#edward nashton x maler reader
gvtted-ratz · 3 months
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Tippler Pigeon
Edward Nashton/The Riddler x M!It/Its!Reader
Last Edited: 09/09/22
TW: stalking, brief mention of sexual activities
Requested: No.
Word Count: 1,735
Living by the Iceberg Lounge has very few perks. Most were cons, with all the rich filing in to get their daily drops along with sex. Who cared if their partners were at home, working hard to take care of their kids? They were busy partying, giving away valuable information to anyone attractive enough to so much as flutter their eyelashes at them. Maybe even let them feel that person up and the secrets spill from their lips faster than a pigeon can fly off in fear of being hit with a pipe by some shitty kid. There is also the constant harassment from the drunkards and those high off their tails whenever you leave your complex.
The information is a perk though; probably the only pro there is to the place. And to get any info, you have to be able to either be employed at the club, be one of the awful rich folk, or pay off one of the employees that work there. The waitresses were the ones to get the most info and the best bet. They’re there for money; half of them hated the club with their entire being but it was the only option they had left. But there was a major con. If either of you are found out, you both get killed. That’s why it is usually best to find someone trustworthy, someone who can lie as well as keep their cool. Despite all this, you weren’t one for this. The data collected from there would sell for a pretty buck but your life was more important. People would do anything to keep their secrets under wraps. That included the orchestrated murder of people.
Your neighbour did seem to like the club though. Many pictures of the lounge, as well as the mayor, Don Mitchell. There were other people, you’re sure, though you were never able to see them. Whatever information he was getting his hands on, it would lead to his death if anyone reported him. You don't know him well but the idea of him dying is unsettling. He fits into your schedule; he is part of the routine you follow, even if he doesn’t know. Seeing him at all, was just normal. Not seeing or even hearing him for an entire day made it feel like everything was wrong and it made doing things extremely hard. His presence is deeply engraved in your daily routine that, with him suddenly being gone, it comes crashing down around you. Thankfully, he hasn’t ever disappeared for long. He’s never been gone for longer than a day. The few times he does leave for an entire day is awful and takes a lot of reassurance from yourself and even some promises to go to the place you really want or get an item you’ve been saving up for; that usually helps you create a new routine, just for that day until it all goes back to the original.
For the past few weeks, you’ve felt eyes on you. Which is odd since you haven’t had anyone over except a coworker who usually comes uninvited. She couldn’t be the one though since, knowing her, you weren’t much for holding her attention. She only ever came over to force you to watch movies you absolutely hated because she needed someone to annoy while all her other pals were busy. Despite that, she’s fairly nice despite only ever needing you when her friends are all off doing something without her.
Still, she’s ruled out. She maybe visits once a week and has nothing to gain from watching you. The only other people you can think of is your neighbour and the extremely creepy lady a floor above you. She’s touchy and always trying to get people to let her inside their apartment. You didn’t doubt she had at least one harassment charge on her record. You rule her out as well, making note of how she has always said you were “too weird” or “clearly mentally unwell” from the things you do.
That only leaves your neighbour. The man that’s been gathering extremely dangerous information on people. As far as you know, however, he's never even noticed you. You barely glance at each other whenever you walk past each other. Neither of you say hello or make eye contact; you’re practically strangers. But he’s the only one that makes sense. With all the information he’s gathering, he must be wary of those on his floor or those he sees often enough. You happen to pass each other everyday. And if that’s the case, how is he watching you? There’s no cameras beside your phone and computer. Your doors all remain shut and any window is covered with curtains as well as locked tight. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s just paranoia. Hallucinations even; from lack of sleep, stress, or even depression.
No matter what it truly is, you just try to ignore it all. This leads to you working late at the gift shop job you’ve taken up in the museum. There isn’t much to it. There’s a few plushies, some knickknacks, and other miscellaneous items. Other than stocking, scanning items, and possibly helping out customers, there isn't much to it. Tonight is like any other with you stocking the shelves and organising items. Very few entered at this time. Though Gotham never seemed to sleep, it didn’t mean people are looking to go to a museum or gift shop to look around or wander about. Or, that’s what you had been thinking.
“I have a question, if you don’t mind answering,” A voice says from beside you. You face the voice, stopping your hands from placing another plushie on its rack. The person standing there is your neighbour. His eyes seem to glow green despite there being no way they could. He had never shown any signs of being inhuman or an enhanced human.
“Uhm… Sure. Ask away,” You tell him, turning away to continue placing the plushies away.
“Have you seen anyone dressed in black and clearly trying to hide their face here?” It’s an odd question but you don’t have to give it much thought.
“I’ve seen some kids, mostly. Like those alt ones. Or scene. Emo,” You tell him, straightening out the row of plush hippos. It’s odd to even see your neighbour here since you knew that, if he wanted info, it would haven’t come from asking some employee at a museum. Especially if it’s about someone’s likes or dressware; not like you cared about what those kids or even adults dressed like. So far, the nicest ones had been the ones that dressed differently and showed off their interests with the colours, outfits, odd items, pins, and bags. Not just nice, but also polite. Many seemed overjoyed to hear you compliment their styles.
“Did any of them seem very familiar? Like maybe you’ve seen them on television or in papers?” He presses on. You only shake your head, turning to him.
“Not really. As far as I know, they’ve all been polite and interested in the artefacts, history, plushies, and pins… Besides, wouldn’t you have gotten that stuff already?”
“What do you mean?” Interest suddenly peaked, he looks at you like you’ve just told him the most interesting fact he’s ever heard.
“Well… I mean… You’re my neighbour. The data I’ve seen you get usually is done by yourself. Getting your own pictures and probably hacking and stalking,” You ramble, straightening the magnets and making sure each one is placed correctly. “It kinda reminds me of a Tippler Pigeon .. I mean, you do. With how active they are. From what I've read, they can have an in-flight of about fourteen to nineteen hours; maybe even twenty-two hours… And you’re always active. Always getting data, then working, and then going out at weird times for more data; that’s just a guess though… And they’re really intelligent.” You inhale before continuing, “you have to be pretty smart to get all that info on your own and to even understand it all. Clearly you have a lot if the stacks and stacks of papers you’re constantly bringing has to say anything. And they’re also pretty. And you’re pretty but like, in your own way. Not the bird way or whatever toxic stuff they say about the weird ‘pretty’ being bad to men…”
You turn to look at your neighbour after your ramble, seeing if he’s tuned you out at all. You weren’t expecting him to be staring at you with utter adoration and large eyes behind his glasses. It seems he had been absorbing all the information you had been spouting passionately. His smile is full of glee and he’s practically buzzing with excitement. “Something wrong?” You ask as he continues to stare.
“No! No, no! Nothing! I never thought I’d hear such passion from another person… Especially about me,” He tells you, grabbing your hands in his own. You flinch in surprise but don’t pull away. You’ve never seen your neighbour so happy. “Maybe… Maybe you can help me with my research? Help me with the pollution of the city?” His breathing is laboured slightly, though you don’t put much thought into it.
“... Is there a leak somewhere? Is our water safe? The pigeons?” You ask, concerned. You haven’t heard of any pollution lately but you wouldn’t put it past the higher-ups to try and cover that up.
“Not that kind… A different kind! You’re clearly smart… Such a smart man…” He sighs that out before speaking again, letting out a high pitched, child-like laugh. “We could help the city..! Clean up and make it better.” You blink slowly, thinking of his offer. You’re not sure what pollution he’s talking about or how you’d exactly be helping the city. But you do know that, he’s been nothing but nice so far, not even being angry at your info dump or rambling. So, with the decision in mind, you give him a small smile and a nod.
“Alright. I’ll help you however I can.” With the response, he becomes more giddy with happiness and tightens his hold on your hands.
“GREAT! This is great..! We’ll make such a good pair, you and I!” He lets go of your hands, demeanour still happy before bidding you goodbye.
“... What a cute but odd guy… “ You mumble before getting back to work.
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