galvanizedfriend · 1 year
hi love <3
I was reading TW and, I just got this idea that Eve would be an artsy kiddo, like Klaus, and since she's a toddler rn, I can't help but picture her drawing on Klaus' hand (after giving him the puppy eyes to say yes) and even if he's kinda of annoyed about the ink on his skin, he's secretly happy that his baby is into art.
sappy, ik, but still...I'm a sucker for Kleve interactions
Hi, friend!
Please don't have a TW burnout 🥲 Wouldn't want you to get sick of the story before I have a chance to finish it 😂 But about what you said, yes! It's my headcanon that Eve would be an artsy kid as well. I've added little tidbits about it here and there, like her being in the studio with Klaus, or getting a coloring kit for Christmas, and I'm certain there's more about that in what would be TW4 and will actually be TW3.5, when Eve is a little older.
As someone who was beaten and humiliated as a child because he was into painting and sculpting more than he was initially into weapons and fighting, I'm sure Klaus will be very proud to see his passion for art passing on to his child (and also have zero chill when it comes to supporting it - do you want to have a Van Gogh on your wall, baby? here, daddy will get it for you)
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galvanizedfriend · 11 months
hi bby <3 how are you? i hope things are getting better at work :(
I was wondering, do you have any headcanon about teen!Eve?
i.e. her persona, how she likes to dress, her relationships with the fam and the pack, if being a trybrid might be both good and bad for her, fav movie, color, song, etc...
I may or may not have some headcanons, if u want to know! <3
have a good day !!
Hi, friend! How's it going? Unfortunately work is still going strong and driving me crazy lol It will be like this until at least Sunday. 🥲 Sadly I have not won the lottery yet or have found out about an old rich aunt that can leave me an unexpected inheritance, so I have to work 🥲
About Eve headcanons. Tbh, I haven't thought much about teen Eve? 😂 I have talked about it with some friends in the past because they asked me if she would be like Hope and I said definitely not. The whole broody teenager would not be a thing for her.
I can see her being a Caroline++ kind of person as a teen. Caroline's personality, but dialed up because of Klaus. She would be competitive and bossy and perfectionist and definitely too smart for her own good, but she would have a bit of a temper to go with it. Not that she would be mean or evil, but just maybe too hard on herself and others. I think being Klaus' child definitely comes with a lot of anxiety too lol Particularly about being the family's precious little princess and knowing everyone has so many expectations about her. This idea that she always has to be perfect and do everything right all the time. It also can't be easy to navigate life as a Mikaelson knowing everyone basically hates your family lol I can see her getting in a few squabbles because of that 😂
I think she'd have a good relationship with everyone in the family, really. I can't see why she'd be at odds with anyone. Even the Crescents as well. I know Caroline is not a werewolf, but she makes a point of wanting Eve to be in touch with the pack so she won't grow up with the same kind of issues she witnessed with Tyler, for instance, because he didn't understand his own nature, or even Klaus, who lives in denial about what he is.
Also, I remember Hayley being very encouraging about Hope triggering her curse and turning into a wolf, just telling her about how wonderful it was, making her want to become a wolf, and I don't think Caroline would ever encourage that. lol She'd be terrified of Eve triggering the curse. I mean, you have to kill someone for that, so she'd for sure do her best to make sure Eve understood her werewolf roots, without necessarily triggering it.
It's all very basic stuff 😂 Like I said, I haven't thought much about that. But if you have headcanons, please! Share them! I'd love to hear it!
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galvanizedfriend · 1 year
hii Yokan! your favorite burden is back at it again lol.
anyway, as you know, I haven't watch TO except for those KC crumbs, so I comfortably live in denial, convinced that TW is the real TVD sequel. SO, since TW follows TO (most of the time), does that mean that Klaus will be missing for years?😭 Because my friend told me that this is pretty much what happened in S4, and I don't think I can survive this if Klaus is forced to leave Care and Eve. please, please, please, break the cycle of tortures and don't do this to me 😭😭
ANYWAY, having said that, hope you're having a great day, even after me being constantly on your tumblr, begging for mercy and for some spoilers 😋😋
Hi, friend ❤️ You're never a burden! 😤
... 🥲 What can I say? 🤷‍♀️ Yes, he'll be missing for years. But you won't actually see him missing because there will be a time jump. I don't know if that makes things better or not. 😂 All I can say is I hope the end result of him being absent for a long time is rewarding after. I intend to follow S4's plot as well, same as the other installments, but there will be one considerable difference which I won't talk about to save myself the right to some mystery with this story. Doesn't happen very often.
Sorry if that'd disappointing 🥲
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galvanizedfriend · 1 year
hi dearest <3 if I don't bother you at least once every week, the world would stop spinning, lol. BTW! I was re-reading TW (as always...oops) and... may I ask for some more dad!Klaus and mama!Caroline moments, please? SORRY IF I SOUND RUDE, but I really love their interaction with Eve, they're just so heartwarming, and now that she can actually speak, it would be a perfect time to increase their scenes together. I'm sorry if I seem arrogant 😭😭
have a wonderful day <3
You never bother me, friend ❤️
And you're not being rude either. I can say there will be more scenes of Klaus, Caroline and Eve in the 3 chapters we have left.
I don't know if you ever had the chance to read the outtakes, but it was basically all Klaroeve moments 😂 With the exception of the first one, I think, which was Klaus teaching Caroline how to feed after she turns. But anyway. I reopened it for a bit in case you wanna check it out, since I don't know when I'll be posting the next chapter.
I also don't know how long it'll be up, because I looked at it for two minutes and already saw so many things I wanna change, omfg 😂 So I make no promises, but for now, it's there.
The Wolf Outtakes
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galvanizedfriend · 11 months
⭐ the sound of settling, please! I love that fic so much. it has ALL my fav characters of tvd (even if bon is just mentioned) and it's so fluff 🥺🥺
When you look at my fics list now, it seems like fluff is all I write, but for the longest time I couldn't write fluff if my life depended on it. I was all about the angst. My first foray into a classic fluffy trope was with The Sound of Settling. I never thought I could write something like a coffee shop au lol But tbh, I had written a miserable lawyers AU before for a different fandom, so it wasn't that far off. But The Sound of Settling definitely opened a can a worms for me. Now all I can think about is writing AH fluffy romcom-ish AUs. It turned me into a completely different kind of writer.
The hardest part for me with that fic was that it was completely through Klaus' POV. I'm 100% a Caroline girl, I don't think I write Klaus' voice all that well, and I find it really hard to find his tone in an AU setting. It's so much harder to adapt Klaus into an AH universe than Caroline, for obvious reasons.
When I started writing it, it was meant to be very straightforward, but the more I wrote, the more MIkaelsons kept popping into it. Elijah, then Kol, then Rebekah. I found out that I love to include the Mikaelsons in stuff, just because. They're my favorite side characters. And I really, really love to add Elijah into the mix 😂 I didn't like Elijah at all until I started writing The Wolf, and then he became my favorite character to write.
Anyway, I don't have much to say about that one, other than I think it's a very lighthearted and fun little fic!
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galvanizedfriend · 1 year
honestly, at first I was skeptical about The Wolf. I saw how long it is and that Caroline was a witch, and I was so sure I wouldn't be able to get over the first 3 chapter, because I have the attention of a gold fish. Now? now i blocked chrome so I can check everyday if there is an update. I re-read TW II/III every single day, especially at night. I even edited it and I will do it again. this series bring me so much joy. I've already said it on Ao3 (TW lll two or one chaps after Cami became a vamp) but this is MY TO. I've never seen it and after your amazing FFs, I refuse to do it because I know If I'll do it, I will be so much disappointed since it's different from TW. Have to thanks an amazing kc editor i follow (theshipdiaries on ig) for suggesting me this piece of art. And most importantly Thank YOU, Yokan <3
Tbh I know a lot of people won't even give the story a chance either because it's too long or because they just hate The Originals 🤣 I don't blame them, I might not start it myself if I hadn't written it. I'm just happy for all the people who have given it a shot, because I know the sheer length can be intimidating, as well as the whole magical baby thing. It's even more incredible that people are still starting this story now, in 2023, so many years after the shows ended and after I started writing it. So I'm very, very grateful to readers such as yourself, who leave me comments and let me know I'm not yet screaming into the void on my own, and for the lovely folks reccing it (thank you @theshipdiaries! ❤️). That's the best form of compliment and incentive a fic writer could possibly get.
You guys are awesome, thank you so, so much! ❤️
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galvanizedfriend · 1 year
hi, it's me, I'm the problem it's me, still bothering LOL. I was wondering if you will give us an actual KC wedding? <3 I've seen you watching here and there some hints about both of them (especially Care) being ok with their unlabeled relationship, but still thinking about the wedding bells. I hope u will do it something of that kind!! <
I was just going to answer this straight out, but actually I won't. We're very close to the end of TW3 now and everything will be clear then 😂 I like to keep some secrets. 👀 But you're right, I have written many times, mostly from Caroline's POV, about how she's set herself free from the whole wedding-marriage as an aspiration thing, which to me makes sense, actually. lol And I guess there have been some stand-in moments for a "wedding" throughout the story. Not as dramatic maybe, but the symbolism was certainly there. TW2 before the binding ceremony with Jackson (to me the real ceremony in that chapter happened between Caroline and Klaus), and then at the end, when they're in Mystic Falls, before Alaric's wedding.
Anyway, don't fret, it'll all be explained soon. Though I have a feeling you guys might want to kill me 😬
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galvanizedfriend · 11 months
hi lovely <3 hope work is treating you better :(
I was wondering if you ever thought about making an outtake/chap where Care and Klaus drink each others blood? I DON'T WANT TO SOUND WEIRD, but I'm asking this because blood sharing from the vein is kinda personal (at least, that's what Damon said), SO IDK I WAS JUST kinda interested about finding out them sharing blood in a not-deadly situation?
Work is definitely not treating me better, this past weekend was the WORST, but I appreciate the feeling 😂💖 I have definitely thought about it. I'm not sure if I ever wrote anything just cause I don't remember anymore all the outtakes I wrote in the past. There might have been something.
I agree, it's a very sexy thing! Smut is definitely not my forte 😂 But bloodsharing definitely appeals to me too in this context 👀
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galvanizedfriend · 11 months
hi sweetheart!
sorry for bothering u as always, but I was wondering if we're gonna have a The Wolf / WAHNOLA this month? <3
SORRY IF IM PRESSING YOU, but, as u know, TW is my favorite FF, and Klaroeve became my comfort trio 😭😭 PLUS I'M OBSESSING OVER THE FACT THAT THERE'S GONNA BE SOME KOROLINE AND I'M A SUCKER FOR THEM (brotp ofc)
sorry sgain for bothering, have a good day darling <3
Hi, friend! Sorry it took me a lil to get to this, it's been some crazy days. 🥲
Work has been truly insane these last few weeks. I'm working crazy hours. I haven't had much time to write, so things have been coming out very slowly. I don't think I'll have a NOLA udpate this month tbh. I checked out the next chapter a couple weeks ago and it will take extensive rewriting, so I'm gonna need some time for that one.
But I will have an update for The Wolf later tonight and I will try to make some progress on the next chapter. We'll see!
Have a great weekend!
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