#edited because for some reason I wrote Steve Lawrence instead of Steve Harvey
araivallejo · 1 year
Back when season 3 had yet to begin filming, someone on Twitter posted a Tedbecca centric post and as per usual, an anti swooped in with his unrequested opinion. In this instance, his response was a gif of Steve Harvey saying, “OH HELL NAW!”
I saw the response and just shrugged because antis be antis. But the original poster recognized the name of the person as a crew member on Ted Lasso – 2nd Assistant Director Paul Morris. When a few others caught on he responded, clearly a little embarrassed, that he only wanted everyone to be happy, but that he wasn’t a Tedbecca fan.
I remember thinking at that time that was very strange. To see a member of the crew, no matter how high up the food chain they may be, post something either negative or positive towards this ship. Obviously this guy isn’t writing the scripts, but it seemed wildly unprofessional.
I think now the MO around the Ted Lasso team was Jason drilled into their heads since day 1 that Ted and Rebecca were platonic and that was it. They never saw it any other way. They messed around with the fakeouts because Jason Sudeikis is a fucking troll and you can see that in various interviews he’s done.
I’ve been clinging to the image of Brett Goldstein raising his eyebrows at a columnist’s smug dismissal of Ted and Rebecca’s romantic possibilities. Most likely that was an act too. I should have paid more attention to Jane “they are like brother and sister” Becker. Clearly that was what they were going for, but they couldn’t resist sticking that needle in and giving it a little twist at our expense.
There was a recent article posted that stated this has made some of us cower in shame for ever believing in love. I don’t disagree; it’s certainly made me think twice about starting another show that might feature any sense of romance, even though as mentioned that hasn’t really been an issue with me in the past. Still, I will not EVER apologize for believing in love for these two. There was nothing lazy about it. It would have been beautiful and if you never saw it that is fine. But don’t take it away from me. Something I also read in the past few days that I think has helped me tremendously is the fact that as of this past Wednesday (technically 12:15am for me) this show became OURS. It isn’t Jason’s or Brendan’s or anyone else’s on that staff. It is mine and yours and we can do with it whatever we want. I like that.
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