#edit: turns out jumin did actual ask for me to go in early but he still told seven to tell me bc hes not used to doing the work himself
killjoy-prince · 2 months
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Thank you Seven for getting me out here to see her sooner 🙏🙏🙏
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Dorm Life - Cooking Edition!!
whoa he actually knows how to cook
basically one of the only food sources besides takeout (that’s healthy;;)
he takes a lot of inspiration off of Jin from BTS and his cooking show (Eat Jin)
the other members realize their incompetence when only the youngest member knows how to cook actually good food
he takes this opportunity to show off and feel special, so he always makes sure the food is *superb*
omelettes are his specialty~
when he’s up for breakfasts duty everyone makes sure to wake up early
He can sort of cook?..
like the foods decent but it’s kind of plain
sometimes asks Yoosung to help if it’s his turn to cook to add some extra flair
“Jesus Christ, how in the hell did i burn hash browns?!”
tends to burn the food often since he takes breaks on his phone
*yoosung over the oven trying to pick up where Zen left off*
“Come on let me cook! i can do it!”
“then put away your phone hyung!”
She never really had the time to cook for herself
take out was her literal life lolol
Other members are somewhat surprised when she says she can’t cook-
but they quickly understand she wasn’t given enough time to try and make stuff
she’s learning to cook a bit from the internet and just a bit from Yoosung
she doesn’t want to make yoosung work too hard by letting him teach her
“Ok so you flip the egg like this once you can see it’s cooked..”
“ah it came apart.. is that ok?”
“yeah it’s completely fine!! you’re trying hard so good job!!”
oh god no one let him near the kitchen
he’s literally never made a proper meal in his life
“yeah lolol just take some of my honey buddha stash”
store bought food is usually what he gets for the others
either that or he actually takes the effort to go to a restaurant
“please- this is the third time we’ve have pizza this week wE NEED A PROPER MEAL”
no one lets him order over the phone for everyone though
because who knows what he’ll say?
one time he ordered dessert instead of actual food
*is not to be trusted in*
he actually doesn’t live at the dorm
Jumins the manager after all
sometimes he takes the group out for korean barbecue and drinks if they’ve had to deal with horrible cooking the whole week
he does care about everyone after all
sometimes he likes to suprise everyone
“Jumin, this is a five star hotel- the restaurant we’re in is RUN BY CHEF LAMSAY.”
everyone’s usually stuffed by the time they go to bed
overall everyone enjoys it even if he doesn’t cook it himself
hello hello! sorry this took so long lolol, i was sort of busy today! I had a lot of fun making this!! been watching a lot of gordon ramsay and him Kitchen Nightmare so I though “Why not make a post based on food?” anyways i hope you enjoy!~ <3
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saey-bae · 7 years
I have another one lol. The RFA falling in love with their childhood best friend? I saw that you’re wobbly with Baehee so it’s okay if you don’t want to include her!😊
o man bless this childhood friends are The Best™
thank you for your lovely request, darling, and i hope you like this (i will be answering the other one at some point)~
edit: i’m sorry how troll-ish yoosung’s turned out to be ;; and apologies if jumin is ooc this was actually so hard to write what the heckle
under the cut because it’s pretty long
check out my masterpost here
your parents were good friends and the two of you were born within a month from one another, so the two of you were friends since birth, really
he had always been the person to stick up for you without any if, buts, or doubts he was always defending you blindly first and asking questions later, which got him into quite a bit of trouble
you were always the one who stayed by his side through thick and thin and you taught him how to do cool tricks like riffle shuffling cards or magic tricks he really liked those
and the two of you were inseparable throughout elementary school and high school and, in some ways, neither of you could live without the other; you were the yin to his yang
even after you moved away for uni, the both of you stayed in contact via skype, calling, and texting. every. single. day.
aside from his family, you were the rock in his life which made you family, even if it wasn’t legally or by blood
because your families were connected, he always took that fact for granted and never really acknowledged that you were family
but he never felt that so deeply until rika’s funeral
you flew back to attend the funeral, dropping everything to be there for him
and he relied heavily on you
it was the best of times, it was the worst of times is this considered plagiarism if i cite it in mla
it was during one of those 4 am phone calls when he found out he had fallen for you
one of those badum-badum moments, where he could hear his heart pounding and if it was a manga, you could see it too !!
he still distinctly remembered it– it was a little embarrassing because he recalled that it was the night after rika’s funeral and he was crying poor bby missed her so much
and he called you blindly, not really expecting you to pick up because you were probably dead tired and wanted to sleep before your flight at 9 am
but you did, and you answered in a sleepy, “hey yooyoo, do you want me to come over? i can bring some ice cream”
he said yes
you brought ice cream over
the two of you sat side by side on the couch in the den, eating ice cream from the tub
you whispered comforts to him in the dark and he reached over to take your hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze
your smile, illuminated by pale moonlight, lifted his heavy heart
yoosung knew he would be okay as long as you were with him, and by the way his heart constricted when you gave a squeeze back, he also knew that he had fallen for you at some point
and he would tell you someday
the two of you met shortly after zen ran away from home
you went to the same school, and he just happened to catch you playing the entertainer on the piano in the music room during lunch while he looked for an empty room to practice his singing
you played it ridiculously faST HOW DO YOUR FINGERS MOVE THAT FAST WAT
was very impressed
you taught him piano and, subsequently, learned the musical pieces he performed so you could help him practice
while his love for music and acting were shunned at home, you encouraged it– heck, you were a musician yourself, having grown up at home with a father who was a conductor and a mother who was a pianist
you even tried to take up acting with zen, though you were terrible at it and quit shortly thereafter
you were there with him through his struggles
best friends 5ever
he found comfort in you because you never paid much attention to his looks
while you didn’t deny that he was handsome, you were more interested in his music and his projects, and he appreciated that more than you knew
and he never judged you for being a music geek because he was an even bigger music geek
he spent a lot of nights at your home, and he found a family in you and your own family
even after you found a career as a professional pianist and you were a fairly renowned musician, you still found time for him
he swore that your dedication to him was what first made him realize his feelings for you, but that was when he was dating another girl
zen dated countless numbers of girls, but none of them ever seemed to hold a candle to you
when he finally realized he loved you, it was hard for him to hold back… but he did for the sake of your friendship
if you didn’t love him back, it would break his heart and ruin the most meaningful relationship in his life
but during one practice session, you were playing a new piece you learned for his new musical, rent heck yes it was seasons of love, and you were so close to him
he could smell the delightful scent of your shampoo and feel your warm body pressed against his side as you taught him how to play it
your hands were all over his as you tried to position his fingers right like an apple, zen, your hands should look like you’re holding an apple
his heart was pounding in his chest and he couldn’t stop his cheeks from flushing
when the lesson finished, his hands were clammy and he had never felt so unnerved
and in the spur of the moment, he leaned over and kissed your cheek
froze up when he realized what he had done
“huh?” you blushed heavily
“i… uh…” for an actor, he wasn’t very good at acting “thanks for the lesson”
“of… course”
then you kissed his cheek ohgod his face was burning
his eyes searched yours, unable to fathom why you would reciprociate until he saw your gaze dart to his lips briefly
slowly cupped your cheek and leaned in, pressing his lips against yours in a sweet, chaste kiss
when you parted, the two of you professed your feelings in rushed words, lips still brushing against one another’s
and he was quite sure you were his fate
I will be able to write all the lovely headcanons for you one day, Jaehee– I swear it. That day is… just not today.
jumin never had many friends as a child
sure, his father’s associates had kids and he was forced to mingle with them
but aside from v, he was pretty lonely
until he met you, another rich man’s child
you were so different from all the corporate children– you were unruly and dressed sloppily and you came to formal functions with paint stains on your fingers and cheeks
somehow, you were all smiles, your small frame full of boisterous laughter that he had never heard before
and he found himself curious… drawn to you, even at the age of ten
you were an engine of chaos, a tornado, sucking in all those who got close enough
the two of you became good friends, but he found that there was still a barrier you put up that prevented him from getting closer
he always wondered why, but knew better than to bring it up
though he did find out several years later, when he saw you and your father talking in closer proximity down a deserted hall during a function
it was more like him shouting at you, telling you to behave and stop embarrassing him, while you listened
he waited until your father left before coming to comfort you
and he found that, under your chaos and unruliness and happy façade, you were broken and depressed
you hated yourself and you hated your life
you purposely disobeyed your father and refused to fit the mold of a perfect corporate daughter, and he hadn’t quite realized that until he found you like this
the shame jumin felt was only matched by his fierce need to protect you
in his trade, you were unique– an eccentric flower that bloomed against all odds
and he was going to protect you, his flower
under his nurturing care, you did continue to bloom
he took care of you, and you soon moved out of your father’s house to live with him
somewhere along the way, you brought out the playful parts of him that he didn’t know existed
and while he knew his wealth of feelings for you were profound, he couldn’t bring himself to tell you
you brightened up his life like the flower he considered you to be, and he couldn’t bear for you to leave if you didn’t feel the same
aside from his hidden feelings, everything was going fine until the two of you were in your early twenties
that was when your father was caught participating in inside trading– he even went to jail briefly for it
your reputation and family name was irrevocably damaged, but jumin was there to help you through it, despite his own reputation being on the line
and when he stood up to his own father about the issue, he realized he was prepared to lose face and name just to save you
he was going to do anything to protect his flower, anything to keep you in his life because he couldn’t live without you
he loved you
and unbeknowst to him, you loved him, too
he was locked away for most of his childhood, and didn’t have any friends as a child, aside from his twin
leaving home tore him into two– and it left him utterly alone
seven longed for proper human company, for friendship– god, he just wanted to stop feeling so lonely
while he perfected his hacking techniques, he found chatrooms off the grid, specifically made by hackers for hackers
although he never spoke, he watched a specific chat on the side– the people there seemed friendly, though he was too nervous to participate
after a year of watching, he had a a good sense of the personalities of the people who frequented the chats
and there was always one username that caught his eye: x
whoever it was, the person was kind, but sarcastic, and had a dry sense of humour
he found himself logging in at all kinds of hours just to see if x was around
and one night, he caught x alone in the chat, spamming computer science memes that the other members would surely appreciate
feeling a surge of courage, he said hello
“hey :)” your smile emoticon made him smile involuntarily, too
there was another human! a living, breathing human somewhere in this world –who he admired– talking to him!
their conversation was brief, but entertaining, and seven found himself wishing he could talk to x again
after a few more late night chats, he voiced the desire
you offered to write an algorithm for a private chat, which he hesitantly agreed to, but only if he was allowed to work on it as well
the two of you ended up writing your own code for a private chat –again, off the grid– and you spoke often
often became all the time
throughout the years, the two of you exchanged info that he was never meant to be speak about– names, numbers, addresses
he found out that you were a university student around his age who learned programming and hacking for fun
you showed him other things you learned in high school– fascinating things that he regrets not having learned, like biology and chemistry
in exchange, he created small robots for you and promised that one day, the two of you would meet so he could give them to you
at one point, he grew bold enough to watch you on cctv with your permission
you waved at the camera you knew he was watching, and his heart skipped a beat at the sight of your smile– he’s never seen something so blindingly beautiful
he knew at that point, he would hack anything just to get another glimpse of you
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mysplaced-pen · 7 years
Good night! :) The request are still open? Maybe can I ask some HC, please? I've got this idea for a time and... How do you think the RFA boys + V & Saeran react to a Fem!S/O who's always been treated like a man for her family and friends? Like she talks, dress, act and treat other people like a man, but gets all shy and blush when her S/O treats her like a female because she thinks that she's not pretty enough to use dresses and stuff like that. Maybe a little bit of nsfw in this? Thank u!!
Good night/day to you, anon :) And of course, you can request things! My ask box is always open!! 
I hope I got your request right - it’s like a…”tomboy” mc, yeah? ahh I’ll try my best, please let me know if I read your request wrong ^^;; I hope you enjoy anyways! And for you, a little nsfw thrown in~ 
alSO I know anon said the rfa boys, but I can’t leave my wife out so she’s in a separate post! edit: which is now [here]!!!
nsfw-ish! (tbh it’s not that nsfw but i tr ied) 
it never really occurred to yoosung that mc wasn’t very ‘feminine’, but he did realize the only time he saw her in a dress was at the party
which was totally her choice, but it was also how she acted
she seemed to always try to be tough, taking on things she probably shouldn’t be doing but again, go her! 
but he felt bad that she wanted to carry all those heavy boxes and such
then when they went shopping one day, he saw her eyeing this dress 
he asks her about it and she says no, which made him pout
they left without that dress but he was determined to get it for her..so he did, surprise! 
mc grinned at first but then got all shy and asked him why he bought it
“Because you wanted it! I could tell..I just..thought you would like it..” what an angel
she tells him that yes! she does like it, but she doesn’t think she could pull it off *confused yoosung noises*
“honey, you’re beautiful!!” she gets even more blushy and shakes her head 
yoosung literally attacks her with kisses until she’s all giggly - kissing her face, neck, and to her shoulders, that they end up on the couch
 “come on, hun. how am I beautiful? I never wear dresses!” “you’re beautiful no matter what you wear-even wearing nothing, I want you to wear whatever you want”
this whole time, he’s like on top of her on the couch
“even wearing nothing?…” mc asks, smiling up at him. he blushes. 
“yes. and i’ll show you.” and boy oh boy he does
707 / Luciel / Saeyoung
saeyoung kinda knew what was going on, but really found out when he was trying to convince her to cosplay with him
“but mc, it would be so fun!!” “but saeyoung, you want to put me in a dress.” 
*pouts* “but you’ve seen me in a dress..” “that’s not the point”
“please please?? i won’t show anyone or take pictures and even put it on myself!” to really prove it, he throws on a dress himself
mc finally agrees 
he lets her pick the dress, but doesn’t let her lift a finger after that 
helps her undress and even put the other dress on 
mc is all blushy 1. from the undressing and 2. from wearing the dress
saeyoung grins at her when he’s done and ends up staring a bit
mc blushes more, “saeyoung, you’re staring..” “well…you’re hot”
“you’re ridiculous” “no seriously. I admit that I glanced a little while helping you” “sAEYOUNG”
“I mean, I can return the favor” and he literally takes his dress off right there
wow mc is red 
and now he starts pointing out his physical insecurities, all of which mc finds ridiculous he looks so good
she can’t help herself and starts kissing to what he points to 
and now her dress is off and he’s doing the same for her 
at the end of that, they look at each other until saeyoung pulls her into a deep kiss
guess we’ll have to cosplay another day
they were looking through his old costumes and some of them were a little, uh, revealing not anywhere bad geez i mean they were ripped
mc is kind of amazed. she asks how he wears them without being so self-conscious 
turns out he has a process, it’s not just his ego my boy here has his share of  insecurities 
she tries that process one day with a dress when he wasn’t home
but he got home early !! and saw her !!! 
obviously zen thinks she looks like The Most Beautiful Person Ever 
but mc blushes and runs to the closet to hide 
“babe! where are you going? that dress looks great on you!” 
“no it doesn’t, zen! stop it. I’m just gonna wear jeans forever, even to the party.”  what a dramatic couple 
he convinces her to come out of the closet, the dress still on
 but she has he arms crossed and is all pouty and not looking at him
luckily, he knows exactly what to do
he takes one of her hands and kisses from her hand to her shoulder, whispering little compliments until he gets to the other one 
and the next thing she knows, he’s doing that for everything?? 
her face, stomach, chest, even her legs hahahah i love the body worship hc 
and now she’s blushing for a whole other reason…which zen also takes care of ;))
oh boy
this man wants to spoil mc with dresses, but she never wears them 
he asks about that at dinner one night
and mc spills that she thinks she’s not pretty enough to wear dresses and it’s so much easier to just…be not feminine 
he understands, a little
and you know, he could just.. tell her that he thinks she’s beautiful and that she could try wearing dresses if she wanted to 
but noooo 
this man had to buy her a bunch to tell her
mc is shocked when she got home 
“i just..” jumin starts, “I think you’re beautiful, and I want you to feel comfortable in whatever you wear. So I thought we’d practice, just here”
she indulges him and they have a mini fashion show that’s just her 
jumin is there like “wow my wife is amazing”
she starts getting more confident at like, the 6th dress but she also starts getting tired
so they take a break, she sits next to him on their bed
he pulls her over and makes her look at him
“see, my love? you’re beautiful in anything..” mc smiles “which was your favorite?” she asks 
“this one.” he answers, “because I’m taking it off”
V / Jihyun
also pretty much doesn’t care and actually didn’t notice she never wore dresses (ps this baby got the surgery here he deserves this)
until he asked her to do a photoshoot with him! 
he get so excited about backgrounds and outfits its so cute
but mc starts getting shy and of course, he notices  
so he asks her about it 
and looking into his eyes, mc has to tell the truth i couldn’t lie to him either tbh
he listens and smiles at her softly when she finishes talking
“oh, angel..you can wear absolutely anything you want and if you don’t want to wear dresses, you don’t have to.” 
however, she decides to wear one. Just for him and the photoshoot
she surprises him when she comes out of the changing room and V is like, in awe 
he thinks she is amazing! wonderful! and he lets her know! 
*cue blushy mc* *and grinny jihyun*
he gives her a kiss for the surprise and wants to give her like, thousands more
but since he’s not that into pda, he takes her into the dressing room to shower her with kisses
and then mc says she’s “uncomfortable” in the dress again and that she needs his help “taking it off” bad mc
thank god he has his own studio 
my bean here gives no fucks 
mc is thankful bc she’s so comfortable around him and can do whatever 
until the rest of the rfa tells her she has to wear a dress for the party
so she tells him to complain a little, but she’s still gonna do it
“i think it’d be nice to see you in a dress. different, but nice”
aw damn, now she really has to 
they go shopping together, saeran picks a really pretty one and she loves it
but in the dressing room, she doesn’t think she looks that good
“hey, mc! do you need any help in there or?” he calls out
“uh, no thank you..I don’t think I’m gonna get it though, Saeran”
“why? let me see.” and so he comes in 
he tilts his head “you look great in it, why don’t you want it?”
she gives him the mini explanation given their whereabouts
he frowns and turns them to face the mirror again 
“look, I think you look beautiful in this dress. and I know the rest of the rfa will, too. if you really don’t want to wear it, I’ll tell them myself, but if you like it, get it.”
both of them are blushing now, but saeran means it
and she buys it. they walk out of the store holding hands
look i have a hc that saeran is ace so…. 
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zens-ponytail · 7 years
How are you? I hope well! Can you do a rfa+v and Saeran having to do seven minutes in heaven? Like honestly not even as drunk just sober. (Requests aren't open;-; but maybe later? Also I rlly love your blog like I'm most done with the masterlist^°^)
Author’s note: I hope you guys like this!!!! i’m still rusty ok it’s been awhile edit: I FORGOT V AGAIN someone please send in a request that says “add v” so I remember to edit him in here
“You wanna play cards? I broughtthem with me so we wouldn’t be bored!!”
Does he… Does he really not know what we’re supposed to be doing?
You looked down at Yoosung, whowas already on sitting on the floor shuffling the deck
“Lemme guess… you’ve never playedSeven minutes in Heaven.”
Yoosung paused for a second beforeshaking his head
You sat down next to him andsmiled
He’s so cute…
“So what game do you wanna play,MC?”
But then again, this ISSeven minutes in heaven
“Strip Poker.”
Yoosung’s face turned bright red
“H-Huh? Strip?”
You smirked
“I’ll start.”
In one quick moment, your shirtwas thrown across the room
“Okay, now you’re turn.”
Yoosung who had now achieved anew shade of red blatantlystared at your chest
“I-I… uhh, w-well-“
What the hell?
Yoosung looked behind you
“I think it came from the otherside of the door.”
You stood up and opened the closetdoor, and in tumbled Zen and Jumin.
“So,” you crossed your arm andlooked down at the two very guilty looking boys, “You wanna explainyourselves?”
The two of them began stutteringout excuses
“W-Well Yoosung’s never playedbefore-“
“-I heard you were taking off yourshirt-“
“-And I thought he might needguidance-“
“-So I wanted to hear the rest.”
You glared at them
“First, Jumin don’t be a perv, andsecond-“
“We were in the middle ofsomething.”
You looked back at Yoosung, whohad taken off his shirt
“And now that MC and I are even, I’dlike to get back to the game.”
Despite the confidence behind Yoosung’swords, his face was as red as ever
You turned back around and smirked
“You heard the man!”
Jumin and Zen slowly got up, bothmumbling curses under their breath.
You closed the door behind them
“Now, where were we?”
In the end the two of you endedup stripping to your underwear and then just playing go fish for the rest ofthe time
“W-What? I can’t be in a closet alone with MC!! How will I controlmyself?”
You walked over to the closet andgave Zen a smirk
“Who says you need to?”
0.1 seconds later Zen was standingin the closet how the hell did he even get there so fast???
You closed the door andturned around
“So,” you clapped your handstogether, “Show me what you got.”
Zen smirked
“You sure you can handle it?”
You raised an eyebrow, “I thinkyou already know the answer to that.”
Zen smiled
“This is gonna be-“
Was all Zen could get out beforehitting his head on the light
“Ohhh s-shittt…”
You rushed over to Zen, who wasnow bent over in pain
“Are you okay? Do you need ice?How bad does it hurt?”
Zen looked up at you with hazyeyes
“Slooowww down, youuu’reee talkingwayyyy toooo fast!!!”
I’m not sure what’s more concerning… Zen’s slurred speech or the giantlump forming on his forehead.
“We need to get you out of hereright-“
“NO! I want to give you… seven minutes…in…….”
“He did WHAT?”
Jaehee swung to door open, hereyes immediately traveling down to unconscious Zen
“What happened to his face? Andwhy is the closet light busted??”
The rest of the RFA stood behindher, patiently awaiting your answer
“Well,” you looked down at Zen andsmirked, “I guess he unleashed the beast a little too early.”
As soon as Jaehee closed the doorshe sunk down to the floor and sighed
“Finally… peace and quiet.”
You nodded, sitting down next toher
“Who the hell let Seven DJ anyways?”
Jaehee laughed, “I don’t know, butit was a horrible decision.”
It would’ve been fine if he just turned the damn the volume down…
You looked over at Jaehee, who wasresponding to an email on her phone
“Work’s got you pretty busy, huh?”
She gave you a sarcastic glare
“Doesn’t it always?”
The two of you began ranting aboutJumin and the rest of the RFA
“I mean, does he think I’m justmade out of cat toys? He can’t keep-“
“Wait… Jaehee?”
“I think our seven minutes are up… Did theyforget about us?”
Jaehee checked her phone
“It’s been 12 minutes,” she lookedback over at you and smiled, “so I think it’s safe to say they have.”
The two of you exchanged glances
It’s so nice in here…
“You wanna stay?”
Jaehee’s eyes lit up
“I thought you’d never ask!”
She set her phone down and yawned
“I think… I’ll take a nap.”
You reached up and turned thelights off
“Sounds good to me.”
You stared at the ceiling, waitingfor the drowsiness to hit you
That was when you felt somethingwarm slump on your shoulder
You looked over at Jaehee and shegave you a sleepy smile
“Do you mind if I use you as apillow?”
Be still my heart.
Jaehee closed her eyes, and withinthe next five minutes, she was asleep
The next morning Seven found both of you sleeping in his closet
And yes he was naked 
And yes he screamed
And yes you and Jaehee both screamedback
But it was still the best sevenminutes in heaven you’ve ever played even if it wasn’t just seven minutes
As SOON as the door closed he had you pinned up against the wall
“W-Woah, slow down there bud.”
Jumin closed his eyes and sighed,letting go of the grip he had on your hips
“Sorry,” he backed up and ran hishands through his hair
You practically feel him holding himself back
“Why are you so worked up??”
Jumin leaned back on the wallopposite of you
“It’s just, while we were outthere, Zen kept… flirting with you.”
His nose crinkled when he said theword flirting, as if it were a disgusting word
“I know secretly dating is hard,but I really think its best.”
You looked up at him, “Especially with everything happening with yourcompany…”
Jumin nodded, taking a step towardyou
“I suppose I can’t blame Zen. Youdo look ravishing tonight,” Jumin smirked
You smiled back at him, giving hima small twirl
“Thank you, my boyfriend helped me pick this out.”
“I must say, your boyfriend has greattaste. I bet he’s handsome, too.”
“Oh yes, extremely.”
Seven’s yelling interrupted yourconversation
“Hmm,” Jumin looked at you, “Doyou think five minutes in enough?”
You pushed yourself off of thewall and grabbed Jumin by the tie
“Won’t know unless we try.”
And as it turns out, five minuteswas more than enough time to… scroll through Jumin’s pictures of Elly
“This is fun.”
“Really fun.”
For the first two minutes, thosewere the only words exchanged between you and Saeran
I have to do something to break this silence.
You cleared your throat
“Uhh… so how are you?”
SERIOUSLY??? Is that the best I could come up with?
“I’m fine.”
You looked down at your feet
I’m good too, thanks for asking.
this poor child doesn’t know howto socialize have mercy on him
When you looked back up at him,his eyes quickly darted away
Was he staring at me?
A light blush crossed his face
That’s… kinda cute.
You bit your lip
Well, this is seven minutesin heaven
Before your brain could tell youotherwise, you leaned forward and lightly pressed your lips against his
After getting over the initialshock that someone was actually kissing him Saeran grabbed your chin anddeepened the kiss
When you pulled away, both of youwere out of breath
You leaned back against the wall
“That was fun.”
“Really fun.”
Seven swung the door open
“TIME’S UP!!!”
You looked at Saeran and smirked
“Let’s do this again sometime.”
Saeran followed you out the doorand grabbed your wrist
He pulled you back and lowered hisvoice so the other’s couldn’t here
“Name the place and I’ll be there.”
Oh, this was going to be f u n.
You looked back the rest of thegroup
“Please help me.”
Jaehee gave you a pitying look andZen saluted you “in honor of his fallen comrade”
Before you could anyone else’sreaction, Seven grabbed your hand and pulled you into the closet
“Your closet is a lot smaller thanI thought it would be.”
Seven let go of your hand andlaughed
“You do know I wear almost thesame thing every day, right?”
You reached out to feel one of hisshirts
“This one is my favorite.”
You pointed to the shirt Yoosunghad gotten Seven for his birthday
It had a picture of the RFA on thefront and the word “family” in Arabic on the back
“Mine too.”
Seven stepped closer to you
“You wanna see why I was soexcited to get you in here?”
You felt your face heat up
“W-Well, I mean-“
As soon as the lights went off,Seven turned you around so you were facing the door
He wrapped his arms around you,giving you a tight hug from behind
“Look up.”
You tilted your head to look up atthe ceiling
“Oh my…”
Glow-in-the-dark stars werescattered all over the top of the closest, turning the dull ceiling into a tinygalaxy
“It’s beautiful.”
Seven buried his face in the crookof your neck
“So are you.”
And that’s when it hit you
You were literally in heaven in with Seven
“Thank you.”
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saeranlover · 8 years
I might edit this slightly in the future, but I like this as it is right now~
Saeran X MC Valentine’s gifts!
You loved how things seemed to be fitting perfectly into place as you settled into a normal life with your boyfriend, Saeran. Well, it was more like as Saeran settled into a normal life. Your life was rather normal, beside the few weeks of absolute strangeness when you had joined the RFA. Saeran was trying to adjust to how simple your life was in comparison to life at Mint Eye. No taking drugs (except his prescribed medications, which he hated with every fibre of his being but was able to take with your support), no praying to the saviour or anything, and what’s more, you were able to sleep in the night and be awake through the day, rather than sleep whenever you felt tired…
But tomorrow was going to be an even better day than usual, and there was one reason why.
Saeran was a sucker for any form of candy. Valentine’s Day was approaching, and that meant that chocolate was being sold almost everywhere that you looked. How better to make your candy loving boyfriend feel better with his adjustments to this new life than to give him chocolate to show that you loved him?
The thing was… You had no idea which sort of chocolate Saeran would love most.
Chocolate with pieces of fruit in? Nutty chocolate? Truffles? Maybe a selection box of chocolate? White chocolate, dark chocolate, good old milk chocolate? It was tempting to buy them all, but you knew that would be better saved for after Valentine’s Day because surely the chocolate would be highly discounted after that point.
You knew exactly how you were going to give them to him though… They were going to be given to him in the first thing in the morning, wrapped up as a little gift… He always had nightmares as he slept, so a gift of chocolate would be nice for him to wake up to if he had another bad dream.
Then you looked at the selection box of chocolates on the store shelf in front of you, before grinning and nodding. “I’ll get him that. It’ll be easy to wrap too!”
   You woke up almost as soon as the sun started rising in order to make sure that your gift for Saeran was ready. You did slightly change your plans though… As well as the box of chocolates, you were going to make Saeran a drink of hot chocolate too, topped with cream and colourful sprinkles. You were absolutely excited to see his reaction to all of this when you woke him up…
A wide smile was on your face as you made your way through your shared apartment towards the bedroom, before slowly pushing the door open. Saeran was still lying exactly where he was when you had woke up, but he was currently clawing at the blankets where you should have been. Due to that, you gently placed the tray with your surprise for him on a chest of drawers, and gently shook his shoulder.
“Saeran… Hey, Saeran…” You were quiet with your calls for him, as you knew that if you were too loud, Saeran would have a rather violent wake-up. “Saeran, it’s about time that you woke up…”
It took a few minutes of quiet whispers and light taps in the shoulder to get Saeran to wake up, and seeing him rubbing his eyes as he sat up whilst slouching in bed was strangely… adorable. Of course, he was still wearing the clothes he was wearing yesterday which Saeyoung had got for him as soon as he was released from the hospital a few months back. That may have been contributing to the cuteness, as much as it was a slight bit unhygienic…
Saeran eventually glanced up at you, and yawned quietly. “What is the time…? The room is still dark…” He mumbled, not aware that you hadn’t opened the curtains yet. It was shockingly bright outside, so perhaps it was good that you had kept them closed…
“It’s… About seven thirty, Saeran,” you stated, before happily strolling back over to the drawers to take hold of the chocolate and the drink which you had made for him. “I had to wake you up because I got you this!”
You were grinning as you sat down on the bed, and passed him the wrapped box and drink. “It’s… not my birthday. Not for another few months.”
“It isn’t a birthday gift, Saeran! Today is the fourteenth of February, also known as Valentine’s Day! You do things like give gifts to somebody who you love, specifically chocolate! I thought, that seeming as this is your first proper Valentine’s Day… I’ll get you a gift, and seeing you happy is enough of a gift for me.” As you said that, Saeran gave you a wide-eyed glance, before he slowly tore at the heart adorned paper which wrapped up the box of chocolates.
Moments later, you heard Saeran attempt to form words, but nothing came out. Eventually, you noticed the corners of his lips turn up slightly, and that was more than enough of a reaction for you. “I… Thank you…” Saeran then took hold of his drink, and took a small sip of it. “It’s nice…”
You nodded, before then stretching your arms out. “You can go back to sleep now, if you want. I just wanted to give you this gift. I’ll be in the lounge if you want me though, okay?” With that, you left the room. Saeran waited for the door to close before he opened the box of chocolates and smiled even wider at the different pieces of chocolate, and also at the little note you had written in the lid.
‘Love you, Saeran! Happy Valentine’s Day! xx’
Saeran then sighed, and reached out for his phone which was just at the bedside, and loaded up his contacts list. He could not believe he was having to make this call…
“Huh? I wasn’t expecting a call at this time of the morning… How are you, little twin bro?”
“… I need help. I got woke up to be given a box of chocolate because it is ‘Valentine’s day’ or whatever the hell it is… And she was being really sweet, and saying that me being happy was enough of a gift for her…  So… I, uh… Damn it, I can’t believe I’m actually asking this… But could you help me do something, Saeyoung?”
   At about midday, Saeran seemed to be digging through piles of paperwork of yours to do with the RFA and other miscellaneous stuff. That paperwork you didn’t mind him making a bit of a mess of, as you intended to get Jaehee’s help to properly sort it at some point anyway, not to mention as it wasn’t confidential, you had no reason to worry.
Eventually, Saeran seemed to find what he was after, and took a quick photo of the paper before putting it back into its position in the pile. With that, he grinned and then sat down next to you with his box of chocolates. “Want one?”
“No, it’s yours, silly!” You insisted that he didn’t give you any of his chocolate, yet somehow you found yourself pinned down on the sofa with Saeran holding a piece of chocolate between his teeth and a flicker of amusement in his eyes.
You finally had accepted the chocolate from him when there was a knock on the apartment door, and Saeran sat up with a grin on his face. “I’ve got somewhere that I need to be. See you later.”
Little did you know that it was Saeyoung at the door, ready to take Saeran to get a gift for you in return for the chocolate.
   “You’re really sure about this, Saeran? I never thought that you would be the sort of person who would-“
“Yes. It’s allowed in the rules of the apartment building, and- Hey… Look at those little guy…” Saeran stopped walking, and kneeled down when he noticed two little black bundles nearby. “They’re cute…”
Saeyoung blinked, before a wide grin formed on his face. “They might just be cuter than Elly!”
“She’s called Elizabeth 3rd. I should’ve asked Jumin to come with me instead now, thinking on it…” Saeran then moved his hand closer to the two kittens who now had their full attention on him. “Fuck, they’re cute… They’re really cute…” It wasn’t long until the kittens were meowing loudly as they played with his fingers, and everybody nearby looking at the other pets in the pet store were looking on in awe.
Then Saeyoung grinned, and went over to one of the store employees. “Excuse me… I believe that my brother there may be interested in buying those two kittens.”
   You could feel yourself falling asleep by the time that Saeran returned to the apartment about two hours after he had been digging around in the paperwork. You somewhat regretted waking up early, but seeing the happiness in Saeran’s face with his gift was worth it. He had quite a few bag with him, so you gave him a confused look. You did go to ask if he needed help sorting out whatever was in it, but your hands got batted away.
“No. You’re not allowed to see what is in there yet,” Saeran mumbled before turning around. “I’ve got Saeyoung waiting with two more things, so I’ll be back in a second.” He then turned to head towards the door, but stopped. “Don’t you try snooping in the bags before I come back with the rest of the stuff.”
So, you were left in complete confusion over what was in the bags for the two minutes which Saeran was away. When he did return though, you heard something like a little bell and then Saeran trying to shush whatever had set off the bell. He then went and looked at you with a bright blush on his face, and he timidly looked away.
“Um… I was looking through your paperwork before to look at the apartment building rules… And… U- Um… IgotusbothtwolittlekittensandI- I…” Then your eyes widened when you noticed two pairs of golden eyes peering out from over the top of his arms.
“Oh my god… Kittens?!” You jumped up, and eagerly took hold of one of them. “They’re so cute…”
“Y- Yeah… Um… H- Happy Valentine’s D- Day…”
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Practically Impractical: 28
[ < ][First][ > ]
Callie is dressed, packed, and sitting on the edge of the bed with her arm in the brace talking to Jumin when Zen slips in the door.  She doesn’t miss the way he shoves his hands in his pockets.
“Going somewhere?” He asks.
“Home,” she answers.
“No,” Jumin says at the same time.
Callie frowns at Jumin.  “Says you.”
“You will not let me talk to my father about this—”
“The Chief can do whatever he wants when you’re in the hospital but he can’t keep me here.  I should have been out a week ago, this is stupid and a waste of resources.”  She puts up a hand before Jumin can respond.  “Besides, I have total confidence I could talk your Dad into almost anything.”
Jumin covers his face with his hands and Zen is almost certain he hears him growl.  Callie laughs.
“Hyun,” she says, in the tone he associates with teasing now, “you’re here early, what happened to rehearsal?”
“Oh,” he says and he glances at his feet for a moment.  “They went with someone else.”
Jumin and Callie look at one another and back to him.  “No, I don’t think they did.” Jumin frowns.
“Show me your hands,” she says, tone no longer teasing, she’s using her Mom-Voice.
“No, that’s ok,” Zen says.
“Hyun Ryu,” she starts and his hands are out of his pockets.  “Who did you hit?” She asks running her thumb over his swollen knuckles.
“It was stupid,” he says not looking her in the eye.
“Probably,” she says as Jumin leaves the room.  “But it never seems like it in the moment.  What happened?”
Zen groans.
“Hey it was enough to lose you a role, you might as well tell me about it.”
“I hit the director,” he mumbles as Jumin comes back with a tumbler of ice.  “I think I maybe broke his nose.”
“Christ,” Jumin says.  He pulls a disposable glove from one of the supply drawers, dumps some of the ice into it, ties it off and hands it to Callie.  “Did he suggest you wear a cat costume?”
“Ha ha.” Zen rolls his eyes.
Callie presses the ice filled glove to Zen’s swollen knuckles. “So why’d you do it.”
“Because he’s an impulsive child,” Jumin snorts.
“God, it’s your fault anyway, why are you such a jerk?”
Callie and Jumin both freeze.  “What?” Callie manages to spit out.
Zen takes the glove from her and holds it on his knuckles himself.  “He had one of those stupid tabloid magazines, and he was talking to his assistant and he said some, ugh, he said some stuff, and I just, ugh.”
“You broke a man’s nose, because he said something mean about me?” Jumin asks. “You are aware that you say terrible things to me quite regularly?”
“It wasn’t just you, it was about the accident and he didn’t just say a mean thing, I’m not a toddler, God.  He said that you and Callie should have just died because,” he stammers for a minute.  “He called Callie some horrible names because the article suggested you guys were, you know, behind Seven’s back.”
Jumin and Callie are quiet for a while.  Callie’s phone vibrates but she doesn’t reach for it.  “You know,” she starts, “he’s not the first person to say things like that, he won’t be the last.”
“He sounds like an idiot,” Jumin adds.  “But you were right; it was stupid to hit him.”
“God,” Zen groans.
Callie picks up her phone. “Shit.”
“What?” Jumin and Zen ask.
“Well, I was going to say it’s not a big deal but apparently Martin knows this guy and he’s pissed, he’s trying to blacklist you.”
“Oh my god,” Zen falls into one of the window chairs.
Jumin begins to fiddle with his phone while Callie seems to be still talking with Martin.  His heart is pounding and he can’t quite remember how to breathe. 
Callie’s phone rings.  “Yeah yeah,” she says. “No I get it, you’re 100 years old.  Nope, yeah he’s still here.  Yeah.  Yeah.  No.  Okay so, yeah, and then we’ll, exactly.  No, no, I understand.  No, totally.  Yeah we can cover it.  Fuck ‘em.”
Her smile is weirdly disconcerting.
Jumin frowns at his phone. “I’ve spoken with PR, this isn’t really covered under your contract but they are going to make an attempt—”
Callie is pulling her sweater off around the brace; she sweeps her hair to one side and uses a damp napkin to smudge the makeup she’s wearing to cover her yellowed bruise.  “I think I can help, you think you can look repentant, Killer?”
“What?” Zen shakes his head confused.
“We can throw out a quick video in your defense, this director is apparently a huge shit and Martin is pretty sure if we can look pathetic enough it’ll turn around on him.”
She hands Jumin her phone and pats the edge of the bed until Zen sits beside her.  He points to them and she starts talking.  Zen is almost amazed; he tries to keep his face neutral, his eyes downcast.
“I know you thought you’d get a good news update about the stream today,” she starts, “but I have something a little different for you.  If you found me through Zen’s fan club you’ve probably heard about what’s happened today and I just wanted to apologise. 
“We’ll start with; yes, I am still in the hospital,” she tucks a few fallen strands of hair behind her ear so that they can see the full length of her scar. “Listen today a director talked some shit about me and Zen lashed out.  It was wrong, I’m sorry he felt that he needed to defend me, and I’m sorry we haven’t been able to stop the tabloids, this is really unfortunate and I hope that perhaps you guys can help us fix this.”
She looks at Zen, her big orange eyes are watering and she looks like she genuinely thinks she did something wrong, he responds instinctually. “It’s my fault, Cal, not you.” He takes her free hand in his swollen one.  “I was unprofessional, I should have kept my personal feelings in control and I was wrong to hit him but when he said he thought you should have died I just, ugh, I just didn’t think.  If he’s watching I am truly sorry, the image on his magazine reminded me of that night and when he spoke I just remembered them putting you in the ambulance and no one knew what was going on,” he touches the brace carefully and she smiles at him.  They both look like they might cry.
“I don’t know if he’ll see this,” Callie adds, “but I hope he does and I hope he knows we’re both truly sorry.  A lot of things are said about my relationship with Director Han, and like I’ve said before we are simply good friends, and it’s unfortunate that the tabloids feel the need to edit my fiancé out of many of the images of us,” she touches her shoulder to Zen’s carefully.  “I am eternally grateful to have people like Zen, and the rest of the RFA willing to defend me at a moment’s notice, even to their detriment.”
“Please consider this our formal apology,” Zen adds.
Jumin hands Callie her phone and her smirk is suddenly back.  “That seemed very convincing.”
She shrugs and presses her palms to her eyes.  “We’ll see, Martin will share it, and Wyatt, and you should too Hyun.  Hopefully it’ll go from there.  A few dancers they know who’ve worked with him are suspicious he may have said those things on purpose to get a reaction from you.”
“So you think your apology will go viral and as people believe you his blacklist will be ineffective?” Jumin asks.
“That’s my worst case, we hope that our apology will go viral and other performers will share it along with their own stories, apparently he does this often, Martin said he confuses abuse with method, it’s why he won’t work with him anymore.”
Zen rests his head in his hands.  “Worst case is I never get another job on stage and end up selling cat food for the rest of my life.”
“Speaking of worst case,” Jumin says as the door starts to open, “now that you’ve made yourself pathetic again are you feeling confident about this?”
“Could you shut up for like an entire minute?” She laughs at him.
“Miss Miller,” the doctors were all familiar now, “you look somewhat changed from earlier this morning.”
“Acting?” She shrugs and Jumin covers his mouth with his hand to suppress a snort.
“This morning?” The doctor asks.
“Just now actually,” she smiles.  “Did you talk to Doctor Jeong?”
“I did, she expressed the same concerns that you and I spoke about this morning.”
Over his shoulder she can see Jumin smirk at his feet and fights the urge to throw something at him.
“And I’m certain you have those same concerns for most patients attempting to discharge themselves, I can’t help but be curious how many of those you refuse to let go, or keep almost a week past an average stay.”
“As we’ve stated—”
“No need to repeat yourself, I am aware that my employer has concerns, and I am also aware that my American physician is refusing to release my records.  I am certain that if our mutual friend cares this much for my well being that I can speak to him on your behalf but I have a family Dr. Jh’on, and I will simply leave if you continue to refuse to discharge me.”
Zen moves to the window by Jumin and she makes eye contact while the Doctor is considering his response.
“Could you two start taking my things down to the car?” She smiles.
“Just, just wait,” the Doctor stammers.  “I will speak with Doctor Jeong and we will discuss a therapy schedule a—”
“Excellent,” she smiles. 
“Have Doctor Jeong contact my assistant,” Jumin says, and Callie glares at him.  “I would like a list of physiotherapists who would be willing to make home visits, so Miss Miller does not need to lose any more time with her daughter.”
“Yes,” Doctor Jh’on nods, relief spreading across his face.  “Yes, that’s, that’s an excellent idea Mr. Han.”
As soon as the door is shut Callie throws a pillow at Jumin.  “So you couldn’t shut up for an entire minute?”
“I was quiet for an entire ninety-seven seconds, Calliope.”
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