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thebonerpit · 11 months ago
Just been hit with a nostalgia bomb. I found a playlist someone made with music from 2000s era alternative/rock Saturday nights at the Phoenix ("Edge102 live at the Phoenix throwback" if anyone is interested) and this being the first song just instantly transported me back there, holy hell. I would go pretty regularly from like 2002/2003 to 2009 (RIP Martin Streek, we will always have Nirvan-squay and Queens of the MF Stone Age) and it was so amazing. I went to other clubs in Uni that played more typical pop/r&b/etc. and while it was still fun, there were always SO many creepers and all I wanted to do was dance without being grabbed at. The Phoenix felt different to me. Of course there's always morons but everyone felt like they were there to have a good time, dance, hang out with friends, and they actually played music me and my friends listened to regularly. It was an absolute blast to have everyone hyped up and screaming the same songs together ("let the bodies hit the... FLOOOOOOOOR!!!"). And even on nights I didn't go, they'd air it on 102.1 with the crowd noise peeking through every once and a while.
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cambriomusic · 4 years ago
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My pics from @thestrokes at Ricoh Coliseum back in 2006. I walked around with a big, bulky Kodak camera at every concert back then. I uploaded everything to photobucket and now I refuse to pay for it, lol. Anyone know how to get rid of watermarks? At least I salvaged the first pic. On the same day of the show, Fab and Nikolai stopped by The Edge and signed some autographs. . . . . . . . . . . . . @theflyervault @tunesidig @torontoconcertvault @apileofconcerttickets @mmatusoff #thestrokes #firstimpressionsofearth #ricohcoliseum #edge102 #juliancasablancas #fabmoretti #nikolaifraiture #alberthammondjr #nickvalensi (at Ricoh Coliseum) https://www.instagram.com/p/COkc_mKNm6L/?igshid=16pnro2lws03p
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st4min4 · 3 years ago
My new VIDEO! for ‘I’m Not Sorry’, hear Edge 102.1 Toronto’s Alan Cross introduce me: https://kronis.in/edge102  
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detailnplasti · 11 years ago
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graefunk · 13 years ago
k-os - Crucial (Live Acoustic at Edge102)
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cambriomusic · 4 years ago
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Edgefest 2000! Who was there? Serial Joe are still awesome! . . . . . . . . . . . . #creed #witharmswideopen #higher #theteaparty #temptation #matthewgoodband #loadmeup #headstones #serialjoe #mistake #edge102 #edgefest #limblifter #arielvslotus #3doorsdown #pocketdwellers #nickelback @theflyervault @toronto.mike (at Molson Park Barrie Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFkAFjCAtqx/?igshid=19gq4x2v97qfp
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cambriomusic · 5 years ago
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Pretty good lineup this year! Who was there? . . . . . . . . . . . #edgefest #edge102 #cfny #billytalent #deathfromabove #silversunpickups #thesheepdogs #youngthegiant #thedirtyheads #uss #ubiquitoussynergyseeker #thepackad (at Downsview Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEE5-nopGuR/?igshid=mjr2pnhjidiq
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