#edmundp imagines
jessmalia · 3 years
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i dare you | edmund pevensie
pairing: edmund pevensie x fem!reader summary: peter dares edmund to get the reader’s number. modern au if that wasn’t obvious. a/n: I worked in a park this summer, and with my Edmund obsession that doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon I guess this was sort of inevitable. hope you enjoy! warnings: ed calls peter a hoe-bag. but it’s playful enough lol. also you might get some second hand embarrassment, but that’s it.  wordcount: 1470
   It was the beginning of summer, and the Pevensies were spending their time at the local park. It was a quaint but very nostalgic place for the four siblings, since they used to come there all the time when they were smaller. It had two climbing frames that the little kids were enjoying, a swing set, a kiosk that sold ice cream, and a decent sized grass field, which was where the four of them were currently sitting, enjoying ice lollies and conversation.
   Their current conversation topic was interrupted as a girl walked by, calling Peter’s name. All four siblings looked up at the girl, whose cheeks were rosy from blushing, as she waved at the eldest of them. Peter put on a polite smile as he waved back, then turned towards his siblings again. 
   “Who was that?” asked Lucy. 
   Peter shrugged. “Just a girl I shared a couple of classes with in 5th grade.”
   “And..?” Lucy went on. 
   “And... we might’ve shared seven minutes in heaven at a party one time,” said Peter, scratching the back of his head.
   A loud scoff made its way out of Edmund’s mouth at that. 
   “What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Peter immediately. 
   “Just,” said Edmund, “that makes her, what, the fourth one that year? Can’t you ever make up your mind, hoe-bag?” 
   Peter scoffed. “You’re only saying that ‘cause you’ve never said a word to anyone you’ve fancied.”
   “Not true!” Edmund exclaimed. 
   “Yeah?” Peter challenged. “Wanna prove it?” 
   “You’re on.”
   “Alright.” Peter’s eyes scanned the premises. “Her.” He pointed a finger at something behind Edmund’s shoulder. The rest of the Pevensies, not so subtly, turned their heads to see who Peter was pointing at. It was one of the girls working in the park. She was very pretty, wearing a blue t-shirt with the park’s name on the back and jean shorts. Currently, she was busy collecting the small tricycles for closing time.
   “Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you’ve glanced over at her like 20 times since we got here,” he said smugly. Edmund looked away from the girl and back at his older brother, glaring at him defiantly. Unaffected by the haughty glare, Peter continued, “I dare you to get her number.”
   Susan rolled her eyes. “Lay it off, Peter, there’s no need to be such a git. He has nothing to prove to you,” she said, ignoring Peter’s offended expression and turning towards her younger brother, putting a tentative hand on his shoulder. “You don’t have to do it, Ed.”
   “No, I’m going to!” Edmund exclaimed, shrugging Susan’s hand off of him with force. He quickly got up from the blanket and walked towards the girl, determined to prove Peter wrong.
   “Now look what you’ve done!” Susan scolded, shoving at Peter’s shoulder. “He’s going to embarrass himself.”
   “Who says he’s going to embarrass himself?” asked Lucy, making the other two look at her questioningly.
   “What do you mean?” asked Peter.
   Lucy raised a sassy eyebrow. “Well, you may have noticed Edmund looking at her, but you both clearly missed all the times she’s been looking at him.”
   “Do you need any help with that?”
   The girl’s movements halted as the sound of Edmund’s question carried through the air. She looked up from where she was crouching, and as her eyes locked on his frame, a sweet smile pulled at her lips.
   “Yeah, some help would be nice.” Her voice was even sweeter than her smile. “You could take that heavy one over there,” she said, pointing at the kid’s bicycle a few feet away. Edmund let out a brief chuckle, quickly wiping his thumb across his lips before walking over and picking up the bike she’d pointed at.
   The girl resumed her grip on the much smaller tricycle and lifted it up. She explained shortly that they were supposed to put them all in the small red shed. He already knew this, of course, since he had come here so often, but he said nothing.
   “So, what’s your name?” she asked as the two of them headed toward the shed.
   “Edmund,” he said, keeping his gaze ahead of him and willing every cell in his body to stop his cheeks from heating up. He normally didn’t really do stuff like this, but he was determined to prove Peter wrong.
   “Edmund...” She repeated his name slowly, as if testing out how it sounded coming from her lips. “I’m Y/n.”
   Y/n. Pretty name.
   “So, Edmund,” Y/n said as they reached the red shed, and she pulled the keys out of her pocket to unlock it, “is there a reason you’re helping me out or are you just a gentleman like that?”
   “I’m not a gentleman,” he stated, making Y/n let out a surprised laugh. “But anything to get away from my brother.”
   “Ah,” she said, opening the door and shoving the tricycle into the small room. “Is he that blonde guy you were sitting with?”
   Edmund nodded and put his bike down on the floor, taking a mental note of the fact that Y/n must have been watching him to know who he was sitting with. “Yeah, Peter enjoys teasing for sure. He thinks he’s all high and mighty, but he wet the bed until he was eight years old.”
   Y/n laughed again, and they headed out to collect more things that needed to be put in the shed overnight. “Anyone who wets the bed until they’re eight doesn’t have the right to tease anyone for anything.”
   “That’s what I keep saying! But he gets really mad anytime I bring it up.”
   “All the more reason to do it.” Y/n smirked and winked at Edmund, who thought he felt his heart leap out of his chest for a second.
   Together, the two of them continued gathering all the leftover supplies, toys and bicycles that were left around the park’s grounds whilst making playful conversation. Edmund was surprised at how easy he found it to speak with Y/n. 
   When they were finally finished, and Y/n was fishing her keys out of her pocket to close the shed for the night, he couldn’t help but feel a sad tug on his heart, as this meant the end of their conversation. That was until it hit him. He had been sent here on a mission. He was supposed to get her phone number. Which meant that he needed to ask for it now, or Peter would win. 
   Suddenly, the nerves that had disappeared once he had gotten a good rapport going with Y/n, came back tenfold. 
   “I hope you’re not expecting some sort of financial compensation for your help.” Y/n’s voice brought him back to reality. “I know you said you’re not a gentleman, but I could really use all the money I can get from this job.”
   Edmund’s heartbeat was increasing rapidly as he gathered the courage for what he knew he had to do.
   Come on, Ed. You can do it.
   “How about you just give me your number instead?”
   He watched Y/n’s face intently after the question left his mouth. First, her eyes widened slightly in shock. Then, her eyebrows rose and her head tilted ever so slightly to the left, as if impressed. Finally, a cute and adorable little grin made its way across her face. She averted her eyes from his for a couple of seconds, before looking back and holding her palm out towards him. 
   Confused, Edmund hesitantly reached out and took her hand in his. 
   Loud laughter started bubbling out of Y/n’s mouth. She put her hand over her mouth for a moment to cover the enchanting sound, before saying, “No, your phone, idiot. So I can give you my number.” 
   “Oh.” Edmund’s face grew beet red as he as quickly as possible removed his grip from Y/n’s hand before reaching into his back pocket for his phone. This only made Y/n laugh more. 
   “You’re sweet,” she said. 
   Edmund’s face got even redder, if that was possible. 
   Finally, he managed to have unlocked his phone, opened the contacts app, and handed it to Y/n without embarrassing himself any further. She typed her number in and handed it back to him. The first thing Edmund took notice of was the little heart emoji she’d added next to her name. 
   “So, I’ll be hearing from you soon...?” asked Y/n. 
   Edmund nodded. “Yeah, definitely.” 
   She nodded back and moved to walk away from him, but hesitated, and before he knew it, she had turned back to him, given him a quick kiss on the cheek, and walked off. 
   Edmund stood there for a couple of seconds gathering himself, before he turned back, holding his phone up with Y/n’s contact on it with a smug look on his face as he walked towards Peter, who couldn’t believe what he’d just witnessed. 
a/n: I’m not too happy about how this turned out, but I think it’s alright. Please reblog and leave a comment about what you thought!
taglist: @valentine-melody​
(not my gif, also can’t find og creator)
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Imagine Edmund being so frustrated that he can’t kiss you, he nearly explodes.
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“We can’t, Susan is coming,” You hissed as you heard the familiar footsteps of dainty footwear upon the stonework. You did your best to act natural as one of her ladies in waiting, folding your hands in front of you and looking downward while in the company of a King. “If she finds out about us...”
“I know,” Edmund said, feeling irritated.
“Good afternoon, Edmund,” Susan said with a smile as she entered the hallway and began to pass you two by. “And y/n, what are you two up to?”
“I told y/n I’d take her into town to pick up some new fabrics,” Edmund improvised, literally coming up with the fastest excuse to get you alone again. His lips were missing yours terribly.
“Oh, that’s rather kind of you,” Susan said suspiciously, but she saw no sort of reason not to let you go, especially since you looked pleased about the idea. “Just be safe out there.”
“We will, thank you My Queen,” You said with a curtsy. She continued on her walk and once she was out of sight, Edmund laid his hand on your cheek once more. You nuzzled into it, feeling his warmth.
“If she didn’t leave us alone, I was going to shout at her,” He mumbled, leaning his forehead against your own. You smiled, knowing how Edmund’s temper could sometimes be.
“Then we would have to run away together,” You teased, taking a step back. “Now if you excuse me, I must get ready for our ride into town.”
As you walked away, Edmund leaned against a wall, feeling anger again at watching you leave. He was able to keep it  under control, but damn if you didn’t keep frustrating him.
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Imagine King Edmund finding you lost in a cave.
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It wasn’t the ideal place to be, but you didn’t have much of a choice right now. While there was no White Witch to cause peril in Narnia, not everything was as perfect as people wanted it to be. There were still some bad apples in the barrel, and that included your parents. And one day, you had just gotten sick of it all and ran away from home. The only shelter you were able to find was a cave off of a popular horse trail. You didn’t want to be entirely alone, and the sound of people going past was oddly comforting.
You had a pack of fruit and berries that you rummaged for in the woods for, and were sitting outside of your cave, leaning back against the rock, tossing raspberries into your mouth. You were enjoying the sunshine on your face, and the light breeze keeping you cooled down. It was a beautiful day, and you were going to take full advantage for as long as you could.
The trampling of a horse caught your attention, but you weren’t worried. Bandits rarely came down this road because it was so popular, they always got caught. You looked up to see a handsome boy riding on an equally-handsome steed down the road. You weren’t in full view of him, but you could spot the bright golden crown on his head. Your eyes widened as you took in his appearance. The horse slowed to a gallop and then a full stop, and the King  looked down on you. You were able to tell who he was, recalling the grand crowning ceremony - King Edmund.
“What are you doing down there?” He asked you, looking curious.
“Eating,” You said, popping another raspberry in your mouth. “Do you want one?”
“Are you living here?” He looked past you into the cave. You flushed, not wanting to tell him the truth but it was clearly all over your face. “Hop on.”
“Hop on?” You questioned.
“The horse,” He grinned. “Get on the back, I’ll bring you to lunch at Cair Paravel, finest food you’ll ever have, and that’s coming from me.”
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Imagine showing Edmund Pevensie how fearless you are.
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When the White Witch tried to claim Edmund, you stepped forward with your sword unsheathed and had the intention of putting the blade to her pristine, flawless neck, but a centaur stopped you by holding you back.
“You can’t have him, witch.” You said, trying to break out of the grip of the strong beast. You were certainly making his task difficult and he had to hold you more firmly. “I’m not afraid of you.”
The White Witch took a look at your sword and then at your face. There was a flash of something in her eyes, but you could not tell what. It almost seemed to be ... jealousy, but there was nothing for her to  be jealous of. She should be scared, that’s what you thought. You weren’t going to hand over your best friend for anything - not even Peace.
“We’re here to negotiate.” Aslan’s voice said, soft rather than it’s usual loudness which carried across the camps. You stared at The White Witch with a death glare, while she smirked at you and Edmund then made her way into the tent after the lion. The centaur finally let you go and you put your sword back into it’s sheath and cursed her under your breath.
“You’re really not scared of her?” Edmund asked, admiration showing clear on his face, which made you feel embarrassed.
“Course not.” You said, looking away from him, “I’m more scared at your lack of willpower - Turkish Delight, honestly?”
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