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ghost-y-toast-y · 5 months ago
Tango of the Tek variety (edit)
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musicarenagh · 1 month ago
Catching "Snowflakes Flight" with Edditter: A Sonic Snow Day First thought? It doesn’t sound like someone trying too hard, which is always a relief. It’s not that self-important throb you sometimes get with ambient. It’s... like catching the first snow after a summer that stretched on way too long. Remember those hazy August days? They feel like distant echoes now, don’t they? https://open.spotify.com/album/1tWE8Gn8bh0iIj8srA29wy?si=wNlwKXSzTNeet5-M87przg This single paints with sonic snow, and the whole picture is soft around the edges. Like, if Kandinsky was going through his winter whites phase. Or… or what if Van Gogh decided to trade starry nights for flurries? See, now I’m drifting… The message is quiet, and isn’t shouting about Christmas (phew). There's a kind of peaceful solitude, like being the only one awake while the world is wrapped in that cool, soft silence. You know, before the frantic unwrapping frenzy begins. Does that mean it's good? I'm not sure, maybe? It just is. [caption id="attachment_58238" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Catching "Snowflakes Flight" with Edditter: A Sonic Snow Day[/caption] It's electronic, yes. But think less glitch-rave, and more the slow, quiet hum of electricity on a cold night, kind of… comforting. Makes me want a hot chocolate and maybe a good old-fashioned paper airplane made from a Christmas carol printed on a piece of sheet music. Odd, I know. "Snowflakes Flight". A simple concept turned into a sonic daydream. I'll be pondering the way snow falls, all patterns and no purpose, tonight. I think Edditter captured something important in the falling. It makes the silence just before a storm seem suddenly… necessary. Follow Edditter on Twitter, TikTok, YouTube and Instagram.
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legosreallyarekissable · 5 months ago
YES MA’MM ‼️Yuri in dragons rising win WOOOO
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silvan-noctilum · 3 months ago
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lacavernamx · 1 month ago
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De Brasil a Berlín: Historias y paisajes sonoros que inspiran - https://wp.me/p4pCgM-6Ac
Desde Brasil, Alemania, Italia y Ucrania, artistas como Smoking Snakes, Markus Nikolaus, Edditter y Pulstoris ofrecen una diversidad de propuestas que mezclan historia, emociones y exploración sonora. Con estilos que van del metal sinfónico al indie rock, y del ambient al dark wave, sus nuevos lanzamientos cautivan con narrativas épicas, introspección y paisajes musicales innovadores.
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newindieradar · 4 months ago
Neuerscheinung: 'Evening Lights' von Edditter
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© Artwork: CTTO / Edditter
Instrumental | Ambient
Mit 'Evening Lights' von Edditter möchten wir euch eine wirklich schöne Instrumental-Komposition mit interessanten elektronischen Einflüssen präsentieren. Das Werk spiegelt klanglich die Stimmung im Artwork perfekt wider und wickelt seine Hörer in eine sanfte Melancholie ein. Ebenso erweckt es in uns eine gewisse Sehnsucht sowie Fernweh. Tatsächlich ist es eine Widmung an den großartigen Komponisten Ryuichi Sakamoto, welcher vergangenes Jahr leider verstarb. Musikalisch erwartet euch hierbei ein exzellentes Klavierarrangement, das mit sanften Synthesizer-Pads einhergeht. Besonders markant ist außerdem das begleitende Rauschen, das der Produktion einen authentischen Lofi-Charakter und einen zarten Hauch von Nostalgie mitgibt. Unglaublich entspannend, zugleich aber auch dezent mystisch angehaucht und auf schöne Weise träumerisch! Ich denke, 'Evening Lights' könnte euch mindestens so gut gefallen wie mir! Hört direkt mal rein und folgt Edditter für mehr:
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'Evening Lights' auf Spotify streamen
Edditter auf Tiktok folgen
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444names · 7 months ago
Names generated from American, French and German forenames, including the letter sequence "Dd"
Alianeddi Alierieddix Alistieddid Almuriedd Alodd Amarloddie Anceddia Andreddith Anedd Anieddiethy Anneddilia Annieddine Areinedd Auredd Aureddine...
Beccareddie Beceddia Betteddia Boddi Boddia Boddiethesl Boddin Boddistie Bodnedd Bonieddita Breddia Broddia Cencedd Cherredd Chriseredd Chryandredd Coddia Coddinda Coddinevia Codditz Coredd Coreddine Crandieddie Cyrodd Demmyrodd Dereddian Diedd Dolgabredd Doredd Eddia Eddiana Eddianie Eddiassandy Eddice Eddichlenna Eddidgann Eddien Eddierickar Eddiernoît Eddies Eddiett Eddiette Eddille Eddin Eddinanna Eddine Eddineterry Eddis Eddisannie Eddistiete Eddita Edditte Eleineddie Elheodd Eliolanedd Elliedd Ellieddia Ereddix Erieddia Faneddix Flodd Floddie Floredd Frannieddix Fredd Freddia Freddierne Freddild Freddin Freddithan Freddix Frithancedd Gennoretedd Geodd Geoddia Geoddilie Ginandredd Glauliedd Gleoddia Glodd Gottameddie Gotteddia Gradebodd Gredd Greddi Greddia Greddiane Greddid Greddie Grégieddina Gundreddie Halliedd Harstiedd Heddia Heddie Heddiel Heddienah Heddina Heodd Heredd Hieddien Horedd Idictodd Illoddise Issiedd Jacedd Janceddi Jeandreddin Jearjodd Jeffreddia Jimelauredd Joddi Joddian Joddianicas Joddianique Joddidne Joddie Joddiene Joddik Joddintondy Jodditnerta Jodditta Joredd Julaurtodd Julessiedd Jus-peddix Jusieddi Juteddin Jérômedd Kareddis Katheredd Katriedd Kiedd Kireddina Kriedd Krieddi Kureddia Lauredd Lawredd Leneddie Leoddia Leoreddin Liedd Liftodd Loddi Loddia Loddiamard Loddie Loddikat Loddine Loredd Loreddi Loreddine Lucieddier Ludreddian Lulieddick Mabetedd Mandredd Maredd Matteddia Meddi Meddia Meddicky Meddid Meddie Meddilly Meddin Meddina Meloreddie Michieddie Miedd Mieddieba Miredd Mireddia Mitaleoddie Moloddia Moreddia Moreddiaste Mélodd Naudreddie Niedd Notterreddi Oddia Oddidetthim Oddie Oddiedon Oddien Oddikt Oddin Oddine Oddinee Oddisa Oddiste Odditack Odditephel Oddithandy Odditz Oddixis Olfredd Olloddine Paurieddine Peddine Peddinevio Pieddia Raceddinès Randredd Reddia Reddianne Reddick Reddie Reddied Reddin Roberredd Roddia Roddiamyrie Roddian Roddien Roddil Roddin Roddine Roddinride Roddixie Romarrieddi Régobieddie Sandreddia Scoreddi Shardieddia Shedd Siedd Sieddi Teddiania Tenceddie Terreddie Theareddin Thedd Theoddie Toddi Toddia Toddik Tomeddi Toreddi Toroliedd Tricoredd Ulivinedd Ureddix Vaniedd Vicoddild Viebodd Wareddierna Werredditne Wiedd Wilbereddi Wilieddia Xelsamedd Érômeddien
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venranae · 4 years ago
BONUS BIRTHDAY EDDITTION: that’s right, double raccoon pics today for some reaL SPicE😎👉🏽👉🏽
happy birthday Vennybee 🥺🥺🥺🥺 here is a birthday boy to wish you a happy birthday and share some cake with you🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Thank you sm my dear🥺🥺💕 blessed TWICE by your messages today lucky me 🥰🥰 also I got the perfect vid fitting to the pic
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norteenlinea · 2 years ago
Pablo El De Las Voces presenta su disco Eddittion 2
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