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eddiebrvck-blog · 6 years ago
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don’t you know I'm no good for you
i've learnt to lose, you can’t afford to
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moonshineholland · 6 years ago
Locked myself out
Sooo,, I forgot the password into my old account @eddiebrvck so here I am🤷🏼‍♀️😂
It’s been so long since I’ve been on here that I need to figure out how to make a master list again & get back to writing😂
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eddiebrvck-blog · 6 years ago
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the boys, the girls, they all like carmen
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eddiebrvck-blog · 6 years ago
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my philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice
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eddiebrvck-blog · 6 years ago
R E Q U E S T: prompt: bonfire heart by james blunt (song one shot for tom)? i just discovered you and omg you're amazing (@brokenheartsauthor) 
A / N: thank you so much for this request my lovely! It’s been such a long time since I've heard this song and you reminded me of my love for it☺️ happy bonfire night everyone & remember to say safe if you’re going to a display or doing your own fireworks! 
W A R N I N G S: does cheesy af fluff count as a warning?
your mouth is a revolver firing bullets in the sky 
your love is like a soldier, loyal till you die
and I’ve been looking at the stars for a long, long time
i’ve been putting out fires all my life
everybody wants a flame, but they don’t want to get burnt
and today is our turn
tom found himself tapping his foot against the rough carpet of the flight lounge, no doubt irritating some of the other passengers. it had been for months since he’d been home, four months since he left you in your apartment all alone. the emotions were too much for him that day, he knew you were the one, you were just about in his grasp but then he had to go, he had no choice. he wasn’t breaking up with you, you weren’t even “official” yet but he had to leave and, ultimately it was a bump in the road of your ever blossoming relationship. it was a test you knew you both had to face, could you manage and more importantly, could you hold on. 
for what felt like the 1000th time that morning he checked the flight board and listened patiently for the announcement that he could finally get on the plane. he had already decided that the best way to get through the long flight would be to sleep, refresh himself as much as possible before seeing you, if he didn’t sleep he’d only torture himself about whether you really still felt the same or whether you were keeping up an act so as not to break his fragile heart.
days like these lead to
nights like this leads to
love like ours
you light the spark in my bonfire heart
people like us we don’t
need that much just someone that starts
starts the spark in our bonfire hearts
you’d watched the clock for hours waiting for him to come and see you so that you could touch him again, excited to have a real face-to-face conversation and when he knocked on the door you couldn’t have jumped up from the couch fast enough. “I’ve missed you so bloody much!” Tom tried his best to hide his shock, his face buried in your neck as your arms squeezed him as close as you could- he wasn’t expecting those words to come tumbling out of your mouth.
“you have?” 
you leaned back to see his face.
“of course, its been torture, i haven’t laughed the same since you left”
this world is getting colder, strangers passing by
no one offers you a shoulder, no one looks you in the eye
but I’ve been looking at you for a long, long time
just trying to break through, trying to make you mine
everybody wants a flame, they don’t want to get burnt
well today is our turn
that night tom took you to a bonfire, as tired as he was he knew he needed to give you the time together that you needed and deserved. You stood and watched the colours explode in the sky, hand in hand as he rubbed circles into your cold skin. there’d been girls before you, but it never worked out, citing their reasons for breaking up as his work “getting in the way”, with you though, he knew now that you’d never leave, you’d both passed the test and nothing could ever come close to the way you felt now.
“i love you.��� he mumbled into your hair, standing behind you know with his arms around you, keeping you warm and safe.
“i love you too.”
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eddiebrvck-blog · 6 years ago
S E R I E S’
1. n e w r u l e s (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
summary: university, a chance for new adventures, moving into a new city, meeting new people and pushing your limits. but when you try out something new for freshers week, you don’t expect to be the talk of your apartment and��the entire uni.
💕this series is my first bit of proper writing on here and i'm so happy to be writing it with my best friend @tomsh0lland💕
1. C H I N U P B U T T E R C U P 
harrison comforts you after being rejected for a job.
2. B O N F I R E H E A R T 
a cute lil tom drabble based on james blunts’ bonfire heart.
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eddiebrvck-blog · 6 years ago
A-Z tag game
I was tagged by @tomhollanders2013
thanks for tagging me hun!
rules: answer the question in a new post and tag ten blogs
a - age: 18
b - birthplace: preston
c - current time: 23:38
d - drink you last had: pepsi max
e - easiest person to talk to: my grandma
f - favourite songs: i mean i could write like a book on my favourite songs (maybe I can do a text post if you guys wanna get into them all lol) but at the moment i'd say, bad time- sabrina carpenter, you know me too well- nothing but thieves and without you- halsey
g - grossest memory: I can’t really think of anything too gross but I guess the time I ripped the back of my ankle open was pretty gross just because it was weird to look at
h - horror yes or horror no: yes! for the pure genius of like the makeup and special effects but also no because they’re predictable and boring
i - in love: not with anyone i know personally 
j - jealous of people: if you mean jealous of peoples outfits and things that they can wear better than I ever will then, ya
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: umm love at first sight pls
m - middle name: jasmine
n - number of siblings: two stepsisters
o - one wish: to move somewhere that has more opportunities for me
p - person you last called: my friend, ellie
q - questions you’re always asked: people don't talk to me lol (just kidding but idk really) (it’s not so much of a question but like old people and people my mum knows from b before she had me always go, “doesn’t she have such a lovely hair colour”) 
s - song you last sang: ball for me- post malone ft nicki minaj 
t - time you woke up: not a clue
u - underwear colour: black
v - vacation destination: literally anywhere in the world but new york is definitely up there
w - worst habit: picking at scabs yikes 
x- x-rays: i’ve had teeth x-rays and a spine x-ray
y - your favourite food: hmm, I love mexican so probably quesadillas yum
z - zodiac sign: aquarius 
tags: @tomsh0lland @mjwatson @tomshaz @hazhasmycoffee @screamholland @madmadmilk @hollandroos @pumpkinlungs @kayascodelorio @bi-writes
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eddiebrvck-blog · 6 years ago
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eddiebrvck-blog · 6 years ago
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eddiebrvck-blog · 6 years ago
hey guys,
so I've decided to start accepting writing requests! I’m used to writing about Tom and Harrison with @tomsh0lland but feel free to send anything in and I'll let you know if I can write it or not. I'll be honest I'm not the best/quickest writer in the world but I'd love to have a little go at writing some things for you guys! 
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eddiebrvck-blog · 6 years ago
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mood for the rest of the week🍹
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eddiebrvck-blog · 6 years ago
send asks/requests?
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