#eg2 full metal jackie
eg2henchmen · 2 years
Red Ivan
- Atomic Olga
Right hand, her gun is her baby, has thrown herself into her work with vigor, scared that Ivan knows her secret weakness and therefore tries to put her 110% into her new job, was originally very curt with her fellow henchmen but has since loosened up, gives big bear hugs to the fellow henchmen, she's like the fun aunt who will throw down with anyone who hurts her fellow henchmen, still visits her figure skater brother for competitions and holidays, it's the one thing she'll fight Ivan on
- Full Metal Jackie
Left hand only due to the fact that Olga goes above and beyond in her attacks, doesn't mind it really, leaves her more time to develop weaponry and make sure everything is in working order, if she likes you she gives you the experimental weapons, because she's including you in the process of making weapons and that's special, it can be mistaken for dislike as many early versions of weapons tend to blow up, enjoys talking about dangerous animal encounters with Sir Daniel
- Sir Daniel
Will sometimes just hide away in a potted plant and people watch, enjoys talking about hunting and animals, actually has a zoology degree, versed in a wide range of combat and weapons, if he compares how you tackle problems to a type of hunting (endurance, ambush, pack, etc) that means he enjoys your company, if he goes into Bush mode anytime you're near, he's avoiding you or hunting you, you gotta guess which
- Pyro
Quiet but emotive, speaks through mumbles, keeps in contact with most of the other tf2 members, protective of fellow henchmen, thinks Olga and Heavy should meet, red team Pyro, the first to get Olga to loosen up, gives matches and lighters as gifts, carries a fire axe as a melee weapon, will sometimes have a tf2 member over even though he's not supposed to, he gets away with it because they help defend the base if there's an attack while they're over
- Clara Jones
Always hunting for something new to steal, the only person here who can be in the casino and not disturb the patrons, recruited because she impressed Jackie who convinced Ivan not to kill her, gets along with Sir Daniel as they talk about their travels, feels cooped up from staying in one place for so long and would kill to get off the island for one day, instead she and Sir Daniel has this game where he hides and she tries to find him as fast as possible and if she doesn't find him within a certain amount he comes out of hiding, when he's found or when he comes out of hiding the two go into a full on brawl (neither use their guns in this part), it's fun for both of them but nobody else knows it's a game so they just see Clara and Daniel routinely get into fights, there is definitely a betting pool
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eg2henchmen · 2 years
- Iris
Right hand, been there since the beginning, very matter a fact, unknowingly sassy, only leaves Zalika's side to fetch people for subtle reasons, to fight, or at Zalika's instruction, has a little personality developing and it's becoming a cat person, refuels by "drinking" oil, knows everyone's secrets because everyone forgets about the camera's
- Janet Bombe
Actually useful, head of technicians, god of encryptions and sea life, side hobby of marine biology, does get nippy with scientists asking to poke at her and her magnet field, always happy to code, her coding encryption is filled with references to marine life hidden under layers of encryption, sassy but filled with respect for Zalika, the only one Iris doesn't have emergency blackmail on, the human right hand
- Dr. Ming
Plant lady to the extreme, respects the environment and those who respect the environment, gets along great with Janet in this respect, technically the minions are supposed to tend to the plants around the base but she does a much better job, has mini versions of the cure ability that she gives to people she likes, if you come to her for plant advice you'd better have a good excuse as to why you didn't take good care of it the first time, if she doesn't kill you over it she'll check up on the plant repeatedly until she's sure you can manage
- Clara Jones
Her expertise in codes makes her ideal to collaborate with in encoding and translation into other languages, Clara and Janet have a competitive streak with each other, half the minions think they're dating, they aren't but they genuinely enjoys each other's company and can send each other encrypted messages that no one else can read, just as restless, can and will wrestle people with little prompting
- Full Metal Jackie
The science stuff goes over her head a bit so she knows she's kinda on the bottom of the chain but she gets paid so who cares, gets along decently enough, here for weapons and explosions, actually a really good chemist but it took a while for that fact to come up, was mildly affronted that Janet Bombe did not carry Bombs and quickly gifted her some, very laid back
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