#effective campus recruitment strategy
bewithus4u · 4 months
The Hiring Business: Making Your Recruitment Strategies Effective
One of the most important things a firm can do is hire the correct staff. A company’s ability to draw in, vet, and hold on to exceptional people who align with its values and aims is often the key to its success. This blog examines the nuances of successful hiring procedures, exploring the reasons behind the success of well-hired organizations, the tactics they use, and the advantages of a…
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subliminalbo · 1 year
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Veronica was never the vocal type. She preferred to observe from a distance, saving her input for when it was most valuable. But sitting in the conference hall at the Carpenter State student union listening to spoiled rich girls bitch about Madison Wells, she found it difficult to maintain her silence.
Madison and her Alphas had dominated campus gossip for weeks. Her recruiting strategy hadn't just been aggressive, it was effective. Even after pledge season she continued poaching girls from other sororities. When a pair of high ranking Sigma Epsilon girls filed a petition to merge their sorority with the Alphas, an emergency meeting of the Greek Council was called to order.
The presidents and officers of five major sororities showed up:
Epsilon Eta Phi, Carpenter State's oldest active sorority and a popular club for old Romero money and kids with connections. President Amanda Hewitt and Vice President Michelle Norton arrived early and took seats at the head of the table. Though their input had little substance, they were always in attendance for special meetings and demanded to speak first.
Pi Delta Kappa, boasting the strictest academic requirements for membership, had a reputation for housing future congresswomen and CEOs. Presidents Tamika Graham and Antonia Reyna attended with Veronica Kirby, treasurer, joining as a consult. The two co-presidents came prepared with a PowerPoint presentation mapping out the projected gain/loss of each sorority.
Alpha Kappa Psi, an exclusive sorority for female athletes, sent a single representative in Demi Snyder. A member of Carpenter State's conference champion volleyball team, Demi held no leadership position in Alpha Kappa Psi and only came to rehash bad blood.
Sigma Eta Chi was the newest and smallest member of the Greek Council, but the loudest sorority on campus. Labeled a right wing hate group by campus activists, the sorority was founded as Carpenter State's only all-white Greek house. President Sadie Bradford and advisor Marla Hunter attended with a binder full of data about Carpenter State's affirmative action programs.
Beta Phi Alpha, once a thriving sorority under the leadership of President Ana Marino, had been most affected by the rise of Madison Wells and the Alphas. With more members moving into the Alpha house by the week, it was Ana who called the emergency meeting. Vice President Morgan Jones and senior member Taylor Byrne came as support.
None of the campus fraternities sent representatives.
"I was hoping for a better turnout, but this should do," Ana said as she rose from her seat to share some pre-written statement about the Alphas. She was interrupted by Amanda who was unhappy about the lack of vegan options at the meeting.
"You knew that Epsilon House was doing No Milk October and yet you still chose pizza. Just being in the presence of all this cheese is an insult to our veganity."
"We didn't know about your dietary restrictions," Morgan spoke calmly. "If you'd replied to our email—"
"Bullshit, Morgan," Michelle cut in. "Ana subscribes to our newsletter. No Milk October was this month's cover page."
Amanda was nibbling on a slice of pizza now, mumbling through tears. "I'm so upset."
"I hear you," Ana spoke in a measured tone, still standing. "And next time we'll try to be more conscious of your needs. But I want to talk about—"
"Nobody gives a fuuuck," Demi groaned. "I want to talk about Melanie Reyes."
"Jesus Christ," Taylor rolled her eyes. "Are we doing this again?"
"She was ours. You know that we have first shot at the athletes."
"She wasn't interested in pledging with anybody," Taylor said. "She struck you down, we took our shot."
"She didn't 'strike us down,' you approached her before our blessing and it scared her away. Do you have any idea what losing the best softball player in a generation means for our reputation?"
Taylor shrugged. "Almost as bad as a one seed losing in the first round of the playoffs."
"We were conference champions!" Demi shouted. "That's still a successful season!"
"Ana's right," Tamika spoke up next. "The Alphas' unprecedented growth is an existential threat to Greek life on campus. We've never seen anything like this before."
"Thank you," Ana gestured dramatically toward Tamika.
"Madison's proposal to merge with Delta Sigma Epsilon is just the beginning," Antonia continued, clicking through graphs of each sorority's historical growth rate on the projector screen. "She won't stop there. She aims to absorb every sorority on campus."
"Why should we care?" Sadie asked. "I don't think we should reward houses for failing."
"We're not rewarding anybody," Morgan said. "We're protecting our institutions."
"Protecting yourselves," Marla scoffed. "It's not our fault people are turned off by your out-of-control, PC, safe space agenda."
"I'm sorry," Taylor waved her hands. "Isn't your house just a safe space for Nazis?"
"Un-safe!" Sadie shot back. "We are not a 'safe space.' It states it in our charter: 'An un-safe space for conservative sisters who want to live free of censorship, cancellation, and the gay agenda.'"
"—And we're not Nazis." Marla muttered.
"Un-safe space?" Morgan repeated. "That's literally nothing."
"It's a safe space!" Ana cried. "You can't just do a thing and call it a different thing!"
Sadie took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I just feel so threatened right now."
Ana losing her cool was the tipping point. The table erupted now into shouts.
Demi lobbed broad accusations at the Betas' side while Taylor came back with shockingly personal insults. Marla cradled a sobbing Sadie and shouted "Snowflakes!" Michelle and Amanda had begun packing up their bags and were sneaking out with a box of pizza while Antonia tried desperately to steer the conversation back to the Alphas.
And, of course, sitting there silently in the middle of the ruckus was Veronica. The girls jumped at the sound of her stainless steel water bottle clanging against the table like a judge's gavel. She pounded once, twice, three times, until all attention was on her. She stood from her seat, her sisters more surprised as anyone else in the room.
"I'm sorry, y'all, but this is all so fucking stupid," Veronica said.
Tamika gasped, but quickly regained her composure.
"We can argue all day, but there's only one piece of data here that matters to me."
Veronica took the laptop gently from Antonia. She clicked to a page with two sets of data plotted on a line graph. The first line declined steadily across the screen. The second line followed the same trend as the first, but suddenly skyrocketed to the top of the graph near the end.
"This graph tracks the historical average of sorority membership for the last fifty years. The line trending down is all other sororities on campus, while the one trending up is Alpha Delta Theta. It's the only sorority that's growing. And is there any question why?"
"Mind control?" Marla asked to a reception of giggles.
Veronica shook her head. "We can't share a room without going at each other's throats. Yes, Greek life is supposed to be a safe space. It's place for found family. A place to be comforted in our hardest days. And of course, yes, to find really cute boys."
Tamika smiled at that. A lot of the girls around the table had started smiling.
Veronica shook her head with a cute little laugh and continued, "Is it maybe possible that instead of going to war with this year's It house, we work on doing better in our own? Because when I look at Madison, what I see is someone doing serious outreach in the community. She works her ass off, and she's being rewarded for it. Yeah, she's kind of a secret bitch. But I've been to a Greek Council meeting. We're all kind of secret bitches."
Veronica's speech was so persuasive that by the end of the meeting the girls were even discussing inviting the Alphas to the Greek Council. Only Ana and the Betas were left dissatisfied with the outcome, but they found themselves on the outside looking in with Veronica's sudden appeal to good vibes.
"Is it just me," Taylor whispered, leaning in toward Ana. "Or is this all bullshit?"
"It's a fucking set up," Ana growled back, staring down Veronica who was laughing it up at the end of the table with her sisters and the Epsilon Eta Phi girls.
"I think we're on our own now," Morgan said solemnly.
Tamika's piercing laugh caught the attention of everyone at the table.
"At first I was like, 'Whaaaat is she saying?' But I'm really proud of you, Roni," Tamika smiled. "It's exactly what I think we all needed to hear." She shot a glance Ana's way.
"Thank you," Veronica offered a sheepish sort of smile back her way.
The hall emptied out quickly after that with the Pi sisters volunteering to stay behind and clean up. Veronica assured Tamika and Antonia that she could handle the rest and soon she was alone in the conference hall.
When she was certain that her sisters were clear of the door, she pulled out her phone and dialed.
"It's done," Veronica said.
"Successful, I'm assuming?" Madison asked.
"Yes." Veronica's pulse picked up at the sound of Madison's voice. It was suddenly very hot in the student union. Her voice cracked as she spoke again. "The cancellation emails worked. Only the houses we wanted came to the meeting. It was chaos."
"Good," Madison said. Veronica could see Madison's lips moving with her voice. "So the heat's off?"
"Th-they want to invite you into the council."
"Even better. You sound worked up, Roni."
"I'm so fucking hot," Veronica moaned. Her free hand clawed at her breast, her fingers circling the outline of her nipple beneath the fabric of her tight dress. She wanted to tear the dress down its seam. "W-what are you doing to me?" she choked.
"You're an Alpha now, Roni!" Madison laughed. "Being a hungry slut is a requirement."
"I'm a hungry slut..." Veronica echoed. The image of Madison's lips had been replaced by the pink folds of her pussy. Tears streamed down Veronica's cheeks as she pulled the skirt of her dress up, exposing her naked, dripping pussy.
"This isn't right," Veronica gasped, her fingers rolling slowly over her swollen clit. "I need to tell my sisters..."
"Now, Roni," Madison sighed. "Why would you want to do that?"
"It's not right..." Veronica said between soft moans. Her eyes were closed, her tongue slipping out of her mouth. "I'm not right."
This was the problem with the smart ones. They were always fighting their conditioning.
"Listen: Roni," Madison said. Suddenly her voice was all Veronica could hear. "You're exactly what you're supposed to be. A living, breathing, slutty little fuckdoll. You've been that way you're whole life, you just couldn't see it. That feeling between your legs, that aching desire creeping over you, that pleasure beginning to spill over the edge? That's how your body responds to me. It only responds to me."
"Only you..."
"And you live for that feeling, don't you? You live for that reward."
"I do," Veronica's entire body melting at the sound of Madison's voice. "I fucking do..."
"I'm not going to make you do anything, Roni. You can go to your sisters now if you want to or," Madison paused, giving Veronica time to edge closer. She responded with a needy moan, her fingers picking up pace and pressure against her clit. "Or you can cum for me right now. You can't have it both ways, Roni."
Veronica whispered weakly, "Cum..."
"Speak louder, my dear."
"Please let me cum!"
"Cum for me," Madison growled.
"F-fuck!" Veronica's cries echoed beyond the closed doors of the conference room. They would be a whispered rumor in classrooms for the next week.
"Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck my pussy! Fuck my mind!" she screamed as her body tipped over the edge into total sexual release. "Anything! I'll do anything for you, Mistress! Take me, take my sisters! I don't fucking care, I just need to obey!"
"They'll join you in time," Madison laughed. "But for now I need you on that council. When you're cleaned up, come to the house for further education."
"Yes, Mistress Madison," Veronica said through deep breaths.
"Alpha is everything," Madison said.
"There is only Alpha."
Madison's phone slipped absently from her hand and bounced off of the bedroom carpet. Her voice joined a chorus of moans bouncing off of the walls. Surrounding her were the slick, naked bodies of her properly mind-fucked Alpha sisters, partaking in their new evening ritual.
The girls were handpicked nightly by Madison and, between turns buried in their Mistress' pussy, paired off to fuck each other senseless.
It may not have been what Claire Petruzzi envisioned for her sorority when she drafted the house's mission statement that past summer, but down on the carpet grinding on Caroline Bishop's face, she didn't seem to mind. Both were eager to play a role in Madison's new design.
Sinking low into the armchair in the corner, the freshman Carla had her legs spread for upperclassman Gracie. Carla had recently undergone her own education and was taking full advantage of the household perks. Gracie was on her knees before Carla, proudly lapping at the young pledge's pussy. Carla lost track of the orgasms. They wrapped back around until it felt like a permanent state of pleasure. She bent her head back and moaned: "Obey. Serve. Fuck. Alpha."
On the opposite end of the bedroom, Angelica was paired off with another underclassman, Ashley. They were moving slower, but were just as starved for each other's bodies. Ashley had Angelica on her back, her hand exploring Angelica's wet pussy while her lips suckled at her tits.
"Just like that, baby," Angelica whispered. "Show me how well you obey."
And of course, at the center of it all was Madison Wells. She was down on the bed, her favorite Alpha pledge between her legs. But it wasn't just the feeling of Tina's tongue on her clit that made her cum—it was everything. The sex, the satisfied sounds of her conquests, Veronica's mantras repeated over the phone. She could feel the power washing over her as the orgasm hit her and she cried out just like any other Alpha.
The naked bodies of her sisters in twisted ecstasy appeared like dancing shapes through her blurred vision.
"A kingdom," Madison said quietly.
Tina looked up through glassy eyes, her chin dripping sex. "What was that my Mistress?"
"A kingdom," Madison repeated. "I don't want a sorority, or a school, or a campus. I want a kingdom."
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boundlesschaos · 6 months
"Nooo, you lost too?!"
The teenage body is a wonder. Emma, passed out from exhaustion prior and yet somehow in the hour since waking up having regained enough restless energy to pace the medical tents, manages to resist becoming floored a second time when she stumbles across Niamh here. She lost?! Emma doesn't know if she's seen Niamh lose at anything before! Honestly, she had sort of assumed she had won the battle for the Golden Deer by managing to twist her arm into joining...
...just who in the name of Saint Seiros (that's the right person to invoke here, right?) was out there fighting for the other teams?
"No way! Oh, geez, our class is really in for it, are there even any of us left...? Is it too late to recruit more people?? Maybe if I do a lap around campus and ask everyone I see..." She is almost compelled enough by the idea to get started immediately, but the ease with which her train of thought switches tracks causes her to cast her friend a concerned look instead. Based on what some of the patients here look like, it kinda seems like some of the battles were, um... a little more serious than Emma's had been. "...you're OK, right? They didn't get you too bad?"
When Niamh had taken that final blow, she had managed to catch a glimpse of the combat unfolding nearby before she had passed out. Not just her battle, though - she knows how to spot Emma, and seeing her midcombat had her wondering what became of her match.
So when she comes and finds Niamh, the information she learns isn't completely from left field. The battles were challenging, so it was no surprise that so many had been taken out in the first round. A part of her still wished that Emma would have made it to the next one, though. She really wanted to spectate her actions in the next round.
"It's ok..." Niamh at least lets Emma know. "We didn't lose. My tactic provided an opening for the others to safely win their battle. My team is going to the next round..." 
She tilts her head the other direction, examining the injuries Emma had. If she's running around like this, then maybe she's OK? That's a relief. "There we a lot of strong opponents. When the next round starts, I want to document their actions..." Plus, she's curious where both Hilda and Fogado end up, and how their change of teammates might effect their strategy. 
"We can watch together...and if the Golden Deer win, we can celebrate..."
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brookspayroll · 9 months
Recruitment service in Gurgaon
Gurgaon, India's millennial hotspot, pulsates with the energy of startups, MNCs, and ambitious individuals all vying for their piece of the pie. But in this dynamic landscape, finding the right talent can feel like scaling Mount Everest blindfolded. That's where Brooks, Gurgaon's premier recruitment service provider, steps in, acting as your sherpa to the talent summit.
Beyond Resumes: Unveiling the Human Potential
Gone are the days of sifting through endless resumes. Brooks goes beyond the superficial, delving deep to understand your company culture, specific needs, and ideal candidate profile. We employ a blend of cutting-edge technology and human intuition to identify individuals who not only possess the requisite skills but also seamlessly integrate into your unique work environment.
Our Recruitment Arsenal: A Multifaceted Approach
Brooks boasts a diverse recruitment arsenal, ensuring we find the perfect match for every role:
Executive Search: Headhunting top talent for leadership positions, leveraging our extensive network and deep industry knowledge. Mid-Level and Professional Recruitment: Identifying and attracting high-performing professionals across various sectors. Campus Recruitment: Tapping into the fresh talent pool from Gurgaon's prestigious universities and colleges. Contractual Staffing: Providing temporary workforce solutions for specific projects or peak seasons. Employer Branding: Crafting a compelling employer brand that attracts and retains top talent. Technology Meets the Human Touch: A Winning Formula
We leverage cutting-edge AI-powered platforms to streamline the recruitment process, but never lose sight of the human element. Our experienced team of consultants personally interacts with both candidates and clients, ensuring a personalized and effective experience for everyone involved.
Beyond Recruitment: Building Partnerships
We understand that recruitment is not just about filling positions; it's about building long-term partnerships. We work closely with you to understand your company's growth trajectory and talent needs, providing ongoing support and strategic guidance to ensure a successful talent acquisition strategy.
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Remember, with Brooks, your recruitment journey in Gurgaon will be:
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Bonus Tip:Recruitment service in Gurgaon
Include success stories or testimonials from clients who have used Brooks' recruitment services in Gurgaon. Offer a free downloadable resource, such as a guide to hiring top talent in Gurgaon. Highlight any awards or recognitions that Brooks has received for its recruitment services. By incorporating these suggestions and tailoring the content to Brooks' specific strengths and offerings, you can create a compelling blog that attracts businesses seeking to hire top talent in Gurgaon's dynamic job market. Remember, the right talent can be the difference between scaling new heights and getting lost in the maze. With Brooks as your guide, your Gurgaon recruitment journey is guaranteed to be a success story.
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smrutishree · 3 days
How Can Employers Utilize Hirekingdom for Campus Recruitment and Hiring Fresh Talent?
Campus recruitment is a crucial strategy for organizations looking to attract fresh talent and build a pipeline of future employees. Hirekingdom offers a range of features and tools that can streamline the campus recruitment process and help employers connect with top university students and recent graduates. Here’s how employers can effectively use Hirekingdom for campus recruitment:
1. Create Targeted Job Listings and Internships
Post Campus-Specific Opportunities:
Custom Job Listings: Employers can create job listings specifically tailored for campus recruitment. This includes internships, entry-level positions, and graduate programs designed to attract new talent.
Internship Programs: Highlight internship opportunities that offer valuable work experience and career development. Clear descriptions about learning outcomes and career paths can attract students interested in gaining practical experience.
2. Leverage University Partnerships
Collaborate with Educational Institutions:
University Collaboration: Hirekingdom allows employers to connect with universities and educational institutions to promote job openings and internship opportunities directly to students.
Campus Recruitment Drives: Participate in virtual or on-campus recruitment drives organized through Hirekingdom. These events can help you reach a large pool of students from various disciplines.
3. Utilize Advanced Search Filters
Find the Right Candidates Efficiently:
Skill and Major-Based Filters: Use advanced search filters to find candidates with specific skills, academic backgrounds, or majors. This helps in targeting students who are a good fit for the roles you’re hiring for.
Graduation Dates: Filter candidates based on their graduation dates to find recent graduates who are actively looking for entry-level positions.
4. Engage with Talent through Webinars and Virtual Events
Host or Participate in Educational Events:
Virtual Information Sessions: Organize webinars and virtual information sessions to introduce your company, culture, and available opportunities to students. These events can provide insights into the work environment and career prospects.
Interactive Q&A Sessions: Host Q&A sessions to engage with students and answer their questions about your recruitment process, company culture, and career development opportunities.
5. Promote Your Employer Brand
Highlight Your Company’s Appeal:
Employer Branding: Use Hirekingdom’s platform to showcase your company’s values, culture, and growth opportunities. Create compelling content that highlights why students should consider your organization for their careers.
Employee Testimonials: Share testimonials from current employees or recent hires to provide authentic insights into what it’s like to work at your company.
6. Streamline Application Management
Efficiently Handle Applications:
Application Tracking: Hirekingdom’s application tracking system allows you to manage and review applications from campus recruits efficiently. Keep track of candidates’ progress through various stages of the recruitment process.
Automated Responses: Set up automated responses to acknowledge receipt of applications and provide updates throughout the hiring process, improving the candidate experience.
7. Use Data-Driven Insights for Decision Making
Analyze Recruitment Metrics:
Recruitment Analytics: Utilize Hirekingdom’s analytics tools to track and analyze recruitment metrics, such as the number of applications received, time-to-hire, and candidate engagement. This data helps in refining your recruitment strategies and improving efficiency.
Campus Recruitment Trends: Review data on trends in campus recruitment to understand which universities or disciplines are providing the best candidates for your roles.
8. Engage with Student Organizations and Clubs
Connect with Student Groups:
Campus Organizations: Partner with student organizations, clubs, and societies relevant to your industry to promote your job openings and internships. These groups often have established networks of motivated and talented students.
Sponsorship and Events: Consider sponsoring campus events or participating in career fairs organized by student groups to increase your visibility among potential recruits.
9. Provide Clear Career Pathways
Showcase Growth Opportunities:
Career Development Programs: Highlight the career development programs and growth opportunities your company offers. Fresh graduates are often looking for roles that provide clear career progression and professional development.
Mentorship and Training: Emphasize any mentorship programs, training, or learning opportunities available to new hires, which can be a significant draw for recent graduates.
10. Facilitate Early Engagement and Recruitment
Build Relationships Early:
Early Talent Engagement: Start engaging with students early in their academic careers through internships, co-op programs, and campus events. Building relationships early can lead to successful recruitment when they graduate.
Talent Pipelines: Develop talent pipelines by maintaining connections with students throughout their academic journey and offering opportunities to stay engaged with your company.
11. Offer Flexible Application Processes
Accommodate Students’ Schedules:
Flexible Timelines: Provide flexible application deadlines and interview schedules to accommodate students’ academic commitments and busy schedules.
Simplified Application Process: Ensure that the application process is straightforward and student-friendly, making it easy for candidates to apply without unnecessary complications.
12. Provide Feedback and Follow-Up
Enhance Candidate Experience:
Timely Feedback: Offer constructive feedback to candidates who have participated in interviews or assessments. This helps them understand their strengths and areas for improvement and leaves a positive impression of your company.
Stay Connected: Maintain communication with candidates even if they are not selected for a role. Keeping in touch can foster a positive relationship and keep them engaged for future opportunities.
Hirekingdom is a powerful tool for employers looking to enhance their campus recruitment efforts and attract fresh talent. By utilizing features such as targeted job listings, university partnerships, advanced search filters, and engagement opportunities, employers can effectively connect with and recruit top university students and recent graduates.
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dasmonoj · 6 days
Off campus for IT freshers
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joinsuperset · 7 days
Optimize Your Talent Acquisition with Campus Hiring Solutions and Recruitment Automation
Discover effective campus hiring solutions and innovative recruitment automation software to streamline your company campus recruitment. Enhance your campus hiring strategy by integrating online recruiting and virtual interview platforms to find top talent faster.
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recro-blog · 14 days
17 Recruiting Strategies To Hire Top Talent In 2024
Having top talent in the company is at least as important to the long-term success of any business. Effective recruiting strategies help you source talented professionals who contribute to your organizations goals. Here we outline 17 of the best recruiting strategies to help you build the team you need to grow your company.
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Tap into the hidden workforce
Design an effective employee referral program
Prioritize internal mobility and talent access
Work on your employer branding and employee value proposition
Use recruitment data to make decisions
Improve your company’s online (and offline) presence
Develop a recruitment marketing strategy
Engage with passive candidates
Step up your sourcing game
Stay in touch and on good terms with alumni
Elevate the candidate experience
Implement skills-based recruitment
Strengthen recruiter-hiring manager relationships
Improve your interview process
Leverage contingent workers
Launch (virtual) campus recruitment activities
Integrate your recruitment and on boarding processes
How to implement effective recruiting strategies
Let’s take a look at a couple of tips for the implementation.
Understand your organization’s recruitment needs
Audit your current talent acquisition strategy
Don’t try to do everything at once
Continuously collect, analyze, and act on candidate feedback
Be consistent
Ready to hire top talent? Recro is here for you. Contact us to learn more in detail.
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michaelaconley · 21 days
Coordinator for Personal Well-Being
New Post has been published on https://www.hpcareer.net/job/james-madison-university-harrisonburg-va-39-coordinator-for-personal-well-being/
Coordinator for Personal Well-Being
At James Madison University, Health Promotion is seeking a Coordinator to support students’ personal well-being through the facilitation of wellness coaching as a holistic, inclusive, and evidence-informed intervention. Using empathetic communication strategies, positive psychology, etc. the Coordinator will engage with students to strengthen their commitment to health promoting behaviors. This position reports to the Assistant Director for Personal Well-Being, supporting engagement, outreach, and the strategic direction of personal well-being initiatives.
Duties and Responsibilities:
• Facilitate wellness coaching for personal well-being through multiple platforms (one-on-one, virtually, group format, etc.) using evidence-informed communication strategies to engage, strengthen commitment and increase motivation to change • Work with the Assistant Director to manage fiscal resources and collaborate on budget proposals related to personal well-being initiatives • Recruit, hire, orient and supervise relevant staff • Assist in resource development of personal well-being tools to aid and guide students both in coaching sessions and to build connections with additional support services on campus • Assist in consultation with and training of campus partners regarding personal well-being initiatives • Coordinate campus-wide dissemination of information about personal well-being services universally and to targeted populations of students as well as campus partners • Maintain an active role in departmental, division, and university committees as appropriate • Support implementation and administration of a comprehensive evaluation plan to assess the impact of personal well-being initiatives • Participate in fidelity measures to develop and ensure adherence to an evidence-based coaching model • Support the administrative functions of wellness coaching services including scheduling, tracking, and documenting participation
Required Qualifications • Demonstrated previous relevant experience • Experience in program development, implementation, and evaluation • Ability to effectively collaborate with partners to develop shared outcomes • Experience serving diverse populations, with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion
Additional Considerations • Experience facilitating well-being coaching, advising or mentoring • Personal experience in a higher education setting • Knowledge of current and emerging college student health and well-being needs and trends • Supervision experience • CHES/MCHES preferred
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maharghaideovate · 21 days
Cultural Intelligence in Global HR Management: Reflections Based on Sikkim Manipal University's Curriculum
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Businesses span across borders, and HR managers deal with a diverse workforce. Cultural intelligence becomes relevant in the face of the increasing globalization of businesses. Sikkim Manipal Distance Education MBA understands that. In its HR specialization course, the university prepares its graduates with this very reality in mind.
What Is Cultural Intelligence?It is much more than knowing customs. Cultural intelligence can help one in the following ways:
Understand other worldviews
Change your style of communication
Navigate complex social situations
Make decisions that will work across cultures
Why It Matters in HRHR touches every part of an organization. With cultural intelligence, HR pros can:
Recruit diverse talent effectively
Create inclusive policies
Resolve conflicts rooted in cultural differences
Build stronger global teams
Without it? Misunderstandings. Decreased productivity. High turnover. Not good.
SMU's Approach to Cultural IntelligenceSMU doesn't just teach theory. They embed cultural intelligence throughout their HR curriculum. Here's how:
1. Global Case StudiesStudents dive into real-world HR challenges from different countries. They learn to:
Spot cultural nuances
Apply HR principles across contexts and develop solutions that are valid around the globe.
2. Cross-Cultural Communication WorkshopsTalk is cheap. Unless you're talking across cultures. Then it's critical. SMU students learn to:
Active listen
Communicate non-verbally
Develop a message for an audience
3. Virtual Global TeamworkWorking with people you've never met? Welcome to global HR. The SMU student does projects with others around the world. They learn to:
Manage across time zones
Use technology appropriately
Build trust in virtual space
4. Cultural Immersion ExperiencesNothing beats first-hand experience. SMU encourages:
Study abroad programs
International internships
Cultural exchange events on campus
Students don't just read about diversity; they experience it.
5. Guest Lectures from Global HR LeadersTheory meets practice. At SMU, learn about the biggest and most cutting-edge issues from HR pros at multinational companies. Students hear:
Real stories of cultural challenges
Practical tips for success
Latest trends in global HR management
6. Diversity and Inclusion SimulationsWalking a mile in someone else's shoes. SMU uses role-playing to develop empathy. Students experience:
Workplace scenarios from different perspectives
The impact of unconscious bias
Strategies for creating inclusive environments
7. Language and Cultural Etiquette Courses"Hello" is just the icebreaker. SMU offers programs in:
Language courses with a business communication focus
Cultural etiquette workshops
Global business protocol training
8. Research Projects on Global HR TrendsStudents are not limited to knowledge consumption. They create knowledge. SMU does the following:
Emerging HR practices in various regions, comparative studies of the various HR policies, impact of culture on employee engagement, and so on.
Cultural Intelligence Development IssuesOf course, it is not all plain sailing. Top Distance MBA Colleges like SMU identifies these challenges:
Overcoming personal prejudices
Keeping up with shifting global dynamics
Balancing local practices against global standards
Quantifying the results of cultural intelligence initiatives
But they see these as opportunities, not barriers.
Why This Matters for YouWhether you're a seasoned HR professional, a business leader, or just a globally curious person, cultural intelligence is important. It's not just about avoiding faux pas. It's about:
Building stronger relationships
Fostering innovation through diverse perspectives
Creating workplaces where everyone can thrive
Driving business success in the global economy
Wrapping UpCultural intelligence is not a good-to-have trait; it is an absolute must-have for HR in today's connected world. Sikkim Manipal Distance MBA seems to get this just right. Its curriculum bathes students in a mix of theoretical knowledge, hands-on practice, and real-life exposure. It is not trying to train HR professionals; it is churning out world leaders. With the increasing expansion of companies into the global arena, a greater demand will be placed on culturally intelligent human resource professionals. In this regard, graduates from SMU have risen to meet this challenge head-on. They're equipped to navigate the complexities of global HR management, turning cultural differences into strengths.
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uhcstaffing1 · 22 days
How to Use Social Media for Healthcare Recruitment: A Complete Guide
Employer Branding and Recruitment Marketing rely heavily on social media as a critical tool to help to hire managers and talent directors find the best candidates quickly and cost-effectively. 
The roadmap for leveraging social media to attract talent is well-documented, with guidance on creating effective content calendars and resonating with passive job seekers. 
From a talent acquisition standpoint, the benefits of a solid social media presence extend beyond just recruitment, making it a vital component of any content and marketing strategy.
The Importance of Employing Social Media for Recruiting in Healthcare Organizations 
While companies across various industries successfully deploy social content with an eye toward talent acquisition, a better understanding of the pain points that social media recruitment relieves will best define which industry suits this type of approach. 
COVID-19 caused many professionals to retire early, which also contributed to the shortage. An additional one million jobs are predicted to be available by 2030 as Baby Boomer nurses retire and Millennials and Gen Z take up the majority of new positions. 
Healthcare is among the industries that will experience a shift in the workforce, which will require organizations to adapt their digital recruitment marketing strategies to match the newer and more technologically inclined workers. 
Updating your recruitment process is best begun by extending your social media presence across multiple social networks. Recruitment marketing strategy is best served with social media since it is a popular platform and easy to use. 
Some of the advantages to social hiring comprise: 
Some healthcare professionals with limited spare time may notice a tweet, update, or text before an email. Social media recruitment also allows you to reach out to individuals who may forward job listings to their connections, even if they are not actively seeking a new position. 
Social media brings organizations out in the open where they are likely to reach the place healthcare workers are likely to spend most of their time. The more platforms you sign up for, the higher the likelihood of reaching out to the candidates, even the passive ones. 
Social media recruiting can provide you with the opportunity to reach out to the talent within a short period and ensure that your job posts and applications are only a click away from anyone with a smartphone. 
The faster you move with the hiring process the more likely you are to get an offer in before the competition and get the best talent in the door.
Fluctuation of need and demand
The healthcare industry, specifically in direct patient care, moves quickly, and the needs and demands placed on an organization can vacillate quickly from one month to the next. 
While this may be something of an unspoken understanding amidst hiring managers given the entry-level nature of many positions in the healthcare industry, turnover is a constant struggle for directors of talent, and HR recruiters must adapt to and create innovative solutions for as part of their daily workflows.
Recruitment on social media can post employer branding content on Monday, information about new campus on Tuesday and address any sudden vacancies on Wednesdays. 
Social media allows the HR recruiters to share employer branding one day, information about the campus improvements the next day, and share a job opening the following day. Such flexibility enables them to easily respond to any shift in demand for the jobs.
The Use of Video and Live Streaming 
The combination of video and live streaming has become one of the most popular trends in social media. This trend can be particularly advantageous for healthcare staffing by using virtual interviews, live question and answer sessions, and even virtual career fairs. 
Such scenarios enable candidates and employers to determine compatibility effectively and make the right decisions. 
Healthcare is a growth industry
According to a recent study by Becker's Hospital Review, the global healthcare industry is expected to grow at an annual compound rate of 49 percent during the next six years. 
What does that mean for hiring managers? It means the competition for top talent will become fiercer. The need to consistently remain top of mind and engaged with the passive job seeker will transform the way recruiters think about engaging and communicating with candidates.
Some healthcare organizations are implementing one key integration with their social media presence. The ability for candidates to complete short applications, submit resumes or even answer brief questionnaires about their qualifications or interest in any given position right from the organization's profile.
Social media is a dynamic tool with unprecedented reach to educate your followers on how a Certified Public Accountant might be a perfect fit on your payroll team or why a part-time criminal justice instructor at your local community college could be an ideal addition to your security and safety team.
Targeting social media from the perspective of education makes you an authority in your niche and among your peers. It proves that you are an inventive person and a keen observer of the market who is able to determine what your followers need and want. 
Managing Difficulties and Protecting Privacy 
Despite the numerous benefits of social media, it also brings some issues in healthcare staffing. Employers must be careful of patient privacy and data protection to ensure they do not infringe the law. 
Similarly, candidates are advised to be careful with what they post on the internet because employers often search for the candidates on social media. The combination of healthcare staffing and social media has shifted the landscape of talent acquisition, recruitment, and management in health care organizations. 
Healthcare employers may benefit from actively using social media tools to advertise their jobs and engage passive candidates in the process of building a strong employer brand. Healthcare workers can control their employment prospects, build useful networks and be aware of the new jobs available. 
Acknowledging the importance of social media will undoubtedly further transform the healthcare staffing industry in the future, making the healthcare system more connected and efficient for all parties.
Recruiting healthcare professionals using social media can indeed be a game-changer. With the help of these platforms, you can expand the circle of applicants, find the best employees, and present the organizational culture and missions. 
It is important to remember that effective recruitment on social networking sites is all about relationship marketing and adding value to both your organization and the potential candidates. 
If employed properly, social media can act as a tool to help you source and recruit the right talent in the healthcare industry.
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wenikhilkumar · 2 months
Staffing in India is a dynamic process
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Staffing in India is a dynamic process influenced by the country’s vast and diverse labor market. As one of the fastest-growing economies, India offers a rich pool of talent across various sectors such as IT, manufacturing, healthcare, and finance. Effective staffing in India requires a comprehensive understanding of this diversity, as well as the regulatory environment and cultural nuances.
The staffing process in India begins with a detailed analysis of organizational needs, followed by creating precise job descriptions. Recruitment strategies include leveraging online job portals, professional networks, campus placements, and recruitment agencies. Given India's large population and young workforce, companies have access to a wide range of skilled and semi-skilled professionals.
Onboarding and continuous professional development are essential in the Indian context. Companies invest in training programs to upskill their employees and ensure they remain competitive in a rapidly changing market. This includes technical training, soft skills development, and leadership programs.
Understanding cultural diversity and regional variations is crucial for effective staffing in India. Different regions have unique languages, traditions, and business practices. Sensitivity to these differences helps in fostering a harmonious and productive work environment. Additionally, compliance with India’s labor laws, which cover employment terms, wages, benefits, and working conditions, is imperative.
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stepseduworldblog · 2 months
Boosting Your School's Global Presence: Top Internationalization Strategies
In an increasingly globalized world, higher education institutions are striving to expand their reach beyond borders. To stand out and attract international students, schools must embrace effective internationalization strategies.
Whether you’re looking to enhance your international student recruitment, craft impactful transnational programmes, or form valuable global partnerships, the right approach can significantly elevate your institution’s global profile. In this guide, we’ll explore top strategies to boost your school’s global presence and make a lasting impact on the international stage.
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Understanding International Student Recruitment Trends
In today’s interconnected world, higher education institutions worldwide are increasingly focusing on international student recruitment. To attract top talent, it's crucial to stay updated on the latest recruitment trends.
Begin by analyzing the demographics and preferences of prospective students. For example, international students often seek institutions with robust support systems and diverse cultural experiences. By understanding what these students’ value, you can tailor your outreach efforts more effectively.
Highlight your institution's unique features and global opportunities to make your recruitment process stand out. Emphasize your school's commitment to providing a welcoming environment and personalized support.
Crafting Effective Transnational Programmes
Creating successful transnational programmes involves more than just setting up exchange opportunities. It’s about designing programmes that truly benefit both your students and your partner institutions.
Start by identifying key areas where collaboration can add value. Joint degree programmes, dual certifications, and collaborative research projects are excellent examples. Ensure that these programmes are flexible enough to accommodate different educational systems and cultural contexts.
Keep in mind that effective communication and mutual understanding are essential for the success of these transnational initiatives. Make sure to regularly assess and adjust the programmes based on feedback from students and partner institutions.
Forming Strategic Partnerships with Global Institutions
Strategic partnerships are a game-changer for enhancing your school’s global presence. Start by identifying institutions that share similar values and goals.
Building strong relationships with these partners can lead to numerous benefits, from collaborative research opportunities to student and faculty exchanges. Remember, successful partnerships are built on trust and mutual benefit. Engage in open dialogue to ensure that both parties are aligned in their objectives.
Consider co-hosting events or joint academic conferences to deepen the relationship. By working closely with global institutions, you can expand your school’s reach and influence in the international education landscape.
Leveraging Technology for Global Outreach
Technology plays a vital role in expanding your school’s global reach. Utilize digital platforms to connect with potential students and partners around the world.
Social media, virtual open houses, and online information sessions are effective tools for engaging with a global audience. Invest in a user-friendly website that showcases your institution’s international programmes and success stories.
Additionally, consider implementing virtual reality tours to give prospective students a taste of campus life from anywhere in the world. By leveraging these technological advancements, you can enhance your outreach efforts and make your institution more accessible to a global audience.
Measuring Success in Internationalization Efforts
Evaluating the effectiveness of your internationalization strategies is key to continuous improvement. Start by setting clear, measurable goals for your international initiatives. Track metrics such as international student enrolment numbers, the success rate of transnational programmes, and the impact of strategic partnerships.
Collect feedback from students, faculty, and partners to gain insights into what’s working and what needs adjustment. Regularly review these metrics to assess your progress and identify areas for enhancement. Remember, internationalization is an ongoing process, and staying adaptable will help you keep pace with evolving trends and expectations.
By implementing these strategies, you can effectively boost your school's global presence and enhance your internationalization efforts. Understanding recruitment trends, crafting impactful programmes, forming strategic partnerships, leveraging technology, and measuring success are all crucial elements of a successful internationalization strategy. Keep these tips in mind as you work towards developing a strong global footprint for your institution.
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techhy-simpson · 2 months
Talent Pipeline Development: Long-Term Strategies for IT Recruitment
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In today's fast-paced tech world, finding and retaining top IT talent is more challenging than ever. As the demand for skilled professionals continues to outpace supply, companies need to think beyond traditional recruitment methods. Enter talent pipeline development - a strategic approach to building a steady stream of qualified candidates for your organization's future needs. Let's dive into how you can create a robust talent pipeline and secure your company's technological future.
Understanding the Talent Pipeline
Before we delve into strategies, it's crucial to understand what a talent pipeline really is. Think of it as your company's own reservoir of potential hires, carefully cultivated over time. Unlike reactive hiring, which scrambles to fill positions as they open, a talent pipeline allows you to nurture relationships with promising candidates long before you need to make a hire.
Why is this important? Well, imagine you're suddenly tasked with finding a senior DevOps engineer. Without a pipeline, you're starting from scratch, competing with countless other companies for the same small pool of available talent. With a well-developed pipeline, you might already have several suitable candidates eager to join your team.
Building Your Pipeline: Long-Term Strategies
Embrace Early Engagement
One of the most effective ways to build a strong IT talent pipeline is to start early - really early. We're talking about engaging with students even before they enter college.
Example: Tech giants like Google and Microsoft have been running high school outreach programs for years. Google's Computer Science Summer Institute introduces high school seniors to computer science, fostering early interest in tech careers.
Action steps:
Partner with local high schools to offer coding workshops or tech talks
Sponsor hackathons or tech competitions for students
Offer internships or job shadowing opportunities for promising high school students
Cultivate University Partnerships
Universities are goldmines of emerging talent. By building strong relationships with educational institutions, you can position your company as a desirable employer for graduates.
Example: Amazon's AWS Educate program partners with universities worldwide to provide students with cloud computing skills and resources. This not only helps students but also creates a pool of AWS-proficient graduates for Amazon to recruit from.
Action steps:
Establish internship programs with local universities
Offer guest lectures or workshops on campus
Sponsor research projects or provide resources for computer labs
Invest in Continuous Learning
The tech industry moves at lightning speed, and skills can become outdated quickly. By offering continuous learning opportunities, you not only attract talent but also retain and develop your existing workforce.
Example: IBM's "New Collar" jobs initiative focuses on skills rather than degrees, offering apprenticeships and training programs to develop talent in emerging tech fields.
Action steps:
Create an internal academy or learning platform
Offer tuition reimbursement for relevant courses or certifications
Encourage employees to attend conferences and share knowledge
Leverage Employee Referrals
Your current employees can be your best recruiters. They understand your company culture and have networks of skilled professionals in their field.
Example: Salesforce has built a strong culture of employee referrals, with referred candidates accounting for a significant portion of their hires. They've gamified the process, offering rewards and recognition for successful referrals.
Action steps:
Implement a robust employee referral program with attractive incentives
Make the referral process easy and transparent
Regularly communicate open positions to your team
Embrace Diversity and Inclusion
A diverse workforce brings diverse perspectives, leading to more innovation and better problem-solving. Make diversity a cornerstone of your talent pipeline development.
Example: Intel's Diversity in Technology initiative aims to achieve full representation of women and underrepresented minorities in their U.S. workforce by 2020. They've invested in STEM education programs for underrepresented communities and have seen significant improvements in workforce diversity.
Action steps:
Partner with organizations that support underrepresented groups in tech
Implement blind resume screening to reduce unconscious bias
Offer mentorship programs for diverse employees
Cultivate a Strong Employer Brand
Your reputation as an employer can make or break your talent pipeline. A strong employer brand attracts passive candidates and makes active job seekers more likely to engage with your company.
Example: Atlassian, the software company behind tools like Jira and Trello, has built a strong employer brand around work-life balance and social responsibility. They offer unique perks like a paid charity day and have been recognized as a top place to work.
Action steps:
Showcase your company culture on social media and your careers page
Encourage employees to share their experiences on platforms like Glassdoor
Participate in industry events and showcase your technological innovations
Embrace Remote Work
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend towards remote work, and it's likely here to stay. Embracing remote work can dramatically expand your talent pool.
Example: GitLab, a fully remote company with over 1,300 employees across 65 countries, has built its entire operating model around distributed work. This allows them to tap into global talent without geographic restrictions.
Action steps:
Develop robust remote work policies and infrastructure
Train managers on leading distributed teams
Emphasize results over hours worked
Utilize AI and Data Analytics
Leverage technology to streamline your pipeline development. AI and data analytics can help you identify potential candidates, predict hiring needs, and optimize your recruitment process.
Example: Unilever has implemented an AI-driven recruitment system that analyzes candidates' facial expressions, body language, and word choice during video interviews. This has helped them reduce time-to-hire and improved candidate quality.
Action steps:
Implement an applicant tracking system with AI capabilities
Use predictive analytics to forecast future hiring needs
Leverage AI for initial candidate screening and matching
Building a robust IT talent pipeline is not a quick fix; it's a long-term investment in your company's future. By starting early, fostering continuous learning, embracing diversity, and leveraging technology, you can create a steady stream of qualified candidates eager to join your team.
Remember, the key to successful pipeline development is consistency and patience. It's about building relationships, nurturing talent, and creating an environment where top IT professionals want to work.
As you implement these strategies, keep in mind that the tech landscape is always evolving. Stay flexible, keep learning, and be ready to adapt your approach as new technologies and trends emerge. With a well-developed talent pipeline, you'll be well-positioned to meet your IT staffing needs both now and in the future.
Are you ready to transform your IT recruitment strategy? Start building your talent pipeline today, and secure your place at the forefront of technological innovation.
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Discover the Ultimate MBA in India at SIBM Bengaluru
If you dream of doing your masters in India, look no further than SIBM Bengaluru. This top-rated business school offers a comprehensive and dynamic MBA program designed to shape tomorrow's business leaders. Here's everything you need to know about this exciting opportunity.
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Why choose MBA in India?
Doing an MBA in India opens up opportunities. India is home to some of the best business schools in the world and studying here offers several advantages:
Diverse majors: Business schools in India offer a wide range of majors, ensuring that you will find a program that matches your career goals.
Global Recognition: An Indian MBA is globally recognized giving you a competitive edge in the global job market.
Affordable Education: Compared to many Western countries, the cost of an MBA degree in India is significantly lower, making it a cost-effective option.
Vibrant Culture: Studying in India exposes you to a rich and diverse culture that enhances your overall educational experience.
Why SIBM Bengaluru?
SIBM Bengaluru stands out among business schools in India for its excellent faculty, state-of-the-art infrastructure and innovative teaching methods. Here's what makes SIBM Bengaluru an ideal place to study MBA:
World class faculty: SIBM Bengaluru has a team of highly qualified and experienced professors who bring real business expertise to the classroom. Their guidance helps students understand complex business concepts and apply them effectively.
State-of-the-art curriculum: The SIBM Bengaluru MBA program is designed to stay ahead of industry trends. It covers key business areas such as finance, marketing, human resources and operations management and ensures that students are well equipped and operationally ready.
Industry Tie-ups: SIBM Bengaluru has strong tie-ups with leading companies and industry leaders. This network offers students many internships, live projects and placements in leading organizations.
Innovative learning: The institute uses a combination of traditional learning methods and modern technology to create an interesting learning environment. Students participate in case studies, group projects and simulations that help develop practical skills.
State-of-the-art campus: The SIBM Bengaluru campus has the latest amenities like a well-equipped library, hi-tech classrooms and recreational facilities. A favourable learning environment supports both academic and personal growth.
Holistic Development: SIBM Bengaluru focuses on the holistic development of students. Along with academic excellence, there is an emphasis on developing leadership qualities, teamwork and ethical business practices.
Admission Process
Admission to SIBM Bengaluru involves a few main steps:
Entrance Test: Candidates have to appear for entrance tests like SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude Test). A good score in this exam is crucial to securing a place in the MBA program.
Group Discussion and Personal Interview: Selected candidates will be called for Group Discussion and Personal Interview. In this phase, communication skills, leadership qualities and problem-solving skills are evaluated.
Final Selection: Based on overall performance, the final list of favoured candidates will be announced.
Career opportunities
An MBA degree at SIBM Bengaluru opens doors to many career opportunities. Graduates are in high demand at leading companies in various industries. Common career options include:
Business Management Consultant: Advising companies on business strategies and operations.
Marketing Manager: Oversees marketing campaigns and brand strategies.
Financial Analyst: Analyse financial data to help businesses make informed decisions.
HR Manager: Manage recruitment, training and employee relations.
Alumni Network
SIBM Bengaluru's alumni network is extensive and influential. Graduates stay connected to the institute and to each other, which provides a strong support system and networking opportunities.
Pursuing an MBA in India from SIBM Bengaluru in India is a decision that can transform your career. With its world-class education, industry linkages and focus on holistic development, SIBM Bengaluru prepares you for success in the competitive business world. If you are ready to take your career to the next level, consider SIBM Bengaluru for your MBA journey.
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dasmonoj · 29 days
Offline campus placement
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