#edit: untagging this from the main tags so people don’t get scared or off guard anymore
star-scrambled · 3 years
Wait, you would be upset if it doesn't turn out Knuckles is the last echdna? I get that's different from canon, but so is Movie!Sonic in a lot of ways.
yeah maybe a little pissed LMFAO 😭 it depends how they’d go about it but honestly with the proposed ideas of those fake leaks, combined with how them actually showing up in this movie for more than two seconds with speaking roles would be STRANGLING that budget of theirs...you gotta be honest, it sounds like they’d be creating the most unnecessary changes and problems for themselves that would create a worse product and story anyway. I think if that were to happen, it would be WAY different from those fabricated concepts and honestly probably still really strong?? My belief is they’d find some sort of compromise. Maybe other echidna are out there, but for whatever reason they aren’t really in contact with Knuckles, and are still otherwise just a concept that exists. I don’t really want them to stay relevant in any present story, honestly. Flesh em out through flashbacks n whatever but otherwise they’re overstaying their visit and them interacting directly with Knuckles COMPLETELY takes away from the fact that he is supposed to be an unsocialized loner, the exact traits that lead him to falling for Robotnik’s tricks.
But, it’s honestly hard to talk about that hypothetical situation, since...I believe we are getting a really source-material faithful Knuckles with 100 percent certainty by this point. Jeff Fowler, amongst others, has made their vision clear for what they want to do with the character, and I’m pretty sure it would be impossible to carry that out and not have him being the last of his kind at the VERY forefront of your mind when getting started with the conceptualization process.
And yes, I’m aware Movie! Sonic is very different, but like...did Sonic really have that fleshed out of a main backstory or character anyway upon his debut? All that was needed was to go from Point A to Point B, creating an origin story for this Sonic and Robotnik. It’s the fact that in order to give Sonic a more multi-faceted personality with big emotional motivations FOR that backstory and journey...they had to dig a little deeper for how to do that. Knuckles has a lot more canon history and backstory behind him, from his late tribe to his connection to the Master Emerald, even including how he befriended Sonic. They wouldn’t need to do as much ground-up work for him if they knew they already had some solid and iconic material to work with for him, it’s practical. Why change a character backstory and motivation that’s already is so easy to carry out and sympathize with?
That’s not to say I want Knuckles to be COMPLETELY 100% accurate and unchanged from his 90s self, though, which I don’t think I express enough :O
If the clan is gone, would Knuckles know more about them and how that went down? It appears he wasn’t in the vicinity of this movie’s Master Emerald altar when he encountered Robotnik, so where was he? What’s his association with the Master Emerald? If it’s guarded and hidden away, and he knows how to access it, what has he been doing otherwise? If he doesn’t need Sonic’s power, but it’s his destiny to destroy him, what does that say about why he’s taking on Sonic? Does he know about his tribe’s actions, such as killing Longclaw or going after Sonic? What does he think of them? Is Angel Island a thing in this universe? What planet, island, or location would he live on otherwise? The same island Sonic grew up on? Will he be able to glide? Cause god I hope not I’d rather it be retconned if they can’t make it look good why even bother HAHA 😭 and then of course you have his charged-up electric-y powers too!
Movie!Knuckles already poses so many questions and new concepts that I welcome with open arms! Heck, there’s some things I could understand maybe not having the time or reason to address (like his gliding...maybe his whole thing with setting off traps n stuff in S3&K too? could be maybe touched on when in the labyrinth ruins but otherwise he’s literally on an unfamiliar location for majority of the film lol), and I’m totally okay with that! For the sake of this movie universe being its own separate thing from all other Sonic media, I genuinely love all the changes brought to the interpretations of these stories through the lense of the new rules, logic, and lore put into place (without it we wouldn’t be getting Sonic/Knuckles warrior family drama which IS SO COOL). I just have enough faith to know that those who work on this know the grounds they’re traversing in terms of which pre-established concepts they can switch up and which they can alter slightly to fit this new world, but not so much that it throws non-fans AND super fans for a loop.
None of this made sense probably and was more needlessly complicated than necessary, but TLDR: I don’t know anyone who’d want Knuckles’ backstory to be changed to what the reddit posts entailed?? honestly if they hit anything but That Stuff i will not complain whatsoever 👍
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