#eddie kaspbrak fic
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theartsharki · 12 days ago
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Classic high school friendship falling out. They’ll speak again in a week or so… Hopefully?
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reddje · 1 year ago
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sunlightraeee · 29 days ago
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idk i like drawing adult eddie now
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moonlitf3rn · 2 months ago
richie tozier in every fanfic:
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mostghst · 4 months ago
i have a small headcanon that if eddie survived derry, he'd tell everyone that his full-body scar was from landing on rock while cliffdiving, but he would be 100% honest about him getting stabbed in the face by an escapee.
he comes back to work (in which word already got around about him crashing his car) with mobility aids or a wheelchair and his cheek scarred up, and his coworkers are like "??? there's no way all that shit happened to you." and when he shows them a pic of him and richie in the hospital they're like "wtf was that your make-a-wish what is happening" "how tf did you get rich trashmouth tozier to cuddle with you in your hospital bed??"
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eddiekaspbrakirlsblog · 1 year ago
when I remember in IT chapter two that reddie were gonna leave TOGETHER I go insane like that whole scene where Richie’s like “Eduardo andele let’s go!” And when Eddie’s like “I just have to grab my toiletry bag and then we can go” WE CAN GO ???? WE ? AS IN TWO ? AS IN US TOGETHER ?????
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it2017 · 11 days ago
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allergy season
eddie kaspbrak/richie tozier, T rating, 10k words
A fifteen-year-old Richie Tozier receives his first valentine; a bouquet of flowers, signed his secret admirer. He's ecstatic, overjoyed, happier than a three-legged man in an ass-kicking contest. There's just one issue. He's really, really allergic to pollen.
my fic for @itficlibrary's valentines event, in collaboration with the talented @clownmovieyaoi !!! our prompts were 'sickfic' and 'hurt/comfort' and i had so much fun with them :3 check out adri's gorgeous showstopping unbelievable art HERE!!
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oshaskell · 29 days ago
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open, blink, shatter Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier | M | 9.1k
"Richie," Eddie pants. "How many more times?" Three doors stand in front of them. The tunnel's shaking. What’s your choice? - Or, in the depths of Derry during their confrontation against It, Richie and Eddie arrive at 3 doors. Again, and again, and again.
A reddie fic co-written by moichi (@clownbrainrot) & nonbinary (myself), created for the It Fic Library Valentines Collab 2025 with the prompts "reddie + fix-it + time loops".
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edspagett · 2 months ago
can't believe i forgot to post this art uhmm
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🎄 btw richie and eddie have the same sweaters!!
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greenandsorrow · 11 months ago
Author's note; I used to have strange dreams as a kid. This story is heavily inspired by a series of dreams I had during my tween years.
Did you ever dream not of a scenario recurring, but continuing?
!!!!! The reader is a teenager. The relationships described in the fic are strictly platonic. My poor attempt at writing a threatening and scary environment is the only warning. And Pennywise is a warning himself I guess. This is a very weird, inner child, comfort thing for me... I apologise.
Dividers; @saradika-graphics, @cafekitsune, @strangergraphics
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"Derry is a strange place. The fog settles low in the mornings, making the town look ghostly, almost unreal. The playgrounds are empty and quiet, swings moving slowly without any breeze. On foggy days, the whole town feels like a memory, faded and worn at the edges."
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If you managed to enjoy this shit, you made me very happy! Do you want to make me even happier? Support me here-> PayPal link ❤️
my masterlist
Taglist; @satubby @sketchist-art @urdeftonesgrrrl @vampirecrow38
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theartsharki · 7 months ago
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Giggling against gravity.
Based on a moment in chapter 3 of this fic.
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seecarrun · 11 months ago
Eddie is a horrible, awful, absolutely despicable human being.
But in his defense, tele-therepy should be illegal for anyone as loud as Richie Tozier.
Eddie wasn’t trying to overhear Richie’s session, honest! But the laundry room is right next to Richie’s office, and when Richie wears his headphones, he has an even harder time controlling the volume of his voice than normal, allowing Eddie to hear just about everything said on Richie’s side of the conversation.
Eddie was in the process of switching over his whites from the washer to dryer when he hears him, muffled but unmistakable, in the next room.
“I mean, I can’t just tell him,” Richie says. And after a beat, totally scandalized and kind of bitchy, answers, “Uh, he could hear me?”
Eddie snorts to himself at that, tossing a pair of briefs into the dryer.
“He doesn’t,” Richie says now, matter-of-factly. “He won’t.”
Eddie tries to hurry along the process a little, beginning to feel guilty about ease-dropping, but the next thing he hears gives him pause, despite himself.
“I don’t want to ruin what we have with my stupid feelings. I just got him back, the last thing I want to do is push him away again.”
Methodically, Eddie shakes out a dress shirt, slower and quieter than usual. For….no reason.
“I’m not ‘using negative self-talk’,” Richie gasps, offended, “I’m being honest with myself, which is something you told me I need to practice in my day-to-day, Julie.”
Eddie rolls his eyes, absolutely siding with Julie on this one. Richie has the worst habit of going down doom spirals, concocting ridiculous and unfounded hypothetical scenarios to talk himself out of believing anything that could make him feel joy.
It’s infuriating, especially because Eddie knows he does the same.
“You’d understand if you met him,” Richie continues, sounding sad and almost…wistful? “There’s no way Eddie could love me back.”
Eddie immediately slams the dryer door shut and bolts from the room, not even turning the dryer on in his haste to get as far away as quickly as possible, overcome in a mixture of guilt, shock, panic, and, he flushes, excitement.
Holy shit.
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sunlightraeee · 28 days ago
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cat-b0t · 4 months ago
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Some richie doodles based on a fic draft I have plus a little bonus eddie k <3
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sunshinereddie · 5 months ago
so lots of people seemed to enjoy my firefighter eddie/paramedic richie au which is super fun for me, because it's also a fav of mine hehe...... and i just couldn't help but write a little something something about it.
this is not going to turn into a full fic, i see yall asking and i hear ya, however unfortunately i do not have the time or energy to start a whole new actual fic (sorry....), but i just couldn't stop thinking about these losers so i had to write a little thing for them<3 if anyone enjoys this maybe i'll use this au as writing practice/warmup and just make little ficlets about it lol.
anyways, firefighter eddie/paramedic richie drabble under the cut! (also it's been a long time since i last wrote reddie, and really have done any writing in general, so pls excuse & forgive me if my writing is a little rusty T^T)
Not to brag or anything, but Richie was a superhero.
Well, at least... that's what he told the kid in the ambulance.
The kid couldn't have been older than seven, crying so hard that his Spiderman pyjamas were wet with tears and snot from using his shirt to wipe his face. He was screaming so loud that Richie couldn't get a word in sideways, and even when he did speak, he doubted the kid could hear him.
Not that Richie could blame him, of course. After all, the kid had been woken up to his bedroom in flames, the sound of screaming in his house, and a stranger climbing in through his window to pull him out. Not to mention... he was still the only one who had gotten out so far. Hell, if Richie was in his shoes, he'd be screaming as well.
But Richie wasn't in his shoes. Richie was a paramedic, he was here to save lives- he had to be the strong one, and he was going to do everything in his power to help this kid. And judging by the Spiderman pyjamas the kid was wearing and the Batman plushie he'd been holding tightly onto when he was rescued, Richie had a pretty good idea of something that might help.
"Hey, kid, no need to cry!" he said, putting on a brave, confident voice. "I'm... Super Richie, and I'm here to save you!"
Just as Richie had hoped, his words caught the kid's attention just enough to stop the screaming, enough for him to look up at Richie through watery eyes. "You... are you a su-superhero?"
Richie nodded, placing his fists on his hips and puffing his chest out. "You bet I am! And guess what?" He turned slightly, stretching his arm out to gesture at the rest of the paramedics and the firefighters rushing around the scene. "They're all superheroes too!"
The kid sniffed, bringing a hand up to wipe his nose. "Really?"
Richie nodded. "Yup! We're all here to help you and your family, okay? But right now, I'm going to need you to help me as well, do you think you can do that?"
The kid was silent for a moment, thinking, before he sat up a little straighter, and Richie couldn't help but think that he was trying to mimic the superhero stance that Richie had taken. The kid nodded, and Richie smiled wider. "Awesome," he said. "Now, I'm going to ask you to take some big deep breaths for me, okay? Slow breath in, slow breath out- that's it! Okay, you keep doing that, and I'm just going to take a look at you and make sure that none of that nasty fire got to you, alright?"
With the kid having calmed down significantly, Richie got to work. He checked for burns or any other wounds, and thankfully found none. The kid had been extremely lucky to have gotten rescued quite early on, but Richie still thoroughly made sure that he hadn't suffered any injuries. As he was checking the kid's breathing, listening for any signs of difficulty due to smoke inhalation, the kid spoke up for the first time since he'd stopped crying.
"Are my mommy and daddy okay?"
Richie's heart sunk. The firefighter who had pulled the kid out had brought him to the ambulance furthest away from the fire- so he wouldn't be able to see his house going up in flames... or anybody getting pulled out. It had been a while since emergency services had arrived on the scene, and Richie didn't want to make any assumptions... but he'd been to his fair share of fires to know that there was a time limit to getting people out.
He was lost for words, not knowing how to respond to the kid without lying, without breaking his heart... but thankfully, he didn't have to. Because right then, a loud cry cut through the night, and Richie turned to see a man and a woman running and full speed towards them. Both of them were disheveled, their faces and clothes dark with ash and grime, the man's shirt practically burned off, but they were alive. They were being followed by Mike, one of Richie's fellow paramedics, who was politely urging them not to run, to please return to the ambulance, but neither the man nor woman seemed to be listening- they had their sights set on the kid in the ambulance, and they didn't slow until they had pushed past Richie and were holding their little boy in their arms.
Richie had basically been finished with his checkup, so he took a step back and allowed the family reunion. When Mike caught up to them, Richie gave him a look that said Give them a minute, and Mike nodded, standing by Richie has he caught his breath.
Richie was watching the woman check her son all over for any injuries, as if he wasn't currently sitting in an ambulance with a paramedic right there, when he heard footsteps approaching, and then the sound of someone clearing their throat. Then, there came a polite "Excuse me", and Richie's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the voice.
Everyone- the family, Richie, and Mike- turned around at the voice, to see one of the firefighters approaching them. He must have been on the crew that had gone into the house for the rescue, for his uniform was darkened from the fire, and he still wore the protective mask and helmet that covered his face. Richie was confused for a moment as to why he was here when, you know, there was a fire to be put out... until he held his arms out, and cradled in them was a small, ash-covered kitten- trembling, but meowing fiercely.
The little boy gasped and jumped out of the ambulance, running over to the firefighter and taking the cat from him. "You saved Mittens!" he exclaimed, as the cat immediately became more comfortable in his owner's arms, curling up and nuzzling its face against the boy's. The kid looked up at the firefighter, his eyes once again filled with tears, but this time, with a big smile on his face. "Thank you, superhero!"
The firefighter reached out and gave the kid a gentle clap on the shoulder, then stepped out of the way as Mike began to guide the family back to the other ambulance- leaving Richie and the firefighter standing there together.
Richie barely had the chance to open his mouth before the firefighter was ripping his helmet off and turning on Richie, sending him a glare so cold it could have single-handedly put out the fire.
"Not. A. Word," Eddie Kaspbrak snapped.
Richie raised an eyebrow, bringing his hand up to place it on his chest. "What ever do you mean?" he asked innocently.
"Don't play dumb, Tozier," Eddie replied.
"I'm not! I was just going to congratulate you on another life saved- I mean, just think about it- how many cats is that you've rescued throughout your career now? Ten? And this one you saved from an actual fire, not just from a tree or a rooftop! My, my, the city should give you an award for this."
Eddie glared at him, and Richie's grin grew larger. "I also pulled that kid from the house," he said, matter-of-factly.
"Isn't that your whole job, Mr. Fireman?"
"I swear, one day I'm going to-"
"Kaspbrak!" The booming voice came so quickly, so loudly, that it made both Richie and Eddie flinch, turning simultaneously to see the Fire Captain walking past a few feet behind them. "I sent you over here to get checked out, not to chat!" he barked. "Get to it!"
Eddie nodded as the Fire Captain walked past, all while mumbling something under his breath that Richie couldn't quite catch, but was sure wasn't anything nice. He crossed his arms over his chest, tilting his head in question as he looked back at Eddie. "What was that about?" he asked.
Eddie refused to meet his eyes as he let out an irritated sigh. "Captain noticed that my... my air tank was broken when I came out of the fire," he said, his voice softer, though still distinctly annoyed. "Broken latch, or something- it wasn't secured. There's a good chance I was breathing in smoke the entire time I was in there."
At no point did Eddie ask for Richie's help, but Richie knew that Eddie would rather run back into a burning building than ask Richie for help, so Richie didn't wait. His smile remained on his face, though most of the smugness was replaced with the care he showed to all his patients, as he removed his plastic gloves to switch them out for a clean pair.
"Come on," he said, nodding towards the open ambulance doors. "Take a seat. Go on, Eds, doctor's orders."
"Don't call me that. And you're not a doctor."
"Ouch- spitting fire there, Eds. Not very heroic of you."
"Bite me."
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eddiekaspbrakirlsblog · 1 year ago
reddie are so funny bc how the fuck are you gonna be in a IDGAF war for over 27 years and then one of you fucking dies
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