#edited this to add a link to my brain penis post cuz I realized I can't just be saying shit like that without context lol
honorthysalad · 9 months
I think an interesting part of Yoshiki and Hikaru’s relationship is that Hikaru does all the same shit that Yoshiki always complains about, and yet, because Yoshiki idolizes him, he gives it no notice.
I mean in ch9 Yoshiki had just finished complaining about people gossiping about his family and the next line out of Hikaru’s mouth is gossip he heard about another family’s fight. Vol1’s bonus chapter shows that the real Hikaru complained about Yoshiki’s hair just as much as the rest of the village, enough so that he’d badgered Yoshiki into letting him cut his hair once before. In fact the very first chapter we see Hikaru talk about how Yoshiki always stays at home and doesn’t look for a girlfriend, which mirrors a lot of the things we hear from the brain penises in ch11.
But all these scenes are supposed to be good moments Yoshiki had with Hikaru. Yoshiki thinks of them fondly and misses hikaru more after them.
And I’m not saying that Hikaru’s the worst person in the world because he gossips and Yoshiki was blind for not seeing it, but I do think this is a pretty important part of Yoshiki’s character. After all, he does the exact same thing with the city. Yoshiki sees the city as the place he belongs, a place away from all the gossip and expectations because as we know, no one gossips or holds unreasonable societal expectations in big cities (/s). All these things that Yoshiki thinks he wants are based off ill-conceived ideas of what they’re really like because what Yoshiki really wants is for something to just make all his problems go away when nothing like that does or could ever exist. Moving to the big city doesn’t get rid of societal expectations or discrimination. Hikaru doesn’t make his home life any less shit. ‘Hikaru’ doesn’t make him miss Hikaru any less. They can help but they can never get rid of the core problem.
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