#edit: final update for tonight its like 5:47am. added the link to the reddit post with the pdfs i used
otasnox · 5 months
transcript of the mgs1 screenplay of the two scenes abt naomi & frank that i've been thinking abt non-stop dude TT_TT long-ish post under the cut bc it has both screenshots of the document & transcriptions of the text itself :)
tl;dr: do NOT rewatch the end of mgs1 looking for a discord status quote. it will not end well. hope this fucks you up as much as it fucks me up o7
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-- start image transcripts --
Snake: Fox, why!? What do you want from me!?
Ninja: I'm a prisoner of Death. Only you can free me...
Snake: Fox, stay out of this... What about Naomi? She's hell-bent on taking revenge for you.
Ninja: Naomi...
Snake: You're the only one who can stop her.
-- next image --
(The Ninja shakes his head, looking defeated.)
Ninja: No... I can't.
Snake: Why?
Ninja: Because I'm the one who killed her parents.
Snake: ...!!
-- next image --
Ninja: I was young then, and couldn't bring myself to kill her too. I felt so bad that I decided to take her with me. I raised her like she was my own blood to soothe my guilty conscience. Even now she thinks of me as her brother...
Snake: Fox...
Ninja: From the outside, we might have seemed like a happy brother and sister. But every time I looked at her, I saw her parents' eyes staring back at me...
Snake: ...
Ninja: Tell her for me. Tell her that I was the one who did it.
-- next scene --
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Naomi: Snake, it's me...
Snake: Naomi...
Naomi: I heard about my brother...
Snake: I'm sorry... but he had one last message he wanted to say to you.
Naomi: What...?
Snake: He told me to tell you to forget about him and to go on with your own life.
-- next image --
(Snake doesn't tell her what Fox actually said.)
Naomi: (moved to tears) Frankie said that?
Snake: Yeah. He also said he'll always love you...
Snake: Naomi, your brother just saved you, me, and the whole world.
Snake: He fought with every ounce of strength in his body.
Naomi: Maybe... maybe now he's finally found some peace.
Naomi: He wasn't really my brother anymore... Ever since he fought with you in Zanzibar he's been like a ghost.
Naomi: A ghost looking for a place to die...
(Naomi cries for a little.)
--- end image transcripts ---
red text - quotes i used for the title of the playlist
blue text - quotes that just fuck me UP dude.
purple text - see above but like. the best of the best (or worst of the worst, depending on how you see it)... the ones that feel like a punch to the gut
0 notes