in disapproval every time I stop and push, sweaty and exhausted. Bust into the door when I get away from them and get the first egg halfway out and shove it back up into my hole and hold it there.
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egged-bound · 4 months
It’s a shame nobody has bent me over and filled me to the brim with eggs until I’m crying and begging them to stop, that I’m too full.
Also a shame I’m not struggling to push said eggs out while they sit back and watch, cooing about how tight my hole is and that the first eggs haven’t even crowned yet.
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egged-bound · 5 months
Struggling to push out a massive egg, feeling it get right at crown over and over again before it sinks back in after you stop.
Hands on knees just begging for it to make any progress at all.
Bonus points if it’s franticly in a public restroom/ office etc.
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egged-bound · 4 months
“Ahhh fuck-fuck please -stop..”
I groan sweat soaking my hair and sheets in the pitch black room. A contraction takes through me forcing me to push down on whatever’s is inside me.
Im still disoriented from sleep and as I cry and push I feel something moving down towards my hole a pressure like I’d never felt before. I grab at my thigh pulling it up toward my chest and push hard a sharp crying ringing out.
“No no no- fuck ow no more please!”
Im sobbing I don’t know what’s going on or what did this to me, my stomach is building and hard as a rock i thrash some unable to getting leverage to roll over through the pain. Im stuck in my back.
I push again and feel whatever it is start spreading me open, it burns like fire, I feel like I’m coming apart at the seams. I let out a frustrated scream when it sinks back into me with every breath I catch.
What the fuck, fuck FUCK
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egged-bound · 3 months
re: solo homebirth. imagine getting knocked up by some rando you found on the internet, but bc you've been fucking every guy who hits you up, you don't know who the father is. doesn't matter! you can always find another to fuck and you have throughout the pregnancy. when it comes to labor, you just hit up someone who wants to be there for the pregnancy. who cares if they stay after?
Random men as just baby making tools is <<<<
Scrolling through dating apps while having contractions, trying to find your next match already.
Just using them so I can stay a breeder without all the baggage afterwards, birth and split
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