bookofmormonmemes · 5 years
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Okay I don’t expect you to write this but imagine It/asoue au. What do the Baudelaires and quagmires see? How does their knowledge and resourcefulness help them? Who’s the biggest skeptic? The possibilities, fam.
Okay so first off, someone actually has written an ASOUE/IT AU! @weirdthoughtsandideas has written The Unfortunate Losers, and while I haven’t read it yet, I’ve heard from everyone else it’s really good! Definitely check it out! 
I will mention that I did make a gifset for a potential Unfortunate Gen in IT AU about a year ago (May 4 2018) so I do have some ideas of my own that I’m gonna go ahead and put under the cut. 
Again, haven’t read TUL, so any similarities are coincidences. 
Okay SO here’s what I’d have for setup: 
The Quagmires have been in Derry for a few years with their parents. Fiona’s been living near the lake with her Stepdad (her brother’s away for work). Carmelita is from the rich side of town, Friday is from the poorer side. 
Quigley and Duncan had been collecting stories from Derry for a while, convinced that there was something that made the adults not give a shit about the kids. 
A few months-a year before the story begins, the Quagmire Fire happens. Quigley escapes with severe burns, hiding in the woods because he’s scared of the uncaring adults. After a while, Fiona finds him, and once he swears her to secrecy, she hides him in an old underground clubhouse and treats his wounds. 
Duncan and Isadora eventually find him after Fiona says some cryptic shit and they follow her. They also agree not to tell anyone, but for more practical reasons; they’ve been placed under the care of Count Olaf, who is a right bastard and they don’t want Quigley getting hurt. 
A little bit before the story begins, the Baudelaire parents die in an accident and they’re also placed under Olaf’s care. 
Alright now after that here are the story beats I know I want:
The Quags sneak out to visit Quigley and get followed by the Baudelaires. This is how they all become acquainted with Quigley and Fiona. 
Friday is either our Georgie (rip) or she’s the one who gets captured like Bev in the 2017 film. 
Carmelita might fill a vaguely Henry Bowers role but idk if I want to make her irredeemable so maybe redemption? idk tho
Duncan and Quig are our conspiracy theorists who figure out about the clown first, though Sunny “I tried to bite a Demon Clown” Baudelaire certainly helps. 
Possible implication that the ATWQ gang fought IT twenty-seven years ago. 
And of course the best part: the FEARS 
Violet gets Beverly’s fear, mainly due to Count Olaf’s… unwanted attention. She also get Bev’s haircut because the scene of her hair shooting out of the drain before blood spurts out… iconic!! So, yeah, she gets a bloody bathroom scene. 
Klaus gets the clown taking the form of his dead parents, or the form of a dying Violet or Sunny, telling him that he’s worthless and stupid and nobody will ever love him. He also gets the creepy Clown Doll Room that Richie got in 2k17. 
Sunny has no fear gets the werewolf bc why not. 
Duncan and Isadora share a fear; the fire that killed their parents, and the memory of their parents struggling to get to them while dying. (Like Mike in the 2017 film). Sometimes Pennywise tortures them more by taking the form of a dying, burned Quigley. 
Quigley gets darkness; he’s surrounded by a pitch blackness, and he can’t see what’s around him or find his way anywhere. All he can see, after several panicked minutes, is the glowing eyes coming towards him, before his siblings show up. 
Fiona gets drowning. She’s alone in a room in her house when a leak starts, so she puts a bucket under it and continues on. But then another leak starts, and then another, and soon the room is flooding. She can’t get the door open, nobody can hear her, and the room is filling. As she starts losing her ability to float, she starts seeing this strange shape coming towards her, with glowing eyes… and then her stepfather opens the door, asking why on earth she was shouting, and he can’t see the water. 
Carmelita gets isolation. Nobody can see or hear her, and after a while, she can’t see or hear anyone. Then the room starts closing in, crushing her. 
Friday gets the Leper; someone who “didn’t listen to their parents” and “rocked the boat”, and thus is diseased and dying and chasing her, trying to get her to rock the boat. 
Also one last note
Should we have a “27 years later they come back” storyline, everyone slowly starts to remember… except Sunny. Because she was like. a fucking infant. She is very pissed she got called to this weirdass town when she could be working in her kitchen and chilling with her girlfriend and she is 100% convinced that everyone else was just on drugs the whole time. 
Sunny: Oh my God, shut up, there is no demon clown, you all were just super high. Violet: Sunny there’s literally a mummy right behind you Sunny, barely glancing behind her at the giant-ass scary mummy: That’s just how Maine is
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asexualarchivist · 5 years
I don’t remember when I started following you or when you turned into a tma blog or if you always have been and I followed you on accident but I have tma a go and I’m a little over halfway through season one and I’m big obsessed thank you for your service
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earlgraytay · 5 years
Beginner doll repainter and I can’t stop thinking about how you described Barbie rapunzel ken as a balding dentist. It so accurate and every time I see a ken repainted or otherwise I’m just like ... balding dentist
All Kens are trying their best.
Some of their bests are... not as good as others...
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puccafangirl · 5 years
Since sts is such a small dedicated group I was thinking about making a group chat for it and a little bit other aardman things but mainly sts would you be interested??
Sure! I mean I’m part of the Shaun the Sheep Discord group chat so would that count maybe? :D
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cowboyjimkirk · 7 years
do you have any short fluffy spirk fic recs?
Ahh, I’m a loser who really loves fic but doesn’t actually read that much for Anxiety Reasons™. :// 
So I’ll just link you to someone else’s fic list [x], which has a fluff section. And anything written by discospock [x] is very fluffy and good.
Sorry I can’t be more help! If any of my followers want to send in recs, I’d be happy to publish them!
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magicalshopping · 7 years
question: i dont know shit abt jefree star but what has he done? i listened to like 2 of his songs in like 2013 and i know he has a makeup line but whatd he do??
He’s had a history for being blatantly racist and overall rude - harassing people, bullying fans, threatening and/or performing violent acts on people (mainly women, as he’s very misogynistic), and in a video made 10 years ago he’s said he’ll throw battery acid on a black girl’s face to lighten her skin (note: this wasn’t towards any black girl in particular, it was a comedy skit but still just as offensive). There’s also cases where he’s went after smaller indie brands, ignore customer complaints, and if he did give the customer complaints attention it would be him bullying or blocking them. At one point he’s even harassed an 18 yr old girl that found hair in her highlighter from the brand and claimed she was lying about everything. There’s more details to these stories and entire list of more stories but this is just the watered down summary of it all. 
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little-pp · 5 years
Url change
Eddiesarm-> mooncooker
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eddiekasp · 7 years
hi , im new to the it fandom. are there any good It or reddie blogs you'd recommend?
hey!! there are so many awesome It/reddie blogs that include but are not limited to: @stanleyuriis @eddiesbadbreak @milevenmirkwood @bevvie-marsh @richie-tmt @reddie-eddie-spaghettie @trashmouthrichie @thelosers-club @fucktomrogan @eddiespaghettii @deloresthegreat @beepsrichie @richiegoldfarb @reddie-trashetti @eddiesarm @none-georgie-with-left-bill @arcadetozier @grownups-are-the-real-monsters @bevvie-darling @mikehanlons-sheep @punnywise @eddiekaspbraks @eddiekaspbrakin @victor-criss @losers-club-58 @7-losers-and-a-clown @lesbeverly @stanley-uris @peenywise @georgiedenbroughs @biilldenbrough @stan-theman-uris @justa-fangirl @theluckyseven @reddieforitenjoy these awesome blogs and the fandom!!
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cowboyjimkirk · 7 years
i had a dream jim bones and spock were ghost hunting and the whole time spock was looking for a logical explanation and jim was screaming at everything like listen spock tHATis a g h o s t i f i ever did see one. bones was pretty sure smth as off but hes pretty sure the water faucet leaking isnt a spirits way of contacting them. also i think scotty found the ghost and it was just the unicorn dog all along. thought youd enjoy my dumb dream.
Omfg, that’s great. Honestly, I would 100% be Jim in that scenario. I mean, ghosts aren’t real and blah blah blah, but who even knows what kind of weird stuff you’d find on the edge of charted space??? Spock should really have a more open mind, given all the weird shit they’ve seen. But I’m glad the unicorn dog was still alive and kicking in your dream. That dog deserved better.
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dm-eddie · 7 years
whats up w black mirror everyones shook abt it but idk what its abt to tell if i want to know or not?
So black mirror is like a really weird show. but every episode is completely different and its own thing. and each episode has left me with a “wow” and they each make you think. its kind of creepy but in the sense that “wow this stuff could happen”
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little-pp · 5 years
URL gaygromit -> eddiesarm
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