#eddie munson x trans!reader
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seidenbros · 2 years ago
Rules: Share the first line of ten of your most recent fanfics and then tag ten people. Don't have ten? Not to worry, just share what you have.
Thank you for the tag @bambirex 💚💚
If someone had told Steve Harrington years ago that he would one day earn his money with baking, he would have probably called them crazy. (Sweet Temptations | AO3 | Baker!Steve x Reader)
Living with you was the best and worst thing for Eddie. (It's Written in the Stars | AO3 | Eddie x Reader for @newlips milestome celebration)
Ever since being pushed up against the wall of that boathouse by Eddie, Steve Harrington wasn’t the same anymore. (Hypnotising Hands | AO3 | utter Steddie smut)
Steve looked up from the book he was holding in his hands when he heard a knock on the door. (Home Is Where the Heart Is | AO3 | established Steddie in 2001)
Of course, Eddie had remembered the name of the book and had gotten it the day after you all had hung out together. (Don't Panic, I'm a Mechanic - Part 2: The Book | Mechanic!Eddie x Shy!Plussize!Reader - Modern AU)
“Ladies and gentleman, please remain seated and fasten your seatbelts. We’re approaching a-” The voice was replaced by cracking sounds, followed by static. (Pancakes for Dinner | AO3 | Steddie love confession)
The unmistakable sound of a motorcycle made your ear perk up. (Don't Panic, I'm a Mechanic - Part 1: Lover's Lake | Mechanic!Eddie x Shy!Plussize!Reader - Modern AU)
A soft touch to your shoulder, but you only curled in on yourself more, squeezing your eyes shut. (Just Take My Hand | established Steve x Reader)
Eddie knows that something is wrong, that something is going on in that pretty head of yours, but he cannot figure out what it is. (Trust | Eddie x Trans!Reader)
“Congratulations, you’ve really managed it this time!” Eddie said with a grin, leaning back in his throne, looking over the table in front of him while the others celebrated their victory. (Let Your Passion Set the World on Fire | Eddie x Reader)
No pressure tags 💚: @writingmysanity @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @flowercrowngods @goldenkinglouis @manda-panda-monium @lightvixxen @thefreakandthehair @wroteclassicaly @magnoliabutters @ethereal27cereal and whoever wants to do it 💚
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songbirdmunson · 7 months ago
when men pathetically rut into you at an animalistic pace, trying to fight back the urge to moan like a slut, but once you drag your nails down their back they can’t shut up. telling you how they want you to mark them up, how they want everyone to see what you do to them. their hair falling into their eyes as every muscle in their body tenses, their orgasm threatening to break at any moment. wrapping your legs around them, pulling them closer and closer until every inch is deep inside of you, the wetness from your bodies running down your thighs and underneath you. yeah, give me that. <3
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marrziy · 1 month ago
RAIO-X: Stranger Things
★: Hopper, Steve, Jonathan, Billy, Eddie e Enzo.
+18 leitores & leitoras.
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Nenhum pouco de acordo com os imagines; neles, eu descrevo como convém. Aqui são apenas achismos meus, baseados no que aparenta para mim (com aquela dose de licença poética, pois amo um exagero).
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★: Jim Hopper
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24 cm — não se gaba, mas reconhece o colosso entre as pernas e tem orgulho dele.
Grossura: muito acima da média.
Do tipo que arromba e impressiona quando alojado dentro de algum buraco. Encaixado numa buceta, força os lábios tão longe que o inchaço é quase imediato. Já atolado num cuzinho, alarga tanto que deixa as bordas vermelhas e o formato da própria circunferência como lembrança.
Balança/Curvatura: reto e muito pesado.
Ao pulsar, é alavancado, mas, devido ao peso, nunca permanece de pé. Para colocar na boca, é necessário guiá-lo com as mãos até os lábios ou curvar-se perante a glande.
Cor: alguns tons mais escuros que a pele; fica mais aparente quando está mole. A cabecinha é rosada.
Veias: grossas e de um azul visível na base, mas afinam no caminho, deixando de protuberar no comprimento.
Glande: quando mole, a ponta é completamente coberta pelo prepúcio; quando duro, é exibida até a metade. Se forçada durante a masturbação ou penetração, a cabecinha é totalmente exposta. O pré-sêmen acumulado costuma estalar, produzindo um som molhado no ritmo da movimentação.
Pau babão. No auge da dureza, vaza muito. Você saberá que é o mais gostoso/a do recinto aos olhos dele se conseguir deixá-lo de farda molhada, sendo que cueca úmida é o padrão para o chefe de polícia.
Pelos: Não liga muito para eles (diferente do bigode). Raramente depila a virilha e, quando o faz, é com aparador barato, cuja eficiência não é lá grande coisa.
Bolas: Pesadas e rechonchudas; espancadoras de quadril. Poluição sonora garantida caso o sexo seja bruto.
Porra: Goza até transbordar.
Sêmen branco, salgado, espesso e mil por cento fértil. Jorros pouco potentes, mas o esperma é abundante e ininterrupto; se Jim atinge o ápice, são uma ou duas sequências de jatos grossos até secar, sem pausas. Caso você tenha útero e não queira engravidar, camisinha ultra-resistente já!
★: Steve Harrington
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19.5 cm — longe das réguas, ele arredonda para 20.
Grossura: na média.
O pau de Steve marca. Mesmo amolecido, é volumoso, e, dependendo da calça, dificilmente passará despercebido. Há sempre um caroço esticando o tecido; é impossível sentar no colo dele sem sentir. Steve gosta quando reparam e faz questão de acompanhar o olhar baixo de quem nota.
Balança/Curvatura: reto e um tanto pesado.
Não é suave ao ponto de bater no abdômen, nem denso o suficiente para alcançar as coxas. Um cacete perfeitamente posicionado para meter.
Cor: comprimento pouco escuro, não chegando a inibir o vermelho da excitação. A glande segue a cor, em uma tonalidade levemente mais forte.
Veias: finas e pouco marcadas.
Glande: torneira humana! Escorre pré-sêmen pra caralho sob pressão e umedece da ponta às bolas. É muito sensível na dureza; o simples roçar da cueca deixa o Harrington eriçado. Tem prepúcio, mas a pele só cobre a ponta por influência, quando Steve se movimenta ou quando é estimulado.
Pelos: por vontade de estar liso, nunca beirou uma lâmina, mas, para pegar mulher, caso a moça prefira, ele se dispõe a ficar com a virilha macia. Se você for um cara que quer mamar uma piroca lisinha: bye bye. Ele só move um dedo para agradar homem caso esteja extremamente apaixonado ou se o cara fizer muito o tipo dele.
Bolas: tamanho padrão. Boas de colocar na boca, pois não se espalham sem precedentes, e as chances de relar nos dentes são baixas. Steve as posiciona para cima na calça, aparentando ter mais conteúdo do que realmente tem lá dentro.
Porra: não desperdiça um Steve Júnior sequer.
Esperma líquido e transparente, de um amargor quase imperceptível, mas notável. Goza cargas fortes que vão fundo no interior de quem ele fode e raramente transborda, pois ele não deixa escorrer. Gosta de se despedir sabendo que deixou sua semente plantada nas entranhas de alguém.
★: Jonathan Byers
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16 cm — brisado, já refletiu sobre ter mais saco que pinto.
Grossura: ligeiramente acima da média.
Cacete bastante responsivo, que vibra entre as paredes quentinhas de uma boceta e pulsa em tom de ameaça precoce no aperto de uma bunda. Muito enérgico e apressado, sem tempo para tirar a roupa!
Balança/Curvatura: maneiro e levemente curvado para cima. Super erguido, batendo no abdômen ao ser liberto. Pau fácil de manusear.
Cor: o comprimento apresenta uma tonalidade clara de pêssego, enquanto a ponta esbanja um rosa forte.
Veias: azuis, visíveis e pouco protuberantes.
Glande: metade superior de um coração, com globos perfeitos. Sem capuz e vagamente dobrada para cima. Gotas peroladas escorrem moderadamente da fenda, deixando-a brilhosa numa nota cativante de rosa. Sensibilidade alta.
Pelos: gosta da sensação de estar liso, mas não faz tanta questão de estar. Se tiver ânimo para gastar mais tempo no banho ou antes de sair com alguém, caso preveja uma foda, provavelmente depilará a virilha. Acontece, no máximo, duas vezes ao mês.
Bolas: Caídas, pesadas e espaçosas; em abundância para qualquer esporte. Acumulam muito, e, se Jonathan passa tempo demais sem transar, na hora de afogar o ganso, afogará no próprio gozo dentro do buraco que acabou de inundar. Gosta de meter devagarinho para sentir-se selando o interior da pessoa, com a pressão das bolas na entrada que alarga.
Porra: orgasmo teatral.
Sêmen branco, um pouco salgado e líquido. Jatos potentes entre pausas dramáticas; a primeira erupção vem abundante, e as demais enfraquecem com vagareza. Enquanto goza, Jonathan continua metendo, forte e erraticamente, errando o buraco em algumas investidas devido à euforia que o envolve, desperdiçando cargas no chão ou entre as coxas de quem está comendo. Fica mais agitado a cada jorrada e não tem previsão de quando o saco parará de contrair e lançar esperma.
★: Billy Hargrove
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18 cm — ele adora a circunferência farta que carrega no meio das pernas.
Grossura: muito acima da média.
Billy gosta de foder podendo intercalar a atenção entre seu pau entrando e as expressões que são dadas a ele. Um caralho grosso da raíz a ponta, que provoca quando visto e desafia limites quando inserido, sempre esticando entradinhas até não poder mais e, para o divertimento do loiro, arrancando as mais exageradas e variadas reações dos alegremente arrependidos que caem em seu colo.
Pobrezinho... Nunca encontrou alguém capaz de levá-lo inteiramente na boca. Até mãos grandes o suficiente para circundá-lo são difíceis de achar.
Balança/Curvatura: pesado e reto. Pau que pende um pouco para baixo, mas não a ponto de precisar ser conduzido. É denso demais para pulsar intensamente, mas compensa ao aparentar estar num latejar pausado, constante no mais forte dos ápices.
Cor: comprimento rosa-quente, um bocado mais escuro que o tom predominante no corpo. Ponta vermelha.
Veias: não se percebe o azul sob a pele, mas são volumosas, e pelo menos duas delas se destacam nas laterais, estendidas da base até o corte. Algumas protuberam na virilha.
Glande: antes do orgasmo, libera pouquíssimo pré-sêmen para ajudar no manuseio; nem as células do filho da puta facilitam a vida de quem o cerca. Razoavelmente sensível, sem prepúcio e muito inchada na dureza.
Pelos: nessa piroca não! Billy se depila constantemente; é quase impossível encontrar um pentelho crescido na região. Talvez tope com alguns em fase de crescimento poucos dias após o aparo, mas nunca no auge. Billy não odeio os fiozinhos, mas prefere em infinitas vidas a pele sem eles.
Bolas: sempre cheias e ansiosas para gastar. O tamanho é o mesmo com ou sem tesão, e até no frio a mudança é mínima. Costumam marcar em calças justas; Billy constantemente verifica se elas não estão divididas pela costura do jeans.
Porra: trava o quadril e só sai quando está satisfeito.
Gozo quente, branco e relativamente transparente. Billy libera cargas espessas, recheando sem miséria e acalentando o interior que recém espancou. Permanece um bom tempo fincado até a virilha, latejando, enchendo, e só retorna o caminho ao ser empurrado para fora pela própria essência, sempre ansioso para vê-la vazar borbulhando de uma bordinha inchada e pulsante.
★: Eddie Munson
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21 cm — ele genuinamente queria ser menos pauzudo; considera a própria pica uma vadia inconveniente.
Grossura: ligeiramente acima da média.
Duro, costuma escapar pelo cós da calça. Eddie até evita usar shorts fora de casa e, se usa, são bem grandes, para evitar que a cabecinha escape pela barra da perna. Cuecas ajudam, mas Eddie não gosta muito de usá-las. Ele se excita facilmente e raramente se vê meia-bomba, endurecendo sempre até o pico, pulsando tanto na calça que chega a doer.
A excitação é incômoda; deixa o Munson extremamente rijo, jurando poder demolir uma casa inteira usando o pau como marreta. Ele geralmente se perde durante o sexo, pulsando violentamente e metendo brutalmente, querendo gozar mais do que tudo.
Balança/Curvatura: reto e muito leve.
Apesar do tamanho, o pau de Eddie não pesa quase nada e é bastante flexível, apontado para frente não devido à gravidade, mas, sim, por ser a posição natural de seu pênis. Quando livre da cueca, bate no abdômen, ultrapassando a altura do umbigo. Não possui prepúcio.
Cor: imita o tom da pele, ou seja, claro que só. O vermelho da cabecinha escorre da ponta, colorindo parte do comprimento abaixo dela.
Veias: pouquíssimo aparentes.
Glande: pouco responsiva no geral, mas uma grande catalisadora de tudo que é bom durante o clímax.
Pelos: quando o pensamento de apará-los surge, "foda-se" é a resposta mental programada. Eddie tem preguiça de se depilar, costuma desistir antes mesmo de tocar no aparador e fica genuinamente frustrado com a velocidade com que os pelos crescem. Tem queda por ficar lisinho antes de usar o pau; só um rabo de shortinho é capaz de fazê-lo tirar o lacre da Gillette.
Bolas: de pouca presença, um tanto ofuscadas pelo mastro comprido, mas se fazem audíveis na transa ao se chocarem contra o quadril alheio.
Porra: todo clímax é o melhor que já teve.
Viscosa, com pouco sabor e muito grudenta, podendo vir branca ou transparente. Graças aos efeitos potentes acoplados ao tesão, Eddie explode, como se cada fibra do corpo acompanhasse seu orgasmo; o prazer que sente é alucinante. Ele urra, com as bolas convulsionando e o comprimento palpitando, despejando uma carga tão farta e copiosa que não seria surpresa caso uma poça de porra se formasse sobre a cama, sofá, chão, mesa ou bancada.
★: Dmitri Antonov
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20 cm — Enzo é amigo da própria peça e, se conseguir brecha para falar sobre o tamanho, ele falará.
Grossura: ligeiramente acima média.
Adora foder vestido. Em um top 10 orgasmos, pelo menos cinco seriam com ele de pica marcada na cueca ou na calça, esfregando o volume entre as pernas de alguém, e nos outros cinco, apenas com o zíper aberto e o pau para fora, atolado num buraquinho apertado.
Dmitri é apaixonado por atingir o clímax sob limites. Sente que alcança o máximo possível do celeste em vida ao afogar uma buceta em esperma usando somente a cabeça do pau, ou ao ser cavalgado de forma tortuosamente lenta por uma bunda farta, quase colapsando enquanto é impedido de ditar o próprio ritmo e de meter até às bolas.
Balança/Curvatura: um pouco pesado e bastante educado, sempre apontando a direção ➜ ➜ ➜
Levemente curvado para o lado e denso o suficiente para que o impacto faça tremer, ele ama chocar e esfregar na pele. É um homem que se entretém batendo e roçando o pau no rosto do parceiro/a. Para ele, foder entre as coxas ou os peitos, e deslizar sobre uma barriguinha quente, é mais divertido do que a penetração em si.
Cor: segue a coloração da pele, mas em tons mais escuros. O mesmo vale para a ponta, com a adição do rubro irritadiço característico da excitação.
Veias: algumas linhas de cor visíveis, mas é, majoritariamente, um pau liso.
Glande: um cogumelo rechonchudo muito sensível, capaz de arrancar dele choramingos manhosos e gemidos roucos. Libera bastante pré-sêmen, e o prepúcio, sob estímulo, não cobre mais que metade da ponta.
Pelos: gosta do meio termo. Muito o desagrada, mas também detesta a sensação da pele pura, sem nada áspero para equilibrar.
Bolas: constantemente inchadas e perfeitamente cabíveis na mão, boas de apertar. Enzo ama ter seu pau mimado; é óbvio que ele não irá dispensar uma carícia nas bolas.
Porra: mais para fora do que para dentro.
Esperma abrasador, um alívio em dias frios. Branco e muito líquido, vindo em esguichos fortes e sequenciais. Goza um pouco rápido, mas o lance dele é atingir vários clímaces e se derramar em diferentes partes do corpo. Qualquer pedaço de pele, dos pés à cabeça, é válido. Leita perto das beiras para ver a porra vazar e cobrir a entrada, empurrando com tudo para dentro em seguida, alojando o esperma fundo nas entranhas. Gosta de capotar abraçado, com os corpos grudentos.
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Acho que coloquei coisa demais, não sei até onde ficou interessante 😬, mas e aí, em qual dessas pikas vcs sentariam? Queria ir quicando de uma pra outra aff 😮‍💨
—★💋📂: HOT masterlist
—★🎃📂: HORROR masterlist
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olivermush · 7 months ago
i love trans!eddie munson hc but listen… he lives in a trailer with his uncle. have you seen his van? what makes u think this poor boy could afford top surgery. go fund mes didnt exist in the 80s (sadly). however! i love seeing little eddie and his little head canons.
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hippiegoth97 · 3 months ago
Beautiful Boy, Darling Boy: Eddie Munson x Reader
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Collage by me :)
Master List
Tag List: @keikoraven @ar-jupiter @alcielo1438 @cairro-xx @stolen-in-moonlight
@micheledawn1975 @janiejenn @rafeyscurtainbangs @melodymunson @spacedoutdaydreamer
@veemoon @sariahs-stuff @feral-pumpkin-energy @comeonatmebruh @munsoneightysixx
@morgthemagpie @josephquinnsfreckles @jenniquinn @userchai @cometzombie
@spookybabey @daggerdaggerkitten @nina6708 @sanctumdemunson @yourdailymemedelivery
@person-005 @slowandsteddie @gri959 @elegantkoalapaper @letitgoandletlive
@loserboysandlithium @costellation-hunter @leelei1980 @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever
@ohmeg @stalactitekilla @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne @oneforthemunny
@prettyboyeddiemunson @eddievanmunson @msgexymunson @rattkween86 @violetpixiedust
@bimbobaggins69 @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @bimbogorewhore
@mediocredreams @bloodibambiidoll @taintedcigs @ali-r3n @emxxblog
Description: You've been with Eddie for years, and just six months ago you came out to him as transgender. He's nothing but supportive, and after a long day of work, he helps you through your daily/weekly rituals and has some intimate time with you...
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI: smut, smoking, male reader, trans!reader (FTM), gay!reader, bisexual!eddie munson, mentions of transphobia, family issues, deadnaming (marked as D/N), arguing, one use of the F slur and T slur, crying, LGBTQ+ references, struggles with gender/body image, fingering, handjob, unprotected sex, praise/degradation, dirty talk, slight brat/dom dynamic, choking, spanking, rough/aggressive sex, consecutive orgasms, overstimulation, fluff
Word Count: 8.8k
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divider by @firefly-graphics
Beautiful Boy, Darling Boy
"Go ahead, baby. I know you can do it." Eddie says, his hands on your hips as he stands behind you in the bathroom of his trailer. You're looking at him through the reflection in the mirror, holding a long chunk of your hair in one hand, and a pair of scissors in the other. You've been standing here for what feels like hours, trying to get yourself to cut your hair.
"You don't think I'm being crazy, Eds?" You ask as a tear rolls down your cheek. You know you want to do this, to feel more like who you're supposed to be. But you can't help wondering if this isn't the right choice. You don't know how your parents will react, let alone your friends and coworkers. They've known you as D/N for so long, as a girl and a woman. Will any of them accept you as Y/N, as a man? Your heart pounds, and your stomach is doing somersaults. Your hands tremble terribly as you wait for the first cut to come.
"Not at all, Y/N. I know it's scary, but you can't worry about what others are gonna think of you. Because as long as you're true to yourself, the right people will love you no matter what. Like I do." He leans forward to give you a light kiss on the cheek. His affirming words calm your nerves slightly.
Eddie's made every step of this process as easy as he can for you. The second you told him that you're trans, he immediately started using the name you gave him to call you. He's helped find resources for you to get a good doctor to start your transition. He gave you some of his clothes until you can shop for your own. He's helped you with binding your chest using bandage tape until you can get a real binder. But most of all, he still loves you and wants to be with you. There hasn't been a single second where Eddie let his affections waver, despite you being his 'girlfriend' for almost three years. He knows that he's meant to be with you forever, and he wants you to be happy above all else.
"Okay." You say with a small smile, before closing the blades of the scissors around your long locks. The metal slices through the hairs, making them fall in a big bunch in your hand. "Holy shit." You exhale, dropping the hair on the floor and inspecting the place where it used to be attached to your head. You suddenly feel euphoric, invigorated. You start cutting off more chunks, doing your best to keep the sides even. Luckily your years at beauty school come in handy in this scenario. Happy tears flow from your eyes as you chop every offending inch and end. It gathers on your shoulders when it doesn't pile on the tiles below. When you've taken off enough to satisfy yourself, you clean everything up so it doesn't look like a total disaster. Once you're finished, you brush away as much of the dead hair as you can.
"Wow. You look so handsome, baby." Eddie coos as he looks at you in wonderment. He means every word he says, you truly are the most gorgeous man he's ever seen.
"Thank you, Eddie. For everything." You smile like an idiot, admiring your new look while Eddie peppers your neck and shoulders with gentle kisses. But of course he gets some loose hair in his mouth, dramatically trying and failing to spit it out. "Jesus, what am I gonna do with you?" You ask with a laugh, setting the scissors down on the sink.
"Love me forever?" He asks, chuckling lowly when he gets the little cuttings off his tongue.
"You got it." You reply, leaning back against his chest. His arms move to wrap around your middle, holding you close in this joyous moment.
This happy little snapshot took place six months ago, but the rest of that day was far from pleasant. After you'd showered the itchy stray hairs off and gotten bound and dressed, you and Eddie went to your house to come out to your parents. The second they opened the front door, shit hit the fan.
"Oh, D/N. There you are, we were wondering when you were coming home." Mom says, her eyes widening as she looks you up and down. She ogles your chest, wondering where the swells of it have gone. And then she sees your new haircut. "Jesus, D/N! What the hell did you do to your hair?" She asks, almost angrily.
"I'll explain everything, Mom. Can we all talk in the living room?" You say sheepishly, feeling very self-conscious.
"Okay?" Dad says, a puzzled expression on his face. The four of you go inside, your parents sitting on the couch while you and Eddie sit in chairs across from them. "So, what is this about?" He asks while crossing his arms.
"Well, I've recently figured something out about myself. And I really hope you'll love and accept me for who I am." You pause, looking at their neutral faces to see if they change at all. "I...I'm not a woman. I'm transgender, so I'm a man. And I would like to go by Y/N from now on."
"What? Is this why you ruined your beautiful hair, D/N?" Mom asks in an interrogating tone.
"It's why I CUT my hair, yes. And please, call me Y/N." You speak as politely as you can while standing your ground.
"Oh, this is just ridiculous, D/N. You're not a goddamn man! You don't have a penis, I should know! I was there to cut the cord when you were born! You're a woman, end of story!" Dad shouts, his face growing red as he shoots down your identity.
"I don't have to have a dick to be a man. This is who I am, why won't you listen?" Your voice raises as you hold strong, though you can feel tears welling up in your eyes.
"Because you're talking crazy, D/N! You're a girl, regardless of what this freak you insist on dating may have told you." Mom chimes in, shooting Eddie a glare.
"He didn't tell me anything! I figured this out on my own! All Eddie has done is love and support me! Unlike you!" You shout, the tears coming down through your anger.
"Well, of course the psycho Satanist would support this insanity! D/N, I've always told you what a bad influence he is! Now, cut this shit out, stop squishing your breasts, and go put on some fucking girl clothes!" Dad orders, pointing upstairs at your room for you to go change.
"NO! I'm a man, and my name is Y/N! There's nothing you can do about it! I'll transition whether you like it or not, and I'm not going to stop seeing Eddie. I'm a fucking adult, and you can't stop me!" You scream, standing out of your chair.
"Fine. You're right, we can't stop you. But since you insist on deluding yourself, you can't live here anymore." Mom says calmly, a sickening smile on her face. She's convinced that this threat will make you give in to their demands.
"Fine! I'll go live with Eddie, then! I don't need this, and I don't need you!" You retort, taking Eddie's hand. "C'mon, let's go pack up my shit." He stands with you, though he hasn't said a goddamn word this whole time.
"You have ten minutes, and then we're calling the police. So make it snappy." Dad says, hammering the final nail in the coffin that signifies the end of your relationship with them. You don't care at this point, it's not worth putting up with their ignorant bullshit anymore. They have never been supportive of you or what you want in life. They've belittled your relationship with Eddie, and your pursuit of becoming a hairdresser. And any hobbies or clubs you enjoyed as a child were quickly squashed with their comments and criticism.
"I'm sorry, I guess I didn't even ask if I could live with you." You sigh, pulling your old suitcase from your closet. You remove any passable masculine clothes from the hangers and drawers, shoving them into the suitcase.
"It's fine, Y/N. I was going to offer anyway. I'm sure Wayne won't mind, and I'm certainly not letting you live on the street." Eddie says calmly. But you can tell he's boiling with rage beneath the surface. He goes to the linen closet in the hall to find some trash bags, asking you if there's anything he should focus on packing. You're mostly looking for clothes or anything with high sentimental value. Turns out it doesn't amount to much, but you don't mind leaving all the girly things in your overly-pink bedroom anyways. You definitely don't need them anymore.
You go back downstairs, placing your gathered things at the front door. "Mom, I need my legal documents." You state simply, knowing you'll need things like your birth certificate and social security card in the future.
"And why should I give them to you? They have our daughter's name on them, not yours." She replies, pleased with her snark.
"I am aware of that, but I'm going to need them and you damn well know that. They are my legal property, and I'll call the fucking cops myself and tell them you're withholding them from me. Or, you can hand them over right now." You cross your arms, staring her down.
"Alright, fine!" She gives up, heading into the study to retrieve the little folder where all such documents are neatly organized. She comes back, practically throwing the bundle of papers at you. "Here. Now, get out!"
"I will! And thanks for nothing, you are truly the worst parents ever. You have never supported me, or loved me. You just want to control me. And to that I say, fuck you!" You open the front door, stepping outside. Eddie loads your stuff into the van, and your father comes over to say one last thing. Something that neither you or Eddie will ever forget.
"This is all your fault. You corrupted our daughter, you fucking deviant. I just pray she'll see the light one day, and come back to us once she realizes what you've done to her." Eddie's face hardens, but he doesn't respond. You imagine he'd just end up punching Dad square in the face if he tries to speak.
"And one day you'll realize how evil you are for kicking out your own child instead of accepting them." You retort, helping your boyfriend shut the back doors to the van before getting in the passenger side. He turns on the engine, squealing out of the driveway to go back to his place. You can't help bursting into tears once the house you grew up in is no longer in view. "I'm sorry, Eddie." You sob, your face falling into your hands.
"What for, sweetheart?" He asks, looking over at you with concerned eyes.
"For everything. I know you didn't sign up for this. I'm just making your life difficult, and now I'm going to take up your space when there's already not enough to go around." Your chest heaves violently as you cry, you feel so many emotions at once. Anger, heartbreak, fear of what comes after this. But you also feel shame, and like you're burdening those around you.
"You cut that shit out right now, Y/N. I signed up for loving and supporting you no matter what. And I damn well intend to do it. You aren't taking up anything I haven't offered to you willingly. You're my boyfriend, and what's mine is yours. Okay?" He reaches over to rub his hand on your back, trying to calm you down.
"Okay." You say quietly, trying to slow down and breathe. It doesn't take long for Eddie to pull up to his trailer, and you find Wayne sitting on the steps smoking a cigarette.
Wayne notices you crying as you get out of the van, along with your new haircut. He's noticed you dressing differently the last couple weeks, but he's been waiting for you to tell him what's up in your own time. "What happened?" He asks, coming over to you.
"Y/N's parents kicked him out." Eddie says without thinking, and your eyes widen at him saying your new name in front of his uncle.
"Oh. Y/N, huh?" Wayne questions, giving you a once-over. You feel a lump forming in your throat, worried you're going to be kicked out of yet another home today. But Wayne just smiles, pulling you in for a bear hug. "It's nice to finally meet ya, Y/N." He says with a sniffle.
"Thank you, Wayne." You hug him back just as hard, unable to hold back even more tears. These ones are much happier though, it feels so good to be accepted by someone you've always considered a second father.
"Of course, kiddo. Let's get your stuff inside." He says, pulling away slowly.
"You really mean it, I can stay here?" You ask, somehow still doubting you're welcome to live here.
"Yes! You're always welcome here, Y/N. For as long as you need, forever if you want. You're pretty much family, for fuck's sake!" Wayne laughs, giving you a kind smile.
"I appreciate it, Wayne. You have no idea how much this means."
"Alright, alright! I'm lettin' you stay in a shitty trailer, it's far from The Ritz. C'mon, that's enough sappy shit for one day." Wayne insists, moving on to help with your stuff. 
And just like that, you officially became a part of the Munson household. Eddie emptied a couple dresser drawers for you, shoving his own clothes into the already overflowing ones. He made sure you had room for your toothbrush, shampoo, and other similar items. Anything else was given enthusiastic permission to be prominently displayed around his room, he wanted his space to become yours. Within minutes, this room he'd lived in all alone for years fell under the term he so lovingly calls 'ours'.
"How was work today, babe?" Eddie asks as you walk through the front door. He's relaxing on the couch, his head laying on the armrest. One leg is bent at the knee while the other stretches almost to the other end of the sofa. He's wearing nothing but some pajama pants, the waistband of his boxers poking out to say hello. A half-gone cigarette sits between two fingers on his right hand, and he brings it to his lips for a long drag.
"It was alright, got a couple odd looks from clients today, though." You sigh, putting your wallet and keys on the table. You've been working at the hair salon downtown, getting the job shortly before coming out to Eddie. Your coworkers are nice, sweet older ladies that took you in with open arms. Customers give you sour stares at times, or make the occasional comment. You try to ignore them, truly. But it's so hard to shut out the bigots when they make it a mission to let you know you don't belong. It's even worse outside of work. People often cross the street to avoid you, or call you 'fag', 'tranny' or 'freak'. Luckily Eddie isn't around much when that happens, you know he'd be getting arrested for assault left and right if he was.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. People are jerks." He gets up from the couch after stubbing out his cig, walking over to give you a comforting hug.
"It's fine. It's not so bad." You say unconvincingly. You nuzzle against his chest, trying to forget how awful today actually was.
"Y/N, I know what this podunk town is like. You don't have to pretend it's okay for my sake. I'm here to take care of you. So, if something's bothering you, please tell me." Eddie says sternly, giving you a serious look.
"Look, obviously it bothers me when people stare or call me names. But what can I do about it, Eds? We both know the people here are going to think what they want to. We're outnumbered. All I can do is pretend it doesn't get to me, otherwise they win." You reply, frustration lacing your tone.
He sighs, nodding in agreement. "I know, love. I just hate to see you treated so poorly. If people only got to know you, they'd see what I see." He smiles, raising a hand to cup your cheek.
"And what do you see, baby?" You ask, biting your lip through a smirk.
"I see a handsome young man, with the biggest heart in the world. A man who's kind, and thoughtful, and deserves everything he wants." He says sweetly, leaning in to give you a tender kiss. Your lips meet, and you melt against him instantly. Your arms go around his shoulders, pulling him closer. His hands rest on your hips, squeezing your sides through your clothes. You stay like this for a moment, your heads turning languidly as your tongues roll against one another. He tastes so good, like tobacco and the candies he snacks on all day. He pulls away, remembering what time it is. "C'mon, darling. You've gotta take your binder off, and it's 'T' day." He gently reminds you.
"Do I really have to take it off? I don't wanna see them, Eds." You hold back a sob at the thought of being faced with your breasts again. You want to get them removed, but you haven't been approved for the surgery yet. And it's gonna be quite some time before you make it to that step in your transition.
"I know, sweetheart. But it's not safe to keep it on for so long. You know that. But I'll sing to you, 'kay?" He coos, brushing away a stray tear that's fallen down your cheek.
"Okay." You nod, your bottom lip quivering. As much as you love returning home to your boyfriend, this is the one thing you do every day that feels like torture. But he's right, you're already feeling the uncomfortable squeeze of over-use compressing against your chest. He leads you gently by the hand, all the way to your shared bedroom. He closes the door, standing in front of you.
"You ready, babe?" He asks, checking your eyes to make sure you're comfortable with him helping you. So far, you've allowed him to assist you every time in removing whatever you've been using to bind your chest. Whether it's bandage tape, or the proper binder you managed to get, he's made a ritual out of it. His hands will carefully remove your clothes from the day, and redress you in some comfortable pajamas. He sings to you the whole time, a semi-modified version of "Beautiful Boy" by John Lennon.
"Yes." You exhale sharply, waiting for his hands to reach for the hem of your shirt. He begins to sing, and you let the velveteen words flow from his lips to your ears. You focus on how gorgeous they sound coming from him, and appreciate how they're sung just for you.
"Close your eyes, have no fear. The monsters are gone, they're on the run and your love is here." He recites softly, pulling your shirt over your head. You lift your arms to help out, closing your eyes to avoid looking at your chest. "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy." He continues, tossing your shirt on the dresser so you have it for tomorrow. He gets closer to you, caressing your sides with his fingertips.
"Keep going, Eds." You say, barely above a whisper. Your arms sit awkwardly, a couple inches outward from your body.
"Out on the ocean, sailing away. I can hardly wait to see how much you change. But I guess we'll both just have to be patient." Eddie slides his hands to the bottom of your binder, just barely slipping beneath the thick fabric. You breath hitches, another couple of tears falling down your face. You keep your eyes squeezed shut all the while, frantically nodding to tell him to just do it already. He lifts the sides of the binder, avoiding touching your breasts whatsoever as he pulls it over your head. A fresh rush of oxygen enters your lungs, but you can feel the lumps of tissue bounce against you. The feeling makes your heart ache, longing for the day where you'll never have to feel it again.
"Fuck." You mutter through clenched teeth, your stomach turning slightly.
"I know, angel. We're almost done, just bear with me." He soothes, his heart breaking at the pained expression on your face. "'Cause it's a long way to go, a hard row to hoe. Yes it's a long way to go, but in the meantime..." Eddie keeps singing, which slowly relaxes you. He reaches for the baggy band tee he set aside for you, unfolding it to bring over your head. "Arms up, Y/N." He asks politely, and you obey. You feel the comfortable material slip over your torso, large and loose enough to obscure the fact that you have anything on your chest at all.
"Thank you." You exhale, opening your eyes.
"We're not done quite yet, babe. But at least this next part isn't so bad." He takes your pajama bottoms from the dresser, and climbs into bed. "C'mere, love." He says, spreading his legs for you to sit between them. You do as he asks, after removing your shoes and hair-covered jeans.
You get in position, and Eddie hands you the little syringe and dose of testosterone for the week from the night table. You remove the cap from the needle, and bring the syringe to the top of the vial. You pull back the plunger to fill it expertly as you've done many times before. "Okay, all set." You state, putting the empty vial beside you on the mattress.
"Before you take your 'T', take my hand. Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans..." He trails off, reaching for your free hand to hold for a moment. You squeeze it tightly, taking a deep breath before you let go. You grab hold of your thigh, pinching the skin so you'll inject into the right area. Your breath shudders as you bring the needle to your desired mark.
"Mmm." You grunt as the thin metal stings when it punctures your skin. Eddie holds your sides again to keep you calm.
"Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy." He finishes his song, watching as the syringe empties into your body. You pull the needle out once you're finished, sighing in relief as you toss the vial and syringe away in the trash beside the bed. "Good job, baby. My brave, handsome man." He presses a kiss to your neck, holding you close as a few more tears escape your eyes.
"Thank you for helping me like always, Eds. You're the best boyfriend in the world." You say as you wipe the salty tracks away, sniffling lightly. You reach for the pants Eddie prepared for you, slipping them over your legs.
"It's the least I can do, darling. You mean everything to me." He keeps kissing your neck, setting your skin alight with his plush lips. "So, should we order some Chinese for dinner? We can get those massive egg rolls you like." Eddie suggests, as he does every Thursday, to reward you for being so courageous.
"You've read my mind, Eds. I'm starving." You reply, your stomach gurgling in agreement. You both leave the bedroom, and you plop onto the couch while Eddie places your usual order. Sesame chicken, with extra fried rice, and two orders of egg rolls. Your mouth waters at the thought of it. Hawkins may be lacking in many vital areas when it comes to cuisine, but if there's one thing it does perfectly, it's Chinese take-out. It takes about an hour for the food to arrive, and Eddie pays the delivery guy at the door.
"Dinner is served, darling." He says sweetly, taking the paper containers out of the bag, distributing them onto the kitchen table. You take a seat across from one another, pecking away at the food with your chopsticks. You chew mouthful after mouthful in comfortable silence for a while, allowing your hums and grunts to be sufficient conversation.
"So, what did you get up to today?" You ask as you start to feel full, realizing you'd forgotten to earlier. Eddie doesn't seem to mind, but you want him to know you prioritize him as much as he does you.
"Uh...not much. Did a few deals, took a nap. But other than that, I've just been waiting for you." Eddie replies, smirking before he takes a big bite of chicken.
"You're always waiting for me, Eds." You chuckle.
"Mmhmm, I'm a kept man now. All yours, baby." He laughs, setting down his container of food. "And I dunno 'bout you, but I'm ready to move on to dessert." He swallows, reaching across the table to take hold of your hand. Simple a touch as it is, Eddie's flesh meeting yours is absolutely electric. His eyes align with yours intensely, asking if you want to move things to the bedroom.
"You got it, babe. Just help me clean up." You smile, packing up the leftovers to shove in the fridge. Once everything is cleared away, Eddie swiftly pulls you into him. Your arms collide with his chest, and you slide your hands upwards to rest on his shoulders. "Still hungry, huh?" You ask, biting your lip playfully.
"You know it, sweetheart." His own hands wander down your back to squeeze your ass. You moan quietly at the sensation, quickly heating up in your pajamas. Eddie roughly presses his lips to yours. Another muted moan escapes you, and he pushes things further. He's slowly walking you backwards to your room, still kissing you the whole way. He moves on to your neck, nipping and sucking your flesh until the backs of your knees hit the edge of the bed.
"Eddie." You whimper, savoring the warmth and sting of his tongue and teeth working your skin into dark purple marks. You let yourself fall onto the mattress, taking Eddie down with you. You don't even bother to close the door, Wayne's long gone for his shift at the plant tonight. You bounce slightly as you land, and you ignore the feeling of the sacks of fat on your chest moving with the rest of you. You don't want to stop enjoying this for anything.
"You doin' alright, darling? We can put your binder back on if you'd be more comfortable." Eddie offers, noting your body stiffening slightly after you landed on the bed.
"I'm fine, Eds. Just don't stop, please." You beg, wanting him to keep going. You're becoming very aroused with every passing second. You've noticed your sex drive has turned up significantly since starting your treatments. Eddie doesn't make a big deal out of it, but you can tell he enjoys it immensely. You two have always been pretty active, even prior to your transition, but the last couple months have taken things to a whole other level.
"I love it when you beg for me, such a good boy." Eddie says huskily while his lips brush against your chin. "Tell me what you want, babe. I'll do anything you ask." He says, his boner poking into your inner thigh.
"I want your fingers inside me, love. They feel so good." You whine, suddenly becoming very needy. You want him in every possible way, he's your everything. Your mind is swimming with lust-drenched thoughts. The anticipation of having Eddie touch you in all the ways you like builds rapidly within you.
"Take off your pants, baby, and lie down for me." Eddie says in a gentle command. He stands up, allowing you to get in position. You remove your pants and underwear, leaving your shirt on. You scoot backwards to lay your head on the pillows. He follows close behind, crawling over you on his hands and knees. Eddie looks over you, letting his eyes wander down your body. He focuses on your gorgeous face and lower half, noting your arousal on full view for him as your legs spread open. "So turned on already, and I've barely even touched you." He observes aloud, his gaze trailing back up to yours.
"Just for you, Eds." You reply, staring helplessly up at him. His hair hangs down on the sides of his face, brushing against you in a ticklish manner. You reach a hand up to cup his cheek, inviting him to touch you again. He leans down, pressing his pillowy lips to yours. One of his hands rests at your hip, while the other travels to the place you've been wanting him this whole time. His long, calloused fingers graze your enlarged bundle of nerves ever-so-slightly, and you moan loudly against his mouth. He slowly drags his digits around the area, eating up every desperate sound that escapes your lungs. It's heating up quickly in here, a sheen of sweat beginning to lather itself along the backs of your knees and under your shirt. He breaks away from your mouth, moving on to your neck again.
He spreads your slick around, repeatedly sending jolts of pleasure through you. "I love your sexy noises, Y/N. They drive me absolutely crazy." Eddie coos between kisses on your throat. His cock is unbearably hard, leaking precum into his boxers as he waits to have his turn. Hearing you moan and whimper his name pushes him further and further toward losing it altogether.
"Please stop teasing, babe. I need you." You whine, bucking your hips upwards when he runs over your entrance. He firmly presses you back down with his free hand.
"Of course, darling. Anything you want." He says, before pressing one finger into you. He watches your face twist in pleasure, curling his knuckles within your walls to stroke your sweet spot.
"Eddie. Give me more, go faster." You moan, holding his stare as he gradually picks up speed. He does as you ask, feeding another finger to your hungry insides. He amps up the pace as well, wet noises mixing in the air with your vulgar exclamations.
"Such a good boy for me, taking my fingers so well." He praises, smiling down at you lovingly. "You're so handsome, and sexy, the most amazing man I've ever known. Life meant very little until I met you, Y/N." Eddie has a habit of getting rather sentimental when he showers you with affection. You love every second of it, knowing that you both mean so much to one another is a powerful thing.
"And you're all of those things and more, Eddie. You've been so supportive of me, helping me every day as I become the man I want to be. I don't know where I'd be without you." You reply, keeping your thoughts straight to meet his adoring words with your own. You pull his head back down to yours, kissing him hard to turn up the temperature. Your other hand snakes between your bodies, running down his bare chest and stomach, feeling every ridge and curve of muscle and soft skin. You keep traveling downwards, ghosting over his throbbing erection.
"Fuck, baby. Want me that bad, huh? So goddamn needy." He groans, continuing to work you over with his fingers. "Gotta be a good boy and cum for me before I fuck you. You know that, sweetheart." He breathes out with a dominating smirk, his lips just barely brushing yours as he speaks. Your mouth falls open, taking his hot exhales in. Your head lightens at the limited oxygen between you, and you fully take hold of his dick through his pants.
"I just love how you feel, darling. You fill me up so well. My big, strong man." You goad him, building yourself up towards your prerequisite orgasm. You can't get enough of everything you and Eddie do together. Groping, kissing, dirty talk, among other things. It's like a drug, leaving you craving another hit again and again. "Take your clothes off, baby. I wanna touch you." You plead, feeling your high approaching at a steady pace.
"Well...if you insist." He chuckles, reaching down to pull his pants and underwear off with one hand. He kicks them away, and you immediately take his exposed cock in your grasp. "Shit, you weren't kidding." Eddie groans, making you laugh quietly as his eyes roll back into his head for a moment. He's already so wound up from hearing and touching you, it won't take much to make him lose control.
"C'mere." You say abruptly, lacing your other hand into his thick hair. You get a good grip, and yank his head downwards so you can have access to his neck. You latch on, sucking a large hickey onto his supple skin.
"God, you're gonna be the death of me." He whimpers, savoring the sensation of you attacking his neck and jerking him off while holding him down. You stay like this, letting yourselves focus on every single thought and feeling that bubbles up from your animalistic movements. You're getting so close, and you can't stop moaning against Eddie as you keep biting and licking him as he did earlier to you. He can sense your insides fluttering around him ever-so-slightly as your body prepares for release. "Almost there, sweetheart. Be a good boy for me, we can cum together." He huffs, his body coated in sweat as his stomach begins to tense. He's going to make quite the mess, and he definitely looks forward to it.
"Just a little faster, baby. I'll be such a good boy for you. I'm so fucking close." You whine in his ear, waiting for the knot within you to finally snap. It's just seconds away, all you need is a little push. He obeys your request, thrusting his fingers deeper and harder into you. "Oh, god! Just like that- fuck!" You cry out, the tangle of pleasure splintering off into thousands of flaming strands throughout your body. Your hips buck upwards, causing you to brush against Eddie's dick in your proximity. His fingers slip out of you from your squirming, and your juices manage to spill onto his length in the process. The feeling of the warm fluid, along with your fucked-out expression sends him flying over the edge.
"Y/N!" He grunts as his pelvis jolts against your hand. Eddie's eyes screw shut, leaning on his arms to keep himself upright as his orgasm takes over. His load lands warmly on your abdomen, marking you as his in sticky streaks of white. The idea of this gives you an intense thrill, to know you belong to him, as he belongs to you.
"I love it when you cum on me, baby. It's so fuckin' hot." You pant as your high recedes into nothing, letting Eddie's head and dick out of your grip. He gulps in air, rolling over to lay beside you while he catches his breath.
Your knees are still tented, legs spread open lazily. Eddie reaches over to the night table, pawing for one of the many packs of smokes he has lying around the trailer. "And I love frosting you like a donut, darling." He chuckles, pulling two cigs out of the pack. He sticks them both in his mouth, flicking his lighter to ignite the ends. He passes one off to you, which you gladly take.
"Must you always be so crude, Eds?" You laugh, taking a long drag of your cigarette. The nicotine hits you swiftly and easily, dizzying your head.
"'Fraid so, hot stuff. What you see is what you get. You know you love me for it." He smiles, turning his head to look at you.
"I love you for lots of things. Well...everything, actually." You clarify, exhaling a large cloud of smoke up towards the ceiling.
"Everything? Even when I'm being an ass? Or when I'm all grumpy because I haven't eaten all day? Or when I hide your keys, so you can't go to work unless you make out with me?" He asks, providing many examples of behavior he exhibits that may or may not irritate you to no end.
"Yes, Eddie. Even with all of those things, I love you more than I ever thought humanly possible." You say kindly, taking his empty hand in yours.
"I love you too, Y/N. You're my whole world." His thumb runs over your knuckles. You both continue to smoke, laying beside each other just like this. The minutes tick past, the paper and tobacco dwindling down to nothing as a gray haze fills the room. You put your spent butts out in the ashtray, and Eddie returns to his spot between your legs. He gazes at the mess he made on you minutes ago, wiping up one of the thick droplets with his thumb. He brings it to your lips, waiting for you to lick it off. "Open." He commands.
You listen to his orders, keeping perfect eye-contact as you accept his release into your mouth. Your tongue wanders around the pad of his thumb, rolling to taste the salty fluid. "Mmm." You moan as you swallow, he's always tasted so good.
"Good boy." Eddie praises, slowly pulling his thumb out of your mouth. You take his dick in your hand once more, finding he's already rock hard again. "Fuck, Y/N. Someone's getting greedy." He chuckles through a groan.
"I can't get enough of you, baby. Can you blame me?" You say sweetly, giving him a loving look.
"I guess not, my love. You're pretty damn addictive, too, if I'm honest." He replies, moving your hand to take over. He brings his tip to your dripping hole, rubbing against it to amp you both up for a moment.
"Eddie, please don't tease." You whine, your hips stuttering as you're still sensitive from earlier.
"Then beg, Y/N. Use your words, and you'll get what you want." He says darkly, continuing to spread your slick around with his tip. He moans at the sensation, using all his willpower to hold back from plunging into you.
"Please fuck me, Eddie. I need your cock inside me, so fucking bad." You plead, finding no reason to hide the intense desire in your voice. Eddie would probably keep holding back if you did.
"You got it, sweetheart." He replies, smirking at your whimpered assertion. He pushes his dick into you, taking his time. You moan as he fills you to the brim, stretching your walls deliciously. His breath catches at how warm and tight you are around him, swallowing hard as he bottoms out. "Shit, you're so perfect inside, baby."
"You always say that, darling." You reply in a cheeky tone.
"Well, pardon me for paying you a compliment." Eddie laughs, lowering his head to pepper kisses on your neck while you adjust to him. You run your hands up and down his back, tracing his shoulder blades and spine with the tips of your fingers. You sigh blissfully at how tender he's being, worshiping you with his lips as your insides relax.
"Mmm, wouldn't mind a few more while you're at it. Preferably after you start moving, though." You say in playful attitude, which draws his head up to look at you with a dangerous grin.
"Someone's bossy today. I thought that was my job." He almost growls, pulling out and slamming back into you on his final words.
"Fuck." You moan out at his tip hitting your sweet spot perfectly. Your nails dig into his back, crescent-shaped marks sure to be left behind. "Sorry, babe. I'd hate to put you out of work." You giggle, waiting for him to pick up the pace.
"You make me sound like a prostitute. Should I be offended?" He chuckles back, thrusting roughly once more.
You gasp, finding it difficult to keep up this flirty conversation. "Not at all, Eds. I'd never be able to afford you if you were."
"I'm that good, huh? Maybe I oughta start charging." Eddie thrusts again, just as hard and deep as those before it. He's warming you up, distracting you so he can blow your mind to bits when he really gets going.
"Charming as always, darling." You quip, rolling your eyes. You're hoping he'll speed up soon. All this buildup is driving you insane.
"Man, you're acting brattier than usual. Do I need to punish you, angel?" He asks, half-warning, half-asking you to let him release the darker side of him that he keeps tucked away most of the time. You can see in his eyes that he really wants this, and you'd be lying if you pretended you don't want it just as much.
"Do your worst, Munson." You smirk, prepared for whatever he has in store. His hands abruptly move to grip your waist and your throat, making you gasp in surprise. His rings dig into your hip, firm enough to leave bruises. His other hand waits patiently to squeeze your neck, biding its time for the opportune moment to choke you.
"You're gonna regret that, sweetheart." He says in a husky tone, suddenly thrusting roughly into you and setting a cruel pace.
"Jesus- fuck, Eddie." You moan, wrapping your legs around him to bring him closer. His dick slamming into you feels amazing, but you want more. "You gonna use that hand, or is it just for decoration?" You're working overtime in antagonizing Eddie, pushing his buttons. The way it makes him frustrated, and have to put you in your place, gives you a massive rush.
His jaw tightens at your taunting words. Eddie's eyes bore into yours intensely, and he wants to wipe that smug smile off your goddamn face. He begins to squeeze the sides of your throat, harder than he usually starts with. Your head lightens at the lack of oxygen, making you groan as loud as you can around his large fingers. "Naughty boy, you know better than to talk to me like that. But I wanna hear you say it. Who's in charge, baby?" He demands, continuing to fuck you senseless as he waits for you to answer him. He loosens his grip on your throat so you can speak.
"You are." You reply, still smiling wide as you don't really mean it. He knows you're still messing with him, so he takes hold of your chin. He squishes your face in his grip, almost hurting you. He puts himself as close as he can to you, raw, animal instinct taking over. You feel like a rabbit caught by the foot by a wolf, utterly helpless to your demise. Your heart pounds beyond belief, adrenaline pumping through your veins.
"Who's in charge, Y/N?" He growls, clenching his teeth. He can feel how wet this little game of yours is making you, and the sensation of you lubing him up more with every shove of his cock into you is melting his brain.
"You are." You reply, poking your tongue out to lick one of his fingers. You still haven't submitted to him, if anything, you want to keep going further.
Eddie grunts in frustration, pulling out of you altogether. He flips you over onto your stomach, pinning your torso down while your ass is angled upwards. Before you can fully register his actions, his hand comes down onto your left ass cheek. It lands on your flesh with a loud crack, making you yelp. You would squirm, but Eddie's holding you firmly in place using all his strength. "You've been a bad boy, sweetheart. Now, I want you to tell me who's fucking in charge here." He says, before smacking your other ass cheek just as hard.
"You are, Eddie." You say as the buzzing sting sits on your flesh. You imagine there's large, red hand prints on your behind. And all you can think is how much darker you want them to be.
"Again." He demands, spanking you again, a little gentler this time.
"That one was weak, Eds. Try harder." You retort, and he sure as shit gives you what you ask for. He slaps the other side, even harder than the first time. "Fuck." You whimper, the pain from his calloused hands smacking you is exquisite.
"Had enough yet, baby? Or are you still misbehaving?" He asks, leaning down to speak in your ear. His tone is low and feral, waiting anxiously for you to surrender. But you can't give in that easily.
"I think you're holding back, darling. You wanna be in charge? Then fucking do it." You say seductively, and you know you've got him hook, line, and sinker.
"Your wish is my command, angel. Don't say I didn't warn you." And without another word, he rams his cock into you with extreme force. He takes hold of your waist, still pinning your torso to the bed. Your face presses sideways into the pillows, making it hard to breathe.
"Oh, god!" You cry out, eating up every way Eddie uses your body. He fucking you unbelievably hard, possibly harder than he ever has, though you've driven him near this point a few times before. Your hands fist the sheets and blankets below you, trying to keep a good grip. Eddie's hands alternate slapping both sides of your ass as he jackhammers into you. You moan and call his name helplessly, finding your second orgasm sneaking up around the corner.
"Do I need to ask you again, or are you gonna be a good boy for me?" Eddie says breathlessly, sweat dripping down his forehead as he goes harder than he ever thought possible. You've made something within him snap, unlocking an entirely new side of him he didn't know he had. He's always been rough, and dominating, but this is different, primal.
"You're in charge, Eddie. You're so big, and strong, and you fuck me so good. Keep going, baby. I want you to ruin me, tear me apart." You whine through your moans, you truly don't want him to stop until you've snapped in two.
"Good boy, that's what I like to hear. Gonna fuck you til you can't walk, fill you up with my cum. You belong to me, angel, nobody else." He spews filthy words at you, which mingle together with the slaps of glistening skin and the loud smacks of his hands landing on your ass over and over. Tears fall from your eyes, he's gonna make your butt so sore you can't even sit down. And you're gonna thank him for it.
"Only you, Eddie. No one else can make me feel this good. No one else can satisfy me like you." You reply, your lustful confessions pushing him further toward the edge. His thrusts are growing unfocused, and you can tell he's almost there. You're close behind, but you need him to do more to get you there at the same time. "Choke me, Eds. I wanna cum with you, feel you mark me as yours." You beg, hoping he'll give you what you want despite disobeying him tonight.
"Only because I love to hear you beg, sweetheart." He chuckles, laying his body over yours. His elbow keeps you trapped in place, while his hand creeps up to your throat again. He cuts off your oxygen, amplifying every sensation as you feel a wave of ecstasy washing over you. You let out a strangled moan, your knees buckling as your high takes you down into pleasure-filled depths. Your walls squeeze on Eddie's dick, milking him for all he's worth. "Fuck, Y/N. Such a good boy, soaking my cock." He groans, his hips bucking erratically into you as his load spurts into your throbbing hole. Your release mixes with his, threatening to spill out once he leaves you. You both can't wait to taste it, it's always sweeter than honey.
Eddie lets go of your throat, allowing your noises to be heard at full volume. He's still thrusting into you, turning your fluids into a sticky paste that's dripping down the insides of your thighs. "Jesus, Eds. You're gonna make me cum again if you keep going." You warn, your legs trembling in the aftershocks. You're still sparking, which can easily turn into engulfing flames if he doesn't stop.
"Don't threaten me with a good time, angel." He says, taking your words as a challenge. He loves making you lose it as much as he can, licking you clean afterwards is one of his favorite things. He thrusts faster again, groaning at how sensitive his dick is. It's threatening to go soft any second now, but he can't help himself. He needs to feel you lose it again.
"Eddie, oh, God! Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" You shout, clamping down on his cock as your third orgasm makes you explode from the inside out. Another dose of your arousal flows out, making even more of a mess that's already run down your legs. You can't breathe for a good ten seconds, your eyes rolling shut as you almost black out.
"Shit, that's a good boy." He groans, allowing himself to fall out of you. His body goes backwards, landing like an exhausted starfish behind you. Your ass still sits in the air, and you pulsate helplessly around nothing as stars block out your vision. You can't think, or speak, all you know is spent bliss. You both lay in your current positions for what feels like hours, breathing heavily while you try to get your hearts to slow down. "You good, Y/N?" Eddie asks, bringing his head up to check on you. You still haven't moved, and he can see the streaks of cum gleaming all over your entrance and thighs. He watches your hole clench beyond your control, forcing more of your cum out of it in lazy drips. "Holy shit, that's a pretty picture." He says in awe, his eyes dilating with lust.
You feel his weight shift on the bed, and are taken by surprise when he starts licking all around your crotch and thighs to clean you up. "Fuck!" You yelp at the overstimulation, not expecting Eddie to use his tongue on you, especially so hungrily. Your body jolts every time he brushes your bundle of nerves, and you make endless whimpers in the process.
"We taste so good, baby." He groans, bringing his fingers over to scrape some of the nectar off your leg. He crawls up the bed, slowly presenting his digits before your lips. You open your mouth without thinking, and you suck away every last bit of the fluids. You moan at the musky flavor, allowing yourself to lay down flat on your stomach as your mind returns to reality. 
"Well, that was amazing, to say the least." You finally speak, though you're still feeling rather foggy.
"It sure was, babe. I'll be right back." He says, standing up off the bed. He walks down the hall completely naked, returning with a damp cloth from the bathroom. "Roll over, Y/N, I gotta clean you up." He says kindly, kneeling before you as you flip your body. Your ass rubs uncomfortably against the sheets, making you wince. "Sorry, love. But to be fair, you did ask for it." He chuckles, bringing the warm cloth to your lower half, wiping away any excess cum and sweat.
"Oh, I know I did. And I have no regrets." You smile back, slipping your pajamas back on once he's finished. He tosses the rag into the hamper by his dresser, and closes the bedroom door. He climbs back into bed beside you, lighting another round of cigarettes. "You were fantastic, by the way. Remind me to piss you off in bed more often." You chuckle, taking a long, deep drag from your cig.
"Please do. I had a lot of fun doing that. I wasn't too rough, was I?" He asks, worried he may have gone a tad too far.
"No, not any more than I wanted you to be. I would've told you to stop if I couldn't take it." You reply, scooting as close to him as you can possibly get. You plant a warm kiss to his lips after he inhales from his cigarette, allowing him to blow the smoke into your mouth. You accept it into your own lungs, before letting it flow out through your nose. "I love you, Eddie." You speak sweetly, giving him a meaningful look.
"I love you too, Y/N." Eddie says, taking hold of your free hand.
"Forever and always." You say together, smiling brighter than the sun in your contented afterglow.
The end.
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stormyelliotwritez · 6 months ago
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hehehehheehehehehehehehe yes
I love this so so much and I’m so obsessed with these
Steve with a ftm!s/o
He has no idea what you’re talking about at the start
After talking to Eddie and looking up some stuff, he goes full on mama bear like he finds safe ways for you to bind and he pulls you out of situations that make you dysphoric
He gives you his clothes and not just ones he doesn’t want. This man gives you full access to his wardrobe and he doesn’t even get annoyed when you steal stuff for ages
He spreads rumors about people who are transphobic to you and makes them stop and he acts clueless when you bring it up
He makes sure to affirm you all the time by calling you male oriented pet names like handsome and pretty boy
He’s such a sweet boyfriend and he’ll cook dinner when you’re feeling down and let you stay over whenever you want
He makes an effort to not stare at your boobs when you’re having a non-binding day though sometimes he does but he assures you that you’re a guy in his eyes
He’s very touchy and he’s always attached to you and whispering sweet nothings in your ear that normally involve stuff like you’re such a strong man and you’re the hottest guy I know
Nancy with a ftm!s/o
She doesn’t even notice at first and when you bring it up, she nods and then keeps working on whatever she was working on
After you go home, she does a whole bunch of research or at least as much as you can do in the 80’s and writes down how she can be most helpful
She gets Jonathan to help her find you guy clothes and she gives them to you and said that she was just thinking of you as if she wasn’t obsessing over helping you for ages
She gets so worked up over helping you but won’t show it
She’s good at comforting when people make you feel like an outcast (coz of the whole slut era)
She calls you your preferred name like all the time and doesn’t use pet names much
She invites the guys over to hang out a bunch because she wants you to feel comfortable as a guy and she tells Mike he can go to you for guy problems
Robin with a ftm!platonic s/o
Shes always near you and she deathstares people who think either of you are weird
She rambles a lot about how cool of a guy you are and how you’re an even cooler guy than Steve sometimes which is saying something
She didn’t even blink when you told her and then she was immediately like I’m a lesbian and I thought you were a hot girl and now you’re a cool guy and she rambles for a bit
She helps you cut your hair if you hadn’t already because she cuts her own and so she knows what she’s doing
She steals your clothes like all the time and gives you her mascish ones to borrow
She wants to introduce you to the guys now that you know you’re a guy and she loves seeing how happy you get
She rambles when you feel dysphoric and bleh so that you can take your mind off it
Eddie with a ftm!s/o
He blinks twice like a cat when you tell him and then immediately starts calling you a guy and his boyfriend if you’re already dating
He lets you borrow his clothes and especially his vest and he takes you shopping
He gets you to play dnd and he makes you the most masculine character ever like muscles and he’s a rogue or something
He invites you to his gigs and says sappy shit like this song is dedicated to my handsome fucking boyfriend
He’s so so so touchy and reaffirms like all of you. he’ll say stuff like your jaw is so so masculine and you have such strong shoulders and hands bigger than his and hes so touchy and runs his hands all over you
He rants at people whenever they act shitty towards you and makes sure all the attention is on him
He’s such a good boyfriend and he doesn’t always understand why you feel dysphoric and bleh coz he thinks you’re the hottest guy alive but he tries his hardest to understand for you
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alexs-arcade · 5 months ago
Why does being a fan of Eddie Munson have to be some sort of social crime? I cant wear a Hellfire shirt in public without being crazy or odd. No buying shit for bands and older versions of D&D that I didn’t really think about liking till the show reintroduced me to them cause it makes me a poser and a wanna be of someone.
No cosplays or quoting, no sharing my opinion on how I feel the season should have went, no mentioning his name in conversation, and definitely no being inspired by his character to embrace myself and interests.
It is oh so frustrating to know that not only in person in the small town I live in but online people STILL get backlash and hate for enjoying his character. Always grouped with the fans who made some pretty poor choices and that makes us all disgusting or what “ruined” a fandom like not every piece of media has that side. It has been since 2021 and it still doesn’t tire these people out!
Its a character who is shown as an outcast and OFCOURSE it will bring out the “weird” people to be themselves! Its not a crime and definitely doesn’t deserve your constant bullying. No one is hurting you and even then you deal with that one individual not treat everyone in the community the same way. Not knock down their works(art, writing, music, or otherwise) because you disagree! To not welcome people into the rest of the community or allow them to enjoy other pop culture attached is vile.
Interests are how people grow to become their own person! Especially teenagers and young adults whose mental development doesn’t stop till they are 25!!!! NEVER and I mean never treat people like shit because of something they like even as specific as a character! Its not your business or responsibility to make them feel the need to make you comfortable!
If you feel differently that is fine but I wont welcome it on my page especially when I already face the hardship of homophobia and transphobia here already!
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male-yn-simping · 2 years ago
Hii! Can you please make a soft fluffy Eddie x trans YN pov. You both get into bed after a long day when Eddie notices your still wearing your binder and tells you to take it off so you do and it ends with Eddie comforting you because of dysphoria.
I Know
Eddie Munson x FTM! Reader
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After a long day of work and then watching Corroded Coffin play, all you wanted was to cuddle with Eddie and sleep.
Too tired to change, you slipped your shoes off and flopped onto Eddies bed. Eddie smiled lovingly at you as he slipped off his jeans and laid next to you, wearing boxers and a Metallica t-shirt. As Eddies arms wrapped around you, you lifted your head slightly to kiss him. The kiss was soft and sweet. Exactly what you needed.
Pulling away though, you felt a tightness in your chest. You winced in pain as the consequences of wearing your binder all day caught up to you, but you decided to ignore it. Eddie couldn't tho.
His hand fell to your cheek as he moved your head up to look at him. His eyes were filled with worry as he looked at you.
"Have you been binding all day again?" He asked, his tone soft and caring. You're eyes looked anywhere but Eddies face as you nodded slowly. With a soft sigh, Eddie sat up and pulled you up with him. He kissed you softly as his hands played with the him of your, well HIS, t-shirt.
"You gotta stop doing that, baby" He mumbles against your lips.
"I know, it's just difficult. I hate not wearing it, especially in public" You admitted, your eyes watering slightly as guilt washed over you for making him worry.
"I know. I know baby. But you're safe here, alright?" He tugs softly at the him if your shirt, a wordless question in his gesture. You nod in response and raise your arms as Eddie pulls the shirt off. Your eyes fall to your lap as your arms instinctively wrap around yourself.
"Hey. It's okay." Eddie kisses you again, his thumb gently running along your cheekbone as he comforts you. "You're okay baby. My wonderful, perfect, handsome boyfriend"
Eddies smile grows as he speaks, a sense of pride coming over him as it still amazes him at how YOU agreed to be HIS boyfriend.
"Can I take this off?" He asked softly as his fingers traced along the band of your binder. You nodded again and he took it off, quickly handing you back the t-shirt so you would be more comfortable.
After slipping it back on, you couldn't help but pull him in for a passionate kiss. A silent 'thank you' to Eddie for taking care of you.
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decodedlvr · 1 year ago
Thinking about Eddie watching his trans-masc boyfriend Steve getting his groove back after top surgery.
He wakes up from a loud thumping in the garage, sees an already brewed cup of coffee waiting for him on the kitchen counter, along with some bacon.
He goes to track Steve, ears picking up at a certain playlist he’s got goin
A certain playlist that’s only ever blaring when they’re in the mood or feeling joyous about something.
He smiles behind the coffee mug, in his perspective he can see Steve topless, bench pressing, sweat rolling down his proud and healed scars. Nike Air Maxs and those same tight gym shorts he’s had since high school that Eddie could never get enough of.
He leans against the doorframe watching just a little while longer, watching him jump rope and thrust his thick hips to Simply Irresistible by Robert Palmer; his favorite song since 88’
“He certainly is” Eddie mutters to himself already getting a boner
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be-ready-when-i-say-go · 2 years ago
Hii!! Hopping on the request train for Eddie munson x ftm!reader, do u think u could do a smut fic with a dom!eddie?? Like either a hot messy lead up or some action? I love ur writing so honestly just have fun with it ^^ thankkk uuuu :))
Hi, thanks for this request. I hope I did you justice!
Requests have resumed. You can submit yours here!
Currently writing for Eddie Munson. I write for a variety of reader inserts (male, female, gender neutral, readers of color too).
The more details you had to your request, the better it is for me. EX: “What about some fluff for Eddie after he’s had a long day?”
Feel free to look through my masterlist here!
Eddie Munson x Trans!Male Reader
CW: Smut/Smut Adjacent (18+ only please);
It's one thing to say that you'd been asking for it--because it's not wholly true. You haven't physically put the words together. But Eddie sees it all happening.
The way you sulk just a little in the corner of Jeff's garage. The way you respond to Eddie, but it is clipped and just enough words to get the point across. Eddie's not sure what you're looking for--comfort, release. He's think for a moment something might've happened earlier in the day or week. But you hadn't mentioned anything prior today.
You were slightly the type to old things tight lipped until Eddie made you confess. He definitely had his own way of getting the truth out of you. Sometimes a simple puppy dog eye look would work. Sometime he really had to work it out of you, bringing over the edge of your own orgasm again and again and again until tears slipped down your cheeks, body shaking beneath his tongue and fingers.
Eddie slings his guitar to the back. He walks--eyes searching your body. You looked fine, maybe slightly tired but not overly so that your eyes drooped. Eddie and you had eaten before practice. It wasn't anything fancy. But it was something.
"You okay?" Eddie asks.
He watches, your eyes slowly move up his frame. "I'm okay."
It's the most level you've sounded today. Maybe it's an improvement. "Eat enough?"
"Lunch was good," you answer.
"I'm glad it was good. But was it enough?" Eddie presses on.
"It was enough," you supply.
Eddie hums, eyes narrowing. Gareth's sticks click--they'll be resuming practice again soon. They only have another 30 minutes left for Jeff's parents return and want their house noise free. But Eddie only watches. You settle back where you'd been and just as you sit, your leg shakes.
There it is. Eddie grins. "We won't be much longer, sweetheart. Can you be good? Just thirty more minutes."
Your lips purse and you look everywhere but Eddie. You nod. "Yeah, yeah I can."
"What was that?" Eddie leans in, ear pressed in your direction.
"Yes, I can be good, sir."
Eddie takes another step forward, cupping your left cheek before pressing a kiss to the right one. "That's what I wanted to hear."
The rest of practice flies by. It's easy to pump out the two songs--they're covers and really just for fun. But it's nice to take the moment to let their hair down--figuratively--and let the music take over. It leaves a thrum in Eddie's veins. He takes you gently, fingers threading through yours.
There hasn't been a quip out of you, but Eddie knows the buzz that crawls under your skin. He's learned all too well the way that you can withdraw when you don't want to impose. It may be a polite demeanor but like everyone need consumes. It refuses to anything in the wake of its fire.
The trailer is empty and a relief falls to the pit of Eddie's stomach. "Want water?"
It's a game. If Eddie pushes the limits of your patience, you will push back. Ss much as Eddie likes being able to provide comfort to you, be able to anticipate your needs and provide the assistance to help you with those needs, he likes it when there's a clear directive from you. When you have a moment of spark to light the match, Eddie loves the way your touch sears his skin.
He loves too to watch you writhe beneath him. He loves to make you cry out. But when you push him to push you it proves all the more just ow well teh two of fit together like puzzle pieces. So Eddie continus on. "We've got grape juice too. Soda."
"You," you state.
"What about me?" Eddie questions. He tries to keep his tone level, ct as if he's not aware of what he's doing. He toes out of his shoes.
"You,"you emphasize.
"I'm sorry, my dear. But I'm not a mind reader. What about me?"
Eddie can see it, the way the words keep dancing on your tongue but your mouth doesn't fully come together to form them. This happens. When everything in you is focused on just one thing, just release. But he still needs the verbal consent. Still needs to know that what he is seeing and reading accurate.
"Want you," you push out from your teeth.
"Hurts, right?" Eddie asks, taking steps to close the distance between the two of you. "When you just want something so desperately, but you can't articulate it or can't get it out. It hurts, doesn't it?"
You nod. "Yeah."
Eddie takes your chin into between his thumb and rest of his fingers. "But it helps, right, sweet boy. It helps when someone else gets it. Can pick up on what you want."
Your nod is eager. "Yes."
Eddie cooes, stroking his thumb over your chin. "Yeah, it helps doesn't it?" He leans in, pressing in close until his lips seal around yours.
Your exhale becomes Eddie's favorite sound. He swallows it down into his chest, and prays to all the gods in existence he can hold that sound there. It vibrates against his ribs and he loves it. He loves how you cling to him, kissing back into his mouth. There's the taste of what you had for lunch earlier and the soda you had dancing around the taste of Eddie's earlier cigarette.
You curl your fingers into the cotton of Eddie's t-shirt, but you don't pull him in any closer. Eddie's hand moves from your cheek to cupping the back of your head. He doesn't move to pull you in closer. The two of you are touching but not consuming. You want a taste, a nibble, but not the full course meal. It feels like cheating to hold something so close and to taste it, but not let it take over. It's like having dessert before the full course meal.
The thing about this--the hovering, the kisses and touches that don't take--is that there will be a break. Someone's control will snap first. Someone will becomes so desperate first and when that happens, the flood gates have been opened beyond repair. There's nothing to do but let everything rush out until there's only dribbles left.
You cave first. It's not surprising. Eddie could feel it happening, the tightening in your jaw before you broke the kiss first and tugged his body into his. Eddie's never been insecure about his masculinity. In fact, some of his own personal beliefs--shown by his immense desire to not cut his hair--helped you define what masculinity means for you. But there are moments, like right now where even your own desire and dominance makes Eddie a little weak in the knees.
He likes when you manhandle him too because it reminds him he still something and someone you desire. You whine over his face when you break the kiss and Eddie doesn't give into the exposure of your neck to him. He inhales the cologne you dabbed on this morning, but kiss like he knows you want him too.
"Touch me," you beg into his ear. "I'm literally going to explode if you don't."
Eddie laughs. "No, no, don't explode. Well, unless it's on my tongue and fingers. Then you can."
You shake her head. "Won't be enough," you whine.
"No, my tongue and fingers won't be enough? Baby boy, what would be? What would be enough?" Eddie swallows down his own pang of fear. Is this you saying he's not enough?
"Want all of you," you beg. "Cock, god, I need it."
The fear dissipates a little. "Oh, I can do that." His words come out with a slight tremble, but when you kiss him again, fervent and hot, the fear disappears fully.
The two of you carry yourself from the living room into the bedroom. Eddie leads the way. But the entire time, he holds your face close. "Does this mean I get a taste though, right? If I don't get a chance to taste you and jerk you off too, then I think it's pointless. You get to be stuffed full the least I can get is the taste of you."
You snort, even when you're far gone Eddie's incessant rambling always manages to break through the haze of desire just enough to make you laugh. "I like you better when your mouth is full and working. Your much less ridiculous," you whisper back. It's not that Eddie is less quiet. Not even the removal of his vocal cords could make him quiet, but he's less of a rambling fool.
"Then let's get you out of this delicious looking pants and let me get my mouth to work then, huh?"
"Thank God," you whine.
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hernakedmuse · 6 months ago
But guys...
TransEddie x Horror!Bimbo
Like I need ....
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urhoneycombwitch · 9 months ago
thinking. about giving Eddie his T shot for the week. and his hairy thighs are all spread out on the bathroom counter. and his hair is in a bun too. and he talks you thru it even tho you’re like “hey I should be the one saying YOURE so brave what the hell!!” but he can’t help it he’s proud of you :’) and very in love :’) and the feeling is mutual 💖
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12/06/23 - THE INTRO :)
Hi, my name's cherry/katt. Yes, katt is spelled that way.
This is a sub-blog i created in lieu of just having another platform to spew my girly little wisdom on.
At the time of this post i am 18 years old. And my dad is dead. One has no relevance to the other i just like pointing that out so people don't get disappointed when they find out that i'm actually kind of disturbing.
If we're being completely honest here, i'm just a weird girl who happens to be hot.
That being said, I'm in a lot of fandoms. This blog was created as a ted talk of sorts. Everything from what current characters i stan to any random piece of thinking i have while stoned. [This blog is 420 friendly, let's talk about it!]
I will try and post daily but there's no promises that i won't be able to keep.
Alright, that'll be all for this post!
Lukewarm regards,
xoxo - Cherry <3
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meatmutt-sfw · 2 years ago
new work posted on AO3! eddie munson X gn!reader
Would You Survive? | Eddie Munson
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hippiegoth97 · 9 months ago
Eddie Munson One-Shots Master List
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Collage by me :)
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Banner by @cafekitsune
Current Posts
Be Kind, Rewind (Female Reader)
Any Way You Want It (Female Reader)
Cum On Feel the Noize (Female Reader)
Dr. Feelgood (Female Reader)
Last Christmas (Female Reader) Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3
Girl On Film (Female Reader)
She-Bop (Female Reader)
Smalltown Boy (Male Reader)
Girls, Girls, Girls (Female Reader, M/F/F Threesome)
Relax (Male Reader)
Wild and Untamed Things (Steddie x Female Reader) Pt. 1 Pt.2 Pt.3
Love Bites (Female Reader)
Sweet Dreams are Made of This (Female Reader)
Heat of the Moment (Female Reader)
Master of Puppets (Female Reader)
You Couldn't Ignore Me If You Tried (Female Reader)
Roam Pt.1 Pt.2 (Female Reader)
Where Is My Mind? (Female Reader)
I Want to Know What Love Is (Female Reader)
Ballcrusher (Female Reader)
Object of My Desire (Female Reader)
Thriller (Female Reader)
Time of The Season (Female Reader)
The Killing Moon (Female Reader)
Rainbow In the Dark (Male Reader)
I Melt With You (Female Reader)
I Wanna Be Your Lover (Female Reader)
Beautiful Boy, Darling Boy (Trans FTM Reader)
Renegade (Female Reader)
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@rattkween86 @violetpixiedust @bimbobaggins69 @purplehazed-h @morning-rituals
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@costellation-hunter @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @yourdailymemedelivery @spacedoutdaydreamer
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alexs-arcade · 4 months ago
I just had to get 4 huge sutures(stitches) on my knee cap at like 2pm and all I want is Eddie fluff but its kinktober so its all smut!!!😭
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