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thegentlemancollects · 2 years ago
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ahimamouphilomeneakpale · 1 year ago
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catcze · 1 year ago
BABY I HAVE DEFFOOOOOO SEEN IT !!! my godd if you scroll thru the blog enough, you'll find me absolutely losing my shit over it HASKJDNSJA
AND 👀👀 if you have any ideas for me based off of his teaser 👀👀 you're welcome to come and send me some !!!
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eurfashion · 5 years ago
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A Greek-orthodox nun. Easter, Holy Sepulcher, old city, Jerusalem, 2017.
Photo: Gali Tibbon.
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alittlefrenchtree · 5 years ago
I'm thinking EFHA as in their initials??
That’s one theory i’ve seen here and there. I think it’s possible and it looks like it on some pictures but there are also pics were the letters don’t really look like these ones so I’m confused haha. Plus I would have expected a clear pic from Elizabeth if it was something about the family so yeah. I don’t know and it’s frustrating 😩😂
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londranotizie24 · 2 years ago
Italian Masculinities: all'Iic una conversazione sulla mascolinità italiana
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Italian Masculinities: all'Iic una conversazione sulla mascolinità italiana Di Simone Platania Italian Masculinities, all’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Londra il 13 settembre e condotto da Matteo Augello, indaga gli stereotipi sulla mascolinità nella cultura italiana. Italian Masculinities: Young Creatives on Fashion and Identity, una conversazione sulla mascolinità italiana Italian Masculinities:Young Creatives on Fashion and Identity, questo il nome dell’evento organizzato dall’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Londra al quale è possibile partecipare il 13 settembre. L’evento, condotto da Matteo Augello, è una tavola rotonda che esplora, indaga e discute gli stereotipi della mascolinità nella cultura italiana. Matteo Augello condurrà una conferenza e conversazione con quattro professionisti italiani che hanno esplorato la mascolinità nella loro vita personale e professionale: Marta Franceschini (storica della moda), Daniele Fummo (fotografo), Nicola Neri (stilista) e Marco Pavoni (architetto). Il pubblico è invitato a partecipare ad una riflessione collettiva su come le manifestazioni di genere ci hanno reso ciò che siamo. L’evento è gratuito e viene ospitato presso la sede dell’Iic di Londra, a Belgrave Square. Il proprio posto può essere prenotato qui. Chi sono gli ospiti di Italian Masculinities Il dottor Matteo Augello è docente universitario e performer. La sua ricerca si concentra sulla performance e sul costume, e ha lavorato come storico per la Royal Opera House di Londra, la BBC e l'American Ballet Theatre di New York. La dottoressa Marta Franceschini è una storica della moda con sede a Londra. Collabora con la European Fashion Heritage Association (EFHA) come coordinatrice della comunicazione ed è assistente alla ricerca della mostra Fashioning Masculinities: The Art of Menswear al Victoria and Albert Museum. Daniele Fummo, fotografo, è stato uno dei vincitori di Portrait of Britain 2021 e il suo lavoro è stato pubblicato sul New York Times, Dazed, GQ, oltre che in importanti istituzioni come il Victoria and Albert Museum di Londra. Collabora regolarmente con marchi e artisti come Vivienne Westwood, Jordanluca e Holly Blakey. Nicola Neri è uno stilista freelance italiano con sede a Londra. Dopo aver lavorato per due anni nelle PR di moda, ha iniziato ad assistere il direttore creativo di Dazed & Confused e poi si è trasferito alla rivista AnOther, dove ha assunto la posizione di assistente di moda. Marco Pavoni è Associato presso Zaha Hadid Architects, dove è entrato nel 2017. Ha lavorato a una serie di importanti progetti internazionali, come la proposta vincente della Southbank Tower Lobby a Londra, Regno Unito. ... @ItalyinLDN Continua a leggere su Read the full article
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ginocchie · 7 years ago
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dispulsion · 6 years ago
10 YOGA Poses for Beginners
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As a beginner to the art of yoga, ‘slow and gradual’ square measure the words to be. Being an extremely intense science, it takes a series of steps and stages for an individual to finish evolution into a yogi. In fact, evolution is rarely nearly complete. it's a science that takes a complete period of time to explore its depth whereas components of it might still stay untouched and underneath the shadow. As a beginner level yogi, the primary issue that desires concentration is that the conjuration of ‘Strength, Flexibility, and Balance” within the body and mind each. If you've got assault the Hindooism excursion and square measure trying to find a route, a method that may assist you build up to the ‘slow and gradual’ processes of yoga then roll out the yoga mat for the simplest yoga exercising for beginners. Mentioned below square measure the highest 10 yoga exercises for beginners that square measure aiming to build you on a mental, physical, and religious level and shall prepare you for advanced, additional serious practices. 1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose) This cause marks, the start of series for the simplest yoga positions for beginners and is very effective for building strength and balance within the entire body. the worth of the cause is synonymous with its name. ‘Tada’ which means ‘Mountain’ represents the strength of a mountain – tall, unrelenting and victorious. This cause is great for giving a preparation stretch to the complete body from neck to toe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYhH8Gr35cI 2. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose) Move into the tree create from Tadasana by lifting the left leg and putting it on the inner right thigh. Balance your body and mind till your body stands firm just like the tree on the correct leg. target the breath and elevate each your arms into the air higher than the top to affix your hands in Namaste gesture. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdln9qWYloU 3. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) Make the next move with the Adho Mukha Svanasana. The pose is one of the most followed yoga stretches for beginners. Pull yourself into an ‘Inverted-V’ position and feel a thorough stretch and tone in the spine, legs, calves, and hamstrings. While the steadiness required in maintaining the composure in this pose contributes to building strength and balance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETSIv8WetjI 4. Virabhadrasana (Warrior-I) Follow into the classic soulcreate for operating the curvature of the spine, hips, and legs whereas feeling mentally sceptredwith the grace and conduct of the create. collectively of the widely known yoga moves for beginners, the creategoes to fill your mind and body with grace, strength, and stability. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkGY3xBnaGc 5. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Feel alive from within when performing the triangle pose. This pose gives rise to an instant surge of energy and is highly beneficial for promoting deep breathing mechanism in the body. Apart from providing an excellent tone and stretch in the hips and oblique muscles, the pose is great for building concentration from within the spirit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6gB0QHbWFE 6. Utkatasana (Chair Pose) Pretending to take a seat within the chair whereas there isn’t any, isn't simply theatrics however conjointly acts united of the simplest yoga steps for beginners. Feel a surge of energy burn through your lower body whereas experiencing Associate in Nursing elongation within the spine whereas acting this cause. take care to not lose balance tho'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp7XJkG9ubc 7. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) While the king of snakes may be fierce to appear at for variety of individuals, actually entering into the moves of it may be extremely useful for the body’s health. Rest on the mat on your abdomen and lift the higher body to the curvature of the spine. expertise a deep stretch within the body and also the legs as you perform it. shut your eyes and stay within the create for a number of seconds for complete relaxation of the mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orGvMehBDQs 8. Baddha Konasana (Cobbler’s Pose) Flex up even the foremost unaccessible areas of your body with the Baddha Konasana. Sit on the mat within the position of the Cobbler, the soles of your feet aligned with one another. whereas grasping the feet along with your hands flap your thighs just like the wings of a butterfly. a superb cause to unharness even the foremost dormant muscles within the lower body whereas strengthening the spine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3x5lWK-EFHA 9. Balasana (Child’s Pose) Relax sort of a kid with this cause and let the concerns of the globe turn in it. The cause not solely helps your body relax however additionally stills the mind and aligns it with the middle of your heart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISwm-gB_epY 10. Savasana (Corpse Pose) Concluding the yoga for beginners series in Savasana is a perfectthanks tofinisha wonderfully balanced yoga series. Spare a number of minutes into this cause and let your mind, body, and soul sink in good harmony with one another before you head out for the day – feeling fully relaxed and rejuvenated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocnRmfbFV9E Try these straightforward yoga poses for beginners on a daily and skill a healing transformation from among. Read the full article
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thegentlemancollects · 2 years ago
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efhasuzean · 8 years ago
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Meski kutahu banyak yang mengucapkan selamat dan doa terbaik  di hari lahirku,  tetap saja kata meski sekata dari mereka yang paling kutunggu, dan hari ini lengkap sudah sebelum lonceng malam mengabarkan kalau besok tak lagi tanggal 09 juli 2017.
Walaupun pernah mereka menyebut namaku dalam doa dihari-hari yang lain, mendoakan dihari lahirku terasa sangat istimewa dan perasaan yang tak biasa, (apalagi bisa meluangkan waktu bisa singgah dan merebah di daun mataku)  terlepas dari itu tentu aku pun berharap Tuhan membalas kata dan akhirnya kita bisa jumpa (lagi).
Maaf, aku yang paling berharap sejenak singgah dipikiranmu tentang rinduku yang merindukan temu, Keyakinan seperti awal perkenalan, bahwa pertemuan nanti yang akan melahirkan kisah bahagia selanjutnya, meskipun pernah terbesit rasa takut terlalu terikat dengan kebahagiaan ini, karena kepergian selalu tanpa alasan tanpa peringatan.
Terima kasih, membersamai selama 2 dan 3 tahun di Kota Gurindam, yang ngeladenin keunikan kakak yang semoga tak menyebalkan, kalau pun 'banyak' mohon jangan dicontoh apalagi disimpan didalam hati heheh.  (cepat kelar kuliahnya jeng-jeng, selfi pake toga imutnya nabah banyak hehee)  
"Seperti alasan aku menulis karena ingin selalu mengingat dan aku tak ingin engkau lupakan."
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kadywicker · 8 years ago
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs.
tagged by @bottomkirk i’m so sorry i forgot i had this in my likes hofasdfasf
a - age: 17
b - birthplace: tennessee
c - current time: 1:05am
d - drink you had last: diet mtn dew
e - easiest person to talk to: @schntgcispock <3 <3 
f - favorite song: tbh probably love is a laserquest by the arctic monkeys. or can’t help falling in love by elvis
g - grossest memory: lmao Yikes
h - horror yes or no: for the most part no
i - in love? yes :’)) i’m incredibly in love and just hfasdfasdf. my heart is doing things just thinking abt it
j - jealous of people? not really 
k - killed someone? why is this on here i efha dsdf no!
l - love at first sight or should i walk past again? lmao
m - middle name: james! i actually decided on this v recently
n - number of siblings: 3 sisters and 1 brother
o - one wish: to have sushi. i’ve been craving it all week and im dying, actually
p - person i called last: my mom
q - question you’re always asked: "are you 12?14?”
r - reason to smile: my boyfriend and my cats! also art
s - song you last sang: cry to me by solomon burke
t - time you woke up: uuuh noon ish i think?
u - underwear color: blue
v - vacation: california
w - worst habit: biting my nails
x - xrays: never had one
y - your favorite food: pasta
z - zodiac sign: leo
tagging: anyone that wants to do this can @ me and say i tagged them!
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christinaepilzauthor-blog · 8 years ago
Editors Weekly Round-Up, June 11, 2017
by the EFHA Editors We hope you enjoy this week's round-up of articles from the blog:
John Ker, 3rd Duke of Roxburghe and the Roxburghe Club
by Lauren Gilbert
Full Steam Ahead: the Overland Route Home from India
by Caroline Warfield
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Did Behavior Make a Gentleman
by Maria Grace
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Hat Tip To: English Historical Fiction Authors
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eurfashion · 5 years ago
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John Galliano, A/W 2009-10. Photo by Etienne Tordoir.
Courtesy Catwalkpictures.
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menoufiaevents · 6 years ago
محافظ المنوفية يعقد لقاءا جماهيريا مفتوحا مع أهالى منو ف لبحث شكواهم بمدرسة الزراعة الثانوية الزراعية المشتركة
محافظ المنوفية يعقد لقاءا جماهيريا مفتوحا مع أهالى منو ف لبحث شكواهم بمدرسة الزراعة الثانوية الزراعية المشتركة
كتب نورهان الكردى
عقد اللواء سعيد عباس محافظ المنوفية لقاءاً جماهيرياً مفتوحاً بمدرسة منوف الثانوية الزراعية المشتركة للإستماع إلي شكاوي المواطنين والعمل علي حلها في ضوء اللوائح والقوانين المقررة ، بدأ اللقاء في تمام الساعة الثانية ظهراً بحضور العميد ايمن جمال والدكتور طارق الرفاعي مسئولي منظومة الشكاوي الحكومية الموحدة بمجلس الوزراء ووكلاء وزارة الشئون الصحية والقوي العاملة والتموين والطرق…
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sharetalk · 7 years ago
Tern Plc (AIM:
Tern Plc (AIM: TERN) 3rd Statement re: Share Price Movement   Tern Plc (AIM: TERN), the investment company specialising in the Internet of Things (“IoT”), notes the recent continuation of the rise in its share price and the Board confirms it knowsRead More... http://amp.gs/efha
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faishalh · 7 years ago
Tidak ada yang namanya jodoh, yang ada adalah takdir. Kita memilih dengan siapa kita menikah, dan pada saat itulah kita bertemu takdir kita. Oleh karenanya, kita tidak berharap untuk bertemu dengan jodoh kita. Kita berharap dipersatukan dengan pasangan terbaik untuk diri kita.
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