#egagement photos
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nowahbel-airphotography · 1 month ago
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migleefulmoments · 5 years ago
Yes Abby I’m terrified of the truth but I never lie and your cool as a cucumber, laid back and lying through your teeth.
Competing with Trump, Abby is on track for telling 12,000 lies in the last 4 years. Ok, I didn’t actually count, but these two posts are so full of lies. I couldn’t let them go without comment. Even the Nonnies’ lies are all bullshit Abby has fabricated and spread to young kids like Nonnie #1 who told her mom a bunch of nonsense-her mom played along perfectly, adding that confirmation bias just like she was supposed to. The second ask was answered by Cassie but she’s just repeating Abby’s lies so it counts.  
Anonymous asked: I was talking with my mother about D and I told her just about (1) the day they met (that D doesn’t know), the (2) egagement ring (that she had a lot), the (3) algoritmo for the wedding and the (4) honneymoon and she already said that the marriage is fake. I understand people that Don’t believe in CC but believe that this marriage is real is beyond me
ajw720 answered:Who goes on a (5) group honeymoon with their work colleagues? Who has (6) multiple engagement rings in one year? (7) What newlywed cannot muster one kind thing to say about his bride? (8) Or marriage? Or talks about pooping exes when asked what’s changed since marriage?(9) Or turns his back to her in public? (10) Jerks his new wife off of him? (11) Gives her bitch glares when she touches him? (12) Doesn’t touch her hardly even engaging in PDA?  (13) Sells his wedding and releases it in its near entirety though he claims to be private?
The sham marriage is impossible to believe in.
Anonymous asked:Just thinking about how this mess all started. At the time I can see why they thought M would b a good fit. (14 she isnt’ a beard)  She HAD a career in NY. Music connections. $$ & she knew Chuck. How could that be bad??! Fast forward to now? (15) Yeah no one could have predicted her doing a complete 180. (16) This mess is all her and not playing the game the was it was intended. (17) She got greedy and (18) D is paying for it —big time. Sad cuz she has had a taste now so I don’t see her letting go. Thoughts?
cassie1022 answered: Nonnie, (19 she isn’t a beard) I honestly believe the ONLY reason she was chosen was because they could establish a connection pre-G/lee. It was a tenuous connection, at best, as she was (20) clearly his brother’s “friend.” Oh, and (21) she was willing to sell what little bit of a soul she had. (22) They’ve tried desperately to rewrite history, but the fact remains that (23) D hasn’t always played along as well as they would like. (24) We have the video where it appears he is being reintroduced to her and shakes her hand, (25) the interview where he stated he hadn’t been involved with anything or anyone as long as he had been committed to G/lee, and countless other moments.
(26) You’re not wrong in saying she hasn’t played the game the way they expected. It doesn’t help that (27) his idiot manager has allowed her to gain as much control as she has, but (28)  I’m sure they are in this together and (29) their goal is to make him look as bad as they can if he’s (30) going to have the opportunity to boot them out of his life. They’ve done a decent job setting it up that way, surprisingly.
The fact that she actually had a career at one point and (31) now essentially does nothing is just pathetic. She must not have any pride at all, (32) as she is willing to laze around drinking her days and nights away while publicly linked to a man that never stops working, in one way or another. I sometimes believe her only goal in life is humiliating him and making him look foolish. But hey, it must be true love. Why else would she call him D-bag on the night she went with his brother and his former sister in law to see him perform in his self-confessed Broadway dream role? Why his brother would sit with her in that theater after that is beyond me.
It’s just a (33) situation that went from bad to worse to total nightmare and for sure, D didn’t deserve this, he’s far too compassionate, kind, loving, and loyal.
33 lies in two small asks.  That’s pretty bad. If you were confident in your tropes you wouldn’t have to lie and exaggerate and create alternate endings for photos.  I’ve already debunked several of these tropes 
Is Darren Private? (X) 
Does he hate her? (X)
Rings (X) (X)
Darren’s contracts (X)
Is Michael introducing Darren to Mia on red carpet? (X)
CC misogyny (X)
group honeymoon (X)
Darren’s own words on his sexuality (X) 
Ricky (X)
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raspberrybrownie · 7 years ago
Project X Plan
lol its been like ages since my last post. ok not sure who will read this post but definitely he wouldnt. i hope my friends that in a 0.0000001% chance that might see this will keep it a secret too.  lol briefly read through my past posts and find it funny. ok shall start with me post.
i thought of writting it but then will need to start on a book but i lazy to write. ok so here it goes,.
on 7/7/2018, he proposed to me. it was epic coz was it rained heavily during the event. he got all my friends and his to help out, with tent in ecp, hand made roses, slides etc. it was all good, A for effort. i would have said “yes” if not for the rain lol. anw i said “okay”. but i told him to pass the “touching” part then i may say yes. anw we do went to resize the ring to a smaller size coz it was overly big, 57? when i am 47 -.- dunno why so much difference when i alrd given him a sample of my cheapo ring. seriously?!? anw managed to get 2nd free laser engraving lol if not ill be :(. ok so idk when he will do the (final) proposal again, but i think i will most probably say yes lol coz i dont have a choice? well of coz i do but then... lol it will be yes la. anw then i have this thinking, i can do better. eh! dont get me wrong wor lol it sounds bad. actually i mean if i were the one doing the proposal, i can do it better, then i tot, why must be the guy that propose, why girl have engagement ring while guys dont? why girl have to wear it and show that she is “taken” while guys can continue not wearing or can be seen as “single”? anw my point is gender equality yo! but i know it wouldnt be as we are biologically different, still i hope to make things slightly equal. and so... i tot of doing a counter proposal, aka i propose to him once he pass the touching part. maybe kiv the night before his bd or near the bd on a day which he has class. aft class maybe? ok or aft his bd also can (for anni also can) haha but well i may get lazy and not do anything, so i hope if u read this, pls keep it to yourself as i maybe 3 mins hot. so i googled abt men egagement ring coz i tot of getting it, but then damn ex lol at least 1k? ok cant be compared to the one he bought for me, but then sry i stingy. i will do a low budget but max effort for u too. and anw i saw blogs saying that men woldnt wear so much rings de, so no point getting it, which i agree upon too. if he were to wear a ring, then i rather it to be the wedding band. and anw menengagement ring is just slightly fancier than a wedding band. ok so i have recently ( yst night) set up a carousell acct with weird name coz i may be using it to trick and organise the whole plan. the rough plan is as such; get to know his class timetable, day time venue course. the event will be aft his class near his bd, hopefully will have a class a day before his bd, then nx day his bd can get leave. use carousell acct to meet up with him as a buyer in nus. ( i may want to get 1 helper to stalk him from afar, take photos of him and also make sure he follows the plan.. someone not suspicious and he doesnt know well...someone damn free and willing to help. hmmm (oh shit just “realised” that his bd is on mon)hmm or maybe can ask his friends to help aft his gym? or gym is fake de. hmm abit trouble his friends leh. i paiseh. ok we see how it goes, hope on his bd he got class lol. if not chage plan to sun ask his friends to help. oh yah, to be interest to buy a small item, so he woulndt bring a whole heavy item lol. although i tot buy book makes more “sense” coz i student.
plan X: say meet at outside (1st place)( the block) of the class venue (or nus conveient place) ( lets say 6.15pm if he no class). i can go over coz i study there stay at hall. then suddenly message him say meet at another nearby venue (less ppl) . ask him for a favor, say sth like do u see a book on that table?( and pencil box? lol so ppl will tot somone sit there study and will not clear it?) i think i left it there, was studying there then now left that place coz my friends looking for me, then i realised i lost the book (and pencil box). if its there can help me take and bring over to the new meet up place. (which is very near by, may be just around the corner). then at 2nd place, put a soya milk or sth, then message him say sorry got sth last min urgent issue, can meet 5 mins later, ask him help himself with the unopen drink coz i dont want it alrd but dont want waste it. sorry abt it , take it as i treat him a drink ask him wait for me for awhile. 5 mins later message again ask if got finish the drink coz once finish, he will see the hidden message (which i have think of. happy bd? happy anni? or 3rd place? or ask him open the book pg (a sig date/#) to see next hidden massage of 3rd place? idk yet) think by the time he will find the whole thing damn weird alrd, so at the 3rd and final place, it the real event. (hopefully a not so many ppl, quite dark place. (hmmm ok this is damn hard. or it can be on a no class day. coz if got class, very hard to prevent him from eating before lesson. or say i got a learning session at nuh (since last time also have) then ask to meet around 730 late dinner aft the talk at nuh. so he will wait and meet me for dinner. ok this sounds better. then the student buyer will still be same plan. ) so at final place there will be lights on the floor (<3?) maybe nearby can have table for me to put selfcooked dinner. then when he saw the lights, i walk out from hidden place (behind wall?) holding flowers or sth liddat and open a ring like box, inside not ring though, maybe muffin or sth practical as a gift to sub as a ring. ok. my plan sounds damn good lol.  but then i hope can do so in ntu coz i more familiar with ntu la. but ntu not practical unless he got sth there and i can make an excuse say to meet there. and ntu more meaningful for us. hmm.... or how to trick him go ntu like how he trick me go ecp? hmmmm. ok that will be for now. jaja
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ostlerpangpang · 5 years ago
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In context photos-  we wanted the the photos to be as loud & proud as possible & ideally shown all over the school
The poster would be located in multiple locations all across campus.
This juxtapostion of moods- competetive & fun- is vital to our egagement stratagy.
The competitive feel is created through the ninja looking subjects- ready for action. Whereas the bubble colourful type bring the design back down to a relaxed fun feel.
We want to attract both those who have compeition in their blood- but also those who are scared to play. We want to make those who feel scared to play feel encouraged & like the competitive stage is something they can easily fit into.
The promotion would run for 3 months- the duration of the competition. The aim for students to be lead from the poster to the App.
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vophotographers-blog · 7 years ago
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So hooked on this photo lol =D. One #funcouple and we seriously cannot wait to shoot their wedding at @the_riverview next year. We'll be posting more awesomeness from this egagement session later this week =).⠀ ⠀ #engagement #gouveiavineyards #gouveiavineyardsengagement #ctweddingphotographer #simsburyweddingphotographer #simsburywedding #simsburywedddings #wallingfordengagement #wallingfordengagements #riverviewwedding #riverviewweddings #shesaidyes #love #light #ctweddings #fall #fallengagement #fallengagements #fallinspiration #savethedate #savethedateideas #wineryengagement #symmetry #djiwedding #droneshot #dronephotography http://bit.ly/2hySfnC
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nowahbel-airphotography · 1 month ago
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nowahbel-airphotography · 1 month ago
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nowahbel-airphotography · 1 month ago
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nowahbel-airphotography · 1 month ago
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nowahbel-airphotography · 1 month ago
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nowahbel-airphotography · 1 month ago
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nowahbel-airphotography · 1 month ago
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nowahbel-airphotography · 1 month ago
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nowahbel-airphotography · 1 month ago
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nowahbel-airphotography · 1 month ago
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nowahbel-airphotography · 1 month ago
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