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iinryer · 5 months ago
a little scene prompt game to get me writing!
from @eddiesgaymustache: “what about 3....... đŸ˜łđŸ€đŸ«  or 🌈🩭✹ ........ the world is your oyster”
[đŸ˜łđŸ€đŸ«  + 3: hiding face in neck]
“Don’t think I can’t see that!” Chim calls, sing-songy and bright, from where he’s making his way to the kitchen.
Eddie tears himself away and immediately tucks his hands under his own arms, face burning. Buck just makes a disgruntled sound from where he’s been dozing with his head tilted against the back of the sofa for the past fifteen minutes, now awoken and obviously confused.
“Oh god, what are they doing now,” Hen drops her book down from where she was reading at the table, holding her empty coffee cup up for Chim to grab over her shoulder on his way past. Despite the implication of reproach, her tone is much too gleeful for Eddie’s liking. He narrows his eyes at her. She grins lazily back at him.
“I was literally asleep!” Buck groans—whines, maybe—scrubbing at his eyes, “What did I do!”
“PDA!” Chimney shouts, head in the cabinet where he’s rummaging around, before emerging with a jar of peanut butter and continuing, “PDA is what you did!”
Hen makes a disappointed tsk tsk tsk sound, putting on an air of aloofness and pretending as though she’s already returned to reading her book when she adds, “We did have an agreement,”
“The agreement!,” Chimney echoes, clenching a fist theatrically, “is nothing sacred in this house?”
“Ugh,” Buck pouts, matching Chimney’s energy, “you’re so dramatic. We’re not allowed to sit next to each other anymore?”
Eddie sinks a little into the sofa, absolutely burning with the flush across his face.
“Sitting, I can forgive. But hand-holding?,” Chim says, closing a drawer as punctuation, “I dare say that’s a public display of affection, little brother,”
Buck’s posturing immediately melts into sleepy fondness as his gaze snaps to Eddie, and says, “Aw
 you were holding my hand?”
Which just causes Hen and Chim to break out into a chorus of gagging and groaning.
“Alright, alright,” Bobby placates from where he’s cresting the stairs to the loft, amusement clearly painted across his put-upon captain’s demeanor, “I think they have a right to a little unobtrusive hand holding,”
“Excuse you!” Chim says with mock affront, pointing with the spoonful of peanut butter he’s just scavenged, “It is my right—nay, my privilege—nay! My duty! My privileged duty, as newly minted brother, to embarrass one Evan Buckley,”
Eddie opens his mouth to argue that Buck is not the only one being embarrassed here, when Chimney directs his peanut butter scepter Eddie’s way and adds,
“And if his boyfriend gets caught in the crossfire,” he pauses for dramatic effect, before decreeing with a lofted spoon: “so be it!”
And the thing is, it’s new.
The boyfriend of it all.
And it just makes his flush blaze anew as something pleased and hungry and elated blooms so strongly and suddenly in his chest and has to fold over into Buck.
“Ohh, that got you, huh?” Buck coos, teasing and affectionate and full of love as he wraps an arm around Eddie’s shoulders, easily accepting the way Eddie tucks his face into the juncture of his shoulder and neck to hide his blush.
The heckling picks up, Buck shakes with laughter underneath him, and Eddie snakes his arm across Buck’s lap to grasp onto his hand again.
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eddiesgaymustache · 4 months ago
rip eddie's gay mustache I would have done cocaine with you and kept you alive forever
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gayeddieagenda · 5 months ago
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scene prompt game - 41: sitting close and knees touching + đŸ˜ˆđŸ»đŸŽ‡
for @eddiesgaymustache <3
“Whoa,” Buck said. “Someone’s late.”
He tilted his head back to take in the burst of light as the firework exploded overhead. Midnight had come and gone a while ago. The bar wasn’t empty yet, but it had been clearing out slowly, since the countdown and the cheering and the champagne an hour and change ago.
Hen and Karen left minutes after midnight, barely giving Buck enough time to kiss them both on the cheek. Bobby and Athena didn’t even wait for midnight; Athena announced they were celebrating on central time, kissed her husband, and said good-bye. Chimney and Maddie lasted slightly longer, but only because Buck kept trying to buy Maddie drinks and whining when she tried to remind him she had a kid to pick up from the Lees’ in the morning.
Buck and Eddie hadn’t made a move to leave.
“The year’s still new, I guess,” Eddie said.
Buck looked at him. Another firework soared through the sky and Buck watched it burst in the reflection in Eddie’s eyes.
They were the first two to the bar. After their shift let out in the afternoon, Buck drove himself home, then to Eddie’s after a shower and changing into his outfit for tonight. Eddie wasn’t dressed when Buck showed up, so Buck followed him around the house, helping him tidy and making sure Chris was actually packing his backpack for his sleepover, Buck in his dress pants and silky green button-up shirt and Eddie in his socks and t-shirt.
Buck didn’t remember the last time they had a New Year’s Eve off. The bar was Maddie’s idea, a cute rooftop bar she and Chimney found for a date night. Buck and Eddie showed up early, Eddie grabbing them a couple beers and Buck laying claim to the big booth in the corner. Eddie slid in to sit next to him, tilting one of the beers at Buck.
As the rest of the 118 and partners arrived, Buck and Eddie found themselves scooting closer and closer together to squeeze everyone in. By the time the countdown started, they were pressed together, shoulder to hip to thigh. Eddie bumped Buck’s knee with his when Buck made him laugh.
It was a fun, loud night. It was too hard for Buck or Eddie to get out of the booth once they were in it, so everyone kept bringing them drinks, more beer and complicated cocktails with fruit and umbrellas sticking out of them that Chimney insisted they try. They were a pair: Buck and Eddie, stuck together shoulder to toe, served the same drinks and answering questions for each other, Buck explaining the fight with Eddie’s neighbors about the recycling bins and Eddie answering when Karen asked why Buck texted her asking what the deal was with some article about the Webb telescope (Chris was looking for a science project).
And when everyone started to filter out, Buck and Eddie didn’t make a move to separate from each other.
Eddie knocked his knee into Buck’s. It wasn’t a particularly cool night, but Buck leaned into the warm line of Eddie’s body against his anyway.
Buck bumped his knee back. “Are you tired?”
“Nah,” Eddie said. “Not really.”
“Me neither,” Buck said.
It was a late night, but they had a lot of late nights together. Sitting in the loft at the station and waiting for something, anything to happen. Driving to a night call, when it was late enough for the traffic to finally take a break for the day. Sitting on Eddie’s couch, credits rolling across the screen, playing chicken with who would admit they needed to go to sleep first.
“I can’t believe they all went home,” Eddie said. He nodded at the empty chairs around the table without taking his eyes off Buck.
“They’re all old,” Buck said. He pressed his knee into Eddie’s again. “Not like us, right?”
Eddie laughed, low and quiet in his throat. “Not like us,” he repeated.
His smile was small, a private thing between them. His eyes were lit up with something bright and amused. Buck couldn’t stop looking at them.
The only funny moment of the evening was when the New Year’s countdown finished and the (replay) of the ball dropping played on the bar TVs and the fireworks started exploding over the heads. It was only then that Buck remembered, with sudden, startling clarity, that he and Eddie were the only single ones at this little party. Everyone yelled zero and screamed and cheered and the couples at the table all turned to kiss each other—all except Buck and Eddie.
It was fine. It was minute, not even, and then Buck was smacking a kiss on Hen’s cheek and trying to get Chimney lean close enough for him to kiss him on the forehead. It was nothing, except, for a second, everyone was kissing and Buck and Eddie were looking at each other. For a second, it was just the two of them.
Kind of like now.
“It freaks me out sometimes,” Buck said quietly. “New Year’s. I get this feeling like, I don’t know. Like I’m waiting for something.”
“Waiting for wait?”
Buck shook his head. “I don’t know.”
Eddie was so warm against him. They were both in short sleeves. Their elbows were touching, bare skin on bare skin.
“The future?” Eddie offered.
“I guess,” Buck said. “Sometimes it’s like, I know it’s all right around the corner. But I don’t know what it is, or where the corner is, or how I’m going to get there.”
Eddie hums. “I get that,” he said. “Sometimes—sometimes, there’s things I want, but they feel so far away. I want them, and I don’t know how I’m ever going to get to them.”
“Things like what?” Buck said.
“Lots of things,” Eddie said quietly.
"Name one," Buck insisted.
Buck looked at him. Eddie looked back. Somewhere out in the bar, someone was calling for their friend over the music. Buck didn’t hear it at all.
"Buck," Eddie said quietly.
"Eddie," Buck parroted.
Eddie pressed his knee into Buck’s. He had a look in his eyes that Buck couldn’t read at all—unless he just meant what it looked like. Unless he just meant, this.
“What kind of things, Eddie?” Buck asked.
Overhead, a firework burst into sparkling blues and golds. Buck felt the boom in his chest. Eddie’s eyes flicked up to the sky, then back to Buck’s.
“Happy New Year, Buck,” he said, and leaned in.
Eddie kissed him. Under the dark sky of the new year, at an empty table an hour and change after midnight—Eddie set one hand on the back of Buck’s neck, gentle. 
Buck kissed him back. He got lost in it in a second, in all the places Eddie was touching him, the press of his fingertips on Buck’s neck and his mouth on Buck’s mouth and their knees, knocking close under the table. He’d chosen Eddie’s cologne for him tonight, a task Eddie set to keep him busy while he second-guessed his outfit, picking through the options on the top of his dresser until he found one he liked. Buck could smell it now.
Buck blinked his eyes open when they separated. He wouldn’t have been surprised if the bar had closed around them, or the sun had come up. They could have been kissing for an hour, two hours, a day. Instead, he just saw Eddie, looking back at him with something bright in his eyes.
Eddie took a slow breath in. Quietly, he asked, "Am I too late?"
“No,” Buck said. He didn’t know when this started—a week ago, six months, seven years, longer. He couldn’t remember when he’d started hoping for this, and he couldn’t imagine ever stopping wanting it. “Never.”
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try-set-me-on-fire · 2 months ago
Tagged by @homerforsure for the first wip Wednesday of the year! Here’s some of the buck goes home for the holidays fic i did not in fact finish during the holidays. Alas! Here’s to creativity and the time to peruse it in the new year!
“So you’re bisexual,” Philip nods, with the confidence of someone who watches a lot of vaguely progressive television shows with a lot of vaguely progressive plot lines and a couple of new vocabulary words for the middle aged. He drops the word so casually like it doesn’t still send a swoop of fear through Buck’s gut, because he doesn't live in a television show, and his life has never felt so cut and dried and definable. He thinks, as he so often does, a silent apology to Tommy, because he knows he was still kind of weird and nervous on dates with him six months in. Maybe he wouldn’t want to date himself either. Maybe he is bad at being- queer, bi, whatever. Maybe Hen was wrong when she said people come to this at their own pace, and he doesn’t need to find a label immediately or ever, and there’s no passing grade in homosexuality he has to achieve. He’s always struggled with things he wasn’t immediately good at, and it's throwing him off more than he’d care to admit to find out one of those things is, like, a whole part of who he is, and he kind of wants to call the whole “men” thing off and go find a pretty girl to date because it seems way easier and safer, but that makes him feel like a coward, and he’s spent a few embarrassing evenings since the breakup sat in his jeep for an hour or two trying to will up the courage to drive to a rainbow covered club over in WeHo, but the only one he knows is the one Tommy took him to and he always ended up shuffling back up to the loft for fear of running into him and his new, hypothetical, vastly experienced gay boyfriend who understands everything about himself perfectly.
But that’s all too much to explain to a man who’s been happily heterosexually married since the 70s, so. “Yeah.”
Tagging @colonoscopys @iinryer @bigfootsmom @shitouttabuck @wildehacked @butchdiaz @eddiesgaymustache @eddiebabygirldiaz @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @devirnis to share something from a wip or just an idea you want to work on this year!
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lamardeuse · 3 months ago
I have had enough of crime
by lamardeuse
911 || Buck/Eddie, Eddie & Josh Russo || Rated PG || c. 8000 words
Written for @eddiesgaymustache from their prompt for @911actions.
me choosing this prompt: this will be a fun little chance to tap out a quick scene with josh and eddie me over 8000 words later: ummmmmm my hand slipped?
The thing was, Josh almost didn't recognize him when he showed up at Dispatch early on a Saturday morning. But then:
A) he was just finishing an overnight shift from hell thanks to one of the new managers deciding to elope and move to Dubuque at a moment's notice (honestly, who fucked off to Iowa at a moment's notice? Straight people, that's who), and he was exhausted, cranky and criminally undercaffeinated;
B) this was still an improvement over last Saturday morning, which he spent moving his now ex's crap out of their apartment because he was helpful like that and also because Derek would complain to all their friends if he didn't, and he'd put his back out moving the ugly antique couch he'd always loathed;
C) Eddie Diaz was wearing a Freddie Mercury mustache like a Castro clone from the Seventies who had stepped into a time machine and landed right in front of Josh like some vision of idealized queerness.
It was a lot, was all he was saying.
read the rest at the AO3
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half-bakedboy · 6 months ago
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Jee Yun and Eddie playing princesses inspired by one single static frame by signetsealed on AO3.
A gift to @gayeddieagenda from @eddiesgaymustache for @911Actions đŸ€—đŸ„°
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meepmoopdraws2 · 5 months ago
Complicated Creation - Eddie Diaz
Prompt submission from @eddiesgaymustache for @iinryer
This is a prompt fill for the @911actions gotcha for 🍉 fundraiser. Submissions have closed but you can still support the families here
I haven’t made an edit since January. My audio spazzed out when I exported it, and the timing of my captions ran away for some reason cause I swear it WAS fine
 anyway I love this song too much I had to.
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incelrorschach · 5 months ago
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Eddie and Snoopy for @gayeddieagenda, prompt submitted by @eddiesgaymustache
This is a prompt fill for @911Actions. Submissions are closed but please keep supporting families and people in Palestine!
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butchdiaz · 6 months ago
tags <3
@diazisms @chronicowboy @goldenbcnes @poughkeepsies @faethfigueroth
@eddiebabygirldiaz @mustachediaz @exhuastedpigeon @sibylsleaves @cranberrymoons
@hunybody @eddiesfagstache @wellcollapse @maddiebuckettebuckley @buckgettingstruck
@eddiegettingshot @nicolegendary @buckevanley @heterosexistly @oneawkwardcookie
@chaoticeddie @eddiesgaymustache @team-118 @gayeddieagenda @faggotjonesss
leave tonight or live and die this way
1k, dyke buddie. on lesbianism + shaving ur head
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art by @iinryer + @try-set-me-on-fire !!! LOOK AT THEM !!!!!
When Eddie was a kid, she hated haircuts. Or more accurately, she was terrified of them. She would refuse to go to the salon until her split ends could be seen from across the room, and even then her parents would drag her kicking and screaming. "It's just hair," her mom always said, "It will grow back. And, actually it will grow faster if you get it trimmed regularly." It was sound logic. Logic that even eight year old Eddie could wrap her head around. But she didn't know how to explain that every time she got even the tiniest trim, she felt the loss for days. That she would run her fingers through her hair and keep going past where it ended, and it felt like sand falling through her fingers, and it hurt.  Now, she's sitting on a stool in the bathtub to try and minimize the mess, and Buck is behind her holding the razor high, like a weapon, or a flag of truce.  "Ready?" She asks. Eddie nods, "Let's fucking do this."
read on ao3
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iinryer · 6 months ago
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yes your son is asking to cut in. no neither of you can leave. this is a three person waltz now, keep up!
buck and eddie dancing with chris at their wedding, for my darlingest dearest @eddiesgaymustache 😚💕
this is a prompt fill with the @911actions gotcha for gaza—the submission period has come to an end, but you can still donate to a good cause!
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try-set-me-on-fire · 6 months ago
It’s Sunday here are some sentences

 @eddiesgaymustache @eddiebabygirldiaz @bigfootsmom @shitouttabuck @homerforsure @iinryer @colonoscopys if you have any sentences to share

They drive home together after the earthquake. To Eddie's house. It's not home yet at this point in time but it will be shortly, and it's so much his home it's like an infection, spreading back to this moment so it's true even then. Christopher talks about dinosaurs and dogs and how boy deers are called bucks.
“Boy rabbits, too,” Buck grins in the rear view at an adorable, astonished little face.
Chris is asleep by the time they reach the househome but Eddie nods Buck inside anyway, puts his kid to bed and brings a couple of beers out to the couch.
“Is LA always like this?” He laughs a little around the question, tired.
“Like what?”
Eddie shrugs. “Grenades and earthquakes.”
“I had to climb up a roller coaster, once,” Buck says. “And a plane crashed in the ocean.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows, laughs again, nervous this time. It's wild that he can be nervous. Buck didn't think he was capable of it. He's so human, suddenly, sitting here in a half dark living room, a real person who exists who could be Buck's friend.
“Do you want my house keys?” He asks, at the same time Eddie asks “How did those go?”
“What?” Eddie asks, and “People died. Bobby almost drowned,” Buck says.
“Jesus,” Eddie says. “Do I want your house keys?”
“In case something happens,” Buck says.
“Grenades and earthquakes,” Eddie says.
And car crashes. A boy dog is called a dog, as far as he knows. “Mhm.”
Eddie sighs. Not put upon, just, like, a heavy exhale. “Sure. I'll make you a spare.”
“I asked you if you were in love with him.” There's a devastated wrinkle to Tommy's mouth, a heartbroken furrow in his brow. “Months ago, I asked you-”
“I'm sorry,” the bad dog whines. “I'm so sorry, I didn't know-”
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iinryer · 4 months ago
a little scene prompt game to get me writing!
from @eddiesgaymustache : prompt 2 cheddy boogaloo: 10, đŸ“šđŸ˜đŸ„‚
bonus visuals if you want to know how i picture them [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
[now on ao3]
[đŸ“šđŸ˜đŸ„‚ + cheddy + 10: spooning at night]
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
Teddy looks up from the glass she’s pouring, blinks at Chuck, blinks again, and says, “What,”
Chuck blinks back at her, stalling out like they’re playing back what they said, before suddenly snorting into their drink and having to hold a hand under their chin to save their shirt from falling victim to rogue rosĂ©.
Teddy watches them fondly, raising her brow and waiting for Chuck to try again.
“No, wait, not like—,” Chuck laughs, waving their hand like they’re clearing the question from the record, “I meant like
 when you were little, who did you think you were going to be?”
Teddy shakes her head, endeared, and says faux-wistfully, “I dunno. I think as a kid I always envisioned myself getting to go by Teo when I left home,”
Teo, unfortunately, did not fly. Not only was it deemed too boyish by her mom, but it was also her Abuelo’s nickname of choice—who she was named after, by the way. So it was either nothing or Dora—which, to this day, still makes her feel like she’s breaking out in hives. Teddy came later though, when she ran track in high school. One of the girls she got close with that year called out to her with it during practice, and it just stuck. It’s not Teo, but she’s grown quite fond of it.
At the mention of the name, though, Chuck brightens, straightening up from where they’d been trying to set the bottle and nearly empty glass safely on the floor from the bed, and says, so earnestly it’s almost comical, “I call you Teo!”
Teddy barks out a laugh. Okay. So Chuck is maybe a little deeper into the bottle of rosĂ© than she is. She just nods, acquiescing, “You sure do, rockstar,”
Chuck just tips their head—followed by their torso—to the side like it weighs too much, grinning from ear to ear. They end up toppling down the rest of the way, the side of their face smushed into the pillow at Teddy’s hip.
They grin up at Teddy, body folded awkwardly but looking pleased as punch about it, before scrunching up their nose and saying, “Okay, for real this time. What did little Teodora Vásquez want to be when she grew up?”
Teddy makes a face, and flicks Chuck’s forehead, “Don’t government-name me, you ass,”
Laughter bubbles up from their chest, followed by a snort that should really be unflattering, but somehow never is.
“Dunno,” Teddy eventually sighs, wine-heavy in her own way, absently curling her finger through an errant lock of Chuck’s hair, “I think I always thought I’d be a doctor or something like that. Something helpful,”
Chuck’s eyes, glazed and unfocused with alcohol, go wide and adoring, “You are. You are helpful,”
Teddy hums on a smile. Takes a prolonged sip from her glass.
“And! You’ll be even more helpful once you pass your paramedic cert next month,” they add, conspiratorially, nodding over at the textbooks that Teddy abandoned on the nightstand earlier in the evening, like it’s a sure thing. Their confidence always makes Teddy’s heart feel warm and full, “and that’s like, basically a doctor, right? Look at you! Growing up to be the thing you wanted,”
“Yeah, I guess so,” Teddy snorts, then sighs. It is a thought she’s had in the past. That maybe all the time she spent in and out of hospitals growing up would actually land her somewhere good. Somewhere useful. Worthwhile.
“You’re the coolest,” Chuck adds, one uncoordinated finger coming up to poke Teddy in the chin.
Or maybe it just landed her here, who-knows-how-many glasses of wine deep into Chuck’s mattress, during a 48-off. Heavy, slow. Happy.
Maybe, somehow, it’s the same thing.
“Yeah yeah, says the Wunderkind,” Teddy laughs, swatting the hand out of her face before she finally wiggles her way to slide down further against the headboard, getting settled with her cheek in hand and elbow propped up on the pillow next to Chuck, looking down at them, “What about you, huh? What did the little cherub-faced Beverly Charlton want to be when they grew up?”
Between one breath and the next, Chuck gets a faraway look in their eye—almost like they weren’t expecting to have their own question sent back around. Knowing them, they maybe weren’t.
Teddy watches their lashes flutter, something somber pulling across their face like a wave. For a moment, she’s worried she shouldn’t have pulled the full name out, even in jest—but then Chuck is swallowing harshly and taking a breath.
Their eyes stay trained on the ceiling past Teddy’s head when they say, “Loved, I think,”
Teddy feels her own expression collapse, a wounded sound in her throat.
Then, with a with a gasp of a breath through their nose, it’s like Chuck comes back to themself; sitting upright so suddenly they almost collide with Teddy.
Chuckling awkwardly, they clear their throat, “Sorry, sorry, that wasn’t—I didn’t mean
 um. Didn’t mean for that to sound so pathetic,”
Teddy doesn’t like that Chuck’s back is to her.
“Chuck,” she says.
Chuck hesitates for a moment before peering sheepishly back over their shoulder.
Teddy gives her best pleading eyes and pout, sets her glass on the nightstand with her coursework, and just reaches her newly freed hand out to Chuck, wiggling her fingers for good measure.
Chuck looks a little watery, but it seems like that’s all the permission they need before they’re collapsing back down at Teddy’s side, letting her arrange the two of them however she pleases.
They’ve done this enough over the years for it to not be too odd, as long as she doesn’t think about it too hard. How much she likes having Chuck close like this. How Chuck lets her, every time. So Teddy tucks them together, back to chest, arms wrapped around Chuck’s middle. Reaches over them to fumble with the lamp to turn out one of the two dim lights they’d had on, and settles.
They lay quietly for a while, just breathing, before Teddy finds the courage to murmur, sleepy and slow to the back of Chuck’s neck, “You did too,”
A beat of quiet. Then Chuck hums in question.
“You said I grew up to be the thing I wanted to be as a kid,” Teddy mumbles, teetering on the edge of sleep, “You did too,”
Chuck doesn’t say anything else, but Teddy feels the sniffle in their chest, and she doesn’t say anything either. Just squeezes a little tighter, and lets sleep come for them both.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 3 months ago
Tagged by @rewritetheending and @eddiebabygirldiaz for fuck it Friday. Toying with a Buck goes to visit his parents during the holidays idea?
So when he somehow isn’t scheduled for a shift on Christmas, even after he specifically said he’d be fine working and went as far as volunteering to cover anyone who wanted to trade and no one took him up on it, he thought: I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to be alone here. And he’d looked up flights to Peru, and Montana, and places he’d never been before, but he didn’t really want to be alone any of those places either. And he realized wherever he went — except maybe Texas, though Eddie’s eyes had been so sad and stressed when he’d half floated the idea that he’d back tracked immediately — the alone part wouldn’t change. And, like, whatever, maybe he shouldn’t have leaned into the pit in his gut that opened up, maybe he still should have gone someplace warm and, like, spent a week drinking piña coladas and getting tan. Sunburnt. Tan. But he didn’t do that. He was scrolling fucking Expedia Dot Com in his cold stupid loft all by himself at 3 am and thought well, if I’m going to be miserable, might as well do it someplace miserable.
He gets a flight to Pennsylvania. The first place he was supposed to call home.
Tagging @iinryer @bigfootsmom @eddiesgaymustache @homerforsure @hotshotsxyz @butchdiaz @colonoscopys if ya wanna
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try-set-me-on-fire · 6 months ago
Tagged by @eddiebabygirldiaz for fuck it Friday! Going to put it under a cut for pet death and the Wells situation, so I'll put my tags up here: @iinryer @bigfootsmom @shitouttabuck @eddiesgaymustache @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove
A dog- 
Some guy on a rollercoaster doesn’t take Buck’s hand. Lets go of Buck’s hand. He doesn’t really remember if they actually touched, if he felt the warmth of a palm or sweat on fingers. He hit the ground hard and very far away. It’s funny — not haha — that rollercoasters have cars. 
They kept talking after they fucked. Him and the therapist. She asked him more stuff. His tongue felt all weird and numb as he talked. Where'd you grow up Pennsylvania, what did your parents do they were teachers, what was your childhood like it was fine I don't know I guess it was fine, did you have any traumatic experiences uh I don't know, any losses I had a brother, how did he die what, how did your brother die?
Buck blinks. “I didn't have a brother. I-” he blinks again. “I had a dog.” He swallows around his buzzing teeth, licks his dry lips. “He got hit by a car.”
This is when he thinks about the rollercoaster car thing. After the therapist, when he's in the bathroom naked but instead of getting in the shower he's just kind of standing there breathing weird. Laughing. Not really laughing. It's not really funny. 
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try-set-me-on-fire · 4 months ago
Tagged by @eddiebabygirldiaz and @rewritetheending in the last line tag game! I think it was this from werewolf buck?
All this to say: Bobby knew Buck had passed exactly 43 minutes before his celebratory text hit the group chat.
Tagging @hotshotsxyz @eddiesgaymustache @homerforsure @iinryer @shitouttabuck @colonoscopys @wildehacked @butchdiaz
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try-set-me-on-fire · 6 months ago
Tagged by @eddiebabygirldiaz for seven sentence Sunday! I don’t have much new to share so I’m just going to post a screen shot of the autobiography twine game

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Tagging @shitouttabuck @bigfootsmom @rewritetheending @homerforsure @eddiesgaymustache @iinryer @ anyone who wants to share something! Old or new, do some self promo, brag a little! I’ve barely had time to look for fics lately what have you done recently what are the recs
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