#egao personal rant
pendulum-sonata · 1 year
10, 12 and 25 if you want to do the new ask game.
Oh hey there!
Gonna have to put this under read more because it got long :P
10.- Worst part of fanon
Man, this is tough choice, and I feel like depending on how the fandom behaves my feelings on which is the worst one changes periodically, but I have top 3 fanons that I hate, in no specific order:
The dimensional counterparts are as whole the protagonists of Arc V: I feel like I don't need to elaborate much on this, but I will anyway just because: Yuya is the protagonist, Yuzu is a deuteragonist and REIJI not anyone else is the Tritagonist, anyone who thinks any of the counterparts have some sort of claim over these spota just for being a counterparts earns an automatic eye roll from me, do me a favor and stop giving them credit for things that were done by Yuya or Yuzu.
Shun/Ruri/Yuto/anyone from the xyz dimension/resistance were the best or most badass characters!!: People who have followed me for a while know my stance on this, but yeah, no, not only this isn't true, like in the slightest, Yuto's saving grace was being absorbed by Yuya early on and as such deified by fandom, Ruri was ultimately used for Shun's brother manpain, and Shun who was arguibly the most "developed" had such a sloppy, contradictory and derailed development that people need to reshape him into another person to actually fit the image they have of him, no, I'm will neither elaborate or change my opinion, sorry, but also, not sorry.
Yuya is the worst YGO protagonist EVER!!!: No, this one pisses me off so much for how dumb it is, that I won't even try to rip it to shreds, because that would imply it's an actual argument and not just a hater statement. If you "like" Arc V but hate Yuya, then you didn't understand Arc V at all, period.
12.- The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Seriously people it's so weird that people have had something against him since day 1, took at face value the antoganist mask he wore in order to keep his true intentions under wraps and called it a day when it came to his character, he's like the antithesis of Shun in the fandom, because not only will people straight up make up things to make him fit the distorted negative image they have of him, and more than a couple times I've found people actually crediting his acomplishments on Shun of all characters (like calling him yuya's rival, wtf??) which puzzles me so much, I even forget to be angry about it.
Why should more people like him? Um, because his character is the perfect foil/rival for Yuya? The rational to his emotion, the caution to his impulsiveness, the one with his feet on the ground to his dreams and ideals and a long etcetera, but they're also two boys who suffer from abandoment issues and the weight of expectations placed on them who were forced to grow up too soon and become friends through cooperation and mutual trust rather than some dick measuring contest.
Because he's refreshing take on a cliche character in the franchise, and the traits that would make him so get turned into true traits and flaws; he's a teenage genius alright, but he's still 16 so his ideals can still get in his way, he's callous and calculating and it makes Yuya antagonize him and distrust him, he's very guarded but he's also responsible and intensely protective of the people who work with him.
I could go on, but yeah, people should like him more, he deserves it.
25.- Common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
I was gonna rant about one, but after realizing I have too many and this post is already too long I'm just gonna put this list:
The ending is shitty (this includes 99% of the individual complains of it)
The Synchro arc is filller (this one is just a boring take at this point)
Sawatari should have won a duel (say it with me: winning duels does not equal character development)
Yuzu is useless after season 1 (...🙄)
The egao is like a cult (I seriously hope you never encounter a RL cult recruiter, you wouldn't recognize them tbh...)
x character should have been carded (no they shouldn't, shut up)
Ray is a mary sue/deus ex machina (...go sit in the corner and read what those are okay?)
Reira was fridged (Wtf???)
Reiji should have been evil and working with Leo (refer to my previous answer...)
They ruined [inser legacy character here] (you're legacy character is fine, chill)
Yusho is the worst dad evar!!! (Did you miss the other dad training child soldiers??)
Pendulum summon sucks (Again, did you even like Arc V?)
If you genuinely believe any of these, well, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but not only I don't wanna talk to you, if you shove it in my dash or the main tags constantly, you earn a free ticket to my block list.
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novicesmileegao · 4 years
I have a theory. I called it Two Notebooks theory.
It was born, when my go-to writing app glitched and I've lost the last couple of lines. No big deal, but I remember that feeling of glass shattering — the mood was ruined.
I panicked and immediately purchased a new app, more fool-proof and secure, but based on the same principle — a root folder with .txt or .md files, that you can access via the app interface.
You can create as many folders inside the root folder, and as many sub-folders inside these folders, as you need. And if you have to copy your notes on another device, you just have to copy the root folder using file manager. Switching between two apps like that is even simpler — place old root folder inside a new one, or change its name.
Seamless and effortless. There was, however, a problem...
My notes were in a mess.
Mismatched, misplaced, out of folders, you get the idea.
I couldn't bring myself to simply copy/paste this mess into the new, clean, shiny app. So I decided to take that opportunity to make a fresh start.
First, I created a basic folder system in the new app.
Then, slowly moved the notes accordingly, regardless of their initial position. If there was a folder lacking, I created it. The only rule was "no notes outside of the main sub-folders".
Soon I ended up with a neat root folder, that contained several sub-folders, finally — a clear idea, where to find my writing, and pride in myself.
The catch? I've tried to do it before. For years. Many times. I always failed. Until I was facing an empty, clean interface of a new text editor. Blank page was all I needed.
And it wasn't "get rid of the old and start anew ASAP" kind of renovation. There was a long, relaxed period of time, when two apps coexisted. I was trying my best to not pressure myself to do it faster or better. Rather I was taking my time to ask, what I want my system to look like, what I need from it... And hear the answer.
It was a success. That's when I realised, what is working for me.
YouTube was the next. The end result? A new account, where I gathered subscriptions that make me happy, productive and relaxed, the recommendations I actually use etc. I rediscovered so many amazing channels, that I forgot about thanks to algorithm, but now watch daily!
Not to mention stress-less positive feed on my new account.
It's a "me"-account versus "everything I love and also nothing plus random junk" that is my old one. With that I will be able not only improve my mood and studies, but finally, try to make my own AMVs and other types of content, that YouTube is good for. Of course I'll keep the old account. Everyone needs their "random junk" days.
And now... Tumblr time is nearing. I love this blog, but at the same time I feel deeply unsatisfied with it. It's my first try at blogging, with lots of mistakes (and typos). Navigating among my bookmarks or favourite blogs gets increasingly harder, to the point it defeat purpose of me having Tumblr account. So yes, I have a new main blog!
I'm totally keeping this one and I'm definitely going to use it for something (not sure, what exactly yet, but I just know). Some of my data will stay here, some will be moved, without any loss.
It's just a heads up to any of you I've ever interacted with before. If some wierdo follows you and starts interacting with you, like they know you for years... Yep, that's probably me. Be ready.
I'm not sure, what the process is going to be this time — each platform, app, thing needs a bit different approach, but I'm full of hopes. I'm ready for new Tumblr adventures!
Two notebooks theory:
If you have an old messy notebook you love and need, but using it doesn't bring you much joy anymore, try to bring in a new, clean and better one. And use them both, transferring bit by bit. It makes organising much more easy, especially, if everything else failed.
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pendulumprince · 8 years
Since we're all talking shipping, what about Serena and Yuzu? (and Yuya who is trying to help that happen for both of their sakes. The egao demands it!)
I apologize for the late reply. Let’s talk serenadeshipping.
If I recall correctly, it was this emblemshipping reply that inspired this ask. So let’s build off of that:
Yuya, while practicing his le parkour dueling style, trips over a rouge pebble and scuffs his elbow. It isn’t anything that hasn’t happened before; it isn’t even the worst ‘injury’ he’s ever gotten during practice, and he’s about to stand up when he notices—
Both Serena and Yuzu are watching expectantly from afar. He knows the hard, stoic looks on their faces are only there to mask their deep, deep concern over his fall. They always did overreact to his injuries. (”A tomato will bruise if handled too roughly,” Yuzu would say. “A tomato must be taken care of, if it expects to remain strong and healthy,” Serena would gruffly agree.)
He knows they’ve liked each other for a while, ever since Battle Royale, but haven’t made any moves to be with each other since then. They aren’t unique in this—among the veterans, no one’s really able to ‘connect’ anymore. And what do Serena and Yuzu have in common, anyway? The were both targeted by the Professor; they were both once Ray; they both want to protect…
So Yuya pinches himself, as hard as he can, until his eyes are misty with tears, and suddenly both girls are running over to him.
Serena scoops Yuya into her arms, wind billowing dramatically about her as she demands to know which pebble on the ground tripped him. She goes into a long spiel vowing to destroy that pebble, all of it’s friends, it’s entire family, and any other piece of debris that might have known about the nefarious plot on Yuya’s life. Yuzu, meanwhile, is cleaning Yuya’s wound. He winces when she applies the alcohol, but otherwise takes it well. When Yuzu is done, Yuya examined his elbow, trying to think of a way to get the two of them talking to each other.
Meanwhile, Serena’s not done talking, but her face is getting red and she’s beginning to run out of breath. Internally rolling his eyes, he does the one thing he knows will distract her: he gives her a small peck on the temple.
Serena pauses, before taking a big, deep breath, and going into another rant about proprieties and social norms. (”Do you want everyone to think you’re a loose boy, ready to show your ankles to the entire city?!” she scolds, horrified that Yuya would so carelessly compromise his virtue.)
As for Yuzu, she interrupts Serena about three minutes into her speech. “I see how it is. Very well. But if you expect me to release Yuya from my protection into yours, you’ll have to prove yourself worthy!”
So as they engage in their hyper-aggressive series of competitions, Yuya takes every opportunity get them to notice each other.
“Hey, Serena,” he whispers into her ear as she and Yuzu arm wrestle. “You ever notice how nice and soft Yuzu’s hands are?” Serena takes a moment to consider this, before her eyes go wide and her arm goes limp and Yuzu wins the competition. 
“Woah, look at Serena’s muscles,” he murmurs in Yuzu’s direction as they watch Serena take her turn at bench pressing. “They’re so big. I bet she’s as strong as 25 guys, at least.” Yuzu quickly turns her face away, but Yuya still notes how her face suddenly matches her hair in color.
As Yuzu’s holding him bridal style, Yuya make a point of reminding her of all the things that make Serena so wonderful. “Yuri tells me she can use her ribbon as a whip! How cool is that?” and, “All of mom’s pets love her. Especially the cats. I think animals can tell how good a persons heart is… they’ll only give that sort of love to someone who’s worthy.”
And to Serena, as she proved her endurance by holding him: “She always smells like flowers. I used to think she was using some fancy bath gel, but she still had that scent even during the war. Yugo told me so.” And, “did you know she can sing? She sings better than any idol, I swear.”
Serena becomes so distracted that she unceremoniously drops Yuya a few second shy of surpassing Yuzu. So it’s Yuzu who ultimately wins.
Serena, reeling from the shame of having lost at a competition designed to test her physical capabilities, mentally begins making plans to train in the mountains, in the desert, on top of the LDS building, in the streets of the Commons area, and anywhere else that might present a challenge. It isn’t just about protecting Yuya anymore. She has to prove herself worthy, has to rectify herself in the eyes of—
Yuzu grabs her by the elbow. “I know you’re about to go on one of your months-long training sessions. Don’t. I think we can do much more standing side by side!”
She turns away, not wanting either of them to see the slight tint of red coloring her cheeks. “How can you say that? You barely know me.”
“I know enough. I would like to know more.” She tightens her grip slightly. “Please.”
She has a pretty voice and her hands are soft and she smells like flowers and together, they once saved the world.
“… okay.”
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changeling-droneco · 8 years
Apparently today is fic rec day soooo Fic Rec Time! Yu-gi-oh edition!
My Turn Now
A wonderful take on early manga/season zero Mokuba and his relationship with Seto from Mokubas POV, its heart wrenching and really shows just how much these brothers care about each other. warning for child abuse obviously
Best Served Cold
Y bakura is being a pest and Ryou handles it the way only someone who plays a game like Monster World could. It really shows how cunning Ryou can really be when he’s pushed and how out of touch Y Bakura is with the present, it’s hilarious, warning for lots of vomiting and stuff.
Duel Squad Group Chat
Do you like group chats? Do you like yugioh characters being memers, Then this is what you need, Puzzle Puff and Dance shipping 
Egao Apocalypse
I don’t care what anyone says I will rec my own damn fic if I want. A crossover with every Yugioh series where when in the Synchro Arc, Yuyas berserk mode activates when playing Smile World, causing the two to mix, this sends the timelines COMPLETELY out of wack and warps Yuya, making him use the magic created with the combining of Smile World and berserk to create an Egao Apocalypse, watch Seto as he has to survive in the rebellion without Mokuba, with a crush on 5ds Crow, Marik watching him and Jou like a hawk so they dont fight, and more. Ships include Crow and Seto, one sided pendulum, and more to come. Warning for trauma, scarring, torture, blood, face horror Zarc and Ray exist but the Yus and bracelet girls are only there reincarnations. 
Desperate Measures 
Ryou is sad about his dad so Y Bakura takes bringing him home into his own hands. This does not end well, warning for Y Bakura threatening to bomb Domino High, man does he need chill. Thief Tender and Protect, there’s some completely skippable protect smut last chapter
King of Games
What if life was like a video game? That’s the life Yugi Mutou faces, being able to pop up menus, boost stats, and accept quests, things like that, thank to this ability making Yami possessing him impossible without permission there are no shadow games and Yugi stops the bad guys his own way. No shipping so far and warnings for normal Season 0 things.
one of my FAVORITE Yu-gi-oh fics, when Shadi decides to attempt and destroy Y Bakura, Ryou is put in the ring and learns about Kul-Elna, he proceeds to shred Shadis soul to pieces, with Y Bakura and Ryou now allies, things change, with a kidnapping from a surprising character, Ryou being about to summon Shadow Games, and Y Bakura being forced to get along with the main cast for his Host. Warning for some violence and kidnapping, Tender
In Which Seto Fucks a Dragon
Yeah basically everything you need to know is in the title, Rival with Dom Yugi
Roll For Magic Hands
In which Y Bakura is a shit DM and he and Yami Yugi argue a lot of semantics, and get a bit too in character. Dark
Seducing Anger to Hatred
Do you like creepy as fuck, manipulative Tender? Then read this, not for the faint of heart.
What Lies Within 
A wonderful SCP crossover with the Protag from each series. as they must fight through the SCP facility when everything is loose and try an find a way home. Warning for usual SCP things like violence.
Kick a Hole in Sky
What if instead of Gozaburo who adopted Seto and Mokuba it was everyone’s favorite eccentric game maker, Pegasus! Warning for Pegasus killing people with his eye. 
Only Mine
I’m the first person to go on a giant rant against Puppy given an opportunity but even I have to admit this genius story is a work of angst art! With someone stalking Jou and killing people, its an oc dont worry its not seto or anything, Jous life is shot to hell, having to rely on Seto Kaiba, Jou must try and reclaim his life and stop this mad man. Spoilers, he fails and there is no happy ending. With so much angst and feels the ending will rip out your heart, warning for stalking, murder. kidnapping. major character death. rape. assault. emotional abuse and child abuse. This is not a happy story and honestly no one wins.
Its gym class and its dodgeball day, a certain spirit doesn’t want Yugi getting hurt, this is why you never take the winning obsessed pharaoh to gym class.
Penny For Your Thoughts
Atem is pharaoh and Yugi is the spirit of his beloved puzzle, a great roleswap fic thats not quite a roleswap. An amnesiac Yugi has to try and get his memories back, fending off Atem’s advances. Puzzle
White in the Winter Night
Another stalker fic, a serial killer stalker from Ryous past returns, enthralled with Ryous white hair, he nearly kills some of his friends and more, this one has a happy ending though. Warning for kidnapping, attempted murder, emotional abuse, and human taxidermy
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novicesmileegao · 7 years
Me: Ouryuu Zeno, you, silly kid! If I would be immortal and aware, that my friends will not stay with me forever, I'd cling to them like mad, and would ignore all the pains, to the point they would be happy to die finally and to get rid of my yellow immortal ass, that's it!
Also me: *literally shivers in horror of the tought about re-entering RP for good after the longest absence, because: "What if kids will not forgive me this time around, what if they all left already, what if maybetomorrow..."*.
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novicesmileegao · 5 years
What is wrong with my followers-count?
About a year ago I noticed the problem. I have a lot more followers on counter, than I see in the list, and the number is bigger, than my followers-list and block-list combined, so...
That's not a big problem, but it makes nearly impossible to take part in "getting to know" tag-games. Idk, how many of those were left untouched, because I doesn't have much energy to count my followers manually and trying to figure out which 5 out of probably 15-30 didn't do the meme already. (And i love doing the games).
And more importantly, the problem makes quick access to my mutuals' blogs harder. I follow about 300 blogs, and given the order isn't alphabetical, it was at least more easy to search for mutuals on my followers list, if i'm not sure about url. I'm often like:"did this blog i search for changed url?/were they followed me, but unfollow letter or probably the blog was deleted during the purge?/oh wait, I forgot to block this p-bot or what?! How many actual people were in there again?..". Small, but still a pain.
Please, if anyone know some solution how to fix the count, tell me.
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novicesmileegao · 7 years
Akatsuki no Yona
Sorry for the long answer. For the “Give me a fandom and I’ll tell you”:
The first character I first fell in love with: 
Um, here will be several answers, because I had a few very important first impressions:
Yona – she was literaly the first character seen in manga, and I liked her expressions and a huge range of genuine emotions she could show and how cute she is, being all in love. The thing that totally hooked me at time was her reasons to love Su-Won. After description I half-expected her ranting daily and nightly about how handsome he is or something that silly. But it was so pure and true in-between of puppy-love and first attraction for actual human reasons… I just can’t.
Hiryuu – the first time I saw him, I was like: “I want a whole manga about him, but sadly, he more likely is just a symbolic token, who’s never gonna to show up, and actually author must be never made his personality up, thus he doesn’t exist… forget him, move on”. But I loved him all this time.
Zeno – from the first sight. But I was kind of wary of him in terms: “It’s not possible, to have there a character as just for me. Obiviously, he have a lot of behind, but there is no way for him to be much cooler, than he is now. Maybe his character’s flaws make him uncool or sort of..?” Nah, his characters flaws made him like 100 times more cool and human. And while I’m sort of tired of “character with happy faciade lied all the time. On an inside he is constantly suicidal and angsty, and holds tons of grude” trope, Zeno totally don’t come off as one of these angsty buckets.His happiness and fondness is just as true, as his grieve and dark moments. And his way to fit in any clothes is iconic to me.And imagine my feelings, when it’s become known these two above are coming as a set with addition of 3 more unique dorky bros… this far Hiryuu and Zeno were just what I dreamed of from the start.
Kaya – I see the character– I love the character. No reasons. “Hey, Zeno… Zeno, if that’s your future wife, can I go out with your future son, who obiviously doesn’t even exist, but still??? Please???”.
Tae-Wu and Han-Dae sleeping by the Fuuga gates. The first time I saw them, it was a turning point. Like: “You said you giving this manga a try and eventualy you will drop? Haha, silly Egao, welcome to your new home. Forever ”.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Hak. To me, all his interesting and precious traits are unfolding in further details and actions. His respect to Yona, his loyality to king Il, his grieveing over the lost friendship with Su-Won, his very personal friendship with each of the dragons and Yun, his deep love for the Wind tribe, his unique himor, his little ‘kincks’, his 'Hak-faces’ and even the way he occasionaly interacts with Ao-chan (believe or not, I oftenly see, when someone headcanons on how Ao sees each of her friends, Hak is that one guy, who is left out as a someone, who don’t play with her, while in the manga are at least 5 cutiest Hak | pukyuu moments).If not for these and alike details he’d probably come off as another tsundere with severe emotional constipation and 'scary at the outside/soft inside’ 'super-sexy’ powerful male lead type of a character you can see in any other shoujo manga in a pack of 4.
Su-Won – description left an impression of standart powerhungry villian and I didn’t expected much from him. My bad. Turning point was me seeng his bitter look, when he faced Yona after the murder of Il and was quite literally pushed to kill her (“may be, he is more, than that”). But I never expected a mixature of fun, cuteness, stubborness, drama king act, mistery, inner conflict, angst and parody, that waited me on the way.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
I don’t see if there is one. At the same time, I often prefer rare characters over more popular ones.
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
Mizari – well, not that anyone massively hates him in fandom now, but I kind of left a room for loving him (and Kouren team) even from the time when he talked about eating the dragons.
Garou – I don’t think there are many people, who actually hate him deeply, but still, as confusing as it sounds, I kind of can understand what he felt. And while I’m not apologetic to some of his pretty obivious actions, I guess my understanding makes me more calm and patient towards him.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
I guess, there is no such a character. Well, maybe I expected some more backstory or badassnes from Hiek, but not that I loved him or something.
The character I would totally smooch: Yona, Ao-chan, 'Hakuneko’, Tae-Jun. And Gulfan (but I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t allow)Also I want to hug Kaya, to bake an apple pie for Heuk-Chi, and to knit a scarf for Yun. And I’m lost what to do to Zeno, he probably would want all of this and to hug Kaya in my place. As for Hiryuu… I’d fangirl from the distance too scared of his dragons’ jealousy.
The character I’d want to be like: 
Yun and Heuk-Chi, because these men are so talanted and can do anything and are so capabale in practical tasks! And if it comes to outer look, I want Su-Won’s hair.
The character I’d slap: 
Anyone, who needs it, or look like they need. For now settled with Su-Won and Keyshuk, because I hope to see their 'moment of hysteria’. Also Gobi, because I hope someone is still home inside of his head, and I want to see that. I’d also say the royal brothers probably, but for now it wouldn’t be too useful. And we still need more canon on them.
A pairing that I love:
KaZe is my favourite. I can write an essey, so I’ll stop for now.
A pairing that I despise: 
Well, I kind of wary of yaoi and yuri fanmade pairings. Like you never know, if the author of the fic not preferred personal 'kincks’ over in-characterisation. But I admit, that reality can be not that bad (stumbled upon a few untagged and lived)). And if one of these actually’d become canon, I will accept and like it. I’d only be wary of the lemonish part of fanbase then.
Also I was not too fond of Su-Won/Lili, because I was like: “neither of these two are in love, and I want them to be happy, because they need love”. But now I think, they can be probably good enouh for each other. So now I even low-key ship it if a chance given.
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novicesmileegao · 5 years
Just reminding you that God loves you, in case nobodies told you today. ❤
Thank you! Of course, I know, but sometimes it's harder to remember all the time (especially, during the spring cleaning, while living with one's parents; this time of a year really can drain a person out of life-force sometimes...). I really needed something positive today.❤️
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