#edward lear mischeif
anxiouslyfred · 2 months
There was a Patton in a Dingy
Summary: Thomas checks a self inflating dingy works before a trip with his friends. Patton gets silly over it.
Author's note: I love Edward Lear and his limericks enough to have written my dissertation on him, how has it taken this long to write something silly based off one? The limerick I used and my idea are at the end of the story.
There was a small boating lake that Thomas’s friend had decided they should go to, and Logan had suggested getting a self inflating dingy to take, just in case something happened with the boat they would rent. It was mostly to assuage one of the many worries Virgil came up with, especially since Remus had decided to agree with all those worries being certainties.
None of that really helped him now, looking into Thomas’s living room where the dingy had already been inflated and had Roman cheerfully singing nursery rhymes in it. That was relatively expected. It wouldn’t do to have the dingy be necessary without having tested it and Roman was one to find a reason to sing at any opportunity.
The issue was the other occupant of the boat, Patton, cheering that they were afloat and drifting merrily along.
“You are not afloat at all, Patton. Do recollect that you’re on the living room floor.” Logan had said upon first hearing him.
That had Patton gasping, falling back against the sides; Something Logan was pleased to see did not disfigure them much at all. “We’re sinking? I’ll faint. I’m too young to drown.”
“Drowning doesn’t have an age limit.” Logan pinched his nose, entertained to notice that Roman instead of reacting to the overly dramatic scene was now singing ‘Kiss the Girl’. “And I repeat, you are in Thomas’s living room. There is nothing to be floating on, unless you class sitting in a dingy on solid ground to be floating.”
It didn’t help particularly, but when Virgil turned up in response to Patton’s apparent worries he smirked. “How is Roman being the less dramatic one of them?”
My Idea for this Fic: Take an Edward Lear limerick and fit Sanders Sides into making it a story. It'll be nice doing that bit of chaos, maybe using one of the many animals living on a person ones + Patton.
There was an Old Man in a boat,
Who said, ‘I’m afloat! I’m afloat!’
When they said, ‘No! You ain’t!’ he was ready to faint,
That unhappy Old Man in a boat.
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