evergreensanctum · 4 months
we have cause for celebration, my friends!
the birthday couple, loey (today) and lewis (tomorrow), have decided to celebrate their love with the fae and the faire in a traditional hand fasting celebration, and you are all invited to a grand feast to celebrate them tomorrow afternoon.
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kitykis · 4 months
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the glorious thing about Japan wearing Kimonos through all of history, is that I can pull out my fancy clothes and it is renaissance attire.
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temptmytroubless · 4 months
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I know you I walked with you once upon a dream
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evergreenhqs · 1 year
Welcome to Evergreen HQs. We're pleased to see you, and excited to get to know you and your muse.
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none, change that?
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none, change that?
Tags to Track: #eg.follow, #eg.unfollow, #eg.admin, #eg.intro, #eg.selfie, #eg.event
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evergreensanctum · 5 months
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Monday, May 13th. The gate will open and the fae of olde will visit Evergreen. For two weeks the south side of town will be turned into a Renaissance Faire that even your wildest dreams couldn't create. Prepare your costumes and look the part, you don't want the Fae of Olde to mistake you for a human and steal your name.
More information to come.
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evergreensanctum · 10 months
Secret Santa 2023
Hey besties!
We're gonna do a secret santa game to draw this year to a close. But we're mixing it up a little bit this year ok? You'll be recieving a DM sometime in the next 24 hours with your secret santa assignment. These won't be posted anywhere so don't lose them! Sometime between now and December 24, you will submit your secret santa gift to this blog. You can also provide a letter if you want, but that's up to you. Just don't sign your name. And on Christmas we will post them all for everyone to see. But then the fun begins! Between December 26 and January 10th, we would like you all to try to GUESS who your Secret Santa was. You can each request one clue in that time frame. Anyone who guesses correctly gets a bonus perk in an upcoming event. Anyone who fails to guess at all or guesses incorrectly will have a task they have to complete, a magic!anon visiting them, or some sort of hinderance in a future task or event. Now, you don't want your secret santa recipient to guess it's you too easily right? We want this game to be fun. Which means, if you're reaching out to someone you normally wouldn't talk to to try to learn about them... maybe you should talk to a few more people in the process right? throw them off your trail a little.
Good luck, and Happy Holidays, my little chaotic monsters.
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evergreensanctum · 4 months
hii, I would also like to try my luck at trinket trading! I would like to give an authentic angel wing feather to a fae i've never seen around!
Ohhh an angel feather! Quite rare, indeed. What a precious gift you've brought, Lena!
The fae smiles at you, her grin toothless but warm. The feather is immediately tucked into the band she has wrapped around her head, and she pulls her purse to her chest to rummage for a trinket to provide in exchange. "This is just as beautiful." She speaks in an accent unknown to modern ears, as she pulls out the head of a rose, "This rose is older than me," she explains, holding out her hand for you to take the stemless flower, "Once a day, if you always treat the rose kind, it will help you to make flowers grow. I have had many gardens for many years with help of this flower, and now it is yours."
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evergreensanctum · 4 months
Just a reminder that Potion and Talismans are for sale for two more days!
We currently have a number of crafting workshops available for several more days.
And the Griffin training exhibition will be set up come morning for two days only! don't miss your chance to watch those magnificent creatures in action!
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evergreensanctum · 4 months
I have this amulet I would love to trade. The gem it holds glows at night and makes a soft humming noise so my best guess is that it’s enchanted with something.
You bring magic for the Fae! They smile upon you with their own magic, Ashley!
A young fae takes the amulet in delicate fingers, examining it curiously for a long moment and holding it to her ear to hear the sound. Finally, she nods, flashing an excited grin and shoving the amulet into a pouch on one of her many belts. She doesn't speak, she just giggles as she pulls out a small white comb, coming closer and brushing it just through the tip of your hair, each stroke turning your hair a different color. Once she's finished demonstrating the powers of the comb, she reaches a finger of her free hand to tap your forehead gently, telling you to think of the color you desire, before handing the comb over to your posession and disappearing into the crowd.
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evergreensanctum · 4 months
hello, i would like to try my luck with trinket trading. i'd like to present a mischievous looking fae with a small ceramic mushroom. like one of these.
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A mushroom! What a good gift you've provided, Corey!
The spritely fae looks favorably upon you, reaching into it's pouches and pockets, clearly rummaging for something specific. After a long moment of digging, they pull out what appears to be an ordinary acorn. "It's magic," they say in a hushed tone, scooting closer to you to place the acorn in your hand, "It will protect you from the lights that come from the sky with the rain. You will never be hurt by fire the sky lights ignite inside the flesh of those that look human." They insist, pressing your fingers around the acorn, urging you to keep ahold of it.
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evergreensanctum · 9 months
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evergreensanctum · 4 months
oy, i'd like to trade an old old old coin, still shiny and actually pretty valuable with a fae, but i want them to know that whatever they give me will be a present to someone special.
You're asking for a gift to give as a gift? Oh the fae like this. they smile on those who ask for things for others.
He stands from his seat, an elderly fae hunched over even at his full height. He has kind mischievous eyes and a warm smile as he examines the coin, nodding as he takes in its details. "And you want a present that's not for you?" he asks slowly, the words falling from his mouth in a whisper. He reaches for a travelers pack that had been resting on the seat next to him, stowing the coin away in a small pocket. Then he pulls out a small rolled up cloth, a little bigger than something that could fit in the palm of his hand. He unfurls the cloth, revealing what appears to be a pile of gemstones, "This is the present I was excited to give this year," he explains as an excited smile appears on his face. He gently strokes one of the gemstones and the pile leaps to life, forming into a beautiful crystal dragonfly that flits to life floating around his hand, "She will eat bugs, she loves mosquitos, she keeps her handler safe," He explains then taps his palm twice causing the gems to fall back into a pile, "I hope your special friend enjoys her."
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evergreensanctum · 4 months
I would like to gently approach a stranger fae and give them a little pouch containing a set of galaxy colored acrylic dice like these
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Well I think it's only fair, that we roll the dice to decide your trade, don't you?
The fae looks at the dice set with a soft and curious expression, turning the d6 over in their fingertips for a few seconds, as if counting to make sure all the sides were present. Then he nods and kneels down to the ground, tossing the di to see what number it landed on. Upon seeing the number, he looks into his pouch and counts one, two, three, four.... he pulls an even smaller pouch out and empties the contents into his hand. Small blue marbles. He gestures for you to come closer, swirling them in his hand for you to hear the music they make as they're rolled around. Then he pours them back into their small pouch and hands it to you with an excited nod.
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evergreensanctum · 9 months
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Thank you all for participating thus far!
That's all of our Secret Santa gifts! If for some reason, you don't see one that belongs to you, please make sure to reach out to us and we'll see if something got lost in the shuffle. Feel free to send in your guesses at any time! I'll start posting tomorrow. If you guess correctly, I'll post your guess. If you guess incorrectly, I'll reply privately and let you know how many guesses you have left. Everyone gets three guesses, and I may provide clues if you're entirely in left field (or if you ask nicely). Guessing is not mandatory, but if you do guess correctly, you will get a benefit or perk for a future task or event.
Merry Christmas all!
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